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Christmas to Me
Christmas is the enjoyment
of receiving and. giving
of gifts.
The different sizes of
snowflakes, falling upon
your head.
The mashing of snowballs
in your, face.
Sitting areund an open
fir© trying to decide
what you want for
Your Mom coming in your,
room saying “Close your eyes
if you want Santa to bring ,
your toys.”
But what’s special about
Christmas is waking up
and finding all sorts of
toys underneath the
Christmas tree.
And the celebration of
Christ’s birthday.
—By Zanetta Houston.
and a
Merry Christmas
So many times in this fast-
moving society oif ours, we lose
sight of the true meaning and
value of precious truths.
Truths that .have always been
with us—probably always will
be—so we take them for grant
ed and dismiss them as “old
hat.” Take Christmas, for ex
ample. We say we always re
member the. true -meaning of
Christmas . . . but do we? Sit
back and listen to my story.
See if you really know what
Christmas is all about.
Clancy Willis caught herself
walking down an unfamiliar
street one day on her way
home from school. She laugh
ed 1 at herself for being so wrap
ped up in her thoughts about
Christmas. It was December
18 th. School was out until
January. There was only one
week left until Christmas.
With that thought she stopped
smiling and looked at a Christ
mas tree in a near-by house.
Neve'r had the Christmas sea
son seemed so important as it
had that year.
Clancy was a ten-year old
adult! She had had it hard all
of her life, especially when her
father died when she was only
seven. Her mother had man
aged very well to keep Clancy
and her fifteen-year-old broth
er Jerry in school and church.
They may have- been financial
ly poor but spiritually, they
were all millionaires. With
this new thought in mind she
smiled and hurried home to
her rich family.
That night she recalled what
she had been thinking about
that afternoon. Why, she won
dered, did no one give Christ
anything for Christmas? After
all, it was his birthday! He
never got a bike or a train- or
anything! Even though she
and Jerry got only new shoes,
they never felt cheated. At
least they had feet to put them
on. Suddenly she thought of
Penny Bailey. Penny had been
in a wreck in which the car
turned over and she lost her
leg. She had really had it
rough, not to metnion the doc
tor bills. The whole family
had suffered. There had not
been enough money left to buy
Penny a wheel chair. She’d
been in a bed for almost six'
months and no change was ex
’Twas the Day Before
Christmas Holidays
’Twas the day before Christmas
Holidays at ECHS.
Not a student was- stirring,
not even a sophomore.
The books were stacked in the
lockers with care,
In hope that ! Saint Abernathy
would soon be there (to
dismiss school that is). ■
The seniors and juniors- were
all snug and nestled in
their desks,
While visions of rest danced
in their heads-.
The cooks in their kerchiefs
and Chester in his cap,
Had just settled down for a
long winter nap.
When out on; the Granite B-owl
lawn, the sun on the grass
of the new fallen snow
Gave lustre of midday to
students below.
Then to my wondering eyes
should appear,
But a miniature sledge and
eight tiny Blue Devils.
With a jolly old driver so lively
and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be
Saint Abernathy.
More livelier than eagles,
His courses they came.
He whistled and shouted and
called them by name.
Now sophomores now juniors,
now seniors, now cooks,
On janitors, on teachers, on
secretaries, on- librarian.
Now dash away, dash away and
—By Nancy Dubose.
Christmas Memories
'Salvation Army bells are
-Stores staying open until
Listen to the children sing
These things remind me of
Christmas time.
Getting sick on chocolate
covered cherries.
Walking for miles trying to
find a tree.
Elating pies full of berries. •
Memories of Christmas are
precious to me.
Reading about the Three
Wise Men.
For liking Christmas, I have
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Then Clancy had a brain
storm. Jerry was great at
building things. Together they
would build Penny a wheel
chair so that on Christmas
morning, she could go down to
see her presents under the
Christmas Tree 1 .
All that week the brother
and sister worked. There was
no heat in the old shed but
they didn’t mind. They were
having a great time.
Finally on Christmas Eve
they finished it. A beautifully
a reason.
