Newspaper Page Text
iMiiiii m ww
Special Topics.
Rain Needed.— No nun 111 I PREMIUM LlST.—We publish | He gave them the reasons why our pres- 1
fallen here for ten days, and the dust is I ,,n our fourth page the Premium List of ' !“*A egi3 ! atun! . *** opposed to new
suffocating. It is peculiarly sad forourjthe Fair ot the Agricultural Society of
friends who are practicing their last
Prom Hart County.
, stock tor the. Fair.
k 4 - N<* <>ne «|ue*tion* the
of Whiles, suppressed and ir
es,, .in.! uterine obstructions, of every
ng daily cured by Dr. J. Bnulfield’*
laior, than by all other remedies com
ic, c*> in Georgia and other Mates is
•dent in the annals of physic. Thous-
lioaict from women everywhere pour
tronrictor. The attention of proinin-
U4C ', », ai . used in behalf of this w
.mid and the most successful pradi-
t 1; ■» ai« t ;-.»•» is pleasant, <|U)i k. and
non 'UtTer hereafter, it will be their
I cm ile K. ^ui itor is prepared and sold
id held, Druggist. Atlanta, Ga., and
til j .r > * per bottle at any respert-
.i. ,n to, Tnion.
Press CoiiventioN.—The KJi-
tor has gone to Atlunta to attend the
Press convention. These editors are get
ting to be almost as fond of jamborees as
n ' . Devil
IIome School.—special atten
tion is invited to the announcement of
Madame Sosnoski's Home School, on the
1 jtli Tuis institution is too well known
to need any endorsement from us.
Freights to Savannah.
Judge Campbell, the
’ Augusta, of the Central
Ireight line, lias recently been on a
, iiusiuc.-s lour iii t:.e interior, seeU-
j in" to induce merchants Lo bring
out their goods by the Savannah
! Steamers, and to ship produce to
. I that market. Wo are glad to see
coiii- i :l growing intimacy of business in<-
wmi ibetween Savannah and
State. It is our
ided i
j tercourse
ojifior ihc si- j this part of t!
Vlow’ina"Sir 1 own ]>ort, and, presenting facilities
a»"m »h?eh!i ■ us good jis any other, should be re-
rv ofthe Colon i , ,
• J.- galdeii
rheiiin*li*iu,and p CQ p] e (J ar eoIuiim.S will
C! irk county, to bo held in Xthens Oct.
Stli 9tli and 10th. It will be seen tliat a
great variety ot desirable premiums are
offered, including a number of special
premiums, by Messrs. Childs and Moss
and Mr. Luckic. Wc hope our readers
throughout North-East Georgia will at
once make preparations to send forward
articles for exhibition. No part of the
whole South has made more cotton, or
wheat, or Irish potatoes tc the acre, than
this part of the State. • Choice fruits
abound, and many of our fanners have
fine stock, poultry, nnd articles of taste
in the mechanical and household arts,
' . • I which would add to the interest of the
tlfifCb k 1 H I , , _
' .. . tiiir, nnu cncouni£< k competition hereafter.
,U ruJt | j (>t evcrvbedy determine to send some
thing. and tints contribute to make the
Fair a great sitoivs-
We have seen a list of the premiums or
dered, by Messes. Childs & Moss, who.
have contracted to furnish them, and us-
sure our readers that they embrace a rich
and attractive variety of elegant and use-
lul articles.
The premiums will be on exhibition at
the Jewelry Store of Childs & Moss a
week before the fair.
counties, showed them that the members ; u,»_ m c, . „ .
ot the legisature were now infnvornfthe r ! „ H;M,TWKM - Ga - 8ept. 2d, 1872.
now ciuimty b it c«*aiU U4»t *l,» u ir«»*i4 Krnon bociugit.N Hankkr :— It is i f
pylicy ilui hud their cose bceo grant' very r «rc iM cnm uci- that >u* read any
more would have dc- new** coitcrming this part ni the State
ual power.
ii Ht Ions,
.-J br Dr. Fierce’:
. 1 ail .
In:. U
i I Whisker Dyeing, by
Mile. at D.ivis, Harris
I.K F.ll ?
PnrAKTva Dirt on the North
eastern Railroad.—Business gen
erally was suspended yesterday while
all our citizens united in participating
in the ceremony of breaking dirt on
the North-eastern Railroad. The place
selected, was in rear of the residence
of Mrs. Gen. T. R. Cobb, on the
line of railroad. Excellent speeches
niticaiit. But the were made by Maj. Lamar Cobh,
doctrine of State rights—though
very feeble just now politically—
preference by cur
columns will bear
that we have cordially
seconded every dibi t to encourage
trade with Savannah. Nor have
we been actuated by any selfish
their flight. . . ' „ ,
ini., without ; motive, lor the patronage ot oavaii-
i j it III W.IV* 1
"it I*’tost, irut j nah to the press of this section has
til ways been iiisi
liuilrnatl Notice.
•f imli -i-, on and lifl.’I
Thursday, 25th
S. K. .IGILNSON, Supt.
rs L
ir. siwdilv* — !
•n» o f, ami dears the li«»u
Id by dealers everywhere.
Legislature at its last session
wal.i vs which everybody should
e is, that when a plantei gives
or cotton fin-tor a li in on any
>r for supplies to mike his
i‘ - ill p.-op Tty or e.- »j* i< s >11
1*1 i-• I to tli • ;) lynn-at of said
g lilt v |i irty is li i’ile to lie
ought to have force and effect in
the encouragement of State enters
prise, and in fostering strong busis
n<‘ss affinity between the coimner-
cud and agricultural intests of the
old commonwealth. Georgia mer
chants and Georgia farmers ought
to foster their own seaport, if it of'
fers them facilities which do not
make the preference a positive sac
rifice of interest.
