The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, November 23, 1860, Image 4

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#• * SHADOWS ON TI1U WA1.I.. 0 tho licnvlh thei'4 13 nn hour of dreaming, UU'dUilllL, «, - . culm nml ponftivo solituclo or soul, ion life nml dentil have oneli another Booming, •.acl thoughts aro with us owning no control. vso are tho spirits, Memory ing; . n deep solemnity they ri rovcal* in uuu£i a >»nd full, . rouding the living present, and con- foaling . ,. , ao world around us—Shadows on the wall. Polk Sheriff Sale. w ILL bo soldbofore the courthouse door in Ocdar Town, Volk county, firet Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property: rissy, and li One negro woman named rinrissy, and bor child, levied on ns the property of W. It. 0. Prior, to satisfy one fl. fa. in favor of Unuiol C. Roberts, vs. said Prior. Also, one bouse and lot In the town of Cedar Town, knoWn nd the Kingsberry honse, near the spring, levied on ns the les Kl projmrty of Charles Kiiigsberry, to satisfy 1 ft. fa. issued Irom Polk mipcrior Court, ia fnror of Bctij. F. Biglow vs. said Kings. The Charm* off Life Thoro aro a thousand things in this world to nifliet and sadden, but 01 how many tliat are beautiful and good 1 lno world tcoiiis with beauty, and objects winch gladden the cyb and warm tho heart. ' Wo might bo happy if wo would. Thoro aro ills wo cannot esenno—tho approach of disoaso, and death, and miHfovtnno, tho sundorlng of earthly ties and tho canker worm of grief, yet a vast minority of evils that besot us might bo avoided. Tho courso of in* temperance, iuterwovon ns it is withjnll tho ligaments of society is ono that never strikes but to destroy. Thoro is not ono bright page upon the record of its progress ; nothing to shield it from UIIU Il# m iruni tho heartless execration of the humnn I favor of Tarlton C. Coll, race. It should not oxbt—it ought not. Do away will) all this, wars would end, and kindness mark tho ii\torcdurse hot ween man and man. Wo aro too selfish, as it is tho world was mode for us nlono. How much happier would wo be wero wo to labor more earnestly to promote each other** good. Goa bun \ blessed us with a homo that is not | OraaV PIto Dai W. B. DODD Danville, at 1Ey DODDS & Co.’s the land and plantation upon wldch resides, In the Slat dint., nml 3rd see — thu land unknown, Levied upon'to satisfy ono ft. fa bauad from Polk Superior Court, hi i Ellta B. Coil, • pcs, liko the loaves and blossoms rudely shaken. j»v cruel winds of winter from tho tree ; our existonoo ; phantoms aro uwakon Wild passing gleams of .toy’s young ecstacy; .... :*(l Love, once kind and tenderly out- ,«• ml L -UK « a Hndthom (lour ml ever ltosYon-1 ugc*n>o»th«»r»,It«ouW Also, two lota of bind. No*. 68 and 08. in the 1st dial, and 4th section, levied on ns the property of Jamoa F. Strickland, by virtue ft.'fii. taa,led from Polk Superior Court,in p of Wm. M. Uiitcliinga, administrator ol Walton Burry, deceased, va. James F. Strickland. K. LYON, D. Rh’ff. t hott| look around us. .Wall. • clasping hands, old fiiends\ii[»s and affections. nice botliod forms, besido u» on tlio earth, mo baek to haunt us, ghostly recol lections With mystic converso by tho silent hearth. . «t these aro kindly spirits, and rctir- Draw their long shadows slowly from tho wall, , . d visit us in pence and gcntloness, inspiring , ,, . , hope that brings tho sunshinoafter curtain upon earth, which is very beau tiful, oven when autumn breaths her changing breath upon it. Gou reigns in heaven. Murmur not at a Being so -bountiful, and wo can live happier than wo do.—Home Journal. Oar Vice Presidents* Tito romarkabla enroer of John C. Ilrockiniidgo affords scopo for ouo of Mr. .Savago’s moat graphic sketches.— ' fortunuto llo regards hlut as tno most for statesman of the day t “for It Is r find a Ilian of Ills talent* and cr all. ■rrespondout of tlio National Intolligcncor. From Ciitiin. Suanuii.u, Aug. 12, 1800. After four weeks’ nhsconce In tho ilt'of l'ooliili wo returned hero Inst .ling. Wo wore in tho Gulf several ■/» before tho arrival of tho Allied , ts. On tho noth July tlioy anchor- iu our immediate vicinity {.tho long e of at least two hundred and fifty i>s making* a* vory imposing appear- . c. 11 was a sight to bo remembered} ino a naval display not often being ... Their approach and evolution in ng up tlieii positions wore vory In to KXF.CtJTRIX’8 MALE. P URS PANT to the Inst will nml testament of Joel H. Terrell, deceased. late of Polk county, will bo sold before the Court House door in Color Town, Polk eou-ty. within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next,one likely and valuable negro of age, tlii B'f before Administrator’s Hnle, virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Cass county before the Court House door ill Rome. Floyd county, on the first Tuesday III DecvUilmr Having frequently been requested by our friends to nccopt an Agency for Cotton Gins, wo lmvo at length concluded to nccom- madato them, though at no particular profit to ourselves, ns wo sell at tho smallest commissions. After examining them'carefully, and consulting Planters and Cotton Buyers, wo found that Qrr’s stood the highest with every ono who lmd tested tho matter. “Wo therefore gnvo tlie prelerence to Conorete Safes Triumphant! rORTY-BlOItT ItOtHIS IN THE FlllE D.isrii.i.