Southern voice. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1988-20??, May 12, 1988, Image 2

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NEWS IN BRIEF HIV Blocked by Human Saliva CAicago-Preliminary studies have found evidence that a factor exists in human saliva which blocks the Human Immunodeficiency Vims (HIV) from infecting cells in the mouth. The research provided the first clear-cut evidence that the human body may have some natural defense against HIV, which is the leading candidate as the cause of AIDS. A report on the study, published in the May issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association, explains for the first time why the mouth is not a ready means of transmission for the vims. According to Phillip Fox, senior investigator in the study and head of clinical studies at the National Institute of Dental Research, the study suggests that the inhibitory element may interfere with the surface receptors through which white blood cells are infected by HTV. "This supports biologically what we have been seeing epidemiologically," said Irwin Mandel, director of the Center for Clinical Research in Dentistry at Columbia University in New York. "There is essentially no chance of transmission of the vims through saliva." Researchers will next attempt to isolate the blocking agent and determine how to put it to work throughout the body. Robison Begins Race for House of Representatives Atlanta - In a long-anticipated move, Atlanta attorney Gil Robison announced his candidacy for the District 40 seat to the Georgia House of Representatives on April 26th. Robison is the second openly gay man to announce a campaign for the House this year, and will attempt to fill the seat being vacated by incumbent democrat Barbara Couch. District 40 encompasses all of metropolitan Fulton County. Candidates for the at-large seat must appeal to a broad range of voters who represent every strata of social, political and economic divisions imagineable. Robison, respected both as a grass roots activist and a skillfull negotiator, is perhaps best-known for his recent lobbying efforts that reversed the most negative aspects of the Georgia AIDS Omnibus Bill. He also was a principle drafter of Atlanta's lesbian/gay civil rights ordinance. Stressing competency, efficiency and effectiveness as the determining factors in any political race, Robison said he was propelled into the race by the urgings of "many firends and people I worked with over die years ... both inside and outside the gay/lesbian community." Issues that Robison will stress in his campaign include "the cmcial problem of funding for AIDS and other public health concerns;" creative funding for MARTA that will not further burden lower-income residents of metro Altanta; and insurance reform that will address and regulate problems in the industry "across the board." Robison sees the lesbian/gay vote as a "sleeping dragon" in AUanta/Fulton politics, and plans on attracting other disenfranchised blocs of voters to win the November election. As of press time, no other candidate had announced for the seat. Persons interested in donating time or NGLTF Submits Statement on AIDS Testing to Presidential AIDS Commission Washington, D.C. - On April 19,1988, the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) submitted a detailed consensus statement on HIV testing to the Presidential Commission on the HIV Epidemic. The statement was signed by 74 AIDS-related and gay and lesbian organizations nationwide. The Consensus statement is a cogent statement on the part of AIDS-service providers and activists on the critical issues which any HIV testing program must address. "We developed this consensus statement to press in a systematic way for certain protections for those who are seeking testing," noted NGLTF Executive Director Jeff Levi. "This statement offers the government a carefully reasoned blueprint for its testing programs. We have asked the Presidential Commission to consider and incorporate these perspectives in its deliberations." The Consensus statement argues that testing is an adjunct to counseling and prevention programs, not a substitute for them. It calls for testing to remain anonymous, voluntary after full informed consent, and strictly confidential. The statement opposes the use of HIV testing as a screening tool. Finally, the statement delineates specific information to be included in the pre- and post-test counseling that accompanies HIV testing. Lesbian Leaders Stress Visibility Irvine, Calif -100 lesbians met in Irvine, California, on April 17,1988, for a leadership conference entitled "Putting Lesbians in Power". Lesbian professionals from the organization Southern California Women of Understanding were in attendance in large numbers. The conference was geared to electing lesbians to political office and business and social concerns. Keynote speeches were given by Minnesota State representative Karen