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••Trir. feiimf.~vt nr .1 rnr.r., is preferable to tup. torpor of .» despotic, gover.vme.vt.*
vol. 1.
No. 5.
By Albon Chase.
Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable in advance,
u Four dollars if delayed fo the end oVthe year. The
.'alter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to
meet their payments in advance.
No subscription received for less than one year, un
less the money in paid in advance; and no paper will
be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at
the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of
subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish
ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con
sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa
pers sent accordingly.
Advertisements w ill be inserted at the usual rates.
tC7*All Letters to the Editor on matters connected
with the establishment, must be post paid in order to
secure attention.
Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad
ministrators, Executors, nr Guardians, must he publish
ed si rty days previous 10 the day of sale.
The hale of Personal Property, in like manner, must
be published.forty day* previous to the day ofsale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
published four months.
Notice that Application will bo made for Letters of
Administration, must bo published thirty days, and for
Letters of Dismission, sir months.
J¥ALL Postponed Sheriff's Sale.—On
■ the first Tuesday in MAY next, will be
Id at the Court-house in the town of Gaincsvill> ,
Mall county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing property. to wit:
Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less,
being part of lot No. (7i») seventy, in the 10th District
of 11 nil county: levied on as the property ofShndrach
Dean, to satisfy sundry li. fas., one in favour of Adam
Shuffield, and others, v». said Dean.
George IV. Wacascr,
end ) Injunction.
Aldridge Kean. (
I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants re
side without the County of Hall, ho that service
cannot be perfected in the usual w ay: It is ordered by
the Court, that the said George VV. Wacuser, and Al
dridge Kean, plead answer or demur to t-atd hill on or
Spruce, to satisfy n fi. ft. i„ favour of R.uindlrco & | £ Ter,U * “ WC bc
Four Hundred and Sixteen Acres of I.and,
more or less, levied on ns the property of William
In the Superior Court, March 7'erm, 1832.
James \V. Jones, & Co. |
Hill fir Discovery, Relief
1 4^0I’ll months after date application will be made
to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson
county, when sitting foY ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all the Ueal Estate of William llarnott,, deceased ;
also, lot No, 100, in the eleventh district of Monroe
comity, drawn by the orphans of William Harnett, dc
Feb. 21.- 8—w4m.
March 27.
A. CHASTAIN, .Sh’ff.
ffACKJSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first
Tuesday in MAY next, will bc sold at the
Court-house in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county,
within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
One Tract of Land, containing Two Hun
dred and seventy-two Acres, more or less, adjoining {
Bryant and Oliver: levied on to satisfy five fi. fas. is
sued from a Justice’s Court in favour of Samuel A.
Wilson, vs. George It. Brazed. Property pointed out
hy Brazed. Lew nude and returned to me hy a Con
stable, * G. F. ADAMS, I). Sh’ff.
March 27.
A truecopr from the minutes.
March 27—2—m3m.
R months afterdate application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court o Hall
county, when Hitting for ordinary purpose*; for leave
to soli all the Real K.ata’e of Joseph McCiitchen, de.
ceased. ROBERT M’CUTOHKN, Adin’r.
Doe 27—52—w1iit.
first Tuesday in MAY next, will he sold,
at the Court-house in the town of Watkm-<villc Clark
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit:
Twelve and a Half Acres of Land, more or
less, well improved, situated on the rond leading from
Watkinsvillr to the SctlH Shoals, whereon Joseph
Durham now lives, adjoining Huff and others, and one
bay mare with fbur white feet, about six years old:
levied on as the property of Jpscpli Durham, to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favor of Stevens Thomas, vs. Joseph Dur
ham and David Elder.
One Negro Girl by ihe name of Ann about
pixtecn years old : levied on as the property of James
Shaw, to satisfy a fi. fa. m favor of Ansrltnn L. Hnr-
i Shaw and Joshua Ste
March 27.
