The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, January 25, 1861, Image 1

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nn’i.uiiiti' «!(*>» |,|ll " ir BY M 1)Tv i n kl l.' Kililor nail Proprietor. Term' «<' Subscription. n p?r snnutn, : t m,I within M* : * „t tlm KnUof th* Year, i $2 00 ' jftwt/faaMK* Ailecrtinencnl. nl iro ,.f 10 H.ioo or low. for TmcmU forenoh Sllbwuont laser!on. i Stinare Three Moulin, i : : • $4 «0 , ‘ Six M iulha, : i t i 8 00 , .• T'reive Month*, : s 10 00 . lilrrai pisMUnt will ho mado to those ,,,lrfrti« larger amount*. <>f moro than flvo Hava charged. ' me a < aJvertiaemonta. of Marriages and Deaths, not BLANKETS, . Ayn - BROGANS, ' Of iU-i beat Hmthrm Mutes., r*.tir at low pjW’.v' I /* - r3 .1. F. McCLUXG. length, nro published j,lv in tlm Courier. TI»o friend* of , ft’re reqne.ilv’il t«* n-md in theao mpnni 'l with n rtapmuihlo !*th#v will ho pub’Uhod with pluoaurc. Thr Law of Newspaper. S ibiwibw* who do n»t tlvoexpr*** no t.i th>< contrary. nro ennaidored aa wiriiiog initial, limit «uh« -ifmtliscrili»M «rler th« diaronlinuoncp h-ir ncw*pap«r* th* piibiiahor may rant in til all nrreurajoa nro paid. —If »tii)*cribcra nnglent or rtfitao t« take inti'Wsnnp'Ta fr»m thw "flier to whichithor •lirecto'l* th«v* arc held rHtpon.lhla until v I, nvc let tied th* bill* and ordered them \*n>l ALL & WINTER TRADE KCOND ARRIVAL or TUt SEASON AT H. M’CLUNG’S Hrontl si., nomt>, On. IADIES’ )R.ESS GOODS, Cloaks and Shawls, T.»g tlicr with « I trga vurjily id WOOLEN GOODS, MiW, Cliil Ircn'a and lioy*’ Wear. A LARGE STOCK OF HOUSE-FURNISHING AVI) PLANTERS’ GOODS I Confuting of II MEDAMOX. 11UITSHKL8, INtillAI\ AND STAIR CARPETS. AND CANTON MATTING. mk liroealeile I'nitnin Goods Gilt Window Shados, rort'xrhs BANIM, ta. 3. JfcsJ"V''^2Li MANUFACTrnKtl OF ’ And Deader Ej^isi^ly in^. of all Styles. /, Quality and Prices . Challenged. THE FARMERS welting and Team Gear complete, nt the Lowest PoKMihle Cash Prices, irnex* and Gchnnodo to order, and repaired ‘Wt tjoti e. Mv utoek will (war jMajKv- ii. i-oine and weboforo purchasing.' Advertisement in another column >’•21**1.-,- y y .^O, ,KV4C,. T. M(JOIlK. 1 {OOMMUNICATED.] Improvement a la Rome. All will admit that thero la • no* ifo- provcnieptin n city w)ffch.tolls mqre ujton it behrity, • comfort nnci heuliii Ibim shade trees judiciously arranged. Considerable mono) and lubor haa ul- rcmly been expended towards rearing ftlihdo ticca on our streets; but the work is not yet complete. Many of the trees, which have been set out, havo died for. want of moisturo, and a much larger number have beon torn down and destroyed by the cattle which rove at large over tlio. city; ' • hie thing now much needed and in* dispensable to tlm comfort end bcuuly or the city is an ordinance faithfully ex ecuted which shall banish both oowa ami lings from the street* of our city.— Wo would most respectfully request our present Council to pass such an ordinance, imping that'our citizens will see the benefit of it inn very short time: 1st. In the improvement ( of our shade* tree*, Veiy rirnny of tlm title* tVhich have When plantnd in our 'streyW would now liuvo been largo and nourishing trees had they been permitted to stand. Many which trero aai out-hy^Imistreot Hands hist year have been stripped of their huik or denuded of tlmir limbs during the present winter. A consecu tive row of fourteen treos may now bo icon on the street back of tho Presby terian and baptist churches, every one of which lias been totally ruined. 