«, Kjr.,Msrcli 7, HUM Me ssrs. W. II. Dodds A Co., Cinrinnnti: Dear Sir—The safe 1 pun-hnsed of you ... September last IuissUmnI the great Are which occurred in our town on tho 23d Kebuary splen didly. I had a large amount of notes, receipts Ae. in it, before the l»iiil<liiiK burned I took tlio paper* out hut put in soiuo sbeets of pa per, nml upon opening it since tho burning, they were NOT EVEN SCORCHED The vet tiering on the drawer* was a little warped; the lock works very well, nu when I oil it n little I think it willheasgot os ever. Mv safe was in tho lower story of three at«ry building with shingle roof. In Any of our friends needing n Glirwill do wolf to buy of ns ns we ....tint every Gin Rold.nnd wo also furnish ait experienced and skill- nrklmiu to deliver them at tlio Gin House uiid put ilium in good running order. Wo would like to have orders left with u» aa far ahead as ]>o«*U.le, so that there may bo no delay in deli voting them at the proper time. Reference* as to thesu|icrioiity ol Orr’s dins'over others are tiled nt our Hardware Store, and onu ho seou by ruling there, julyft-—xvtf HARPER &. 11UTLEU* three story biiildimr wiili shingle roof. In an adjoining room, with only n plHslcrod parti tion, a drug Store was kept, ami immediately eating and attracted all ©yes. . cnclof tho lino the French tnon-of- r and transports wero anohorod to iler, then came tho English men-of- with their transports, at tlio other 1 of tho lino towards the.river Ev- clasi of vessels is represented in the audit; there ore all gradations of , irom tlio lino-of-huttlo ship to tlio > t diminutlvo gunboat. Tho Eng- have fifty tnoiiK>r*wor, tlio French ., ty ; tho balance nro transports,'hos- :il ships, tugs lenders,' Ac. There i gome 10,000 troops to bo landed— tlery, cavalry and infantry—and •ro aro a sufficient number of light light steamers to mako a very for- iable attack upon tho Polho forts ui tlio seaward. On tho 1st of Atig- tlio disembarkation was commono- and for several days great activity s displayed—barges full of men bo- • towed by tho gunboat*. The •nch landed enthusiastically in tho ■At near tlio mouth of tho northern er, (tho ono which Mr. Ward os- ndod lost year,) and wore soon in -session of ono of the forts. No ro- inco was made. Homo dangerous los, liowovor, wero discovorod in :o to prevent a catastrophe. The L-lisli took possession of a fort on the oil to bank* and up to tho day we . tno 7th of August, tho Allies wore ,ily engaged in landing men, stores, ii munitions of war. fho Polho forts, tho scone of tho <t year’s fight, are about sovon miles ith of tho position now occupied by i Allies; thoy are supi>osoa to bo .ill garrisoned and well annod { they )k quito/ornliduble from a distance.— thin a few miles of tho north rivor >u o is an oncampinont of a vory largo .vo of Tartar soldiers, estimated to be >00. A largo reoonnolterlng party English and French had nslightskir- . :-h with a detachment of this foroo, . I retired with a small lo«s, a day or . .) after tho landing. It is evident t tho mattor will not bo docidcd at •o ; tlio Allies arc cautious and wary, •ining determined to risk nothing.— . feat to thorn would bo torriblo; tueir stigo irrevocably lost, their influonoo dio'Evst could scarcely bo maintain- . Thoy have groat difficulties to tend with in tho nature of theooun- , and though I can scarcely doubt .. ir ultimato success, they will liaye easy nor bloodless victory. Upon our return to Shanghai lost . dning wo found nothing now oxccpf . tore iutouso oxcitomont than on tin urt of tho foreign residents about ro- , Is. Tho foreigners aro enrolling i.omsolvos and hiking ovory jirecau \m. Homo ono thousand or twolvo .mired English and French troops are . re, but tlio officer in command Jin* .lers to defend the Chinese toicn with his hole force, against any attack tho rebels . iy mako. This loaves the foreign tlomont unprotected, and is a very .jingo proceeding. Tho English aro illy at war with tho. Chinese, and .t they will protoct tho wretched old ..vii of Shanghai, which is entirely do ted, and leave the immense amount capacity so profoundly appreciated nt so early a teriod of life. John Adams was fifty- our years old when olooted to tho Vico Presldonoyt Jofi’orson, fifty throe; Aaron Burr, forty-four $ Goorge Clinton sixty-five; Elbriuue Gerry, Mxty-nlno ; iMniol D.Tompkins, forty-throe; John C«Calhoun, forty-three; Martin Van Buren, fifty; Hiolmrd M. Johnson, fifty seven: John Tyler, fifty-one; Gebrgo M. Dallas, fifty-three; Millard Fillmore forty-eight; William R. King,sixty-six, whilo Brookinridgo was elected to tho high olBce at thirty-fivo. Thus, at this early ago Mr. Breckinridge, “had torved Ids country abroad, liadboon a legisla tor in his Statu and iu tho Niittonul Congress, had been tendered tho representation of the Republic in Europe, and elevated to tlio second office in the gift of tho people. Truly might the lines of tho poet bo applied to him i “ ‘Ho Is almost sunk Boncnth the weight of trusts and offices Not merely offered, but imposed upon him.' ” In this commotion.” says Suvngo, “It Is a noteworthy fact tliat tlio two youngest of tho really prominent men of tliO'Domooratio or any other party— Messrs. Brookinridgo, and Orr, of Mouth Carolina—at the samo time presided over the two liousosof the national Leg islature.” n«xt, within tin* lawful hour* of *ul«\ the followin'* Lot* of lsiul, vltt Lot No. a2ft, In the &th ills., mid Ith sna.,al»o lot No. Si, In tlis 2lib .list, nn*l :ir.