The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, March 16, 1860, Image 3

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i t<r;ri - -- ■ ipAY MOBNING, March 15. [^Pjiatter on every ■‘this paper. Southern Domoctacjr Support Dougins? ,o denying Unit there inn Uity of Stephen. .V. Douglas be- nrttecl by the Charleston Con. „nd it is « Motion of coiteitle- mrtanoo, involving tho right* of our section, whether the fY lit tho South will support l<, admitted By nearly ivory Territorial doctrines arc u tian,d‘ and if permitted to 1, 0 policy of tho government 14 of all interest In the common md yet wo believe that , exceptions every Demo* aU*r and paper will endorse his rm and go hi heartily for his The policy of this party for >ars past convinces us of this | tj.o Kansas Hill was enneted . I hy the opponents of Do* 'll,at it contained the doctrine ,tor Sovereignty. This was ve- v denied every where .Mid the i of Douglas, tho father of the r quoted to support this denial, t do wo now sec? When tho loti round for the election of [States Senator to (111 tho vn* ed hy tho expiration of Mr. term, tho froesoil sentiment in mill boon so thoroughly arousml iim for Dm repeal of the Mis* mpromise, that he found it lie* Lo devise somo means to con* . Ho hit up Squatter Nover* Ha told the Northern people meat the repeal of the Missouri »r this doctrine, tiie very tho Kansas Hill would more it the Territories Into free City Improvements. We are glad to notice additional evi dences of the incroftsing prosperity . of our tovtn. trt tho Southern part of tho city, Messrs. *T. O. Yelsor, J. M. Farell, C. 0. pWce nnd Dunlap Scott, aro build ing neat and tasty dwelling holmes, and Mr. C. H. Smith, on Barboouo Hill, b just completing another. All of which will greatly improve tUoappeurancoof ltomc. We are also progressing in a business point of view. We loarn that Col. Shor ter intends putting up a bride "store au< tho lot ubnyu M«*ssrs. »T. K. Derry*. & Co.j Mr. Charles Jl. Smith, nuothcr next above Mr. Pit nor, and Mr. Smith and Mr. N. .1. O.nberg, still another on tho lot adjoining Messrs. K. S. Norldtt iV Son. Mr. 0. H. Eve, Is pushing forward energetically with hi#three /dory stone building, on tho river bank opposite tho Ktowah House. When finished ho. in tends entering immediately,'upon the manufacture of those parts of carriages, buggies, wagons and other vehicles, which are now brought from tho North —such as felloes, sjH'kes, hubs, Ac., and ho will have In connection with Ids manufactory, a complete carriage Turn isliing establishment. So that those who wish to purchase vehicles of any kind can get them made In Home, without sending beyond Mason A Dixon's Iim for them. We hopo ho will moot with that encouragement hit energy merits. New Music. Mr. Henry A. Smith has just rpooh'pd u largo supply of new Music of • ov description, • consisting of the latest songs, instrumental pieces, gems fr the Operas, Ac.,/to. Mr. Smith deserves much credit for his cllbrts to promote the literary and musical taste and talent of our community, and tho^o who de sire to have in It iino a first clash Hook and Music Store, should encourage him with their patronage. While Spring is opening so beautifully and Nature in spiring us with her delightful melody, ..... “some lino morning when the air is ' i ,1..,. into tin. llotok Ktntv saved him Irotii dcleut and u ...s i <: to do- dor the (••elected to the Senate o ther conciliate his froi y lie bent all lib energl nduiission of u iton Constitution, i tho Southern Democracy were ed that lie did Hot intend to iey gave way before tin* kittle tunl made a most humiliating ^rueelul concession to Squatter i*nty by enacting the English bill, i a to preserve the pa try from is fast approaching for alibiing of the Presidential Con* Douglas is far ahead of bis its and has a sullieieut number .ites to control that ho ly. Hi* re strong and ho may get the ion. Jf ho does not, he will at late his pulHtitiite and tho prill- ^ ^ be incorporated in the plat-i t j aV j„ April, fur \YI,„t i« to ln> linne? Why mi- p,,lining delimit,. is necessary for tho j ( , Vfk ,. v ,, • hush ’d mi tor” look over his Musi dent you will not leave without making .a purchase that will gratify you and af ford a moans of gratifying others. C'itv Kwiiks.h.—Wo aro glad to see another evidence of the thrift of our town and the energy of our clever citi zen. Mr. C. A.,Smith. For currying all light packages and passengers, in and about the city, bis express wagon will lie a great convenience. Kissing. Tho editress of the Weekly llorald, ;( # fltemson, Ga„) indulges hersolf in the following provoking timl tantalizing 'strain : "Well, wo reckon some folks would really liko to know what WoJthoUght of It. Let’s see, In tho first platid, We thought what an absurd idea it is in a man to a»k a lady to kiss Aim. Just as if, he, the senseless being, thought the poor tremb ling little creature was going to do it.— Tho idea of a man asking for a thing so easily to bo obtuinod ! Why, It Is ridic ulous l And a mat! with the leant par- tlnlf of brains would linrttrtt the idea.