The Wolverine observer. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1936-2001, December 01, 1958, Image 2

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Page Two THE WOLVERINE OBSERVER December, 1958 WOLVERINE OBSERVER STAFF 1958-59 Editor-in-Chief W. Bembry Shiver, Jr. Managing Editor W. F. Carmichael Associate Editor Robert White Business Manager Curtis Jones Circulation Manager James Foster Advertising Manager Bobby Huff Reporters: Jackie Harris, Mary Fallin, Vivian Perdue, Barbara Ramey, Patricia Jenkins, Mary H. Smith Secretary Barbara Ramey Typists Walter L. Kimbrough, Eloise Gay, Nellie M. Rogers Advisors Miss Vera Betnon, Chairman, Dr. Beulah J. Farmer, Mrs. Ruth Barnes, Mr. John F. Matheus The Voice WHICH ARE YOU-A BOOSTER OR A FALSE CRITIC? The student newspaper is a product of the Dean’s (Academie) office. If it were not for the Dean’s tolerance, the Wolverine Observer would never get to press. We have an office, but office space without adequate equipment is useless. The Dean must wonder at times about which of us has the priority of use of his outer office. The editor is eternally running in and out trying to print signs for meetings, calling the printer, looking for typists, storing materials, typing copies, letters and forms; and a 1001 other things. Operations would go on more smoothly if there were more co operation from the administration and the Observer staff. Let us now take a brief look at the untactful, unscholarly critics who are completely ignorant of journalistic procedures. Every time the editor turns a corner, someone is there to question him, or to tell him how the paper should be run—(1) “Why don’t you print more student news?” (2) “You print too much trash such as fashion reviews.” The fact is this—The Editor prints what is submitted to him. When the editor asks these same critical people to submit assignments and stories for the paper, they find inexcusable excuses. “It is better to be a responsible wprker than to be a false critic.” The editor of the paper should have attended the journalism workshop held at Ohio Wesleyan last summer, but the administration would not sponsor him. The experience at such a conference would have provided the editor with some of the skills needed to publish a student publication. The Wolverine Observer has received communications from Flor ida A & M University requesting that we send representatives to the Ninth Annual Interscholastic Press Workshop so that we may obtain new skills in order to serve you more efficiently. If you would like to see us go, please write letters to the editor to that effect.-—W. B. S. A Change of Opinion Heretofore, the writer stated that the College President’s chair would be hard to fill because of the complexity of the position. This problem ceased to exist when the Board of Trustees of Morris Brown College decided to appoint Dr. Frank Cunningham Acting President of Morris Brown. Dr. Cunningham is a renowned scholar and a gentleman. If the greatness of a president is any criteria by which a college can be evaluated, Morris Brown must be rated with the best of colleges. The faculty and student body proudly accept Dr. Cunningham as their guardian. We feel that he is the man who can lead us to higher academic standards. Aside from the Morris Brown Family, members of the entire African Methodist Episcopal Church feel that Dr. Cunningham is the man most suited for the difficult challenge. We realize the difficulty in taking on such a task as that of president in the middle of a semester, but we are confident that Dr. Cunningham has adequate stature. The editor and staff of the growing Wolverine Observer wish to congratulate Dr. Cunningham for his achievement. He is for us and a part of us; likewise, we are for him. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Recently there was a “cross burning” on our campus. No one really knows exactly what happened, but there is some speculation. In the opinions of some students and faculty members, the inci dent was merely a prank. On the other hand, there are those who believe that this incident was the work of outsiders. When one explores the possibility of the “burning” being a prank, he must consider the amount of work and time involved in preparation and execution. While the police and detectives were present, one student remarked: “It could not have been a student; that job required too much work.” Whether this is the case—or not— is not the point at issue. The fact remains that a cross was burned on a Negro college campus. The five-foot cross was covered with black cloth and white strings; the whole was soaked with gasoline. Again the question is asked, “What student would waste the amount of energy required to rig such a piece of work?” Most, students of the college calibre realize the seriousness of such an incident. Their school pride would not allow them to stoop that low. If the cross was burned by an outsider, what was or is the source of his motivation? Could it have been because of our interracial faculty? We cannot say; no one knows. During the course of investigation, one of the probers stated that many crosses are burned, but there is seldom any evidence to support the fact that the “burnings” are done by any particular group.. The investigator