C LARK Sheriff'sSale.-On the first Tues
day in MAY next, will ' n Fold at the Couit
House in the town of Wmkmsvjlfe, Chirk county, within
the usual hours of sale, the following property,to wit:
One House and Lot in the town of Athens,
well improved, occupied at present by the defendant ns
n public Tavern; one Negro boy by the name nfShrp
herd, about 2 J years of age; also, Ellina man, 35 or
forty years of age; one four horse Singe and harness,
one four whe« 1 Carriage and harness, one two horse
wagon, two bay horses, 10 or 12 years old, seven fea
ther beds, bea'Uteds and furniture, five mattresses,
one doz. Windsor chairs, half dor., split bottom chairs,
12 pine fables, two folding tables lof cherry,) a walnut
sideboard, one <l«»z. knives and forks, one doz. and a
half earthen plates, one dog. nips and saucers, six dish
es, 5 pitchers, 2 decanters, 4 bowls, two jug-, and one
jar : levied on as the property of John A Byrd, to sa
tisfv two fi. fa>«. one in favor of John Martin, the other
in favor ofElizur L. Ncwten, vs. said Byrd.
March 27. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’ff.
ADLSON Sheriff* Sale.—On tho first
the Court-House in the town of Danielsvillo, Madison
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following
piopeity, to wit:
One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less.
adjoining Wm. Mitehel and others: levied on as the
property of John I*. Vann, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued
from a Justice’s court in favour of William Lucre, vs.
said Vann. Property pointed out by John Gilbert. Levy
made and returned to me bv a constable.
March 27.
n T* HERE AS Richard Richardson applies to nvcfnr
letters of Dismission from the further adminis
tration on tho estate of Sarah Burkin*, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, t
bc and appear at my office within the time prescribed
by la"’, to shew cause, if any they have, w hy said let
ters should not ho granted.
Given under my hand this 9th Nov. 1831.
Nov. 15.—46.—m6m.
LXj’t&L notices.
Copy of a Lost Note.
WMrilF.N I receive Micajnh Bond’s deed to Lot No.
t ▼ 6, on square W. in I he town of Katonton, then
I owe John Kadcliff fifty dollars.
(On the back:)
I endorse the within Note.
P ERSONALIA’ came before ine, I. A. Parker, and
being duly sworn, this deponent enith the Note
I which the almve is a copy, has been destroyed hy
fire, accidentally, nnd that he has no certain recollec
tion of the day or date of Raid note or endorsement.—
rn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of Jan
uary, 1832. ISAAC A. PARKER.
Etiieldrp.d SoiWF.LL, J. P.
Jan. 17 —3—-in.'hii-
W HEREAS Kt held red Sorrell, administrator
the estate of Lewis Barnett, deceased, npp
to ine fin letters of dismisflioti from the further admin
istration of said estate;
These are therefore to cito and admonish all nnd sin
gular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said iettrrs
should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 2lst day of Jnn. 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
Ian. 21.—1—m6m.
W HEREAS William Knox, administrator de bonis
non ol William Patton, deceased, applies to me
for letters of dismission from the further adunuisUaliou
on said estate :
Thescare therefore Incite andaumonish, all nnd sin
gular 1 he kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within the time proscribed by
law, to shew cause, ifunythey have, why said Letters
should not be granted.
Given under iny hand this 5lh day of March, 183?.
March 13.—11.—m6m.
Copy of a Lost Note.
the CourUllouse in the town of atkinsville, Clark
county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following
property, to wit:
Six Negroes, to wit: Amy a woman about
twenty-five years of age; Lizy a gul, about four years
rdd; George a buy, about two years old; Joe a boy,
about six years old ; I.indy a gin, about fbur years old;
and Nelson a boy, about five years old : levied on as
the property ol Gjhriel A. Moffett, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued ou the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Ste-
wns Thomas, vs. said Moffett.
Feb. 29. JAMES HENDON, l). Sh’ff.
H ALL Sheriffs Sale.—On Ihc first Tues
day in MAY next, will lie sold, nt the
Court House in the Town of Gainesville,Hall coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, (he following pro
perty, to wit:
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land,
more or less, whereon Jesse Clay ton now lives : levied
on as the properly of Jesse Clayton, to satisly ft fi- fi*-
issued from H all inferior Court in favor of J. \V. Jones &
Co. vs. said Clay ton.
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lnnd,
more or less, whereon Pleasant Hulsey now lives : le
vied on as the property ol Pleasant Hulsey, to satisfy
two fi. fas. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor ol
P. I. Murray, vs. said llulsey. Property pointed out
by plaintiff.
One Handled and Fifty Acres of Land,
rpve or h»«s, whereon Gabriel O. Coley now lives : le
vied on as the property of John Chambers; to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor ofP 1 dip
Wade, for the use of Robert Mitchell, vs. William
M»>ore nnd lolm Chambers, his security. Property
pointed outhv Mitchell.