\ tec.f n part of oach lot lying In Ohnttmign eoiinty, ntnl n pnrt in **’ ilroimty. ft.»l»l ns the property of Wit- setting there ... ■ pnint*, oils, tnr- 1 H.pior*. Tim build- il with tiiu Patterson Hotel shlo and was within six feet of th- Court House oil the other, with a largo pile ip|>o*ito whe a considerable .piantit, iwntiim,vttinpliiiii limit llagwell. late of Cass county,’deceased. Terms nindo known on Urn day of rule, oct 12 jon.v L. ROWK, Adui' Notice. A LL person* are lierrbv notiftnl not to A. -redlt Mrs. MARY J. KIND on my nc- count, ns I shall not be responsible for any debt sha may contract. Hinoe our sepuration a lund tins Wen pro vided for her support and necessary ex- uenses. JOSHl T A KIND. BcpUwtin it. You Will ree at oneo the cxcessiv .. at crente.1 at mid alioiit it. I regard it fully tested, olid have no hrsitaney ill ray- ing'thiit my p.iju'fs would have Won pro rved if I had left them ill tlio anfo. A number of our«itixeiis have examined it *inee the Are and were surprised at its ndition, and sonio of them Iinve ordorci safes of you, Wlieviug them REALLY FIRE PROOF SAFER. I shall take great pleasure in roeoinniMid- ing your safes. You aro at HWrty to make Executor’s Nnle. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Or dinary for l’olk county, On., will bo the first Tuesday in December next, the Court House door in Cedar Town, within the lawful hour* of sale, the following: The plncn on whieh Samuel D. Wilson, ilccensed, lived, containing aWut throe hun dred and forty acres or land, one hundred and eighty acres of which is cleared and in good order for cultivation. The ptacs has on It a good comfortable framed dwelling, fram ed gin house, stables and other miMiooses— " is aliout two miles from Van Wert on the _. .mo road. Also seven likely negroes, to* wit: Htophon, 85 years old, Dolly, 45 years. Lindy, 37 years, and her two children, one 8 years and the other .1’years old. Geerge, 21 years <dd and Martha, n years old. Hold for the benefit of tho heir* and creditors. Terms tnade known on the day of rale. JOHN 11. WILSON. nct1940d of Sini'l D. Wilson, dec'd. fcarTl.o purest joy wo can cx}>orlcncc in ono wo lovo, Is to seo that porson a sourco of lmppiucsH to othore. GEORGIA, Floyd County* W HEREAS. Harrison Camp, Adminis trator of John White, represents to the Court, iu Id* petition duly filed nmf ***** * - A flyadmlnli tered on record, Hint lie lias fill ed John White's cstut This ls t therefore, bicito all persons Utor- mis ib, HiiTnurv. sinwnii eerned, kiudred aud •Teditorf, to show cait«o, if any they can. why ssid administrator should not be dlo-harged from his ndmiitis trillion, and receive letters of dismissiou on tlio first Monday in June, 1881. (tiven tinder my hand and official signa- thlsat offico, this Mh Nov. 1880. 15 J ESS E LAM BERTH, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Floyd County. T O nil whom it limy concern—Elijah R. Lumpkin having, in propor form,applied mo for permanent letters of Administration i tho estate of James Kyle, lnt<r of county» This is to cite nil and singular tho credi tors and next of kin of James Kyle to be mid appear nt my offico, within tho time al lowed by law, and show cause if any they have, why pertiiniicitt Administration should not bo granted to Elijah R. Lumpkin on Jas* Kyle's ostalo. fliven under my hand aud official signa ture, nt office this 5th NnvcinW. i860, novlft JESSE LAMHKRTU. Ord’y. Notice to Dobtors and Creditor*. Ci KORGIA, POLK COUNTY. \JT All creditor* of Heury 0. Silvoy, late of Polk county, deceased, aro notified to present their eluiui* in term* of the Law, nnd all dobtors of mid ostato are required to mako payment. nov# Administratrix’* Notice. G eorgia, polk county: Sixty days after date I will apply to the Court of f nlinnry of suld county for leave to sell the Inuds boluuging t<> the ostnle of Henry 0. Silvoy, late of said county, de. ceased, this Nov. tlic 6th, 1860. TEMPERANCE BILVEY, novO Administratrix. Administrators* Pule* the mart house door .. ..... on the first Tues day hi DeeemW next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lots of Lund Nos. 774, 2.1, 782, in »d dist, h see., No. 21, 21th dlsl. 3rd see., No. 144> 23d dist. :<d sec., aud No. 60, 15ih dist. 4th Also—at the same timo nt Ciimming iu Forsyth county.'Lota Nos. 1223, 015, 320, 0.1.1, 807, 371, 14th (list. 1st see., and No. 53.1, 3d dist. 1st see., No. *.'13.3,1 dist. lat see., No. 880, 2d dist. lst sec., No. 442, 1st dist. Ists Also—nt the same time at Canton iu Cher- okae comity, FiOts No*. 382. 269, 657, 54. 3d dist. 2d *Ae., Nos. 030, 1088, 608, 15th dist. 2< ree., No. 101, :id dist. id see.. No. 110, 4th dist. 2d see., No. 218, 1.1th dist. 2d see. Sold ns the property of M. T. Mendenhall •.a a TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ARTICLES OK EVERY BAY USB. n. T. B4BBITTS Pure Hediomal Yeast. Manufactured from romnion Salt and Pure Cream Tartar; When used in Bread, Cako or Blxouit, it turns to gas, (liko that from a ImiUIuoI Soda water.) /?Q mid remains dormant in tlm dougb, UO until (tls sot in the own. when the hunt causes the gas to escape through AND the dough while baking. The bread, cuke or biscuit is not only vory Uglit, d bet wee use. and a dm dlately fro: x»d. Th. nil frame liiiilding attached the Drag store, with oils, n tints, nnd litpiorr in it, and n glurs duor 1,-adiug into my office » of tills statei proper. Yoi ent frignedl M. J. DC iVe n»p Agents for these splendid Rnfcn I invito the public to call nml see other certificates as to the manner in which they resist the uttneks of both FIRE AND DURGLARN. Thoro safes lmvo never fulled to preai their contents, and nre warranted to be ENTIRELY FREE FROM DAMP. The construction of tlio IUJK0LAR PROOF SAFES is pociiHnr,and in thin with the “Great American Key Regis ter Look,” (which possesses the great advan tage of having NO KEY HOLE nml vet has ERMl'TATINU KEY >,000 changes.) they will nrlty of capable of 250,uno,000 changes.) they Ik* found perfectly impregnable* A. W. CALDWELL, Rome, Rtiiav niv A Skvboi ii, Nashville, Turn. may25 * GEORGIA—Polk County. 