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■MBMMBM—HWrtX >' IIM llll
Synagogue Directory
Candle Lighting Time: 8:09 p.m.
Ahavath Achim (Conservative), 600 Peachtree Battle Ave., N.W., 355-
5222, Arnold Goodman, Rabbi; Dr. Harry H. Epstein, Rabbi Emeritus;
Marvin Richardson. Asst. Rabbi; Isaac Goodfriend, Cantor. Daily servi
ces. 7:15 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Friday, 5:30 p.m. and 8:15 p.m.; Saturday
morning 8:35 a.m., followed by kiddush; Sunday, 8:30 a.m.. 6 p.m.
Anshe S’Fard (Orthodox), 1324 North Highland Ave., N.E., 874-4513
Label Merlin, President; Nathan Katz. Rabbi; Saturday, 9 a.m. (followed
by kiddush).
Atlanta Hillel (Non-denominationat), Drawer A, Emory University,
Atlanta 30322, 727-6490. Zvi Shapiro, Rabbi. Dr. Aaron Shatzman,
Program Director, Friday, 6 p.m. (followed by dinner, Oneg Shabbat).
Beth David (Reform), Meeting at 869 Cole Dr., L.ilburn, Button Gwin
nett United Church of Christ. Mailing address, P.O. Box 865, Snellville
30278, 979-2773. Rabbi Alfred Goodman, Student Rabbi Joe Black.
Friday, 8 p.m.; Call for Sunday/ Hebrew school hours; Bar/ Bat Mitzva
classes available.
Beth Jacob (Orthodox), 1855 LaVista Rd., N.E., 633-0551. Emanuel
Feldman, Rabbi; Han Daniel Feldman, Asst. Rabbi-Educational Director.
Daily morning Minyan, Monday and Thursday, 6:50 a.m.; Tuesday,
Wednesday and Friday, 7 a.m.; Daily evening Minyan, 8:10 p.m. (Class
in Halacha nightly between Mincha and Ma’ariv); Friday evening 7 p.m.;
Shabbat morning, 8:15 a.m. (followed by kiddush); Shabbat evening,
7:55 p.m. (Talmud group one hour prior to Mincha, followed by Shalosh
Seudot); Sunday, 8 a.m. (followed by breakfast).
Beth Shalom (Conservative), 3147 Chamblee Tucker Rd., 458-0489.
Leonard H. Lifshen, Rabbi, 451-9414 (h). Friday. 8 p.m., followed by
Oneg; Saturday, 10 a.m., followed by kiddush; Shabbat family Mincha,
Shalosh Seudot, Havdalah, 5 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m.
Beth Tefillah 5065 High Point Rd., 843-2464. Rabbi Yossi New. Friday,
6:15 p.m.; Saturday, Torah discussion, 9 a.m., service 9:30 a.m. Kiddush
will follow.
B'nai Israel (Reform), P.O. Box 383, Riverdale, 30274, 471-3586. Meet
ing at Christ our Hope Lutheran Church. 2165 Hwy. 138, Riverdale.
Margaret Meyer, student Rabbi. Friday, 8 p.m.; Religious school Satur
day. 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Hebrew school, Wednesday.
B'nai Torah (Traditional). 700 Mt. Vernon Hwy., Atlanta, 30328, 257-
0537. Juda H. Mintz, Rabbi. Morning services, Monday and Thursday,
6:50 a.m.; Tues., Wed. and Friday, 7 a.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m.; evening
services. Sunday-Thursday, 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 p.m.; Saturday morning,
8:45 a.m. Kiddush follows Friday and Saturday services. Shabbat even
ing Mincha, Shalosh Seudot, Havdalah begin at the candlelighting time
of the week.
Emanu-EI (Reform), 1580 Spalding Dr., Dunwoody 30338. 395-1340.
Donald Tam, Rabbi. Friday, 8 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.
Etz Chaim (Conservative), I 190 Indian Hills Pky., Marietta. 30067,
973-0137. Shalom Lewis, Rabbi. Friday, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.;
Torah study. 10:15 a.m.; Monday and Thursday, 7 a.m.