One Hundred nnd Fifty Acre* of Land,
more or less, being part of Lot o. 41, in the 8th Dis
trict ofllall county : levied on as the property of Mar
tin Evans, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s
Court in favor of John Barnwell, vs. said Evans. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon
William Wallis now lives : levied on as the property of
William Wallis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from n Justi
ce’s Court in favor W. I). Martin, vs. said Walli*. Pro
per D pointed out by Robert Mitchell. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Ono Traci of Lnnd, known ns Lot No. GC,
in the 12tl» District of said county : levied on as the
property ofStcpIw n Fast, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of
pet* r Grinncii, Daniel Giant and Thomas Grant, exec
utors, fee. vs. said East.
March 27. A CII YSTAIN. sh’ff.
H ALL Sheriffs Salt*.—On the firstTuea-
dav in MAY next, will be sold, at the Court
IIo >e in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within
the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit :
Two Hundred and Sixty-nine Acres of
l and, more or less, lying on tho Pond I oik of ihe
Oco.icc river: levied on as the property of William
Jr-*d well, to satisfy sundry fi. fa« i«*»ue.^froni a lusti*
ce’s Court in favour of lo«*»ph T Cunningham, and
others, vs. s&id Brudwt-ll. Property pointed out bv the
defendant. Lew made and r« Vui n»*d t , me by Bailiff.
arch 27.
Wilson, or bearer, thirteen dollars nnd filly rents,
for value received. C. C. COLWELL.
f»th August, 1827.
Superior Corn vril Term, 1831.
the Court that William fi. Wilson
has lost or mi-laid the original Vote, of which the
above in in substance a true copy: Ordered, that tho
above copy be, at the next term of this Court, estab
lished in lieu of Raid lost original, unless cause be
shewn to the contrary. Anti that this Rule be publish
ed once a month for three months previous to the next
term of this Court, in the Athenian.
A true extract from the minuted of said Court.
Jan. 17.—3—tn3m.
I T appearing
I 1
Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned
Term, 1832.
E T appearing to the Court upon the affidavit of Wil
lis A. Jordan, that the following note is either lost
oi mislaid, viz : One note on Robert Maxwell, due
January lst,l93i, for the sum of fourteen Dollars, with
n credit on the same, 2d January, 1931, for one dollar
fiftv-six and a quarter cents,and one other credit on the
Gth Mnv, 1931, for ofleents.
Ordered, tit-t all persons interested shew cause on
or before the first day of the next term of this Court,
why a copy of said note should not be established in
litui of said original so lout or mislaid, that said copy b«
filed with the Clerk, ami this rulepublinhed monthly in
one of the public Gazettes of this State.
A true extract from the minutes I2th March. 1832.
March 20.—12.—m3m.
To thr. Inferior Court of said county, when
silting for ordinary purposes.
I T appearing to said Court from the petition of An
derson Watson, that John Black in his life time
executed with one Thomas Turner, a bond to the said
Anderson WnlhMi, fortiths to Lot No. 238, in the 4lh
District of Muscogee county, now Marion, nnd it fur
ther appearing, that I ho said Anderson Watson has
paid up for said land, and that the said John Black de
parted this lift* without making titles to the same; It is
ordered, that the administrators of said deceased, do
execute titles to said land, unto the said Anderson
\\ atson, unless good cause be shewn to the contrary
within the time prescribed by law, and that this rule
be published accordingly.
Given under my hand this third day of March, 1832.
JOHN II. JONES, D. c. c. o.
March 20.— 12—m3m.
W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor on
the estate of William Sirong, senior, late ol
Clark county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis
mission from the further administration of said estate
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, t
and appear at my office within the tune prescribed by
law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let
tors should not be granted.
Given under iny Imnd this 5th of March, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
March 13.—11—mCrn.
W ILL bc sold nt the Court House in Jackson
county, on the first Tuesday in May next, a
Negro woman named Hane, belonging to the* stole of
William Shaw, deceased. Sold for the benefit ol the
creditors and legatees of nuid estate. Terms mude
known on the dav of sale
SUSANNA// S//AW, Exr’x.
Feb. 7.—G—tds.
KlOUIt months after date application w ill be made
■. to tbe bon vrable the Inferior court of .lurksnn co.
when sitting fo; ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the
real nsfate of John Thornton, late of said county de
ceased. JACOB ({IDLING, Guardian.