Eatontoii, Madison and Athens Rail*
Athens Ga., Aug. 31, 1872.
Pursuant to a call of tue citizens
of Clark county for a meeting tit be
held tit the Court House in Athens,
in the interest of the Eatonlon.
ed, tun or twclv _
.u^ing^r^ to t" estate" 1 He i MU “° r ' “l* 4 ;'""* «t this county, the
cause of which is, we presume, nothing
transpires worthy the attention of the
reading pnblic. Such may be the case
at this time, but nevertheless, we arc
pleased to make known through your
columns, that this section of country can
make better claim to prosperity nt this
period titan at any rime since the late
war. The agricultural yield undoubted
ly will far exceed any that has been
made for many years past. Wheat crops
were excellent, nnd the cum crop prom
ises a most abundant yield. Wc have
traveled over the greater portion ot the
' county, and everywhere the extensive
| cotton fields, in richest exit Iterance, are
I i i open to our gaz •. Old farmers tell
i us that the product of this stupe will be
surpassingly great. In regard to politics,
the people are somewhat divided. There
are a few “ Straights,” who still seem to
glory in their *• narilsliellism,” but we
think their numbers are so small that
they will not effect the very natural re
sult of division. Col. J. D. Mathews, of
Lexington, visited our town a few days
since, and delivered a clear, forcible, and
elegant address, earnestly urging the
Democratic support of the Baltimore
nominees and the “dethronement” of
the present corrupt administration. The
address was well received, and appreciat
ed by nil, except a few of the aforesaid
“ Straights,” whom the truth seemed to
“pierce to the quick.” Col Mathews is
a candidate for Congress from this Dis
trict, subject however to the nominating
convention. We hope the convention
will well consider his claims, lie is a
man of signal ability and irreproachable
integrity. Upon the gory field h2 has
been found true; indeed upon his perso i
he carrys the battle-scars of Liberty. If
the eighth sends him as her representa
tive, we predict that in him she will find
an able advocate nnd one faithful to the
“ mighty trusts reposed.”
closed by urging harmony; advising
t • motto make an issue now but waitfr
a Letter time ; and invited the ladies to
come to our county Fair in October and
bring their babies.
The length of this article will not per
mit me to do justice to Jude Jennings'
effort. Suffice it to say, that he dwelt with
considerable force iu support ot Greeley,
on the main point at issue in the coming
contest Itetween Greeley and Grant, viz
State Rights, or as some cull it, the local
rights of Self-Government, vs. Militauy
Despotism. This, in our opinion is the
real issue, and should be the Democratic
war cry ot the campaign. No straight-
out Democrat can combat the arguments
on that line. The history of all govern
ments I lorn the Inundation until the pres
ent time, bui too clearly prove that the
contest lias always been between Repub
licanism and centralism. Judge Jen
nings closed by urging organization and
At the close, Mr. Speer invited all pres
ent to a Barbecue to be given near
Athens, on the 21st of September, and
extended the invitation through them to
all the county.
The addresses being over, and all being
happier and better satisfied than when
they came, dispersed to their several
homes, happy no doubt in the thought
that they had done something toward
conciliation. J. O. F.
Political Notes.
J. R. Cravens, the Grant candid-
ate for Lieut. Gov. of Indiana, is out for
There are 8,000 colored voters
members of Gr.iely and Brown clubs in
the State of Maryland.
Ex-Gov. Stone of Iowa nnnouns
ces his intention to support Greeley. His
influence will be felt.
Judge James J. Winans of Xenia,
Ohio, a Republican member of the last
Congress, is now the Greeley Republican
candidate in the Davton District.
Emory Speer Esq. W. L. Mitchell
Esq., and John Calvin Johnson Esq.
Dr. Henry Hull brok the first dirt by
the use of the pick, while W. L. Mit
chell Esq. participated by throwing
the first shovel full. The lateness of
the hour prevents our giving a detailed
j account with a discrintion of the ban- i I cuttaa.—
ners with their appropriate inscriptions, I A thorou S h c:invass of lbe Ger " ‘ *’
but suffice it to say that all were entlnt- j nian voters wf thc ci, >‘ ot ' S P rin S field ’ ’ "
astic, and tbe road is a fixed fact.
a^ssHH?"?1872. DRY600DS. 1872.
T TiILjivoii.NU CLASS, male or female. $60
a week ituarnteed. Uespertable emplovuient i
— employu
at home, day or evening: no capital required : full
iustruc lonaaud valuable package of goods to »Urt
with sent free by mail. Address, with 6 cents re-
turn stamp. II. YOUNG * CO., ISCWbSd
St., New Tort. aug 25m 4w.
Rare Chance for Agents.
agents: we will pay y.n, S40 per week in cash,
if you willcugage with us ;it once. Everything
furnished, and expenses paid. F. A. Kl.Lsjt ri>
Charlotte, Mich. k ”
AGENTS WANTED—for the LD« of
Grant Greeley
men of all patWet. Ovor 40 Stool Portraits.
worth tw ce cost ofthe book. Warnedererywhere
-vg is have wonderful success. Send fol circular
deiphis |!, KI ‘ * , ;,ls Arch St fhil*.
■U-riiss Wanted for the Autobio.-rr.phv of
A new illustrated edition, now ready.'Get this tlie
best, and cnly edition written liy himself, and cu-
w.Trf.T V *, he Tfibttne ; and our 1872 t ABPAIti.V
JI.V.M At., for all parties, just out. price $1 SO. One
aRentsold Wt in three days. -Splendid Steel por-
traitoUireeley, 51. SS00 a month made selling
the above. E. B. TREAT,
l’ub. 80S, Kroadway, N. Y.
