The Campus mirror. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1924-19??, May 01, 1946, Image 14

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F 19 4 6 Kmma Elizabeth Robinson, Monroe. North Carolina Major: Home Economics Member of: Home Economics Club. 42-46; Y.W.C.A., 42-46; University Players, ’45-’46; Library Club. ’45-’46. When it comes time for work, Libby cancels all play ami does not shirk. Christink Wilhki.mina Robinzink, Atlanta. Georgia Major: English Minor: History Member of: Spanish Club. 43-’46; Glee Club, "43-’46; English Club. "45-46; Pan-Americana Club, "45-’46; Y.W.C.A., ’45-46, Library Club. ’45-’46. Mouse-like, who said so, it couldn’t be true. For Christine’s as fast with her quips as a shrew! Ernkstine Sacia Ross, St. George, South Carolina Major: Social Science Minor: Psychology Member of: Granddaughters’ Club. "42-’46; University Player*-, ■44.'46; Y.W.C.A., "42-"46; French Club, ’44; Sunday School Council, ’45-’46; Library Club. "45-46; S.O.S., 42-’46. Tall and slender, her graceful ease Would scarce suggest that she’s such a tease! Blanche Louise Sellers, Atlanta. Georgia Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry Member of: University Players, 43-’46; Biology Club, "43-’44; Campus Mirror Staff. ’45-’46; Y.W.C.A., ’42-"46; Spanish Club. "42-’43; Vice-President of University Players, ’45-’46. Though fellows may clamor That Blanche is all glamour She'll show them with hardly a ruffle of curls That medicine is a profession for girls. Muriel Forrestine Sherwood, Atlanta. Georgia Major: Music Minor: English Member of: Glee Club. ’42-’46; Chorus, ’42-"46; University Players, ’45-46; English Club. ’45-’46; Library Club, ’45-’46; Y.W.C.A., ’45-’46. Capricious, unpredictable, gayest child you've ever seen, Sobered by her love for music, this is Forrestine. Pauline Lucile Shields, Beatrice, Alabama Major: Music —Minors: History and Education Member of: Glee Club, ’42-’46; Chorus, ’45-"46; French Club. ’43-’45; Y.W.C.A., ’42-’45; Orchestra, "42-"46; Library Club. ’45-’46; English Club, "43-’44. She knows her composers and their lives can tell In addition to this plays the piano well. Alyce Beatrice Smith, Atlanta. Georgia Major: Home Economics Minor: Science Member of: Home Economics Club. "42-46; Recreational Club. ’43-’44; Y.W.C.A., ’42-"46; University Players. "46: Campus Mirror Staff. ’45-"46. Nowy Alyce is a tiny child, Scarce larger than a mite, But she can cut a dress one morn And wear it that same night.