The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, May 11, 1860, Image 2

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Of K\omc C turner. M. PWINKLL. Editor. GKO, T. alpVALL, \ bocuti Knttc ROM K. 5X7 THERDAY MORNING, May R. i di : up nnd adjourned. The S«|n:*ltor wing has fluttered nwny to Baltimore nml called upon the people of tho Southern .States, whoso dologntes had withdrawn to send other delegates to supply their vacancies. What more can tho South expect in Baltimore than they have got in Charleston ? Will the Northern iiifii thero ahnndon their position?— ro.NDKISt i :. Will the Southern men ho content with 1.than was demanded here? Not cmiAi. c NO. 10. Ciuhi.k,tov. May :ird, 1M’>0. ThoSquatter Convention was in ses sion all day ><■ terday. Indicting lor a i T-< .idi utial nominee,: . id entirely with' out any prospect of fUccoss. At the dice . I ihofiTth ballot, tho convention ii ij innod until this morning. l)oug-L 11l.i. lie-t vote was 1”>2J—‘202 being j .natter Donioernts, led by (Inrdine l, ary to n c.hiiiee. On the 37th bid- ,j || M . Augusta Constitutionalist, an 1.4 jit he name t»f Don. Andrew Johnson I ivmth of the Molilo Hegisb i*. with tho ex Outline— his ■ uhitiom milted \ .d the whieli M sylvan retreat to be s i’ ,in e« where nst >v inserting tho word | be.foro tho Wonls I “Demoi ratio Party\ oted, Upon o authoi'it the latter, unless the Douglas l.nn in ( the Eolith scud delegates to Baltimore. I If the constitutional Democracy who, 1 ; hope and hellovo are largely in tho ma jority choose to he represented then tho. will he re-enacted. If the I hug eyes ai i- unt with I 1 joys of this 1 I Thupror. their men then the principl *'l U. fiioentireSouth have declared Vv 'h' J ihe true exponents of their c } tiorml lights, will bo surrender ,ll( t I Douglas him«elf nominated. Ilo ean- J not carry a single .Southern .State. I K!,n '° j hopesomo arrnngoinont will ho tniido ( on- j j 0 uupo the Constitutional Union party 1 the Constitutional Democrat*, and js a united Smith with California and goii, and tho con-ervntivo men at • North will ; forth to light Wilmot ivi-oi-Mii and S.j iiitor Sovereignty, ir candidate if not elected by the >ple imiat be ill lira House of Kepro- itativos; for the same States will le for him that voted for tho majority I'nlon Snmlay School Celebration, j Last Friday was indeed n gala thy to tho children of Koine and vicinity.— Tho morning was bright and clear and never was soon a more joyous crowd of smiling faces than appeared on broad street at 8 o’clock in tho tuorning. And then everything was in such perfect good order and decorum. The schools all marched out with three beautiful hauliers, the children walking two and two with the teacher.-, at the head of caeh class, and all forming a pinoo-sfon nearly half a mile in length. Surely it was a lovely sight. Children in all their innocence ntul purity, robed in white and docked with (lowers, with a park- I rosy cheeks, and all buoy* ight anticipations of the Union I»le Nie Celebration* Yet linger Mill, memories dear! Haste not to fine away j The recollections of the past will cheer, ike turmoils of to-day. ll.iWMvert they puns In review—these Mi. i I! That glorious ni« ■•king's rays, which ki- it da an.I ui.j.i ino.-t hw AllMle mOie 1km set of me lid the iv- l. el ire the •latr- cc vest cl 1 ' ig tlio c delegate -ami tin ted to da inn . I pretnetion, inalill ft. JIo . uj ivithdrmy unless this •rat. I in tho platform. < ic unanimously morning thu trains have been crowded uming borne. Tho ifares will bo quite id tho people ol l ’hnr- inoro left to ptu-mo their pcaeo and quiet. They : * glad to get rid of them. heanti- rat* Mr. Stephen* l for thu h|K«aUerM idioneo had been ] ! prcpaV'*'!. (Hir space prevents giving K j nn\ thing like a detailed account of thu I interesting proceedings of tho day. Tho | Pastors of tho four olnircheH each made short nddvvBses, all good , well-timed : the children sang 1-obitting songs; the Band at intervals dis- omul I'm and nothing hap- lied to m if in the tho joys thi* annivi r*ary juhileo. The dinm r was truly sumptuous, pro- cin quantity, and it was apparently joyed with a keen rcli-h. The nfter- >on w as spent by the children in inno ut games and paMime.i, and not till to in lh‘» evening, and then half luclaiiily, did they return to town.— irely no children are.- o happy as thoso horcguki; ly attend the Sunday Schools cl try to practice tho lessons that toy learn. Is there a good moll of wo- ian, who will not make an effort to so- Away tho |*>nrl.i that grn-usl the It.overs all night; Sure, such ol.'iiling is not quite amis*. lb*w worry tho birds ring tlw-ir inniin-song 8wool ilivircarolsuVr tho w.mhIIiiikI rings. Wilh fill.tome joy, all nature doth prolong The 11.i|• i■ i:i a lib'll oae*. in im lit bring* Wlmtmxt? A loyal train is pasting by— Pilgrims t.» thu shrine of regal May! Kiii’li fneo I see, joy beams in every oyo Ami h"j*o and puaee ‘ruuiul vuch l»|**lotl> play. My honrt cxputids, nml I boldly ask What niomin'h clnimsa more loyul train? Hat ora an answer conics, tho throng is past And I hut linger, wonder nud muse ugniu. Next shifting What a harmonious The llu - reeling. •iolit and i "P‘‘ r U*l* f of ident l Id moved lie did not K . og until •ftefy.' 