— glid'd say no till doomsday. And you, poor believer, Would forego the happi ness of drawing iieotar from tho rose- b*Ui| month, simply because yon were FgitnrainUs enough to »mk for what you >il)j|ht have taken. There are ten thou sand way# to kis# n girl without Qttking tho pleasure. Direct bur attention to something on tho table; ask for a book you.knou- to be there, and while slio is there, go with the alfeelcd purposo of helping her to look for it; be particular to get at her hft side—do you need any more telling?" If you do, you do not deserve the kiss, that might ho #o grace- .lully taken. A man who would ask a kiss«,f n fair maiden, ought to hetarrod and Ic.ilherod ns a era von hearted mon- dor. Don't i]o it; don't for goodness -nun irsk tho girl to kiss you. Kiss them if you want to, but do it like gentlemen. Kb* them if"you wn." Nrw Vium.NtA Hux—We understand lin'd Mr. Lorenzo Sibert, of the village of Mount Solon, in Augusta county, luis,lqlciv invented a new gun, which he call* tho “Union Pacificator,” tho ca. pdnlitics of which lie describes as fol lows : *•* It has six parallel chain hers, which will discharge six hundred per minute consecutively for twelve hours, or one hundred ounce bulb per minute. The plan is free front a combi nation' of com plex in »e!iiiierv. cheap of m inufacUm and can be easily transported.” There are three plans ibr discharging tho gun —each specific in itself—one of which hodeseribes on account of its novelty : “After the Magazine lias been charged, the gnu, when put in motion, will dis charge ono hundred or live hundred balls cmnucutivoly, giving the soldier an opportunity to shelter himself bo- l any convenient wall or tree that Joseph Smith, Jr. cVrORTS TO CLACK HIM AT TUB HEAD OF MORMONI8V, A ctfrronpondont of tho St. Louis Ro- publicaii, writing from Nauvoo, under dute of tho 15tli inst., says; Joseph Smith, son of tho late proph et, is here, as also the other members of tho family. Joseph Is understood among the Saints to be the successor of his fattier in his prophetic office, and it is hinted Among the would-be wise ones that he is about to assume the robes of his sacred office. Be that as it may, it in true that lie is now entertaining a delegation from .Salt laike, who are using every persuasion in their power to satisfy the young prophet that he is called of Hod forthwith to assume tho ofileo, and proceed to Salt Lake and tako tho head of tho Morii)*n Council, Joseph is a man of good, strong sense, mid should ho undertake tho sta tion, I have no doubt would endeavor to mako a reform among bis people.— He is decidedly against polygamy, in favor of obedience to law, and opposed, in any form, to “milking tho Oouliles,” It is to bo hoped that-Ini will undertake the task, and succeed in making Salt hake tho homo of upright, law-abiding citizens, instead of a den of thieves. Joseph, however, is besot on tho other side by an organization of Mormon* in this State, who are to meet in Council at Amboy on tho lith of April next, to hoenmn their head and to call nround him nii (he faithful, it is not known may he Tho inventor intends bringing this gun to the Viiginia Mechanics Institute, to have it thoroughly tosted by the Com mittee on Inventions, and wo know they wilj take pleasure in passing upon its merits, and in recommending it as they may think it deserves.—Richmond JJis- : Nkusio rx tub North.--The York “Express thus pictures mini condition of tho negro in that The l*ir*l Gun—Old Troup Speaks 1 < Hi the. first Tuesday in M noli, the Union men of T,-oiip held a meethm. which was addressed by IV. Kidley, Dr. Hensley, Mr. Humber, Mr. Higlmni. and j eitVV Mr. Terrell. The meeting was i 0, U m siaslie and harmonious, mid after adopt-1 i»9 tho Resolutions wo give t again on the lii-.-t Tues-1 giue»‘ •' purpose of the'Mtat i Th glorifying Mr. Seward’s • argument is, that a man ih in it not .South, if a no . t.'lmreh street, Meiver street, k. t!»•• Five Points, all under lullf belli thb. exercise that power within his control he has a quality not given to common men, to resist when tempted with iUo cer tainty of power equal to that of any other living man—a power that needs not the armies of France or Russia to enforce it—but a power that is over the mind, and absolutely eontrob half a million of souls without force and with out expense. A Town on a Luke. Rev. W. Smith, presiding elder of one of the Indiana (.'(inference#, gives !h»* following iiwumt af Morgantown, in that State, ono of tho peculiarities of which is that it is built on a lake : We road of u “city set upon a hill," but Morgantown, in my district, stands ujmui a lake! This was not known for a number of years utter the town was settled, Tho discovery was made by digging wells to procure a full supply of water. The supply of watpr in the Wells which hud been used failing in the dry season, a few years since, one of the citizens concluded to sink a well deeper and sue if he could not strike a stronger vein. When some thirty-five or forty feet below thosurfuco of tho earth, the man ut work in tho well suddenly str his pike through a crust; the water gushed up with such rapidity that with •iitficulty lie was saved by the men at the windlass. In a few moments the water was some fifteen feet deep in the well. In two or throo instances after ward men were near being lost by ing suddenly to this inexhaustible foun- Tlic Ntngirrd at Hnliftix New York, March 12.