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Page 8 - Spelman Spotlight
News Briefs
Yqu can use the exposure
offered to you by the Toastmasters
Club of Atlanta University. Toast
masters enhances one’s public
speaking abilities through pre
pared speeches, impromptu
speeches, debates and symposi
ums. Undergraduate students from
the A. U. Center are encouraged to
attend its weekly meetings every
Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00.
For further information contact
Kim Wade at 799-0620 or Ron
Taylor at 524-9803.
A class in self defense will be
taught this semester to all inter
ested AUC women by Willie O.
Manson, an investigator for the
AUC Department of Public
Safety. There is a fee of $7.00 per
month for the class which will be
held every Tuesday and Thursday
from 6:30-8:00. The first session
will be held January 30th in Read
Hall on Spelman’s campus.
Mr. Manson, who holds a
second degree black belt in Karta
Karate and in Silon kung-fu, will
be teaching the class specifically to
enable Women to defend them
selves against aggressors. Punches,
kicks, throws, falls, disarming wea
pons and defense against one or
two attackers will be taught. Medi
tation sessions will also be held.
The classes were held last semes
ter and in addition to learning tech
niques to defend themselves
students have said that the medita
tion sessions have helped them
develop their concentration and
discipline which is beneficial to
their studies.
Most AUC women have heard
the stories concerning girls that
have been attacked and/ or robbed.
AUC women are taught to work on
the buddy system and to avoid
being out alone at night. It’s no fun
to live in fear of being attacked by a
rapist or mugger. Now there’s a
chance to do something about it.
Entertainment Quiz Answers
1. Richard Pryor
2. “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”
3. Superman and the Hulk
4. “Animal House”
5. Ork
6. Gary Coleman
7. “Different Strokes”
8. Duane, Roger and Rerun
9. Disco
10. The Bee Gees
11. Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb
12. “Too Much Heaven”
13. Quincy Jones
14. Romeo & Juliet and Samson & Delilah
15. “Le Freak” by Chic
16. Orenthal James
17. The Steel Curtain
18. Former Coach for Ohio State
19. Assaulting a player in the Gator Bowl
20. Julius Erving of the Philadelphia 76ers
17-20: Very Good. You are probably a very relaxed person.
13-16: Not bad, you’re getting there.
9-12: You need to take a break a little more often
0-8: Completely left out. What do you do for entertainment?
Requirements: 20 to 38 yrs of age,
high school diploma or GED equivalent,
20/50 vision or 20/20 w/glasses, valid
driver’s license, good physical and
mental health.
Selected applicants will serve as firefighters
and police officers during 24 hr day
operation. Salaries range from $10, 465 to
$11,830. Receive automatic salary increases
every yr for the first six yrs.
Excellent Benefits: 2 wks paid vacation,
clothing allowance, sick leave, good pension,
paid health insurance, paid training.
If you are interested and meet the requirements,
contact Bureau of Personnel Operations/ City
Hall Annex, 260 Central Ave., SW, 658-6161
or call Police Bureau (658-6040), Fire Bureau
(658-6901) Mon - Fir, 8:15 am to 4:30 pm.
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