1> Co 11vn- •miuated a m. n for them to sup- i ul havlug the piInciploa, he in* on putting :v good nun on their .. in, and go before tho people to i ., <' myi-ntioii a Ij.airncil until 8 ]\ . whori it*again adjourned until 12 M., ‘ .y, without further notion. ■ .1 ud •«• Douglas' Convoiition” met » morning at 10 o’clock. Mr. ltus- i.t'n airman or tlm Virginia delcga* ....... red ft resolution, that when the ention adjourn, it adjourn to meet probably nearly all tho seceding del ■tales have done, Judge bumpkin, on •vi turd ay night ln-t, addi»-.-cd Ids lYl- low-citi/."iis on ti.e .-ubjoct of tho late ' h.uje.don Convention. Tho Ibomra- hlo gentlemen gave a succont but a clear Hketch of all the important points deci ded by tho Convention before the seces sion, ami then explained thu noeos-ity of the withdrawal. He showed that the difference hetweeu the Abjoiily and 2bnority Platform reports was much wider and more important than at tivst might strike thu attention ol a casual reader. Tho only important dilfetenoe, between tho f/uaUer nud Constitutional wings of the party, was in regard to the rights of slavery in tho Territories.— flic Majority lloport embraces the <hc- trim'* of the Jirctl (Lvi.tinn, as given liy the Supreme Court in that case.— Tho minority report merely pledges the Democratic party “to abide by thu de- cure thi- happiness to all. A i^e-rftiMi.-We ten. demur thanks to a lady friend for one beautiful lloral wreaths wc ever saw. It is a simple stalk of tho .l/ieV;/b;M K.'se about twelve feet in length contains nearly live hun dred full bloom loses besides a large numbers of buds. Kr.v. J. \\\ Ci.r.w, (be Presiding Kldci of tJiis district, fell from his buggy on last Saturday, at C.vssville, and was pain fully, though, it is thought, not danger* ' inj ,; d. Singing sweet *<>ngs of ‘•Wde.’im l ilt tin* ccIhk's riug.ainl ouch unto T<> i Iiiiso nil cure nml Mifrow fur • tnllt.i’ that «l|.| l .,1 to And then, llnx Of Youth—i Of iluwun, mvi sphere And thu Bible, —with n Heaven to secure. r |*croniik , l,Joyous, pure} ’•min dr*/»i" o'er nil nature's dtimoro on tho 18th of .luno.nnd tho I cisions of tho Supremo Court of the . lie party in the Hcveral States .t. 'l to tend delegates to supply ;. This resolution was adop- , v. ry large majority, and the nlion adjourned. N'irginia has hIa jHisition tlbgPacoful to tho -.mth. Fop the purpose of securing t .■ iH>iuin.ili<>n of Hunter, hot* clelo- have consented to remain in a - ivcnti- n of Squatter Sovereigns who !• ,1. -1/ ignon d her rights, and n d adopted tv platform containing prin- , ■ i ich oiiiT.f her most distinguish- . i eis, had denounced as a “short cut i" . ! the ends of Black lb-publican- i No S wiUtevn State will sand «1 ; - : to the Convention when it iiiblci in Baltimore, unless it ho a j. u Deuglas tnen in those States who iswilling to give up principles for ii.u:, May 2, 1.8G0. CmMiluiimml l>iiioii 4 Convention. This (''invention met today, at II /clock, in the U.-piv oiitutivo Hall. • hi tliotiou of Mr. bewis ot'Greeno, a .'otuiuitteu eot^i-ting of bevvUoftlroeno I'iiomu'* «d Muscogee*, Kidley ol'Tianipe, Wright of Kiehmond, Dozier of IJuit- ntaii. Met 'h'iidoii of Floyd, and Trippo of M'liiroe, was Hp|K>intod to report n pennaneivt organization tor this Con vention. Tho r< i*ort of tho couunittco was uituiiitimusas follows: •sident—Ccnoml John W. A. San 1. •»' institutional Convention motat ; o'clock.’ Judge Meek pllcroda reso- it'on that a conimiUeo of one from ark •. 'lute bo nppgintod to proparo an 11 to the )*tt»i.lo of the United !.•• explaining the reasons which ;, d tho course of tho Southern :u withdrawing from tlio Squat- mention, and vindicating their ii. Mr.Jacksonoifored a rc-oltt- h • the people ol the United be invited to send delegates to a •ji\ i'iilion to meet in second Moml United States on all questions of btilutional law." Ho called attention to the fuel that Douglas, who is the t Jen* oral Coinmander-iii-ohiof of all tho a jit it tiers, holds that in the Died Scott caso tho only point really and rijht'ul/y decided was, that Dred Scott was hot a citken. Tlio minority repoit does not pledge tho party to abide by tho./eck iun of that case; nor oven to the single point ul>ovo named, any longer than till a similar caso may bu brought before the Court. Here, said tho speaker was their di- lemma; tho entire South, hacked l»y • diforniauud Oregon, and embracing dl the Democratic States of tho Union, had only demanded an expression their constitutional rights, clearly and unequivocally stated. This demand was denied thorn by an overwhelming majority of votes from states some of whieli never liuvo been Democratic, nml none of which two expected to he in the next -Presidential election ; tho South limit either surrender her rights or withdraw from tho Convention. Under these circumstances tho delegates Hum M'veu States and a largo ma'ority of tho < Soorgiadelegation withdrew. Judge bumpkin recommended no course of action for tho futuro. Ho sta tes to a j toil ui llmoutsot that at tho request of hington several ol his neighbors, ho appeared n June! fold. Vice Presidents—John Millcdgo and >u motion of /.. Ii. Ulurke a commit- 5 of three, were appointed to wait up- The President on taking tho chair, Be pleased, gentlemen, to accept my acknowledgements for the great honor which you liuvo just conferred upon The circttuisinnc meet hero to-dnv a on our part, iln* and wisoaction. 