Newspaper Page Text
Pace Seventeen
Friday, September 9, 1966
Telethon Sept. 18 For Atlanta Congregations Ready
Brandeis U. Women Services for High Holy Days
Brandeis University National Women’s Committee will hold its’
annual new member telethon on Sunday, Sept. 18, from 10 to 2.
Mrs. Mendel Romm Jr., membership vice president; Mrs. Sam
Alterman, new member chairman and Mrs. Jay Goldberg, Mrs. Paul
Landis and Mrs. Donald Goldman are heading the committee for the
The National Women’s Committee has sponsored and has been
It’s work today is to continue the growth and development of this
responsible for the development of the Brandeis University Library,
most important facility on the Brandeis University campus.
Shearith Israel Couples
Plan “Break-the-Fast” Dance
dancing and professional enter
tainment. A midnight buffet will
be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Draluck,
reservations chairmen, request
that advance reservations be
made. Persons making advance
reservations will be eligible for
a number of door prizes.
Any paid-up member of the
Couples Club will be eligible for
the special prize of a weekend at
the Marriott Motor Hotel, accord
ing to Mrs. Pousman.
Reservations should be made
with the Dralucks at 634-5086.
George A Iterman Named To Head Shearith
Israel Committee for Israel Bond Drive
George Alterman, prominent
leader of Jewish and communal
activities, has been named chair
man of the Israel Bond Com
mittee for Shearith Israel Syn
agogue, it was announced by Moe
Horowitz, president of the con
In his new capacity, Mr. Alter
man will head the Shearith Is
rael drive to mobilize investment
capital for the development of
Israel’s economy. The campaign
is now underway and will con
tinue to its climax at a major
event in October.
Mr. Horowitz praised Mr. Al
terman as a dedicated and ex
perienced community leader who
would provide the Israel Bond
effort with the outstanding di
rection vital to its success. “We
Salinger Will Give Highlights
Of Long Service With JFK
are proud to have a man of his
caliber in our top position aft
Shearith Israel and trust that he
will inspire the congregation to
record achievements in the 1966
campaign,” he said.
In accepting the appointment,
Mr. Alterman stated that he was
honored by the designation and
called upon all members of the
congregation to renew their
stake in the Israel Bond program
with additional support in the
months ahead.
“Shearith Israel has been in
the forefront of the Atlanta Is
rael Bond drive since the incep
tion of the first campaign in
1951,” he asserted. “I am proud
of this record and intend to do
all in my power to see that we
add considerably to it this
Shearith Israel Couples Club
has announced plans for a Break-
the-Fast Dance to be held at 9:00
p.m., Saturday, Sept. 24, in the
Shearith Israel Social Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Pousman,
chairmen, invite the entire con
gregation to enjoy an evening of
Shearith Israel
Engages Youth
Moe Horowitz, president of
Congregation Shearith Israel, has
announced that Shalom Ben
Levy has been appointed to the
positions of Youth Director and
Hebrew Instruc
tor in the Con
Mr. Ben Levy,
or Shalom as
he is already
known to the
young people,
has a most in
teresting back
ground. He was
born in Yemen
and was part of
the great wave of immigration
from Yemen to Israel in 1949. He
is a graduate of the Israel Public
School System and High School.
He is also a graduate of Israel’s
outstanding seminar on Youth
Activities and has served as an
instructor and leader for the past
number of years in the city of
Tel Aviv as well as in several
Shalom majored in physical
education and is a judo expert.
His latest Seminar however was
in the development of a new ap
proach to the teaching of He
brew and it was in the course
of this program that he came to
the United States last year. His
teaching ability and his leader
ship ability were much in evid
ence during his service in the
Israeli army where he attained
the rank of an officer.
Shalom will be a full time in
structor in the Hebrew Institute
as well as director both of the
youth program and the junior
congregation. He has also been
engaged by the Atlanta Bureau
of Jewish Education as a mem
ber of the Hebrew High School
An insight to his relationship
with President John F. Kennedy
will be offered by former Pres
idential Press Secretary Pierre
Salinger when he appears before
Atlantans at an open meeting of
Gate City Lodge of B’nai B’rth
on September 21. The event will
take place at 7:00 p. m. at the
Progressive Club.
Reviewing his new book “With
Kennedy,” first ever written by a
presidential press secretary, Mr.
Salinger brings not only an ex
pert and warmly human perspec
tive to the founding and forging
of the New Frontier, but focuses
on many previously unknown
facts. The book deals with the
author’s own special relationship
with the late President and gives
first-hand impressions of Presi
dent Kennedy and his admini
stration—from the Bay of Pigs
to the light touch that was a part
of the Kennedy years.
Pierre Salinger had a success
ful career in joumalim—first as
a prize-winning reporter on the
San Francisco Chronicle, and
then as an editor for Collier’s,
when he entered government
service in 1957.
