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The Wolverine Observer
December 8, 1983
Departmental Update...
Education Department Fights Back
by Hedren Johnson
A couple of months ago, the
Atlanta Constitution printed an
article that reported Morris
Brown Teacher Education majors
that took the Teacher Certifica
tion Test are performing lower
than any other school in
Georgia. Does this mean that
Morris Brown College is no
longer a "teacher's school?”
The Teacher Certification Test
(TCT) is an instrument designed
to measure a future teacher's
knowledge of the subject for
which the applicant requests
certification. The test was im
plemented in 1978, and since
that time, Morris Brown's test
scores have declined every year.
TheTCT isjust one of the three
criteria used to certify a teacher
in this state. In addition to
passing the TCT with 70%
proficiency, an applicant has to
complete an approved teacher
education program at an ac
credited institution, and un
dergo a Teacher Performance
Assessment Instrument. The
college has 14 approved teacher
education programs including:
Business Education, Spanish,
Science, French, Home
Economics Education,
Mathematics Education. History,
students scoring so low on the
One must keep in mind, as Dr.
Palmer of the Education Depart
ment says, "Tests are used to
screen in and screen out."
The TCT and other
professional tests are designed
by testing boards that are not
racially representative of the
people who are supposed to take
the exam. Also, the tests do not
reflect the background of the
student or even prove con
clusively that if a student does or
does not possess enough infor
mation to teach in a particular
field. This boils down to testing
Art Education, Health and
Physical Education, and Art
Education. The Education
Program also trains students in
Early Childhood,MiddleGrades,
and Mentally Retarded fields of
educational study.
The third criterion, the
Teacher Performance Assess
ment Instrument, requires a new
teacher to be evaluated "on-the-
job” for fourteen teaching com
petencies. Morris Brown
students rank among the highest
in this area with 90% scoring a
"B" or above average in the
What is the reason behind our
To immediately combat test
discrimination, the Education
Department of Morris Brown
implores students to attend the
Don't Forget About US!
by Velma Scott
Rodney Dangerfield says he
gets no respect, and the Home
Economics department here at
Morris Brown College feels the
same way.
Respect is to show considera
tion, honor, courtesy, or a feel
ing of high regard, something
that is long overdue for the
Home Economics department.
The Home Economics depart
ment has a variety of career
opportunities to offer students.
There are seven different areas in
which a student can devleop a
career such as School Ad
ministration, Social Work, and
Public Relations Executive, just
to name a few.
Most students are not in
formed about the many direc
tions in employment that can be
taken by majoring in Home
Economics. They have been
taught that Home Economics is
nothing but cooking and sewing,
but this is far from the truth. To
major in Home Economics,
students must have a strong
background in Chemistry and
Math, in addition to strong
communication skills, speech,
and writing.
The students who majors in
Home Economics will have a
broad educational background
which will allow them flexibility
in the job market.
In the past few years, the
Home Economics department
has been fazed out in the Atlanta
University Center. One reason
for this is the lack of support
from the administration.
Another reason is that the public
is unaware of what Home
Economics is really all about.
The decline in students major
ing in Home Economics has to do
with the fact that Computer
Science and Business has taken
potential students away. This is
partially because of a lack of
money for recruitment; poor
public relations about the
department, and not having
enough money to better the
Home Economics department.
The Home Economics depart
ment has been in existence since
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workshops and programs plann
ed to boost test taking skills. In
addition, all Brownites planning
to take a professional examina
tion should become as familiar
with the exam (knowing what
information will be tested, what
the average score is, etc.)
A further measure to keep test
discrimination in check would
be to vote for a candidate who
plans to make test development
boards racially representative.
Finally, all black students
should be mindful of efforts that
are made to close the door
before they can get their foot in
the founding of Morris Brown
College. It is currently under the
direction of Dr. Minnie Ruffin.
She stated, "many im
provements are needed. The
curriculum needs to be updated
with more classes to attract a
variety of students."
One of the biggest tasks is
upgrading Home Economics
facilities without funds for
repair. Another problem is the
nursing department has taken
over 2 to 4 floors of the Home
Economics department, leaving
the department working with
less space for advancement.
“The department has to work
without a secretary or
typewriter," she continued.
The Home Economics depart
ment no longer has the Home
Management residence because
the administration felt the
money was too much for only six
weeks out of the year. The
-residence house is now being
leased to someone. The house is
used by Home Economics
students in their senior year to
get the experience of being on
their own," she concluded.
The home Economics depart
ment is fighting back with the
help of the Home Economics
Resources Board which is set up
to help bring in funds and to help
improve public relations for the
A career in Home Economics is
a field that has a lot to offer
students. Home Economics is
more than domestic work, it is a
enriching life-time major.
Opinions expressed in
articles and letters are
those of the author and do
not necessarily reflect
either the opinions or the
policies of the college or
the Wolverine Observer.