The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, January 20, 1860, Image 3

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FmiltSPAY MORNING, Jon, 10 3AUIK0 MAfTfcR ON KVKRY 2 0Pt!IWl , At*m_2 Wood wTstko.—Those subscriber* to tip jwricr whe have prmuUod to pay for their mer in Wood, aro requited to briug it In ‘ * dot lift A Liberal Proposition. To nil thoho suWrlbers to t|io Weekly Nn Vr who rtro indebted for one .veer's Stucrlption or moriMTo mnko'tho ful- Vim: liberal proposition, viz; .you can stop your weekly ’"Counyr, \ paying Two Dollar* iv ylutrTnr tlio ho in nrottni* provided yon will take , Tri- Weekly und J»ny four dollar* in ■vnnctf for tlio Same. This propo?ilion pi stand opon for a fc\V. weeks. thousand* bujjsciuujuih WANTKDU |\Vt» have recently, at n largo (nlo arrangement* for increasing tho ount of reading matter in tho “ U.Vr4- tburkr" utnl otherwise improving the «r. Wo cannot nay .that wo publish “largest and host paper in Cltero- p truth forbids one and mod • the ethar—but wo do promise to Ike tho “Weekly Courier” iu interns- • ai we possibly can, and that it will lituin more muling matter than any pn*r in thi* Hoeliom There will bo rug- krly In tho paper about twenty col- * of reading matt or, or otk-o uud n (If tho average of hint year, Jf our friend* feed that they can con- ■encimuly recotnihend,the-Courirr wo luld be glad for them to do so; Another Lottery Letter* Kinco our issue of A tlm 17th, we have en shown another letter purporting to | from Morris & Co., Italthnbre', inn ing a similar proposition to.thA one. Intained in the letter from Gilbert tl There may he Lottery-, concerns Ider the managenie.nt<if men of these |ines, hut we are somewhat inclined to Jiove th*y ftty . fictitious, litid so letters are ail wtitteit by some ndler or company of swindlers to so who are credulous enough to be cinved by such a * shallow artifice.— [hother this bo so or not the rascality t to bo exposed, and the public (rued against the imposture. The system of Lottery schemes, is boded upon fraud and deception, and buhl no more bo‘tolerated by the laws I the land tliup any other species of milling. Tho immense wealth the Imagers accumulate is the aggregate I the hard earned-wages of the laborer |d mechanic, for it is well known that ; pooler classes uro the chief victims I these concerns. They are deceived 1 the plausible, schemes whoso cheat unahlo to' penetrate.. They id iu the public jotii iials of prises of. kusamU of dollars being drawn by * in various “Idealities,!' perlmp (io Individual in their own comma- • is tho fortune favoh'd one, and con- ntly thinking siid wishing they final onfideutly heUeyc th.ey are destined one turn of the'wheel (u be ■in poverty to. competency, or even eueeattd they deny themselven or folr families, the comforts and perhaps J necossarh'H of lifu in order to lay sufficient to liny a ticket which r draws anything but a blank. We r of an honest hard working man itbis place, ivhosa salary as overseer bunted to throb hundrod dollars ami pne year ho invested scventy-fivo of lln In Lottery ticket* which of course pned him nothing. Wlion asked r he 'allowed himself to bo dupod, | replied ho bad ' thought so much |u the subject that ho was satisfied vould draw a prize, atul-./iad keen ^incil that Ac would, arvery natural ro- ' so much hiptlitgfian. There arc (minds of justsuch coses. We hope ■nay ho able to induee somb tdtdmn- ] tho foolish attempt to grow sudden*- Ich in this way; Wo nwin-o tlie.m J nearly,, if not quite .dll the ‘‘splen* | prizes" are arranged fora few fndi- pals for tho pur|>oso of "creating nn fitement in certain localities that (tend to- fncrcaso tho business” of Lottery managers. We have heard l least one person hero who , ro- hded to one of tho letters received (Ills office ami remitted Twenty ' Dol- from wlilch ho wfll novor hear i. Wo hopo ho is nlono In his mis 1 How ilo they Know f • j nee iu several of our oxchnnges. Frospectusof the RomoiSbuMmwr d> irliser, headed In blazing capitals, a (mv York J.efJger: “THE LARQKST ANDBEST. 1 THE LARGEST AND BEST THE LARGEST ANp BEST ^VSPAPER IN CHEROKEE, GA.” pr up town neighbors may havo'tho )gfst paper in Chorokoe, Ga.,” but [ do they know it is thc best f ~ ‘Have merits of all,tho!papcrH in this soc- [ boon oauvassad by an infallible‘fudge i palm awardiKl to our friomU of 1 iouthcrn&f It ?bo all right j but if i shall bo forced to the conclusion y with all their clevorness,. thoro is b little streak of vunlty In the corn- lion of theao worthy publishers— ftintlht'rncr <C* Advertiser is mow the t papor in Cherokco Ga., and has, elievo, tho most advertisements, whether other papers,—when thnir bins become as much, crowded with ptisoments, ns wero those of tho *r—will not enlarge to their size ar, remains to bo Keen. It is nn overb, tlmt Jirag is a good dog but “l is a bettor ono. • •fho Alabama State Convention, 314th Inst., appointed anti-Doug- Bolegatea to tho Charleston Couvcn- and instructed thorn to return > if thut body did not endorgo tho form of tho Stato Convention, which J» on Territorial protection to elayo- pd demands that ull tho powers of f overnmont shall bo. omployed, if , for that puropse. •A resolution has been introduced ho Virginia House of. Helogatcs, ling into tho propriety of taxing pors, past thirty years of ago, !flO nnura for tho education of pool* llomo Market. .Tan, lO.