The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, July 20, 1860, Image 3

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\ding matter on every s OF THIS PAPER. UB8DAY MORNING, July 10. campaign Courier. D Weekly Courier will bo furhisli- i this date to Nov. 1st, for 50 ota., .o Tri-Weekly fo* ono Dollar, friends of the Constitution, toe and the Enforcement or the f oro requested to assist in extend* (o circulation of the Cbwrfcr. ftwlm] J An Unholy Alliance. On Inst Tues- n article, headed “The *Union of Futh," and signed "Conservative," king a coalition between the Boll houglns parties in Goorgia, apponr- liio Chronicle c6 Sentinel and Consti- fcil, and in tho latter paper acoom- with approbatory editorial ro- The oljjeot sought to bo ac* lished, is the defeat of Lincoln and linridge: the plan is to nominato [ibination electoral ticket, com- | of five Bell, and five Douglas •s, with the understanding that Ito of the State is to bo oast for Ic ortho other of thoso candidates Ring os it may elect either, arid if then tho vote is to be equally l between tho two. I this proposition been attendod (circumstances of no greater rig- |nco than usually belong to anony- articles, wo would have consid. t too absurd to deserve the slight* jotice. But it has receivod tho jatic endorsement of tho Douglas | in this State, whtoh controls and p out the policy of its party and speaks by authority { and moro Ibis, its appearance simultaneous- (that paper and In tho Chronicle <0 croatos a probability of com- y between them amounting almost ance, which imperatively do- i the attention of the opposition Should wo remain silent, our (silence would be construed into nation, ■and a few individuals | enter into a combination which disgrace the party, demoralize kfluonce, paralyze our strength btray our principles. It lias ox- bur most unqualified ccndomna- j Such a shameless, unprincipled, Rng proposition was never before (to honest men. Wo look in vain hitjfblo towns with which to do- Be it. pn tho part of tliO Douglas faction Iconfossion of their utter hnbecili- prompted by tho fear of the over ling and morited defeat which I them,and evinces a disregard,yes Rompt for our honor, honesty and ly to principle, which should meet I nothing but indignation and ■ could not agree to such a coalition surrendering those principles liich we have contended for years, Mrliioh we have regarded us esson- ) our interests, our safoty, and our pty in tho Union. Wo could not i faithless to our section, so re- Kt to our duty, as to join thoso have always denounced |orst enemies, and who are striving t in power a party whoso political le* are more dangerous to tho \ that tho.doctrines of the Black oilcans. [tho propagaiica and maintenance 5 principles which our party first ulgrtted in Goorgia, and havo ad- i far years, and compelled tho Joraoy finally to adopt, we have warmly, sincerely and consistent lotod; and for them we intend to ? long as the war shall last, or un- ktli shall end our struggles. If wo forgot them or forsako thorn, “lot glit hand forgot her cunning, and (»ngue cleave to the roof of our They are tho principles of the litution. Upon that rock havo we [ed ourselves, and it shall fly from i base so soon as we. Neither | expediency, nor the hope of pow- |r tho fear of. defeat, nor tho se- s of demagogues, nor tho die - i of leaders, can ever movo us.— ) principles aro tho bulwarks of fights; when they are broken down ■sorted tho South is vanquished, Boated, degraded. f Is has been, is now, and ever will pr political faith, and so believing, s willing, should we over renounce 1 bo'condemned os a traitor to our pn and have our name linked with Vs, and banded down in infamy outraged and betrayed posior- |.the Constitutionalist, we say, that wo a the insulting overture, and toll nr, that if it relies upon the help |e Constitutional Union men of to extricate the faction of i it is the head and front, from its ulous predicament, it will remain [ever in its insignificant minor ■the Chronicle & Sentinel wo demand, Ke name of truth, m the name of (ighteous cause, and in the names |rty thousand true Southern pa- j a prompt and emphatic denun- jpo of the treacherous scheme. By bconsistent course for weeks past, Bering up the cause of, Squatter Sov- nty in Georgia, and the suspicious istanees attending the publico. I of the communication of "Conser ve," it has compromised our party, (inflicted a blow under whioh we I it will stagger through this oam- Tho honest men of tho party | aro devoted to its principles, have feht to know whether it approves of fsohome whioh has been Concocted. I Hope, thorefore, the Chronicle will I'v off its pruinous silence and speak jthatwomay understand its position I act accordingly, And we oall up- he press, generally, of our party to [ounce the aflair os it deserves, ^ no time