Southern voice. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1988-20??, November 02, 1995, Image 1

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NOVEMBER 2/1995 PLEASE RECYCLE Boy George has been a singular presence in the pop music world since he first hit the scene as a 1980s gen der bender. Now, with a tell-all autobiography and a 'way-gay new CD, the Boy is back. PAGE 27. cause More than 170 local restaurants, spanning the gamut from fast food to haute cuisine, are joining together for Dining Out for Life, a fund-raiser for Project Open Hand. PAGE 15 Gay addiction program suivives ax Two addic tion recovery programs at Decatur Hospital, one for for gays and one for African-Americans, have survived planned cuts but may still face extinction. PAGE 4 Agood meal for agood Revised domestic law neats completion 1, V\'l riKVMf'DS Atlanta —City Ctninrilwoman Mary Daves last week asked people in the communitv to be patient mexpecting a new domestic pai Inershtp law, and piomised one would be coming in the near future. Dans, wlio has been leviewmg tire rewrit ten city domestic partnership ordinance since May, said last week that she's "about ieady” to bring the plan before City Council. Davis stuck her head in the door of a meet ing of the mayor's senior advisors on the gay/ lesbian community last week to say she was working on the ordinance and would discuss it with the mayor and members ot the community in the next lew da\s Members of the advisory committee haie been asking Davis and other city officials about the status of the ordinance for some months, safid advisor Laity Pellegrini. v , Mavoi Campbell is also pushing for the or dinance to go forward—soonei rathei than later, said \ick Gold, a spokesman tor the mayor "The mayor is anxious for it to go through," Gold said "He has been a strong supporter of domestic partnerships since he was on City Council" The rewritten ordinance, dratted by Assis tant City Attorney Robin J. Shahar, would ex tend benefits to the domestic paitners of city employees who have registeied their partner ship with the city . i ty C un il i it d tl p itn i • gi ti\ n 1993 Since then, more than 60 couples have leg- istered their partnership Of those, bve are city