Standard of union and free trade advocate. (Sparta, Ga.) 1833-183?, April 26, 1834, Image 3

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Administration, end he fa applauded as a Her cules. 3dly. On the other hand, Mr. Gilmer takes up the Alabama controversy—aboes the President —The* goes in broadly against the Bank, aud in open opposition to ihe principles of Mr. Wilde and they say well done Mr. Gilnier. 4thly. Judge Clayton goes to Congress two years ago, breathitig out threatenings against the Bank,—procures a committee of investigation— examines it to his hearts content, and finds it rot ten to the core—returns to the next Congress, and votes that the deposites are not safe in its beeping, thereby instructing the President, as far os his vote could go, to remove them borrows a few thousand from this same rotten institution Returns and cogitates a season—reviews his course, end at the present session takes back what little he had ever said on the subject, and abuses Gen. Jackson most furiously for removing the deposites —•and yet he is one of the magnates of (he party. It seems to us, that the only true standard by which a party should be judged is its principles; mid the only rational mode by which they are to be ascertained, is, from the men and measures if .supports; and judging the State Rights party of Georgia by that standard, it will he found want ing iu the essential qualities which marked the party bearing that name, in the struggles of 98, 69, and 11(00. Ihe eyes of the people are fast opening to the objects of this party. They are daily and hourly becoming more satisfied that * the obiect is power—that the party is formed of a beterogeniou* association of the discontented and disappointed every where; that it supports men upon the extremes of States Rights and consolida tion —That the man who would sell the govern ment and the people to a great monied monopoly, is enjoying the sunshine of their favor, equally with him, who is honestly laboring to sustain the constitution and the people against the deadly fangs ot the monster. i\o party can long exist in an enlightened com munity, without some definite and settled princi ples, upon which it must act in good faith, to en title it to public respect; but a party which as eiunts the name of State Rights, and supports men in open acts of consolidation, cannot stand. The people have eyes and they wijl see. MR. CALHOUN WOUND UP . It seems, that since the final vote in the Senate of the United States upon ‘he deposite question, Mr. Clay has left hi* friend Calhoun to shift for him-tlf It is just what we expected and pre dicted, from our knowledge of the superior tact, talent and bolduess of Mr. Clay, as compared With Mr. Calhoun. • The compromise tariff was a net cast by Mr. 1 Clay, fur the purpose of Gshing up Mr. Calhoun i and his followers to the support of the Bank, and bow well he succeeded, is now matter of history. Having made as much a he expected out of Blr. Calhoun, he leaves him to his fate. The Bank question being disposed of, Mr. Cal houn pounce® upon the ‘‘Bloody Bill,” in the confident hope of finding Mr. ( lay by his side but alas for poor nullification, Mr. (May wa not ♦here. Fie did not consider the “Bloody Bill” altogether so Bloody neither; and what was more —he thought “Congress was the proper Judge of its own powers” &o. and spoke of enforcing them ! *‘at the point of the Bayonet.’’ And here end? a brief copartnership, in which one of the stockholders has pocketed the other's capital, so adroitly, as to leave the iosmg party wholly without remedy. Mr. Calhoun, in common parlence, is now “at | the eiad of his row;” He is Cirly caught in the dead fall which he had prepared for old Hickory, and from which he can only escape, wounded and disgraced. How now, with the State Rights people who have been so bepraising Mr. Clay for some time past? Take back, we suppose, what they have said, or pas it over sub. si. , We are no Pharisee, but we do feel thankful, that we have nothing of praise, inconsiderately bestowed upon either, to tak-i back. We have long considered them both ambitious and design ing men, aud unsafe politicians—entertaining no settled principles, hut the principle of promoting their own interests, right or wrong. Nullification must be rather a small concern at Washington, bbout this time. Will not Mr. Uaigh nor Mr. Webster lend a helping hand—? “Ala® poor Yorrick.” — nan*— “Hampden” is received ; the length of the B uk Reports compel us to defer it* publication, as well as other matter, until oex week; HEAD. Q UAR VERS. 3 d Div G i. ) JMilledgeville, March 13, 133. $ DIVISION ORDERS. IN pursuance of general order* of the Commander in Chief, the annual fieview bud Inspection of the 3d Division ot Geor gia Mtiilia’tiy regiments and Battalion* will lake place at their respective muster grounds on the days following viz: In the county of Clark on Tuesday the 6th May. In the county of Morgan on Friday and Saturday the 9th and 10th May. In the county of Oglethorpe on Tuesday the 13tb May. In the county of Green on Thursday and Friday the 15 and 16'h May. In tVie county of Putoain on Saturday the 24th May. In the county of Baldwin on Saturday the H May. On the respective day* immediately pre ceding the reviews and ln-peclion in the above named counties, ihe commissioned ami non-commissioned oflTi-.vra of Regiment* end Ratfailion* will be asset&bled for in struction and drill. The Colonels of Regiments and conaman ders of Batialiions will instruct their Adju tants to Dote in their returns to the L<i_ ede Inspectors the several oncers wh have failed to uniform themselves within thn time prescribed by law. Fhe-e d-h ---f !pr>o. j will also be ooted io Hie Brignth returns. i e commanding General expert a Strict compliance with orders. A rigid dis cipline and subordination will be enforced nod all infractions promptly punished public duties will prevent his attendance on blithe Reviews, the Generals of Brigade) will attend id person to the eseculiou ol Ibeir orders. By command of M*j. Geo. Sanford. S. ROCKWELL, Division Insp'or. March 2* > W ‘ :er - UNION MEETING. In consequence of the self styled “State Rights ” Party of Upson county having re cently organized by the formation of an ” Association ” and adopting a constitution for the Government oj the c arae, Up Citizens ot Upson County, belong ing to the Union Democratic Republican Party , are invited to attend a meeting to be held in Thomaston, Up?on county Ga on the third Saturday (17th) in May nrxf, for the purpose of deviling such mearuresj of self-defence, and for the preservation of our Republican institutions, as they in tb Mr vrisdom may deem necessary. Union and State Flights] Ticket for Flan cock Count sj. FOR SE.JYATIi. H 1 ,2 SI. BAZTBH, BSQ. FOR REPRESENTATIVES. A. a. 33 HQ WIST, 30SQ. JAIYISS Cv. 11SQ. JOHN L. SWXW3ffS7. 1132. Warren Caunty , April 11, 1034. Mr R 0 BIN ** OF7 i I beg the liberty of submitting, through the Standard, to the freemen of ibis Com,- ; ty, who are devoted to the just ngh sot Hie States and the Union ot the Slates, the lol loping Union Slate Right? ticket. FOR SENATE ARTHUR MUNCRIEF, ESQ. FOR REPRESEJVTA TIVES. ADAM JONES, ESQ WM. CASTLEBERRY, ESQ SOLOMON WILDER, E'Q I think that they are all good men and true and will receive a hearty support from the friends of well regulated LIBERTY. MILITARY fyili at. t* w ENCAMPMENT. A N encampment will commence at Macon on ±\_ Monday, the sth of May next, and continue for on*- week, the ground selected, is in the im mediate vicinity, of the city, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country, and calculated for the accommodation of a many companies as may come. The Volunteer corps of the State are cordially invited to attend, ‘i enu. Marques and all other necessary equip .ges will be provided. Good board will be tunii-hed by the sutler, at