IPBiite m iUMMEft am fp'is.
I-ace Points,, Sacoue*, Laco Collars and Sleeves, Dolly Vardon Boxv*, Scarfa, Parasols, Ac. Ac. A apT *n-
did line of black aud colored silks, Japanese Cloths, Bareges, Challics, Plain Black Urenadlncs, >u:.u
Striped Grenadines, French Organdies, Colored lawns, Cambrics, Percales, Piques, Linen lawn*,
lH)lly Vardon patterns in most of the above.
Athens Retail Prices Current
Corrected Weekly by England <C- Qrr.
Fur Itipreso 'ntivo.
for T-tx Reffiver.
DORSEY, Ely., i- .tin
Clerk S;i’t'*rlor Court.
Mailisun ami Athens Railroad,
quili; a large and inteiligenl au- assembled. The meeting
was organize'.! by requesting Dr.
li. M. Smith Dia l as Chairman,
11,1 ; and John R. Crane as Secretary,
be | Dr. Smith upon takin
j made a few very pertinent rental'
. and announced the meeting ready j
lor business.
'“• v j Dr. J. z\. l’riee being called ujton, j
I entertained the audience about i
twenty minutes, and urged the great i
i( . ; importance of a large,
energetic, working delegation to be 1
I sent to MaJ.i-iun, and earnestly |
Imped that every one so appointed i
would go. but incase it was inis j
, possible lor any of those so appoint- j
j ed to go, lie urged them to appoint j
their own alternates and see that I
i they went. Ile also spokein glow- j
ling terms of liie enthusiasm that j
prevailed all along the route, and
! assured the meeting that every one
along the proposed route would
mci as a take every dollar's worth of stock
r ..f Clark ! that they were able to take.
..nion. ! _/\t, the conclusion of Dr. Price,
ir. it. if. i Hon. Asa M. Jackson was called
1- tlark U p on w ho forcibly urged the inis
portance ut buiUurig the road, and
thought it ought to be built simul
taneously with the North Eastern
Road, and that when the whistle
is heard on the Northeastern Road,
Railroad Meeting in Madron.—
A large and enthusiastic meeting was
held in Madison on Wednesday last,
looking to the permanent organization
of a company for the construction of
the Athens Madison & Eaton ton Rail
road. Large delegations from adjourn
ing sections were present and united in
the determination to push the great
I work through. A committee of five
were appointed from each delegation
to commence the work by soliciting
subscriptions. Let our citizens re
spond liberally, as the future of Athens
j depends in a great measure upon the
the Chair i construction of this road
W, I
Barbecue at Jennings' Mill.
• 111 lie
7-4 m.
, Shirting,
11. OVERliY.
niativo in thr
-nlijert to thc
For Tax ColleHor.
Ki r U «i ! b- supimrovt
iTERs Al.l. OVER Tli
WKNTIoN. Tliesev-
•ts of ( lark county tire
•sted to scud the ninii-
io which they tin; sever-
convcntion lor the ptir-
Mtt. Eijitok ;—It was our pleasure to
attend a Barbecue given by the Demo
cratic Club of Buncomb District, on Sat
urday last, and for real, genuine Georgia
hospitality, united with that happy con
ciliatory disposition, under trying cir
cumstances, give 11s the people of that
district. Wc could not give an account
of the Barbecue without first paying this
deserved tribute to a portion of our coun
ty people, who, it is known have widely
differed with us in some of our local mat
The place selected was a beautiful oak
grove, situated in front of Mr. Seaborn
Davenport's residence, and near Jennings’
mill, six miles Irom Athens. The place
is in every way well thud lor such gath
erings, and tlie Committee of Arrange
ments exhibited iu lu:s, ,i» t., met every
other necessary preparaim;:, that kind
care for others, so necessary the success
of a barbecue. We must not omit to men
tion that the natural loveliness of the
I place was greatly cnhaiiceu liy the pres-
1 cnee ol a large number of ladies front dil-
I ferent sections of the county, ready, as
j they ever are, to contribute their quota
; to the enjoyment ot others.
! We might describe the restless nnpa-
it might to be answered by the tience ot the crowd, inhaling the savory
whistle on tbe Eaton ton, Madison j odors from the cooking meats, and await-
anri Athens Road, and thought that! in « ll,c announcement for dinner, but we
- , 1 lot bear, lest we intrude on your space,
it could be built at a very nominal 1 ------ - - 1
cost, and tbatone road was depend
ent on the other for its succ ss, and
, that it was of paramount impor
tance to Athens and tbe surrounds
mg country to push hot It roads
through, amt that it was generally
'understood that a powerful corpo
ration would lend a helping band
to tbe enterprise.
' On motion of Mr. Howell Cobb,
a coin mil tee ol
the Convention at Madison on tl
4th of Sept. The Chair appointed
Lite following gentlemen, viz:—
Howell Cobb, Dr. J. B. Carlton,
Don. Asa M. Jackson, Dr. J. A.
Price, John II. Christy, M. L. Dur
ham and Dr. James Hester.
x*al trail (General Items. i The Committee retired a few
minutes an returned, when Mr.
f nnatinating candidates lor the
Iurr, to t>e held at the Court
m A then*, on Saturday, the 7th of
fet!’ inlu-r. .1. li. CARLTON,
I’rcs. Democratic Club.
Alter full justice was done to the cat-
allies the crowd wt entertained by
>pcc> hes Km . y ripcer, Ksu., Dr.
F rank -Jackson, Dr. Henry Carlton, and
Judge Jut. Jennings. All were heartily
in support of Mr. Greeley. All made ex
cellent speeches, evincing mature thought
on our national, State and county affairs.