2nd.' In our side walks. There are streets whore a largo amount of work Ii.w been dono by tho city authorities, which is rendered in a groat degree Use less by the rows mid hogs. We fiord raised side walks for wet weather; but when it tains so as to.soften the surface of the ground the feet of thoso animals churn up tho mud and in otherwnys they render those sido walks so lilthy that they havo to bo forsaken fur tho middle part of tho slrdtof. In the open ing spring our side walks are infested with swiiie rooting after tlm tender blades of grass jjnd young ^roots, which they find nojy apd under fences, aid it is often dUlioultHo keep the fence in an upright position, i th a v 1 n gl>o o nm i d e r minded by them. \J ■; ) ' i' ' It ntnvbo Unit soiiSe of our (dth.ens' Hon. Robert, Toombs* This eloquent and distinguished states man arrived in this, city, at eleven o*. clock, Inst night. A largo Concourse of citisens, Minute and Military men gree ted him on hi* arrival with loud and vociferous cheers, and friend Meredith's cannon opened its hraten mouth and spake in unmistakeablo tone the hearti ness with which the welcome was given Mr. Toomus being called for, res, onded In a briof, Imteloquunt ami soul-stirring manner, ilo said that within tlm past forty-two hours, he had lull tlm city of Washington, und in whuta condition? The Cubiuct torn with discordant opin ions, and tlm President proceeding still in his vacillating career-—each rising of the sun witnessing u change in his i»oli- cy. W' • ■* ho lelt tho President hud issued orders for coercive masures, ami before six liours Wo might proubnbly liear thunders of Federal despotism against Southern independence in our neighboring Republic. The news of the result in Georgia bad carried emotions of joy not only to Southetu men in other States, but to our friends in the North. Kverywhcro be lmd been he met'with demonstration of rejoicing—hi Virgin ia, North Carolina, and the Proud Pal metto Republie. lie brought all these and laid ut tho feet of Georgia, to which Im owed unfaltering fealty, lie coun selled unity of action, and tlm burial of |iust ditleivucua of opinion, und tlm is- auses of tlm lutu canvass, in the wuters of oblivion, lie urged Ids friends- to forget old parly linos and feuds, and to come up ns one man to the defence of tlm honcr ami independence of Gcor- pin. Ilo tlinnkod tlm assemblage for tlm >vann greeting which they had given him.—.1 uymta Dis{Hitch, lUf/i imt. eil to jfUejt up/ortlinat|CJ, Ik- lieving that tiierb Is' nh* aitvaulago in ping stock , in this way. Should re be such we Iio|m» their desire to Jpcc bur city what it should he, in tl pari id liars, would make them entirely willing to yield such fancied or real ad vantage for tlmgreater one of impoving the eoiqfqrf and beauty of pur town and tho vahibof real estate’ WoinritO..’attention^ to OiU subject nm) request that it may not pass notice. If there bo siitileient reasons why tlm present condition or tilings should coniine wo would like to know them ; but if such reasons do not exist lei us all agree to correct the evil. • CV1I. STtl.t.WKLt. PkEACIIINU AT THE liAl’TIST ClIt'RCH.— We are reqUj[tI^d tp aUlifrUlife that Rev. A. L>. .Scam, of llopkiiisville, Ky., will preach nt tho Baptist Church op .Sunday the 20th 411st. Suicide, Accident, Ac.—Dr. Win. II.- Murruy, iv highly rcspcctnblo citizen of Clarke county, committed suicide one day last week by shooting him self. ^ • «- Mr. Pickens Hariison, a higlily ro- peetubie, industrious and soltor citizen of Walton county., committed nuicide last week, by cutting Ids throat. Mr. Samuel Locklin Ison of James y,. liOeklin) nccidentnily shot him self while killing bogs lust week, and died in u few minutes.—Watdi- Dikei't Trade.—Wo are gratified to uotice that tho Direct Trade niovemcnfe inaugurated by our last legislature, in the ineorportion of the R*-lgiau' Amer ican Steamship Company, is resulting in opening now nvo mes of commercial intercourse to our enterprising tra- lesmeii, and we cannot doubt that tho residt trilp-be salntnry ta nifr lWT^ 1 pendence ami prosperity,. ^Vo ( ono of pleased to observe our loading mprieatUHo. fciyiula ,u»,.in correspoinlcuoe with ii Belgian house, and exjects in due time to otter gornU of direct iifipor/a.tion, ih .departmotibl of trade heretofore dono through the northern cities.