went on to say that we must not be upset by such frivolous incidents. What is the typical reaction of a college when a cross is burned on its campus? Should there be grave concern? Or should the incident be ignored altogether ? The writer believes that the cross-burning incident was the work of someone other than a student. Who, speci fically, is to blame? The writer has no idea, nor does he know the purpose. But the fact remains, the cross was burned! A Time To Awaken By CURTIS JONES The turmoil of today’s world is enough to cause the staunchest conservative to awaken from his complacency. All around us, we see gross confusion. The origin of this confusion is unknown, yet there are those who would lead us to be lieve that what is happening is of no significance. We, as students, must awaken to the fact that the fate of tomor row’s world rests in our hands. In order to safeguard the future of the world, we must come to real ize that there must be a change in the actions of our groups. All students must become more con scious of the need for constructive leadership, and must take the lead and initiative in solving the prob lems confronting them. Politically, the scene is shifting; the direction of the shift is directly dependent on the college student of today. Our duty is to analyze the promises, accusations, and past records of all political candidates, and from the results obtained, strive to enlighten the multitude. By so doing, we can be sure of helping elect only the best quali fied persons to serve and represent us politically. It is strange, but true, that the college students are not taking the initiative in helping to secure equal rights for all people. It is pertinent that students become aware of the need for strong and courageous leadership in the field of human rights. College students should take the role of ambassa dors for equality of all, regardless of race, religion, or political affili ation. If students would take this attitude, the forces of freedom would rally around them, and the security of the world would be assured. The facts of life are a challenge to the ability of all students. Fear not, fight on, for tomorrow comes the song of victory. What will we do about the challenge that is be fore us? Permanent Teacher Certification Elmira, N. Y.—(I.P.)—The pro gram of courses leading to a Mas ter of Science Degree in Education at Elmira College, effective with the present academic year, will make possible permanent certifi cation for secondary school teach ers and will fulfill a growing need for courses on a graduate level for all teachers and prospective teach ers. The College Charter has been formally amended by the Board of Regents to permit awarding of the Master of Science Degree in Edu cation and the Master of Arts De gree. Admission is open to indi viduals who have a bachelor’s de gree from a four year accredited educational institution. Work of fered for admission must be of quality sufficient to indicate abili ty to do advanced work. Previous teaching experience will be taken into account when admitting stu dents. To obtain the Master of Sciene Degree a student must complete 30 semester hours of approved work. Of these 30 hours it is rec ommended that no fewer than 12 semester hours be in professional courses and that no fewer than 15 semester hours be in general stud ies. All work for the degree must be completed within. 7 years from the date of admission. A “B” aver age must be maintained in all work offered in fulfilling degree re quirements. The Inscribed Arch (Continued from Page 1) porting an arch bearing the in scription “Morris Brown College, Class of ’58.” This inscribed arch stands as the “welcome mat” to our campus. The staff of the Wolverine Ob server wishes to express gratitude to the Class of ’58 for its magnifi cent gift in behalf of the Morris Brown family and feels that this gift will be difficult to surpass. WHO WILL SURVIVE? Today, the question of who will survive is raised quite frequently. When this question is raised in America, the two countries that are usually collated are Russia and America. Some believe that the answer lies wholly in science and mathe matics. Others believe that the answer may be found in economics.. These opinions, however, vary much with different interpretations. When Sputnik I was launched, science became stressed more' than any other subject in higher institutions of learning in the United States. More scholarships have been provided for students who possess superior scientific ability. Russia and America are com peting to see which nation is stronger scientifically. Both countries are striving to reach perfection in the field of nuclear physics. Since mathematics is essential with science, students who possess outstanding mathematical ability have been urged to pursue a career in this field. Salaries have been raised for these people of special ability. With all the emphasis placed on these subjects there has not been an increase in the number of students choosing these fields. Statistics show that the number of students in the fields of mathe matics and science has not increased in the past fifteen years. In economics, America surpasses Russia, but there is a question of how long it will take Russia to surpass America. Russian