'HflIKKKA8 William Pork has applied yy to me for letters of di mi salon from his administration on the estate of Frances Gil bert. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persona interested in said estate, to l>e and before the if any il applicant should not Im ilismissed from bis said administration In terms f the statute in such cases inude nnd pro vided. Given under my hand turn this 6th of August. I860. auglO-Om 8. A. BORDERS, Ord, id ofileinl signn GEOIlGIAs Floyd County* W HEREAS, James F. noskin.-mn. Admin istrator of .Tallies T. Iloud, deceased, represent to the Court, in bis petition, duly filed nnd entered on Record, that they lmvo fully administered J.imoe T. Bond’s citato, These nre, therefore, Incite nil perse eerned,.kinsmen and creditors, to show if any thoy enn, why snid Adminis trator should not he discharged from their Administration and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in April. Isttl. Given under my hand and official signature nt office, 3d September, i860. «Mjp7 JESSE LAMBERT!!, Ordinary property in the foreign settlement ithoutevena corporal’s guard. Tho nglish and French residents aro, its .ay bo supposed, highly indignant, .rough there nre some who ridicule the .mn and say "there U no danger.”— i ere are so many rumors incircula- w and so many contradictory state* •nlnaro mado in regard to tlio rebol i-cn and tho probabilities of their ming that it is linpo.^iblo to form an -iiiion of any value. The excitement is use, and 1 believe there is no doubt the fact that tho Chinese town will defended, instead ol *the foreign set- • ment, by tlio English nnd French.— ill not attempt an explanation of is strange nnu unheard of state' of dr*. It may bo only a piece of ipidity; if not it is very mysterlotw 'l incomnrchcmdblo, and there fa . on to believe tlml it may bo very istrous in its results. Postponed Administrator’* Rule. W ILL 1« sold In-fore tho Court-house door in Rome, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, the following property, to wit: Ouaaud a half shares, (there being four shares) of Lot No. 321, part of Lot No. 248, lying on tho west side or the ereok, with all the privileges on tho crook for manufacturing purposes. Also the south (mrtion of lot No. 220, and part of Lot No, 249, adjoining 248, known os tho Under Wind place in thn 22d dist. 3d soe. uf Floyd county, Go. Sold by virtu%of an order from tho Ordinary of said comity, ns the property of Dr. Thomas Ham ilton, Into of said county, doeeastfd, for the benefit of the heirs. Tunas.—Credit to 1st of Jnnnary 1861,with Interest from date, if not pnnotunlly paid, novO D. M.JIOOD, Adm’r .tiyA short timo since, in Cincinnati^. ; man inn joke, so lie says, intro- ed a friend to a widow lady of somo -ana. An intimacy sprung up bo- GEORGIAy Floyd County* XITHEREAS, Charles II. Smith nnd TY M. Quinn,have applied to mein pro per firm, for jwrmsncnt letters of ndmin- istratioii on tne estate of John Smith, late of raid county, deceased. These aro therefore to etta nnd admonish the kindred and creditors of said doceased, to show cause, (if any thoy have) within the Umo prescribed by law, why said letters of administration should U6t bo granted unto Charles IL Smith and John M. Quinn on John Smith’s estate. Givon under my hand and official signature this 15th of Oetober, I860. ootHMOd J. LAMBERT1I. Ord. aai MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOWIIKRTOREI). Just Published, in a Sealed En velope. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and ‘ “ MO *, **’■ Vi * Radical euro of Bpermatorrbasa or Seminal eon thorn, which resulted m an eu-1 Weakness, 8cxunl Debility, Norvousness and .gement of marriage. 1 lie was-to-bo I Involuntury Emissions producing Impotcney Aoui no won on tho confidence of his Consumption nnd Montal and Physical Do • ended as to borrow from her some ,u ** i hundred dollars, with which ho •>i made himself scarce.. Tho sequel tho ii flair is that tlio widow has might suit against tlio man who in- educed her to the deceiver, us a putty tlio swindling transaction. A PowerfulLicut.— 1 Tho N. Y. Journ- of Comiuorcc stales Hint the Now ork Central Kail road Company has ropted the “Smith" light for general i upon tho locomotives of their road. ‘By aid of this light,” says tho Journ- “tho print of a newspaper can bo .A 2,-lOU foot distant.” Nearly half a Uility »v ROB. .1. CULVERWKLL, M. D. The important fuct Hint the awful rmise- inenccs of self-abuse niuy be eflccttliilly rc- imvcd without interim! medicines ortho dun- [crcus applications « ‘ iiedinited Initigics, ( - is hero eleiirly demonstrated,‘and the ly Kiici-cssful treatment, lobrnted author fully ex- ’ * ryonofsen- aunties, instruments, d other empirical dcvl- mnstn * ’ nrety new nnd binblv us adopted by the lilaiucd, by menus of whieh .. nldod to cure himself perfectly, least possiblo cost, thereby avoiding uii tiie advertised uostriiiiis of the day. This Lec ture will prnvo a boon to thousands nnd thou- onn quarter the anmuut «»f h bor toning used with ordinary yeast. It mny also lie used f»r hickwhent cakes, johnny cakes, and all kinds