for delay. ' Proqwlma, a death; prompt action mag save us. To tho Atlnnta Locomotive. Our stoam ongino. friend of .Atlanta, in his issuo of tho 10th inst,, charges us with turning a sumniorsault, changing front, taking counsel with tho Squatters, oto„ etc. Wo do not believo ho intend ed to'wilfiilly misrepresent us, but ho has mndo a rook less assertion without the slightest foundation .In fact. Wo doty It, or anybody 61so, to point to one word wo havo over written, whioh tho most ingenious, doublo-oonstruotlon Demoorat could distort inton vlndica. t|on of the charge. Wo refer tho Loco motive to our issue of the 14(h, and our loader of to-day, and demand rotrao" tlon. It will readily comply, if its mo tive is not a loco-motive, and wo now advlso our fast friend to “put down tho brakes," and not to whistle lioreaftor, until it sees something on tho traok. llrcckinridgc nnd Lane Ratification Mooting. Rome, Ga., July 17 th, 1800, In obpdionco to a provious call, a portion of tho Democratlo party of Floyd county mot in tho Court House for the purpose of ratifying the nomi nations of Brookenridgo and Lano, nnd appointing delegates to the Stato Con vention to bo held at Millodgeville, on tho 8th of August next, for tho purpose of nominating a Breokinridgo nnd Lnno electoral ticket. On motion of W. B. Tcrhuno, Esq., Col. D. S. Printup was called to tho chair. On motion of Hon. J. W. II. Under wood, Robt. T. Foucho' was appointed secretary of tho mooting. Col. 8. Foucho' read and submitted to tho consideration of tho mooting tho following resolutions, vlii Resolved, 1st, That tho principles adopted by tho Democratic Convention wliiuh convened nt tho Maryland insti tute in the city of Baltimore In Juno last, recognizing tho equality of tho States, and of all citizens everywhere,In, legal and political rights, nnd harmon izing with truth, justlco and tho Consti tution, nro therefore eminently conser vative nnd national, nnd while they moot our cordial approval, they will command our oarnost and unwavering support. 2nd, That tho letter of tho Hon. John C. Breokinridgo, accepting the nomina tion for tho Prosidoncy, explicitly nnd fully udopting and ably defending these principles, presents him to tho whole country in an attitude worthy of the groat party of Equality and the (Jonstitu- aud this, taken in connection with hi$ high personal chuructcr, his marked ability, and tho oirettinstances of ids nomination, without solicitation, without intrigue, without dictation, without sectional combination, entitles him to receive, as ho shall, our entliu siastio support. 3n/, That Gun. Joseph Lano, “the Marion of tho Mexican war,” is emi nently worthy of the nomination foi the Vico Presidency, and will receive our cordiul support for that high po sition. • 4th, That tho assemblage which con vened in Front Streot Theatre in Bal timore, was sectional in its composition and organization, dictatorial in its spirit and purposes, nnd ami-democrat- io nnd antinSouthorn in its policy, prin ciples and practices, nil which it plainly demonstrated by excluding the regu larly appointed delegations from sever al of tho Southern States. 6th,' That wo invite all tho friends of tiio Constitutional equality of States, and people, regardless of past party differences, to unito with uq in selecting and supporting un electoral ticket in favor of Breokinridgo and Lano. *0/4, That tho following gentlemen bo, and they nro horeby appointed to attend a Convention to bo held nt Mil- ledgoville on the oiglith day of August next, for tho purposo of putting in nomination a Brockinridgo nnd Lano electoral ticket for thoStatoof Georgia, and that said delegation have power to soleat substitutes in place of such as may not bo aldo to attond said Conten tion: Col. S. Foucho', A. II. Davis, jr., Rufus Barker, N. Yarbrough, Wal lace Warren, T. J. Smith, Alg. S. Ilam ilton, D. M. Hood, Esq., W. J. Barrett, W. G. Fostor, Houston Aycook, T, S. Price, O. P. Fannin, Esq., Col. D. S. Printup, J. M. Spullock, Hon. J. W.H. Undorwood, David B. Hamilton, Chns. H. Smith, Thos. G. Watters, A. E. Ross, John R. Hart, J. T. Riley, nnd L, W Dean. On motion of Hon. J. W. II. Under wood the resolutions introduced by Col. Fouobo' wero unanimously adopt ed. Col. Underwood, in moving the adop tion of the resolutions, mndo a few spiritod ami pointed ronmrks. charge that Squatter Sovereignty was a foul heresy, calculated to degrade the South and deprive her of her equality, and declared his intention to take the field at an early day to do battle against it and its advocates. On motion of W. B. Torhune, Esq., the city papers wero requested to pub lish the proceedings of this meeting. On motion of W. B. Tcrhuno, Esq., the meeting adjourned, she die. D. S. PRINTUP, Ch’n. Robt. T. Foucob', Sec’y. Moro Improvements. Wool Oardinq.