Newspaper Page Text
Page 28 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 1 9, 1 986
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Noted lawyer, Joseph Fine, 78, dies
Joseph Julius Fine of Atlanta
died Friday, Dec. 12. He was 78,
and was born in Macon.
Funeral service was held
Monday, Dec. 15, at The Tem
ple. Interment was at Crest l awn
Memorial Park. Rabbi Alvin
Sugarman officiated.
Mr. Fine, a senior partner in
the law firm of Fine and Block,
practiced law in Atlanta for more
than a half-centurv. He was grad
uated from Marietta High School,
attended Oglethorpe University
and the University of Alabama.
He received a law degree from
the University of Georgia.
He was a supporter of the Uni
versity of Georgia Foundation
and the university’s athletic
Mr. Fine had served on the
board of trustees of the Georgia
Fducational Fund since 1951
He was a three-time president
of the Progressive Club, and par
ticipated in the development and
construction of the Standard Club.
He was a member of the origi
nal committee appointed bv the
city of Atlanta to bring major
sports to the city, and for three
years served as chairman of the
first Atlanta-Fulton County Sta
dium Authority, which he helped
He was a member of the Touch
down Club and served as its pres
ident in 1981. In 1984. he was
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given the l.M. Sheffield Award
b\ the club.
Mr. Fine was a member of the
American. Atlanta and Georgia
bar associations, American Ju
dicature Society and The Temple.
Sur\ i\ ors include his w ite. Mrs.
Naomi Ebner Fine; a daughter.
Ms. Jonee Fine Block; and grand
sons. Lawrence and Dadd Block
Contributions can be made to
the UGA Foundation. Box I472.
Athens 30613.
Helen L. Spector
Mrs. Helen I ipsit/ Spector of
Atlanta died Tuesday, Dec. 16.
She was 82.
Graveside service was held
Wednesday. Dec. 17. at Green
wood Cemetery. Rabbi Harry H.
Epstein and Cantor Isaac Good-
friend officiated.
Mrs. Spector was a member of
Ahavath Achim Synagogue.
Survivors include her daugh
ters, Mrs. Dell S. Asher of At
lanta and Mrs. Irvin Serenco of
Memphis, Tenn.; and six grand
Rosalie Mayer
Miss Rosalie 1.. Mayer of
Atlanta died Saturday, Dec. 13.
Cryptside service was held
Monday. Dec. 15, at Westview
Abbev. Rabbi Samuel R. Wein
stein officiated.
Survivors include her sister,
Mrs. J.C. I oeb of Atlanta; niece
Carolyn Weil of Warren, N.J.;
and nephew, l ewis M. 1 oeb of
Jacksons ille. Fla.
Contributions can be made to
the \merican Heart Association.
Eizenstat Unveiling
I he unveiling ceremony in
memory of Leo Eizenstat will
take place at I I a.m. Tuesday,
Dec. 30. at Greenwood Cemetery.
Rabbi Marvin Richardson w ill
Eva Alembik
Mrs. Eva Alembik of Atlanta
died Monday. Dec. 15. She was
(iraveside service was held
Tuesday, Dec. 16, at Crest Lawn
Memorial Park. Rabbi Man Feld
man officiated.
Mrs. Alembik was a survivor
of the Holocaust.
She was a member of Beth
Jacob Sisterhood, Anshe S'Fard
Synagogue, Hadassah, Amit
Women (formerly American Miz-
rachi Women) and Hemshech.
Survivors include her husband,
Morris Alembik; nieces, Mrs. Lisa
Silverman, Mrs. Ellen Sunness;
three great-nieces and one great-
Dr. Hanna Moser dies at 79
Dr. Hanna Melzer Moser, 79.
of Atlanta died Saturday, Dec.
A memorial service was held
Wednesday. Dec. 17, at The
1 emple.
Dr. Moser was born in Bres
lau, Germany, now a part of
Poland. She received her medical
degree from the University of
She fled Germany for New
York in 1937. After 34 years in
private practice. Dr. Moser joined
the Veterans Administration as a
staff physician, retiring as assist
ant chief of staff at Lyons, N.J.,
Veterans Hospital in 1971.
Dr. Moser was a retired direc
tor of the adult division of the
Georgia Mental Health Institute,
Sandy Springs Chapel
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^jitik'H\il|>irk v
and a retired clinical assistant
professor of psychiatry at Emory
She was named a life fellow of
the American Psychiatric Asso
ciation in 1981.
Dr. Moser served as a psychi
atric consultant to the Atlanta
Jew ish Federation, Georgia Bap
tist Hospital, the Center for
Psychotherapy and the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of
H ospitals.
Survivors include her sons,
Robert D. Moser of Decatur and
Dr. Charles R. Moser of San
Francisco; a stepdaughter. Dr.
Marianne Kriman of Westfield,
N.J.; a brother. Dr. Karl Mel/er
of Nottingham. England; two
grandchildren; and a step-grand
Contributions can be made to
the Jewish Home, Wesley Woods
or Georgia Baptist Medical
Prof. Zabrodsky, 50,
killed in auto accident
Alexander Zabrodsky, 50, pro
fessor of mathematics at Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, was
killed recently in an automobile
accident near Rochester. N.Y.
He had been spending his sabbat
ical year as a guest professor at
the University of Rochester.
Burial was in Jerusalem.
Prof. Zabrodsky, who had an
international reputation among
mathematicians, served as a visit
ing professor at the University of
Chicago, the University of Cali
fornia at San Diego and at Prin
ceton University and was a mem
ber of the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton.
Born in 1936 in Tel Aviv, he
received his bachelor of arts and
master's degrees from the Tech-
nion and his Ph.D. from Prince
ton University. In 1970, he joined
the faculty of the Hebrew Uni
He is survived by his wife and
two daughters.
Roberts-Shields Memorial Company
Monuments of
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008 Brady Ave., N.W. (off Howell Mill Rd.) 885-
Reprcsented hy Arnold Feldman — 355-1624