'I under which wo -ill'll as luqiiilc, l.tful deliberation :• great party irliicb lias tor a series ol years, swayed tho destiny of this country, now tilled with discordant nud jarring opinions can ho no longer held together by tho cohesive power of public plunder. It is however not my purpose to analyze tho elements of that heterogeneous mass, or to point to acts that show it no longer capable of wise and good government. Ours is the higher duty, tho more arduous task to hold tho country harmless from tho threatened clfeets of its blundering policy : and 1 sincerely, devoutly hope that out action will he such as to Mih- servo this great, this very desirable end. hot our action hero ho such as to bring together the good, tho virtuous, the put riot in men of every party and every section of our country ; and the dark and lowering clouds which hang upon our our political horizon will dissolve into their original airy nothing- On motion of J. A. b. boo of Musco gee, a ('onuuittei'of la was apppoiutod to prepare muttfi* for thu action of this Convention. Committee consists of the following: Wright, chairman: Kenan, Trippo, Thomas, Bingham, Wyolie, how is of (irei no, hew is of llaneo of Muscogee, Reynolds, Boyington, Ar nold. MeC'lendoii, t'hivko. Un motion the ('on vent ion adjourned J o'clock. »>n motion of Mr. bee of Muscogee, That an Kxeoiitivb Commit* e, consisting of one from each Con* ('•sionul District, he iqqiointed by tlio resident of this Convention of tho u ty for nominating Klectors, nml for \ I all other legitimate purposes. 1st District—t'. II. Hopkins. 2d District—II. Holt. .".d District- -b. F. W. Andrews. -ItIt District—It. A. T. Kidley. f»th Di'triet—Dr. II. V. M. Miller. I'.th District—Dr. S. II Fn Tih Di-trict—1>. II. I.eivis. Nth District—John Miller. Col. Hopkins lutosh, the President of this tion was added to the Executive milieu, and made its chairman.- Jt ecu rtlcr, DriY““If I had strength enough left to bold a pen 1 would write limv easy and delightful it is t<> die,” were the last words of the celebrated William Hunter. And yet again l Iiltc The happy group* tlu-.e? Tko merry games ive plsyuil, now frion-ls Well in t Iu “singe com-kos" not quite so strong ns fnlr! H w wc nit “I'hnngck! partners," and "tliril- man" playril! Ah! my young heart tlirobstlioio win ning wiles; Dear nmJ (’an I resist, nail yet ilelny To taste those lips wreathing such rmigish einiktt? • Hut the vision fades! The king of day re- 'Neatli tlio western cloud of crimson gold. A mol low'd sad ucss reigns; tke secnocxpiros. I am left to muse, and oilier dicuius be- hold. May onr futuro glow with inch hallowed light, Tinged with iucm*.ries. dear, with hopes iivst bright, Amid such scones may our days l»o cost, A ml blissful, festive joys bo ours at last. How they were Kicked Out. Tho following explain* tho manner in which the ten Georgia Delegate*,who attempted to remain in the C'hurlcxtoii Convention, were forced to leave that body. Wo clip from .Savannah Repub lican : now UKOlUlt.V WAR tUHrUANCIUSED. A nioiion was myde to adjourn and while taking the vote, Mr. Butler, of Mas*., and Mr. Horne, of Wis., object ed that thu delegates present had no right to east thu whole vote of (ieoigiu, tho hitter gentleman maintaining that Georgia had no right to vote at ail, ex cept by unanimous con-ent, mid made a point of older to that elfeet. lie contended that there was no delegation present. ^ Mr. Cohen contended manfully for lit of hiuixdf and col leagues, and need thu movement of the above usurpation and attempt .‘Mate ol How to Sustfnn yonr I.ocnl Paper. 1. 1 f you have a father, mother, broth er, sister or friend ol any kind residing at ft distance, who is unable to sub scribe, pay for and lmvo a copy sent to them. *2. If you liftve any printing you wish done, do not “jew’’ iho editor down ton starvation ptiec. ami when become* to make a puiehascof you “spike on the luiiir." ;t. If you have nnv advertising or job work to bo done, take it to your county paper, except, perhaps, when you wish to advertise in more than one paper. •b Do not run otf to the city to get your liandbills, labels, cards, etc., limit ed, because for*ootli you can get ft re duction of a few cents in price. Sup port your own as you wish to he suppor ted. A man who is always running away from home with his business, lit tie deserves the patronage of the com miinitx in which lie lives; and, so tarns we in e concerned, such will receive tho cold shoulder. It, If you have control of any legal advertising,send it to your friend. Tills kind of business pays hotter than nuy other, and tho more you can send to the editor of your paper, tile better for him and it. In pi-o|>ortioii to the amount of the receipt* of a paper, nil editor is enabled to make it useful and amusing to tho community in which it is published. u. Do not expert milch. <T a paper when an editor Is driven to be his own compositor, proof reader, pressman utid devil, to buy something for his dim 7. Do not expect the editor to make honorable mention of you and your business every few Weeks for nothing.— The space iu a paper and a man's time arc worth something, ami every notice comes hack to the drawer of tfio recip ient in dollars ami cents. An editor sumild not ho allowed to go hungry, barebacked, or barefooted. They “eat, drink and wear,” just like other i»co- pie. 8. If the editor owes you a shilling, do not chase him from “rosy morn to balmy eve” for it, mid when you happen to get the balance on the other side, “cut tho gentleman's nquaiu- tanco.” ‘J. “Finally, my brethren," if you wish to properly sustain yout county paper, to live the balance of your days in peace with God and man, and occupy a seat in Paradiso after death, practice tho golden rule—“Do unto others as vou wish them to do unto you,” under liko circumstances.