Newspaper Page Text
P«*e Four
Friday, September 9, 1966
Published weekly by Southern Newspaper Enterprises, 390 Court
land St., N. E., Atlanta. Georgia 30303, TR. 6-8249, TR. 6-8240. Sec
ond class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia. Yearly subscription
five dollars. The Southern Israelite invites literary contributions
and correspondence but is not to be considered as sharing the views
expressed by writers. DEADLINE Is 5 P.M. FRIDAY, but material
received earlier will have a much better chance of publication.
Adolph Rosenberg, Editor and Publisher
Kathleen Nease, Jeanne Loeb, Joseph Redlieh
Vida Goldgar, Harry Rose, Betty Meyer, Kathy Wood
September 15-16,
Thursday and Friday
September 24, Saturday
September 29-30
Thursday and Friday
October 6, Thursday
October 7, Friday
December 8-15
Thursday - Thursday
5§ai 4S § >c 6 TI 6 M
Georgia Pre«> Association
7 Art* Feature*
World Presa
Ansi a
President Johnson's
Rosh Hashana Message
WASHINGTON, (JTA) — The White House released
the following message from President Johnson:
“On the eve of Rosh Hashana and the High Holy Days,
I am pleased to extend to my fellow Americans of the Jew
ish faith my warm greetings for a Happy New Year.
“These are the days when we are reminded that the
perfect society is one which we must work to create and
fashion in this world and in our own time.
“The prophets taught the Jewish people never to falter
in the world-wide search for the betterment and peace of
mankind and never to leave the conflict against the forces
of discrimination and poverty.
“These are precepts which were inherited by our fore
fathers from those who received them at Sinai.
“They are beliefs which have been given new and force
ful expression in the State of Israel, where they were first
proclaimed and where Rosh Hashana prayers were first
“On this Rosh Hashana, let us pray together for a tran
quil society both in this country and around the globe.
“And let us ask that the heavy hand of tyranny be lifted
wherever it exists and that all become equal as they are
equal before God.”
Ghana Orders
ACCRA (JTA) — Dr. Horst
Schumann, 60, charged with kill
ing 30,000 Jews and non-Germans
at Auschwitz, was ordered by a
court here extradited to West
Germany. The Ghanaian Govern
ment, during the rule of deposed
President Kwame Nkrumah, had
refused to hand Dr. Schumann
over to Bonn for trial on the war
crime charges.
Agency Streamlines
Jewish Agency has officially ap
proved a radical reorganization
and streamlining of its opera
tions, including a probable mer
ger of its immigration and ab
sorption departments. The goal of
the reorganization is elimination
of the duplication and bureau
cracy with which immigrants
have to cope, and implementa
tion of the Agency’s budget re
trenchement and economy drive.
Find Old Roman Coins
TEL AVIV (JTA) — A Hebrew
University archaeologist has re
ported that workmen excavating
the ruins of a second-century
villa in the Negev, near Dimona,
found a collection of more than
10,000 Roman coins valued at an
estimated $80,000. Dr. Abraham
Negev, head of the expedition,
said the 8,000 silver and 2,000
coins of lesser value were struck
between 96 and 112 CE, probably
in Syria.
Beth Israel, Tampa
(A Conservative Synagogue) BETH ISRAEL Silver was master of ceremonies.
2111 Swann Are. Ph. 85-6371 SLICHOTH SERVICE Brief speeches were given by
Tampa 6, Florida Congregation Beth Israel an- Arthur Skop, Mrs. Nathan Kess-
Sainuel m Maiiinger, Rabbi nounces its annual observance of ^ er ’ Dr. Victor Kassels and by
Slichoth-Pre Holiday Penitential Rabbi Samuel M. Maiiinger. A
DAILY' WORSHIP service on Saturday, September musical program and comedy act
SCHEDULE 10. ~ featured the evening's entertain-
Morning Shachris 7:30 a.m. ment.