-rCotton samo as last vrqejc from 8 @ 10 ota. “Dog UlV' and snndy cotton 5 ($ 0 cts, Wheat in demand, Red at $1,20 @ 1,30. Whito at $1,80 1.85. Corn by tl»n load at 80.(rt 85 ct«. Pork 0 (eft CJ cts, Specimcu Copies. We hav^beon sending spochnen cop ies of tho TVi- Weekly t.burier. to several persons who nro not snhscribcrs. Our torms for the TrbWgekly arc strictly cash in advance. This in*far • better • fgr Initl* publiKlier and Hitbscribcr ami we slnoore- ly hope tlmt all who wish To tnko fho paper, will at o«co ondlolie. fdurdoUni's, to our address, and ,a recipt will be sent them by return of Mall. - If any nro receiving the Tri-Wcckly who do - not wish to Hiibscriho. they will plcaso write their uatnoAiiJ I^ost Offieo VUslinclly on tho paper,mud return onocopj to uv. Euratum.*—lii our iavne of the 17th, the extracts giving tho views of llom.l. .1, Jones, upon tho election of Speaker, W.iu} ^otnvdlted to tho Washington XUrs, ltsiiouM iuive been -Waynesboro Xros. ttiri j»;t Um citizens all attend the meeting at ‘the City Hall to-morrow night. It KecniH Id us that the comple tion of the U.w‘Works wilt be a vio'.v suitable o lox^ioii for a "joii/t of ronson' and flow of. soul.”- , •• Completion cf the Gn» Works. We learn from tlie ciiterprising con tractors, Mo.ikM.M-igiir *& Co., 1 that 14 ihe works ni-0 In a faphl state of comple tion, and thoy will be ready,for lighting up in.some eight or ten* days, Tt 1ms been suggested Uv-some of our citizens —and we behove' it to be a good-iden- that wo have a juhilmv to celebrate tho- oompletion of 'the Gas Works iu Rome, The introduction 'of Gas into our city will form an epoch ill her history and it U proper tlmt it should ba marked with some .deijiOnst rat ion of public rejoicing Thcro will bo a mooting at tho City I lull to-inoi-row (Friday) night for the purpose of. taking this.matter in*.o.con sideration, and, if thought bi*at, to up- point n Committee of Armifgcintmtv. Corroipbndonce of the N. Y.Coin. Advortlser . Wasiiinotov. Jan. 5.~rTho npponr- an<io of Son ator Mason in tho Sonato yes terday, in a full suit of home-spun gray Virginia cloth, attructod some attention Thtring tho nullification crisis, Mr. Mc Duffie, of South Carolina, appeared in like dress, and id roverul other eminent Southern men. During tlm Revolution it was common in tho South for gentle men to wear homo-spun garments, us n inftttrr, not ho much of necessity, us of patriotism. At Richmond the ladies iTppoor iioW at fashionnhhr parties in homo-spun cloth. All these things, witty t)u* insecurity of tho* persona of Npr/nern citizens in the Soufhom States, nllud« ; d to yeslerduy by Senator Foster. nn» signs tlmt. as unothor .Sena tor rbmarke<l in d«»hate/’‘ , we are ill the midst of a revolution, bloodless a* yet.” A revolution 1ms occurred in the South ern mind, and it is not one that is like ly to go hack ward. The Nmtliorn mind is also, as wu lmvo every reason to ho- lievo, unnlternlily fixud upon the asser tion of principles rpiito us decidedly Northern. • Maxims for this Time*. > Siik‘ and: broad-eloth will not turn tho point of an Ossawatomio pike. A homespun.coat uiid a Slmrpo’s rillo nro hotter than gold button* and a cuno cut at Niagara., It is better to fight for our children, than to loavo oi(V chi hi roil nothing^ to fight for. Soldiers cannot cut cotton.. If woman cannot tight'battlos, they can practice thrift and mould buliets. Mounted cannon givo force to paper coifstitutions. Buy your gunpowder for tiie ’nox.t ^•glorious Fourth." whileil.i* cAfqp. . The fourth of March, IfilH, will be i historical era,., . A stump on paper aiid a ,tu,x on tea made ono Revolution.' The heroes of ’7i» *till live in their children, > • Ho who plants coni Is tlic true pa triot. “To everything there is a* time—a time to love, and a time to Imto; a time of peace, and n time of war.”, The smaller the cotton • crop, the lar ger tl price, A prudent man foreteeth the evil.— short time since, one hundred ! The horse is prepared against the day and fifty in miuuoahlo girls, all reported j of buttle ; liut safety is of llie Lord.- - to ho young and preny, Htip t^d, across T.tsca.oota Observer. SritiNuriEUi. Hi.| dun. 11.—The State ihMiiiKimtic Convention mot lmroto-duy, and elected ilelcgatc-} to tlio Ciiartyistuli b'onveiition. ResolittiAiiH wdo pftMecl ddi.laring t in Democratic doctrine to l»e tlmt. neither Gnu prow nor tlm Territo rial l.egislatme has the power to exclude slavery front the ' Territories, but. that the people, when forming Slate Govern ments, have (hi* right to permit or ex clude it-;, that the principle of squatter v.overoigniy is calculated to promote dis order. disunion, treason, and inurdef, ns pnuiticnlly illustr.detl at Harper’s Ferry; and expressing full confidence, in the National Administration, including its the plains and settled down in Honey Lake Valley, This good news having aoimtrated into the wilds of Huinlmldt. county, tlie Nottii (’aliforniaii, piiblisli- wl at Union, movhd tlicreby, and lit toral h following; Proposals for tho n’du fifty have liven rooeivinl at tliis ntllee. 