The Spelman spotlight. (Atlanta , Georgia) 1957-1980, March 01, 1958, Image 9

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Page Five THE SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT March, 1958 (Qm£. ' Greetings,fellow toilers l Did you cane through your exams unscathed? Any way, if you didn’t, it is too late now. I checked my mailbox for ’’letters to the editor", but none were forthcoming. I suppose you are satisfied with the wa y things are going around here. Speaking of letters to the editor, Helen Kerr and I have declared a (tempo rary) truce. That is why her letter that she didn’t write isn’t there. A person attending the recent YWCA area meeting held on the campus remarked that Spelman students lacked the ’’guts” to stand up for what they believed. I wanted to challe/vjo her, but I was afraid that she would be able to point up in stances to prove her point and that I wouldn’t. Now, I’d like to auk youj”Are Spelman students afraid to stand up for what they believe and what do they believe While we’re on the subject of Spel man, what about a little school pride? I know (don’t I after three years) that everything isn’t good, in fact some things are bad. We all know that (too well, I think). We also know that sane things are not so bad, in fact, they are good. We should try to see some of the good things as well as the bad. Of course, it is still necessary to work for the removal of the bad things(no comments here), but thtere is no point in our losing our objec tivity. We can still hold our heads up proudly and say, "I ’m a Spelman woman S’ A-M-S PLAYERS PRESENT ” SABRINA FAIR" by Geneva E. Evans Mr. Cochran has done it again 1 The A-M-S Players’ performances of ■"'Sabrina Fair" Friday and Saturday even ings in Howe Hall gave Spelman theatre goers a rare treat. The costuming and sets were all that could be desired. The lighting effects were also extremely effective. The casting was superb. Phyllis McKinney,as MMude Larabe^gave a convincing portrayal of a Long Island society matron. Maria'n Pitts handled her role as Julia, a worldly-wise career woman. The role was a difficult one that required a cer tain degree of sophistication and Miss Pitts rose admirably to the occasion. The male a.ctors are also to be com mended. Joseph Town as Linus Larabee, Sr.- was effective in his portrayal of a once- powerful man seeing his son assuming his power. Melvin McCaw was appealing as the younger son of Larabee. Johnnie Popwell brought to the role of Linus, Jr. hasculine charm that helped to make up for his deficiencies as an actor. Barbara P.makirr who wot only played <Sabrina, but who was Sabrina, captured p.n>i held the audience from the inoirant pf her first entrance. She brought to jthe play a spontaneity and gaiety thac is iaot often seen on the Spelman stage. The rest of the cast is to be commend" : ed for its fine performance. In closing* A toast to the ”UP 1 s I 0UT OF THE EDITOR’S INKWELL(con’t,) Cut system, cut system, whyfore art thou? Orchids 1 to all of you who went to the State Legislature. All of us are preud of you. That’s the spirit I like to see. I’m really glad to see that the Snack Shop has instituted a new system of serv ing checks. It should make for better pervice. The SPOTLIGHT wishes to congratulate Misses Marian Wright and Roslyn Pope on receiving the grant to study abroad in 1958-59. Spelmanites, why so rude in chapel? jit really isn’t necessary,you know, to Comment on the speaker during his or hei ppeech. Well, until next time...