Early Mincha 6:30p.m. MILAVA MALKA
Fvenintr Maariv 6 50 n m RECEPTION ROSH HASHANA
Evening Maariv o.aup.m. AT BETH ISRAEL
, A P e -S>' c n hoth re ' eptl °" ™ ,U A festive Rosh Hashana Eve
THE SABBATH ^ ln a ‘ 10 ' 3 ° p ™ Mr. and Mrs. Maarlv service wjll take place on
Traditional Kabbolas Milian Hirsch will again host the Wednesdav mf , ht Sept at g
Shabbos Friday 6:20 p.m. reception. Rabbi Theodore Brod m Rabbl Samuel M Mallin-
Saturday Morning ... 8:45a.m. ^ Rer with an all male augmented
Saturday Mincha 6:20 p.m. ^ 11 n ., °J} . . . ',1 n . Choir will perform the New
Maariv Havdolah Dusk *•*?' b a b ‘ S .’ “l 1 Year’s Eve Worship and present
«*»■•">• aLS'SoS 1 * “ d vl^‘a « W* -»■ A ,wjiv. One,
in m n . ; ■ Yom Tov reception will be ten-
12:01 a. m. Public is invited. , , , , „ , .
LATE SABBATH EVE dered by the following hosts: Mr.
Both Israel will resume its late RESUMPTION Phil Star, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sabbath Eve Service on Friday, ^ Sunday School wlU Harewsky and Harry Blank.
. ep . 9-—8 P in . esc hold its registration and pre hoi- , n , v uomuiwr
ices will continue until Shavouth. iday sessjon on Sunday Sept . n HOLIDAY MORNING
—at 10 a. m. Sam Golden will „ . . .
I.ARRY WASSERBERGER af , ain be the schoo , super inten- Fe " t ’ ve f rv.ces will take place
BAR MITZVA dent and Youth Director. ™ Thursday and Friday at 8
Larry Wasserberger, son of Mr. a. m. Louis Star and Ben Gerber
and Mrs. Paul Wasserberger will HEI.EN SKWF.R wiH Perform the Shachris. Rabbi
celebrate his Bar Mitzva on Fri- MONUMENT DEDICATION Samuel Maiiinger will chant the
day night. Sept. 9-8 p. m and A Matzaivoh Tombstone for the ^ons^Jh morning PreSCnt
Saturday morning Sept. 10 (8A5 , ate He)en Rebecca skwer _ mo . sermons morning.
a ' 7 1 ’ 6 1 t 'vr ihniac ther Mrs. Nathan Kessler, will iinsnoR urn mAv
duct the complete Kabbolas bp consecratpd at Beth Israel srv.VV's
Shabbos-Maariv Service, chant n „ c on * 11 SERVICES
a number of Hebraic hymns and m Members of the con- There will be children’s serv-
present an address “Standing On ' . , , . . • , . ices on both days of Rosh Hash-
The Threshold.” Rabbi Samuel Rregation and friends are invited ana at 12:15 p. m. Samuel Golden
Maiiinger will officiate, present attc . r ? d n , Pa j b ^‘ Samuel Mallin - will be in charge assisted by the
traditional prayers and blessings ' » traditional Pre Rosh Hash- Confirmation students,
on the Bar Mitzva parents and Cemetery Visitation will also
the Rabbinic charge onto the eel- tak(? C lace on Sunday, Sept. 11. SHABBOS TSHUVAH
ebrant. Greetings and presenta- m-1230 d m The solemn theme for the Sab-
tions will be offered by the pres- ' bath of Penitence will be carried
idents from the Congregation and GELLER-GREEN out accordingly on Friday night
Sisterhood, Arthur Skop and Mrs. MONUMENT SETTING and Saturday, September 16-17.
Nathan Kessler. An Oneg Shab- „ , . Appropriate sermons will be
bat reception will follow this Tombstone dedication services , vpn b Rabbj Samuel M Mal .
service. for the late Nathan Geller and linKer ‘
^ , _ .. . , If Helen Green were held on Sun-
On Saturday Master Wasser dav s e pt. 4, at Beth Israel ce- Nathan CHler Helen rr»n
berger w 11 again officiate in the -A H Nathan Geller-Helen Green
Shachris-Musaf, chant his Haf- metcry ___ CLASS ROOM
torah from the prophets, and SISTERHOOD’S e- 11 ~
perform his Maftir from the Following the late Sabbath Eve
Torah Rabbi Maiiinger will ANNIVERSARY DINNER service on Friday night, Septem-
preach on the scripture—“Stand- Both Israel Sisterhood held its ber 16, a class room in loving
ing or Walking." A Kiddush anniversary dinner on Sunday, memorium for the late Nathan
luncheon will follow the Musaf. Aug. 28. Officers and board mem- Geller and Helen Green will be
Sisterhood’s Catering Service will hers from the Congregation-Sis- dedicated. Friends are invited to
se in charge of both receptions. terhood were honored. Cyril attend.