Gate City president Ben Hy
man and program chairman
Marvin Singer announced that
personally autographed copies of
“With Kennedy" will be available
for purchase after the meeting.
Reservations to the dinner
meeting can be made with exe
cutive secretary Betty Ann Gor
don, 355-7801.
600 Peachtree Battle Ave., N.E.
Rabbi Harry H. Epstein
Rabbi Raphael Gold
Cantor Isaac Goodfriend
Sept. 14, Wednesday:
6:30: P.M.—Evening Service
Sept. 15, Thursday:
8:00 A.M.—Morning Service
10:15 A M.—Children & Youth
6:00 P.M.—Minha
6:30 P.M.—Evening Service
Sept. 16, Friday:
8:00 A.M.—Morning Service
10:15 A.M.—Children & Youth
6:00 P.M.—Minha
1180 University Drive, N.E.
Rabbi Sydney Mossman
Rabbi Tobias Geffen
Cantor Robert Ungar
Sept. 14, Wednesday:
6:30 P.M.—Minha
Sept. 15, Thursday:
8:00 A.M.—Shahrit
10:00 A.M.—Sermon
6:30 P.M.—Minha
Sept. 16, Thursday:
8:00 A.M.—Shahrit
10:00 A.M.—Sermon
6:30 P.M.—Minha
1362 Highland Ave., N.E.
Rabbi Joseph Cohen
Rabbi David Arzouane
and Soloman Alhadeff
Sept. 14, Wednesday:
6:45 P.M.—Evening Services
Sept. 15, Thursday:
8:00 A.M.—Shahrit
10:30 A.M.—Torah Reading
11:00 A.M.—Sermon
11:30 A M.—Shofar
12:00 M. —Musaf
5:30 P.M.—Minha (Tashlich ser
vices will follow Minha)
Sept. 16, Friday:
8:00 A.M.—Shahrit
10:30 A.M.—Torah Reading
11:00 A.M.—Sermon
11:30 A M.—Shofar
12:00 M. —Musaf
5:50 P.M.—Minha
1589 Peachtree Road
Rabbi Jacob M. Rothschild
Rabbi Richard J. Lehrman
Sept. 14, Wednesday:
7:00 P.M.—Evening Services
9:00 P.M.—Evening Services
Sept. 15, Thursday:
10:00 A.M.—Morning Services
2:30 P.M.—Children’s Services
1855 La Vista Rd., N.E.
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Sept. 14, Wednesday:
6:30 P.M.—Minha
Sept. 15, Thursday:
7:30 A.M.—Shahrit
9:30 A.M.—'Torah Reading
9:45 A.M.—Sermon
10:30 A.M.—Shofar and Musaf
6:30 P.M.—Minha
6:45 P.M.—Maariv
Sept 16, Friday:
7:30 A.M.—Shahrit
9:30 A.M.—Torah Reading
9:45 A.M.—Sermon
10:30 A.M.—Shofar and Muaaf
6:30 P.M.—Minha
6:45 P.M.—Maariv
1324 N. Highland Ave^ NJL
Rabbi Abraham Twersky
of N.Y. win be Cantor
Sept 14, Wednesday:
6:30 P.M.—Evening Service
Sept. 15, Thursday:
8:00 A.M.—Shahrit
10:00 A.M.—Torah Reading
10:30 A.M.--Shofar
5:00 P.M.—Tashlich Sermon
6:30 P.M.—Minha-Maariv
Sept 16, Friday:
8:00 A.M.—Shahrit
10:00 A.M.—Torah Reading
10:30 A M.—Shofar
6:30 P.M.—Minha-Maariv
Members of the Shearith Is
rael Committee serving under
Mr. Alterman are; Howard Ad
ler, Henry Bimbrey, Alan Burn
ham, Howard Chesler, Mrs.
Marvin Cohen, Mrs. Milton
Crane, Mrs. Maurice Draluck,
Mrs. Max Feldman, Mrs. Wil
liam Glass, Sidney I. Gotti er,
Milton Krebs, Edward Krick,
Ben Minsk, Herbert Oster, Mrs.
Jay Paulen, Arthur Poliakoff,
Mrs. Harris Silverman, Ben H.
Zimmerman, and Joe I. Zimmer
Selichot Services, the tradi
tional hour of supplication and
prayer to usher in the New
Year, will be held in a number
of Atlanta congregations at
midnight, Saturday, Sept 10.
Among those synagogues
observing the Selichot Ser
vices at that time are Ahavath
Achim, Shearith Israel and
Beth Jacob.
Congregation Or VeShalom
will hold its Selichot Services
at 4:00 a.m., Sunday, Sept 11,
with Rabbi Joseph Cohen of
ficiating, assisted by Rabbi
David Arzouane and Soloman
Mrs. Alterman (rear), Mrs. Landis, Mrs. Glodberg, Mrs. Goldman