Southern voice. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1988-20??, December 08, 1988, Image 2

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Page 2 NEWS IN & Bathhouse Closing Heats AIDS Debate Los Angeles-The recent closing of Mac's Bathhouse in Los Angeles divided gay and AIDS movement leaders in that community. The August 30 court ruling to close the facility is part of a public health/AIDS prevention agenda, but the priorities of the organized gay community on questions involved; the case remain unclear. Lambda Legal Defense Fund filed a brief on behalf of Mac's, noting that bathhouses reach "whole groups of men who are impossible to educate any other way-bisexuals, closeted gay men, and men who don't identify as gay but have sex with other men." Lambda executive director Tom Stoddard said, "there is no scientific basis whatsoever" that bathhouses stimulate unsafe sexual activity and that such claims are based "on perceived political exigencies rather than on fact or data." In direct opposition is author Randy Shilts, who said bathhouses are an "anachronism" now that the gay community is "finding a higher level of personal liberation." Shilts said continued bathhouse advocacy by any responsible gay organization is "appalling and nauseating." "Arguing that bathhouses don't spread AIDS-and in fact help stop the spread of AIDS-is like arguing that day is night. How anybody who has ever been to a bathhouse can say such things with a straight face just Brenda L. Hawkins ED. D., Licensed Psychologist ■■■ Counseling • ■ Psychotherapy ■ ■■ Hypnosis 1518 Monroe Drive, Suite 600 Atlanta, GA 30324 • " ' ' . , ' . . ' ' ' . _ i By Appointment Only (404) 872-9016 blows me away," he said. Undercover investigators in the Mac's case alleged that in six visits to the bathhouse they witnessed "ten corroborated and 15 uncorroborated acts of unprotected anal intercourse." John Davidson of the ACLU disagreed with Shilts' argument and criticized gay leaders who he said are willing to "sacrifice the bathhouses to straight opinion." Senator to Investigate Marine Lesbian Hunt Washington, D.C.-Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA) told the San Diego Veterans Association (SDVA) that he will look into the court martials, discharges and imprisonment of several female marines at Parris Island, South Carolina. Lance Corporal Barbara Baum, Sergeant Cheryl Jameson and Sergeant Glenda Jones are currently serving one-year prison sentences in the Parris Island stockade. At least seven other women have been discharged for alleged homosexual behavior. As reported in South Carolina newspapers, the methods of the investigating command have been highly questionable, including the transfers of favorable character witnesses. The SDVA is urging letters of concern to Senator Alan Cranston, 112 Hart Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510; and to Senator Pete Wilson, 720 Hart Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510. CHARS books8.more 419 Moreland Avenue HE Atlanta,Ca. 30307 524-0304 tAci faztun&l selection, AIDS: THE WOMEN International and intensely personal accounts of women affected by AIDS/ARC. $9.95 Lesbian and Feminist Books and More... OPENS 7 DAYS A WEEK IN LITTLE FIVE PQII1TS •| «« E )eboran E. K6Gf6 ;;§§§ •General Civil Practice •Incorporation •Personal Injury •Estate Planning • t bankruptcy 1535 LaVista Rd., NE Atlanta, Ga. 30329 634-3835 )Priced Right !< No one's Total Price on | Complete Eyeglasses will be Less than Ours on Identical Merchandise. CXDptical otores 2441 Cheshire Bridge Rd. (404) 636-9727 or 636-9811 Famous Faces Tammy Faye's Troubles Continue The turbulent days of Tammy Faye Bakker just refuse to end. After standing by her man, deposed PTL preacher Jim Bakker, through charges that he had affairs with people of both sexes and stole a fortune while he preached the Gospel, Tammy Faye suffered what was described as a "beauty-care emergency". Tammy was standing outside the roller skating rink where her husband now holds services in Charlotte, North Carolina, when a newspaper photographer approached her. When the man tried to get a close-up of the face with the mythical make up, she reached for his camera and accidentally broke one of her finger nails. No one said life would be easy. Crazy About Cagney Are you a fan of Cagney and Lacey? Are you losing your mind over Sharon Gless-better known as Christine Cagney? Don't worry. You're not alone. Or, maybe you should worry. One of Cagney's ardent fans has been ordered by a judge to stay away from her idol, and her psychiatrist says she's undergoing treatment for an obsession with the sexy streetsmart TV cop. Joni Leigh Penn, who has sent more than 20 letters to Gless in the last few months, threatened to shoot herself in front of the star of the cancelled CBS series. Now the devoted admirer must stay at least 1,000 yards away from Gless' home or risk arrest Star of Tootsie to Star with Cruise Get ready for the star of "Tootsie" to join up with All-American heartthrob Tom Cruise on the silver screen. Dustin Hoffman, the man who appeared in drag in theatres from Peoria to Puerto Rico, now plays an autistic millionaire with a remarkable memory in "Rain Man". Cruise, 26, co-stars as Hoffman's brother in the upcoming film. The 51 year- old Hoffman has been described as a perfectionist obsessed with detail. But in an interview with Gentleman's Quarterly he said the label didn't bother him. Until now, he said, he'd only been known as short and funny-looking. - F. G. Farmer Encounters Gay Space Creature Pitalito, Colombia-An unsuspecting farmer came face-to-face with a gay alien from Pluto, reported the Weekly World News, a sensationalists supermarket tabloid. According to the report, Hector Bria was visited in his home by "a seven-foot-tall sissy from outer space." The alien tried to romance Bria and "when he spumed the space sissy's advances, the creature burst into tears." Bria reported the encounter to the Colombia Defense Department, explaining that the creature had pale green skin, huge eyes and a large mouth. He wore thick makeup, a silver jumpsuit and red striped tights. "His limbs were thin and rubbery," said the farmer. Gay Catholic Priest Is Excommunicated Minneapolis, Afrnn.-William Dorn, Jr., who was suspended from the Roman Catholic priesthood after disclosing that he was gay, has been banned from the priesthood forever and officially excommunicated, reported the New York Times. A church tribunal found Dorn guilty of leaving the Catholic Church to join the Episcopal Church, putting an end to Dorn's two-year public dispute with the church over Catholic teachings on homosexuality. In 1986 Dorn was dismissed from his job at the Christ Church Newman Center at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota after he wrote a newspaper article advocating a more compassionate view of homosexuality. He was suspended from the priesthood a few weeks later.