Southern voice. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1988-20??, May 12, 1988, Image 14

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KEEP REFRIGERATED Star Gays by Mania Proba May 15-31 There are messages out that May 23rd could be a day of catastrophic events, particularly in California. Astrologically, the Quarter Moon opposes the Sun as the Moon enters Virgo, an earth sign. Venus goes retrograde that day as well. Proba predicts a later happening. GEMINI You may find it difficult to express those enthusiastic intellectual yearnings you feel after the 22nd because four planets are retrograde. Mars in Pisces doesn't help, either. This is a time for being laid-back - trv indulging in sexual fantasies. CANCER The Sun in your 12th house after the 22nd suggests that you may be involved in secret personal matters, especially on the 29th. Don't kiss and tell. LEO Communicate with your friends and neighbors after the 21st, but don't expect openness. The Moon stays in your sign for parts of four days this period, so take it easy on yourself from the 20th through the 23rd. VIRGO After the 21st, the Sun shines on your popularity and career. Be very careful on the 23rd when Quarter Moon in Virgo with five planets retrograde suggests you talk things over before acting. Above all, do not be aggressive. LIBRA On the 26th and 27th your thoughts may turn to the spiritual. With Uranus moving retrograde into Sagittarius, liberation from old ways is on your mind. Share your inspiration with a Gemini. SCORPIO The 31st is not a good day for you for anything but transplanting chrysanthemums (Jupiter's flower). The Sun in Gemini after the 21st points you toward joint money concerns - a Leo could be prominent here. SAGITTARIUS Uranus continues retrograde and moves into your sign on the 27th. With Venus in opposition, do not do anything romantic with a Gemini. Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 31st turns your fire energy inward-enjoy. CAPRICORN Until the 27th, three planets retrograde in your sign cause seeminly endless delays and maze-like procedures from external sources. Venus direct in Cancer until the 22nd suggests you establish a loving, understanding relationship with your mate. AQUARIUS ItU be confusing, but after the 22nd, you should find a successful romantic attachment Be loving and patient with a young person after 8 p.m. on the 25th. PISCES After the 22nd, beware of coming on too strong as Mars enters your first house. On the other hand, take advantage of the opportunity to express your hidden feelings as the Moon is in Scorpio on the 29th. ARIES Take care of legal and Pavel matters on the 27th. If you wait till the 31 st, you’ll only go in circles - all the wrong circles. The Sun suggests educational ventures after the 22nd would be interesting with a Gemini. TAURUS Mars makes you want to be in groups after the 22nd, but watch your health during this period. An alliance (or dalliance) with a Cancer on the 19th needs to be handled with tact and patience. Dear Nadisa Dear Nadisa; lam dating a woman who is an Orthodox Jew. Iam not a Jew and our relationship is experiencing difficulties because of cultural differences. I love her and am willing to do anything necessary to be a part other life. WhatcanI do? The first step you cm take is to understand that her religious devotion is a prescribed way of life that may not permit compromise. You must respect her obligations and rituals even to the point of your own exclusion. It may help you to do some reading. Try Nice Jewish Girls-A Lesbian Anthology by Evelyn Torton Beck; The Tribe ofDina-A Jewish Women's Anthology by Melanie Kaye Kantrowitz and Irena Klepfisz; A New Haggadah: A Jewish lesbian Seder by a woman with the last name of Stein; Triangles (fiction) by Ruth Geller; Purim Megillah and A Jewish Lesbian Chanukah, both by Stein Cultural dissimilarities do not have to be an obstacle to understanding another person; however, they do indeed pose a challenge for growth. You failed to specify what in particular is creating a problem. Cultural influences cm determine not only the flavor of one's meal and the way one makes love, but one’s sense of personal style. The whole point is to