The Campus mirror. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1924-19??, October 01, 1946, Image 4

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4 C A M P U S M I R R 0 R On Your Toes Virginia Turn hr, ’47 Introductions: Very often in the school year every girl thinks of reading such books as Your Best Foot Forward by Dorothy Stratton and Helen Schleman and On Being a Real Person by Harry Emerson Fosdick. but with various curricular activities and studies constantly filling the hours, it is hard to find time to read them. For this reason, I believe it would be interesting as well as fun to review the chapter on “Introductions” with you. Always at the beginning of a new school year when we meet new people, introductions are called for. [. Introducing Yourself: It is practically mandatory to intro duce yourself to members of the faculty at any social function for which you have any responsibility and it is a courtesy that is always in order at any social affair. The form is simple: “How do you do. Professor Jones? I am Jane Smith. I am in your 8:30 French class.” Such a gesture is great ly appreciated by harassed faculty members who may be vainly trying to remember where they have seen you before. II. Introduction of Escort to Housemother : It is not necessary for a girl to intro duce her escort to all the girls or to all the couples who happen to be in the living room when he calls. An intro duction to one or two couples is suffi cient. She should, however, introduce him to the housemother, since the lat ter is the official hostess. After the first introduction, the man should speak to the housemother whenever he calls again. III. When to Rise for an Introduction : A lady rises when an introduction is made by or to an older lady. A man always rises for an introduction. A lady does not rise when a young man is introduced to her but she oi'dinarily rises for an older or for a distinguished man. IV. When to Shake Hands: A. Whenever anyone extends his hand to you. No well-bred person ever refuses a proffered hand. B. When men are introduced to one another. C. When a host or hostess is greeting the guests, both men and women. D. Women as a rule do not shake hands with one another; however, they may, if they choose. When doing so, the younger woman waits for the older woman to extend her hand. The initiative for extending Lest We Forget Thelma Kellogg, '47 We are happy to see that a part of the class of 46 is still very much with us. Among those studying at Atlanta Univer sity this year are Olivette Smith, Clara Jean Parks. Marjorie Franklin and Catherine Burney. Clara Yates is now visiting colleges over the country, on behalf of the World Student Service Fund. She also repre sented this organization on a two months tour of several European capitals. Blanche Sellars is at Meharry Medical College while Joyce Cooper is continu ing her studies in Biology at the Uni versity of Wisconsin. Charlotte Arnold, now living in De troit. is making plans to enter the de partment of sociology at the University of Michigan in February. Mary Jeanne Parks, Marie Woods and Christine Robinzine are teaching here in the city. Mary Tatum. Johnny Hogg and Thel ma Freeman are teaching in LaGrange, Ga. Several members of the great class of *46 have interrupted their pursuit of knowledge, long enough to acquire new names. Anita Lewis is now M rs. Thomas Massey; Geraldine Gaines is now Mrs. Arnold Lynch, and Marie Woods has be come Mrs. Lee Young. Best wishes to the class of '46 as it starts out on the road of Life and Living. May its members find success and happi ness along the way. WANTED—The entire student body to he present at the next meeting of the Students Association. Jinx. Suzanne, a six year old, walked pertly into my classroom on her first day of school. She tucked her little hand into mine, looked up at me, and said: “Please, may I sit up close to you? I don’t know much.” the hand when'a man and a woman are introduced rests with the wom an. A handshake expresses your person ality just as your clothes and speech do. One should strive for a firm im pressive grip, not too limp and not too vigorous. V. Brief Rule for Introductions: Introduce a man to a woman. A younger woman to an older wom an. A younger man to an older man. The person to the group. Next month's discussion will be on “Dates.” ff A Laugh a Day Keeps You Feeling So Gay” By Mattie Fisher, ’47 and Amanda Keith, '47 “Betty,” says the science prof.”, would you care to tell the class what happens when a body is immersed in water?” “Sure.” said Betty. “The phone rings.” * * * A Problem There was a family named Bigger. There were Papa Bigger, Mama Bigger, and Baby Bigger. Which was the biggest one? Answer: Baby Bigger because he was a little Bigger. * * * The longest word in the English lan guage is the one following the phrase: “And now a word from our sponsor.” * -x- * A little girl went to church for the first time. After the service the minister asked her how she liked it. “Well,” she said, “I thought the music was very nice, but your commercial was too long.” * * * Daffynition : An adult is a person who has stopped growing at both ends and started growing in the middle. * * * The Irish Potato and the Idaho Potato did not want their daughter Sweet Po tato to marry Lowell Thomas because he was just a commentator. * * *- “I tell you I won't have this room,” protested the old lady to the bell boy. “I’m not going to pay good money for a closet with a folding bed. If you think that just because I'm from the country—’ “Please get in, lady,” said the boy as she paused for breath. “This isn’t your room. This is the elevator.” * * * The belligerent husband demanded: “I want to know once and for all who the boss is in this house.” His wife replied: “You’ll be much happier if you don't try to find out.” * * * Wanted: A genius with an I. Q. of 280 to assist me in keeping ahead with my assignments. A good salary paid in ad vance, Phone Minor 33333 or come to Morehouse North Hall, Dept. 220. Ask for Miss C. B. Locke. Wanted: Some pretty girl to smile at me from the mirror every morning. See E. McKinney, Morehouse North 228.