Jewish Home 3150 Howell Mill Rd., N.W., 351-8410. Nathan Becker,
chairman. Religious Committee. Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.
Relatives and friends of residents are welcome.
kehillat Chaim (Reform), Office: 141 W. Wieuca Rd., N.W., Suite
202-A, Atlanta, 30342, 252-4441. Harvey J. Winokur, Rabbi. Friday,
Northwest Unitarian Congregation, 1025 Mt. Vernon Hwy., 8:15 p.m.
Kol Emeth (Reform), P.O. Box 71031. Marietta. 30007-1301, 3822 Ros
well Rd., Suite 6, Marietta, 30062. Services with student Rabbi Andrew
Straus every other Friday, 8:15 p.m.. For information, call Debbi Adel-
man, 973-3533.
Or VeShalom (Sephardic), 1681 North Druid Hills Rd., N.E., 633-1737.
S. Robert lchay. Rabbi. Friday, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday,
8:30 a.m.
Reform Jewish Students Committee, Emory University Student Center,
727-6496, Beth Fleet, director. Shabbat services will resume in August.
Shearith Israel (Traditional), 1 180 University Dr., N.E., Atlanta, 30306.
873-1743. Judah Kogen, Rabbi. Arnold Samian, Asst. Rabbi/Director
of Youth Education. Weekday Mincha, Sunday-Thursday, 8:15 p.m.;
Weekday morning, Monday, Thursday, 6:50 a.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday 7 a.m.; Friday, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8:30 a.m., 7:50 p.m.; (fol
lowed by Shalosh Seudot and Havdalah) Sunday, 9 a.m.
Temple Sinai (Reform), 5645 Dupree Dr., N.W., 252-3073. Philip N.
Kranz, Rabbi, Friday. 8:15 p.m.; Saturday, 10:30 a.m.
The Temple ( Reform), I 589 Peachtree Rd., 873-1731. Alvin Sugarman,
Rabbi; Samuel Weinstein, Assoc. Rabbi. Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday,
10:30 a.m.
Yeshiva High (Orthodox), 1745 Peachtree Rd., N.W., 873-1492. Rabbi
Herbert Cohen, Dean. Weekday services at 8 a.m. at the AJCC: Mincha,
2:10 p.m. Community Beit Midrash meets at Beth Jacob Synagogue
Sunday-Thursday, 8 p.m.
Jewish Children’s Service to hold annual meeting
The 1 l()th annual meeting of the
Jewish Children's Service will be
held at 10:30a.m. Sunday, May 18,
at the Standard Club. Attending
w ill be the members of the board of
directors of the JCS from the 18
affiliated southeastern communities,
as well as their executive directors.
Speaker will be Dr. David
Blumenthal, the Jay and Leslie
Cohen Professor of Judaic Studies
at Emory University.
Blumenthal is chairperson of the
department of religion at Emory, a
special adviser to the chairman of
the Holocaust Memorial Council
in Washington, director of the Fred
R. Crawford Witness to the Holo
caust Project, editor of the series
Etudes Sur Le Judaisme Medieval,
and a member of the Continuing
Seminar on Zionist Thought.-He is
also the recipient of several fellow
ships and awards.
The program will also include
the president's report, committee
reports and the elections and in
stallation of officers and new
members to the board. Brunch will
be served.
For reservations and more infor
mation, call the Jewish Children’s
Service, 892-0503.
Fashion fun
Susan Mcknight, owner of Suzin’s (left) and Sandra Mislow,
manager (right), help Ellen Arnovitz, a model in the Ein Karem
Hadassah fashion show, accessorize her outfit.
The fashion show will take place at Ein Karem's closing meet
ing and installation at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 14 at the
Standard Club. Other models are Barbara Babbit, Cheryl Cohn,
Reidy Cimpelson, Ellen Koransky, Valerie Levin, Debbie Sonen-
shine and Patty Stein.
Cost is $12.50. For reservations or information, call Ellen
Arnovitz, 252-0045, or Gail Levitt, 252-9912.