of pastry. This yeast is put up only in one |MHtnd nans with checkered Inbcl. Red, white nnd blue—no other Is genuiuo—beware of Imitations. B. T. BABBITT’S PURE CONCENTRATED POTASH. Warranted double the strength of common Potash, and stqmrior to Q Snponificr in market, put up in UO of 1 lb., 2 lbs., nibs.. 6 11-*.. and 12 lbs., with full dlrecth.ns for making AND Hard nnd soft 8<>np. One pound will make fifteen guBolis or s .ft soap. No •y/Y Hmo is required. Coiidiiners will find I \J this the chcnpest Potash in market, a. t. s.innirr’s MEDICINAL SALERATUS. A perfectly pure and wholesome arti cle, free from all deluterious matter: so prepared ‘hat, ns the cireulur nc- eompanying tho 8nl •rntns will show, nothing remains in the bread when linked, but common salt water nml flour. Put up neatly in puiN-rsof 1 lb., i Ib. and * lb. ii. r. nmniTT's nQ CONCENTRATED 80FT SOAP. UO Oue box, costing Ono Dollar, will make 40 gallons of handsome Soli Soap by AND simply adding 'boiling Water. s. t. sxnniTT'N CONCENTRATED SAL SODA. Iv A new article exclusively for the South. Sal Soda or Washing Soda cun not he •cut South during warm weather, ns it deliquesce* or melts. ‘I dry'out the water,and put up th« Sat Soda in l lb. pupere.“warranted to stand tke warm est climate.” Cue jHuind is equal to four ^touiids of ordiiinry Hal Binln or Washing Soda, consequently it is much cheaper—tho dealer saves 65 per cent, on the freight, as he does not havo to pay freight on water. 68 kOAP’for" FAMILY USE. Ono pound of this soap is equal to AND throe pounda of ordinary Family Soap. One pound will make three gallons of *70 ktrautotue Soft Soap. It will remove I U point, grease, tar and stains of all kinds. It will not injure the fabric, on the contrary, it preserves it. Ii will wash In hard or salt water, Rut little labor is required where this Soup is used. Machinists nnd Printers will find this soap superior to anything in market. If your storekeeper joes not keep the''above goods, send #5 by mail, and l W HI send a package of eitli-r article: or an assorted box. con taining a part of each article, ns you may dlrwt. ml the name of your Post Office, nlsotli,- Stilt-* and county ill Which V.MI reside, will, the diree- • lion* for shipping. Address 11. T. BABBITT* Nos. 61. 66.118, 70, 72 and 71 Washington New York. A liberal discount to store keepers. . sep21 GEORGIA—Floyd County. W HEREAS, George SUlrley. ndmiuisti tor of Robert II. (hinady,*decease represents to tbe Court in Ilia petition duly filed and entered on recoed that lie bus fully administered It. II. Canady’s estate. This is therefore to cito nil |k*rrons rued, kindred nnd creditors, to show cause COTTON GINS! WHOSE GINS SHALL WE SELL? ORR’S COTTON GINS. ROME STEAM ENGINE WORKS. put- ito.nn GiioittiiA 1 7011 tlio innmifmduro of LmoitioIIvi • Stationary Engines of any site torn according to order. _ r Rail Roadwork, Iron Brldg'a nnd .Roofs Hut Blasts for Furnaces and Rolling Mil k. Castings and Machinery, Housing, Mill Screwp, Turning Lathes, Drill PresBus,Bhuftr Gns and Water Works creeled; nil kinds of Machinery repaired. JIuvo • always on baud Wrought Iron Steam and Water Pipes, Steam Cocks,’Guftgcs, Ac. Castings of any Size. Iron and Brass casting* made to order— have always-on bund some of the best GIN ts EARING in tho Country : also Gudgeons, Oistings for’llorsn Power, Thrashing Ma- eliims, and a Variety *-f bcnittilnl Patterns of Iron Boiling for Dwellings, Public Build ings, Cemetery Lots. Ac. Boilers. Flue.' Tubular, Locomotive nnd Cylinder RoUi-rs, mode and repaired. Water Tanks. Blast Pipes, Gasometer*, Wrought Iron Smoke Stack*, Ac. Blacksmith work made to ordoi DUANE RULISON r qtiukor city 8 - KwuKcr city PUBLISHING HOUSF PHILADELPHIA ‘'i PHILADELPHIA. The oldest Publishing Mouse in A*. I ducting the Gift Bool ME* ^ Busines. , Tho Gift Department has been ^ for «H> p«,t(lire,yrar., nml ■ in tUntfiH mi-ill this liouio JW..CUC,. artvBni.l. !"«■ "S'* lupr. all others. 8«ml tor Cal.loguo conl.lnlii, A NEW AND ENLARGED I ,!- ■ I ri-lenuiu aiFTa for uSSi 0f One of which will bo given with .. sold, embrftohftf ‘ • - ,,h ^ THE NEW BOOKS, I THE STANDARD BOOKS. THE MIHUKLLANEoiib tm IN ALL Of TJUi UJirANTM^' LITEIIATURE AND PCIENCP Not nn I' vnIum, „ n • in tlio entire Cntnlogito. It ig “ >u *»4 tho attention of tho saholnran.l •««!?. *° r d) ,, m\T" " r SENT KIIEE TO ANY ADDSKm II III., tvrilinir.m' ..... All thu writings*!' ovrry ill ovory ilopntllncnl or lllcr.lur.1. ™ rlylo ui bimlillg, ut I ho |nililli|„r,°|'" , I HARPER & BUTLER, Importers and Heavy Dealers in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Mining Machinery, Cornish Pumping Engines. Crushers, dftingand Force Pump*, Pump 1( ids and Joints, Whim and Whi nre Kihh!e«. Stamp . Heads nr anv require I hnrdvss*; nil kinds •>! •MIN KBS TOOLS.