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P**e 8 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 23, 1977
mz(pm art
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by Hal Krafchick
Another adult basketball season
is upon us and the young and old
(mostly old) are limbering up those
stiff muscles in preparation and
hopes of making just one more
However, the way some of the
veterans (gray hair or balding)
have started off this season there
will be some changes on this year’s
Geritol all star team. Examples:
Jerry (the bomber) Finklestein,
not realizing he’s 40 plus years of
age, and going out and scoring 14,
14 and 20 points in consecutive
games; or Arnold (Slick) Tieder
scoring two baskets and grabbing
two uncontested rebounds in one
half; or Randy (I never touched
him, ref) Feinberg scoring 17
points to lead his team to a victory.
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Print Nam
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Apt No.
Then there’s George (Washing
ton) Wise, an established
rebounder and player maker
turning into a shooter (not a
scorer, but a shooter). Another
milestone this year is Ray (the
hatchet) Blaze scoring a season
high of seven points without even
fouling out.
And congratulations to Bill (the
Bullet) Samuels who scored a
career high of 7 points. Welcome
mat goes out to Marvin (the
enforcer) Silverman who returned
to the league after a long lay-off.
Marvin still claims he’s the coolest
head on the court. Of course, we
can't overlook Norman (Jocko)
Lebedin, league patriarch who’s
just like old man river and keeps on
rolling along.
Best performance turned in this
year has to go to Jerry Schwartz
who broke an earlier season slump
with an incredible 40 points in one
half. The opposing team finally
figured out how to guard Jerry.
They put five men on him and held
him to a mere 50 points for the
game...Seth (thin man) Kirsch-
baum is having a big year to go
along with his season high of 33
The two biggest surprises this
year are Rory (Dr. J.) Parks and
Charles (the swisher) Kolodkin
who are both averaging close to 20
points per game, and how about
the outstanding play of Paul (Mr.
BBYO) Bodner and Ron Tunick.
Both these guys will be asking for
bigger contracts next year.
Captains for this year's league
are Jon Mopper, Art Salus, Jeff
Schechter, Brian Wertheim, Jerry
Rosen, Mark Hoffman, Alan (the
Screamer) Carp, Herb Orlansky,
Mark Popowski, Jerry Finkle
stein, Mark Jacobson and Steve
Gruenhut. Chairman is Paul
Who says religion and physical
fitness don't go together. Rabbi
Sugarman of the Temple has now
posted over 50 miles since joining
the “run for your life club" and
Michael Alon, HA ZZA N Sheni at
the Ahavath Achim. is now a
participant in the center's
racquetball league.
We forgot to mention Dan
Ehrlich in our last report. Besides
being a top advisor to the P.E.
department, Dan is also a
dedicated lap swimmer ...Joel
Lobel has returned to the
basketball scene after a long lay
off. He’s now coaching a Biddy
team. It seems Joel retired
suddenly after scoring his last two
points—in the wrong basket. We
hope Joel's team learns from his
Congratulations to the boys
making the Center’s all-star team.
They ^re Steve Wise. Jerry Stein,
David Sotto, Howard Rabino-
wich, Mark Nemeroff, Jeff
Milstein, Neal Maziar, Brian
Kahn, Scott Jacobson, Adam
Goldstein. Mike Friedman, David
Cooper and Scott Cohen.
Ira Diamond is once again
proving he has one of the best one-
handed set shots in the league by
scoring 30 and 17 points in his last
two games , and for a guy not too
tall David Kuniansky is one of the
best hustlers in the league...speak
ing of height some of the smaller
guys who are having big years are
Ray Taratoot, Jon (Mr. Defense)
Miller, Pete (The Gun) Rosen and
Mark (come on, ref) Fleishman.