Jan. 21.—w4m.
E ^NOUR month* after date application will In: made
to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jucksoi
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Icav
to sell a part oftlie Negroes belonging to the estate of
Elijah Shaw*, deceased.
Feb. 7.—G—w4m.
tion w ill he mad
(o the honorable the Inferior Tourt of Madisoi
unty, when sitting f’or ordinary purpose*, for leave t<
sell the Real Estate of Seaborn Sini’h, orphan of Pete
Smith, late of said county, deceased.
JAMES U. BOND, Guardian.
March 27—2—w*lrn.
W IIERF. \S Rose Stewart applies to me for let-
fitters of Administration on the estate of John
ihnston, late of said county, deceased.
These, are therefore to cite and admonish all ami
singular, tho kindred ami creditors of said deceased,
he and appear nt my office within the time prescri
bed :>v law, to shew cause if any they have, why said
letters should not he granted.
Given nndnr my hand tins 6th March, 1832.
I. CAPEIIART,c. c. o.
March 20.—12-30d.
A GKEEABLY to an order of tho honorable the ln-
J'uL ferior Court of Hall county, when hitting ns a
Court of Ordinary, will he sold at tho Court-House in
llall county, on the firht Tuesday in June next, six
likely negroes, to wit: Rose, a negro woman ; (shinn
ed, a negro man; Austin, a boy, 17 or IS years old ;
Leah a girl, fifteen or sixteen years old, Betty a
girl, 5 years old, and Muhali a girl, 3 years old,
belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Guthrie, dec'll.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
March 13.—11—tds.
W HERE. YS Richard Winn applies for letters of
administration with the wdl annexed, on the
slate olGeorge Downing late of Hall county, decea
These are therefore fo cite and admonish nN and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at iny office within the time prescribed bv
'aw, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters
should not bo granted.
Given under my hand this 22d March, 1*32.
GEORGE HAW PE, c. c. o.
March 27. —2—3Ud.
A Fortune, if you want one!
f N Omnnctt rnunly, (.cnicia, (I), .iihsrrtbcr has frit
aal« * vataahli: l.aiidrit, win, r >c .IVnl in.
provrnirnti upon it, two framed Dwelling llnu-ea, out
commodious onough for n largo 'ainilv—it, aim i* upon
a twauliful eminence, overlooking tw'o .plendid newly
built Mill., both in good order; t tic Unst Mill baa,
when attended, a full support. Tb« plantation hnj
various cabins upon it, a good mil house, and a vent
superior spring, witirh run* at Ihe base of the bill from
a Hint rock mixed with granite, it i. pure, and is recei
ved into a beautiful rook basin, limned bv nature.*
rite mill pond abound, with the best kind offish. Tho
Mills are upon Ivy t'reek, which i. a lively stream,
fiirir.hing water at ull seasons to keep the null- ir
operation. Sonic Uoid baa been found upon one oft In.
h»ts Iron ore in abundance, and a place to put tho
Factory. About one quarter of h mile below the milfii
is n splendid Shoal, where an extensive Iron Factory
can be established, and judges who have examined
the mines upon the premise*, pronounce them richttnrj
inexhaustible. Perrons wanting such prrpcrty will do
well to visit the premises, and judge for thoniselvee,
and then call and nee the subscriber. They are l>c*t
known as Begnn’a Mills, abaut 7 inilcsfrnm Lawrence*
ville. Terms liberal.
IV. p. McKEEN, Tulbotton, Geo.
April 10—4—w3m.
R EMAINING in the Pont Office at WatkinsvilM,
Georgia, on the 1ft of April, 1932.
Robert Moore,
YVni. Meddowe, nr
Thomas Willoby.
Bohannan’n Orphans,
Jonah Bradley.
George Cagle.
Edward Gibson.
Dr. E. J. Harvey, or
John 1*. Harvey^
Gen. Edward Harden,
Mr. Henderson.
Jesse Jones.
John C. Morgan,
Ohudinh Mayfield,
Mihh Sophia Moss,
Ntdom Me Elroy,
April 10—4—3t.
Francis II. Oliver
Coleman Reynold?,
J. C. McKeynnldr.
Marlin Sainer,
A. It. Simms,
L. VV. Shackelford
John P. Snow.
Wm. Tindlc, l.
Frederick True.
D. B. Williams,
Elizabeth Whitehead.
