The Spelman spotlight. (Atlanta , Georgia) 1957-1980, March 01, 1959, Image 3

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mlrrtll scttolap.beirs ktarjitd to r o & a‘ t it '■ For the third consecutive year the Charles E. Terrill Foreign Study grant has been awarded to deserving Spelnanitss. This year the recipients arc Miss Delores Betts and Miss Herschelle Sullivan. The ^3000 scholarships, award e d by r. Merrill, are for study and tra vel abroad for a year end two summers. Seeing the need for a wore general and broader education of young pocole in the United States, he made available these scholarships. After traveling and studying abroad, these students are ex- occted to return to the Spelean comnm- nity for one year, to help enrich the lives of Spelman students and to give service to the community. Miss Delores Betts, a junior a t Spelman, is najoring in. English and plans to study in .nrland. She is ac tive in her dormitory and class organi sations and the English:. Club. M iss Betts is a fine example of onr of Snel- man’s working students. Miss Herschelle Sullivan, also a junior, is majoring in social science and is desirous of studying interna tional relations in either France or Switzerland. She is active as vies president ox the CoGA, president of the Social Science Club, and is in the ATS Players. Also, iss Sullivan works in the Spelman Library. These young ladies possess the nec- essary qualities wi >ch enabled them to be chosen over other Spelman students. These desired qualities are scholastic ability, intellectual curiosity, ea o- tional stability, and service to the school. RELIGIOUS • "-ItASTG WAS HELD The week of ’ arch 1st w a s simnated as Religious Emphasis Meek; the there for this yearwas "The Christ ian Tclirion Speaks to the Crisis of or Times." Dr. Garuel Gandv, college minister of Dillard University,was ,the general Religious Emphasis Desk speaker for the Atlanta University Center. Reverend Thoras Kilgore, Jr., pas tor of the Friendship Baptist Church in Few fork City, was the Religiose Empha sis Leek sneaker for Snclran. Representing the Spelman S t udent Body on the Religious Emphasis Reek com mittee in the Atlanta University Center was Dorothy Coleman, senior; Barbara Weal, junior. Mary Baro n ' was se lected as student chairman of the acti vities at Spelman. Assisting her wa sr n ygr a Taylor and Betty Price. U em bers of the faculty and staff represent ing Spelman on the joint Religions Em phasis Rook Committee for the Atlanta University Center were "rs. Irene Asbury, Mr. Robert Cole, Dr. i.llis James, :■ iss argu.eritc Simon, and Rev. Worman Rates. FACULTY '"iTT3 : T > .S ACHIEVES Mrs. A. U. Sanders, a member of the Spelman “hglish Department, has rs- ccived a Danforth Fellowship for ad vanced study during the next sch od year. Mrs. Sanders will work tows rd her Ph.U. degree in English Literature at Indiana University. Her husband, Mr. E. A. San d ers who is in the Music Department will also study at Indiana University toward his p h.D. degree in music. v.'o on the newspaper staff w 0 u Id like to congratulate both the Sanders’ and wish for then a profitable year. Pare One -- "THE SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT BULLETIN* March, - } 959 A Jr. ■y 1, l ) ' 1 I -Ui LU L '\C * < i ) 1 L^ v - ''■* GJ f Gy I 1