The Spelman spotlight. (Atlanta , Georgia) 1957-1980, November 01, 1958, Image 5

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Published by the students, of -pel -on C olle~e, Atlanta } 0 eorgia Editor anaging editor Feature :ditor ■ T cv;s ’/litor exchange ditor Society Tditor Snorts Editor Art editor Copy :ditor Publication Editor 13 usiness unager Subscription Bpr. June rector Forma wilson Hary Lchols Elizabeth HcDugle Jeanolle Stovall Jane Bond June King Gustina Jones Francis Odom Joy Traylor Ann i'-v-rd H erschelle Sullivan Secretary Johnnie Tate Typists Sheila Cunningham, Clara Dodson, j- arian ’ atson „ ' .arian Tsler, Corirrnc Long Faculty Advisors r. Henry host rs» Senate l.olff Hary Fllis, ary F. Letts, Luzon Barbara deal, Joan Anthony, . arilyn Fran cis, Jacquelyn Johnson, Jacquelyn -Smith Dorothy Alexander, Ola Kinsey, Lucille Fultz, Desiree Jett, Judith Owens, Ruby rley, Huellen : organ, Gwendolyn Harris, Geneva Avans, 1. Do something about the ''dining room? Lately girls have been finding un desirable things in i.heir food and water. 2. Do something abort the snack shop prices? It seers unreasonable that to take out drinks and icc crow ,t o have to pay a five cent charge or cups. TTovr can a non- profit organization charre more than profit-raabinn stores? '"e -re a< our--- tive paying audience and are bring to iron advantage of. 3, Support Student Government? With out our banking, 5.1 is helpless. U. Speak vr, for curs elves? Spelman women a>*.; srttf.nv a ieoutsihon lor being full cf fan out P"t hawing any opini ons of the - , r :v.e> Take devr the barriers in front of the dome .vovorau end • unday nigh** Then the bo* nv." ug w.udonts core crncR eu campus, we d; forced to u. Ik na-A a block carry:n heavy parcels© 6, Stick tog. -cj-ia- and suroort the newer v.hcr, attack* o by tnc a« lunnae. Tines change, and to compote in the future, we nust be educated, in the present, not 1910. Student Government 3y June Hector Through earnest endsavor,Student gov ernment is on our campus again this year. I sincerely believe that student represen tation is a very important factor in pre paring us to become alert, active and re sponsible citizens, and to contribute to the expansion of the college. A govern ment of Spelean College students was esta blished by the students, faculty, and ad ministration to develop an cowrit do corps to develop tcclmiqucs necessaryTor the assumption by students of responsibilities in a democratic socr’.etyj to promote stu dent self-discielino and leadership, to encourage high standards of school con duct*, schlarship and morals j and to develop a spirit of cooperation in the college community* "STHTFI-'T nOV'BHHDiD continued ithout the student body there would be no institution# For the build ings do not make up the institution.Thos© pconle are represented by the groups,the administration and the students, but there is little student representation without the Spelman Student Government Association. Cur encouragement," backing,, criticisms and cooperation v/ith our stu dent loaders will largely determine the continuation of student government on our campus. The Spelman Student Government As sociation is composed of four bodies:The Spelman Student’s Association, the £tu* Council, the Judiciary Board, and the Board of Review* (conitnued on page U)