Newspaper Page Text
People In The News
Harriet K. Meltzer has been
named executive director of
Congregation Beth Shalom.
Ms. Meltzer, formerly of
Boca Raton, Fla., attended
Rutgers University and Mid
dlesex Community College. She
has served as executive direc
tor for a family counseling
service; was administrator of
a large medical practice, and
has served in an executive
capacity for the county gov
She is a past vice president
of Hadassah, was editor of the
Hadassah Bulletin, and is a
Life Member. She was a vol
unteer at the detention center
for girls in Broward County,
was a charter member and
secretary/treasurer for the Fort
Lauderdale Chapter of the A-
merican Technion Society, and
was a secretary of B’nai B’rith.
Ms. Meltzer was a Volun
teer for Israel in 1983 and
1984 and works to encourage
others to become involved in
the program.
Ms. Meltzer is the mother of
two sons, Bart and Jay.
Dr. Max Walter Reis has
assumed the presidency of
Technion-Israel Institute of
Technology in Haifa, Israel,
succeeding Professor Josef
A member of Technion’s
international board or gover
nors and its executive com
mittee for many years, Reis
had served as vice chairman
of the board since 1984.
Reis, senior vice president
and deputy to the president of
Israel Chemicals Ltd., serves
as chairman of its research
and development subsidiary
IM I, and as director and chair
man of the investment com
mittees of a number of other
subsidiary corporations.
He lives in Haifa with his
wife and two sons.
Bernard Howard, president of the Jewish Home (left), with
(from left) Sue Stern, Jewish Home Auxiliary vice president of
programming; Harold Brockey, member of the Rich Founda
tion board of directors, and Jane Weinstein, auxiliary presi
dent, at the recent Rich Foundation Greenhouse opening at the
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Mrs. Betty Ann Jacobson (center) with Joy Howard (left)
and Phyllis Freedman at the Brandeis University National
Women’s Committee Library Trust event where Mrs. Jacobson
was presented with a bas-relief commissioned by Brandeis and
signed and numbered by sculptor David Aronson. BUNWC
past president Rita LeVine also presented Mrs. Jacobson, on
behalf of Brandeis, two major book collections for the Brandeis
library for graduate and undergraduate study. Contact Dale
Miilman, president, 992-7009, for information about Brandeis.
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