L. It. BREWER, P. M.
JJEMAINING in the P »st Office at Athens, Guv
JLuw Notice.
/gillE partnership of Nisbut St Floyd, in the pry
fi • ice of Law, is this day dissolved. Thebiuom
oftlie firm will be nettled by them jointly.
Morgan county, Ga. Jan. >*♦».
W ILL practice law in the folloMing count ir?,
wit: Morgan, Greene, Putnam, /asper, N* ’
ton, Clark, Hancock, Talliaferro, and Walton, lie w
devote bis undivided attention to the profess! »n ; m
will attend promptly to the collection of money in ni
of the count*e* of the Dakniulgee, Western, Flint,
Chattahoochee circuits.
Madison, Morgan, Ga. Jan 31—5—3m
on the 1st April, 1832.
David Archer,
Henry Anglin,
John M. Armstrong,
John Browning,
i Bo
Henry Luke,
Jefferson I.nncir.
John M'Connell,
Jeremiah Matthuv
Allen B. Means.
Billups and Shackleford, Don. Jnincs Nisbct.
VT"RN Thursday tho 10th of May next, will he sold al
V W »ho residence of John Clarkson, latco* Franklin
county, deceased, »ho following property to w it: one
Ox Cart, and Yoke of Steers, Horses, Cattle, Hogs,
Sheep; a quantity of fiend Cotton, Corn, Bacon. Also,
Plantation Tools, Smith’s Tool**, Household and Kitch
en Furniture, with other articles too tedious to men
tion. Sold as the. property of the erased. The Pab
lo continue from day to day until ull is sold. Terms
made know n on the dav.
March 27—2—tds.
n 7*11 ERE AS James Meriwether administrator on
•he estate of Duncan G. Campbell, deceased,
applies for letters of Dismission from the further ad
ministration of said estate :
These are therefore to cite arid admonish fll and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at iny office within the time prescribed
bylaw, lo shew cause if any tney have, why said let
ters should not he granted.
Given under my hand this 15th Ore. 1831.
Oct. 18.--^2—mfirn.
'^MK7|I.L bc sold on the first Tue*dav in Jury* next,
ft nt *he Court house in the town o I Monroe,
Walton county, agreeably to on o*dcr ol the Honorable
the Inferior Court, of said county, when sitting for or
diriary purposes, all ihe Ri al Estate of Grant Tax lor,
deceased, situated in Walton county: consisting of two
parcels of Land, lying on the waters oftlie Appalachic
•, one piece containing Four Hundred and Filiy
Acres, more or lean, adjoining lands of Ttmofhy C.
Wood, Gideon Hendrick, and others, the other piece,
of One Hundred and Thirty and a half Acrca, adjoining
Archibald Tanner, Wm. Thurmond, and others. Sold
for the benefit of the creditor* of said Estate.
March 27—2—tds.
V GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In-
ferior Courtofllaheraham county, when silting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday
in June next, in Gree.rrille, Meriwether county, Lot
of Land No. 112, in the 3d District of formerly troup,
now Meriwether county. Sold for the benefit of I)an*
iel McDongles* Orphans Terms mode known on the
day of sale.
April 3.—3—tds.
jpOUR months after date appliratir
will be made
to the honorable the Inlet mr court of Clark coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a Lot of Land, No. 54, in the 13m District of Monroe
county, containing Two Hundred two nnd a half acres,
belonging to the Orphans of Heurv Durham, deceased.
Sold for the benefit of said Orphan*-.
April JO—4—vlrrt.
BI a c c 8.
T IIIF. Knees over the Rouadventurc Coiirne, four
nuh s distant from the city, will commence on
Wednesday the I S/A day of April next, under the eteln.
sive control and direction of the Steward* and Officers
oftlie Club.
Free for any Marc, Horse or Gelding, in the United
4 mile heats, furapur^eof
3 mile heats, for n purse of
2 mile heats, for a purse of
3 in 5 ofl mile heats, for $100
(and gate monej of that day.)
Weights, &.c. uccordmg to the rules of the Savannah
Jockey Chili.
March 20.—12—at.
Couch Mukiiiir.
Dison Bowling,
John Bundrunt,
Uriah S. Bryan*,
Egbert d. Baugh.
William It. Crawford,
Mrs. Nancv Clements.
Dort. Durham,
> Drill
Daniel Dodson.
