The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, December 14, 1860, Image 3

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vtW Stine Ctnri 'v • _Vu-‘-*V i •■- ’' -^r^X7TionN»m»; Dec, g. ^rGTwM'ArrKR on EvieSy For Tni ■ lt««el»w. ■ ’ - .-renuMli 1 -! lonnhmmro (111 nninil qf >< pan.lWaU far Tin [•{$ oounly »t 1M oiisulog.Tnnnoryel.q. **«*• 1 *’ " ‘ ' —j^orSolloitor Ot»U«rt»r. , ..‘ Iiritvl >b H inunj'V tlfo imiu, ■ ,allllurj ' ll * xt b *lwtd r, in this .oountry, will b«itauilw JiniiiiH«<rntii) o\leiy man look this mil>- jwt boldly hi (lio fftoo, Tlio Smith mint have oitliof a ftiuy requitalo)uuliii/ is the nion, or uulr/uw/enra out or it.”—TV;. I’«i/y Churicr. Xov. ‘JUIA. - “ The lime hue come when Ih thHriinf •V'lrirv in (All Oaeernmc,if Ante Mfb Uj,'i. !i' / '' U .‘f scomi t0 , U!l ( l , mt ll*»nlivehoYd. nl >U Oiv/U to BUstuin .OAOh otljor, 111 tbia contest/ in ov«i-y poyiilo wny, und ir«aunaulling together aa to tho Uw amliHor/rKjf rwintimoo ittveam, thon AV« lujy. let tbft-Nbitlv nmko tho most of it.; I hey will Hntl, if this p|nn fs lulop. (Hi. oynrj; h$nMibru hum n traitor, in flint sonar*, thomselvos powerless to II. A. (JnftroirEw. , p|•n*\ allow in to • "» urn,’d gentMomh «« n ;'£u.r u...or..i ..r u* wu. Wl’l S—irl*”'.'. tor’ll Awiciitf liimon.—It, in dim our , r thy An-nocWte, ‘ OftonnW T. StovAix, ; ( 0 >la to that since Got. 17—molt of ’Si linn'll® >‘ n * , ’® p " nl'snnt— 1,0 I"'’ irtn clhcomioctcl 'villi Hie - editorial ■iAnn^ n> o"t of tlio Cbiin'er, twiivlf ~ Ihrlsimu* Tniin. pVoal ^ Co. will open (hiring tho_noxi ^unlsli thom.—TVi- Weekly Ui trier Dec. But is nmiocwrary to multiply ox- tracts to prove our poaitiou. Our load ers well know that wo have’never iwtv'cj- entod t hb preqOrvutioii of tho Union “at nU.hnmrda.” 1 lie -My again rays“Our neighbor tindor.simidM ttio moaning of plain\rtifc- i, !,m M**'U n l°n UtlHAfe Ibtvy enri riio I’rosidont rooomnienda n modifi- ration of'tho tail IV laws to increase the . 77 °V * on «* for itsooneurrpnep. nut, butlv luli words and know whqq l;o dubl.od l with dignfty and Scl&enftiouT ‘it .t i i •■-v-^>-" 1 vption tho langiu^o tofitiii.notj hylfc,ot constrtf* oil a as containing any consuro upon ttny.meiubovof tlmt My. ! (. • koine (iipo.nftor tfio messagq hud 'wou feivj and noted uy.otvlh tlio Soil-' ato; certain inonibers of the Hnuso of Ttopreseiitativos, who soom dosirous of iuwun\ing to thumwlves tho ohnmpi on rmsMnn&Su oi tins otato, olioso to construo a sqo% unimportant. 11ouoo iu lpy niessagb t o tho .Senate, in to A ojiurap o/ bribery against, fho inbin- hers bi,tiio Oenn:qVA.svoinmyj and,fa\* tlio pttrbosb' of getting up an’ issue with mo ns tlio Executive of tho State, mid divorting tho.piiuds from tho true issuo, timl inguhcftiimlves from public hi ought fortvard n resolution “in the Ucuso, calling uponmio lor information ujKm tho'y own qpiwtructioii pf.tlm hui. jtuuge used/which resolution, uiw*. .pstss- •<d in the mldst’or a'n edcchomont’ nils' od for tlio occasion, after u disrespect- ful uttuuk. wbuib tho llonso pennitte(l t'j bo made on the Executive, in tho do- bate, nml. iyns transmitted to tho Seinto - ’ • * • ted thys. ft splendid lot of goods, ^iitn- |jj( or tetmoa pres .mi I a. tlio young u k ,are all imj n'i.-n* (o,no them. ■ jgpCalfflj (linn, nt tho .Sow Store, ..qial door above It. S. Norton A Son., dec8hvA'v2ffi . _ ■ Tur.MetTiNu "N I’uinav.—A call has ioaiwHor a meeting nf the City jl.ll rd Id o'clock op Friday tlio 1 Ith ,,of all the eillsom of Plnyd' eoitn- o«a(.if snide coinptomlso camioL l.nndi. so as h> run hut nno tiekot of „n lidnic f®f till! Slate CoiivenlVm'.— |1 j. In be ho|n.‘d that thoiorvlU bo a full attendance, that good' reeling will —vail and good remit from tlio moot- * . "■ Dnnks t Hooks 1 Hooks I Our friend Henry A. Smith has oil lund a most excellent AttKtrtmoiit of books of all kinds. possible f getting so much "proll table *mtH i meiU for tlio Batnc niohey. ns by lho|»iir<*linso and readlngofgood books, m J a. tho times nro dull Wc would ro- .vinm«*iid this (node of relief to prevent dlapiiKlvncy. Mr. .SinUli. luw also n mlid nssorlment of Christmas pres- »and toys for cliildron. Sue Adver- j.tuiant. ' ■ . / > “Thn Wnsk ;ltcllloycd.’ , An editorial with tlio nhovo hbading ijH'arpd in the ’VVns Floy of the l?.tb imU, ivliieli, we ibink, doon great injus- aml nUvibutea a false position Aq the Cmirr. Wo, < uli'npt” think 'tldii Irotluir IIimu) would intentionally mis- represent us, but wo lehr in ’bis .grout teal for tho enuso nonrest Ida lirpj t and itement of tho times, bo has hern led to put an uncharitable construe' lirnupon homo of our words, and entire ly l°st sight of our positiml an It bus bbbn Wally mill unnistakalf/y expressed. Wo quote from tlio artiolo alludiul to: *Our neigbbov of the Omrier, in bis ueof the 8tb, removes tlio monk.and kos open gr< ur.d for • IJntyn /ioeio/j— hdukling his party as the fuu'i ty lies iswlmt wo know all tho timb. Jnd have waited patiently for Bomb ohe. of them to show their hum|. Their great fuss tlion about resistance is. not resistance