—Dr. Dykes has how nearly ready for running, two beautiful new Wool Carding Moohines in his new building noar tho Presbyterian Ohuroh. These Machines aro of the latest nnd most approved stylo and will doubtless do first rate work. The Maoliinery is to bo propolled by beautiful 12 horso powersteam engine, manufactured by Noble, Bro. & Co., of thisoity. Wo aro glad to learn that Noblo’s Engines aro rapidly coming into high repute. * New Bankinu House.—Tho wooden building formerly 'occupied by A., M. Sloan & Co., ns a Dry Goods store is to 1)0 torn down nnd a fine brick building, for n Banking House, for the “Bank of tho Empire State" is immediately to bo erected in its place. Tho Directors of this Bank, since Its ro-organizaticn, aro moving right forward towards tho es tablishment of a first clnss Bank suolt j to^ho tmtion as will command tho confidence of nil intelligent business mon. Tlioro is no name in Uppor Goorgia that would in spire more confidonco in a Banking Institution thun that of Wnde S. Coth ran, tho worthy President of this Bank. Wo deem tho Bank most foitunnto in socuring tho sorvico of Charles Oliver Stillwell ns Cashier, certainly nono bet ter could bo found. Accident.—W. R. Partin was thrown from a horso on Tuesday tho 17th inst., and by the fall, his right leg was broken below tho knee—the bones protruding through tho flesh. Xeqro Laborers Wanted.—Col. John i. Gray, contractor on tho Ga. A Ala. R. R., desires io biro some 40 or 50 no- ) men to work on this road. Col. G. has largo experience in tho management of all kinds of luborers, and owners may safely trust their negroes to his Letter from lion, Jcro Clemens, IIuntsvii.le, July 0, 1800. Mg Dear Hooper: Your letter of .the 10th ult. was only received to-day, hav ing reached Memphis alter I left thoro. 1 do not rocol.oot tho exact language of the letter of which you makt. complaint, but I am suro it wus written in n spirit of personal kindness, although it may havo expressed both anxiety and regret at tho courso which you nnd others of my friends thought proper to take in tho ponding presidential ulootion. Never for one moment allowing my self to question tho purity of your mo tives, I have yet thought, for moro than two yours past, that you wore gradually adopting |*o1itical opinions which coulu be productive of nothing but evil to tho party in whose ranks you had battled so Jong and so faithfully; of nothing hut disaster to that Republic to which your attachment 1 am Mire, is ns strong as mine; and of nothing hut discord and de.solutioh to tlint South which I claim to be os ready to dofend nt* Uio most un compromising fire-eater in'tho land. I certainly did believe' that the niinunein- tion of thoso opinions (by you nnd him) caused the detest of Tom Judge in the Montgomery District, last August, and o thinking I lmvo doubtless reforrod to our.course in terms of deon and serious regret. It is this to which I sunposo ou alluded in referring to my readiness give you “n punch whonever the op portunity-occurs.” You must pardon me, my dear sir, for suggesting that thoro Ido difference between punching a man's political principles, and punching him. You are, and have been, doing my party in the State ol Alabama more harm than all the Democratic editors within its limits, and it ifonld have been unreiiHonnble to expect me to stand by and witness all this without making some effort to palliate or correct it. You have led thousands of liuoaml tried op ponent* of a corrupt and corrupting De mocracy into a |M)sition which compels them to become the allies of spoilsmen, and forces thorn to suppress the oxpres- of their honest indignation at tho frauds, bribing, interference with State elections, speculations, low intrigues, nnd sordid meanness by which this ad ministration lms been distinguished.— You aro yourself in a state of mental vassalage. You have given up every thing to the ono idea of slavery nroteo- tion ; and tho public interest, and the national honor, claim your care only so far ns they are affected by thin useless, sonsoless, and mischievous dogma.— Worse still, it has bo fur blinded your reason that you accept as holy truth, when coming from tho Seceding Con vention at Charleston, tho very doctrine which you rqjected with scorn when coming from Mr. Bell. Tho "following is the second resolution adopted by tho Bocedors at Charleston, nnd reaffirmed nt Baltimore: Resolved, That it is tho duty of tho Federal Government in nil its depart ments to protect, when necessarv, tho rights of persons and pKonorty in the Territories, nnd wherever else its consti tutional authority extends." Now, this is precisely tho jtosition ta ken by Mr. Bell more than ten years ago. It was restated by rao in a lottcr to Mr. Inge,of Eutaw, Ala., in language too plain to admit of doubt or miscon struction, which letter was published weeks before tho Charleston Convention