—Peril IIInr attention is given to this branch or Imsims*. Mr -lames Noble, Sr., who superintend* the work, hav ing been n long time in Europe Tor tlio pur se of obtaining (he latest improvements d drawing of mining work HARDWARE, Broad Street, Rome, 0%. WE respect fill Is solid a continuation of tho patronage of c Persona in want of Steam Engines will do I to call oil II* before going elsewhere, will warrant our Engine* to ho equal iu rv particular to the best mndo anywhere, and for simplicity mid durability not to bo excelled. A list of prices sent on applica tion. * , mako nnd put up Engine* In run- l’llOMPT PAYING and | "“-K " r,,or “" a 'vorrnnt ft ' they e Cash Cnstomers, r Goods ere for sain nt the LOWEST FIGURES. NEW FIRM. mills & Sumter, be lmd from Phi.ndelidiln York, none but the beet material use .. ,rk. All boilers manufactured at tablisbinent wo will warrant lobe of the best na Charcoal ILimme »ow manufacturing n now Iron Cot- with A.iti-Frletlon Ball, those have them prefer them to all other*. W vitea’l in want of a good screw, that will al ias! to pack any sixe halo, to cxuinilio till*. Having tho largest establishment nnd chinary of any shop iu the State, nml — •rv department I* superintended Ir i do work HAVING ASSOCIATED THEMSELVES TOGETHER FOR MANUFACTURING AND IMPOR'^G feel confident that cheap nnd equal to any In the United NOBLE. BRO’8. A CO., Rome, On. ,prU27.l860w1y. .von ioon book, pjiUIrtoii „ e, or by whom, send tif Duane 3 SuutU Third «t., Philndtlphf, , •» moll you will rcoelvo lutt llANpfOME GIFT BisfoA Knell book is always netompanlfdwin.. Gift worth from 50 cents to $luo, " 1 Among the works which I h*ve ibll.l.oil, uro Ihv WlowlinAMoWi ill bwsnut, with n Beautlfid affr/f “ r price* nnmvd-^whvn sunt by tn*||. ji iMldllloiml fi.r postage. HISTOig,' OF ALL RELIGION!,*, niuing n *tu emenl of tho Orfrin. D*,.i iMiieiil, Doctrine* and Govenin.ent of ,f; Religious Denominations in U,« u llt U Stale* nnd Europe. With BlogrsnliH Notices of Eminent Divines. completed *»y Samuel M. Siniicksr.LL ? m pages, 12 tun., iltiufrated, $1.0t. ” HISTORY OF THE MODERN JEWS, Annul* o the Hebrew I’eoplo, (mm a. Destruction or Jeriisnlum till thelWi time. By Samuel M. Bintiokor, LL. Iu Containing tbe most memorable and dmT. worthy event* whieh have occurred [■ tlio history or thi* extrnordinsry uitka during tho last IMMI yenrs. il.DO, ^ THE BLUE LAWS OF CONNECTICUT: origiuultv taken from the recordist Ktv Haven: being over two hundred yean oU. A Collection of the Eurlirst Statute* ui Judicial Proceedings of that Colony. I*. Ing an Exhibition of tho Rigoroiu'Mors)* nnd Legislation of the Puritans. Edited, with an introduction, hy Bamntl g, Smueker, LL. D. 250 pages; *8 t biudUt Si an ALL KINDS AND STYLE OF CABINET FURNITURE, ii.l .IyIoi nf SANKnml IlLOlDH, PANKL DOOIIM, iimHHVi.tfo, ILivlug.’, ’ 1 Extensive Shop and Machinery WITH KIllST QUALITY OF MATKItlAL, WN ABE BEADY TO MANUFACTURE LARGELY, All articles In our line, and to fill all order* at the shortest i MR. SUMTER, has been long known iu thi* community, ns a first sins* MECHANIC, < therefore, warrant all article* made hy u*. We shall lie able tn Supply the surrounding Country with Sash, Blinds, I|||<I Furniture, nt ttry imuoiml.l. price.. Wi'.or.ll„llr Invito all t|„, oiti.oa. c.f Ilia oomitrr t.i i.ur Ware Boom. Furniture Sli.ra i Mnnufiu'lnry, .,11, m Brmil St, lb. ,l„. FINK HllltlAI. CASKS utwur. .... |,„ amt avorr .iiialltr c.f COFFINH miule a. n.ui n. ranalml. OHABLBs nr, MILLS. JAMES M. StlMTEB W. NDUCJKER, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer iu CABINET FURNITURE, Upliolstery, ill AT R ESSES. COTTAGE CHAIRS On Broad Street, Rome, Georgia. a 11 t!u LilltH ptrticnl irly, to visit hi* Ware Rooms, where h if any th«y enn. why *.iid Administrator should not lie dUchurged from hi* adminis tration, and reouive letter* of ndmissiou on tho first Monday in February, 1861. Given under my hand nml official signa ture, ut office, till* 5th July, I860. juljl.1 J. LAMBERT!!. Ordinary. NVITE-I fnPiV largmpply of Rosewood, Parlor and chamber Furniture, Mahogany, Walnut, and Imitation Furniture, From the lirat Spring Sent Sofa, to I ho commonest article in use. Abonii assortment of AliUruM«eN» Tucker’* Fntent Spring Beil, Couches, Lounges, Sideboards, Sal'mi, All kinds of Furniture with dispatch, and neatly "repaired. Thankful for tho very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he hopes, by el ntlon and good work, to merit a continuance of the same. ' CABINET Slid|* on Howard 8t., near the Etowah House, where Fur- uilurol* manufactured nnd repaired. Work warranted to give satisfaction) Bill* of over 50 Dollar* Retailed at wholesale prices—and great bargain July27‘1y McN.YFGUT, ORMOND *V Co., Commission Merchants, iit , Iknh en in General Merchandize. Keystone Buildings, Whitehall Nt, ATLANTA, (IA. II EF EREN0KS—Mcmm. Smith Patrick: Smallwood. Karl A Co.; Allen, Me Lean A llitlklcy, Now York : Win. M. Law ton A Co., Naylor A Smith, Charleston : J. K Teft, Cnsli’r., billicrtli A Johnston, S.ivaiinnh: Post A Mel, New Orleans! Walsh, Smith Co.. Mohiln;-Crittenden A Co., Louisville; M. | J. Wicks, Pres. Memplm; D. A. January , St. ljotiis. liov23.1y, GEOUGIA-Polk Caunty. W HEREAS. ELnphaii R. King, cxcei|tor of the la«t will nnd tcFtnnieiit of George Smith,- doceased, has applied to me for letters of Dismission from Id* said Adininixtrntisu— These nra thoref»re, to eit« nnd admonish the kindred nml friends, ami nIDperson* in terested, tu show cause, (if any they have) why tho said applicant should not he «" missed from his administration of said tnte. at the first Court of Ordinary for said county, after the expiration of six months from ibis dnti Given under my hand nnd official signntur this 20th day of August, 18flu. ang2l—6m 8. A. BORDERS.Ord. GEORGIA, Floyd Comity, W HEREAS, William J. Smith. Adminis trator of Jacob Hmyor, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on Record, that ho has fully administered William Sinyor's estate, These nre, therefore, to rite all persons concerned, kindred nml creditors, to show cause if any they can. why said ndininistrn should not lie discharged from his admin istration and receive letters of dismissii the first Monday in April. 