'I Uoro is a land beyond the in«iimt|iins, O ye fair daugh- ,teiw of the plain'! where tho younginuii hhoiind in wisdom and are exceedingly torm-ly. Virtue is theirs, and the cedars rt -Lebanon excel them hot in vigor.— f>kijljtyndciiNuhjg almhitJi with them; fliev puttctli tjieir hands to the ‘keerds/ Anil 1^! l.Uejuck turhoth. From them •even-up is not hid. neither is poker for- gotteiT. They knowetli tlm lioi-se by bis j -|»oli(-y D.VH.V Locomotive.—The first number ul this,new daily published in Atlanta cuinu to hniut a day or two since. It i; a liuml.some paper and to those ■have read the Literary Gazette,’ edited by ,!no. JI. Seals, wo injoil not say tlmt tho Locomotive will bo interesting and ably edited. Mr,Seals lias, associated with him Mr. A. B. .Seals.. Torms&i,u0 in a Iv.tnce. ttirTlio Superior Court of this coun ty is now in session. Judge D. If. Ham innnd, presiding. There have been no ca*?.-! of peculiar public interest. Sev eral eases have boon postponed on ncr count of tliu absence of Col.' Undoi- ivood. Court will probably adjourn on or before Saturday, next. Mnmcit in*,syii.i f e, Ai.a.—Wi leant that a cold blooded murder wa committed in Jacksonville, on Uiuuigh qf Friday, tlm 13th iu-»t. A -man'1>; name of .Tho*.. Gault, killed u yonn, man by tlie namo of Btiicrs.. Gault lmd hud.boon drinking. lie was arrested mid is now in jail. AxoTur.ii.—A 'gentleman just fr« tbero, informs tH llinf a man by thv immo of Baker, killed another by tie namo of Worthy, near .Gaylesville, Churokeo county', Ala., on last Saturday eve, Baker mado his escape. tt^rTbo ■Washington Correspomlcnt of the Savannah Xocs; on the Dili inat., writes as follows: ‘Mr. J verson, of Ga., made a speech, to-day, In tho Scnato on the Territorial question. Ilo stated distinctly that he would ho in favor of the foecesaion of tlm South if the ahlo nud distinguished Senator from N; Y„ opposite to ItiinV should he elected President, or any oth er iuhii holding hi* principles. Mr. I-vorson said that lie would grt first and most docidodly for Mr. Hunter of Vi\. H.t thought tiio South entitled to tho next President. He spoke of Mr. Stephens, ofGa., as lib next choice. Ho said that there were some points of difference betwron Mr. Stephens mid himself, but that hu (Mr S.) now has his on tire confidence, and tlut he regard ed him us every way lit to till tlm nftiou of President wUhlnipnrliaiity, and to preserve the rights of the South. Ho also spoke of Vico President Brockeimdgo as one whom-lie would he wiljiug to sco olootod President.” I, Mid their driving is ns the chariot o’f ; .Min. -OorgoouB is . their opparol; ai.nll.heirrAimeut i* purple and (reu Han- ncl.)! Fair argAtho Valleys pf Honey Lube; |> ye daughters of Pike! hut tho valleys of Ihimholdt itrq fairer ? SoiiF.Tinxu! Sumktiiixu! Axv! —Now that tho State Uoijveijtion ol the dominant parly 1ms iidjourued, *h« gwi- oral hope is that thu J.egidaturdwill do B'jmo'lihi^-—no/ filing—by Way of pre paring to meet the re juiretiu nts of the war which is almost upon itsl Let no man nccti-o us of disunion E urposes. The not, will not o. left to the South fof decision. The Ibrec* of Aholltfon intend to leave u* no option, but to tight for our firesides, or do <U« inwards do. As they moved'at Harper’s Kerry, so they at o preparing to inovesdl Over tlio.South. • Plots havo al ready born detected und stifled in Mis- Bonn. " IiTepri'ssible Conflict,” means the knife at your throat, and the torch to your house, reader, and both in tho dead •of night. Whenever you tnko up and drive "off tin Abolitionist from your neigh borhood, he goes to.the next county, perhaps, mtd another takes his place.— fho doiwl oui*s eoasO to act.—Jfjntgoniery Mail, " Chiii.ii Found A dim ft.—We learn, through a note rec-oivml from Mr. John C. Stophens, fisliohnnu, that on Rntur- nhig. about six o’clock, as ho was passing Tybee, lie heard tho piteous mnsof a child. He pulled cut in the direction of the voice and found « boat, containing a.little boy, four or fivi years of ago. The hoy gave his niim* os John Mrti-flp. I lawns brought up to thr efty Vesteiday )*s Mr. .Stephens, but we have he.m lui.thle. to find Mr., S., and are e-»n.-»-i|m*iilly without furtlmr partUuJurs.—»S/r. Xc-rs, Tiikxtov. N.J.. Jan. Id.—Tho State Legislature wa* organized to-day by tli election of L. C. Gitfr county, ns Presideii of. Huntingdon, ns .Secretary of the Seinte,,and A. IL Patterson, of Mon- uioutIt, ns speaker, and D. D. Blauvoll i the slavery questiom- MrkiiKu in* Df-caVI u.—TlmBalnbridge Georgian refiorts that uh * 7th inst., in Decatur county, Thomas Green idiot John l’owoll with a sliotgun, tho charge taking effect in the throat and killing him hmfftntly. Tho parties worked to gether at a mill,mid while on their way homo from Btiiiilrridgft They’were olwer- verl to quarrel itud flght or wrestle. Af- tei their arrival at tlm mill, anothor quarrel arising, Green (who had been drinking) procured aguli and shot Pow ell. Green was arrested and committed in default of bail. . Tho Circus Company that was In Co lumbus some weeks siuco, with the ‘steam Calliope,” returned yesterday. Tlm poor fellows have, had bad luck, nfid in all probability will sell out before leav ing tho city. There nro sonm pretty po nies that Will do for tjio children.