Emory University RJSC Atlanta Lodge will host
elects 1986-87 officers sports columnist Moore
B’nai Torah seeks items
for annual garage sale
Congregation B'nai Torah will
hold its annual garage sale from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, May 25,
at the synagogue.
The congregation is seeking
donations of furniture, appliances,
clothing, toys or other items. For
additional information, or to ar
range for a pick-up, call the office,
FAA’s Barker to wing it
at City College breakfast
The City College Alumni Asso
ciation will hold a breaklast buffet
from 10 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Sunday,
May 18, at the Famous Deli at
Toco Hills Shopping Center.
Jack Barker, public affairs officer
of the Federal Aviation Adminis
tration. will discuss, "Everything
you wanted to know about flying,
but were afraid to ask."
All alumni or former students of
City College, Brooklyn College,
Queens College, Hunter College,
Baruch School and Staten Island
are invited to attend.
Cost is $6 a person, including
tax and gratuity. Reservations are
by check, mailed to Anita Herman,
6717 Ridge Mill Lane, Atlanta,
Ga. 30328, no later than May 12.
For more information, call Sy
Oberlander, 321-5866 (days or
evenings), or Connie Ginger, 237-
1908 (days).
Mt. Scopus Hadassah
officers to be installed
The Mount Scopus Chapter of
Hadassah will hold its installation
of officers at 11:30 a.m. Sunday,
May 25, at the Lanier Plaza Hotel,
1-85 North at Monroe Drive. Brunch
will be served for $10.50 a person.
A musical program will be per
formed by Lucy Wenger. Mrs. Wen
ger studied at Mills College, Oak
land, Calif., where she won several
major fellowships and awards. She
has done extensive recital work
and radio broadcasts both as a sol
oist and chamber music player.
She has taught pianio at the Uni
versity of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand, University of Wis
consin in Milwaukee and the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Reservations are by check, pay
able to Hadassah. Send checks by
May 16 to Elaine Antman. 2686
Parkview Drive, N.E., Atlanta.
Ga. 30345. For more information,
call Diane Braun, 325-3017.
The Reform Jewish Students
Committee (RJSC) of Emory Uni
versity has elected its officers for
the 1986-87 academic year. They
are: Jay Epstein, president; Adam
Beal, vice president; Michele Levine,
secretary; and Nancy Averbach,
treasurer. Ten students were ap
pointed to the general board.
Plans are being made for the
Fall Freshman Orientation Ice
Cream Social. For information
about the RJSC, contact Beth
Fleet at 897-1462.
Temple Sinai to present
Chyatte lecture May 18
Temple Sinai will present its
Samuel B. Chyatte memorial lec
ture in bio-medical ethics at 7:30
p.m. Sunday, May 18 at the syna
Speaker will be Dr. Louis Elsas
II, director of medical genetics,
department of pediatrics at Emory
University. His topic will be “Jew
ish Genetic Disease: Ethics and
The lecture is open to the com
munity. For more information, call
the synagogue, 252-3073.
The Atlanta Lodge of B’nai
B'rith will hold a meeting at 6:30
p.m. Thursday, May 15 at Steak
and Ale, 3039 Buford Highway,
Corporate Square, I block north
of North Druid Hills Road.
Featured will be Terrance Moore,
sports columnist for the Atlanta
Journal/Constitution. Moore was
previously a sports reporter and
columnist for the San Francisco
Examiner and the Cincinnati En
There will be no admission
charge. The community is invited.
Emanu-El Men’s Club
to sell Bob Hope tickets
Temple Emanu-El’s Men’s Club
is selling tickets to see Bob Hope at
the Fox Theatre at 8 p.m. Wednes
day, June 11, and Monday, June
16. All tickets are within 15 feet of
the stage.
Tickets are $30 each and can be
reserved with a check made paya
ble to Temple Emanu-EI, mailed to
Marvin Boaz, I 166 Dunwoody Knoll
Drive, Dunwoody, Ga., 30338. In
clude the night you wish to attend.