—It b confiden tly believed that tiro steamship Niagara has arrived at Halifax with Liverpool dates to tho 25th* eft' February. Tile eauso of the detention'of the news from the Associated Press now known, but may be the work of some of tho speculators. It is at least wise to bo ou the alert, Tho Ntemnship America. Halifax, March 11.—0 o’clock.— There uro no tidings of the steamship America. She will bring Liverpool dutes to the 25th of February. Late from California. Nkw York, March 11.—>The steamship Atlantic with California date* to tho 20th February lias arrived. Site brings $1,200,000. Arrest'd’ n Swindler. Halt mown, Mo., March 11.—Wm. .S, HrtgleV wit* uFre-ted here to-day on tel egraphic In format ion from Savannah, cnargedwitlifraudulently obtaining $21- 000 froqi tho State Hmk of Georgia at Savannah. He law been committed to jail to await a requisition from Goor- gii ‘* - Congressional. Washixuton, March 12.—In the Sen ate to-day Mr. Iverson introduced u bill to extend Hit* provisions of the land act to Florida, to the Mobile A Ohio Rail road. ?i Ydurt lTAlh n Hausu, Use Prof. Wood's hair restordtfve/ If ytAtrhnlr is groy, U*o Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If jour hair is thin, Uso Prof. Wood’s lmir restorative. If yotl are bald, Uso Prof. Wood’s lmir restorative. If fail havo norvous livuduclio, Uso Prof. Wood's lmir restorative. If yrM Imre dandruff, Uso Prof, Wood’s hair restorative. Wood’s hair rostoratlfe. if you du.ird glossy lmir. Use Prof. Wood's lmir restorative If Vou desirn to preservo tho color, Use Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If you want a ohenp article, Use Prof. \Vi*>iYn lmir rostorativ®. If vou ndinirn tho heiuiiiftil lock, * U.o l’n*f. Woo»Vs lmir restorative. If yoiinduiiro tlio hcnittiOil rinclels, Uv< Prof. Woo'l'elmif rotorative. wish n heinilifill eoiuplexion, Use Prof. Wood’s hair re«lorative. If you wish n faco free from nilfiples, t?s® Prof. W(khIV hair reiterative, wish to appear young, Uho Prof. Wood's lmir ro.Uornllvc. want tostiinony overwhelming ltea<l theeireutar of Prof. Wood’s lmir rr»to* of watt* New York lie don't Vote. Ho don't : o.i. Ho don't “i lithe workshop. ■•bool, lie don’t He don't uildlh n’t study “run th hind the the Mr. Kin^.preioiited the poti i>m for tho New York Merchant's lino of .steam ships from New York to Cuba, via Char leston and Kyy \V.o.«t K Thaddeus'llvatt was up.and lib case Ibeussod. Ilyatt was finally committed o the common jail, for contempt, by a .•ole of 44 to 10. Mr. Toombs gave notice of bis in ten- ion to introduce bb bankruptcy bill. In tho (louse, tho Hoifiestoad bill was passed by a largo majority. Mr. Mon ill endeavored to inlroduccu l»ill regulating import duties, for the ppAo of increasing tho rovonue. Wells luiVo been Mink in difieront parts of tho town from oacli otic I believe forty feet ii tho gm itcst depth lo reach this lake. Lead lines hnV' b.’en dropped into several, of tlies well*, but no bottom Inis been round.— In diggingften'H t*' this lake they inva riably ‘pass through - strata of sand, leaves and limber, roseMW\« dlift- wood. Tin's is some twenty feet btjoiv surface of the earth. After passing tir want tn And it. The depot U nt I II Market »t. fit. Louis. Mo. iKipubr dricgffbt In city !*ho depot b nt III It is also sold hy c murid, 'all. I.v • •liven- j a kand j .sagain.-t Douglas a d> “herelie” a appoint it ok lay »: s, say on tin* first sooner, if possible, • and place as omv' I'rjim till. loror.U, ami |„. re ,,ii 1M .bu .yiucd uii. K.v|: ratic ingenuity is set to work to i }„ motion. Wo subjoin the rc-«.»lntions in Troup, ns follow*; dot/, TImt, being des’rou* of sec* t lo work to •me iiiodu of extricating the ! in their unfortuuato dilemma, i’rvorof Virginia iinnounees Ile cl'ui t pi hit among tiio prill- [ through this strata, a stratum of hard iUiHjOc i-st s limiting omce. Liv- ] <-luy b found,and when within eiglitcon . in* (.mu t woi'Hiip <">d in tho Post s , inches of tho lake a hard crust is reach- ucn •. and dead, he is dumped into ot | t which Is a sure indication that they ;ter s 1-..