—Printer* Maes Let- I'HT.IS ET MURES. Folk sod it. by a hole, lutcnti »ho cum otnni soul— 1'rontlerc rats; Mice eucurrorunt over the- floor, In nuiuero duo, tresor more— Obi it l cat*. Fells saw them nctlli*, I’ll have them, inquit she, I guess— I>tim Indent, Tune ilia crept towards tho group, Hal •earn, dixit, good rat soup. Pingues sunt. Mice continued all ludero tntenti they in ludum wore, Guudoutor, Tune ru-hod the folis into them : Kt lore them omtie.s limb from liuib, Violvuter. Mures mum's tunic be sl»y r Kt am* am probe tnilii, Benigno, Sic liocuci*—“vorluini sat," - Avoid a devilish big Tom eat— Studiose 1 1{cIb ^Obclrli?clnci))?. NOTICE. rpHK Anmini Mooting of tho Homo Mu X. tunl Insiirnnro Company, is adjourned to Moiulav .Turn* 4th next, at l« o'drwk, A. M. hail road Office. May Wh, 1*60. niayllwlia. C. II. sTlldiWBbh, Beefy. NOTICE. A ccor.mxil to llio jtBlllto Ilf tlio Stull! w« hereby, give iiutlec. Hint the Clerk «> f tlio interior Court lms reeeiwd, nml lms at Ids olHee. theiu w Standard Weights and MiUHir.'s.ond all jKT»"ns »«*ueeraed arc here-. I»y n«*tifie'l thereof. (!. It. SMI TH, .1. I. l\ b. |>. Ill UW Kid.. .1. I C. SAMI Kb MUULKY. d. t. 0. .1. It. TnWKHH. J. I. C. WM. .MiCobl.OPHH, J. I. •*. inn vl Iw I in. GEORGIA, Floyd County. W HKHKAS, Henry 11. H Pm , I iiitnistrnted of Joienl, o V,*®?* Hi represents to tho Court, in (.!<, ,2.i., ,n Iv»I rcprc.ont. I.. tlio Court, hi'liV; Dint unit cut.r.'il on rwtml, tl„. m A.lminl.lorotl Jo»pli o. OomMov^ ,,! ?l •rill. Is, tli.T.-f.irn, tnrile nil ,„n I ■ • i<To.ui»ri, ii, JSy 1,,|,v — .Ini” 4,1 'oiniiil, kiiulml i f any they can, why rlieahl Hot Ik* di»« barged frrnn hig'n"*’ 1 (ration, nnd -<• »• ' ‘"'n trnlion. and nneivaletters of l6 » I the llrsl Monday in I)re» jnlur, inkii 1 ° n il this at office, (ids Utti May, I *00 iiuiy'JH JR8BB I«AMBKItTH.Owi» ' SPLENDID —WITH— Dissolution, r !l K Aria of Hhie’i. Ii'o'i it A Painemn. llliK day «ti-mlvc.t l-y inntunl e *1110111.— I ll * Ikniks iv.ll he llnuid with Hole •eeiitlv oeeupied l*v them ns a Dry Goods Store. Those Indebted tl* the Arm will please no farwunl and pnv; nud thou* wh * have •uunta not line until the twenty-ftfth of Deecmt'cr. will pleam settle bv n**te, niiAOK, Trstimu.W to American Missionaries. —The Levant English paper, published at Constantinople, says: Wo risk no contradiction in ulUrming that the American iui**ionarie* lmvo done more to advance civilization ami pure religion throughout Turkey than all the other agencies, diplomatic or missionary, whieli European policy or propagaiidism has over set to work upon the country. INiyvjomo years ago a party of Cam bridge philoMiplier* undertook, for a Holeutifle object to poiictvulo into the vast depths of Wheal Fortune Mine.— lernblo Prole.-sor I’ara-li. who •e of the immbet, ua*d to relate with immnee gu>to the tollowing start- Uni incident of Uis visit, thi his useent in tli«« «ml inary inaniier, l*y means o| tile bucket; and With a millet' Ibr a id low pa.-.seuger, he perceived, ii* h< thoii*-iit, curtain iiumistaUeble symp toms of frailly iu tho rope. “Ibovofle do you change your r*>p“.s. my good man t" lie inquired, when about half wav from the b<>tti*m of tin* uu ful “tVech inge them every three uiontli*. sir.” replied the mull ill the buekel : and we shall change this 011c to m »ir #w, if no get up «nfe.” deno gelitleili to ili-l'ra Di The N. O. fYivr- •g a blood less duel be lli ehials of tiiat city, 1 lliaO the sovciei' I In* Chair smtalnetl the point of order, ruling that the remaining minority hml hurt lio right t<* cast the vote of (he Slate, or any part of it, as thu delegation was in structed to vote jin a unit, and the Chairman had declared us he hit the hall that no one was authorized to represent tlio State in tho Conven tion. The most ungracious courso towards the faithml lew fclUiko a eohl blanket upon them, and an appeal wa* imme diately made from the decision of the Chair, though, us Mr. Cohen, the Chair- 1 stated that they would east the whole vote or none, the decision was submitted to the Convention as extend ing the right to cast the whole vote.— The Chair was sustainetl by a vote of 148 to lot); whereupon the remaining dele gates took up the line of march, much to the amusement of the flrst nnd vol untary Poet-dors, who were quietly look ing on and enjoying the s|Sjil! “We will mention, ns n singularly long drawn out this was the lift ••••ui ii duel, ecm ludvely, in which I>r. ('•inter wa-on ihc Held as Mir- , without his mini being hit, cut, or e slightest degree. Dr. Ilcrthlot, win* was the other surgeon on the Held ye-teiduy, is almost as lucky with his men. lie has had several of his patrons hadlv winded, but, has al ways put them 011 their pins again goo*Dm new, and has yet to lose a limn III the duclistic way." Rescue of Cii|ituiii Furiinnt* On Tuesday afternoon, alsnit dusk, our County jail was visitml by some four or live persons who oliccted the rosette oT Captain Fariium, who was m- insted in New York, ami brought to this . for trial, on a charge of com- p' with theulavo trado in tho ll'm- ciHe. Tho circumstances of tho ie-« ue, so far ns wo call learn, are as follows: Captain Farn'nm. it appeals, ha* been allowed every privilege at tho jail 0011 pihtout with a liberal construct on of duty; his eoiilincmeiit being almost a nominal thing. Arrangements made between him and the rescuer*, that Captain Far mini should give up his parol, under which lio had been al lotted such freedom from restraint when tlio former tvero to rush in, hind the jailor and release the prl.