Rabbi Chapman
Rack in St. Pete
Rabbi Morris B. Chapman,
spiritual leader of Congregation
B’nai Israel, recently returned
from a trip to Europe.
He attended the conference of
the World Council of Synagogues
which was held in Geneva, Swit
zerland, August through 5, and
from there he travelled through
out Spain and Portugal.
Rabbi Chapman delivered the
sermon at the Sabbath morning
service at Congregation “Shaare
Tikva,” in Lisbon, Portugal, Sat
urday, August 20. He brought
greetings from the synagogues
he had visited in Geneva, Madrid,
and Gibraltar.
In Madrid, he viewed the
model of the proposed new Syn
agogue which will be built there
in the near future.
Easier Job Rules Ur^ed
For Immigration
ommendation that potential im
migrants to the United States
from Eastern European countries
be given an opportunity “to pur
sue their immigration without
the need to seek a job in ad
vance >n the U. S. and without
the need of a complicated labor
certificate,” was made here at a
Senate subcommittee hearing.
The recommend a t i o n was
voiced by Gaynor I. Jacobson,
executive director of the United
Hias Service, who testified be-
for the Senate Subcommittee on
Refugees and Escapees. “These
persons desire to come here to
join relatives or to live in a free
and democratic society. Certain
ly they are not coming to the
U. S. to compete with American
labor nor to lower American
working standards,” he said.
Money for Industry
NEW YORK (JTA) — Israel
Development Corporation, an af
filiate of the Ampal-American
Israel Corporation, plans to make
investments and loans in Israel
enterprises totaling about $9,500,-
000 during the fiscal year end
ing November 30, I960, it was an
nounced here at the annual IDC
Young Judaea Appea
For Soviet Jewry Aid
The Young Judaea concluded its
national convention with adop
tion of a resolution calling on
the American Conference for So
viet Jewry to establish a perman
ent organization, with a profes
sional staff and budget, so that
it could carry on an effective pro
gram to alleviate the situation of
Soviet Jews. The organization
elected David Berg, of West New
York, N. J., president.
The resolution, approved by
the 200 delegates said that “the
present situation of Russian
Jewry is intolerable despite the
fact that utmost efforts are being
made to alleviate the situation.
More definite and permanent ac
tion has to be undertaken by the
American Jewish community, and
a permanent staff for the Amer-
The Lighter Side
The negligence case was settled
out of court and the award came
to $50,000. The attorney took 70
percent of the award and handed
the paltry 30 percent to his
“What are you doing,” shouted
the client. “I was the one hit by
the bus!”
The attorney snarled, “Listen,
it was my legal knowledge that
made the award possible—any
‘shlemmozal’ can get hit by a
ican Conference for Soviet Jewry
is one way to do it.”
Another resolution called for
improved quality of Jewish edu
cation which, it said, should en
courage unity and teach the basic
unifying concept of Israel and
the Jewish people. The resolution
authorized the establishment of
a committee to survey the qual
ity of Jewish education.
The first meeting of the Taryag
Chapter NCSY, will be held at
9:30 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 11, in
the lower chapel of Beth Jacob
Synagogue. New and old mem
bers are invited to attend.
The executive board met on
August 28 with the new advisor,
Bill Griss, to discuss activities
for the coming year. These in
clude plans for a car wash, candy
bar sale, a play or puppet show.
The club will also participate in
the conclaves and the annual
Southern Region Convention in
Michael Cenker and Rhoda
Gerson, Southern Region officers,
will attend a regional executive
board meeting in Charleston.
The Beth Jacob youth group
extends good wishes to everyone
for a happy and healthy New
—Rhoda Gerson
We Packed the Mashgiach,
You just pack your bags
and jet to the Dorado Hilton in Puerto Rico for
fabulous days with all meals prepared “u 1 ’ Kosher
just for you . . .
Sept. 28-Oct. * (Succoth) . . 12 DAYS *. 11 NIGHTS — only $330
Children (In umi room with parents) — $160.
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Children, (In seme room with parents) — $150.
D* c ' ” 20 . . 10 DAYS & » NIGHTS — only $335.
Children (in same room with parents) — $160.
Dec. 15-22 8 DYS A 7 NIGHTS — $300
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