•1*1, <»r sold to the doctor* in ary near tlie water. When they reach itrlh'avenue, <»r i*|th and 14th streets , Uibenist if hoy commence a wall tlieru- (V S'te.etoii". or, II not tliu* sold, nn carrying it to tho top of the well, “ 1 ' ‘"''l" I lit.'it jnii Ilmvu ,1 I.iif-m-. ail'd bore a tlie.e j bole to tin* water, which gushes up with great force, tilling the well from 15 to 20 feet ill u few minute*. When the in* bail i ;, n txi ; j before him. W lopted ck bodh li faces” , »tliiiS-mtli," Ac. I that | jug ibu mhiiini /lolitiei, iriiicipies 11 ml so of Itepreseiitativ diey of th<\ Democrat!' ■a to tolerate a (Htrereiice ofopiii- liis matter of Territorial power.” itliern newspapers applaud him i wonderful discovery. Others .lecture that notwithstanding a ial legislature cannot in any way slavery, and the Supreme Court ided that it i* *tlie duty of Con- * protect it, still non-intervention is trine of the Cincinnati fthu/onn must abide by it. In other word* platform b paramount to the ih of the Supreme C mrt. a the Louisville Jhinovrat pre- > in Cm our chojoa .Squatter Nov- > or disuiiinn—and others r.dvo- >* nomination of Douglas on tic- if lii, nviil|..l,lmy. Qtlief u( t pn«slp* 10 used to remb-T tho South satis- j f j.,i V nsd 11 Douglas—and vie mentioned a r of them in our last issue. Thus Rut nt the South every conocs. being made to Squatter Sov- y. and the fierce war thnt was upon Douglas a year ago, lias nl- ntirely subsided. Every gun is except a few under the’ control 1 who consider him in their way nomination. a change 1ms been, and is being it in tlio sentiments, or at least, in iressfan*of sentiment* upon tho the .Southern Democratic lead- t wc limy safely quit down ovory tliom as soui.iU Douglas men, i’er by a party nomination, the tof him for tlio IVesideiipy bo- testofparty allegiance. Whotli- eople will bo deceived by them not determine. If they be. it be our fault. Maiikkt, March 14.—Colton itli no cliaugo in quotation*.— $l,50(rh$l,00. Corn 85(i^‘J0 cts. %U etn. 1I.ui.kv Tiioni'R.—This company delighting crowded bouses ^ week and have won tho resppot peoplo of Romo by tliolr uniform* Reniauly and courteous deport- They loftyostorday. morning for Mo and Cartcr*vUle, but expect to to Rome tlio first of next when they will present- pio- dch they have not performed in lace. Voi.i;N Tr .KR Com pan ib*.—Ma- 5,v Hoists of five Volunteer Com- perhap* a larger number in •■Ron to population than any C ‘D' iu the State. A dotliob- Jl Sappors lias.boon organized,— the requisites of momborship bo- the applicant must bo six foot in Ferry A Lamkin liavo just lI a lar s e ““pply Of all kimid— Natii in the party end- and is, ami brought back i here equal ju*t!co to very State, Territory, county, city, town, village and hamlet, and equal protection to each in the en joymciit of his per-omd liberty,poisonal security, and private property* whorever l)n* citizen may choose to cany and lo bold it, shall be meted nut ; we re* peel- fully suggest to tin* people of the several counties of the State of Ueorgin, that hey hold primary mooting* within their bounds, ami apnoiut (lelegate- toa convention to lie held ut such time- as may he agreed upon, in order that those who are in favor of the. Constitution and the Union, and tlio t nforeement of the laws, under the Constitution, and opposed to section ilism. fanaticism and r.idie-distn mid parly spirit in all its forms, may make early announcement that they mtend to q.roaching I’residen- nul may take steps to fully organi/.o for further action. f/t'solceif, Ti»at wo arc profoundly convinced that this proposed Conven tion should assemble at as early a day u» practicable; but, in (Inference to the convenience and views of other coun ties, we forbear to designate a day. Heso/tird, We suggest that th■* imtuber of delegates appointed from each coun ty consist of» as many delegates n* the county is entitled to .Senators ami Rep resentatives in the General Assemble. • . • - i —in i. tun iiiiiiiii. a. m il mu .rom the very . n mil ot our hearts nU g Ur strike* tlio lake tho atinosphcte piiv II... |.oi,r mumiblo, Soir \ ork hi- |„ tn ., f or „ , clv nroilmliign owl ,luvu nlggor, .oiliul fo«milllln/| vojy mucli tlio H.nv- " ' 'ino oil- of steam Irom nu enoine. 1 Fko.i \V.ism.v iro.v, Mni'oli 9.—The Secretary of War to-day coinimmicatcd to tin* Jlou-c, in eomptiaiico with a res olution, the report of tiie Art Comm it- ‘minuend the appropriation of $p»7 ami pie eapitol. Tim i 01)0 to I Tin pended tor statuary for tin* n>lornmeiit % of the •>' suggest that a preference moi-icuit artists, and In this iu-y do not speak in com- iM’insof the ancient sub- for the paintings on tiie committee roams. The they say of procuring do- iniary and pictures, as a ■iple, is to invito competi ng vejy ing otf of steam from an engine, have not given all the purticuiuiH or what has been discovered of this mys terious lake. Eiumgli is known to set tle it beyond a doubt that the whole town stand* upon a lake under ground. •q.ts Hurrah for l'uuldiiig! At a meeting of tho Democracy of Paulding county toappoint delegates to tlio Milledgevilla Convention, the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the Democratic party of l’aitlding county will support no plat form of principles which does not fully unequivocally maintain tho principles laid down in the decision of the Su preme Court of the United States in the Died Scott case, nor any mail for the Presidency, who will not fully endorse the doctrine of protection to tlio insti tution slavery in tlio Territories.” We very much fear the alternative will bo presented our Democratic