to ub’olltioiiisni, butiv-sistnijco •"secession.” » In the first place wo prolust against; the charge of wo.irluga mask. It hru not been our ptirpnjio to deceive npy oi eg:ir»l to the great questions now n ituing the country,Mnd.wo rma*b : nAv hcM \ oMcalcd hand. A* to tho y)ns about resistnnee,” i lavonot made it, but have all tlro;timq *4rocatod a calm, firm an*d eficient rctis- tow tn abolidonlAin. ,Wo never, lmvo c I>I' w il secession ns an iiltimato reme dy, should it ho nbccBsrtry. But tlio nhole cbnrgo sedms fo turn on tbio sig uitieation of tlio Word ootisorvutismi' r \'resume vafe.renco was *hod- to shative said in tho Tri-Weekly Courier of tho Gth inst; Spbaklrtg of tbo dlfler »nce of opinion among tho pooplo of this county we said Tho drtferenco is known ns TfadiVrr?- 1 nnf l Conservatism, rip’d thore uro no imnes that will so clearly express the ‘liaractcristio ditleronces of opinion that no* divide tlio neoplo as tbeso; tlio tiiniaU party and tlio Conservative party. "o consulted no Dictionary to learn tho meanings of tho words radicalism *n I conxcrvalUm, but attributed to tliem the signification they nro gcncrnly un derstood as having when thus constra?t- ♦d- Webster defines ' Oonservavrsii, “ ,hc (lf *irc and cjf'ort (tfpreserving Ml is re- muhed ; " and’Ai.isiif, “Mr doctrine Vprincipleqf making radicalrcform ingovernt *tnt l,j ovcelurtung.aiul changing tho preecn- l ' 4te °S dungs,” and theso aro all tho •h* parties, wo did so' "becAuso .they nearer oxprbrsing.thb clmreoteris-; hcdifTorencei of opinions existing than an J others that Occurred to Ui. }Ve 1 oreby committed Jio party or individual‘ ail - v lino of polioy whatovor, and eren 1 * thirty bud boon 4 thus committed to ^'^n-arum no fair construction of tills or ‘• «s it seems to us, would have il t( > rcdiculous extremosi *ho Flag Kays* tillb! 0 ? °/ of Georgia, are you *unctii* *° take unon yourselves nt ibis tofvn»■'**' 110 euphonious name of con- l T nin, lVn "th 0 party that sustains tho '’“jointany «nd nlMinzsards. ; 10 h lag is entirely mistaken if ho sup- -li P* ,V0 lll l 0 for>tlio.Union “ftt 'any and wT 1 ’” ni ' d - °I'P '‘. few ex- ia « ° m ,)nst ni,, nbbrs of 1 dyr paper 0 p^ovu it. • m 1 ’ 1 * 08 favor immodiato, efficient ofik A {“d. preparation for a .dissolution tl 1 e^,V ni 2 n - Our own dosiro is to sob <-f eni,.i 0 .^ ou tl> united in such a course /e,;J?. u fu°t as shall secure to hcra/ull re- bis party conservative, lio. committed tbuiu to uiiooiiditioiialsttlnnission.’' Now say, frlutid Ifood, a I'd you not u Httlb too fast. Do you not know that wo aro not Ctn/towmd to “commit” any party “to unconditional submission,” ovoii if we desired to do so? and uro you npt saiisfinl tlial wo do not detb'e und hnv^ iirvcr. yd-wated. “unconditional submis sion?" Ome, now, don’t try to make too tuuoU of a iiamr r ptrJuip* itisn »^snC m met, and, you know, “u rose by any oili er nnmo wb'uld smell us sweet.” Mr. l^litor,—pleaso unnunco tho fol lowing ticket Us candidates for justice of the Tn fori ov Court of the County: U. J>. Hnrvcy, Wm. McJ.kiUougli Terrenro, McGuire, John, Fveoman, TfiOH, .1, Davis. Wo arc Informed that the old UqurJ !'1»'cUij9 serving again) with tlmexception of. Judge MeCul- lougli. wiio mnsoiits to servo with n vlpiV of rendering tho county some ; s«r r vice in giving them n newly estublism'd poor houeq, in his neighborliood, his spocisi] uttontion. . All of tho tibqvp named genllemon •Uppspntjfo htwvo.if eiooted, but will not oftbr tlioinselvbs as' oandidates,* if any oppnsng ticket is run.’ U taAinili hoped und lielievod that the nl»Ovo named gentlbmcll will give universal satisfac tion- CITOKN. The strife between Ciov. IJrown mid ttie House of Uupresuntulives* * The loll wing iselipt from the Mil- lodgevlllo llccordcr's account of tho pro ngs iu the 'Jlouso of ‘ Rojacsetita- oii the dlh-hist. 'Tho charges df the House iiro vyr)' sovoru and tbqy arc tartly responded ‘Jo bytlie Ubvcrnor.—*'nil tlmt-ever'V-• triifn*itiftv W|iiiblisiv read and judge for himself. * The order W'»s suspended,,. wbri^Mr. Dixon of Miiscogeo 'iiitrodubed t(io.lblr- lowineredolutions: Whqreas, on Friday lost, njoii.t lies- ohitinn ofciujuiry origiimting- in this lU.inch of the Hoiiferul Assombly, and which subso(|uontly passed the .Sonnto, his Excellency, Unv.’ wn: and whereas that resolution couched ln : rcspectlljl terms uujl this House, ns Indicated in iis adoption, being dodrou» of requiring tlio iiiforma- tion culled for, the langungo used I v bis Excellency, in the Vo to oftliebiiiik bill, conveyed to'tlio emintn* nn impu tation ofunditehnd crirfhpt iufiticncediV the'jinvt of tlio Ranks'oyer tlm General Assembly; n|jd wlnnoasbis Excellency liiis tlioiiglit pi-opor, not to communi- cate with this House/ but in nnswering wU(fioint resolution, to tho .Senate lias uvorred tho-following hin'gnage': EXECUTIVE DEPAiU’MENT, Miu.KiDF.vfi.ii, Ga„ Doe. X lMiU.