—Co-. Iambus Times, 11/A LATKll FHPM KUUOFK* Arrival of tho . Steamship Uurupd. LIAi.frax, N. S., Jan. 10,—Tho atflartl- •hip Eiu , o])a has arrived at this port Wltll Livotqxx)! ndv'ces to 31st Dqcomi>cr. , . Coinmcrical Nows.- •, • » Lii-ERpooi, Cotton* Mahkkt.—Tho Bmkof.VCircular reports tho sales fb}’ five duyjfttt.4O.0O() halos, (this wab.'Christ mas wciik) of whipli. sncculators . took j 5,000 and exporters 4,000 h.t I os. • Giving. | to tho holidays the market, was some- wluit hTtfg'nlur. • Prices wuiti easier .but quotations-uuehnhged ntid tho mnrket olrtwd withjlfitnioss. On Friday th.o sales Were 8,000 halo*. • Holden o}fi*red freely tyut cvbmod.. no drsposition .to press bale*. Tho authorized quotations wore: Fair Grtonns 7J I Mid. Orleans, 0} ” Mobiles,. ,7| “ Mobiles, . til “‘Uplands,- 71 I Noquotailonsrco'u Tho stock of C itton on.liaiul \r.m442. Oort halos, of which 301,400 were Ameri can. ' ' Cntigressioiml*. \V.\slii Vitos, Jan, 1,7.—111. the Semite tn-dny, Mr. Bowman was ejcctitl prln ter;’ 4 In the* tlm bmiiieSA was un’.ni- VK l »#k -'.mV ' » .,‘iHlavNrry in.Nclirasl.a. Cpfr^uu Jjm.17.—Tho tlnvoituir, Wni, A. Richn’KIwnu lias vetoed.thb-hHl ab j) I ii \sla V i • f *N el n-iisk ft-' * ' " j UgpublicHU Triumph In Iciwa. - l . Oiiicaoo. Jan: 4-7.»-**.ltipios-;Hi*rlnn. Blai-k, jtvpnblicftin has-been ro-iAcctod United ^tate^^M-iuUn- froin lowa.hy a majority,?d‘| twenty over Ids Dumocratic coiiiiM-tilpj-, Mr. Dmlge. i Tho; Grriit Lottery Suit. Macox,' Gv m Jan. 10,——Tlm lottory ease, thu Stato vs. >Swui! Se Cn„ bus l>eeii ileelded .h/ tho Supremo Court of Hie Stnto in f«\vor uf Swan & Co. AlnlmmiYDoniporiitic Convention. Muxtoomerv, Ai.a.i Jan. 13,—The Democratic Convention last night non£ inatod Johii'P. Morgan] of I Villas coun- tv, and'Divybl iriibhniil, of Laureiis county, ns Elector* for tho Stato at largo. ■ i .. The Convention adjourmnl .last eveti ingaliout Jiiidnight, siredie. aicxicmi Mustmlff Liniment, x* j ?rom ridli ami potu*, bom! find fl-co.’ nil eolors, grtidoi and comlitlnns uf life, wa hear i same mood of pniiso awnrdod this xVondor- artk-lo. Sores are liftnlod, pftloa rohevod live* saved, vutuabto animals mado nseful, id nutold ills ftssimged !*y this Rreat modi- Which is siinrlsing to tho jodgomi-nt of What family do^-s not rnjuiro s >t*nd : I LinimniiL Whoever heard of the sumo rfleets produced hy.any.other srtirlc ?, For Cuts, llruiscs,flpi^h)S. ItheumaUflin, Swslliniy Htrainedjbiries, Ac. . It haaSiu epual. lie- ante of imitation. The gonu ? ne Mustan-t biuimciit i«solil hy a’j reipectahU Urinabt 1 * and LWcr.v Mini in every imrn.' parish .ami hamlet tlirmurhniit N’nrih andfinath America, Kiimpe, dnd tho Hand* of the Oconn., Ihiy urope. and tho IJinndsor the Ocenn., Huy a# lMOFI^IO.It.MAX-Eff’ Xlirosunlscd SiipcrpliMpbats Ol*! ILitiue. rntcntcd Noic.ubcr 85. 1H.10* FOR WHEAT, COUX, UOrtT CR01M, COT TON, Ac. ‘ )RlOH TO the veiir lRt7.fnhcr|iI,‘dipliate had hc-n made in England, by treating bnrnt'hoiies with sulphuric arid, and by thy formatimi or snhdmtu ol lint?- thus nhstract- une atom or lime from the liuiics. u s du- diosphntu had been iurined. In IX-tr. .1. Upcs nimbi a series of «ai»crlm-*iits. thus: iuutl.aniilytlortlly, thut lh-rurlnn Otiano tho uecossury -elements for In .tfe Inslitfite.l n , f.y‘ which Inf proved thut one hundred ndsof burnt uaiieii, tr, (Vted iVith R.t/- iHHlnds pf . oP IVnirldfi phnte.of am way, smierh it would not ox -tinunlly nud to . „ . ilisn (ho growth of p'nnls. hut n»t in the right fehitlvn prujKjrtiuns to etieii other.-IL- Oteil^a | Hericppf.c.'ipi‘rlnieuts. priictfrnl- . tixateilV. -. jlfurt acid; thlrtv-si. funUfi. twfitit.v* |smud« of sol- nniu. fornie'l a nlixturo ev«ry to Peruvian ihiano. nnd that fit excite tint soil, but would cbn- lly nfid to its fertility,.. ... had'fWuM ilisf oiVd hAfrel IduiHi; fresh from the uitlili’ll. mixed with a i-or.1 of organic matter, wouhtyby A-rmeiitatioii pro- eutcon bdVft‘1.1 of blood, when dried, would ninko ono parrel,.nud.tlmt JJIikmI-scould Ini prooured at cotnuhHtiv* ly little cost, iif cei5 tain sections i -that it cftnld bo dried by &>ok* lug and pressing so as to produce r «try pow- Uor, snd by adding to tlio almre uuiueit In- grodiouts nn o-pniLwiflglil of. dried bullock’i. hbs>d,a manure) is ormed onehundrertpounds *■ -- pual in jimvor and lusting ef- The Ohio Df.uociiath and Senator Ihifoi.As.—The Ohio’ Democratic Stato Convention, to appoint dclagutcsto tho National Convention at Clunluston, mot at Columbus on tlm 3th inst. A resolu tion was adopted by a large majority declaring Stephen A; Dougins tlio favor ite uf thoOUio Democracy for l’rosi- debt, and instructing tho delegates from Ohio to cast their entire vote for him. ; Congressional WAsniNoTox, Jnn.-lfl.—In tlm Senate to-day Mr. Aiglor introduced a bill to provent thd invasion • of ono State' by thu citizens of another. Tho hill • was referred to tho Harper's Ferry Commit tee; ,' ' ’ ■ . • ' Mr. Cliitgmnn made an r.b!o defence of |hn lights of tho South. Ill the House Mr, Underw’Ood uindeii lengthy speech in support of Southern rights, in the course of which, he con demned tho. Anieriijans nud aqti-Lu- comptonites for not cokipenitliig, with tho Domneratio party and eloeting Speaker of tho itoiuo. Minister to France. I Washix iton, Jan. ltl.