Around the dinner table are
my kin.
These- are the reasons Christ
mas is my favorite season.
By Nan Thomason.
hand-carved chair made of the
finest wood. The wheels were
taken from an- old bike and
they fittted as if they had been
tailor-made. With a big red
ribbon on it the children left
it on the Bailey’s door step.
Attached wasm a not© saying:
“To Penny from Santa Claus.”
The next day Penny and her
Mom went to visit the Willis
trio. The smile on Penny’s tired
but happy face and the tears
in her eyes were ample pay
ment to Clancy and Jerry, who
stood looking at each other in
their new shoes.
Clancy realized from that
day on what Christmas was all
about. -She knew that when
ever a gift is given, it is given
with love.
—By Crystal Brown.
Compliments Of
108 N. Oliver St. 283-1921
Elberton, Ga. 30635
Why Tear Up The
Bulletin Board?
Supposedly by the fame we’re
olf age to attend high school
we are also of age to- be able
to act Hike high school students.
Unfortunately, some of those
among us seem to have regress
ed back into junior high school
... or possibly as far back as
grammar school.
Of course we must face up
to the realization that there is
literally nothing to free us
from- boredom- around here, but
really how much fun can it be
to tear up a bulletin board dis
Who would want to get kicked
out of school -for rip-piing down
some staples and construction
However the bulletin boards
are actually more than just sta
ples and pictures. They repre
sent time, effort, and thought
on someone’s part.
Who could possibly get a kick
out of tearing down someone
elses’ achievements-? This- is
not -the Way to gain recognition.
Join a club, participate and get
Christmas Scenes
—books- stacked away
—late nite shoppers
—Santas everywhere:
-—girls peeping in the Jewel
Box’s window
—guys going shopping
—oranges and apples
■—street decorations
—-Salvation Army Booths
—lovers under the mistletoe
—secretive faces
—closed school doors (how
about that?)
—-SLIM wallets!!!!
—By Aundra Bolton.
Christinas Is Sharing
Gee-! It’s almost Christmas.
It sure takes a long time for
Christmas to get here.
The word Christinas means 1 a
lot of things- to many different
people. To kids it is writing
a letter to Santa, desiring to
ride in Santa’s sleigh, and hop
ing to get a lot of new toys.
To the teenagers, Christmas is
two whole weeks with no
school—no homework. Also it
is a holiday of many exciting
parties. Adults think of the
numerous bills and the long
trip to Grandma’s.
I just love Christmas, all the
gay decorations in the store
windows and homes, people
rushing, here and there carry
ing brightly wrapped packages,
and all the secretiveness about
But what does Christmas
mean -if not sharing? God
shared his S-on with the world.
Mary shared her baby with the
shepherds. The shepherds
shared “Glad tidings of great
joy” with those around them.
The Wise Men- shared gifts —.
gifts to a King. And Jesus
shares his love- for us forever.
Christmas is a time of love and
Christmas Rhyme
’TWas the night before Christ
While all though the
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even Mother Hubbard.
And all of a sudden while
She was almost asleep,
-She heard something on the
Roof that sounded like Bo
She ran to her window with
Her rifle in her hand.
But when she got there she saw
Only a man.
And out on the lawn the
Snow was so bright.
But Rudolph’s nose still shone
Like a light.
Then all of a sudden I
Heard a man yell
I ran to the window and
Saw him- asail.
I ran outside and saw
Him flying away,
Yelling “Merry Christmas to all
And a happy new sleigh!”
—By Roy McVeigh.
It see-ms like only yesterday
When Santa sought my aid.
Then all the other reindeer
Followed every word I said.
We went to all the little towns,
Their houses sleeping sound
With children dreaming silently
Of toys to be found.
But now I’m getting old, you
My nose is turning pink.
If you don’t find your toys
this 1 year,
You’ll understand', I think.
Since the toys I can’t bring to
I’ll simply send you this.
A word of wit—“Look past the
And grasp what Christmas is.”
—By Arnie Lingle.