assembled. It did not then attract your favorable notice. I aim not aware of any peculiar sanctity whioh has been thrown around it by tho endorsement of tho Charleston seccders, and I find mvsolf wholly unable to understand what excuse it can furnish to you for deserting your own party, by whose chiej irst enunciated, and ranging ourself under the bannerol’a man who novel* approved it in tho past, and You regret that I should be found among the advocates of Bell and Evor- ott. Where fclso could I go? You would not have me to support Lincoln \ I ropudiato Squatter Sovereignty, as ad vocated both by Douglas and Breokin ridgo. If I could bo .induced to vote for either it would surely, bo Douglas. Ho at least is a statesman whoso fotno extends beyond the oontinent. It is oonoeded on all hands that the South owes him a debt of gratitudo fur sealous and effoetive sorviees in the past; and the only sin now imputed to him is ono that is shared to its full extent by Brock inridgo} or, if he has now abjured it, ho only did so when tho temptation of higholfico was placod before him. Suolt ohanges aro liablo to grievous suspicions nnd ns I can find nothing else which os- poolally commends Mr. Breokinridgo to mo, he cannot got my voto. Ho is a clover, high-toned gentleman, with ma ny excellent qualities, fair ability, nnd tolomble education. But all these aro possessed by thousands of others who never dreamed of tho Presidency It is doing him no injustice to say that ho has rondorod no extraordinary service o tho nation. He lias originated no rent measure, nor lias ho boon identi- led witli any oxcept as un ndvocato in the third degroe ot tho identical here sy which you ostoetn a sufficient cause for disunion. 1 do not ugreo with Mr. Boll In oil things, but 1 do agree with him upon those questions whioh I esteem of vital importance. I know him to be sound, safe, aide and conservative; and 1 should liuil his eleotion ns tho dawn of a hotter and brighter day for tho Re public. You are right in supposing that if the worst comes I shall be found on the sido of tho South. I am there now. I am laboring for her interests with a seal quite as fervent ns your own, and, as 1 think, better directed. If, however, I fail, and you, nnd those who ore actmg with you, “precipitate tho cotton States into revolution," I wish it distinctly un derstood, that I am not a non-combat- tnnt, and whntover privations we nro cnllcd upon to undergo, whatever 1 per ils wo are required to face, I shall meet them ns frankly as tho boldest among you. Thoro ore other topics suggested by your letter which I should be glad to notice, hut 1 have not the leisure to do so, nnd 1 conclude by assuring you that your expressions of personal regard are fully nnd warmly rooiprocated. I ox- noot to take little part in this canvass. I am a private citizen, scoking nothing, wuiiting nothing, that Presidents or parties can give; hut, oven if it wero otherwiso, 1 should be very far from al lowing any present oblite rate the memory of thoso kinduesscs which have accumulated through so ma ny hy-gono years. Very truly and siuccroly your friend, JERK. CLEMENS. Breckinridge and Lane Ratification Meeting.—On Tuesday a portion of the Domooratio party of Floyd, mot in the Court House for tho purposo of ratifying tho nominations of Breckinridge nnd Lano. The call was addressed exclusive ly to u the members qf the National Democrat• ic party.” Wo considered ourselves very inuoh slighted by being left out, but our Breokinridgo {friends compensateekus by requesting, us to publish their proceedings.— We, of course, tako It as un-honor to be permitted to do so, and, therefore, oheorfully comply. tSF Wo are requested to state that the Store of A, Baum was dosed on yes terday for tho purpose of marking down thogpods, preparatory to hiseomi-annu. al " selling off," * l , T . .. , who gives to it now only that qualified approval which is to bo implied from his acceptance of the Baltimore Con vention. Mr. Brockinridgo was tho ndvocato of Squatter Sovereignty in its most of fensive shapo, in '54 and in ’50. In tho latter year, ho said in a speech at Tip pecanoe: “Tho people in the tho Territories un der the Kansos-Nebraska act, linvo tho full right to establish or rROUtotT slave ry, just as a State would, which .prin ciple is as old as Republican Government itself." You will concede that this lunguago is capable of but ono construction; and if Mr. Breckinridge has ever repented its utterance he has never conjossed it. In several other speeches and letters he used words ot tho samo import. It is also stated upon authority I do not ques tion, that ho was an emancipationist when that question was agitated in Ken tucky, and that last winter he signed a petition for the pardon of John Brown. This is a ourious reoord for the candi date of an oxtroiqe Southern Rights’ party, and places you in a position for which your oestfriends (ana l .claim,to be one of. them! can offer no apology, except thot under the influence of high political excitoment you have rofusod to look tho truth in Uio face, and blind ly followed tho lead of thoso who have arrogantly assumod the guardianship of Southern honor, The Rioiit Talk.