—Tho Hon, rTho Kan«u>T«iSlori*trfegWiithre F*ulk»« W*coritlnnu.l by tl.o Son- tl II Joint itwoliitUm luUmirniiig to ■»'“ »*MlnJotop to bianco, . passe meet ut i.eronipton. which Gov. MiAlft- ry vetoed, lint tlm LegUlAtuvo passesl it over t he veto by a two-thit ds vote of a quorum. Thequestion has now arisen ns to the constitntionalitv of this vote. The majority adjourned to Lawrence, nud tin* piinority remaining at Lecomp- toif, t Both factions claim to be tho legal of E-e Uk^rTho following resolution . was passed by our Legislature ntitslast ses sion: ilesolved, Thut should a majority of tlm Southern States of this Union, do-, tormina .to hold a convention to take into jcojiHidonition our present condition,, nnd bur future action .as slave ’ Slates, Georgia will go into such Convention,i And his oxeellcncy tlio Governor is hero-, by authorized and rnqn : * s d uprn 'be ing notified by a majority of tho Llxeou- tives of tho Southern States, that their States nro prepared to havo taken steps to hilvo such Convention, to call a Con vention of delegatus from tho different counties of the State, to assemble at Milledgevillo, on such day us ho may aj point, to choose delegates to represent tho State of Georgia in .such SoutlioriL. Convention. Fuoitive Slaves in Canada.—It is sta ted that there aro now in Canada forty- live thousand lunawuy negroes from tho South. Valuing tlieso at an equal average of one thousand dollars each’ thoy all amount to forty-iivo million dollars. . USy-Tlm losses by fire in New* York ci ty during thojiast year have reached the sum of $17,000,000. There Woro two hundrod and eight fires. Feddi.kus.—A bill lias passed, tlio Homo of Representatives of .Miss., for bidding peddling in that Stato excopfc by citizens of that Stato, MjyTho cheapest gas in tho United States is sold in Pittsburgh, at $1,50 por thousand foft. jfcajrA statute to President MailTso'n is proposed'by a bill now beforo the Vir- gima Legislature. It U to oost $10,000, to be executed by Barboo, the gifted youngs Virginian artist, and to occupy ono of tho pedestals of the Washington monument at Richmond. •Icrk of the House. All of these otlloeri ere Democrats. Tho Arneriortlil vntnd with the Deinm-mts. and received in i*oturii the minor otliccs of tlm Uotfro, Washington, Juti. 12.—Tho following is aiiofiioial statenient of tho aggregate tr.Hdii-of this country with foreign na tions* for the last your: Great Rrittian— imports$125.000.0110, exports $175,000,- OfH); France—imports $11,000,000, ex- |»orts $J4,OOO.OOil; East and West In dies, Ri-tuil. China and Vonczuola—Ini- por(s $05,0(10,000, exports $35,000,000; other countries—imports $70,000,000, exports $122,00t*,000, From this it will l»o scon that the balanco of trade is heat lost against in with nations that do not compete with nur industry. S©**A porson, named Roger Largos, lnirf recently died at Purls, at tlm age ol 10;)'precisely, day for day, and oven hour for hour. It was at oue o'clock In Urn afternoon of the 10.-h of December, 1750, that hu was born ; and at one ■clock in tho afternoon of the 10th of December, 1H.VJ, that he died - Jlowos rery remarkable personage, having celled ns a painter, engraver, poet and musician ; and yet ho was .totally unknown to tlm public, heaause he would never consent to exhibit or puli* lishany of his productions. .-firtl^A wee laddiowas brought before one of the Glnseow Imillies, who asked, Wliero do you learn so much wicked- hP** ?” “Do von ken the pump in Glasfnrd sti'eet?” "No,” said tho bailie. ‘•Wbel,^ then 1 , do you ken the pump hi tho Briggatff?V. “Yea, sum,” wiw 'tim “Woel, then, gang thero and pilhip'ft's long ns ye like, for I’m hanged 4f ye ift It is stated that I);. Wiud-dup, the , strongest mini in the world, now lifts Gilford, of Essex, j with Ilia hands 1,03*2 pounds, and expects nnd C'ol. R.iifeVty. to be able, before long, to .“shoulder" a barrel of Hour with tho aid of oti0 hand only. This exertion is oquivolant |o holding nt arm's length a dumb bell weighing 250 pounds. IfiraJ"*TlmOnnoral Assembly of Virginia" has passed a bill appropriating $100,000 for tho purchase and tlio manufacture ofarm« und munitions ofwnr, and to put tlm public armory at Riulimoiul In a sui table condition for the manufacture, of tire arms for the use ofthe militia of our .State. Markets. . Charleston, Jan, 17—Ccttux^—The demand to-day is rather .quiet, but pri ces are firm. Salts 1200, bales. Monn.r, Jiiii^IO—Siilei of Cotton to- <| iy 0.0 J-J bides, .t.Tho:. E uopa’s r.ewi caused greater firmnoHs. Middlings lof cqnts. ‘ u . ' • \ Nuw Orleans, Jau.- lfi.—The Cotton inni-ket was quiet to-day. Sight Ex- chnnge-on New York per cent discount. Other articles unchanged. SjKeiql (/dice?. Royal Arcii Chapter. liogukr MeiHInw FI113T TUKSU.W MOIIT in rnch mouth. TtlOR. J. l’KUUY, II. P., .10BN M..OHKOORY, K., N. 11. IIAl.b, R., D. J. BANBKUS, Treasurer, 1).. 0. LOVE, 3uc*y. f ^ve ^fqmp mo,” ’OSPvV movement hits boen started in England to «>ncourago young women to lonni tho fradebf wutch-making, with a view to qualify them to clean and ro- pair watches—-a branch of business in which there is constant employment in large towns and cities. It is said that the Massachusetts American Watch Company-at Walthan gives constant employment to a largo number of wo men. Ruinous Fracas.