the rate of 75 cts. per day. Pre viously to the breaking up ol the encampment, gold medal will be shot for by the uempan: c present. Lieut. Z. T. CONNER, “) Segt. CHAMPLAIN, Q Con i. bu;on, ; 3 Privates WILSON, 2 MORGAN, I S’ WILLIAMS, 1 DAM ELL. J Macon, April 3, 1834. FARMERS BANK OF CII ATTAHOO TIEE. > Columbus, Ga. April 7th, 1834 $ Stockholders of the Farmers Bank ot i Ghattahoohee are hereby required to pm an instalment of Ten Dollars per share, at the Bank, in Columbus, on the second Monday in June next. HENRY H. FIELD. Cashier. March 12, 1834 13 Office of Superintendent Roads, At. Eastern Dir Walkinsvittc, \olft April, 1834. ; TEA HOSE persons who have demands ngain-t j JL the S'ate for services rendered or articles furnished for the public hands, ir. this division and who have neglected to band them in for set tlement, are notified that I am prepared to settle them, if sent to me property attested and receipt ed, before the 15th day o May —at which time, the concerns of this division will be closed. WILLIAM C. LYMAN. Supermtendant kc. Federal Union Southern Recorder, Journal and Southern Banner will publish tin notice 4 times, & hand their accounts to the office of Federal Union for settlement. OLD LOT number four ii-;tu!r p (! ;nd 1* eighty m the thud district of the third section ol originally Cherokee county. Pumpkin Vine Creek rung through this L-n near ns centre. It is said to contain Gold Apply to N. B. JULIAN. Agent, at .Milledgeville. February 8, 1834 3i—l CO”Tbe Cherokee Intelligencer and the Southern Banner ere requested to give the above three insertions N. B. J. WANTED. 3 OU 4 UOOD MILCH COWS. Enquire of the Printer. Milledgeville, April 19. 13. BU r 1 LIU JUST received, and tor sale, low for cash, 1,000 pounds tre?h Fi? kin BUT TER; and a lor of CRANBERRIES and Dried FRUIT Apply ’o COOK & MICKLEJOHN. March 8, 1831—3:—0 ITIFE SIAMESE TWINS. Fi t two days tdy. Ti jE UN ’■ T s D TWIN SHOHTERS cHAzva-sm, Respectfully make known t the Ladies and Gentlemen of Milledgeville, ml its neighbor hood, that it i thpir iotentionto be in that place for two day? only frprTkey will be at Dr. Preens Tavern, on Wednesday and Thursday , 30r/i April, and Ist. .May. ADMITTANCE FIFTY CENTS. The hours of admission to their room will be from one in the afternoon . till three. 03-PAMPHLETS, containing e.o historical account, and al*o an esgraved portrait of the Twins, can be bad at (heir room only price 25 cents. (tv \o RE APMtssov ”n “”tr Mall U. i j tills Having completed a large and commodious i Shop, and supplied himself with several Fust Rate Workman, and a full and select stock ot Iron, Steel, md other material? is now reailv to execute Blacksmiths work in it? various hr inches, jn St.peri>r stylo Plan tation Utensil? unanufactjrod and repaired; i Carriages and Waggons neatly and ul>9ian liatly Ironed; H shod, and all other bu?i ne?? in bis hue, performed ia the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Spnrin, G. \ April 26. ts—ls. Splendid Confectionary. JOHN M. SHARP ? AVING reccutly re turned (rom Cl<arie9- #l..yL *nn, eilr-rs for sale a g. assur meut o! ihe choicest articles m his Ine ol bu-mess, consisting of sip-fi r Braodv, Gin, Rum, Win®, Cordials, Ftuils, Preserve?, P,cities he. kc. k'- I’ geUißr a large and elegant ass .rtmerit of : Ft tn P> rtomery. Ait which are offered at moderate prices. Ap i126,183L 2f. —lG. INSURANCE BANK. OF COLUMBUS, Bth April, 1831. His Ercellmry IVUson I.vmpl in, Sik—ln obi-dtemu: f.<* taw, I enclose you a statement ot ilic art.i-rss of this i.