Permit me to notice a lew of the main
points, which at this time are of interest
to our people.
Mr. Speer was introduced by Mr- C. W.
, Reynolus, who in a clear and forcible
Ven Was appointed I manner, presented the claims ot Air.
loot, twenty-five delegates to j Greeley to the suffrages of the people.
Ill., reveals the fact that 751 are for
Greeley, 4 for Grant, anu 14 doubtful.
Sixty Republican papers which
supported Grant in 1868, now advocate
the election of Greeley. Two-thirds of
the independent press of the country
now advocate the election of Greeley and
Tlie Chicago Tribune says: We
count more than 100 m imbtrs ar.d ex
members of Congress who have up to
this time acted with the Republican par
ty and who arc now for Greeley’s elec
II. Thoreson, of Nortlifield, tbe
wealthiest Scandinavian merchant in
Minnesota, aud a life-long Republican,
has declared lor Greeley.
The Journal of Commerce, in
New York, says the use of the postal fa
cilities to mail Radical campaign matter
over the country, and the devotion ot
the postmasters to this business—in
Grant’s interest—to the neglect of their
proper duties, is deranging the whole
legitimate postofliec business. Newspa
per subscribers are complaining of not
getting their papers.
The fusion ticket of Democrats,
Reformers nnd Liberals has been ratified
by the State Central Committee of Louis
Twcntyasix Republicans of Calds
well, N. J., have organized aGreeley and
Brown club.
One hundred and seventy.stwo
Republicans of Port Jervis, N. Y., have
issued n call for the organiz.ation of a
Greeley and Brown club on the 2otli
Fortysfwo Republicans of Muskes
gon, Mich., have issued a call for the or
ganization of a Greeley and Brown club.
One hundred and fifty Liberal
Republicans of Berrion county, Mich.,
call a convention at Berrion on thc l'Jth
Eighty Republicans of Ilonesdale-
Pa., have signed a call for a meeting to
organize a Greeley club.
The San Francisco Examiner
says: ‘Events which have recently trans
pired, justify the belief that thc Conser-
vaties will carry California by a handsome
majority for Greeley.
to IS
to 12'.
to li
to 15
to 35
to 30
to 40
Dry floods..—Prints, •• 10
Delaines, “ 25
lUVUed Shirting, “ 10
4* Bed Ticking, “ 20
ProVlsions.—Flour, Fancy, per bbL. 12 00
Family, " 11 00 to
Superfine “ v oo to
Corn *. —per bush. 1 15 to 1 2t»
Peas “ l 50 to
Meai •* 1 20 to
Wheat “ 1 50 to
Bacon, hog round, per lb. - to —
** sides, •* — to 14
** shoulders, “ - to 11
“ clear bulk sides. - to 12
“ “ 44 shoulders, - to -
Lari “ 13 to 15
Chickens, grown, 25ct Frying 20 to —
Kggs, per iloz. 20 to 25
Butter j»er lb. 20 to
Tobarco—Common •• 50 to 60
Medium “ 75 to M)
Fine 44 1 oo to 1 2'»
.Smoking “ 50 to .SO
Snuff. 44 90 to 1 00
Cigars, Am per 100035 00 to?5 00
* 4 Aavana.... “ 75 0o
Ammunition—Powder per lb.
.'Shot 44 12
Lead “ 12
Cups per box, 10
Womlen Ware.—Painted Buckets, doz 3 50 to 4 00
Cedar ** 4 * 12 »*> i«>\5 00
Sieves, 44 3 50 to 4 00
Liquor*.-—C-oru Whisky,... per gal. 3 00 to
Peach Brandv " 2 00 to 3 00
Apple 44 44 2 50 to 3 00
Holland Gin 44 7 00 to 8 00
Bourbon Whiskey, 44 3 00 to 7 00
Wines *.. *• 3 0J to 7 tXJ
Groceries.—Sugar, Crushed per lb. IS to
44 A * 4 15 to 16
44 B 4 15 to 15*4
44 C 44 15 to 16
44 Brown, good 44 14 to 15
Coffee, Rio, 44 25 to 28
44 Java 44 33 to 37
Tea, Hyscn 44 1 50 to
44 Gunpowder, 44 2 00 to
44 Black 44 1 50 to
Syrup, Sorghum, {tergal. 60 to 75
44 Cane, 44 75 to 1 00
Cuba Molasses..... 44 10 to 50
Candle*, jier ih. 20 to 25
Cheese 44 20 to 30
Crockers 44 15 to 20
Oub.iiB, per bush. 1 00 to 1 50
Candy, Fati-y per lb. 50 to 60
•* ’ Stick,* ** 25 to 40
Soda 44 12 to 15
Black Pepper 44 35 to 40
Ginger 44 25 to 30
Starch 44 15 to 20
Bice - 44 10 to 12%
Mackerel No. 1,... per kit, 3 00 to
44 No. 2,... 44 2 00 to 2 25
Sardines, per box, 25
Salt persack,2 25
Drag*-—Cop]»eras per lb. 8
Indigo 44 1 75
Mad per 44 20
Salt* 44 10
Sulphur 44 15
Hardware. —Iron, Sweeds... 44 7
44 Country bar 44 6
44 Castings...... 44 8
Nails 44 *
Cotton Cards, par doz.6 00
lloes, Brade’s, 44 6 00
Ames’ Shovels, 44 15 00
44 Spades, 44 15 00
Trace Chains, 44 9 00
Pinandal.—Gold, buying 1 12
44 selling 1 3
Silver, buying.... 1 08
44 seuimr I 10
Swiss, Mull, Nainsook and Jaconet, Irish Linen, Unen Law* Fur Suit*, Swiss nnd Vic. Lawn SiHvi
made up, Linen Table Damask, Napkins, Doyles, and Towels. In our tMMKSTU’ DF.PABT3iLM will
be round all the favorite brands of bleached and brown sheet!ug* and shirting* at vejrv reasonabb j-rb »•*.
