Newspaper Page Text
Friday, N«pt 1, 1*41
B^nat Israel
rU^JTTf-IL .
troffis pelihot
Slices Sept. 2
. ^dUisc£dtK)D 8*hju Israel will
tioMarec^ttoo Saturday. Sept
2, from 11 pm until midnight,
to «m£>U- members and other
of the Synagogue to o-
evening of fellowship
Following the reception, there
will be a brief Selihot Service,
with Rabbi Chapman officiating
ATI Jews in the community of
at Petersburg—young and old.
Men and women, members and
fiends are invited to participate
Jf the reception and Service.
Sunday, Sept. 2, the Minyan
Club will assemble at 9 am
Registration for Raiigimif School
pfaldanU will take place between
10 and 12 noon at the syna
gogue Parents must accompany
their children for registration A
special committee will also be
available to aasist new and po-
tantis] members and all active
members who wish to make
arrangement to participate in the
High Holy Days Services.
Tuesday. Sept. 9, the regular
Beard meeting of the Congrega
tion will take place at 0 p.m
Members of the Sisterhood are
urged to attend the monthly
meeting at the synagogue at 0:19
p.m., as many surprises are in
store for them —All sessions of
the School Department will open
Tuesday, Sept. S; the daily Nur
sery-Kindergarten School at 9
am., and the weekday Religious
School in the afternoon.
Friday, Sept 8, the seventeen
USY’ers who attended the Lead
ership Training Institute at Camp
Ocala will assist Rabbi Chapman
in conducting the Sabbath Eve
Service at 8 p.m They will dis
cuss the encampment theme
-Sanctify Us With Thy Mdzvua.”
Saturday. 8ept 9. the Sabbath
Morning Service will begin at
9 am . the Teen Service m the
Chapel at 10:49 am and the
Youth and Faintly Hour at 11
am Sabbath lunch will follow
at 11:49 am.
ZIM Fetes Press
On Liner “Israel”
ZIM Lines, last week, invited
representatives of the American
Jewish press — including agen
cies, Yiddish dailies and EngliHi-
Jewish weeklies—to a unique
cocktail and Dinner Party aboard
the 8 8 Israel docked at its pier
in Green port, Brooklyn
The occasion marked the show
ing of an excellent new film en
titled “To Israel by Sea"—docu
menting in beautiful color re
production a New York-Tel-Aviv
voyage of the liner Zion. Mr.
Wittner, General Passenger man
ager, spoke briefly on the history
of ZIM and then introduced Cap
tain M Abramski
New York Consul-General of
Israel Eliab and Consul Padan
were among the guests; also Mr.
and Mrs. Morris Janoff of Jersey
City. Mr. Janoff, editor of the
“Jewish Standard." is an officer
of the American Jewish Press
In the event the reader would
like to know what a ZIM passen
ger dinner is like. Here is a typi
cal menu; Cantaloupe “Fleur De
Las’’ Clear Oxtail Soup “Au
Sherry." Broiled Colorado Rain
bow Trout—Forrester Style.