-.stitution on tk<: 7th instant, to gether wr!i a list of R ! o<-kliolders —it will be seen we iavo but a small amount in suit or under protest, and under the peculiar e.nv nmstances attending the present ’teoumary all iir- of the country, I l'-e.l grateful to have il to my power to say, I consider our business entirely safe. With great respect, .1 C. WATSON, President. A genera’ sttttr>nmt of the affairs of the Insurance Panic of Columbus on Monticy. the 7 lh of April, 1834. DR. To capital stock paid in, $150,000 “ Notes issued, 298,400 “ “ on iiaud, 139,241 “ in circulation, 159,159 “ amoun: due to oilier banks, ‘ 2a,388 92 1 amount <>f dividends uncalled for, 675 “ amount of undivided profits, 10,539 86 “ Surplus Fund, 4 554 81 “ Individual Deposites, 67,992 44 $421,209 03 OR. By notes discounted runivng tomafur : ty, .$125,599 06 “ “ and under protest, ti,175 “ “ “ “ in suit, 365 “ bills of exchange running to maturity, 120,301 49 “ “ “ in suit, 6,3.>0 “ amount due from other banks, 30,583 35 “ amount due from agents, 9,786 12 “ banking house and lot, $,131 45 “ |irotesi, account, 55 75 “ caali, vi/.: “ silver hi vault, 91,963 21 “ gold “ “ 4,000 other bank notes of Geo. 27,876 $121,209 03 I List of Stockholders in the Insurance Hank of Colum bus, on the ~th of April, 1834. Amt. paid on Names. Nu. of Shares. each share. Amount, dunes C. Watson, 200 SSO 10,000 .). M‘Dougald, iOO “ 10,000 iarper k Lewis, 100 <c 5,000 Robert Collins, 100 “ 5,000 lames B. Carswell, 100 “ 5,000 Geo. Smith, 100 “ 5,000 A. M'D ‘Ugald, B'O u 5,000 B. Hepburn, 200 “ JO.OOo James AUadsworth, JOO “ 5,000 \ >rbon B. IViweli, 100 <• siOOO Robert Watson, 100 5,000 M iry Watson, 50 “ 2,500 i Jolin Dili, 100 ** 5,000 I Dozier Thornton, Jr. - 100 ,T 5,000 G. W. Murray, 400 l * 20,000 Lewis C. Allin, 50 ,f 2.500 VYilkins Hunt, 50 ” 2,500 Seaborn Thorn, 50 “ 2 500 • W r il!iam Towns, 50 u 2.500 ] Thomas Crowell, 2fio * 10.000 Georg. Jewett, 100 a 5 000 Robert Coleman, 200 “ Ifj'oOO L. L. Griffin, 100 “ 5,0 W John Martin, 100 “ 5,000 George Gran bury, 50 “ 2,500 Shares 3,000 $150,000 Georgia, Muscogee county. —Personally appealed be fore me, B. : I pa iripCa-hier, and C. Watson, Pre sident, who, being duly sworn, deposed! and saith, t!:at the above is a correct statementof the affairs of the lo suranee Bank, and a list of stotkholders, to the best of their knowledge and belief on the 7:h dav of April, 1834. J. C. \\ \ fSON, President. B. HEPBURN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tins Bth of April 1834. JNO. JOHNSON, .7. P. COMMERCIAL - B INK, Macon, Oth Aped, 1834. Sir—Enclosed I hand you a return, slowing the condition of this Bank, on Monday, the 7th nsiant. I take this occasion to remark, that the ammin; of dis counted t> ces in suit, are notes that were .ran-ferred from the of Macon to th.s Bank, and ore unques good. They had been discounted aid renewed lor several rimes previous to suit, and tiie suiu are now pending on the appeal. Respectfully, fur. A. CLOPTHN, Pr.sUnt. ; To ffs Erreilency, Wilson Lv npkin , MUledgttiUe % Ga. Report of the condition of the Commercial B.inn-t Miccn, on MviduyAth Ap/U, iß44t T"Notesof ’vs k BR. Bunk issued $253,407 To Notes of * this Bank oil hand, 144,750 —in circulated?!, §H7?,657 To capital stock, 160,000 “ dividends unpaid, 2.831 aO “ undivided profits, 4,422 22 “ due to other Banks, 10,12 4 82 “ due to individual depositors, 27,038 77 $253,134 31 CR. By Notes discounted running to maturity, all good, §54,834 05 By Notes discounted, pastdue, all good, 5,686 By Notes discounted in suit, all good, 8,258 & 69,778 05 Bv Bids of Exchange discounted, running to maturity, all good, 89,837 35 By Bills of Exchange discounted, past due, ail good, 3,200 1 92,037 35 Bv amount due from Bank of Ma con, 6,992 43 By amount due from other Banks, 7,65! 