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Sherry B. Susaneck
JFS volunteers are pivotal
force in agency programs
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by Sharon Greenblatt
Special to The Southern Israelite
An ancient Babylonian tractate
states: “The reward of charity de
pends entirely upon the extent of
the kindness in it." A person who
volunteers his or her time to help
others in the community is extend
ing the kindest form of charity. It is
because of these people, the volun
teers at Jewish Family Services
Inc., that the agency is able to pro
vide the many necessary services to
the community that it does. This
pivotal force behind the agency is
greatly appreciated and is acknow
ledged annually by Jewish Family
Services Inc. and the Atlanta Jew
ish community at large.
The impact of volunteerism is
felt throughout the operation of
the agency. Individuals like Gus
Alexander who helped to imple
ment the agency’s computer sys
tem and Archie Solomon w ho helped
launch the PAL (People Are Lov
ing) program, give many hours out
of their busy lives.
The members of the board and
the many committee members attend
meeting after meeting. These dedi
cated people come from varied
backgrounds, professionally, socio
economically and geographically.
They bring the needs and input
from all over our community.
Working together they initiate,
organize and help to institute pro-
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grams and policies of Jewish Fam
ily Services Inc.
The programs that exemplify
the intrinsic value of volunteerism
PA L (People Are Loving)—This
newly funded program provides
companionship for children in sin
gle parent families. The volunteers
in this program provide additional
love and support to their special
pal. The joy of giving is particu
larly special in this program because
the response of the children has
been so gratifying.
DA R T(Dial-A- Ride- Transpor
tation)— Jewish Family Services
reaches to the community at large
to meet the critical needs of trans
portation for the elderly through
this program. More than provid
ing just a ride for medical, dental
and social service appointments,
the volunteers help to make posi
tive human contact with senior
Friendly Visitors—Volunteers
are sent throughout the commun
ity to meet the needs of home-
bound Jews. By providing one-to-
one companionship, these volun
teers help to add a little light to the
darkness of isolation. Senior citi
zens in many different private
homes, group homes (Louis B.
Kahn) and nursing homes have
responded to these volunteers with
great warmth.
Teens In Motion—This program
places teenagers with senior citi
zens. The connection made ena
bles the participants to give and
learn from each other. The value of
such a friendship helps to streng
then the Judaic value of intergen-
erational respect, especially in
today’s geographically separated
One of the most successful
examples of the cooperation be
tween staff and volunteers is the
work done by the Youth Commit
tee. Through these combined ef
forts, the needs of Jewish families
wanting to adopt a child have been
assessed and an already existing
program has been strengthened.
Because of this work, Jewish Fam
ily Services has been able to expand
its staff to include an additional
worker. The adoption program has
proved extremely successful and is
providing hope and happiness to
many people.
Other programs include: Out
reach to nursing homes, Kosher
Meals-on-Wheel, Services of vol
unteer lawyers, doctors, dentists,
English teachers for Russian immi
grants and many more.
With the help of over 400 volun
teers, Jewish Family Services Inc.
is successfully attempting to meet
the needs of the Atlanta Jewish
community. The extent of kind
ness shown by these wonderful
people cannot be measured in
man-hours or financial support.
The final measurement can only be
shown by the love, caring and
happiness that these people help to
Participants in the national conference of the Association of Jewish
Family and C hildren's Agencies, held last month in Atlanta are (left to
right) Leonard C ohen, executive director of Jewish Family Services Inc.;
( ynthia Kane, AJFCA president; Dale Schwartz, JFS president; Susan
Schwartz, AJFC A chairperson and Rona R. Schpeiser, assistant execu
tive director of JFS.
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