—.•[’•guatu Dispatch, The hr.uisT.vrunK and Senator Joun- son.—A resolution was submitted in the House of ftopresciitntlvcs ye*ter : day. requcsling lion. Andrew Johusou to resign Ida seat in tlm C. S. Senate. Another was submitted in same body instructing our''Senators and requesting our Repre-entatives iti Congress to op pose every measiire' looking to the co ercion of* any State that may see pro per to accede. Both theao resolutions proceeded from Democratic Ropreaon- tativea,- nod may lie taken as an Indi cation of tho feeling, nt least, of u |>or- tinn of liis party, towards his iKisition, as defined Irt his late Senatorial apebch. It ia understood that Gov. Johnson will he in this city a day-or Iwo.—AWi- cliff Patriot, ‘.I th. Another Abolition Roiv A dbpntoh from Roehesler. N. Y., the-1 Ith Rnya: The Rev. Mr. May, Sdsitn 11. Atitlmny, find otlicra of that stripe, attempted to hrtld a mooting hero to night, ft was broken up' by citizens, and’ involutions in favor ofthe Dnion were passed and elieers given for Gen. Scott nntIMijor Anderson! A flag, hearing the inset iption “ No compromise with slavery,” war not nllowd to ho 'snspend- iml across Buffalo street. Tho authori ties prevented n general riot. .11 nr lit e Yard in lloinn* It affords us pleasure to ntiooutic 1 lint there is soon, to lie established in Rome a Marblft’fYiird, to . siipfily a de sideratum that has long been felt in: this section of country. M«**ts. Fagan ,Si Bros., formerly of Virginia, but who now have'works nt both Chattanooga ami knorvill, have rented tho lot next to A.O. Pilner's Store and will soon ship a lot-of marble and workmen to supply the yard. Many people are desirous of Seizure or St. loins Powder in New Gai.EANs.-9-Forty-Hvu hundred kegs or powder, worth about .S2J,000, ship|K>d from tho Hast via New Orleans, to laifttn, Smith, & Bois, of Saint Louis, m board ship Tornado, has licert unis- edTn New Orleans by fhe secessionists. Tlm correspondents of Messrs. L. S. B. havo telegraplmd the house, .desiring the priviledgo to sell it to tlm State for cash, otherwise fearing -they would not get anything for ni—S'aahrlUr liutWr' MOORE & DUNNAG00, ;c lolU ;>J »81 aap V GROCERS! soon have a cohVemeht .opportunity erf doing so. We hope this new enterprise will receive such encouragement from our citizens as they may be enabled to A full A<sortn>f$J5(rfy £ 3*1 i: FAMILY SUPPLIES. Sn.ttDlXC, Flour, 'Meal, Sni kin.U. Onlfoe. Huttur, Egg*, pfsk of dil- khula. Dried Fruit*, Mini Preacfrvca kc " i»h it Distinctly Understood that Wo will Sell on Credit' to U resnonsible men, who nre p tho habit of paying at the une agroed upon. Wc will duplicate upon tlino to Inromnl *fra" K ra ° n ' an ^ caS ’ 1 ffyr J '•ivs M * a call and satisfy yourrelvoss* Hml, JJunxaRQC - A. W. CALDWELL, ' ln . Sheet iron A Copper Wares, : AND DB.XIjEU IN Stoves, Tumps & House jMjj Furnishing Goods* HBft Y -jfe A lnrgo nml well ectod varjoty pf Cooking & Heating Stoves, ...S1KB10 Guttering and Roofing Done )n the Rests 8ty)< tuining mmli/.sitHms, atj^l they will «®v. II1011 Watkh.—' on iiigJmr for tlm past three days than nt any plevlptu tWo ihis&ensoit. '*’• cnmmcn|c , i|l hilling Tliursday noon. _ • - - _ lifter- Accident to Steamer. Cherokee S’o. Tllero was some slight breakage in tho machinery of this steamer on her trip last week., in conseqticfifio of which*ho has remained ut her wharf* lor repairs during this week, fkf will resume her regular trips on Monday the 21st Inst. Cuanoino Names.