The Wolverine observer. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1936-2001, May 31, 1985, Image 1

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May/June 1985 SPECIAL GRADUATION ISSUE DENISE JONES ELECTED MISS MORRIS BROWN 85-86 Shown above is Miss Morris Brown College 1985-86 (center) Miss Denise Jones and her court Serving as attendants are Miss Paige Wray (left) First attendant and Miss Janet Curtis second attendant — photo: Roland Reed Hudson Elected SGA Prexy 1986 Roosevelt Hudson (right) shown here with Congressman Wyche Fowler is the new SGA president for 1985-86. by Michael Phillips Roosevelt Hudson, 21, a native of Dublin, GA, has just take'n office as the new Student Government Association presi dent for the 1985-86 school year. Roosevelt is a political science major and is minoring in economics. He is also a corporal in the U.S. Marine reserves where he is studying aviation. For the coming year, Hudson says he wants his office to run smoothly and does not plan any major changes. “We're not going to do anything different from any other democracy. The president will delegate authority through his administration to the officers and we should have the full support of the student body." Themajor problem of student participation concerns the new president but he adds that he is not overly concerned about the problem. "How I intend to deal with that by Michael Phillips On April 27th, Denise Jones, Paige Wray, and Janet Curtis were voted the Miss Morris Brown court for the 1985-86 school year. Of the three young ladies only Janet is a native Georgian from Zebulon. Denise is from Nassau, Bahamas and Paige is from Kenosha, Wisconsin. All three young ladies agree that they want to have a successful court and one that is involved in campus issues, but does not set them apart from their fellow Brownites. ■Denise: ‘I know that I will be able to help International students get issues addressed. I think by me being an inter national student and Miss Morris Brown, it projects Morris Brown as an equal opportunity institu tion." Paige: "I would like to see the court accomplish unity with the students and see them become more spirited and participate in events. Morris Brown is sup posed to be a family, I would like to see us start acting like one." Janet: “I feel that you have more of a responsibility than wearing a title. You owe it to the students to be informed about what's going on around you whether you are a queen or not." All three young ladies are members of sororities on cam- (problem) is to re-enact the Student Congress. None of the president’s before me thought it was necessary to use it." Roosevelt also feels that the changes at Morris Brown will effect his administration to a degree. “There will definately be an effect. Whether it's positive or negative only time will tell. I think my staff, with strong leadership, can handle any obstacle they are confronted with. Furthermore, major emphasis should not be placed on whether the effects will be positive or negative. But instead on doing what must be done and what has to be done.” Roosevelt will also be atten ding Princeton University’s School for Public Policy from June 17th to August 2nd, but says pus. Denise belongs to Delta Sigma Theta. Paige is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, and Janet is a member of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonette Society. The Court is also involved in a wealth of other activities. Denise is Vice-President of the Psy chology Club, Treasurer of her sorority, President of the Inter national Students Club, and a member of the National Dean’s List. Paige is the Business Manager of the Wolverine Observer and a member of the Pre-Alumni Council. Janet is President of the English Club, Secretary of Phi Mu Alpha Sin fonette Society, a member of Who’s Who, a member of the Concert ^Zhoir, and was voted Miss Finer Womanhood in 1983- 84. All three young ladies are honor students and on the National Dean’s List. Denise feels that the image of Miss MBC and Court must incorporate visible involvement with the student body. She also believes that the image she portrays should be one of con fidence and dedication to academic excellence but she is quick to add that she does not intend to be a "silent beauty.” "I think Miss Morris Brown should be politically involved and have some input. There’s no sense in holding the position if you’re going to be passive. I would also like to see more unity he will work closely with Vice- president William Tanks over the summer. Hudson told the Observer that he didn’t want to make any premature statements about what he would do in office, but said that he would work tirelessly on behalf of the student body and try to make Morris Brown better college. "There must be an effort made for strong leadership, someone who will speak on behalf of the student body and there must be a new attitude. As black students, we must realize that we’ve always had to struggle and that we have been respected because we've managed to come through these struggles. Someone must be willing to sacraf ice if we are to continue to progress.” among AUC students and would like to see better communication between faculty, students, and the administration at MBC. If students are going to hold positions such as SGA President and Miss MBC, they should be given the opportunity to per form their responsibilities and rules that come with the office. I would love to see students say they are proud to be a Brow- nite.” Dick Gregory To Speak At Ceremonial Commencement Actor-Comedian/Civil Rights Activist Dick Gregory will be the speaker at Morrjs Brown College's 100th Bacalaurete/ Commencement Exercises on Sunday, May 19,1985 at 5:00 p.m. in the John Henry Lewis Physical Education and Recreation Com plex. This year’s commencement will celebrate the 100th class to graduate from Morris Brown. The class of 1985 will have 128 graduates. During the exercises Honorary degrees will be given to George Benson, Robert L. Cousins, Gilliard L. Glover, Dick Gregory, Herman J. Russell, and Judson C. Ward. Admission is free and open to the public. Plant Operation Beautifies Campus The office of Plant Operations is busy at work making repairs and beautifying the campus. According to Mr. George Hiley, Director, the following projects are being completed. 1) Replacing the roof of the Robinson Building and renova tion inside. 2) In the process of renovating the upper level of the Ad ministration building. 3) Reseeding the football field. 4) Various other projects to upgrade the campus. Mr. Hiley hopes that all the Morris Brown College family will assist him in keeping the campus beautiful.