30 By do. do. on protest account, 18 •By do. for incidental expenses, H 2 25 Bv do. do, salaries paid, 274 Bv Notes of other Banks, 40,250 By specie in Vault, $31,020 93 Bv do. in Central Bank, $6,000 $253,134 3! I Nanus of Stockholders, with the number of Shares owned ■ by cadi, on winch the sum of twenty-five dollars ptr ( Share has been paid. No. of Shares. Daniel MTvav, 5U L. Baldwin & Cos. 50 Samuel Griswold, 10 Levi Eckiev, 68 ( John Harvey, 66 Giles B. Taylor, 66 James Goddard, 240 Thomas Taylor, 50 William Cooke, 50 John S. Randle, 100 James M. Dunn, 50 William Fort, 50 Thomas HardemaHj 100 A. Ciopton, 940 David Flanders, 50 Andrew Reid, 50 James Whitfield, 50 James Waketnan, 12 George Jerrelf, 50 Thomas Hoxey, 50 E. L. Young, 50 E. L. Young fit Mieajah Felton, 25 Thomas Cooper, 100 Gilbruilh Simon ton, 50 Charles Campbell, 50 William Alexander, 100 Robert W. Fort, 50 Andrews Battle, 50 Wm. H. Burdsoll* 50 Thomas Napier, 300 Richard Harvey, 25 Anthony Dyer, 175 Leroy Napier, 50 Fleming Jordan, 50 Charles S. Jordan, C3 • Janies It. Jones, 50 1 Hugh Craft, 150 C. B. Cole, 50 William B. Parker, 50 James Lamar, 100 ; William B. Flournoy, 100 Benjamin Mosely, 50 Bank State of Georgia, 50 Total, 4,000 shares Geyrgia, Bibb County. —Personally came before me Nathaniel Eells, a Public Notary for said county, All ford Ciopton, President,and Thomas Hardeman, Cash ier, of die Commercial Bank at Macon, who being duly sworn, say-, that the above report exhibits the true con dition of sani Bank. A. CLOPTON, President. THOMAS HARDEMAN, Cashier. Sworn to, and subset ibed lie me, this Bth day of April, j 1834. NATHANIEL EELLS, Notary Public. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK, Savannah , April 8, 1834. 1 To His Excellency Wilson Lumpkin, Governor, State oj | Georgia. | Sir—ln conformity with the act of the Legislature, | I have the honor to transmit you herewith, an exhibit of the condition of this Bank on the first Monday in April, I embracing the condition of the Branch at Macon, made j up on the first day <>f April, together with the utfirma- 1 tions required by law. The item in the exhibit “Notes of Bank of Macon and costs of suit” ($170) one hundred and seventy dol lars is bad. On the bills and notes in suit and judgment, and bills receivable, amounting in the aggregate to six- ; teen thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars, and forty-nine cents, bank will lose between five and six thousand dollars.— j The-c items embrace all I lie outstanding business of the j bank contained in this exhibit; all the other assets of the I Bank are of the best character. j The specie in the vaults of the Bank and the balances i due from the other Banks in this City, are equal to four ! fifths of the circulation. In reviewing the business of thp Bank from thefirst of . October last, it appears the amount of specie returned ; i on that day, was the smallest amount the Bank lias had i j ‘n its vaults at any perod since thin return was made. 1 am, most, respectfully, your obedient servant, S. B. PARKMAN, President Marine dj- Fire Insurance Bank. ! Exhibit of Marine <$- Fire Insurance Bank Savannah, and 1 Branch at Macon, on Ist Monduy of April, 18.34. DR. ! To Capital stock, $170,000 j “ Notes in circulation, principal $176,598 “ “ “ branch, 23.610 “ money in deposite by individuals, 125,149 07 amount due to hanks, viz: “ IT. S. Branch Savannah, $2lB 76 j “ Bank of Augusta, 42,390 46 “ Augusta Insurance and Bank ing company, 26,667 65 “ Agency and Bank of Haw kinsville, 11,295 99 “ New England bank, 12,474 96 “ Branch at Macon on open account, ; .9,935 \ “ Individuals for unclaimed dividends, . 824 50 “ reserved fund, $18,775 29 ‘’** “ profits since sth Dec. last, 15,504 18 $633,843 96 CR. IBv speci Savannah, $93,782 95 ! “ ‘ Mac i. 14,833 10 “ notes ot speciepaying banks ot this State, 6,955 “ amount due from oanxs, vi : “ Smte Bank Savannah, $34,697 20 “ Planters’Bank, “ 32.115 37 “ Union hank Charleston, 2,620 92 “ Bank of America, New York, 21,505 14 “ Bank of Darien, $350 51 “ Bank of Hawkinsville, 247 17 “ Bank of Cvlumbus, 3.342 14 “ discounted notes nmning to maturity, 150.850 7.3 •O “ Exchange “ ” 256,705 47 u Stock of Corporation SaT’h. $4,052 75 t “ “ Union road, 200 A “ Notes of Bank of Macon and ’ cost suit, $l7O “ bills and notes in suit, and jUd ment, 7,646 <5 “ bills receivable, < 9,170 74 “ exjjcnses since sth Dec. last, 4,09< 92 9633,8 y JAS. SMITH, Cashier. Savannah, April 