Cornish Hen “Hawaii—Wild Rice;
Fresh Garden Peas; Mixed Green
Tenderleaves; Chef's Dressing
Gateau "Mille Feuilles.” Demi
Tas. Petits Fours Wines, Liq
ueurs, etc
U — Masel Tovf"
St. Petersburg
Senior Friendship News
Harry Kapiow has prepared
and arranged for a senes at im
portant Book Reviews, while
Herman Taylor has laid out a
senes of discussions on National
and International affairs, that is
bound to take up many exciting
hours during the coarse of the
Herman and Sarah Taylor have
departed for Youngstown. Ohio,
where they plan to spend a full
month with their family in that
city Herman Taylor is enthusias
tic over hi* programs for his Dis
cussion Group for the coming
season and says “the subjects
are those that will bring the
greatest amount of interest on
both sides—for or against—and
are of such a nature that it will
arouse the interest of everyone
concerned" "We will be coming
back before the official opening
of the Club in October," conclud
ed Herman as he beaded North
The meetings of the Senior
Friendship Club over the sum
mer months at Gulfport Beach
have been well attended and
these meetings will continue for
the balance of the Summer at
Gulfport Beach on each first and
third Wednesday of the month
This will take m the balance of
August, September and the first
Wednesday in October On the
afternoon of Oct. 9 at 1 pm
Senior Friendship Club will hold
its first official meeting indoors
at the New Jewish Community
Center. Elbow Lane and Park
Street, North. All members are
advised to be at the meeting
early as much is to be done
Louis Goldstein, a very popu
lar member of Senior Friendship,
underwent a serious operation
Launch New Ship
For Israel
PARIS, (JTA)—The SS Mole-
det. the largest ship for Israel
ever built in France, was launch
ed this week at Nantes in cere
monies by high French Govern
ment officials and members of
the Israel Ministry of Transport
and Ministry of Commerce and
The French officials expressed
the hope that Israel would con
tinue to place orders for more
vessels in France and construc
tion company officials gave as
surances that French shipyards
would do thei rutmort to meet
Israel ship-buildmg needs Earl
ier this week. Israel placed
orders for two large ocean
going vessels and took an option
for a third with the Chantiers de
la Mediterranee firm.
Last week at Mound Park Hos
pital where he is reported rest
ing comfortably and doing nicely
Moe Levy, another popular mem
ber was also operated upon at
Mound Park Hospital last week
and u holding his own. Senior
Friendship wishes both Louis
and Moe a very quick recovery
Sol and Kate Cohen are in
New Jersey where they will
spend the balance of August and
ail of September with their
families, returning to' St Peters
burg the first week in October
v Heyman and Helen Barak are
visiting their families and close
friends in Toledo. Ohio and De
troit, Mich.
William and Ada Marx are
spending a very happy vacation
on Long Island with their fami-
bes and plan to return to St
Petersburg about Oct. 5. Ada
Marx, is a member of Senior
Friendship’s musical staff and
directs most of their musical
score and special shows She
writes that she has many
wonderful ideas for the vari
ous musical entertainments that
will be offered during the sea
son of 1961-1962. and also will
be a very active member of the
enlarged orchestra “We’ll be
looking for you, so hurry back
to the Sunshine City where you
are really on the “missing list,"
Helen Birkhahn is winding up
a very active Camp season and
plans to leave for St. Petersburg
Late this month. Helen is an ac
tive director of a Summer Camp
in Pittxfield, Mass. and each
summer spend* her time in this
work She will join her husband
George, who remains in St
Petersburg where he is actively
engaged in the business of elec
trorucs Helen plays first violin
in the Senior Friendship Orches
tra and everyone is waiting pa
tieritly to hear her in concert
Ben and Ethel Green, who ar?
also very active Camp Workers
will return to St Petersburg late
in September, following a very
active and successful camp sea
son in New Jersey.
Kasper and Caroline Loewen-
stein have returned from a very
pleasant visit to California,
where they w*ent to visit then-
families and also to see the rest
of California, that they missed
on their first visit there early
this season
St. Pete Hadassah
Picnic Labor Day
A Labor Day picnic is being
sponsored by the St. Petersburg
Chapter of Hadassah on Monday,
Sept. 4, at Lake Maggorie.
Mrs S Meyers is chairman a#
the occasion whose time is from
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mrs. Ben J. Klein, m charge
of publicity, can also be contact
ed for details at 57-2025.
Members are asked to bring
cards, tables and chairs for
games, if they wish.
105 9th St. South
St Petersburg, Fla
Phone 78-0171
Plaza Liquor Store
Central Plaza
$ AT
1453 S. Pasadena St. Petersburg, Fla.
Home Lanes For
Hadassah Bowling League Early Birds League
Louis A Cohen Lodge B’nai B’rith Bowling League
7-2900 WAverly 1-2473