-oner. This was carried into efleot, nn opportune moment being selected when Mr. Stone, the jailor, was out ou parade, and IV ter buddy, his deputy, in charge.— Capt. Farnum toque.-ted I.uddy to look him in his cell, whieli was done, and buddy had returned to the hall loading through the jail, when he was mot and held hy the resellers; his keys taken from him; tho prisoner released ami conducted to n carriage in waiting, nnd driven olf to the Pulaski House, where surrounded by his friends, who further defied the law hy protecting him from arrest. The District Attorney, Hamilton Con per, Esq., heard of it, while casually visiting thu otlice of tho 1'uiaski House, and endeavored to take tho necessary proceedings for a re-arrest, he to lot the matter rest until yesterday morning. Finn urn’s friends' h\ consid eration of Mr. Cooper s consenting to adopt that course, pledged him their honor that tlicv would pruduco tho man and niake application for hail, the en suing morning: such application not having been made at two o’clock, Mr. Con per notiliod M*. Farnum nnd his friends that ho sunuld now that Mr. Faniutn should Mil-render iiiui -elf into tint custody of the jailor lore he would consent to notice any plication, alter that hour, for hail Ii s part, and that if they refused to adopt that course, he would call upon the proper authorities and require forcibleariv-t. Mr. Farnum then rend* !■« d hini-elf into the eu-tody the jailor of Chatham County. We del-stand he will nuke his application for hail this morning. At one time matter* wore n squally appearance, in the olllee, ami ••-hooter* 1, were exhibited with freedom. The par ties engage*l in the afimr, we believe, make no secret of their complicity: they did not even take the trouble to disguise tliem-elvcs, hut went about their work with a boldness end appa rent distegavd of consequences that -how* they were determined to over- ride every obstacle nud m I the law at dell nice. Their object i* accomplished and our community have the pr-* f be fore them that our courts avail ii* noth ing if a few determined men see prop er to set their actions at naught.—*W. ftcjni/i/icun '.)</ ins/. DISSOLUTION. FIllIP CV*pnrlner*lH»* of W111. II. White A X 0«».. is tldn day lUssolyejl, by ijiutiiul Hunt. All Iieeennts nml claims will besittlvd l»v Win. H. White entr. May Cltli. 1?f*'». WM. II. WHITE, y.MrUwU. It. h. CAUTJHl. THE COURT OF DEATHT , IILUUNT a CAMEHON. the limit cliilmratp nml enchanting 1 ever produced ill Ainerien,— liu* mod l*v tlio umlerslgiiod. Tho En graving is 2:1 by .'H Inches in sire, nml is on accurate copy of Iho celebrated Painting of the “Omirt of Death,” hy the vctwaMo REMBRANDT PEALE The original i.n'nting covers Ml2 square feel, contains 2d lift si.e figures, nud is val ued at 25,000 DOLLARS. Mr. Penle errtifla* that tho Engraving “i« alt uociirate and mlmirable ropy of theorigi- mil." No engraving of the sire nml beauty of thi* lms ctir been puhlishod f.*r less than ; hut with a view of helling 100,oil#, these urc olftrvd f*r $ I 00 each. The whole pr%*» *»f New Y*>rU. f>l**rrrrr, In ihficnttcnt, Christian Advocate, nml' Jour tint, Rrnminer, Timm. Ac., hnvo hpikeii iu the highest terms of the Engraving, nml racom- imiided it to every household, 'fhev ena ho ■lit Huf-ly l*y mail, rolled in strong raw One ejpv. $1. aad l letter stamps t«» |i jH.stngo, "lijve copies for $1, without stamps. Send $1. nnd obtain one ropy free. $1 ni -stompssecure one ««*j»y and a lette rvs stating special terms. A handsome •non to Ohtiven Hoeiqties to pnv Chtrrrh debts. Write t ho Mu me, YWu ’and Xtntr plainly. Ad'lresH, GIFTsI STANDARD LITEHatH IDMoit! I’OKTHV! FACT! ^KiltAhln TK.VVKb ! HISTORY PROBE! Al)V KNTUn t? FICTION! DEVOTION! li.llvl*. I'rlcM. j.m nlnoDlnli, U ELEGENTS PRESENTS KIIOM DUANE RULISON’S IJmilii'r Oily l>iibli»liin B I'lllLAIlKl.l'lll.v. ’ nr M»■ I'lllUi»« tlmtc in Amrrim n I it’icluy tl,,i din JMt *•■ Til., (iill l>u|inrlliielit Im. bivti f'T llif |.i,.t ll,reoymm. nnci In Hill j P| ,, ' I liimit llu. Iii.ii.c luits.,..!., iiiluintn rior to all others. d f«*r Catalogue eontnining A NEW AND ENLARGED LIST r„| SPLENDID GIFTS Foil 1800 “ KtiniiAi'ixa ' VMwaJde nnd appropriate Gin, for Motto,»I \ alualdo nml npproprinteOiOs for FnthsNi L Valuable an*I i.ppn.printeUJfM f„ r P |I Vs I liable nml npprai.rlate Gift* f or H n ,.i I Vulnuhlo nml ap printe(lifts for Swntl,I Vuliiivldt* uml appropriate Gift. f«, r Uvm*' I '»»'! I'l'piopriate Gifts for Wive*' I n '“* «q»l'n*pi'inU UiUa for Ilmbm^ edition of tl»o “Quaker Cftv Tub. lishiug Htmse l atnlogiie” haa just Uru y. THE STANDARDROOKfl, THE MISCELLANEOUS ROftKll IM ALL OP TJIK I>i:VAHTMXMTs 1 LITEUATPRE AND FCIENCE, Not an t xeeptloi nhlo voliimo ran be focal the entile Catalogue. It is richly woritj tlaraud general rt-at. Gl'.OHGlA. Polk county. ■yy I! EItKAB, Milry Ann Mos*dy, piled to has np- letters of Adniiliistra of Heujaiiiin b. M foie of polk countV deceased. These are ihcrelLre, to cite nml admonish the kindred nml friends, nud all per** teres’e I, Is shnw'fNtlso.oil or ludoro the 1st .Momlay iu .) 