- 7b the Itonqtc i- • • • A resolution this day laid before hDeloses the fuet.thnt a riilkconstruc tion may have been put upon a sentence used in* my mossaue addressed to the Senate', nebonipaiiyiug tho return of the Hank bill. As tlio conduct of tlio Sen- passion, but has been chnrnclprlzyil by dignity and self .respect, as wclljis n proper respoot for a co-«rdiimio branch of tlie Goverimieiit, it nlFords..uio much pleusmti to say to tho Senate, that no chnigo of * bribery was intended; thnt the languago used was general, and tvrts* Intended to be divboted against yduvl js “ifti“ idering the resolution ; hut concurred in it Its tlio demand had been jiiade by tlie’llousb. - . ' {TliW resolution whs oommtinleatcd tft me ; and, on tlio 3d in.U., iu rtiaponsi* to it, I addlesseel to the Senate, to wTifeli body tho message containing the buy gimgwboi^plii}nid pV hod liben'iuUlreful- ed, i/respCctlul, and, f tripsV. satisfacto ry ccmiminicatiom discluimir.g any in tention to makb ( uny Oblige of hribo^y/- and stating that riiy -liihgungo, which was general, directed against lobby inlliieiicc, which I consider tho. unM growing and dangerous Cvinifbur 1* islatiou. . . . . < ' The irousoof IloprosPiilativcH tfioughl proper to construe this last mentioned message, ns oifcndvc ;t fo< tlm tyaioli, ns I am leff to firrauiiR*, ilmrit was not addryssyd to them ; and, VII MlV;ip“>'tli day oi this month, passed und ordered spread upon its journal, , a preamble and resolution, dliilirAifig.thiU I, in ? mi said lust message ’t»r tEc Jlbnuto, had been guilty of an eva#i*n of a charge which I coolfl not sustain, and of nn at- temut to deceive t ; «nd tT*olviiig-thnt I have violated tho privileges of the House !am) I'qilvd to inaintain, in iny inter-: eotlrtc witiVdm't body, that dignitv <>t The charges contained in snivl nvcair -.o and resolution, are unjust anil who; , »liit. My ffiesSftge’fo tfie Scnrife,' iu Vc- sponso to said rosolutjoji, contains, no. atf^mpt’tA ticWti'r: and nn 'barge; as it frankly disavows 'the onsiruction put uuqjutlrq Inpguugtf of my veto message, by the resolu nlL I ll^vc violated, no privilege; of the ilouii*(»f( Hypfesehtallvcr,:. As thy II‘ott*e,hn the debate3Ui»Vifi .-aid resplin lions, coinpromitted itsoignlty by ’per* mitiing 8ne'‘Ji* more of' its irnimbers to make a personal attack upon tlie Exec- Mtivo o^^Jli^atcvfqutU tP dweml.MO. raw p&rsoimr abuse, unbecoming tlie lug-actor of a legislalor.'.no ruleot priv- ilvgo known to parlinmenUiry iimige, on- Tied the House to a reply. ‘ 3d 1 . TAHlTe IToiise'/by its own unjmr- utury course, ns specified above. B^rcsWC^igress, but •Jill, unless extraordinary ontlnys occur mere will bo nn nmplo supply, in tho rrennury to ndminiitor the Government lo (he Cttdqf, tin, prewnt fmt4 .. - rapamtAustinon tlio A>ot a single slaVe has boon imported 1 ' ' ' to the Union (tmaAt? ' unim|»ortapt. . . f . . B*ir\Seimtor Hunter liaMTwfltien a .long letter to tlie editor of' the'HIcb- mond hu/iiircr, in wlileli bo dopreentes imnied iii, -<eeessi(Mi. blip that imanyt, S.’kjtbeilift nuce musict'ollow. He ''wi Apifnftlftn among the States, all of which are equally interesi- od. Ho tll'nks the border States must necessarily jolli t lie seceding Sintes fuf. tlier. Soutlp m that they may not bo under abolition dominion, aini may se cure an outlet for their slaves. Hut what. If the morn Southern Suites, as doubtless they Will, legislate to prevent the inn-((dilution or slaves tVom the border States, in order to keep them as a breakwater between us und tho N n th ? _ Will . not their, self-respect drive tlib border States iuto becomiugn fcep.uato nation ?—CA»cm. d- A- a. , I'KNNBi.sKE^-^-Goy. llnrris has issued proMaiontinn ealling nn extra session of the I.egislatiy-e of Tennessee,. to , inoet on tli^Tth op Hnn'ii^ry,» thfe i«molday upon which the Virginia Legislature without a formal call bf-* „ It is undotatrtqd-thnt tlio l.egisfaturn will oalla State Convention on tho. Hth of Saniiary. . , . ^Vasiiixotox; Deo. ( ill.—>Sk.vatb.—A reaoliition of-enquiry was introduced whether tho. army qculd not ho rdduo- w ^oticq was given . ot'fihill In admit Kansas. ,TJm hill was inado tlio apoolul order for -Tues,lav. . the secession portion of tho l’rasidcut’s mes-ag(( was deo.itwl until tllu^Soimh? adjourned. , „ , Degisl called togothciv The jDegbdnture Kentucky will also p^olijibly nsseiii ivt the saiuq tirn -.^ J- 1’KJIHY 1).\VIS* VE»JRT.Mll,E i’.\IN KlI.I.KR, as nil illteiiluil remedy has no equal. In case of cholic, summer complaint, dys pepsia, dysentery find asthma, it will cure in one night by taking it internal- Lv urtd OAtliinghvith it li/ely } Jt is tlio beltTJnnnent -in Abib.iica, Sold by drugist ovrywliero, WASHINGTON NLtys. Cotiffrcatlonnb .. Wasiiisotdv, llec. 10;-—St.v.tTR.7-Tlio Suuuling UommitteOB of tliq last session wfit# conlihddd. •"'*■=« - 'Tnoiiofi. I/. W. Powell’s resolution to yppoiut a eppimitteo of thirteen, and amend tlie Constitution, was up. Messrs. iQnOnd. tlio States and King and Up^meiT^norol' to ti e vi'soliltlon vt As to.nfbtwfe L ell ns ’pTofTeftyTii tTio Sto — itori^s. # The resolution was amend- •fd by Mrjuing out tlie i^rtiouTimuirinl mio tlio necessity of grinning mblition- al FcUbrnl power to execute tboConsti- litlion. r Mr. Green ndvoenlcs the amendment to.tho,^pu*titutioii, and said* that ill if wasjiplpdd by tlio publics»‘i)tiiinjnt, tub. GoVeriunent should intervoiio. to ..clog- the wheels of dissolution. Mr. Douglas said that ho -would-jmn! any body that was a party ,to pr*wu*rve the UoiHtitution, nniTUO‘urgtil nllqiar- tle# to drop old issues nud look in' the country and not io party. He was eii- tluutiistienily applauded during hi? re mark*. ’ ' .i J: Mr. Davis took the ground that Fed al coercion was ruinous und uucofisti i Ti/iii'c Wtisai length debate upon tl: amendment but no question -was take upon tho reaolutiolL !C>< - liursf:.