With sinceregmtitu I 4 t'»r th • ki ttl i*i 1 liberal Micteir.igeftieiil I'rm.i ..ur »'riends the past ».•
respectfully solicit a continuance of their tavors, pr.imisiug ou our part every eilort to pleaae.
WM Vvi-y Re»|*ctfu!ly, KEAN, LANDRAM & (JO.
I J - S. NVe will send samples and pay the Ex
press on all bills ordered at retail tor amounts
over Ten Dollars.
sxomss & SB® UKS,
Te.u-rnoiM'Si.iaui.^nciimy belmdat tliinoBiM., I . . ,
rut n. c. brooks, i.. i.. D. Brest, Baltimore, m i I W Inch wo are offering at very low owes. M e will also keep (hiring the season
(,py . . .j tt,yppI ! il stock of those fatuous Stimmey & Newton AXES, at reduced prices.
1 (. (J IJ A 1 i f JJ ( ) 1 Ij !
At LOWELL, Maw., pr..v.-
x. r. iti RVtmi-s
IV K W TlltltlAK, |
superisr to all ntliers. It gave » j
higher txireentHge than anyo-li- ,
er wheel »f co iimnn linish. Paul- !
phlet and priee tot hv
N. K. BE UN II AM, York. Pa. I
bai.ti 11 » It«
Was incorporated as a regular College in 1819, with
tfower to confer degrees. It was liberal I v endowed
by the State of Maryland in 1849, and affords every
facility fora thorough and accomplished Education
It enjoys the patronage of the Middle. Southern at»d
W estem States.CataU^ue* may in* had at thieoflic
Baltimore, Md.
This New and Beautiful Hotel is now OPEN to
the public. Located on MONUMENT SQUARE,
convenient alike to tin businessman and theturist.
rA ‘ ’ the only hotel in Baltimore embracing eleva-
suits «f rooms with t>ath*, and all otherconveu-
To accommo-latc Merchants. Commercial Trav
elers and others, the rates will l»e $2 per day for
room*on the fourth aud fifili floors, making the
difference on account of the elevation. Ordinary
transient rates for lower rooms, $3 per day.
Gue«ts desiring to take advantage of the above
rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are
assigned. An improved elevator for the use ol thc |
guests is constantly running, from 6 A. M. until 1
11 1* M. ifARRY H. FOGLE Manager
Jackson. Wagons a Specialty.
oct H
IV. a. WITltERa. k. a, JOKE9.
Proprietors Novelty i r #„ Works, Atlanta, Ga.
: jVT 'y*'l jT f**-bTURI-.ILS of Riiildiujr Fronts, Gratings, Window Guards,
j Susar MU Ch"nud' mSu.^Vom. ^,7’ i0K ," rac ^ el ",’- Kro e*
1 terns for i , b n> .m l \erar.dahs, Iron Railings a
i 1 - Lots, Pences anU \ crandahs, etc., etc. Altordersfor
nigs, Summer House*,
ndugsof the latest pat
terns when in regular line of 1
for the CAMPAIGN of 1872, is a
striking novelty in the torch line
The burning fluid being contain
ed in tbe packing, prevents all
danger ofdrippingand soiling the
clothing,and is perfectly safe in
handling. By blowing through a t
tube in the handle !
is thrown three feet into the air,
producing a beautiful and start- [
ling effect, and illutnninating a
This Torch is cheaper
^»^^uro t o"nir n two , or r thi»e son,e d° I are not liable to burnt, and will cut further than any other wheel.
ent* per night.
Manufactured and sohl bv
261 Pearl Street New York
Manufacturer* of Ship, R. R.
and Hand Lantern*.
of all kinds attoin’el to promptly, and no charges made for pattei
. V n e a ^r, ,1 . nuf ! Ct,,r< * s l ' 1 IroI ‘ s ’ A lid irons, Fire Stands, Well-wheel*, Portable Grates, Kettle* Caul
drons, .Skillet*, etc., etc. We arc agent* for thc
Tanite Company^ Emery Grinders, Saw Guiumers, Po
tent Flanges, etc., wihclt we will deliver at Factory Prices.
iffi-vt, and illutnninating i|,k, , . , , , •
*rca. Tin* Torch is ekeaptr ■ l liese wheels are Iren from nnv offensive odor, do not qlaze, mnn, or heat, as
L/mdtVr than nnv rOltnr anil i * ... • . ^ . ’
D. H. & J. T. DENNING,.
4 v,4
Session 1872-7:1 opens Sept. 20th. 1.872* j
WILLIAM D. CABF.LL, Ifuiv. Va.t. l*rincl|.al !
F. Kbv Me a uk, tlniv. Va.i, Iustructoriii Ancient i
R. L. Harrison, M. A., ( Univ. Yu.), Instructor in j
Modern Language*, English, Ac.
Titos. A. Skddon, (Mathematical Medalist, Univ,
Va.). Instructor iu Applied Mathematics and i
iu Analytical aud Apiiled Chemistry.
D. S. (i. Caukll, (Univ. Va.). Instructor in Law. |
Address, WILL! AM D. CABELL, principal, ;
N«*rw»»od. Va. !
University of Virginia, May 9 1872 \
To Win. D.Cabell, E*q., Principal. j
My. Dear Sir l luive a high appreciation of work >
yonr 8cht*ol is doing for the State and the Country, J
and of the importance of sending you the best men j
as vour assistants. Your*, very truly,
Chairman of thc Faculty, U. of Va.