9th, 1834. Stockholders in the Marine and Fire Insurance Bank of Savannah, April 7th, 1-34. Amount Names. No. of Shares. palJ on Sidney .VI. Anderson, 13 $55 Bulloch & Myers, Trustees, 6 “ Margaret Black, 15 “ Mechanicks’ Bank, Philadelphia, 100 Joseph Camming, 50 u Harriet Campbell, 50 “ Mary Cleland, 20 Rol>ert Camphell, 451 “ “ “ Trustee, 85 w Marv A. Cowper, 39 “ Robert Clark, 31 Thomas Clay, 4 “ Tho.s. Cumming, estate of 4 “ Thomas Clark, 123 u John Cumming, 120 Chatham Academy, 57 “ B. W. DeLamata, 100 S. C. Dunning, Trustee, 6 “ Helen Flemming, 5 “ Janies Fraser, 100 A ‘ William Godfrey, 200 “ George Hall, 400 John Flaupt, Guardian, 3 “ J. B. Herbert, estate of 120 Pat. Houston, 46 “ “ “ Executor, ,4 “ Priscilla Houston, 38 “ C. S. Halsey, 50 “ Henderson & Anderson, Trustees, 8 ** E. Jackson, Jr. Executor, 100 George Jones, 50 “ B. R. Johnston, 72 “ J. S. Johnston, 53 “ J. P. Johnston, 43 u L. C. Johnston, 75 “ E. H. Johnston, 70 “ P. A. Johnston, 25 W. P. Johnston, 94 M. H. Johnston, 9 M S. M. Johnston, 75 “ Lucy Isaac, 92 Marv Ker, 135 P. M. Kollock, 61 “ M. F. Kollock, 52 G. J. Kollock, 30 “ Andrew Low, 590 James Lamb, 150 Mary Lavender, 15 W. IJ. Lawton, estate of 55 George Leeves, 140 Hez. Lord, 50 “ R. Mackay, estate of 39 A. Nichols, “ 20 “ • A. Parkman, 20 S. Parkman, 143 “ Parkman & Gordon, Trustees, 270 “ A. Porter, 250 “ John Potter, 400 E. L. Penfield, estate of 81 M E. Padleford, 200 u E. CFuin, 24 “ Wm. Rahn, 50 “ Wm. Robertson, 40 E. Reid, 100 “ “ Trustee, 150 Lucy Spalding, 40 C. Seymour, estate of 103 C. F. Seymour, 103 “ J. Stone, 100 “ Scarbrough, Taylor ft Wallace, Trustees, 97 ** W. J. Scott, estate of 396 L S. Simpler, 150 E. M. H. Twiggs. 30 44 Wm. H. Thompson, 100 44 H. Tapper, 67 George Thomas, 44 Ohafm Varnum, 53 John Wilkinson, 400 P. H. Wilkins, 32 44 N. Wallace, 100 F. Miller, Executor, 32 $25 Samuel Clark, 15 | Jos. Stiles, 4 “ j Wm. Wallace, 4 44 44 44 Trustee, 4 44 IH. O. Wyer, 10t 4 $35 86 Names, and B,oo# Shares. Savannah^,Chatham county. —Personally appeared be? fine me, Joseph Cummins, a justice of the Inferior court for said county, Samuel B. Parkman, and Janies B>nith. being the President and Cashier of tire Marine and F : e Insurance Bank of the State of Georgia, who do .-olenrn i ly affirm, that the exhibit of the condition of said Bank | and Branch, the list of stockholders and the explanation of the President in letter to the Governor, herewith an nexed, contain a correct and faithful representation cjf all matters therein set forth, to the best of their k ow.r ledge and belief. S. B. PARKMAN, President. JAMES SMITH, Cashier. Signed before me this 9th April, 1834. j JOS. CUMMING. J. 1. C. C. C. PLANTER’S BANK, Savannah, April Sth, 1834. To Isis Excellency, Wilson Lumpkin, Sir —Accompanying this you will receive a fist of tha Stockhoidersof this Institution, as also a statement of its condition made up to date. lain, very respectfully, your obedient servant. GEORGE W. ANDERSON, President. ) Statement of the condition, resources and liabilities of tfQ) Planters’ Bunk of the State of Georgia. DR. j Capital paid in $535,400 i Notes in circulation old emis sion, 23,413 Notes in circulation new emis sion, 249,568 Due to individual Depositors, * 207,749 44 44 for unclaimed Dividends, 7,173 04 44 to other Banks, 24,875 10 44 to other Banks for collections on thei: account, 96,266 6fi “ to the Treasurer of the U. S. and other government of ficers, 66,270 29 Profits since last December, 30.741 94 Reserved fund to cover losses, 50,916 11 $1,301,373 53 CR. Specie in the vault, 60,300 09 Funds at the North eqviivalent to specie, City Bank Notes on hand, 18,260 Due by other Banks, 22,80.5 93 Real estate, 24,2*5 20 City and other stocks, 26,1,7 26 Bills and Notes discounted runn ing and considered undoubted, 599,121 40 Bills lying over under protest not in suit, ‘ 16,510 66 “ in suit, 17.730 56 Notes discounted m suit and judgment, 114.721 70