—-The IlutpG.S. llawWii^ilill nc^clmed to Servo on -tlie conun||teo hf tliirty-ilire^ lyfijhlfti^ijllceil thebompo- itlrin of mo cmiimittco. ns not repro- lenting the constituents of the Southern protest, ngaiiiat the said-.proumblq aud Stai«*. M(‘«frif. Wnllaiidingliaiii and 'estilutiou, paved by tlit ilPiUHrot'lf*-p- MH'lorFmd. (‘fimplitlTu’d that the North- AVestqmj Depipqraey^wercpiifirepresen- liameutury course, as speeined above, pi eeluded a reply frfltq th,f Ejc5ehti\'t', I ioiio was given ; uiuj I lyivh bml no .’of- icial intercourse with tlio House, upon * he subject 111att('r-X)f’111a(b e.-.fllntjo11 'licreforo, the Charge that I nave not lain lamed proper dignity, in on ifitor-' I therefore, o l , (*M , ntatives, on tho.JUj uud.; b‘‘ou> s e tliey were eojcfiveftlg pa^n, promp ted by a sjrtr.vdf pmdonal revenge and Hot of public duty—undignified in tlieir hearing, untrue in theirstutemenU, ana unjust iu the nssuultwhiqli tlicy^mukg. upon n coHmlinnte branch of the gov ernment. Anil 1 order tins protest to . . ,. _.est tl^ I upon tlio pt^ntVhhnt irelmls 1 of the Executive DenaiUOTnU nud pul»- lislied m such newspapers in this Sirle, ns may publish suid preamble aud r*so- lution id’ the House,. .* ‘ / After tlm disclaimer -mhde in iny message,to the Senato, in response 1 to t>aitl msojutiguy vhould lUty uii mlmr of tfio Hoiise feel conscious of guilt, and applying to himself a charge of bribery or dishonesty, I have no whli to bccoiuo-Uis public prosecutor; but deem his punishment Indeed Hevof© when left to himself, to bo lushed and tormented by the goadings of a guilty coiiscienco, ' . f ", t f i f.Toskifir E. Hnow.v. Abstract of ( the.Message so far ns it Pcrtuilhi 4A'<lnV Foridgn ltelatious. In speaking of our foreign n(fairs, the JWJl IIH IUUIM IIIIUU.THI', O llUli I -•-.-I’- ---O "C--.". * V , gcidlcmen leave tlieir liomew ami spend 1 * resident remarks that bur tueudiy { q- monoy for traveling ox ponses,; tavern bdionswltlr Great Britain have boon m- bills,Ac,. &e., for tho purjjosc of iinnging around tho General Assembly to' try to influence tho mhfds of‘m embers ro as to procure tbo passage of a iMrtjoular hill. - - ; I sfte nothing in tbo Message which I ilesiie to retract or modify. As no inombor of thei.Sennto to iVlibin it was addressed, .seeing, to liitt'A.^ sOd?* 1 ’ 1011 that any Vmehro' rohtaincdTir It, was intended ns n refiectlon upon bimsblf, till the dircovery was supposed to have been mado clsoivhcro, luoubf not, upon a calm review of the liiii;:uage used, that each Senator , will now Any that ho bccb in it-no imputation upon himseir { as conscious-innocence will’ Hover ajP proprinto to itsOlf language in which others *" 9 ’ 3 ■— ~ L ~ jL ' ! ous "'luitbor tl.i, ran bo ,lm° in Kxmutitb D E r.uiTi,KXT. Inn , 1011 j poltmpa It onn, and wo Wovided |"'• ,00t , ion8 to it® boing tried, crea^ ,v yan oe so dono as hot to in- f <ct nf ? ur . i ( J an S or “r4 niay liavo tlieuf- ‘iUcsdni? °r U ^ cant ^*d opinion that (h6 1 of tho permanency of the institution ers cati soo no charge, oi* eyfch dubl- iangiiago'as ini imputation of.crim'’ inality.' , .‘JOSEimE.HUOWN. And wlierons said no nniunieatidn is an artful evasion of a charge which Ins Exeelloncy cannot maintain, and which must fail *to deceive that people who have so generously reposed in him their confidence; and whorona tho lan guage of said communication is disre spectful to this House ; Therefore. lie it Jlesolced,JH\\nt Ills,, Exeelloncy, Gov. Hrbwn, has not only abusod tlio privileges of this Tlduue, hut has failed to maintuiii, in hD official intercourse- with this hod ( meurwUfdh-1. trato of Georgia. Jlcwvedfurther, That this'; Hcsolution bo - spread upon. tho Journals oT this House,; - ' , ire spoke' nt somo lchgtli ju ia\’0V °V his^eshhition. , Mr. McDonald of Murry mado a mo tion fo Inv on tho tahlo till morning, .Mr. Uartrlflgo sppko iq opposition dp; tho''pAstjiOheiTiefit.' Motion to lny on the tahlo ^ost.. Upon tho adoption' of tho resolution, there wove ayes 113, nuysO-Tfio tlie resolution, was adapted unanimously. Jn response to the nhovo Gov. Brown on tlio 5th Inst sont .in. tho following message, whioh ho orders to ho spread upon tliRpormanpnt records of tho Ex- New Uhi.kaxs, Doc. 8.