Newspaper Page Text
Hello again to all you
groovy gossip mongers
out there. Here’s the
latest dirt from nasty
land. . .Second warn
ing goes out to all
“tree trail’’ lovers.
Beware of sexy hunks in
bathing suits. The law
yer’s fees you save may
be your own!
How about it R.D.,
are you really going to
marry that girl?
The blond queen from
Miami who had her car
ripped off last month is
smiling again, however
thfe theif is not happy.
Guess he doesn’t dig
his accommodations at the
City jail. Glad you have
your car back hon, and
you’ve learned a valuable
Liddia has undertaken
a new business venture.
She is now a “slum
landlady.’’ It’s quite a
challenge she has before
her but knowing dear Lid
dia, she will emerge
victorious. Happy birth
day to “Big Butch’’ in
Miami. You are one of
the most beautiful people
it has been Gretta’s
pleasure to know.
Congratulations to
Kay and Ben on their
long awaited return to
the U.S. after their Kan
garoo hunting expedition
in Australia. For those
many subscribers to
the Barb who received
two papers under sep
arate cover last month.
We goofed! While the
Editor was enjoying life
on vacation in Mexico,
the Co-Editor was ev-
identally smoking some
of the funny smelling to
bacco they grow there. So
big deal, no one is per
More dirt next month,
Gretta Gossip
Mike Andrews
Winner "Miss Cove 1974
In earlier times, scientists thought that maggots were blown
onto meat by blow-flies!
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Entertainer Of The Month
Cherice Nicole
The Powder Puff Lounge
If you haven’t been
fortunate enought to have
had this talented per
former pop a cherry or
two into your mouth while
she was doing one of her
fan’s favorite numbers
“champagne taste,” you-
’ve definitely been mis
sing something. Cherice
is an interesting person,
her talents are varied and
range from comedy to the
The Escape Lounge,
Jet Star, Chances R,
Delta Queen, Peaches
Back Door, Dino’s Sup
per Club, Cross Key’s,
and r of course Chat
tanooga’s own show bar
and supper club, The
Powder Puff, are among
a few of the places where
Cherice has displayed her
unequivocal charm and
Originally from At
hens, Tenn., Cherice is
a Capricorn. She enjoys
owning arid showing reg
istered Apaloosa horses
(not in ladies western
pleasure, but in the men’s
class). How about that?
When questioned about
men, she answered, “I
like my men to be ver
satile because I don’t
feel like a woman. I am
still a man. The only
time I am in drag is when
I am performing.”
Two years experience
has taught Cherice to be
serious and work hard
for any show she is dir
ecting or performing with
“I am a natural born
bitch, and all of my cast
members can tell you
that; but I really care
more for them than they
think.” She recently
gave up her chance in the
competition of the first
official Miss Gay Chat
tanooga pageant to be
mistress of ceremonies,
and lend more than a
helping hand in organi
zing and seeing to it that
Chattanooga’s first offi
cial pageant was the suc
cess that it proved to be.
Her greatest ambition
is to have a complete love
affair. Well Cherice, to
coin a phrase, “you got
what it takes,” so it’s
just a matter of time
before you experience
your greatest ambition.
‘‘Children o eyes must be
thoroughly checked before
they are of school age. Edu
cation about the eye cannot
begin too soon.” (Dr; Morris
Fishbein, Medical Editor)
‘‘Nearly half of our pop
ulation have some degree
of impaired vision. Amer-
; cans go blind at the rate of
about 50,000 a year. Nearly
,a quarter of the very young,
those under 20, suffer some
visual deficiency and, of
course, nearly all of those
over 60.”
“Nearly all children who
fail in the first two grades of
school do so because of read
ing troubles. Vision is very
probably the single most
important health factor in
the conduct of American
industry.” (Eric Sevareid,
CBS TV Commentator)
“...people must' be train
ed to wear their eyeglasses,
and they must like wearing
their eyeglasses. Glasses not
worn do hot help people to
see...” (H. Lyle-Duerson, Jr.,
President, Opticians Associ
ation of America)
“I assure you that it is a
demoralizing experience to
the ophthalmologist to diag
nose the first symptoms of
a brain tumor; they show
up first in the eye... It’s not
a pretty job to have to tell
a patient who came in for
a routine eye examination
tnat he is dangerously ill. But
our compensation is that
our early diagnosis may pro
vide the patient’s only hand
hold to survival.” (John R.
Fitzgerald, M.D., Ophthal
mologist, Rochester, N.Y.)
* These comments were
made at the 1974 Better
Vision Institute Washington
Conference on Vision Care.
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