friends iu Paulding of backing down from this resolution, or refusing to support Choir party nominee. Wonder which they will do—go for "principles not men,” or throw up their hats and shout, ”Hurrah! for Doolin and McFagim” into tho Treasury the • $2.7»t),00f>, including treasury notes; drafts paid to the amount of over $4,000,000; drafts is- sued nearly *:i.7’W,0<)(). The reduction from the amount oil hand the previous week ii $1 U.V),t).M); amount subject to draft $4,724,0U0. Among Die papers communicated by the President in answer to the resolu tion of tin- Somite concerning the al leged hostilities on the Rio Grande, is a letter from General-Twiggs, the Com ma ivlei- of the Department of Texas, dal d March 28, 185D, somo time after the commencement of those troubles, in phioii In*says:—“There is not, nor evdr lias been, any danger of Mexican* c ossing on our side of the river to plunder or disturb the inhabitants; and the outcry on that river for troops is solely to have nn expenditure of tho public money. At every post Dial Jut* been hWudoncil in Texas, uii outcry bus been raised, and plenty of Indian signs sequ.,, The citizens in the vicinity of tficfc’e posts are very unwilling to lose Die opportunity of handling a portion (il {tiit) money necessarily expended liy Din government and troops.” This plain statement tells the whole story, and discloses the purpose ol all tliej’oociit clamor. It may bo truo that outrage* have been committed on the Rio Grande, but they are traceable, not to Mexicans or Indians, but lo citizens of Texas, under the leadership of Cor- tinas, who is a Texan himself. Yet tiie Oovornorof Ihat-Siato informs Die Sec retary of War that Texas lias been inva ded, and demands the “interposition of tho Federal arm” for her relief. Before Governor Houston left the Senate of Dio United Slates, he advoca ted a withdrawal of the United States troops from Texas, upon tho ground that she was able to protect herself, and the presence of. tlio troops was injurious to the population. His opinion appears to have changed very suddenly, and hi* letter to tlio War Department is Massachusetts Dklkuates to the Charleston Convention.—The Evening Gazette lourns that tho delegates from Massachusetts to the Charleston Demo cratic Convention, ami such a* propose to bo present at the mooting of that body in April, are making arrangement* lo SO in « umnnov flint will bn at once om i no-idontlHontion oonld bo miulo— convenient, agreeable and imposing. a trunk had also been found contuiii- Tho proposition is to charter a steamer ■ . j olfcM to W. S. Hoalton ; also, a for tiie trip, provide her lvdll music, ( j e 'j c containing Iotters directed to gunpowder, and the^ manyossontmis.for \ p Coston, Umbour House, ilagshot. fiir^rTho letter of Milos Taylor, of Louisiana, iu fuvnr of Senator Douglas, to which wo referred lately, has raised a hornet's nest about bis oars. At a Democratic meeting at St. Charles T*itr- ish, on tho 22d nit., a resolution was passed declaring that they had road his letter with surprise; and that when they voted for Inin list November, “it was under the impression that ho was a sound'Calhoun Democrat, and free from the taint* amt heresies of Squatter Sov ereignty.” fcjT’Capt. Shannon, of Dio steamer Africa, states that the passengers in the ill-fated Hungarian numbered about one bundled and forty, and with the crew amounted to two hundred and fourteen persons none of whom have been saved to tell the sad story of the wreck and suffering. C*r f yMr. Cecilias I load, ono of the de fenders of Baltimore in 1814, died Frederick City on Friday morning last in the 74d year of id* age, JK-iyll is ascertained from a reliablo source, that it is tho intention of Minis ter Me ban • to return to \ r era Cruz in the emu so of a few days in tho Steamer Iirook 1 vu. Additional by the America. Halifax, March 12.—Tlio steamer America brings no list of pa.-Mongols by the Hungarian. Of the Cti;);),W)0 of the new capital of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, on ly .C70,’00J has been suUseribod. In the treaty of alliance between Aus tria and Russia, the latter guarantees to the.former a!) her posossiou*, includ ing Hungary niul Vonotiu. Tho Spanish squadron’ are about to project boinb &hull* into some of tlio seaport towns of Morocco. The Paris correspondent of London Globe say* that the chances of war this spring are becoming stronger. Austria is accumulating troops behind tho Nuncio, and the North Po, and otli uvs write in a similar 1 strain. ItlAItKKTS. •Savannah, March 14.—Sales of cot, ton to-day 1,075 bale*. Tho murkct*wa« steady, and prices were more regular.— Strict Middlings quoted at lU}(«tlbje.’ ArofsTA, Maveli 15.—There is a mod erate demand to-day, ut unchanged pHcw. Charleston, March l5.--Saleaof Cot ton to-day u,0dd bales, Ht former prices. New York, iXaroll JJ.—-SaJes of cot ton to-day l.tMMjales, and the market was firm. How »vk Cawiiv- otn Fine Rice.