—I would not have tho South trucklo or surrender any of their rights, I would not havo them yield one jot or tittle of their rights; but I would have them tnako no ques tionable issues In advance, stir up no strife upon unneceessary abstract (pies tions, having no prnctieul value, bub to do always what is just and right upon all questions. When a people or ter ritory a;>nly for admission into the Union untfera Constitution faitly form- od, with the assent of the people, ex cluding slavery, I would admit it promptly; nnu when an application comes, on the other hand, from tho neoplo of a territory who have fairly formed a ConsMtution recognising slave ry, I would insht upon admimon as a slave Shite. If the North should not agtoe to this, it would he time enough to con sider the remedy.— John Dell 18/4 March, 1850. ©ST'ThG Ifon. John P. King, Presi dent of the Goorgia Railroad and Bunk ing Company, left Augusta on Saturday oveuing, to join his family in New York, nnd will take passage on the 18th inst, per stontner Persia, for England. Boqjamin 11. Warren, Esq., lias been appointed President pro tan. during his absouco. Burnt to Death in a Bonfire.—At Akron, last night, in celebration of the Fourth, a bonfiro was made at the corn er of Market and Howard streets, A young man named Snm’l O’Neil, carry ing a barrel to the pile, (which was al ready blazing with tar bnrrels and pino- boxes) by nccident, fell head-long into the flames. Ho was, for seconds, not counted in tho midst of tho fire, nnd came out crawling on hands and knees, with not a shred of raiment on him.— ‘Kill me 1" ho shrieked “For God’s sako kill mo. Cut my throat—any tiling—only kill me.” After all effort that medical or surgical skill could give lmd been rendered, lie died this morn ing, after suffering physical distress un- speakuble. . Our informant says his shrieks still ring in Ids oars.—Cleaveland (O.) Herald. Hon. Robt. McMillan.—Wo clip tho following from tho Clnrkesvillo Herald, of tho 0th inst; Wo nro nulhorizod to say that Col. Mc Millan declined to accept a place upon the Executive Committcoof tho‘Nation al Democratic party,” nnd will support Breckinridge and Lane. jB67"Coolies are getting numerous in Ilnvanu. A letter from that city says: Wo alrondy begin to soo idle and worthless Chinese in our streets in too largo numbors for tho safoty of property. In Havana nnd suburbs, at this time, we havo between 38,000 and 39,000 free ne groes or colored; about 37,000 slaves, and 92,000 to 93,000 white persons—all told, nearly 109,000." agyRegistor for tho campaign. All our cause needs is truth.—Mobile Regis ter.—[Douglas.) Tho Register is candid, at any rate.— Montgomery Post.—[Bell.) LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival or the VANDERBILT New York, July 15,r^Tho steamship I anderlilt, Capt. Lofovro, from ltnvro via Southapton, with Liverpool dates, from tho latter by telograph to tho 4th instant, has arrived. XavERPooL Cotton Market, July 4th (via Southampton.)—Tho sales in throe days foot up SS.OOO.bnles, of which spec ulators and oxportors took 7000. Tho market is doclining and irregular; quo tations nro hardly maintained. Tho sales on Wcdnosdny evening (July 4) were 10,000 lialos, or which speculators nnd oxporters took 3000. Tho market was Irregular nnd Uitchnngod. General Intelligence. Iloenan, tho “Benicia Boy," and Col, Cipariani, come passongors by tho Fan- derlilt, Tho latter opines to mako nr- rdngemonts for Prlnco Napoleon’s visit. There havo boon numerous failures among tho Leather merchants of Eng land. Tiioir nggrogato liabilities will reach £1,500,000. Tho American hide houses of Liverpool, however, aro not compromised. Fresh disturbances lmve broken out lit Naples. A police station was sack ed, pillaged, and a number of persons killed. Tho king has ordered tho formation of a National Gunrd. Garibaldi lms appointed a now Min istry, tho old being unpopular witli tho pcoplo. Signor N atoll is tho now Min ister of Foreign AflUirs. Morocco haw paid tho first instalment of tho indemnity lo Spain. Tho Neapolitan Ambassador in ox- pontod nt Turin with propositions for an alliance between Nnpicsand Sardinian. Fresh massacres hnvo occurred in Sicily, Prineo Napoleon succeeds Je rome ns President of the French Privy Council. Tho Portuguese Ministry lias re signed. Uoncn\l Lauc* Washington, July 15.—Goneml Jo seph Lane, tho Socoder’s candidate for Vioo President, lnavos this morning for North Carolina. IIo will visit Warren- ton nnd other places by invitation, be sides his birthplace, beforo returning to Orogon. Items by tho Overland Mail, Van Bures., July 15.