The Campus mirror. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1924-19??, October 01, 1945, Image 1

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Campus Mirror Published During the College Year by the Students of Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia VOL. XXII OCTOBER. 1945 No. 1 WELCOME, FRESHMEN11 The Campus Mirror extends a broad welcome and best wishes to the new faculty and "tall members, new students, and new subscribers. To the old sub scribers we renew our greetings and appreciation. Freshmen Week Mafir Harris, ’49 On September 11. 1945, tlie portals of Spelman College w r ere opened to fresh man and new students. There were girls from all sections of the country represent ing different families uniting to form a part of a family of four or five hundred. To the freshmen the buildings and the campus were just as they had imagined them and we soon learned that w*e, too, can play an important part in keeping the place beautiful. During Freshmen Week some of the speakers were: Miss Florence Read, President of Spelman College; Mrs. Jane Hope Lyons, Dean of Women; Mrs. Mar garet Curry, Dean of Freshmen; Mrs. Ludie Andrews, Superintendent of Mac- Vicar Hospital, and Miss Lynette Saine, a faculty member. The amusements for the week were both social and informative. The latter events included a tour of the hospital, of the campus and of the neighboring campuses. On the social side w r as a party given by the Y. W. C. A., where the freshman class displayed quite a show of talent. The joint get-together of More house and Spelman demonstrated that there was much talent in both freshmen classes. On Sunday morning w r e w r ere guests at Sale Hall on the Morehouse campus. Later in the day we attended the morning service at Friendship Baptist Church, the birthplace of Spelman Col lege. That evening there was an organ recital, which brought to a close Fresh men Week. The activities and helpful advice of our advisers did much to adjust the fresh man class. They made us realize the im portance of obtaining a college educa tion for the reconverting w r orld. The motto of the class, “Ever Forward,” proved that we are determined to become one of Spelman’s greatest classes. Initial Campus Mirror Meeting The initial meeting of the Campus Mir ror staff of Spelman College was held Thursday, October 4th. The new mem- bets were welcomed by the Kditor-in- Chief, Mary Jeanne Parks, and intro duced to Mrs. Claudia White Harreld. faculty adviser of the Campus Mirror. The staff members are listed on the edi torial page.