— A moirberof tlio Ohio Legislature, iu a recent sj(oeeh said— When the great detVerflon was our Emb »s*ador at Paris, Im ma le a tedious journey over the Alp* to examine into the rice culture of Sardinia, and burn ‘owliat was attributable tlio superiority the It.*.bun over tlio American riuo, ( finiung it to eoi:«M{ in the quality of • seed ; and learning uIm) that the Government, for that very reason, fro- iiibited tho exportation of rough rioe, lio filled every pocket of hi* coat, breoehes and waisteout with tlio pre cious grain, which ho brought homo for tho benefit of tlio South Carolina rice planter*. Ami now our rice is better than any iu tho world. Dil. COUrJSWKLLS NEW MEDICAL 9 ALT, I'm' Distorts Only! t IVMW jlCDIi'AL SALT, IT 18 NOT A DU UK ALL, For luthunntorv Dteeilses Only t t D U. C00U8WBI.I/S Now Medical Halt, instead uf lining a .roinedy for all ill*, has routmll «vur Imtoiio ill, iiaslmt una aim, ind (ucauplishoi btit 0110 tiling, lo wit: Hub- lucfljulluinntory Disease*—wliatovov bo its rorin or locality, wlmtln r iu the head, throat, Abdomen, extreme-ties or skin. The |iuculinr oxccllenon of tlio X«w Medi al Knit is. Hint without tho useless loss ot •loud and strength, it cllectiinlly cures In* tfaniHtiiry Diseases (no ethers) hy itrotlneing •iilibrium of all thu fluid* hi tiie body, mnt of .which is tho.solo CAUbE of iiij ilaiuaVlvn. IS VA 1.1DS, T.t K E NOTICE! J—The fal lowing farm* which tho Unbalanced fluid* as sume and many not hero mentioned, that have more or Ii-m favor or pain, are cusily sub dued hy the NEW MEDICAL HALT a* tire i* extinguished bv water, to wit: Drain Fe ver, Ilviidaehc, Kush of lllood to tho Head and Heart, Fits, Inflame.I Eye*, l’.are* and Nose, Canker, Neuralgia, Hpinnl Affections, Krysipela*. Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Asthma, In flamed Lungs and Diver. Heartburn, Coughs, Dvspepsin. Venerinl Discuses. Uheunmtism. Gout, .Scrofula. Halt Itheiim, nmi nil Itching and other cutaneous eruptions. Hr. Cog^swell’s New Medical Rail exert*, like (he vaccine matter, nn extraordinary in fluence over tho veins and artwrje*. resulting in u gradual declining of iutlanmtion ns in dicated l»y tho pulse. which -s«»un returns to it* natural state,n* the heat, pain uud fever disappear. Dr. Dogg*well's New Medi* n! Salt doM just what it claims to do—no more no less—equal l*e* thu fluids hy removing from th# systeir all urlt-ruil and venous obitruotions. Deserip- tivo C'ireii'ar* may ha olitniaed from any Druggist who keeps this valuable mod' for salo. WM. D. TAYLOU k C0„ No. 0 Court Square, Mon!ginnery, Ala. Ooneral Agent* for fiouth Cundinm. Osor- gln. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louis! nun. and Te: TO THE PUBLIC. Abolitionist^, wo 'would inform the" public, that on* of our firm own* a plantation in tiie fiouth, and that nil the members of it Lave large intercsti> in tho fiouthern State?, and that we * CONSOtlDATED BUSK —: : u TEJJtlAtB CASH. GENT DRY GOODS, AND Merchant Tailoring Establishment, B.P.JOSBS, N..T.ombkho, > pnur ft A W. SCOTT, a. B. MOORK. J IWSlYltl US, The Undersigned will bo IN FULL BLAST, On Monday, Qtli inst., and will be glad to show their friends li\ SEARCH 0P BARGAINS Tlioir Rlook, which tho, pledge PnRRD)AD)C EAW/j httii asy iroi'SE in (fKcmau. oun terms will be EXCLUSIVELY CASH: And Prices exceeiliugiy Low. Wo hope lo roeeive the encouragement of the oIUism generally in this e&Urnriie and epeet to compensate theta in return By Saving them Money, IX MAKING THEIR PURCHASES Prices plainly marked in Figures. For further particulars Apply at tho Store. JOKER, SCOTT, OJtBBRO *00. J«»3—W ,, -JF* Antlphlogirtle Halt—Acute ickago* $1, f'hroalcpnekngo $2 SO. Invalid* with Ohronlp'or long ntnndlng s. ahotibl nlwav* urdcr I'hronic I'uekagi Agent* rvante-i in every City, Town and Village iu tho ahovo Btiite?. *-•* Bold by DruggLU everywhere. mnrl«l. SD.—ly. - —hu/ ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARPER & BUTLER, Importers and Heavy Dealers In HARDWARE, ther *o rich a* to wish to in jure mir own property, n*r so foolish to ji ardi'yeoiL” interests, mr - - •• for* with the ri^.’.tfluf \Yo also desire that i a!>lo to statu, (having r proof.) that they buy tl, .1 . .. i..... - !.» unjust friend*. Btisi'wuivre may U •wn eignn'.iiro f<»r _ ¥ . w ir good* from u house, which ha* been Ittmv.n n< neh Hiueo ITSfl, and that the Arm ha* *p*ut line uud moik-y liberally, nnd linn always ied ii.i j»3u«heo in oppojitJon to Abolition ‘Himtieirtirt in every form. Viv liopo tlio tlioafaml* of our friends who aid tbo calumny, may «oo this *lcd- ivfnt. of It. A Foolish Hoax.--A story i*going tbo rounds about the drowning of forty- nine children at Hardin, C.diioun coun ty in this State. There is not a word of truth in the whole story. It was got uj) tro |>r«*iuno, «*« sewtniion item, mid is both foolish uud wicked. Tliero i* no University at Hardin, nnd although tlio town is thriving, lieing only a low years old, itts doubt ltd whether that number of children could bo got together from a circuit of miles.