—Th Mexican Mustang Iinimant. IU wuudcrtbl ttrccUnml c.»U««(numtpop- J ,uinrit)r~imriiapi nn artlo’a ui ih» Iiistory of tlto Materia 3Mice, evsr ucqitirbil'th« ssmf 1'MtruiiRgc, Wu.i sul»|netwl to.tbo soniB nuin lair of jeraro nml diUowt.f i®Bts,.mi«l met wBhi»9*ArSf(.Jiiilutes ns the Mustnui: Iitai- in tl’t.: IU Ium Ju»Uy been ai yibd » m Pn tmaeu f,»r all cxt«vn»l NVmnd*. 6nM, tttw 4 >»Unis, 8praiov, Krupiioni on Mah c? tt ia aofar a mcdicinS of surprising virtilJ,(*Ha»t/Pli3’*i(Slans- an •6mpvll9d -tu prcfcribu it, and from Join., rnmsrknhlo cures of Olitouio anil .Distorted Hhaumatie eases it has nftturnlly nltraotod otUch 1 nttchlion frdhi ll» fits! />cTmtMle minds nf tho ftRe. No family roil jiirtd to bj wUlmiitn. lu.u!o of tii • NtallUtetf aaliMitfillUiWkiiebbAlio wnro of imilntitm^MU^V ItOMK MAUICKT. fbrnrrA'f Tri-Wcl/dy by Perry if* Lam kill, Grocery Merchants* < Hour., Oa. ; Wednesday, Deo. 12, 1800,. (’dlTox,—Owing to the uiialsited •eVsiiro lit money mutters ihero is but ittle dqing. Witli regard ito*/prices tliqy are still too uuseUled and irregu lar to admit of general .quotations whiedi we omit with tho n*tnark thnt tho rilling rates- paid to-day for gisnl \) ots HtCiTV, orate demand -Verv sraree and ivitli •» mod Supply equal, to. tlio dbhiaiid. *M 6 -quutu ribbed sides 13j, clear. 11, Imms 14, shoulders 124* ; t.tUD*8iipply light New lard will ^oni- mnthlHcts. The supply D hot equal, to tho denimuE Uoax.-r-T^iiO' supply is not sufficient for tlie demand. 'Prices remain at,. 85 to OU cts out of wagons. Miui. is in demand utfl perbu., $1,10 retail. ' WiiEat.—Gcod B^l $1,501. White $1.00. There is vory little ofibring. not eimugli to supply the market whhfioor. Fi.orn.—Goml Country Family Flopr la ill/demur rt at $1 in*r htihdred; «u- |»Arthie $3.50 per 1.00. I?h. ", - PorxVoLs— i'lie luuiket has lieon over stoked aul pricey uouiiiiiil. Weqqote 50 to nOet<i per bushel. Irish $1,00 pgr bushel. , Dnir.u Fltt j r<—II.ivo declined. nd pencile.i $l,.iO, Unpoalnl $1.01) to 5H.W.* Uroen Apples 50 to Touts per bushel. Oa*s—-There is a good demand, aiid Imt fe\v oil’ering. Prices remain at C5 to 75«*ts. . i I’g \s--Is ill Ijoinaud, quote ,75 HOets piVbWieV \ • Poi , T.Tnv—Turk‘\YSvlO*to VScls. Full grown Chickeps 12i to locls, I/ios—Demaud proi'uils . at 12| to in per doz. ;( ,. ^ JIides—8to<'k aniplt. Priors • with dowii.ward tendency, lOcto for-dry, 4ets for greon. T,\i.i.ow—Tho 'dPmrtrt'l'js ngt'ennul to th* supply. We ouoto it nl 8 to lOcU, 11 av—Is in to&JWiMdg PoRK—Issc.irco witli a gopd. dupiau' at 7 to'fi rts. , • T ». Here—On foot 1 ets., ret.iii 0 to a cts. Owing to th* extreme pressure III money muttei*, together with/ tho un settled conditions of our nniionnl nffiiirs oiti\Fall Trade is unusunllr light, ndl-^ .vithstauding tlieio U good stocks of oil kinds on hand and prices bhv. • 'I'lie River is in good boMlrt£ order and tho Udnts nro'niakiiigjkeir ycgular. pip*. ’ . . Second Door above Norton’s. aodUli *tM * win#! * ... I Herb l’lPs. TlRy iinliietllntcdy purify Inb LI • ml hi d act men iIn* nmin-pri’g ol. Ctu clyln^ >*r n ;ta mi I vigor m flu, gjtfJ'nyS Y ll'igp rshis cl.terirfg l|ibi“ w ffiii’ibcd'i with, n »t ranViuiriitoi* ih>7 finali i« s - biotfiWFs id tbe turn .f Iffis Oil-oC Pills will Inlnoit cfUotciim- In corrcihig ilicTiilo cr life tUnj itiav W mi rh» tutu. Young un l Morly inen MiTvr iu n -imllur umnner at the mu ncrlo’s. wlirn tfv m D idiv-j^ltnugrri afit the " icy clioaltl tliD purlTyIn init tic *“ ’ nnloug . ^ ^. is writ known, to (hu world ihnt. it ■■ compbibii.s Mpr r.inal)us pntiiwl .muni.;, this fn -t is ii^wdl vHtiiblialud an tlmt tlio Aim limits th** WorM.. . . ► -i , - JudsOnV M iti .tain KerbP|1D nre sohl ,by u1t Mi'iltoino J), nlors. ' icvilO—wliu.,/ CoetpH —Tli * ni’Ob nf - ttrtutfiv oiid A liriiatic All’* i imt provprt that Dim lily and ■•-min „|. -.'..v .,u*..:^vj»uly.wbcrt taUou iu lie «Ui*IV «ng JOif th j tUieo,'*. roonUrao tlmuld •>Junt l»> TlVrtiWn' i Urofeth&dt •tr. Ivt. it u iiopl. CouglL- ’ rk --« » SU^liJlbl Tr •clio-/' or b . let 11« Ou|<l or irritation jq ifit.T^rpjif bo ever a ns by Hit* pr n- :utiiiu a ,unur ,sjriouspUrck iu »y 1*0. dr lly warded, "If. i’aliitt Hp ’ hd tTi Gu l,tl«*m rjl.c | for c'car'iig «nd rlVen:; lulling A “ “ 8bj adVcrtilun nt. - A Desirable Homo for Sale. - I wiah tn salt in v tniiil lj'tng nn tbo Jscks nvHI^ roml ’lV litilen from (N*tli»* T*wn', onn3 talnlng 2«i u«-»os, k« vlosVtsl, tho bnUno* iu tiriihnr. lV»m- nwiit -uirlht* plaefe Is Unneenr nrv. irk' It fs know ii by dm cmninunity to h; No, 1 JL’eds Valley lnii.|.iWdVmi6»rffiVb.vt IftfrftJfri. place* in thi V»ll*n> llnving un4f , n i IlmSr r.'tunq (hrelliiif-with fivo rooms, and'front: nwd bunk i* *r»Tms. frnmo nvjrrr' cabins, t*> ok ro un. slunk ••iunMP.'BiahU's i*ud* crihH> also; lilt* ly wUerod bV u (luo well tan Slops from' tho bouse. I,ud Hi* (,’odar Greek running on : III* North ami W<Hiltnun<lni io<®. No ithproT^- ment Unumb'd a* tlioploin* t* w»*l| foncod, mostly with m*w ralW. ilulsldc, and er*»s fim* cos.- Tb; n'hhborho'wl ilVxoolUnt. nuHoan- Teui*-nt to «*lnir.