The Spelman spotlight.
February 01, 1979
Image 4
The Spelman spotlight., February 01, 1979, Image 4
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About The Spelman spotlight. (Atlanta , Georgia) 1957-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1979)
Newspaper Page Text
Nikolais Entertains Atlanta
Modern dance will da/zle
Atlanta audiences when the Niko
lais Dance Theatre presents its uni
que display of color and motion on
Saturday, February 17. On the
stage of the magnificent Fox Thea
tre, this extraordinary company
will give one performance only at
8:30 p.m.
Alwin Nikolais is generally, rec
ognized as a pioneer in the world of
multi-media dance theater. His
eomapny’s previous appearance in
Atlanta was in March of 1977
when they played to a sold-out
house in Symphony Hall. Their
upcoming performance will
include two recent premiere works.
“Casting,” and “Gallery, 1 "as well as
“Suite from Sanctum," which is
one of their most popular pieces.
^Tickets are available at all SEATS
Premiered on April 20. 1978 in
New York City. “Castings" por
trays the ten dancers as machine
parts. Encased in silvery costumes,
they perform in couples atop dif
ferent sized pedestals that become
their stages. “Castings" has a brev
ity and sharpness that is stunning
as the group of dancers rock back
and forth in gymnastic postures,
joined by metal-like rods that
accentuate their piston-like move
ments. Steam-like sounds in the
Nikolais electronic score further
enhance this marvelous blend of
theatrical elements.
“Gallery,” which was also pre
miered last April, is characteristic
of Alwin Nikolais’elaborate light
ing and costumes that turn the
dancers into intriguing abstract
lorms. First the dancers are seen as
dolls bobbing up and down like
targets in a shooting gallery. The
second part of “Gallery” shows
them encased in high pink sacks
that bounce and stretch like bubble
gum. Only because Nikolais has
trained his dancers for outstanding
muscular control can they move so
effectively inside their pliable
stretch jerseys.
All of "Gallery" proceeds under
black lights with wall projections
beautifully transforming the stage
and the dancers for Nikolais' dra
matic style of symbolism. From a
shooting gallery representing
humanity to a funhouse where
pinksacked dancers scoot around
in genuine merriment. “Gallery” is
one of Mr. Nikolais’ strongest
w'orks. full of wit and wonder for
his distinctive technique.
Closing the evening will be
"Suite from Sanctum.”
Entertainment Quiz
Between all the studying done in the AUC, everyone must take some
time out for relaxation and entertainment. Take this quiz to see if you
have been relaxing or just hitting the books.
1. What well known black comedian plays the wizard in the movie
"The Wiz.?”
2. What movie starring Donald Sutherland is a remake of a 1956
movie of the same name?
3. Which comic book characters are now a movie and a popular
television show?
4. What movie has led to television programs and general interest in
sororities and fraternities?
5. Where is mork of “Mork and Mindy” from?
6. Who is the newest black child star in television?
7. What program does he play in?
8. In the television series, “What’s Happening,” who are the three
major characters?
9. What’s the newest sensation in musical style?
10. What trio of brothers helped to bring success to “Saturday Night
Fever” through their music?
11. What are the names of the Bee Gees?
12. What is their newest record?
13. Who produced much of the music in the movie “The Wiz.”
14. In the song "Fire” by the Pointer Sisters, what well known lovers
(couples) are mentioned?
15. What song has reached the number one spot in the national Top
40, three times by the same group?
16. What do the O and J in O. J. Simpson stand for?
17. What is the nickname of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ defensive line?
18. Who is Woody Hayes?
19. What led to his eventually losing his job?
20. What is the real name of “Dr. J.” and what team does he play for?
answers on page 8
MCAT-DAT Review Course
LSAT Review Course
Take the courses individually in Atlanta
in 3 to 5 days.
P. O. Box 77034, Atlanta, GA 30309
phone (404) 874-2454
continued from page 1
On Jan. 15, it was the honorees
of King who marched. Ms. King
and others marched to the capital
to push for legislation making Jan.
15 a state holiday.
That night the annual benefit
concert was given by Stevie
Wonder. This was a special occa
sion, because Wonder rarely gives
Others who attended the six day
celebration were Senators Herman
Talmadge (D-Ga.) and Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.); Mayor
Richard Hatcher of Gary, Indiana;
U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young;
and Prime Ministers Ola Ulisten of
Sweden and Kurt Frydenland ol
On the day of King’s birthday,
flowers and wreaths were received
from all over the world in memory
of King.