111.\ next, why said letters ohoiild not he ur.mtcd to the upplieuut silitnhlu nml proper person, otherwise I shall proceed a ; to Justice shall iif*|>crttiiii. Given moli'r inv liuml ami olliciul signntura thi, 6th tiny »f Mnv, IHttn. muv 11. 8. A. IIUIIPKIIS. Ordinary. C.EORGIA, Polk roiinty* -lurnl.l not h* l«- Monday i will he siiitntde uml I—, to idle nml admonish 1 ii. to show i*:ii|*e, •Iter* of uibiiinistr.ilion e«l the applicant, « L fear I Ihc *1 1 of 1 he 1 SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Itememhcr that all lk*oks at Dtiann liulh .•ii > Quaker City 1‘uldinhin^ Hoase, are • j t'stuhlishiiienl, end 1 i rllr Ir* m iu Ciuia is ALRFMSof nil sires a- d rIvies, with did engrariiigH, l*R E* l.«»TAT luN HOOKS, in every Irsviti, I ful stylo of Idmllng. 7 I I’RAV KR HOURS, l’rotc/tanl snd Ctitliol{& I ll \ MN liooKS *.f all d* iiomlnatioiis. 1’oKMS of all the mi 1 hors. .11! Y EXILE BOOKS Iu almost en*lle.s tji« HI HI.KS of nil mIs.'m nnd ipmlities. All sold at tho luwot prhts, nml n bcautf* I fill Gift presumed with each Look. THAT D U A X K R V L I 8 0 N Gnnrrntit • s Him m<*-t parfotiuti/factious till his patrons. BEAR IN MIND, That you can *rdcr nnv Hook, whirh 1 J'rint nml ti rv will I *. mri.i*h> d st ike IV». r.-' prices. itnd p • inplly rent to an; | auk d Ly ! . M iv tlio . Hi |SHU, 1. v * 1 w.*:i»d S. . BORDER•*. i'id. r.EOlH-IA, Palk County, W HEREAS. Willian. Hnbhi.rd Im* np- plied to me for Idler- if ndmiiiislin- IIon on the est'ito <*l An ley II. Enins, Into of -aid nililiiy of Me- NED EEEI.S HOUIUHLY! TEN roil. I It V men It EM EXT l Hope* for the Future! Cifahi.k.stov, May 2, Night.—Tho l)o- aoeraev’* hu'stoil ns nigdi in tho luid- illc, a* if it hml been measured! Me and my man wouldn’t caro c d—11. if wo knew which half had tho head—hut that’s bo d—d uncertain!— If we join the new Convention, we may And ourselves out of fine—if wo stick to the old ouo, some bright morning may Hud us 0/1 a line! D—x Tint Lines! The whole secret of Iho d—d fits* nnd smash-up hero is the <1—d bilge water and bad whiskey people have to drink. Never raw a Legislature or Con vention that was reasonable until they had plenty of good spendts. might have saved himself with 5000 gallons of good liquor—d—d if ho mightn't! A* wo are not seeking nflicc, me and m.y innn will retire fora wliilo. The country's gonu to h—1! Swear to tKal! House-Shoe Ned. ]\ S.—Later.—May 3.—Douglas is wakening—so is tho old Convention, Our Southern friends are light side up They will win ! My mnn is for them, pretty much. Wo want to save tho country! House-Shoe Ned. | Montgomery Mail. i« adopted. Mr. Barrow of Miss., renewed tho motion for an address to the people of the Uni te*! Slates, but it wit * finally agreed that the platform, and*proceeding* of this |.. 1 ** , l body t‘>; < tlier with so much of the pro cec ding* ol the other Convention jnvy l e neec .-.-ary to a full understand ing of tho wl Tlio Foilth U‘ iu rupeidiilond the printing and pro- iilo for defraying the expenso. The ('•nivMiticn 11 « n adjoin m d. ThD ends tho chapter. The gvea J •. 1... 1 vatic ]nifty met, wrangled, spl Boat Uvniiiim:.—t*n last Sutttnlny evening ji beautiful Skiff that lias been Her, bo published. I built by'*omo of tho young gent* of ik-lcgutea consented j town for a pleasure boat, wa* lunched. 0 a munbor of ladies and gentlemen present on tho occasion uml the I owners were presented with an olognyt 11 flag by three young ladies. Tho boat it was christened ‘ Tin. Humor Heautv.” Qittk Lieki.v.—Wo notice that tho Bo.-ton horse slioers aro “striking.” We don’t *eo how tho husines* of horse shoeing <*an be carried 011 with frequent I "strike*.” I Jtejy-Murtin Van Butvn ways he -han’t support Douglas if nominated at Charles ton, because “he ha* sold himself too many time, at all-killing low prieus." Neil’s Last ! C'ti a 11 i.estov, May 3, 1\ M.—Wo’vo ad journed ! Want to give the cotton •State* time to elect Hcnsihle men, that know that Democrats usscmhlo in Con vention to nominoto a winning ticket that’ll got tho offices! My man i* mightily helped up—hot your life of that! Wo’vo come to the conclusion that the Soeeders are a d—d pack of diKunionists, nnd wo’vo got big ropo jactory at work—d—d if wo haven’t! We all vo-asscmhlo at Baltimore l^th June. Would like to hear a just ray Ter-ri-tony, or any other T Teuuiiii.k Cai.amitv— Twkxtv-Skvf.n 1'kusone Dhowseo.—A dispatch from L'umdcn, S. C„ to the (.'oluiit.hia and Charleston papers, slate* tlmt 11 fishing party from nn excursion train on the Camden Branch, vi-ited Boykin's Mill md. near Camden, »>n Saturday mor ning last. About fifty ol them embark ed ill a boat, which, hy some u luxplaiii- edoattso, wits cithoraccidentally capsized or sunk—probably from . -nag—and twenty-seven of the party found watery grave*, thogreater portion being females. The followin'' are among those known lio lost: Mi-s Minnie Alexander. Miss Surah Howell, Mis* Selma Crosly, Mis* Alice llohinson, Mis* Lizzie MaCagcn, Miss Kelly, Miss Sill lio Jenkins, two Misses ^feOnvu*, Miss Juno Yoting.