-h«*s, 8, h ots-q' d This pi a: • wtn'lfl S..r.l , M’6^(M'.frt!l fl tpl roe. For furthm p.irtlni l j i s iimjlv T. No wain n Rome, Gd., v nr> m * nil (fi Specij)! dfqiiecs. Nunvote w.iT takcii on Mr. Iluwkin’s Tlio Committee on Ways und Mean-* ake -rcpurTMidlm tvii million TrtHittry.firtlo hill.' to supply lira Federal necessities,' wjijcJi ( Avas iwi^ed \vif|iotit any restric tions' htc^to r'eVidvifig' pur amount in gold.- Wusrtik air. Cobb Resigned. iiiVdv;' Dec. Id;—=-Thc uftbrnboh terrupted by two.,quo^lions.tuTHing IV tbe Cluytnn-Uulwtrlrcaty, and tbu right ot' seavch cluimod by the British. These questions liftve boon amicably und/hon- omblv' ndjuf«t(*d. T’fio claim or Great jiritain to visit and search American mcrcliantthon on the high seas in time of pence, has been nlnuuioned. ’ A*!ill France, our relations aro of tho moat friendly ohanioter. Tlmt potyer lias lately ilecid.eit that naturalized citi zens Of the United, States are not com- polled, to servo/ui tho French urmy. Uur Government having hoiuid itsslt to pro tect tho lights of .imtnvwlized citizens everywhere, recognizes no distinction hotwcon tlio native and imturalizod citi- With RtiSsia'wo stand in tho attiludo catod, but assume a less dangerous np- pcnratico than forniorly. Our Cuban (Jlainw liavpheoi^ satiKfactorily sp|tlcd, 5Vlthi Andria-and'Turkey Wo aro up on a friendly footing. Our relation* with Cldim arc satisfac tory from tbo. r^ults of the labor* of of our present resident Minister and bis predoccssor, who have proved them selves fully equal to the delicate and try ing respo’iialpUty "qf theirpbsi t iotf. _ Tn donscquenccof our lute treaty with U S„t U, Z^Lvof';r,m,T- ,tl.Q newly oVonqUoniimoof Japan, it.» MillcdgeYjllo, Ga., Dec, 5,1800, j On tlio thirtieth uU., as the Execu tive of Georgia, I returned to tho Sen? ate, in whioh It originated, a bill known as tho Bank bill, accompanied by a message containing tho reason why J withheld front it. my sanction,' On read ing tlio message, l«am not informed or of tlmt country will largely and rap idly increase/. Our relations.-witli Brazil nro amica ble. * . Tho controversy 'wills New Granada has terminated amicably. . Tim govern ment pf Nmk tltaliiuia jiaving- spoaially acknowledged Itself responsible to our citizens for damages caused by the. Pun 1 ■ahm rioU. ■ rn Costa Hioa and'Nicaragua tho ad justment of claims,brought by Amori- oau eitixons has praVitirad.- '' 1 With Mexico our iclatious. nro. nnsaV isfactory. Out.ragoa on .Americaus Jiavo Ijoen committed witli iini»unily. jf-tho Constitutional Government had boon successful, wo would imvo had justice .'done us, and European' governments would lmvo been deprived of all protext to in ter loro with the territorial and do“ raestio concerns of Mexico... i 'I’lie troubles in Kansas aro net £o bp settled without an election by tho peo^ plC, which tho President recommoiids. In sueaking of the financial condition of tho oountry, tho President says that tho labors of tho administration to im prove it have not Imen us satisfactorily recoivod us deserved, in uoiisoquonco of popeyf cityisnyinat Mr. Cohhliai rasi'giioT-yuf office a* Ncureuiry of tho Tifii-ui-v. ,... r . >' Califcruia Election. Wakiiixotox, Dlhj. 10.—The official id tin is from California show Llnooiii’s' umjoi ity‘ to bo D4‘i n^thd Stato; . AVA»niN(iTo.v, Nov. 0.—Gcii’Tfbnning- sen is out in a long letter urging the •South to stnnd up for her rights, pi *dg- iug that he nndhis’old.cej)q»»nions iu arms arc ready for hcrdelenpe.N Southorn Scimtorial Caucus. Wasuixotox, Deo. 8.—Tho Sonators from \ho Mlavo States met in caucus to day, Mr tho purpose of oonsultatloh aivl the intig ctiango.of their ro ipootivo views. I hero*-was a go<kl fooling manifest amount the members present, but no conclusion .was'arrived at* tending to the' belief that there would he any harinoni- ous action. Tiierowas no proposition put fortli tequiring a vo’to. v [ The caucus adjourned fully convinced thnt uf Fast seven States would 'with draw'* froiu the Confederacy.. ThereVns no hopo or prospect for a Union. Senators Powell and Crit tenden mado strang appeals. Washington, Doc. it.—-Tho Demo crats from tho Northwest have juuj^ev- oval confcvence.9 velntivo to tho present condition of political uftUira,. and they, tnko tho position set forth In Messrs. ami no ctroumstnneos consent to ho cut ofl’from the Gulf of Mexico, and tlio qtyy of.New York, and that the Government, what ever may Tie its faults, is of inestimable value. , Tim lead]iiu. idea is a C-m t rul .Govern-; jiieiu/'emlifoclng tlio Middle, Western ind border slhv© States, blit'depending for it$ eousummaUoiL'on future.circupi- stniicoVr 1 / i Lieut,‘.Gen, ScoH Will nrrlVo ncro' to day. " A - . , jrSli. ITowell (,'ohb leaVes this city to- oiorrow r for Geor*'io. He has prapared a letter to' tI)(i'llO{'MP'j»fGeorgD.caIling on them to arouse iq all,their luaii.liooti and bo pnqiared oq the “4th ’of Marcli hoxl to announce am| maimniji Jheir in dependence out of the Union,'and says’ tlmt they n.oydr acrm/MU have oquniity Or justice in it.* Ji<5 entertains no doubt of either their right or duty to secede. Hourk.