Medical School,!
Baltimore, Maryland.
of this Institution will begin October 1st,
1872, and continue live months. Thc clinical ad- I
vantages of the School are unsurpassed. |
Fee*including dissection anti hospital tickets, $65.
For Catalogues containing full particulars apply '
to Prof. CH AS. W. CHANCELLOR, Dean,
Baltimore, Md.
Lime, dement, Plaster Paris, JJaif# ! r
Building Material;
45 Jaeh.on Street, Near Post Office, Augusta, Ga.
W K nE< - , -,': : avi ,: : r:l ! 1 atteiiti m t . ..ur ftciluic, for (upplyiug building material, and inritenn ■ *n
» V examination .it ..tir .«t<K-k amt price*. Our Doors, Rashes, and Blind* are of White and South
ern Pine, ».|J having c-miiection with manufacturer* South, can flit order* with prnmntncKt l>l*nj-
and estimate* furni.hed, and . ontracts takc-.l for all »tvlea of building*. Send for a Price List
jan 26. 3nt. I). H. & J. T. DENNING.. ,
it: \:
l> -\SSKS8MENT. — Attetl-
• I to tho
j Howell Cobb moved to amend the
.... . above motion so as to read forty in
place ot twenty-five delegate.*.
>. in-l.irv, eallnit; Inr an assess- *. • . • , i . .
which was unanimously adopted.
'"-•f fr "'» »>ie stock-; Mr Cobb theI1 reported the follow-
N,,rth L " s,< 'm jngnamR8as delegates, viz:
I-.' 1 ,h ” first assessment I I)r R yj Smith, F Phinizy,
1 1 ' n >- will only be required to , Hon A M Jackson,B II Overby,
11 <>n their stock, nt | J C Johnson, Dr James Hester,
: Dr M iS Durham, Nicholas C Glenn,
Dr J A Price, B C Middlebrooks,
BYTKiuax Otit Hcii R eV I John H Christy, MLDurhatn,
Mb. Bt-olf will pleach in o., p i .' J W Nicholson,
BE, , 1 me t reshvten- T r , ,,
aneliur. li mi next SmnLiv ' ' Ijamtir Cobb,
— ——i James G Wilson,
iXjst of Apts.- We oun-.n . t J B Carlton,
the pul.I I ati,Hi of the list of a, * ^ ° \ 1 ^ ^ Bishop,
b, I-1,.... 1., !* z r~* 1 y.b w**,
with tli
• •* '»f r.'iVl*. f G.. ...... I :»a J.«lll<iri*
■jam .
1 li*t mini!
111 0.* i'.rst page, | John C Pitner,
intention of continuing them - Win E Orr,
w,- olisrve that the 1 Janies P Mayne,
:,1 >>ut .via hills ;in ,i Drew Long, ’
r. i.l.T will Km, »rv S r
| >11111 i s|,
R L Moss,
G W Center,
Reuben Nickerson,
Dr D R Richardson,
J E Talmadgc,
A L Dearing,
F W Lucas,
J H Newton,
H Beusse,
H C Parish,
James Frazier,
K F Anderson,
A M Jackson,
E S England.
m motion of Capt, A. S. Irwin,
| l , Athens, Madison, Eatonlon and
: . ^ayatinah papers arc requested to
uive j publish these proceedings.
, , v N,r - I On nioting of Dr J B Carlton
Kngland ot thU place, from thc | the meet in, '• ’ ’
hi ^ iii ( ol, Johnson in Morgan
K ity which a'e completely riddled by
o.i.n. Mr. England informs us j . . .
^ ^ ^ m ^
f-siunt* of their appearance in other i • T °? th * s P cech ot Hon * B *
ption* of Morgan. j H. Hill in that city, in behalf of Greeley
snd Brown.
I il :
' ’ ' "1 'he State
Wi)ltil. -Wo
cotton holls, by Mr.
i>r R DM.,.,.’,.
V 1. Few.
Isaac Powell.
ig adjourned.
R. M. SMITH, Ch’u.
John R. Ckane, Sec’v.
History proved that uicn and govern
ments are constantly undergoing change
—thut the issue between Greeley and
Grant was the only one before the peo
ple—military despotism on one hand,
and local self government on the other.
He presented, the importance of the
movement in our State and Congressional
elections, nnd finally wound up for Mr.
Greeley by tearing >rhu mask from the
‘•straight-out” movement, by showing
the radical hand iu tiie matter, lull oi
the people’s money, aud black with cor
ruption. These are a few of Mr. Speer’s
points, but perhaps not in the order in
which they were presented. We do not
think there was one on the ground op
posed to Greeley when he got through.
Mr. Speer then dwelt ut some length
on our county'ereuces; said he knew
he was treading on dangerous ground ,
but he was in sympathy with them in
their effort to get a new county, nnd had
come in a conciliatory spirit; told them
that tlie people of Athens were in sym
pathy with them, as evinced by thc elec
tion of Hr. Durham, who was a new coun
ty man: that the Legislature was op
posed to making new counties : urgeij
the impolicy ..f ir. iLing an issue ot this
question at this time, and stirring up ac
tive opposition when it was passive now;
showed that disorganization would defeat
the end iu view; that the Legislature
would be Democratic, and tiie hopes of
the friends ot the new county movement
could be centered in Democratic suc
cess. He* closed by urging conciliation,
amt p omised them that as tie w as pledged
to the movement, he would <io all he
could for them ut any time they wished
his services.
Dr. Frank Jackson followed in a happy
effort, depricating the evils ot prejudice
and warned them of disorganization-
heir duty was to hold aloft ther banner
if principles, and not bury it beneath the
ruins of a dead issue.