have the patience to TALK THROUGH your differences. Learn as much as you cm about the woman you are dating and share as much as you cm about yourself with her. If your dissimilarities are such that you find them insurmountable, I see no reason to date her any further. Dear Nadisa; My girlfriend wears a scent that I find, well, nauseating. How can I break the news to her? I am assuming you are referring to a cologne, an essence or oil that your gb friend wears. I am also hoping it is not her ONLY scent or her FAVORITE scent of all time. For now, let's refer to it as "the nasty stuff" Your approach to this problem will depend on the sensitivities of your girlfriend. If she is forthright and appreciates the same from you, I would simply tell her that the nasty stuff (and you had best know it BY NAME) does not appeal to you and you would prefer something else. Have a specific suggestion, preferably a scent she already has that you like better. Make sure it is NOT the scent a previous gir friend wore and you think your present girlfriend has forgotten. If your girlfriend has more lender sensibilities, go out and buy a small quantity of scent that you really like and a single flower or piece of candy. After dinner, go get the nasty stuff and place pur gffts next to it on a table. Draw her attention to them both, then say, "Honey (or her favorite pet name), I need to talk with pu If pu were to choose one of these, would pu choose 'A '-a fragrance that causes me to crave pu in a thousand ways instantly, or 'B '-a scent that makes me want pu in some ways but only after certain soup commercials?" If she chooses the nasty stuff, you have a bigger problem than you thought, my friend. And if she sits there silently and quizzically, pu may have to work a bit harder at it. Otherwise, pu may be able to open up a discussion leading to a happy solution for both of pu. Dear Nadisa; My lover is 34,1 am 36 and we have a poblem. On major holidays, each of us is expected to spend the holiday with our respective families. During the past 4 years, we have done exactly that; however, this has caused hard feelings on bofh sides. 1 think we should invite both sets of parents over. My lover strongly disagrees. What do YOU think? You might try examining the EXPECTATION that each of you must spend major holidays with families instead cf with ONE ANOTHER. Spending time together during a holiday validates the fact that the two ofpu share a relationship worthy of recognition and respect. Stop acting like spinster sisters. You both have been the good daughters during the past 4 years, so pat purselves on the back. Now realize that one cf the advantages of reaching adulthood is having the c-h-o-i-c-e to live pur own life. Ifpu have anything to gain by having both sets cf parents over, consider it. However, I am assuming you and your lover are "out" to pur families and have visited them as a couple, that the atmosphere during these times was amiable or at least bearable. If my assumption is incorrect, I would suggest an honest look at what could come out cf such a holiday dinner. Think about spending the next holiday with one another without family. Work toward easing those hard feelings. Don't let them escalate into an irreconcilable problem. Dykes to Watch Out For /'relax, i was Jusrtesting-. listen, THOUGH I V£ SEEM "TWNKlNC A LOT a&oot TUIS LATELY. I WAMTTD ' amp we cam t Wait till were /MILLIONAIRES -To have a baBy. either r you Li BE our OF SCHOOL- EVENTUALLY VJE'll LOCK For a SPERAA donor or go to a cl/nic . BUT WHERE WOULO WE Pur a babyt what IF WE WANTED TO TRAVEL ? what IF we Just wanted tdgotdamovie? OUR. LIVES WOULD N EVER BE TIE SAME' THaTS PARTOFthe IDEA. I LOV/E You VERy/nUCH, CLARICE/ I-think we have a LOT-ro OFFER A KID/ I DUllslO, HONEy... I GUESS PEEP DOWN, PART OF ME THINKS LE5BIAN3 WERE CREATED LOR OTHER LIKE WHAT? &EJN& DRILL seaceahts or DOC BREEDERS that <■ downright HO AO PHOBIC CLARICE r bittePl“»eEt by Charles Haver ! hJONOER IF QoD (jJHOEVEP THEY AREA'S TRAT MeacheR Sure Doesn't U ke Homosexual's... lOr HE CERTAINLY LIKES TO TALK A&OUT "EM? -> HE KEEHS SAY UTS that q od Doesn't like them zither... School, he.R n nU rw- A?, OhllRen tDe? yalfthe little 3 —- • children*