—Alton till.) Courier Fth. 21. £fjy*'A baddiut, taken to an evening party frequently eomes out Dm next day ns good as new. i('<jifl<niiil. AIA (UII Id)—Th tlii» oily on We. I mi- day tlio 7th inst by tho Rev. Jesse Lau berth. Mr. Jeferson I*. Earle ami Mil Sarah M. Lowerv, all of this coun ty. KajrRenlf, old Brown’s Sen rota ry of State, delivered n lecture in (.'ohim- bn*. Ohio, one evening ln*t week.— lie had an audienco of about twenty V^om. NT%rci?ki» Out.—Tlio Clayton (Ala.] Banner state* that. Robert Blake mm J. M. Binke, two itinermitjmveler*, ivere ordered to leave that town, lor too much familiarity with slaves. They J purported to Imil from Norfolk, Vir ginia. j Pvjy*All the persons attached to the j Paris Observatory were on the alert to observe Die eclipse of Die moon, which | took place under circumstances most ( favorable to the observation. There, were several ladies on the terrace, and j one of them seriously asked M. Lever-! rler, "If you were to have your tele-j scopes rifled, like caution, would they not carry farther. ” ggyMiss Bello Phillips, of Augusta, ha* recently assumed tho editorial charge of tlio Georgia Weekly Herald, of Thomson. Miss Annie R. Blount. (Jonny Wootlbino) contradicts the re port that sho is editorially connected with tho same paper. Mins Blount is >0Wll|f|MjS DIED—On Die 10th inst., at the resi- deuco of h‘n'futhers; Mr. Bennett Li renae, of this county, Jambs Maiu. Law renuk. Mr. L., was a promising young m and Ids (loath is mourned by a wide ele of relative* and friends. Tlio Great English Remedy. Silt JAMES CLAItKF.’S (’libilUltATUI) Fg.MA.LK PILLS. riAHIS invabmbl*. imslicinc i* uiifuiliiiL'jr JL tho care ..f all tbo. e painful mid dangor mi* dikcaeca iiebleut to tbo lomulo coasiitu V nil . nmi r more remarkable for what it withholds, than for what i* hungliugly expressed. Tu* Lessor me Hinoarian.'—A tele graphic dispatch from Barrington, says that tho body of a man had boon found at Capo Sable. Ilis head, was cut off, j occupied in preparing for tho press a __.i Uma!.#%•« .. . ...... « olumo of i>oeins. a good timo that social and patriot io fooling may suggost, and sail into Char leston bay to tho "music of tho Union’' with hunting Hying, guns firing, and other demonstration*. Negotiations aro ponding for ono of tho new steamers of tho Baltimore lino for this purpose, which it is thought may bo had,—Bos- Ion Herald, Self Destruction.—Wo learn from tho Selma Sentinel tlwt a man named Crane, a furniture donlor iu Cahawba, Ain., Jiting himself in that town on Monday morning last. Ho loaves a largo family. The cause of the, rash act« unknown.—(blumlus *SV», TO M.YUIll El> LADIES it i.« jMvmlinrJy tmiuA. it will, in « «h«»r bring on tho monthly period with regularity CAUTION. These Pills rhonhl not hr. taken hi/ fannies thntare pregnant,during f!,t IJUSl’Tlf it UII Months, as they are sure lu bring on Mi# ( riage : hut at every other time..'and in cri other r ise, they arc perfectly safe. In ail ea*o( of Nervop* and Spinal Alb PARAGON BLACK HAWK. rrMTTfi dutiful Morgan X Stallion will bP r»jjiule«l it iho Horse Mansion ol, John II. Walker, in Ilomo,, n Thursday nnd Friday f each wc»k during the present s nsmi and Iho bnliinc# at tho uwnvrs 8labl» near ICingiton. 2JI’uragon is a colt of tho celebrated Mor gan Horse, Hill's Black lluwk of Vermont, and war brought out from that fitut# this Spring. Paragon Black Hawk, i* a thorough d Term 0E0. M. WARING, Kingston, Ga. Prioo of SAWED LUMBER, I aninplion, wc, ns a portion ol J tko laboring da**, feed that wo at tho present low prices of Lum- 1 Sawing, therefore. Wo, t\\n tindvrsig 1st of Fclirnury ho her at our rcfljieclivo iilills.'at II 2. Hnuling and Kiln-drying not loci Remember our Term* aid JNVA III ABLY CASH JOB ROOKUfi. L. It. A S. D. Wit AGO, J. G. MORRIS. £•(?- Oilier Dcnlcr* in Lumber are invite t-» join in tbl* movcm.nt. jan2Rw*\j tf _ savannah Koute i TO 1ST e w Y o rl v Great Hntliictiou iu Ilutea of l'uaingo. New Arrangemoiit WE reapcotfuIU soliot Broad Street, Borne, Ga. continuation of tho pufrortig# of our P^tOMPf PAYING atrf Oiisli CustomerSj To whom our G»od* oro fur fal»*t tho LOWEST FI CURES. [Janftir. TO THE PLANTERS OF CHEROKEE OL li HL TTTE have sample# of oeroral kind* of Plow*, manufactured by Messrs,.Sharp A TTamiL Tf ton. of Nashvillo, Tenn., who are Very anuxiotio to introduco thorn In this section of couutry. Their Plow* aro nil warranted, and wo feel assured that it will bo to tho intoreaf of tho pluuter* to try them. Wo gunnmtoo thorn to l»c nil they nrO roprcaonted. ... , tho Plow can to returned and tho money rofuudod. Among which aro tho following r The Excel Plow, ateel, 7 sixes, The Kaglo " " 7 *• 2 loft-1 and, Tbo Sharp*! patent, Btcol, 8 she*, 2teft-hnnd, “ " •' " east 7 ■lxor: The Excel, iron 7 xisex. Tho Clipper Patent, rr'on, 2 tlxos, cast mould , board. Tho Cllp|>ot' fitttcitti stool, 8 Sharp X Hamilton'^ Cultivators with tlio justly colobratod Sayro & Remington's patoil Su t-1 Teeth. We will tnks pleasure iu showing these articles to any nnd all porsonx. — ■ HABI’ER 1 BUTLBB . Nur. 91,t, 1SS3. W. 1UIODES illLL, W. n. ilEHNDON. f'olumliu*, Alba ,r» on S.'i 00 21 011 2.T Id 20 0(1 Memphis Kiioxvilli Atlanta. Auguvta,. d through by tlio Munhat- »any «m tbs (Central Rail diwrcj. nnvvvhrro in New $22 75 27 75 25 00 25 00 2f 00 17 50 odious SIDE Cisrisx.m Coiiweu F.W’torv.