The Wolverine observer. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1936-2001, January 01, 1997, Image 1

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“Dedicated to Educating the Leaders of Tomorrow” Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28,1963 in Washington D.C. Continuing The Dream by Miquiel Banks D t has been said that dreams are seeds, and once planted, develop according to the fruits of labor. When we look at the dream of this one man, the last rung on the ladder of our struggle, it is easy to see his seeds sprouting every day in some shape or fashion. Why is he the last rung on the ladder? We must always remember that the struggle for our freedom. Therefore, we stand only as tall as the shoulders of our ancestors, and in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we have two of the strongest. In celebrating his birth day, we must not stop our lives in adoration, reflecting; we must mold the dream like clay, continuing to build its hallowed architecture with the essence of our souls. It doesn’t matter if your part is large or small, just give something. Remember, every little bit counts. We must not be ashamed or embarrassed that our parts ore not as flamboyant as Dr. King’s, we must do with what we have. His name may out shine ours in remembrance, but his legacy is not upheld by his-story, but within the lives of our children, students, and faculty. He saved many lives and you may save one; but your achievement is just as important. Even Jesus said that men have left their entire flock to find that one, that lost sheep. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Features Effects on children of Single-Parent Households Lack of Supervision, violent acts Alumni Update ► Campus News ► Campus Organizations ► Cicero’s Corner Classifieds ► Editorials ► Entertainment ► Open Letter ► Politics: Inside & Out Pre-Alumni Council ► Religious News ► Sports Student Profile ► Views of Expressions by Essex Agee According to a study on single-mother families conducted by Mark Lino (SIRS 96), it is estimated that half of all children will reside in a single parent family environment at some time before age sixteen. Single parent families remain closely associated with irreversible implications of depression and disability. With the absence of a “partner” who can share financial responsibilities and help to create solid family ties, single mothers often find themselves hobbled by life’s demands. In the race for survival, many single mothers have to sacrifice CONTINUED ON PAGE 2