—Tho Overland Mail, with Hun Francisco dates to tho 10th inst., lms arrived. Tho Supromo Court has decided against tho Poter Smith land titles, except in such eases as favor .tho actual wot tiers moro than tho speculators. The official majority for tho Dotno- emtio candidate for Congress in Oregon is 70 votes. Tho opponents of Lane havo secured a minority of tho Legis lature. Married—At tho residence of tho bride's Father in Muscogco county by Rev. Sir. Do Votie, Mr. D. F. Booton, to Miss M. Bassib Magruder. Our clover friend, Daniel, lms soeur- ed ono of tho richest gems from tho flo rid banks of Chattahoochee’s oxubernnt soil. May ho nnd Ids lovely bridolong livo in tho eqjoymout of life’s swootost blessings,and finally leave groat joys for thoso groater nnd more onduring. MARRIED—On tho 28th Juno, at tho residence of Mr. D. C. Roberts, by Rov. F. M. Ryburn, Mr. Tuos. Hendrix to Miss Lizzie Witcher, botli of Polk co., Ga. Save Your Ilorsesc “Wo tako great pleasure in recommending the Moxlcan Mustang Linlmont as a valu able and imUsponnablo article for Sprains, Bores, Scratches or Golds ou Horso*. Our men havo used It for sovere Burns, Bruises. Bores, Stiff Joint* nnd Rheumatic Path*, nnd { 11 say it aots like magic. Wouso no other liniment. J. W. 1IKWITT, Foremen for American, Hamden** and Wells, Fargo A Co’s Express.” Geutlomen“I had a negro man worth $1,- 200 who took cold from a bad hurt, and wai useless for ovor one y.oar; I had uacd ororr- thlng I could hoar of without bopeflt, until J Iriwf the Mustang Unlmont. It has perfect- ly cured him, nnd I ean now take tho abovo print) RM ^g^^ AS0K . Every Plantar, Teamster and Family sli ou Id lmvo this invaluable article. Sold by d! respectable dealers every, r- BARNES ATABK, Proprietors, JunolZwim Nowlork. Speelql Notices. From lSuriuah. Ilr.xraADi, Uarumli, March 17,1850. Messrs. 1*. Davis A Son— lGents: • * • I am sorry to say ltlu> inet box of Pain Killer sent > has not yet come to linnd.— ' Tho expense of getting tho mod- iciao is noinotking “ these hard of it is r>f far more lin- . Send me as soon as pos sible, anothor box of tho same site, (vis. $50 wortii.l I enclose nn order on the Treasurer of tho Mhsionary Union fur tho amount. July20w2t Rev. B. E. Thomas. SnwA vonruKX, Bnrinnh, | March d, l»od. J Mr. P. Davis—Dunr Sir: Such is tho grant demand for tho Pain Killer, that I write you to send tue as soon as possible, in addition to wlmt.I have hitherto ordered, 24 dozen box- t (two dozon bottle* in n box) nnd a bill for o same, that I may give you an order on tho PIMPLES and SKIN DISEASES Aro the ro»ult of impure blood. Tb blood becomes thick nnd clogged. The skin is not able to cast olf the impurities so im portant to health. How mauy young men and women we soo with their faces covered with pimples and blotches, who are ondeav- orlag to roraoro them by tho uso of soaps SPLENDID GIFTS —WITH— STANDARD LITERATURE! WIT! • HUMOR 1 POETRY 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 FACT! TRAVEL 1 HISTORY ! ADVENTURE 1 PROSE! FICTION! . DEVOTION! AMUSEMENT! With B00K8or every standard author, In all tho departments of Literature, at Pub lishers' lowest prices, you can obtain ELEGENTS PRESENTS FROM DUANE RULISON’S Quaker City Publishing House, PHILADELPHIA. The oldest Publishing House in America Cbn- ducting the Gift Book Business, Tho Gift Department has been conducted for Uio past three years, and in this depart* mont this houso possesses advantages supe rior to all others. Send for Oalalogue containing • A NEW AND ENLARGED LIST OF •SPLENDID GIFTS FOR 1800, rmbracixq Valuable nnd appropriate Gift* for Mothers I Valuablo nnd appropriate Gifts for Fathers 1 Valuable and appropriate Gifts Ibr Blptcrs 1 Valuablo and appropriate (UR* for Brothers! Valuablo and ap'prfateGifts fur Sweethearts! Valuablo and appropriate Gifl* for Lovers! Valuable and appropriate Gifts for Wives! Valuablo nnd appropriate Gifts for Husbands) A new oditinnof tho “Quaker City Pub lishing IlmisoCatalnguo” has just beon tr ailed. comprising THE NEW BOOKS,- THE BTANDARD BOOKS, THE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, IN ALL OF THE DEPARTMENTS or LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. Not on exceptionable volume can be found in the entire Catalogue. It is richly worthy tho attentioh uf the soholarand general read er; nnd It SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Remember that all Books at Duano Bull- son's Quaker City Publishing House, are told ns low ns at any other establishment, and a handsome projout, worth from 50 Cents to $100, accompanies each Book sold. ALBUMS of all sises and stylos, with splen did engravings. PRESENTATION BOOKS, In every boautl- fill slvle of binding. PRAYER