The Spelman spotlight. (Atlanta , Georgia) 1957-1980, December 19, 1968, Image 1

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VOL. XXV, NO. 5 SPELMAN COLLEGE ATLANTA, GEORGIA DECEMBER 19. 1968 | Stokely J Speaks ? The untogetherness of the students in the A.U. Center in terms of their relation to their administrations and their blackness was classicly evi denced by the farce that oc curred on the evening of Dec. 11. Stokley Carmichael, orig inator of the term Black Pow er, founder of Sncc and Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, had been scheduled to speak in Archer Hall on Morehouse’s campus a week prior to his arrival in Atlanta. At the last minute, the SGA and admin istration of Morehouse College locked the doors of the gym nasium, thereby precluding the possibility of having any kind of speech held there. Read Hall was then opened and Mr. Carmichael was urged to speak there — reluctantly he consented. Before any significant prog ress could be made in the lec ture, an unidentified young lady demanded that all whites be ushered out of the room. Other students in the audience picked up the cry and some whites left. The incident came to a head, however, when Dr. Melvin Drimmer of the His tory Department refused to leave and was hit by an angry student. Following this series of events, Mr. Carmichael, thoroughly disgusted, left. A Placement Center Has Teacher's Fair The Atlanta University Ca reer Planning and Placement Center and the Department of Education of the schools in the Atlanta University Center sponsored a two day Teach er’s Fair December 12 and 13. Students preparing to teach talked with representatives of approximately fifty school sys tems from all over the United States. Many were interviewed for teaching positions. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Randolph of the Charlotte-Meeklenburg School System was the guest speaker at the Teacher Educa tion Convocation Thursday, December 12. Dr. Audrey Forbes Brings Medical Team Dr. Audrey Forbes of the class of 1955 was the guest speaker in chapel, Tuesday, December 10. She and a team of doctors from The Univer sity of Chicago’s School of Medicine came to our campus to interview pre-med and sci ence majors from all the in stitutions in the A.U. Center, for the University of Chicago’s School of Medicine. Dr. Forbes is an instructor in the Department of Pedi- few students, hoping for the return of Mr. Carmichael, lingered on in the gym, some made pleas to others for action against the kinds of “totali tarianism” of the administra tions that initially caused the upset. atrics, University of Chicago’s Woodlawn child Health Cen ter. She graduated from Me- harry Medical School in 1959 and studied there on a tuition scholarship from the Jesse Smith Noyes Foundation. She has also studied Newborn Physiology at the University of Illinois under a national Insti tute of Health Fellowship. In 1962 she was honored by be ing selected Zeta Phi Beta “Woman of the Year” and in 1965 by inclusion in Outstand ing Young Women in Ameri ca. She is a member of the American Academy of Pedi atrics and has many publica tions, to her credit. Since 1966 Dr. Forbes has been serving on the Spelman College Board of Trustees. 42nd Carol Concert Said Best Ever by Dr. Roland Allison The 42nd Christmas Carol Concert bore all the usual characteristics of past years: the Spelman College Com munity was in a frenzy of yuletide excitement. For the uninitiated — the freshmen and the new members of the faculty — here was a real ex ample of hallowed tradition, as the numerous areas of the college united to make this concert the best ever. To be frank, one found it difficult to determine if or whether the music prepared by the music organizations was the major contributor of the Christmas Spirit which was engendered during the three nights of performance, De cember 13, 14 and 15. Cer tainly the decorations, so me ticulously planned and ar ranged, established serenity and majesty for the musical offerings which followed. Too, the heightened anticipations surrendered the receptive hearts and eager spirits of those who came to partake of this significant, annual presen tation in Sisters Chapel. The program consisted of Negro spirituals, African de rivatives, traditional Christmas carols, and outstanding ar rangements of carol melodies. The Glee Clubs of Morehouse College and Spelman College each sang five selections, but the greater portion of the per formance was done by the able members of the Spelman- Morehouse Chorus. It would be difficult to specify the high point of the program, for the audience participation, a very worthy tradition of the Con cert, seemed to be genuine ventilaiton of the listeners’ feeling, as there was no ap plause. (Continued on Page 3) Dr. Audrey Forbes is dedicated pediatrician and one of Spelman’s many successful graduates.