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Born* Segoll
The Weinstein Center Established
People are living longer today and are demanding a
broader range and more creative services from the com
munity. Our Center has for the past few years offered
three significant programs for older adults. Our Adult
Enrichment Program serves 150 retirees a week. The
Peachtree Program, funded by a Federal grant, provides
hot lunches and activities to over 100 people a day. Our
Adult Day Services program was established four years
ago to provide a more closely supervised service for
seniors who need to be in a smaller, safer environment.
Our Adult Day Services Program will be expanded
this summer when we open our new Weinstein Center for
Adult Day Services at Zaban Park. The Weinstein Center
has been established through a generous endowment gift
of $150,000 by Milton Weinstein, in memory of his par
ents. This endowment will be used to expand and
broaden the scope of services that we now offer to these
elderly and comes at a propitious time, when the Center is
planning to move its program from the Long Island
Drive rented facility into our new Weinstein Center at
The Weinstein Center offers a viable alternative for
those elderly who can no longer manage at the Peachtree
Program and need more personal attention. The new
center can provide services for up to 36 people a day with
Beach Ball Wrap-Up
There was never a beach party like this one! More
than 500 bathing beauties and beach bums had an unfor
gettable night at “Beach”tree April 19, where two per
formances by Little Anthony, a live fashion show, a
dance band and delicious food were showcased amidst
the unusual and humorous decor created especially for
the seaside by Mitzi Rothman and her hard-working
The Beach Ball is the third of the AJCC theme parties,
under the aegis of the Special Events Department. This
year’s party chairman was Ira Eisenberg, and the ticket
committee chairman was Leonard Sherman. The Special
Events Committee, chaired by Marshall Dinerman, is
already hard at work on upcoming projects, including
June’s After Business Hours program and next fall’s
workshops and classes. And everyone is looking forward
to Gala'86- next year’s main event. Anyone interested in
working on one of the Gala committees may call Ghana
or Kathleen in the Special Events Office.
a staff of social workers, nurses, physical and occupa
tional therapists who are able to provide medical moni
toring and support to participants and their families.
I he programs offered at Weinstein Center include
socialization, kosher meals, medical and social services,
field trips, individualized shopping, transportation, edu
cational programs, speech, physical and occupational
The Weinstein Center will be located on Tilly Mill
Road near the Zaban building in a beautiful residence
purchased by the Center a year ago. This close proximity
will permit exciting intergenerational activities. The resi
dence is being renovated to meet the needs of the elderly.
This renovation is being accomplished with funds ob
tained by government and foundation grants and through
a gift from Erwin Zaban. The Senior Adult Services
Committee expects to announce the opening of Wein
stein Center during the summer.
The Center is delighted to be able to establish the
Weinstein Center with this gift from Milton Weinstein. A
Weinstein Foundation Trust has been established by the
Center and will be available to receive contributions from
those who wish to support this worthwhile service.
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