|Mi** ! Holly Young, and another daughter and son of Samuel If. Young, Miss Lou- Nettles, Mi*s Mary liaison, Miusfer John Oaks, two Musters Ilocott, F. II. Hiehbotirg, Willie McCagon, Lucius LeOrand, Win. Legiitnd, Jerry McLeod, H. Huggins, ntul two negroes. Twelve of tlio unfortunates wore interred at Camden on Sunday. Tiie American Mii.i.ioxaihk,—Mr. Win. II. Astor is worth nt least !?*2f»,t)t)fl, 000, and every cent of tho income, over nnd above expenses nud eharutic*, is immediately re-in vested. Hoiu’.erv.—Some time during the past week the Episcopal Cliuirli in this city was entered hy force, and tho sil ver plate kept there for tho Communi on service was abstracted t lie re from.— As yet thcro is no clue to tho sacrile gious i*erpetrator of the dead. Wo Extract the above from the Col umbus Tones, _ JKgT’A thoroughly furnished rop® manufactory is now in operation in Co lumhiis, capable of turningout two him dred coils of ropo por day.—Sav. Jlejt. 28/A ult. Trial of Judge Terri*.—The trial of Judge Terry, for tho murder of Senator Broderick lms been postponed till the mouth of June. Di-ties.— Every limn might to pnv hi* debts—if lie rum. Every man otiglit t*» help hi- neighbor—if he can. Every man and woman ought to get nmrricil —if they can. Every man should do hi* work to suit hi* customers—if he can. Every limn should please hi* wile •—if lie can. Every wife should some time* hold her tongue—if she can.— Every lawyer should sometimes toll the truth—if lio ran. Everyman should mind his own business—If ho can. NoGraiuhni: Am.owkh.—Some time a go Holier Kiln hull was lecturing some iiiis*ioniirics who were preparing to start out on foreign missions, in tho tabernacle and said to them: "Breth ren, ' want you to understand that it is • • ho u* it has been heretofore.- '• 'her missionaries have been in I >1. Lit of picking out tho prettiest n for themselves )*cforo they get .and bring on the ugly one* for us; hereafter yon have to tiring them all ny of them, and let 'II.. tlieiefor* the kin lr« «l n»w ('nil**', (if an III- l-I M lay <1io.iM nut Le iri prill- or tho Jnw. under 7th ol vllwntM (•i oitG.xr n A" six n'li- fr. Ill l Mill innK<s n|»|>1 ii-ni llio iqipiic id ulticinl si^ A. RORDKII roll lit v# Ord. . r .1.. of III. rt „r< r Im pr; -".1 T° cth that 1 MhM.V 1 • $!!**». »A, LyMtT I is iiti'Jt.M d in pnbvnrc of n rrliv 1 ami prop, rlv 1- ist-re*l. B'll th« ui.- I mod iJ 1-mil i- Ly *lr#n • 'iia«r N.*i York, mudu joysMo (9 use ale* will net ms AGENTS, 4 for n ('nt«lognc wilt* li r elkd Ly « u* lmvo a fair ahaitu," ft iT'rho Macon Telegraph insist* that tho Cineiiuiati l’latlorin according to Dntighi*’ construction is the dis^trino of the Georgia Democracy, and says tnat the question now presented is whether the party will join the Soeeders iu "This suicidal cry for Congressional intervention.” It presumes that the Ex ecutive Committee will without delay issue a call for another State Conven tion (that will make only three in *ix month-!) to determine tho question of appointing delegates to tho adjourned scssiou at Baltimore. Tho August Constitutionalist also de fends tho minority (or squatter sover eignty) report, nnd dissents from the action of tlio Secede I .y The Kentucky I a reward of $1000 for cholera now prevalent i •gi-l.ittuo offer 1 cure of hog that State. there.! This is my last! IIorse-Siioe Ned. Montgomery Mail. Tiie Saturday Night.—Wo learn that thcro was considerable at tendance, last Saturday evening, to hear Gov. J. A. Winston, on the Charleston Convention. Wo wore not present, but learn that tho Governor’s shots wore aimed nt tho Charleston Seccders. was replied to hy Hon. F. S. Lyon and Gov. J. T. Bradford. As faros We can learn, the Douglas men mado nothing by tlio meeting.— Tlio people aro waiting to learn what can ho said, pro and con, by good speak ers, on both sides.-—Montgomery Mail, of 7th. Counter frit Halt, Poi.i.ars.—Admi« rahly executed counterfeit half dol- I Jar* are in exleiieivo circulation iu Bul- 1 timovc. Doi.eitl.—The Chicago, Jlerahl, (Ad ministration orjflm, does not even try tc keen its cottrngo up. It says: Wo confess that we have hit little heart to detail the sad semes that are being pre sented iu the Charleston Convention. Wo can only say that our loudest hono* aro being blighted and that, in all hu man probability, before wo reach anoth er issue, the only organized link that now bir.ds tho Union together, will In severed forever. Election in Philadelphia.—Tlio re cent election in Philadelphia resulted ... tho choice of Mr. Henry (opposition) for Mayor of tho city hy u’majority of 810. A majority of tho common nml select council aro also oppositionists. A dem ocratic comptroller is elected hy a small majority. The vote was very largo —10,000 more votes were taken than at tho general election in 1858. BStY’OI’ the twenty-two men concern- oil iu the Harper’s Ferry vivid, clov wore killed nt tho place and seven have sincohcen executed on the scaffold.— Four aro yet nt large, to wit: Rcdpath Morrinm, Tidd, and ono of old Brown* sous. RULE NISI. i0 the Court of Ordinary nf Polk county. The I'Hltiun of Milton’ II. Huynh*, *hnw ' ut on tho llltli Jay of July, 18-111, Ann i rmr, ihi'li III Ilf**, expedit'd Ift your pelitien- m his Ixuul for titles. Jilted as ohuvr, Ly whieli bund lh" raid Ami Prior, Loiiud him self and his Kxt'Plitors, .to., in th'* sum of Forly-Six hundred Dollars lo lank* 1 y«»ur pe- tilmm r titlis to lots or hind Nos. 1002. 