Clark, the highest- ranking, openly lesbian, elected official in the country, and San Francisco attorney Roberta Achtenberg who recently lost her bid for election to the California Assembly. Clark stated that she hopes that by demystifying the political process, more lesbians will be encouraged to run for office. "Roberta Achtenberg hasn’t made it yet, but I'm sure she will," Clark stated. Clark said she wants to be able to "give up" the title of the only openly gay State legislator in the United States. Achtenberg stressed the need for using the word "lesbian" in daily newspapers and television. Ruth Mahaney, a participant and a member of Lesbian Agenda for Action stated, "My overall impression is that a real change is happening in terms of being out." One woman, a lesbian journalist, asked to be allowed to tape the proceedings of a workshop with a promise not to reveal people's names in her article. The majority of participants in the workshop stated that they wanted their names used. Mahaney said that to nearly every issue raised that the "subanswer" was the need for lesbian visibility. "It felt very hopeful. It felt as if we are at a new stage," she said. Conference coordinator Pat Callahan agreed with Mahaney, saying, "I believe the era of the invisible lesbian is coming to a grinding, slamming halt." NGLTF Endorses June 11th Disarmament March Washington, D.C.- The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) has endorsed a broad national coalition of organizations' call for national demonstrations demanding nuclear disarmament, an end to military Expertise & Dedication With A Personal Touch Dr. Jane E. Dinerman Chiropractor/Registered Nurse Valedictorian • National Dean’s List Emory University Graduate International Chiropractic Association Spinal Biophysics Clinical Studies Society Thorough corrective procedures & proven therapies Work, personal, auto & sports injury care Worker’s compensation & most insurance assignment accepted Same day appointments & Neuromuscular Massage All ages including geriatric & pediatric patients Devoted to Neck & Back Relief Atlanta Health Unlimited, Inc. STUDENT DISCOUNT MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED 620 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 300-A Located On Mezzanine Level - Peachtree North Apartments COMPLETE EXAMINATION $29.00 ($137.00 Value) Includes: Office Visit And Therapy Intermediate Exam Consultation X-Rays Are Available At Cost If Needed New Patient Initial Visit Only Expires June 24,1988 intervention and a governmental commitment to economic development and social justice. The June 11th demonstrations will be held simultaneously in San Francisco and New York City, and coincide with the Third UN Special Session on Disarmament. The Second UN Session on Disarmament in June of 1982 drew one million people to New York City. "The NGLTF Board endorsed this action because gay men and lesbians are not single issue people. We care deeply about issues like a sane nuclear policy and an end to militarism," noted NGLTF Executive Director Jeffrey Levi. "And we have seen first hand how our government's focus on defense directly hurts funding for much-needed social programs, such as funding to fight AIDS or to develop a national health insurance policy." Information on gay/lesbian contingents to the marches and more logistical details may be obtained from the SSD HI National Coalition, 11 John Street, #803, New York, NY 10038. The telephone number is (212) 608-8155. 5 Republicans Disavow Responsibility to Protect Gay Men and Lesbians Washington, D.C- Five Republican Members of Congress, led by Representative George Gekas (R-PA), have filed a minority report to the House Judiciary Committee's report on the Hate Crimes Statistics Act (H.R. 3193) strongly disagreeing with sexual orientation language included in the bill. Flying in the face of the Reagan Administration's Department of Justice study which found gay men and lesbians at most risk for hate-motivated crimes, the five Republicans stated that homosexuals are not targets of organized hate crimes. The minority report stated in part that "It is not a federal obligation to protect citizens in their sexual orientation." Kevin Berrill, director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's (NGLTF) Anti-Violence Project, called the statement "utterly reprehensible". He added, "This is exactly the attitude that is the cause of violence we are trying to end." The Hate Crimes Statistics Act mandates the collection of statistics on crimes motivated by prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity. With 109 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and four co-sponsors in the Senate, the NGLTF has prepared a packet explaining how .to lobby Legislators to co sponsor and support the Hate Crimes Statistics Act. Said NGLTF lobbyist Peri Jude Radecic, "Gaining co-sponsors is critical to the successful passage of any bill." Page 2