—Wo regret to learn Unit tliore was an encounter botwoen some of thecitizonR* of Brooks county .and - o portion'of Robinson A Luke’s Cn*r ciis company at Quitman, in which sev- oral persohs were shot, nnd ono of tho h4ter is expected to dio. Wo havo not heard tlmpartioiilars of thodistui'lmtiec or liow it originated.—Thomasvllle JlepOr- Ci3r*Ah ! illy dear, how eamo yon so wot? Inquired nn aftectionato mother of lmr son. “Why ma, nim of tlm boys darsent mo to jump into, tho crook and by gosh, l Jell you that I ain’t to be dar ed. There aro 245 gas-light companies In tho United States, with an aggregate capital of $40,000,001). Thq price of ga< ranges from $2 50 to $7 per thous and foot. There arc but comparatively few instances, however, where the price exceeds $4. Texas.Frontieic Defense.—The Aus tin (Texas) papers stato tlmt a bill to raise a volunteer regiment of mounted .rangers has passed both branches of the Legislature and become a. law, and that Oovenor Houston hits ordered Captain W. C. D.ilrymplc to raise immediately one ofthe two companies of which the rbgimonl is to he composed. flSjrWo learn that the late hard Trop es havo injured wheat ill-Upper Geor gia ami Tennessee. iy-Tho AdwMfe sayx that MM. .7, F. Cooped and Cook, conimeiicetl tho sur vey of the Mariotta.and North Alaluima railroad, on Monddy, the 9th inst. ittsTWilliam Byixl, a citizen of Itan- dolph.County, Alabama, was killed by Ids son, John Byrd, on tho ovonin tho 25th ult. Both father and son 1 undor the Influendo of. liquor nt tlm time of tho occurrence.. If Yocu llAiii is Harsh, Ude Prof. Wood’s luilr reatorntiv#. If yotirliuir i< grey, Udo Prof. Wood’s hair restorative. If your hair i* thin, v U.-us Prof, Wood’s hnir rostorative. If you aro baM, , U.*o Prof. Wood'd hair restorative. If yon have nersoushemluchc, - ■ U»o J’rof. Woo<P« hair rostoruHve. If you hnvc.tlnndriirtV* Use Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If you have eruption, . U«u l’ruf. WootPs hair reitoratlre. If you desire g’nssy hair, Use Prof. Wood’s hair reatoroliro If you desire to preserve the color, Use Prof. .Wood’s hair r t a cheap article. Use Prof, Wood's hair restorative. If you adiuiru the ho.iutiful |o,.k, Use Prof. Wood’s hair restorative, lidiiiiro tho bountiful ringlets, Use Prof. Wood's hair restorative, wish a beautiful complexion, JL t 3o Prof. WooJ> iiuir restorative, wish" a face free from pimples, • ’■ Uso Prof.-WoorPs hair restorative, isn In appear voting. If ycui wish In anp.... ' '-Use Prof. Wuotl's hair restored If ydu--tranrt testimony overwlirltninz • Read theciroulnr of Prof. AVoo«Vs Jmir r . l.: • t|Fi». If you Avnnl to liud It, Tnn depot is at G-t Market st. SL Isuiis. It is also snlll * * * elty'drc-nintry. ITunu.—Wo have boon reliably in ‘formod that an incendiary was discover ed ifi Clarendon District, taken in hand by a Vigilanco Conimitteo oml’ hung.— Wo have not heard tho narticulars.— From tho sunumiry penalty ? inflicted, tlm evidence must have boon very jml- nabldtind tlio oflbnco 1»olnbus,-— Colum bia ,youth Carolinian 14/A' Camimiene Accidents.—Mr. Meriam, of Brooklyn, has kept sinco July 22d, 1850, a roooi*d of deaths nnd injuries frpm cam phono and burning fluid. Tlm number CaTiioi.icOroan,—Ai'ohbisiiop Hughes has formally discarded tlm estahlished Catholic pa pels of New York, and hns proclaimed a now sheet called tlio Metropolitan Record as his organ, winch he promises shall not ho in the interest of any political party,-hut devoted to religion alone. fi^y-A notorious abolitionist in Massa chusetts announces that ho will lecture on tin* Gallows, Wo hopo ho will get tho Kang of his subject, rrwi Importers and Heavy Dealers in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN .. mi Broad Street, Rome; da. W.E rosp-otrullrf •ollct a. >oiitin,iAtIon. of tho patronago of our' TR'oMrT PATINO amir • W ' ** ._r. ^ which r it to ous hundred uud uiglitv-livu iKuinds the host Peruyiah (Igatu). i * . ’ « fijico ho hnrofllfred his invention fa the entry, boiiu fllty compunira of Hificv furtQi-rs of the ,, havo imitated this, article lin'd r v'arious names, and for thu purpojc or rendering it jMipular, have traduced Pfof. Mopes undlils urtielo, claiming to make th.itoi u superior quality. Every year iiresyuts new imitut " this article, who inanu aeture an in*bi icId, lit 1 itig ilhj phospatej us a ha ..-..instead of tho calcined bonus of aulmals. arSS® 38 Peruvian Uuuno enntaips an yxemsiro amount of oinmouia.Yha only ns#*r.f whU b i# b» render water Jaiinble of dissolving n larger numunt of thv inorganic constituents the soil, or us s.mietiuies called to act as excitant. Tha market gardener* of New Utrecht uummenuod some years ago by us : ng two hundred might of guauo. lo .th'e acrej they Ars iiuwicompidlBd to twpl'vc Min- dred weight of gitalin do produce the sn'inu sifoct, and tlulr land is evidently imporvr- Idled by its use, while those who have used tho Nitr.ogeniced Superphosphate of lJine, have Btcadlly found thvir soils to ba improv- cd. un i iuxteud of roqiiiriua inure, they re- nuira lesj fertilising muluriulvui-h year.’AuJ this is particularly trito of Tobacco nnd Cot ton lauds. Among tho advantages arising from the uu ot Nitrogen I «ol Rupcrphosphate nre the £&&&%:■ ing of plantn thus, when used on Cotton,the bolls do not fall and. ai by the experience of Mr. L