BOOKS, Protestant and Catholic. HYMN BOOKS of all denominations. POEMS of all tho authors. JUVENILE BOOKB in almost cndlers va riety BIBLES of all sises and i|imlitlcs. All sold at the lowest pricoa, and a beauti ful Gift presented with each book. RKMRMBKR THAT DUANE- RULISON Guarrantoes tho most perfbctsatlsihctlon to all his patrons. BEAR IN MIND, That you can order any Books which aro lu print and they will be furnished at the Pub lishers' prices, and promptly sent to any destination. Each Boog accompanied by a Gift worth from 50 cents to $100. MONEY may bo sent at my risk, by letter. Provided it is inclosed in prescnco of a relia ble derson, and properly registered. But the best and safest modo to remit is by draft on Philadelphia or Now York, mado payable to iv order. B3i«Tbose who will act as AGENTS, WHl please send for a Catalogue whtch con- talus inducements not to bo excelled by any other establishment, with fall directions and particulars. Add*ess all ordors to DUANE RULISON, Propri'rof the Quaker City PublishingIIoiuo No. 3.1 ftOVTR THIRD STREET, nmyllwr.n. ^ Philadelphia, Pa. <5J3.EYE^ CARRIAGE MD (Mil THURSDAY, July 19, I860. Special Notice from Headquarters. A. BAUM, At the People’s Saving Store, Will commence kis first seml-iamd REDUCTION SALE, On Thursday, tho 19th inst., for the next 30 days. As he is determined to mako this a permanent place of business, will therefore And will give those a chance, ' ' Who never chanced before, And those who have chanced, Will, only chance tho more. Tho Sluro will ho cloiod on Wetlnoidojr, Iho ISlh, In order to murk down tho Qood«. Tho liodio. or Homo and vlainlty will henr In mind that thoro I* No Ilmoliuo In what I aajr- for SO day. I shall glvo tho public tho heOelU or this talo ot tho rery lowoat prlcm. Beautiful auortment 6f mmm & wmar mom, Embroideries and White Goods, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, I am bound to give Bargains To all who favor me with a call, and goods will be shown With pleasure. Astonishing how cheap, " ‘ .a.. ba-Tjm:, BELLS HIS . , . | FANCY SILKS, Lac© Points, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, AND TRAVELING COVERINGS. jeOyTlio sale of thnt remarkable and truly valuablo preparation, Porry Davis’ Pain Killer, is constantly and rapidly increasing. During the past year the demand for this great remedy has boon altogether unprecedented. Scarcely a week posses by during which we do not hear of some remarkable cure having been performed, arithin the circle ol our acquaintance, by tho uso of tho “ * allor.-r ~ ‘ _ by i _ 4 ._ and washes of various kinds. This is very dangerous and should nover bo practised by p» rsons desirous of good health. Mothers who have children alllietcd with soros and eruptions, should never dry thorn up by < ternal applications, for in this way thoy will drivo in the humors and product) ill fioalth for tho child during its wholo lifetime.— Thoro i* no mother that likes to seo her chil dren aiHictod with feoblo health. JUDSON’S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS are prepared expressly for the euro of eruptious or tho ckin,«uch as Pimples, Blotches, Bores, Ac. They cleanse tho blood of all impurities, producing a beautiful, olenr nud healthy skin, so much adtuirod by all people of taito and refinement. Judsou’s Mountain Ilorb Pills aro sold by all Medicino Dealers. Ju!y20—wlm ^.EVEHY SUMMER tho demand fa- llostotter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters inj creasos. It is found to bo tho only certain proserration of bodily strongtli, during a pe riod when the atmosphere is calculated to induce a feeling of lassltudo nnd indigestion. The worst cases of Diarrhoon nnd Dysontory give way beforo its potent iniiuonce. Innu merable persons, who are now alive and 'well, must thank tho discoverer of this prep aration thnt they have not been iwopt away in the harvest of death. Tho Bitters is recommended by tho best physicians in the land. This is the host evidenco uf ito real valuo, bocauro, as a general thing, they will not speak a word in favor of advertised preparations. They have been compelled to acknowledge the claims of tho Bitters upon tho community. Ssld by all druggists. july20wlm p WORKS, Broad Street, Rome, Ga, WOULD RE8PECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the citizens of Cherokee Georgia and Alabama, forks. X havo secured Tor several year*, tho valu able survioos of Mr. J. B. BRAY, who' 1$ a practical Coach maker, by trado, and who will dovoto his eatiro timo to the manuftetur ingdepartment. Ills long experience will in- work, that we will tako plaasttre in WARRANTING. iso tho host of Materials only, and by putting them together, with tha aid of tho most skillful workmen, I am eunfldent that I ploaso any and all, and especially, thoso would like to sco Goorgia Manufactories flourish. Having