Dr. Henry Carlton was called out.—
Said he would not make a speech, but
would talk a little to them ; but he made
an interesting speech. He urged the
support of Greeley, and said that Gree
ley might be a bitter pill to swallow, but
sometimes the most neauseus dose was
necessary to the health of the patient.— t» wonderful Depot, s Gold at., n.
Do this, anti they will last as long as the breath
lasts, aud the breath itself will never be tainted.
To Owners or Ilorse* and Cattle.—Tobias’ Derby
Condition Powder* are warranted Superior to any
others, or uopav, for the cure of Distemper, Worms,
Buts, t oughs, liide Bound, Cold, Ac., in Horses,
aud Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue,
Horn Distemi*er, Ac., in Cattle. Price 25 cents.
Depot, 10, Park Place, New York.
PhTsloliiirists say that oar Bodies are renewed
once in seven years. The material of which they
are reconstructed is the blood, aud unless it be ful
ly charged with the elements of vitality, the
sileugih aud health of the system decline. Cf all
blood depurents, Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters is
the safest and most infallible. There is no disease
arising from depravation of the blood, which it
will not speedily cure.
For Dynpepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits
and general debility, in their various forms, also
as a preventive agaiust fever and ague ; aud other
intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated
Elixir of Calisaya, made hr Caswell, Hazard A Co.,
New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best
tonic, and for patients recovering from fever or
other sickness, has no equal.
Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Ponder.—The best
apticle known for cleaning and preserving the
teeth and gums. Sold bv all druggists. Price 25
and 50 cents per bottle, F. C. Wells A Co., New
Christadore’s Hair Dye. Thia magnificent com
pound stands unrivalled, in t^e itttrld. No lady
or gentleman of discrimination uses any other. It
is the most perfect, reliable, and effective hair dye
in the world. Factory 68 Maiden Lane, N. V.
Carbolic Halve, reconi mended by physicians as the
great healing compound. Price 25 cents per box
John F. Henry, *qje proprietor, 8 College Place,
New New York.
Ulsley’s Kucha is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic
forall derangements of the urinary and genital orr
cans. The genuine, *« iormeriy sold hr JJaviland,
Ilarral A Rislev, and their brat/,.fc*3, f* now pre
pared l»y li \V. Ki>lc>, the ori inatnr and Pro
prietor) an I the ’r^ic supplied by hi* success rs,
Morgf# A 4isiey, New York.
bb-g rtfej isaaj bl 9
.4 Substitute for Mercurial Preparations,
Castor Oil, Rhubarb, Senna, &c.
J. remedy known for diseases of the Liver, Fe
male Complaints, or for any disease in which a
medicine is necessary, to keep the bowels free and
healthy, or to purify the blood. It acts more nat
urally on the liver than Calomel or Blue Pills, and
answers a better purpose. It is THK Great Spring
Medicine. Prepared by J. Dennis, M. D., Augus
ta, Ga. Sold by Dr. King, Athens.
from a German recif>e obtained by tbe late Jonas
Whitcomb, in Europe. It alleviated this disorder
in hi* case when all other appliances of medical
skill and been abandoned. Joseph Burnett A Co.,
Bos on. For sale by all druggists.
Substitutes in the Dental Rank*are not desirable;
'h.^rvlore, keep the natural leelh sound anil pure Paint.
Manufacturers of
Svanuia is opium nuri&eitoril* sickening and pois
onous properties. It is a perfect anodyne, not pro
ducing qeadache, <>r oonuipation of the howels, a*
is the ease with other preparations of opium. John
Farr. Chemist. N. 1-
Pratt’s Istral Oil. ha* a World-Wide reputation
iu the surest aud lies! il'umiuating oil. Over two
million gallons have been sold for the past two
veata, from which, no accidents ot any description
have occurred. Send for Circular. Oil House
of Charles Pratt established 1. .0, hew York.
Be have Frequently Heard mothera they
would not be without Mrs. Winslow s boothtug
Syrup, from the birth ofthe child until it has fin
ished with the toethins siege, under any cireum-
stances whatever.
Thc Secret of Rctuty. What is it? no longer
Jm. for the world of fashion andril the ladies
know that is produced by using a dolightful and
harmless preparation known ^i^t! iifuu*
It wonderful Depot, 3 Gold at.. N. Y
Xo. 159, West 5th st., Cincinnati, Ohio.
All colors and tints ready for nse.
Warranted not to Pwl, Blister, Crack or Chalk Off.
One gallon covers 200 square feot, 3 coats. On
plastered walls ami ceilings 300 and 250 square feet
2 and three coat*.
Our paint is made from Ui|ume materials that
all painters claim to use—beat White Lead, Zinc
and Liuseed Oil; the enameled surface given l.y
the gloss is not effected by scrubbing and washing.
It has been thoroughly tested, being iu use over
nine years, aud has given entire satisfaction. Suit
able for all purposes, and warranted to stand in
auv climate.
As our paints are made of the ordinary pigmaut*
and oil, do not confound them with those styled
“Chemical,” “Rubber,” or an y other mixed paints.
April 1, lfiTZ.
New Cotton and Produce Warehouse!
Li iss ayjj
Subscribed Capital, tr,
Sr. 3 ,-M«* - SWKi Itwsft’?
Corner ot Campbell and Reynolds Sts
Augusta, Georgia, * ’ ***'
LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES will be made upon Cotton in Warehouse,or upon Railroad Receipt*
■f 1 ?, "V 11 ,H ‘ fl!,,isht:(l with receipts for same that willbe ;
vauable in 111I.>( II » OK AM o i ll hi,, f.,r r»ormwing uinnev. .‘-i'hI *
tt*)* Tlie Batik is prepaid at ;
most reasonable terms.