—-Tb.v oxchsei 6f Mr. Daw kins, of Florida; Mr. Boyci, pr $outh Carolina and'Mr. Morrell, of Vermont, (Vam.serviug ou tlm special oommittoe on tlio Piysidont's me.ssag'*,werorefused by tho llottVo,; , Mr. Hawkins deOUrcd Emt* ho would not scry^- • ■ ■ •-» ■ * ■ •* Doston illuuiciiml Election. JbsToX, Doc. ID.’—Tfio Union party' lias carried the Mayorality .und both Councils by largo majoritinsi llostou Custom House. Boston, Deo. 8.—Tlio receipts at tho Custom Houso .during the pafy week -were thirty thousand dollurs. The ro ceipts! wuro insufficient to pay tho monthly wityrios of tho officers and om ployocs. Tho requisite nniount had to be forwarded from Washington. FronTthe Dress, Mr. Jolin .Tnclc-on. t>u!>li«!i< oT t!i<* G d tit* .Vlvertit'or.writo, Ikn.»w ii m l>e nil ir is mnn. inen-h'il: hnvhu u,>v,l jtjg ;n> family for Evurymiolhor nn«l Umi-okoop- cr iu*i»t ofuii a-t ns a family |»t»y.-Iclnn in tbu jiauiorous illiu*«« An t a:oi«l«nts that oc cur among children and servant*. For many olVtutw* oasos. DuvU’s Fain Killer, Is an in«ii.<pcns.ihk* artieK*. In dlarrluns ii ha** heoa. u«o-i «ml ntfeolcd- ear-**. For cuts and bruised it is invaluable.—N. V. Kxnmitier. P.:»uir DavtVs Paix modi-, cine ha* hocnm, »n artlide' of ••mnthereo—A thing no in^lrii e ev r bcennie Pain Killer i.«nt» mneli an Item hie very bale of go ids scut’ to- nou’iirry merchaii's, ni Ten. CoITo or rtnzur. This fact speak* volume* in its fnror.—(Ileii (FAHs Me^rcnger. Davis' Vnoi:T\id.r V\ix Ku.i.sii.—N..D n*itto>tanding the- ihtfiiy linilntioii* uf this artii-b*, uiid ma*iy o|l»cr. medicine* in tU« jh•M.vUim jj it.—B.un/yvi. Jt Tciagraph. •!!u»lm»y (.(If !»<n*** »n .."t .it, L-i'u t JX rdj e*** 'llaTtf jtiit fipOio* ftlPtiiA ■ • Stock of OtJbds in thoi^ .^e in.* ,li>r*trO»lul FALL & T7JNTER TBqnp. 8KCOXI1 'Aitlirv^T/if ,U, season at J iWSflKCLUNGT: -/I > - «re,J;SI., Borne, (In. >,0«| taiWWW/i Ole Togotfior with a largo variety of WOOLEN GOODS, P<» oiiit. Bo.v.' Woor. A-TMHOX SioCK- OV HOUSE-FUMISHING ,«U AKOK PLANNERS’ G0ODS I expoane. a* well m tlio lira* uf nnMy SlBlarea-^br 1 •igbt out wf s»*rx tonomUy) rcgolre II. snivel#® .TAtuorryg,omit**!*. 3,.lB«.nvn j’ • orfi trio ANODYNE C0D8H. DROPS. * A ■ certain enM for ■ (hids, ■ Ot*phs, BhmrkUtt,' • tnhs Ur iftMUht mrdlctno IitSW, phidnelSf lb- r medial* relief, »od In nine *nt of ten cum r promptll »•** ksowiv often i*b#P«srtkai ««aCvluUntiafaT* , r| _„, SsiS'Ss; expwSor..!, ,uk.M,ud.^u I i>^Knrrin«r-- • • 'I.tTTI/E’S FRENCH MlkTUR til* U vtitiTed front r FtrmW tUetps ( farnu tf Nr; l RRd’S; 4M flnt fbr th* Real No. 1 for the chronic alRge,) “ 1 "TA'm _ . 8. trar'e’ Bf6cIilV-TIc“Ciii'tai'ri ©ode .^AlN^E^/t.EERSEYS, ...I’w.Mlolow » -.-Vo'*. artCLtrSo. ■ J...I .ii-,. v»ynih -wdl* "il: ■■ w.'.'c^LDWteiL, fti.'it STff^ViiUXT li.vmt.Wt lAn#,*..? 1 n«yS(AmtiiV (.f osrlillciitdsl showlilg tlio idtNtv st rt advnnt- urMwlO; rDteovvr hiuihn^hut dt4<m Fresh Kentucky; . : GRAS 3 SEED3, dust rmeive.l direct f.qm Knotunl.v, > Blue GMs*. * Timothy, , •, .Orchard Gum, . . IW Toj). ri„v*»r m l.ueurne, FAItKEU. 1 ’! YEISEB.” STOCK OfEbW , EOR SAI.E, ; At a Desirable Country Stand A ' STOCK OF 000DS il pn(, U.t> tic.t nml5Mtal ISfJraslairWJUi *l*»<l* 'In UUej^ikoj nenrgin, .Iiiivlng a pivucnt bu^inea* of tniiii Eight to Tn-olvp^Tlminmiul. Dollurn —a IiealUiy,A.'HlX«riil« i»Qiglib'|rho(M|. a Pont Offlccftfid olhijr conven’icmca. Apply utthi# office. . ocl2HwSm - , Exeoutbr^'Sib.Qf, , , Xj fbn d ; TTNDEU unij .by, vir|uo a/ a 'djerao ui U riinriocrr, graiU'Ad at (fid Miiv i.irni, IHrtO, of the'Snperlo? Court ^‘of Uiirke my my, tho nnderidgncrl. ns Exoet-»ra of thy Igntwill and testament (if JImrjr r. Jones, duooRsod, IntJ afjgaiiL^ounty,olkc-.^tr role tho-fallow- g fi It* of IiAJ)D,,bi.joMRiug ui thot catatq of Ing off their own or * or aiintUr name* (fir no SR- _. .d amid the ahtard^psUnU of ^ 11M all L* cautioned I# look well for th* Bftja tbg.lYvyktoi^if.-rrii.-dj l bna .iirult I and aUo itik*m«blown Into thaglasaoTeiichbotUa. orJffi »n4 «Jdr»«ca lo~;;; LITTLE & BRO(,' : Wholesale Druggists, Macon, On ^ V "' c N>Y6rk^^aWiia£:Eoht0( aSSs : ! , > *L> MeisrSpn i mo t wiwiiifw-Wwmij «t> •< . New Armmtrrnrm fi.r Thronch • '■ ■i.. TIOKETH TO -SOW'TOIMCJ nnii-ir . .,m. MM* (Hiflpor itoditUE'a.Uiiuths.rf an Inrli nrdin-, or nn cqnivnluut i,uantiiy of unppur ifi wyiydtw Duu-HkhMirwittp t ( .i.d ( f... « v „ung clTo.'l. 91, .[HsettirMimciMPruJlWi Wi*i>unct tnfciy in bit ih^iM Cspi.oii! t!t»«l:,.if. ral^nt ,a»j with sthmgtli, nuc! .houiil be ^ei{ucl,g.,(4n- wmsam^ dnurtcin nf clsetHml dbelmrit# burnU of ooppor hove fceaui exit 'imvlli*’ .stj^illrt.t the" ! <ft|,t*ir 'T.iglr'hiiitg Jled. Amou -T,yl-ii, oeitetwIi'K'li b.''ittetiii.Uint end iner.v.- ' er»r<.1ivonru j»wKiU‘iJ.iui«hjju(;,UuH.l 1 1 ... .