1861. Given under my hand and official signature 1 CASH, FOR SALE. Valuable Lands, City Propt’y AND NEGIIOEK. 1000 acre* Coosa River Lnnd,ubotit 45ft aercs bottom land. I II il Lot in tho city of Rome. Gn. >2 Negroes, most of them young nnd likely. AT ADMINISTRATORS SALK. ■ NEW Illustrated Edition the ftrst Tuesday in Peecmhcr next, before the court house door in said county, within the legal hoars of sale, the tract of laud in said county, whereon C d. Francis Ir win resided at the time of his death, lying 1 miles belo- » * J — river the first quality : in ciilti’ i is of Itivation, a number wliieli the timber will be cut down this fall. On tho place is a good double log dwelling house, A all liecessnry out house*,good negro houses, gin house and screw, fine well iprim ig water, a good apple nnd iieaeli or- P onrH »»'l grapes, nnd is said to ho onu ie best cotton farms on tho Coosa river.— Livingstone’s Explorations IN AFRICA, ’ Rest- TIIE Greatest Reduction *bi!!!r^®rs. , w , Ji l nSa" I u ' thence across the C«)lilinent, down the riv Zambesi to the Eastern Ocean. From personal narrative of D.wip Livixcjhti Lb. D.. 1). f\ L.. Fellow of the Fueiilh Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow: Cm iKiudiug Member of the Geographical and Historical Society of New York; Gobi Med- alist aud Corresponding Member of the Roy al Geographical Societies of London, Paris, Ac. To which is milled a Historical Sketch of Discovorics in Africa. Illustrated with i-Lithi, graphic Pintos. Large fl.ftft. THE BRIDE OF LOVE; or True Oreilsai of Female Heroism. By Ruth Vrrsni “Tliousaiid* of men breathe, move, up live, nn«a off tlio stage of life, ind u, beard of no more.* Livo for aoifiethiag— good, and leave behind you a mosQaait ‘“W »iU irtuo.” Chahnci __ iK-aiitifnl steel plate, $1.00. THE MYSTERIES OF TIIE GREAT I DEEP: or, tho Physical, Animal,Utobfr I ii Vegetable Wonders of thsOcni. I By P. H. Gos*e. This book is full of fi- J strnetivo and entertaining informsliox^. I Ono might go to sea for. yean and t« I learn us mill'll about the Ocean as hr ca I gather from a few boiirt perusal of tkii , | 52 illustrations, $l.t (. ADVENTURES, WANDKIUNGB AID I hUFKERINtSSOF THE MERTON FAN- [ ILY? or bile 8-eno« among the bull Anv-’i icnn Iiuliiins. By Mis- Anne Leva I *' * '" * tii’^lodi | This is of tho lu-tr. of th- ritUn. Eight Fine ll-1 CELEURA'I ED ORIENTAL TRAVELER I HADJI BABA, in Persia, Turkey sud Has I i n«m' Tran ll Va. I sin. Comprising bis Caravan' Trsulx E*. I counters with B-.bbors, hi* Curinuf i'vrfet-1 Edited by James Mailer, till F.ntcrtdwmmds. By Henry Temnle ui I Cutdslia M. Otlley. DIM. •' I fllSTOBMML AN'D IIEVOLUTIONART | INCIDENTS OF the : United States, with the ldfe and A-h«- | tu res of Allen, Konton, Bo-n., slid otto iclet,rated 1’iotieor*. By C. W. IVebrrc- S of nil sites and styles, with ijks* I did engravings. 1 PRESENTATION BOOKS, in every bruit I fill style of binding. f PBAYBR BOOKS, Protestant and Cstkolit | HYMN BOOKS of all dun miiiutioni. POEMS or nil the authors. JUVENILE BOOKS in almost endteid | rlety . BIBLES of all sis'.-s and qualities. All sold at tho lowest prices, and s to* I fill Gift presented with each book. I My Gifts aro all Useful and VslusWt-l comprising Hold and silver Watches; Fewitji Miiehinos, Silk Dress Patterns, snd niu|»l variety of Jewelry, of tho Jatcit ‘•ml fisliionulde styles. Each article w*rr#ifd| to be of good quality. A^uThosq who will act n AGENTS, Will please semi for n Catalogue which « tain* inducement* not to bo excelled hy*' other establishment, with fall directions#' partlciibirs. Those out of employments* who desire to ongago in an honorable t profitable business, should apply *to. Address all orders to DUANE RULWOX, Proprl’r of the Quaker Oily PuldiehinfHo* jYo. 33 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ninyllwfim. Philadelphia^ T - From Natu fire’s Garin EVKIl MADE IX STAXDAllB 9 of the A house and lot in thu city of Rome, contain-1 this Great Work! Illustrated with ln» »n« n»rn J c , If w j|h n good office ' fine Chr 12ino. of 446 pages. We linro jiut iiiil.llshoil n Now Killllon of r fine 1 ^u"ih;«.'.^^”^ y i"i;.^*!! l SoffiS} Ch romo-Lith'ographio Plates, 1 the Court House, a desirable tesidei Sent under seal to any address, jtost paid,' on tho receipt of two postage stamps, hy ad- dressingDr. 0HAS. J. 0. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, Now York, -Post Box 4,680. sop!3—wly . Administrator’* Nnle. B Y virtue of nn order ortho Court of Or dinary of Floyd county, Ga., will be sold at tho Court House in the town of Rome, ou the first Tuesday in December next, tiie fid lowing property: A Tract of Land adjoining lands of Snin’l Mobley, Wnlton H. Jones and Rowland IJry- CIIATTOOGA RIVER INSTITUTE, Cayleivillo, Cherokee Co., Ain., 8. 'M. AlHgWOEML A. M. Frlnnljml SSSSSRUV3 _ inon dutio, of 1 if-. ..r »nv (.Idm in nlir Col- leges. Camp<>tent Teiu-hers are employed. Send for a circular. ian21—wly r ant. containing 32« acres, more or Ifess, about 20i» acres in cultivation, the balance well timbered. The place is well known as one of the most productive and desirable in Vann’s Valley, lying within :«i miles of Rome on the Cave Spring road. The (190. A A]q. Railroad, whieh is now in ail active slate of progress, runs through the tract. There is a good Gin House, Stables und Negro Cabin* on the place, well watered olid in a good neighborhoods Sold as the property-qf the estate of Gabriel Jones, deceased, Tot’ the benefit of the heirs of snid estate. Terms—One-third cash, and the balance in ono and two year*, with interest from date. MARY II. JONES. Adtn'x, WILLIAM II. JONES, Adm’r. '-WMrtfo 'U- ■■ 1 - GEORGIA—Floyd Conniy. mo ‘oil whom Mfc niay cb’iicefn-^r. LV JL Turnley^ having, in (ireper form np- fora business or professional man, and till th« Negroes belonging to said estate, fifty- two in number, of which there are tncii from Giving the coloring to life of tho old. Scenery nnd Wild-Animals; Mountain llorlw nnd every hill, arc In this Parents look to yo lot them suffer, wh Agents of nature her natural, harmless cu oue of 2Tm/o”—ask JUDSOX'M WORM 1VJ JUnSON'8 WORM TIG JUDUON’S WORM TKV GET A PACKAGE Cim.DREN TAKK f froi . 