industry is flourishing. Although all the industries are run by the government and the Communist party, the managers work enthusiastically because they receive a high salary. Premier Khrushchev has boasted: “By 1970 the Russian industrial output will have caught up with America.” The Russians are known for converting people to their way of thinking. When one takes his freedom for granted in America, he may be reminded of Boris Pasternak whose citizenship was threatened in Russia because of the ideas included in his popular novel Dr. Zhivago. In America one does not have the problem of worrying about thinking or writing ideas that might not please the government. One never misses rights until they have been appropriated. We may be able to conclude that future warfare will not be physical, but ideological. A nation will not be measured by its po tential number of casualties, but a nation will be measured by its concepts as a whole. Instead of physical warfare predominations, psychological warfare will be more important. We are fortunate in having a freedom of worship in America. America is a Christian nation, and in that belief we have the key to the answer. The Russians believe in discipline physically, mentally, and spirit ually. The Americans lack this discipline because no ideology is forced on anyone. The most effective ideology is spread voluntarily from one person to another. This ideology is a sharp, blazing sword-cutting all opposing forces for the expansion of its incentive. The answer to this struggle does not lie in science, economies,, or materialism. The real answer lies in the heart of man, not the hand. —Oteal Sloan Dr. Cunningham, Morris Brown’s New Acting President, A Good Choice (Editor’s note: This is a statement taken from the Atlanta Daily' World which illustrates the kind of respect that the general public has for our Acting President.) It is generally gratifying in educational circles and among school men as well as laymen in general that Dr. Cunningham has been elected Acting President of Morris Brown College, succeeding the late Dr. John H. Lewis, who passed on a few weeks ago. Dr. Cunningham is a career man, having won his spurs in his boot-training through the channels of the system over which he is called to preside. For many years he has been active in educational affairs over the state and country and has been in heavy demand to lecture and teach as guest professor at times in various colleges and universities. He brings dignity to the arena of education in general; his high scholastic attainments, coupled with his geniality in Captivating fa cilities for the school and the people. Morris Brown is bound to profit by ths fine selection of one who is well and widely known among: financial interests and those who feel disposed to contribute for the cause of education. He is young, vigorous and resourceful and has an enviable op portunity in the promotion of the cause he espouses. We congratulate the educational area, the trustees and the gen eral student body in obtaining this excellent service. Dr. Cunningham is bound to go places and do things. Again, congratulations! WHAT THIS CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME ON EARTH The cheerful sights and sounds of Christmas time will once again, appear. The main streets of our towns, cities, and county will be festooned with lights, emblazoned trees in public squares, carols and jingle bells. Santa Clauses will stand on corners or have courts in bustling department stores. What will the inner qualities of a peaceful and merry Christmas for the United States be with our many prob lems? What kind of Christmas can there be with superiority and in feriority feeling among our races ? “Whither shall we go” as Americans ? Realizing that perhaps our nation and world is in need of peace and prayer today as never before, I would like to quote a prayer as addressed by Conrad N. Hilton. “Our Father in Heaven: We pray that You save us from ourselves. The world that You have made us, to live in peace, we have made into an armed camp. We live in fear of war to come. We are afraid of the terror that flies by night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that walks in darkness and the destruc tion that wastes at noon day. We have turned from You to go to our selfish way. We have broken Your commandments and denied Your truth. We have left Your altars to serve the false gods of money and pleasure and power. “Forgive us and help us. Now, darkness gathers around us and we are confused in all our counsels. “Losing faith in You, we lose faith in ourselves. Inspire us with wisdom, all of us of every color, race, and creed, to use our wealth, our strength to help our brother, instead of destroying him. “Help us to do Your will as it is done in Heaven and to be worthy of Your promise of peace on earth. Fill us with new faith, new strength and new courage, that we may win the Battle for Peace. “Be swift to save us, dear God, before the darkness falls.” Truly, the prayer, “America on Its Knees,” needs to be whispered by each of us. May it be the prayer of men on the coming anniversary of the birth of the Prince of Peace that our nation and world move in the light and understanding of His words . . . “on earth, peace, good will toward men.”