100.1, Iii'.is and I ini, lying in tho ,'lrd Jislri t of ilia-ith BiK'tiun of now Floyd feiility, rmili h*t ventalning forty nmsmoroor less, (whieli l»°ud is hcru in 0 nrt to Le shown). Your |H>titioticr avers tiiat tho said Asa Prior, do- parted this life on tho day of 1854, without cxeeiiling lilies toyur petili- rdinci® suid IK>nd. that ’Win. II. < i* the duly i|iialiti<'d Executor of thu last will mid testament of the said Asa Prior duuuased, with whom your petitioner has fully settled the purchase money of snid laud,mid is now entitled to a deed nerording lo said bond above described, mid filed in Court. Where fore, your petitioner prays that William II. (’• Prior, EAuciilor of Am Prior, deceased, limy he di reeled to make titles according to the provisions of said bond. MILTON JI. HAVNIK, Potltlonor. Court of Ordinary, Volk County, May Term, 18B0. Fpon eonniderilig the above petition, it in ordered hy tlm Court, that notice of said Mil H. Huyuiu'tt application lie given to nl persons interested, by tlio publication of said j'el it inn nnd this order, in the Romo HVcL ly Courier, for three months. Ro that thuy limy show nmio, if they can, whv this Court should not direct said Win. J I. C. Prior, to make lilies unto said bond. STEPHEN A. BORDERS, Ordinary. OKOHOIA, Polk County— I STEPHEN A. BORDERS. Ordinary nnd Ex-Officio ('lurk of ihc Court of Ordina ry for said county, do certify, Unit tlio abova if n trim extract from tho* minutes of said Court. (iiven under my hand nnd official signa l'll.-. Tliii 7t!i day of Mnv, 1800, STEPHEN A. BORDERS, CTk. C 0. may 11 tv2m—printers fee $25. < iln r e: tir<l;shmeiil. with f II direction I in G ulura. Add ell in del • t. DI ANE III LION. Propri'r of tin Qua’er Cilt Pul lishiiigilom So. - nt>t V Jl Tit IUh SWEPT. inav I In-iiiii. l'hikidclplrn, I'». Geo. & Ala, R. R. Co. FTAHE FI«h kholders of void Company 1 1 lu'ivdy iioiili. J thut the regular aitimi ni 1 ting will take pine- at the City Hu'l. • Romo. • u Monday the 7th day «.r*May nrxl, ui which lime a Ikurdef Dirn tors will •'I* e'ed, and other important hnsltn M Inn aetid. A lull utti'iidaniu of ull the Stark- holders is expi oted. upriltriwAwtd. H. SMITH. Sec’tjr. 1 c e"! ICE! ICE! the best quality of ice, which can bu furnish ed all the Slimmer. Kniuilius supplied from onr Drug Rtore.— Fare taken iu lucking for transportation by Boats, r»ad or I Bek*. FA BELL A YEI8EK. apr3—twsvrtf Admiiii-trutnr'H Snlo, W ILL lie sold on thu fourth Frl’hiy fast, ut the ruddcm-e of thniiiidorsigiiDl. in ity of Rome, th- personal pro|*crtr 1 ‘ ng to the I'stutc of Dr. 'fhoBias lla ton, late of said county deceased—eoimistinj of Household Furniture, Ac. Terms i«a4» kmmn on day of tmlu. D. M. 11(K»D, npril 17tri I «d. Adm inistmtor. It Ut to Ull Folk Sheriff Sales. W ILL he sold before the CVurt limit dnor in Ccdnr Town, on the first Tut*- dny iu Juiiu next, the following property# to wits Three Negroes, Marinda, n woman, afoul 47 yuan old; Martini, a girl alsnit to yetri old, and Kdiuhur, a hoy about & year* old 1 Levied onus thu property of Berricu Wil liams, to satisfy live Ii fun,'issuing from a Ju*- ticca Court, held in the H-itfth District 0. M-, in favor of .lolm (!. Hall vs lk-rrian Willinui*, principal, nnd John Jones and A. P. Wldtt# RecuritUa on 8tny—tlirvo ft fas in favor of Ephraim TIioiu|ihoii vs Ikwrinn Williams. «“* tnined in tlm JuHlicea Court for tho BSIMh D>*- G. M.—four ft fas iu favor of C. S. WJIlinnvl Hcrriau Williams, issued from tho Juiti- ... court for thetUTtli district G. M.,—n|s<V six ft fas in favor of David Gloptnn Y* Ikr- riaii Williams, issued from the Justices court for the tWOth district G. M., nnd sundry oth er ft fas in my hands against Borrlnn »d* Hams. Levied and returned to me hy ft Co®* stable. mayo J. C. YORK,8hfl» Executor’s Note. A LL persons indebted to tho Estate o Esther Ligou, deceased, will please set tle them hy the Elth day of Juno next, or they will have cost to pay, nnd those huving chums agnilil said estnto will present them in terms of the law. May 8th, 1 SCO. 8AM’L. JOHNSON, KxocT. may 11 w2m. AdniiiiiNtrnt«r , s Sale. B Y virtu# of an order from tho Court #f Ordinary of Floyd uoiiai^ will bo sold, ou th# first 'Tuesday- in July next, nt the Court-hoiis# door in said county, between tlm legal hours of sale, tho tract of land in said county, whoreon John While resided nt llio time of his death, containing one hundred acres more or loss, nud known as lots Nos. 511, till, and half of lot No. HIM, all in the •"rddist. nnd tlhscc., of originally Cherokco now Floyd Fouiilv. Term* made known oi dny of sale. Tins Mav Tih 18(10, HARRISON CAMP, mnyll. Administrator of Johu White, j’ TO SCHOOL THACIIEKS OF CHATTOOGA COUNTY!! S lY authority of the Educational Hoard 01 i said county, yon aro, hereby, notified to piosout, for examiiiution, either on th® Second or Fourth Saturday in April, inrt« n b May or Juno, at tho Office of Taylor A m* r ‘ bor, Riimincrvillo Gu., where ond when ett- tlftcnte# may bo obtniiud «b required by W Statute, in eueb case nindo and provided.— Tiiis April 5th, IStiO. npr I2w5t. AV. F. BARBER, Examiner. Mrs. Summerhays H AS just roceived a largo Miortinenl New Styles of Bonnets and Hats. Tho Ladies will find Uiobo to bo somothinB now in stylo and imitorials, nnd at very mo®* ^I'wutiid also call attention to our excdlc® SEWING MACHINES, Which I can warrant to he all they nr® repre sented. I will sell thorn at New York price*# mnyl-tf M. J. SUMMERHAYS.