17 ye 22 to 60 years old, girl* , * old, tho balance are ehil ‘iron of Uilh sexes from ft years old down to infants. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Tkiim* of S.u.k—Olio-third cash, tlio bnl (Mice ou u credit nf twelve months, witli in terest from date—notes with Approved scctiri* IV. Snlolo couth,no from ifnv lorlny until all I. mill. JOHN J. llUOGIlfg, i.plf—tA A ,i„,. r . Chatooga Sheriff Sale ‘ nl '* l ’ Cf "- r “ 11,0 Courl n °"“" ill Summerville, within Ijic Irgnl hour* of sale, on tho first Tuesday in Decem ber next, * ho following proporty,to wit: Two let* of land, No*. 3 nnd 4, in ldock 8, — the town of Summerville. Snid lots From Drawings made by DR. LIVI.NGHTONE, Sixteen Years Wanderings, In the Wilds of South Africa. |Sewing* Machines! AFTER tliis dale, I will acll the improved Bartliolf Family Sewing Machine* at a Re duction of $20.00 from former prices. | P. S.—Tiie New Straight Needle Machino nov23.1y. Tiiis Magnificent Voluiuo Is gotteii up iu the most superior iiinnner, on fino paper, hound in hoveled Boards, and is altogether tlio most Popnlnr nnd Saleable Book Over STOVES! published.’ well Improves. UnT^dBridk 75.000 OOPTUS iron.o, nml other nocen.rr bull,line, unon » ■ VvA IUO, A, W. CALDWELL, E X Turnley Jiaving, in nreper form afr- lied to mo for pernmnsnt lette’r* of Adniih- •tration dt bonis non oii tho citato of Benja min H. Lnmkin, Into of snhl couiity. .ThiH is to cito all and singular, tho creditors ami next of kind of said deceased to bo and ap pear at my office, within tlio time allowed by law, and show cause, if *niiy they enn, why raid permanent administration Jebum's i should not bo granted t., P. L. Turnloy Benjamin H. Lambin'* esUte. them. Levied on as tho property .» min Garrotto to satisfy a fl fiv from tho Supo- rior (Jourb in favor of H. W. Gtlkcrson vs. Benjnniin Garrotto, property pointed out by PI ir * uttornoy. Also 2 lots o'f Lind, Nos. 173 and 174, in ftth District and 4th soolion. Levied ou ns the property of A. E. Greor to satisfy a mortgage H fa from Ruporior Court in favor of William T. Mondow v*..A, MANUFACTURER OF I Tln . s " ccl & U°,»pcr Wares. tore. Thi* Edition will ho sold AND DEALER 4N M, pointed »„t i„ , n l,| Ain tweut,.fivQ barrel, or corn, moro or lc, ono cow end culr, nnd Dvo ycarHuM.— Lorlcd on u tho property of W. S. Dnalcl .to satisfy a fl fa from tho Superior Court In favor of 8. A. Sclman vs. W. B. Rcacc and W. Dnn- tol, principal, and Jos. Harlow, Jr., oudorser. *-AIso—ono bod, two tablos, ono library of books, two stoves, two saddlos. half dozen chairs,and lot of sundries. LovieR on As tho property 6f E. L. Rosser to satisfy a fi fa Exclusively by Agents. Tj w J ,om l" r « c *b commission will he I paid Sample copios soot by Muil. post-paid, on recoipt of tho Prieojll 25. . . A gouts wanted, in cVcry cquntyin tlio Stoves, Pumps & House FurniHliiug Goods A largo nnd well l ectod variety of oUlffloo gm7a‘r«! al ,lg ° > ! Ure ’ fc“u t ou lX r r, r . £S* n p f r r of Crpni ' ootlu J. LAMUFKTH, Ordinary. J oet27 J. B. AKRljoE, Bh'flV On.'iod,,. ,‘dddrMM, J. Vf. DUADLKY, Publisher. 48 North 4tli it., l'lillodolphln. •» kaaft sop2.1w.1m Cooking & Heating Stoves. Always on hand Low. for Cush. IT NEVER FAILS - 1UK POCTORa ARE would 111*1 How rouoh better and rafer nave it always In tho house; a HJjJJ a child is taken ill may often be IM JW death, while acting without del*/. ing the Mountain Herb Tea Imnfw wUl not only save tho child a long f® tilncBs, and yoursolf muoh feel happier In knowing that yoo your duty, and pcrohance saved iu iu ^ OBSEEVK.—Alwny. «nd.tbJ»*“S" entnre of B. L. JUDSOK *00.,«4"_ trait of Tesuco, on each packago 01 I ***■ B. i. JOT SON & CO. 1 sole proprietor'' 80 Iieonaid BtreetNew * For into by Fnroll * »n4 I * Nowlin, llowo, On. Al.»by " | dealers throughout tbe State. TO PEBS0N8 OUT OF EMrl.OYME riSltDUriD UUl ur AGENTS WANTED IT S I In evere County in tltf £ 0 engage in tho sale of tfed*! and inost elegantly lllu»tr»U« ■ li8hcd / ih. malt InUrtJl ALL JOB WORK and work tloiio to order Cash on Delivery, LXIY Days aftor date I will apply to the _ Court or Ordinary fpr said connty, for leave to 9ell a Land Warrant for 100 acres of Land, belonging to tiie ostato of Thomas L. [ Sockwcll. Into of said county, deceased. WM. W. B0CKWELL, B*& Guttering and Roofing Dono in tlio Boat Stylo. All accounts considered duo on thalsto July and lst January, and itottlemants must octl0-60d Our publications nro of llw' "JJIJni?of ing character, adnptod to tlio ® til Flfrinor, Mechanic »n, nublielietl in the boat ulyio "bn HR .ubilnntli.l innnmr, »na *'“ lt boi‘*l plnco in tlio Ulirnry of ovory B 0 " I the Land. . J ...irk»u»l 1 v.l profltablo —Ith, Persons desiring to net less offers «» p PP° r . bo > ployment seldom coivo promptly, |>y mnM, full r nrli i. lo., by of' octlOwlm -