nut, Oil. DXris^’autl :Ooh Ubodwlft and others,'■it gives a greater weight' in'r aero of cotton. Fur Wheat, it hit* stea iilv pro)', cd itself to bo superior to tho Peruviuu (hi ano; when in ion toot dors not ilvittroy If as docs tVp Pcrurian (lunim; gnd It supplies thu - deficiency nr tlio Phosphate of Lime nud oilier Ingredients, producod M excessive reaping of gtain and uudue nns turuge. The reports of the firm ef the Inventor, the .American institute, un i committees other institutions, wh» havo visited it, altho' it is manured intirely with this fertiliser, pfrivc that no muiiire has yot been need which produce* an cn'iinl am.mnl profit. The American Inrtituto havo just awarded thrir fljircr Medal to Prolcssor Mapi-s. for the h-*)t f:rtdirer, aitor a most thorough investi gaR°«* hdo tho m^rlU of all in tho market. The iiibscrilcr has been appointed Role Agent in Augusta K»r thu sale of, the above fertiliser, and guarantees that its eoftstitn- on*s are tho materials statod above, and no thing else. Planters desiring nmre informu- will pluaso *ond for our Circular, con ig testimonials, an I tho articles by Dr. Endcrlin, which constitute the best troatiso Phosphate Price $50 per Ton iu Augusta J. A. Quimby, No 19.1 Proud st., next dour L» the "(’onsti tutidimlUt'* oflico. jaulUwUwttwtoiuurl npni Tuwu Property for Sale. Rare Chance to buy Low, Next,milieus pi Wil l, bo sold at Public Out- whom our floods sro for'sain ut tho LOWEST FIGURES. [JimC.W TO THE iiUntera to try them! Wo giisrantoe them to be nil tlmy it t If ahy i-orsou Is dislatiffied, the Plow cimbo retutniMl and tho moftey tefuuded.^ :Among wbieti itro'the followings The Etool Plow, steel, 7 sHc?'. Tho. Eagle “ ** 7 ’ 2 Wfl-hftnd. ‘ \ Tho Sharp’s patent, steel, ft Mips. 2 left-hand, Ur•' "• “ cast 7sites. Tho Excol, Iron # 7 tires. The nijppcr’pstcnl,' iron, 2 sites, oust mould . The.ClIppor pc.tvnl, itccl, 3 sites, Also Sharp A Uftwllton's Cnltlvstsrs with tho justly celebrated 3ayro A Remington s patott ?«l Tictli. Wn will Uko pleasuro iu showing theso articles to any and all perootts. Itu»io, Nuv.11st.I8M. . HARPER A BUTLER. AV. YuUCKEK, - Importer, Manufacturer and Settlor in' CABINET FURNITURE, Upliolstery, M A T R E SEE S. J.VO COTTAGE CHAIRS ,0n Broad Street, Homo, Georgia. \ NVITKfl the Butyilc, and tho Ladlos particularly, to visit ids Warn Rooms, wliero lie lias a.’ lurgo supply t»f , *. ... f ■'* \ Rosewood, Parlor and Chamber Furniture, Mahogany, Walnut, and Imitation Furniture, From tho best Spring Seat Bol'u, to tho commonost'urticle in uso. Also an assortment of Matresaoa, Tuoker’a Fatont Spring Bod, Conekos, Lounges, Sideboards, Safes. AU kinds of Kurnltura with dispatfth/and neatly repaired. Thankful fur the very liberal, pfttroiuge heretofore extended to him, he hopes,- by oloso at tention andtpHid w«»rk, to merit a contiuunneo of tho samo. CAIIINET SHOP on Howard St. near tho Etowah Ilnnic, where Fur- - nhnrois manufactured an-1 repnlrud. Work warmnted to givo sftlisfdctlbii# ' iAr" Bills of over AO Dollars Rctnilodnt wholesale prices—uud great bargain 1 ,- NEW FIRM. Hills & Sumter, IIAVINO ASSOCIATED THEMSELVES TOGETHER FOR' MANUFACTURING AND IMPORTINfi ALL KINDS AND STTLK OF CABINET ’ FURNITURE, T UB iwtliufaelurtng of nit ill,, amt .tyto* of SAHlInndlll.INftS, PANEL DOORS, Ac., uud nUo tho bnilooM of ITNDUnTAKEIIS. Huvin s nn Extensive Shop and Machinery WITH FIRST QUALITY OF MATERIAL, WE ARB READV TO MAN UFA CTURE LARGELY, All articles in our line, nnd to fiil all orders nt the shortest nftlice. MR. HUMTBH, bus been lung known in thireonimiinlty, as n first class MKQlIANIC, con- therefore, wurrant all articles mudif by us.. Wa shall-bo able'to v. Supply the surl-ounding Country with SasA, Blinds, and Furuitwro t ftVvery rcftsondblo prlces. . . * ‘ ' . Wv cordially invltn all the citizens of tho country to ourWeuro Room, Furnituro Stero and Minulhctiiry, both oh Broad 3t„ Romo, Ua. PINjB BIUtlAL CASES always on band/ 1 ‘ 1 ' ' JAMES M. SlfMTflR W. HilODES llll.L, W. H. HERNDON, ( •1 rirat Tuesday In Feb’y previously . timrui,* snlo, the II0U8K AN Htroot, opposito tho old Ih and commonly known ns III Bradbury House. I havo fitted it up in first rata style, and- added now Amros-1.. the lot. Thoro nr KK1HT KXOELLKNT ROOMS, well finished, and a eommodions hasoment, which could* be much enlarged nt a trilling expenses. The rooms are nmply supplied with firo places. .- On the lot is uuquvetion' Vs af*o wild by.ovory‘|Hjpnla,r druggist iii ably * ! ftr«-«»tintry. • iharlft. *59. lyt WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'EACII-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA, The Great English Remedy ■ ; ‘- S,R JAMUN CLARKE’S CEl.EbllAU'KD FEMALE I'll.I.S. rfT.l['|8'!unh!e medicine is uiifuiting X- the tiiu-o of all tho«e painful and danj <ms dieuaioi Ucident to the femu'.e cousti t ion. It moderate: all execs* and removes a stmetion, from whatever cause', and a iq euro'muy he rolled on. TO M A It HI DO LAUIES it Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short bring on tlio monthly period with regularity, (JAUTION. These Pills should not be taken by females that are pregnant, during the FUWTTURKli Months, as they are sure to bring on Miscar riage i but at every other time, and in every ot/icr case, they