—Over a very lurgo ostahliKhmont for the manu facture of barrel*, in Cincinnati, i* a mysterious upper story, (says tho New Orleans Delta,) where cobwebs aro wo ven over and lumg'wv as to represent old barrels that havo lam long in collars.-*- Those aro to contain tho old Madam and foreign brandies, declared to havo been imported, but all made In the mo- ] *11 rsspectebU druVehis sverywhere, tropolis of Ohio. | morlfl, 'fcO.-Ay, the R.ick nnd Limb*. II nous, Fptiguo ou Kliglit oxorlmn, Palpitation i of tho Heart, te>wnc** of spirite. Hysterics. Sick Headache, White#, and ail the painful disease# occasioned by a disordered syttterft,- theso Pill# will efleot * euro when nil other moans have failed. Full direction# In tho pamphlet around each nankago, which should beoarorully pre served. A tattle contains 50 pills, and encircled with tho Government Stump of Groat Britain can bo sent post freo for $1 and 0 jnjjtago ■tamps. Hole Agonts for the United State# an d Cim ad a, JOB MOSERp Robherter, S'. Y. Sold in Rome by TrnxLtt A Barer, and Mpcouy....’. Baggago die tau Express (!oi Road Curs, and York nr Vicinit By tho Cqdcndid ni \y H ErErb Steamship* Aravsrs, I,M0 tons. Cupt. M. 8, Vnodlrall. Floiuha, l,r.00 •• •• Isaac Ci.wcll, Ai,.*«ama. 1,»00 “ “ G. r,. fidmvok, 'iTiese ideanr.-hip* belonging to the old es tablished nmi favorite line, known a# the "Now York and Savannah Strum Naviga tion Cord puny," and Wcro built expressly ft this fin?, thoyaro commanded by exporioi ccd, skillful and polite ofllcoM? aud in con fort, nccotifmoffation* aud ’ Fare, cannot l excelle‘«l bv mry Voxels mi-th) con*t. Through Ticket# uro sold j. in New Orleans by It. Gkddks. «i» Gr.ivi. r at. I •• Mobile, " Cox. BrainahD A Co., •• ColumhiiR, “ S.ll. Him., Ag.nt Hnr- d-n'# Express nnd J. M. Bivins. Rail Road Ticket Agont, and at nil other point* by con necting Rail Road Ticket Agent*. JOHN R. WILDER A GALL IE, Agent*, Bay St., Savannah. 8AM'L I. MITCHELL ,t SON, fcj»28trlwtf Agonts, t3 Broadway N. Y. COX, HILL & CO„ WHOLESALE GROCERS, PE1€I(-1ICEG STREET, ATLANTA, GA. H AVING formed Jo, copartnership ns above, w* arc prepared to exhibit an ok* gant aud fresh ** * STOCK OF GROCERIES, which aro offered lo cash and short thiio, prompt paying ouitoraera at very low Qxur*» Our facilities for purchasing nnd a perfect knowledge of tho wnnta of the public, are such that Wo can guarunteo entire satisfaction, in every particular. We annex a few of tiro articles now in Btorc and to arrive j 30 hds. New OrleanslSugar, 100 “ A B & C,, “ ' 60 bis. crushod andBrown Sugar, v __ ZOO Bags Rio Coffee. 25 Bags Java Coffee, 400 Kogs of Nails, 300 Box candles, 1000 " Snuff’, 200 bl/» Rec’d Whisky, - choice Brandies, private stock, 500 Sacks Salt. 100 Bx’s State and English Barry Cheese, And any quantity of fiodft, Staroh, Pfckfcs, Cafsups, Bauees, Proeorves, Fruit#, Cordials Ovstftt’#, M«fukere1, Sardines, Buckets, Broom#, Tubs, Chums, Ao., to vrhleh attention 4« in* vfted. Awaiting your commands, and uIwuvh at yonr services, 10 “ Old Government Coffoo, lOO Box’ Tobacco, We ate ifCspcftlfully, COX, THU A CO. HOUSE TO RENT. r|<IIE HOUSE AND LOT A lfic^w,• situated in DoSoto, 4 of n rr.ile west of Romo, nil intB^saiuaSr good rephir: stud tho lot Contain# btftweeh four and five actes. Apply at (bo Drug Stora of Sowinnn A howliii> Rumo, Go. fcb.Slr-triim.' . THE BLANCEVLILB Q J ifflKI Axr i nnir 'MBBnAT. INBBOuMBNjrs^ro iOEN' SLilli* WllAlilll.: F,n >' Oollftr. pc. Month rind ^ ponses Pnid. j CANVASSERS WANTED. 1 LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. VAN WERT, POLK CO. t GA, iTIT’E "kh to erigago an aotiro Agent in r HE lubscriber now has hit Slato Quarry lc .J 7 every county throughout -the United fully ooonod and U provided with a sufli- Btn ks nudCduadas, to travel and Introduco otent miirtoef of workmen to 011 orders In ant * lur iirAY twkntv dollar dourlktuukad lock part of tbo South. Tho qdalfty of tbo slate | S T» re ut* K xt i y om ^ cji i y i:. T bis Kx r t-1^ J 0 r Ma kes been fully tested, and Its boauty and oxJ c ? m ? f# ju#l Patented.with^rtlhalJo improve cellanco ten bo Seen by nn oxaminatron 0 f , ,ncnt “* "hteh rtmko It th*cheapest nndmoet osvoral boildlngs in Romo oovered with slate 1 P®P u J* r tnummo fn existence, thd nci nowl- from this Quarry. Tho subscriber propose# ‘ utt *“ r P*J*od for ‘general utilitr. to furifish tbo rirtto at day joint ih (/i'ergitt,! ?“,! n .^ er Qf-‘Ve#pnnsTbIo,.agents are Alabama or Tennossoo dud lay it oh Ibo fwnntetl^^bllqitorder# bygamplo, to whom* roof at an expomo nof.axceedlng tba dost aft efho Tin roofing. 1 ■ Contracts' man Agent’of. Agant at Yin Wiprf Pbllt^Co.i Oai JowDli John R. Frad< ( iineptS. W. Blanca gcueral rtPbllrCo.i Go; J ”1 paid. W Edition, f-i., a stimp for rotmn postage.* til . .. .... ■' ; J* W.' HARRIS, No. 13 Shoe and Leathar Exchange, B >afom. ; JaalT^rifiw