—The United States Hotel at Augusta lias changed its name to Southern States Hotel. Tito J^Wfr4{ L’jMpn’VphpciC l4dW«^fo change Us name to tiouthtrn Union. Wanted—A Great Man.—Tim Toron to Globe,dn tlle Oodrio of ati nrtlele-up on' seccssjd'n sajs: .“If America lias got any great iron now is the time for him to appear. The curtain is up, the 'orchestra is grinding through the last stave of the overture already thrice,played ; the '•house” is full from pit to topmost gallery; all is expectation—nothing is wanting save a- .1.1.1, Gin hero of torn up, the big drum will the gilded dlittn^elfofs and W’iow oupuls will bo snatched to atoms—tho Union will be dissolved. M The Great Eastern.—An agent of tW French t.ftvermnont is snht to ho now in England deputed to niake an offer for tho purchase of tho Great K.iaiorn. g£y*Tho ice cutters of LouhvUlo wore ... work on Monday, housing ioo three and.11 half and four inches thick. Gbnerai, Scott and SenaYorToosThs.— A well known gentleman of New York who was present nt tho dinner hi Wash ington, at which tho passage between General Orders Ho. *4, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ) ADJITANTGENKRAl/sOrmE. [ micttgevUU Jan. 10,1801. J 1.. .Tho following organization of tlio ten thousand volunteers provided for the publie defence, and for other pur poses, by the uet approved Dec. 18th 1800, I* published for the information of the Volunteers und Militia of this Suite. The forre will he divided into two Di visions of five thousand men; Pitch di vision to bo commanded by u Mqjoi Gen- end to bo api>oiiitoU by theConiumnder- in Chief, by and with the ndvico and consent of two-thitds of flic Heuufr.— Tim Mnior Generals appoint their oivu Stuff as follows. Une Division Inspec tor with the rank of Lieutenant Colo nel, who will 11L0 act as Division Adju tant General, one Division Quarter- master with the rank of.Mqjor, two AdIsmIo'-Camp with tlm rank of Major, nil to ho Coin missioned by the Cuui- tnutider-in Chief. . Tlio Divisions will be subdivided into Brigades, two to tnoh division, tuukiug four Brigades, in all of two tliousauu five hundred men; each Brigade to be commanded by u Brigadier General to be appointed bv tho Comriuitfderdn Chief, by and with the advice aiid cOn • sent of tivo-Difnls of tho Senate. Tho’ Brigadier Generals, toap{K)iut their own ’ Staff as follows ‘ Ono Brigade Inspector with tho rank of Major, who will also act as Brigade Aifyutnnt General, one Brigade Qum torifmster with tho rank of Captain, one Aid-de-Cump with the rank of Captain, all to ho commissioned by tlio Commander in Chief. Tlio Brigades will ho subdivided into Regiments, Battalions and companies as follows: to each Brlgadu 2 Regiments of Infantry, ton compa nies to tlm regiment, tbe companies to be ooiii|»osud or not less than Ji/ty or more than eighty men, rank ami file. 1 Battalion of Rillcincu, five compa nies to tlm battalion, tlm com 1 rallies to be couqiosed of uat less than J\fty nor more tbun eighty men rank and file. 1 Battalion of Cavalry, four companies to the battalion, tlm com panies to bo composed of not less than thirty-five or more than nirtg men, rank and file. 4 Companies of Artillery of airliptiee men to th*- Company/One or more companies to bo Field Artillnvy as may be required. Tlm other to lw aiiuchcU to sea coast- or seige butteries. 