nre perfectly safe. Ill all. <-a»es of Nervous and Hpinul AITeo- tioii*. l’niii in the Back and Limbs, Heavi ness. Fatigue op slight exertion, Palpitation of tho Heart, Lowness of spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headueho, Whites, apd all tho'painful disi«u«es occasioned by a disordered system, those Pills will effect a euro when jilf other tueuns hnve failed. Full directions in tlio pamphlet around A Lxnjx.f. .. Slaver.' in —THn Kggro- S ralp value of iwossod pi’operty iu .tho Into of Murj-lnml is ut #201,143- (H)0, of whioU .only ?l-i,iM3,5G7 ■ is iu i* lav “- ;1 " • i, u niuui-u ui uwuiin t»tiu iiijunw i oitfnplionoand burning fluid. The iber of deaths during that tirao is 424 j pf Injuries 023, In tlio year lfi5U .thodbatlis of 83 persons wero recorded, and tho nbmbcrof injured whs 106, of whom 20.ware ttatoxpooloiLfo recover. w w r * . Tho loss l>y firo from oumphono lifts ' silver bocomes perfectly rotten— 50'; each yuckjige, which ehouli) he carefully pro- most bcuutifully in' tho slimlmvof 'ufo?” I ll ’“ * I'"K «>,l rnJii-»l«’,l , with the t»ovornmn»t8tump of (Jroat Britain t@-Itismuro resnoot,.bio to iilnclc I r Ji n l ’ e "*eot 1-osV free for'SI. aiid n po-toNo hoots Hum to hlaok l,h»mctors-to soav """f S"* 0 A * fnla furU, ° shirts, tlmn to sow utrifo. . snJ j 0 ii jSS^rMynheor Drinknutf ntftko a dw tinetion thus; “Too much wldskoy is too innoh, but too much lager bier is shoost right.” * “A map of busy lifo, its fluettmtion* nnd vast ooncoriiK:”.—A city_ hotel.— The oftioo is the man, its guests tho fluc tuations, and tho hlerks Its vast con cerns. ... . • . #3TA gold ring rubbed with quiok- been very large. brittle as to break vory easily. . _ ^ M9flHH/U00?iortC 17 N< Y, Svld in Romo by Tl-iixi.kv A Baker, and all respeolnblo tlruggists everywhere. mnrlfl.r'Mb-yJv}. t - ; ■ !-«.-• r of tho BEST WELLS IN ROME. Thero is nlse annthrtr building, near the dwelling, suitable fur a Hiuall family, which could he easily routed by any purchaser who , _ did notclioose to oeeuiiy It’K.r himself. 8af-‘ 25 X>RCT3 Jfl flcloqt groujnl ia attochwl for a fine v^gctahle -1A' ** Air ganjeu. i w.lfaiso ot?er my Lots on Etowah River. Including the one where, my ronblci'tic wai m»t long ago burned'. Tho lot i*ia hnnd ; somo lot nti-u fur a dwelling. * A Il'ower gar- diMi, containing a very largo variety of flow-, ers—ro^es. pinks, und'iiumeroim kinds which 1 purchased in Augusta afftl olsowhero. Tho llowcr-pb)t has.been tmtefiilly laid oir by. a, a professiumil gardener. Thero aro also a number uf youjig fruit trees, cnrufuUy se lected and planted by myseir. A good well a the b’t und several oiit-biiildiiigH. It is ofthe best garden spots In* the city; as, I have hud largo quantities of manure hauled on It. To any |»ersou desirous of building this Ipcatirm' preisiits many indaccnientz.-r The foundation of the burnt dwelling, and two'good Cbiftuiey# aro standing, und would « much lesson the rxpenso of putting up a liopr house. ‘ A good feu-n surrouifds tho lot.— There nre several punsdshf ground adjnVent withmore or less unprovent* upon them. , ALL BRING RICH UARDKN SPOTS. Also, at the satiic time, will ho sold a Negro Woman and her child. Together with a great many art! I?s too to-, dious to nicutbii. 'The liboys pfiu-es of pro perty arc cilurotl at a butgaht.- Tewons ary T;c(|uestcd'to -‘examine tbr “ thf tit selves. - For VIRGINIA LAND PLASTER, Buena Vista Banks, SEAR SAWVIttW-;.*; PPSNi-Y, va. A supply of tlio above named plaster, kept J\ constantly, on hind nrtd for solo by » : C’OTHRAN.S A J5LLIOTT, AgLr* ,1 •Rotne,<}i. ; Nov, It),Cm. iWiw ilffiyfilliWWB H AVING formed l* copnrlnerahlp guufaud tresh i abov prepared to exhibit au ele- STOCK OF GROCERIES, offered io. cash and short time, prompt paying customers 1 at very lpw figures' Oiir facilities iuK jjqtro.hndng and, a iwrfeut knowledge of tho wants of the public, aro Suah flint:we‘rah satisfqcticn,In.every particular.. .J . Wo aijuex a fow of the article*. noh ^lu. store aiVR td aridvft/ - * •#- *. -fflP ■ 10°0 1 » 8 'A ir B^ ean ’ 8:S ^ Fi '*'*' T'ttKW'UT? . 50 bis. crusin * • ' ‘ 200 Bags Rii i ' JPtili s veramont Coffee, 1 andBrown Sugar, Coffee. Dl Kegs of Nails, g Box candles, ) bis Rec’d Whisky, say and ether choice Brandies, rivafe sttiok, English Darry Cheese, Anil any qimnlitv of So4k,'Starch,.Ficltl^s, Cntrnpii, Rnueo,. rriworrc.,. Fruit,. Cordiuli, Oysters, Maokeroty Bardlnos, Buckets, Broom?, Tiflw, Churns, Ac., to whicli attention b in- vitod. * Awaiting your etnamnmls, nixt always at ypur scryicos,, We are Respectfully, io:. ““ old 100 Box' Tobacco, ; #'hlsky, 30 Faok’s Crosson t’s, Hennossy and ortho 10 “ Brandy, Old and Soft, from priVai 500 Sacks Salt. 100 Bx’s State and Eng. .cox; niLt a co. u i. ' Dissolution SotiW. J ‘ ffi T HE linn or oeo. i>. hurnett a co., is dissolved bjr’tlfe'fetlremcbt of Goo. P. Burnett, and .Jita place being supplied by V *; • WA^houiftyjiud -ComW ijM wul tyorjjattor be be eoa- -■■.GF.O. It. W.UtD'& ca AFTER ■ WE SHALL REQUIRE GASH ■ SETTLEMENTS, . Tlio ji'irst Days of July and January, v We expect tb ,seR for MUCH SHORTER PROFI TS , . . ‘j ... a-: ,i -frwd ’i Hr T . x thaa heretofore, and shall expb'Ct ptofapt' pity, C&l Wd plodgo ourselves to sell as low as any house id Romo nhw, OA., 21, !S50.-