beon a Hardware merchant for many years, I havo peouliar advnntagi In buying material*. I shall spare no pah in securing the best of TiraW, Carriage Irons and Trimmings. Call at my Repository And "examino my SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of 4 and fl Boated Carriages,, com prising tho various styles now in use. Also a beautiful lot of Top Baggies. Tho gonulno Concord Buggies on hand. " " " ‘ Pain Ktl -Prov. Gen. Advertiser. tor A curious incident is mentioned by the Cattaraugus (New York) Repub lican,in which a child narrowly escaped being buried alive. The ohild, as it was supposed, died on Sunday,and on Mon day preparations were made for its buri al. On Monday afternoon tho funeral was held, and the body of the child, ao- coinpanied by a large number of friends, was oori veyod to the grAyo. As the dirt began io fall on the coffin a feeble cry was heal'd. Tho coffin was instantly raised and- opened, and' a shriek of “mother 1" burst from the lips of the rosuoitated ohild. It is useless to at tempt a description of the sceno that followed, The child is. iifca fab way ' recover, A Clergyman's Testimony. PiTTsroRD, Vt., Aug. 1,1858. I horeby certify that my hair having b come qpite grey, I used Heimstroot's Hair Restorative (prepared by W. E. Hagan, ej Troy, N. Y.,) for four weeks, and my hair was in that tijuo rostored to its original color. I can fully recommend the article to be all It claims. WM. KINGSLEY, Pastor of tho Baptist Churob, Pittsford, Vt Romombor that this result was produeod orl8ln ‘ 1 “ d Trlco fifty coni, and ono dollkr nbotilo. ig a largo Itock oh hand ho will itll them a, prices neror before known in Boms > (hat wi.hea to .are money mUat buy at tha toople’a Baring Store. Sales commence positively on Thursday, July (he 19th, and continncs for SO days. ’ . Parcels sunt lo all paTts of tho city free of charge. Positively Terms Cash and One Price only. A. BAUM, At the People’s Saving Store, near Etowah House, jutyU-tioZLotf CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. We are receiving our usual supply of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. They have been bought for Cn aTi y and under The most Advantageous Circumstances. We think they are handsome, and know they are as cheap as can be had anywhere. ' * .» The great amount of our sales, our long experience in business, and the abundant facilities we possess for purchasing we trust will be sufficient guarantee to our friends, that we can and will do them justiae. * Ou.r M©roh.ant TAILORING ESTABLISHME NT CONDUCTED BY MR. OMBERQ, Presents many rare novelties. We are selling goods in that line for less money than most Country Merchants pay for such goods in market. We hope our friends will keep in view the fact that Mr, Omberg is a practical Tailor*—knows exactly how tn mnniurn DUaL n Lnoin/wr. nnrl — J 1 _ . . il.w jump Beat Barouches .od Bagg^orf^ how ^ such a business, and everybody knows that he is reliable, [which is very important in that line of business] and one of the best judges of Goods in all this country. july20wlm / A 00., mW OUISVILLE Artosian Wall Water and . /w—-Water, on draft with ie^^ * ** T OUISVIL1 t0 J-ter* iter, on draft FARELL A if desired. Repairing in every branch of the business, promptly attended to. Terms of repairing, cash when called for. .TO THE TRADE. Enameled and Collar Leather, Patent Dash and Flap Leather, Broad Cloth, all colors, and Laces to suit for Trimming Top Buggies and Carriages; Cotalinas, Hammer-cloth Fringf, Broad Seaming. -and Pasting Lares, CU A l a fj llkl 5 nd Brussollf Velvet and °11 Oarpettug, Silver Lining- and faee Nails, Seaming Gord,- Enameled Duck Dril- Hng and Muslin ClotbB, Curtain Damasks, Black ‘Moleskins, Buckram, Silver Point Bands, all styles and sizes, Hubs, Spokes, Rjms, lihafts, Poles, Circular Seats Rolls and Backs, Sulky Shafts, Turned Sent Spindles, WUllflotrccs, Pole Yokes and Tprncd Collars. Silver Plating, cf all VrtwiR Done- at Short Notion 1 " I J, of ' Th i oh <wo warranted tobo tho fist.— a LE . lcb2.1860,wly. O. B. EVE. -pUBE Italian Salad'-Oil, for toblo use ot X junoOIrl. rABELL A YEISER We refer everybody to our store for the truth of the above assertions. Always ready to serve our friends we are Truly, JONES, SCOTT, OMBERG & CO. aprili—iqtj STOVEST A, W, CALDWELL, manufacturer of Tin, Sheet Iron & Copper Wares, AND DEALER IN Stoves, Pumpa A House t Stoves, Pumpa A House Fuml.hiug Good., A largo and well sc- tcclod variety of Cooking & Heating Stoves, Alwoyo on hood Low for Ctoh. , ALL JOB WORK and work done to order Caoh on Doll Tory. Guttering and Roofing Done In the Boat Stylo. -All account, oon.idorod duo on the tola July and 1st January, and settlement* must be made at thoso times, may 26—wly Varnishes of all Kinds. ,1 A LSO, TURPENTINE, for oalo b, t|4bn. .*S8R»' No. 3 Choice House,