• 'llMirieiiyiivuttliillul S«-dfV 0 ^;:iio,v''in rSl-et'-HbfcHijtb Wn- oim *mpU»y*d— .. Froni (he. Tray Budget. The Scigo of Corinth. It is said that one nf the fISrmer poHUeft* divUinns of thi* Ht’ite took its name from two f.iimius linos in this poem— nnme’V— ‘•Tbo fora Hist hc«!tig!y kept lit haV, Outnumberad hi* thin hain of Silver Orcyf Wo mnnot vouch tor tlio lrtil)i of tips, but tve do know that urnbr tho effects pf ajjpliei $ I v _ S i fyp r OrovH' rniiidly, bi pearhn'co at ,lbitst ( ) uicip'bi'rs . of ,‘*Y Xmorieh." ‘4 f HomAitiW*f tllnt this roml^ ^a* pin bv Keiinsiroofi Inimitable, tlio originaLaud WemioT dollar abcttlo,— iriigglet*. *0.ri’ro|ifietnrii. Troy, XT’. Sold everywhere by all Drn w. k. kaoAn a cr dccllwl Tray, n, y. .. f &M la thi* napor wapraijeoLto llw; public un it,j;. -. i • • 11:»' ■ 11 • t'.*linony estubli* (ling the fact* time UadwnV’s Heady fielief. Hegnlatiiig Pills, and Kunovntlng 1 fiofxdvvut, are not only ivosltiro curative* of the rick, afflicted trim disease; bnt that ihey liaye in many ca*o* proved to'fia Infufitblo, and havp . re stored the dying patient to rql>u 4t Uealtli after all other inpnn* of luMicntion. fulled. . For sale by Turnkey A B iker, Ruuje. Ga. K. C„ trsUnts ‘•That a gontlomnn told inn that Rndw.ijr s Ready Hdiof and Regulating Pills cured him of a very serero rheumatic diseajr. I have mod yoi ” * ' ”* "-***-* fun isEUCOMMON’SB^SE'hitcif the rHas* of tlio poopls. whfttev-Ttho misniuiicd and mis- anthropa philoiophct** may *A$' to the rodn- trarv- „ffiuuy. tbqmju gomllhingf;', 1ftfita. ti»$?r- ils be clearly 'demonstrated, and they wifi not hwitnti to glva It their in **t cordial rut ronago. Tin magsea liavo already ra iScd tho judgm mt or n phyrlcinn, cone ruing (he virtue* of HO.iTBTTER’S BITTERS, ns may bo soon in thn immense quantities of tlua modirino -that aro annually sola In every 'imti ’kMktVWti othrV tliel , strictly conforms to tho inexorable' InuM which orofimnartoIgoVom tho Elec trio Fluid bv MiflhigJi <hs «|iin<>sphvr* and m»« thprqforp bo safely w«mmss- n'*BTn*9 i «i'»v* wi,w|.,f l nif. ou to refer Io Bov. .lohtf.rnrt*. of'lMliio. I,. ,.J ll*.(.W*thOJIWA(rit»ft .-AtUntn. Ga. IS® Mb Hcetioji of tho luud. It is now recognized greatly suporior to all other remedies yet do- vineil for • dineaacs of thp dlgestWe nr gun 3, such us diarrliam, dysentery, dyspopsju, and for tho varioaefovor| that ati«o fh>m do- rnngcmcnt of Uiobo portions of tho ^81010..^. ootes tho union Hostetter's namp is rapidly hocomliifc a .main ‘ household word; from Malno to Texas, from tho shores of tho Atlantic to tlio Pa*iific.— Try tlio nrttcle and he satisfied. .Sold by all druggists in the world. Soo ndvertieoment ix another column. uov30wlm •T.V/JO 1 J.B. JONES. !, "'• € ' ‘ H. W. JONEJS,/ J(?NEB, flerndon, Burlu* qo.,Da. . The Newapaperot the South The ’Chatj' feton Mercury I G IVES tin tuW*t«n t- m'vf*reffi»M^^b'$ ; i' lil. Coinul-'r.iul irnd' tichbrlil NetuJ from uUqmvt- of tho wot Id. -tin rpeflat cor- n>*iKindout* fiii-aiuli- Ly Afuil atid -TVlcgrtihli ' fall ttiul early aoedunt* of everything of ijj- tcrudt that trnnspiro* In thd groat oitRg of Eugope Aud America. _i»BiWWKi -Drugs, J. .Chemicals inimnwn- *b. -‘4 Jirifrareit to ruruioli ili,-'pbiit!lo(if'tl6fne*Aiw! with nil nml ffrifRllnj', os chcdp Anil on as VeiiStpiafilpdefnts. oS^nny otlior-Uudsij tKt»VidoMf-AitiusUu^ ° • «• ' Mr; JOSEPH m; Mfe' Who fs an expbrloncod,ThnriVaccuBBi auk flinnn (toairltif-- lliolr Freier 1 ntfg'us, : acruratch nml rnrefuJ/ji in-opnrfd, Wll ItWl'n fo' (KoR mleiv^t taaRtnkt iKum to Ms anS. .... Clicrokcc Georgia iiiitl. Aliiliiiiiiii. W!ZHM£: *ijlo sorvim). of Mr. J. B. BreAT; who is n p 'f“'>«'■ l>y trnilb,- unit win. wUIKu.vtHo liis.iiUroiiino Unwho laumfactur- ing<lo|inrtmout. Ills longoxporicnoo will iu- , liwHkVhcifit Mwtci’lAlW only, and l,v puttnigdhcin togothqr^Avith tho ad of tho most skillful vrorkmw). I am Confident that I VW*. 1 ' 11 all. a»d.specially, thoec ^" c t®.f4 co D :itt Mauttfactorica OopD^'-' ^mting been a rfiirdwai-o ni.ep-limit formnny yehrz, t ' riave prtndlldr 'hdvnntncc.i iir4»nying'mn'tmiii!s.‘' I shalFapnra hb phins in soeuriti'r thc .belt-! of 'Thriber, Cnrrloco IroovAmliTcliaining*. «. iV.-v*. ‘ In lire. ’■ Also An'.t;oxiimlno';mV Bl'lig MBS’! 1 of rhfitVtl 'stfntoil prlslBft.lhoreMrlotWtlVMis taowtn lire. Also aiiouiuifal'(MoPTop,»i*nlo«. Tho sonnin,- C'lntwnl BuerIo. on liiunU, CookV.Psloi,-: _ ^ Trimmlnff Top BncilM ' | W.,lMrHkS|hs ;- Ootalino.,. HnrtWofotl, FriuEf. Bre*d BonmlnE 'EniUffltllnjf Liiocs,: TheNewifrOm theSouth re ceives special attention, Politically, tlirt’ McvAlfry ‘ rJ-lffvgfiHu^tllf '•'ef«mcn^,khd ftdvd- Statcs Higlitt resistance ootes tho union o( (I'u Fouthorn. Stutos hi ilnosl nunitly'for Mcclioiiinl 7nirpostii.- T ’tholr’secUri^y 1 •-» f Sh *’ »"* .Ot^hlitlUlig , . AliBO^A V*» 1*1«e'Wmra'}TtU^b*; i BnilyMeMify, 1 yosrfn urfrmree,' flO.Ofl' sortrf-itt> Tn-Wocklj- •• u .i <■ 5, 00 .Vo Jiujicr .cnl ou/cis Mo ennh nrtvimpanica n. —9— It. B. BIIETT, jr., Charleston, s. C. 1 (tons «mi Turneif Soot Bptnillos, -• «M •Turnca: l Coil„r,; . of all Kinds, ort Notico. “»•! “ istomcvs. An* AL80U.A lot' of finoFrl iloii*) Sheer)’, Port nml other dcc8 ALSO—A fro3h iuvoicoof all th© ment pop- I PrunintPnyfntr ^JustonAtra^ ulor I'utont Mmlictnei. ‘ 1 HARNESS OK Hl rimsViru o., „ ^ L . S , C ^?„ 00 .??_ t ™ fl “ 0 „ Hl i. v "." a . 1 *»-8oo A.lyorlUsincnt 1 Ko I th?r column 0. D. KVF„ oclMwtwlm-to jnnl Z. B. HARGROVE. I Fob2.ISfln,wly,