Davy Elder.
Capt, S. Frost.
Mrs. Mary Gorley,
S. (I'allihcrftt Co.
John P. Greenwood,
John Gilbert, 2.
Rev. Wm. P. Hill,
William Hales.
Samuel King.
Al’x. or Robt. Lester,
April 3.—3—3t.
Ransom Nichols,
She rod Nowlen,
Duct. ||. M. Noisier.
a William Park,
Mias Ann L. Prince,
Mrs. Mary Pinson,
Robert II. Pottersoi*.
William Purycar,
John Ponder,
James Paine.
Y. Robinson, jr.
Thomas J. Ruak.
Nicbolaa Sheet*, *
Mr. Sweeney,
John Strouder,
Ishuui Sledge.
Frances II. Tavlor.
Dsbnrn Wiley,
China Walker, 2.
James Welch,
W. W. Wright, V.
Edwin White.
R EMAINING m the Post Office at Dauiclsvilb*
Madison county, Geo. let April, 1832.
Thomas Adams, Attorney !,.
Israel Beckwith,
Messrs. Brewster and
Liubov Colbert,
Mrs. Saury Clemincnt*.
Thomas Dean,
James Daniel,
Stephen Downs,
James O. Dickson,
Cheslcy Davis.
Augustus Harris,
Miss Syn»ha I lodge,
John II. Hudson.
Thomas Lester,
Lewis Lander*.
David Morgan,
Joseph McDermd,
John Moore,
Richard Monrg.
Anderson Nichcla.
Noah Pittman,
fvarn Pearce,
Jeptha Picket,
Reuben B. Picket
Stephen Smith,
Ssmuel Shcckland, Ls^.
Reuben Sitnmons,
Frederick Srarborotigb,
Inferior Court of Madison Joseph Sanders.
James Jordcn,
Darby Jones.
John King,
YVillis Kirk ley,
Ephraim Kitchens.
April 3.—3—3t.
Frederick Truo,
Ilainnon Tolbert.
Ilcnrv D. Williams,
James Ware.
FB1IIE subscribers have removed their establishment
J3 to the New building directly opposite tlu:ir old
stand, where they intend continuing their business up-
on a more extensive scale. Iluving experienced work
men, and being well supplied with the best materials,
they are prepared to build lo order, either Carriages,
Baronches, Gigs, Sulkies and Tilberries, or any oth
er articlo of conveyance in their line of business. They
intend by strict attention to business, and the faithful
manner in which their work shall be executed, to con
linue to deserve that patronage they have heretofore
so liberally received. Repairing done in the iwatest —
manner, and at the shortest notice. All kinds of Sod* other proper time, to reduce the number of Senators
dicry and harness making, and repairing done in the and Repreaentaiive in tho Lcpisiaitire_of Georgia, in
best manner.
Sign and ornamental painting will continue to be
executed m their usual style.
Jan. 3.—1—tf.
For Sale or Rent,
A Comfortable Hou^e with Four Acres ol Land at
tached to it, in the town of Athens. Also,
Store house on the mum *'r
Cunningham, fi Cn. Pome
Terms will he mude known *
sc riber.
April !0 —1—It.
t, next d or to J. fi T.
ion given imimrii »tely
;ipplir;»tion to the nib-
T HE Citiinn. of Clark county, are rr.pftfifullv nr.
tHiod Ili.1t an elvctton *illtakeulaeein vVat'kinfc
villi; on the iid day of May neat, for four Dclrpnte. |„
rrprrarnt Clnrk county in a Crrnvention lobe held in
Milledgevillc nn thefirat Monday in June neat, oraom*
. Itoprearnlativi* I ^ r
compliance nilh the rccommcndatiouofthefirand Jury
at th« loot t'-rm of Clark Superior Court.
The underaigned n aticat the editora of theSouthcwy
llannrr, Recorder nnd Journal, to give the above u
weekly inacrlion until Ihe day of CI«.tion.
Charles Dougherty, J. M. Kurton,
r.dwnrd Puine, Joseph I.tgon,
Wtllium llmnphrcyp, Itichard llogha,
L. It- Brewer,
Rehort l.ignn,
I. S. Vincent,
Willinm Diekcn,
J. U. Moore,
Match TO, 1C3J,
Thomas Simontoti,
Daniel Craft,
Thomas J. Moaely,
B. B. Moore,
Nathan C. Barac’.’.