Parties would do weH to apply ;it the Warehouse, or communicate with the officer*. ’ KL*
CIl ARLES J. JRNKJNS, President.
JNO. P. KING, Vice President.
T. 1*. BRANCH, CasWietd^U*
It is uot a phv
lief to the sutieicr for tin* first few doses, but which
from continued use brings piles and kindred dis
eases to ai<l iu weakening tlie invalid, nor is it a
doctored liquor, which, under the popular name
of 44 Ritters,’’ is so extensively palmcit off on the
public as sovereign remedies, but it is a mod power-
fal tonic and altera/ire, pronounced so by the lead
ing medical authorities of London and Paris, ami
ha* long been used by regular physicians of other
countries with wonderful results.
retains all the medicinal virtue* peculiar to the
plant, and must l»e taken as a permanent eurati%e
I* there want of Action In Ynnr Liver and Spleen !
Unless relieved at once, thc blood becomes impure
from deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous
or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustules, canker,
pimples, etc.
Take JURUBEBA to cleanse, purify and restore :
the vitiated blood to healthy action. |
Have you a lljKpensie Stomach ! Unless digestion j
is promptly aided the system is debilitated with ;
loss of vital force, poverty of the blood, dropsical i
tendency, general weakness or lassitude. i
Take it to assist digestion without reaction, it i
will impart youthful vigor to the weary sufferer. j
Hare you Weakness of the Intestine* I You are!
flatnmation ofthe bowels. or the dreadful i„-j rc moved to tlie lsitc store of Jas.
to inflammations. irritation.and wardi>!Ttendency j KEEP ON HAND A VERY LARGE AND COMPLETE
Have yon Weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Dr. | \ \ stock of
cin*! Yov must procure instant relief, or you nro
liable to sulfering worse than death.
Take it to strengthen organic weakness «»r lif** Ih»-
oo = cs a burden.
Finally, it should be taken t»» keep th*» sy>tewi
in perfect health, or you areothewise in gr. at dan
ger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases.
Platt st., N. Y., sole agt. for United States.
Price, one dollar per holtK*. Send for c ircular.
Great Shoe House
1 ISG MACHINE in iwe, doinc a greater rarie-
t v of work. It in moie iimple in its construction,
running lighter and with more apeed than any
other SEtt’INU MACHINE in the market. Hav
ing ftixrf the teat for twenty years.
Every Mnctjiap Is Fully Warranted.
Call and examine Ufor* r qrahauf hr other*.
Thread: needl.a, -ul, .xc., i»*y tw had at theotfice.
New York Fashion Patterns
A full-sire, accurate and reliable pattern In vari-
ous sixes, of every new and deairahle <1 yte.
For Ladies' and Children's Dresses.
Each pattern put up in an envelope, with illustra
tion, and full description and directions how to
cut, put together, make and trim tbe garmont.
Having competent ladies to run machines, or-
ders for making dresses, shirts, or for other sew
ing. will he promptly executed.
juris OtBce on College A venue. Athena. Ga.
Daniel's Magic Oil,
SSore Throat,
&e., &c.
Wagon Yards in A thens.
J- a safe, comfortable and commodious Wagon
Yanl on ttiver street, near the Upper Bridge :
on Foundry st., nearly rear of liorsey A .Srniffi,
where Coru, Fodder, and all other necessary ap
pliances, can be purchased on reasonable term*.—
Charges moderate. The highest market price paip
for county produce, and lank bills received in ex
change forcoods. WILEY HOOD.
Jan. 1872.
Qpvr\ CORDS, Pine wood wanted.
^/Proposal* to furni«n. Two Hundred
Cords of Pine Wood at tlie Athens Check Factory
are desired by
Agent A. M. Co.
july 21 -2t
Embracing the
V-ry Rest Goods made in thc United States,
Which lie will sell at
siting Augusta during I In
suiqdv for thuir fmniiius.
May Convention will find it t»# their tntcn*st t»» give nle a tall.
i beautiful assortment ofthe following goods for .Spring trade, all of •whii li
* small advance :
V RK now opening
i Y sold «*tj‘quick at
Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain, and low priced Carpets, Rugs,
Floor and Table Oil Cloths, best goods, cut any si zb,
Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices and Bands, Cliromos,
Window Shades all sizes Curtain Goods, Lace Cumins,
Wall Papers and Borders, Hair Cloths, Upholsterers Goods.
We also keep on our first floor, a large stock of CHOICE FAMILY
GROCERIES, Wood and Willow Ware. We solicit orders from our Athens
friends, for the above goods, which will be sold Low For Cash. ,
Fell :i 8111 205 BKOAIK S Tr.KliT, .1 VG FATA.
j——a—■■————wi— 1 m—
Carriage, Buggy & Wagon preparatory department
University prGeorgia.
Athens, Georgia/ * '
Tp XEROISES resumed on Moinlnr,
JL-J January 15tli. Tuition SS per, |«y-
A LARGE and well selected assort
ment, fornie <>y
Blacksmith’s Bellows, Anvils,
V Die*. Ac. F r sale by
Window Shadcss-fire Screens.
A LARGE LOT of Paper Window Curtain* and j
Fire Screens, comprising many new and
beautiful pattern*, never before hrouchtto thi* j
Finest Kerosene Lamps
new drug store.
Hot!. Sec retire of the Fxetfffyi wlio
receipt iu my name.
Jan. 1st, 1872.
W. L. MiTCHRLL. Trcxsun x
Universitysof Cewgfu-
Carriage, Buggy & Wagon
A LARGE LOT, direct from th«
manufactory, and wjjj be sold as low as can
Ih» booght aorvhere In the State, frfilght added-