11.. .Tim ReaiuienU, Battalions and coui|ianies will be-otimered us lullown: To each Regiment of Infantry, ono Col on ul f ono Lieunmant Colonel, or.c Ma jor; to be elected by tho coinmipa onod otllcers ot tho companies of tho Regi ment; one Adjutant with tho rank: of Lieutenant, ouo Regimental I'ay muster with the rank of Liuutemuit, ono \Sev- goant Major, one Quarter master Ser geant, one Drum and tifo Major. To each Butalionof RittemPn, one Liuutemuit Colonel, to ha elected hy tlio Comm'iMioi ud otlioers of the Compauies of tlm Bittaljun, one Adjutant with tho rank of Lieutenant, ono Battalion Quarter uigstur wjth tlm rank oi'.J/mu- teiiupt, one Battalion ray-master with tho rauk of iJcufeiiaut, ono Sergeant Major, one Qiuirter-master Sergeant, e Chief Bugler. fo ouch Battalion of Cavalry, one Mu- >r , to be idected by the Commissioned Gtticers of tho. Companies of the Ihtlal- iou, one Adjutant, one Quarter-master, 01m Pay-muster, one Sergeant Major, one Quarter-muster Sergeant nml one Ciilol Bugler, ns fora Battalion bfRifle men. To each Company, one Captain, ono First Lieutenant, one second Lieuten ant, one Ensign ; to be elected hy tho enrolled men of the Company, -four Sergeants, four Corporals, mid two Mu sicians. Wlion four nr more Companies of Ar tillery, with batteries,‘shall be vailed in to service, “there sh til he appointed one Colonel of ArtUl^y, Who shall hi attAchiW to fhrfStldl of the-^nior Oeii •end Uttiecr eommnhding tlm trooj and who shall; under _ liis dirretion.e eraisn gonoml *upevvision over tlio Ar tillery in service; and who shalHio elootml liy the Commissioned Ottleer* of tho Artillery t " Colouols of Roghnonts, aud Lieuten ant Colonels ar.d Majors of Batiulionv, will ap]x>int their own Start’, Commis sioned and- non Commissioned; tho Commander-iii-Cliief, tlio non-Commis- ioned Staff to ho np|KMnt«*d by tho Col- The United States Sni-TRetsuav at Charleston—Wo have not cured, here tofore, to trouido ourselves about th frlso statements of tlio Tribune, and other Now York papers, concern ing tlm United Stales Sub Treasury at Charleston. Put ns tlm bo,nor of our State is concerned, and U is duo to her friends- everywhere that they should know the truth of the mutter, wo now state that neither the Governor of Mouth Carolina, nor any other power <W authority of law, hud ever seized or made use or any of the funds of the Sub-Treasury in this city. We 'iffther state that the amount in the Suli-Trea- surv, when Month Carolina seceded, was not the pitiful sum of JMMJOO. ns nt first reported, nor the sum of $21',pin) its the Tribune now reporti if, but ft was $150,000, which amount Iins beon iNMlticcd In the usyal manner, by pay ments, according to the law of the Uni ted Slates, fo nWuf $50,000. This sum is still ln the Sub-Treasury to tho credit or tlio 1/nlled State* Treasftrer and tho disbursing agents. .South Carolina lias not touched, a cent of this money, and her forbearance in that respect*Is the moro remarkable, bernuzu a large amount of it ia due to her Own citizen* of tlio outfit and provisions of Fort Sumter, for payment of which they vniulv besiege tlm office doors of tlm Sub-Treasurer—t|*at officer having no power to pay them without nn orde from fho ouihorities at Washington.- Charleston Mercury. Georoia JrntriAt. Elections.—Judgi D. A. Walker's majority for Judge o tho tho Cherokco Circuit, over James Milner is 8,4<14. Floyd's plurality 1 over Cahnniss and Smi'.h in the Flint Circuit 2114? ILirriss'nu\jority in thuOciimul- •e Circuit, 1.550. N. Kendrick is elected Solicitor Gen •id In tho fallapooDi Cireutt. N. J. Hnmmond Is cleotml Solicitor General In the Coweta Circuit. F. Tupper is elected Solicitor Ueno ; nd In the Kastem Circuit. •' e- : ' W.lfJ Dasher Is deeted Solicitor Gen eral in the Urtfnswlek Cirdiit. Late News. V.VilllNUtOK AKFAlllS: Wasiiinuton, Jan. lfi.-s-Tho ReptibR runs in the Senate to day relhsed to con sider the uomjtromise resolution* of Mr Crittenden, of Kentucky, by ft majority of seven. ,'J’hcrc i* great excitement among tlm Southern conservative* in consequence, Manv declare that thi* action of Die Republican* has banished now and ft raver all liopo of compro mise. Still, lio|>es arc entertained ot a reconsideration to-morrow* Tlmreisno blinking tlio Iket, however, that the vote to-day ofthe Republicnn* indicates a determination on tlu-ir part to raftm* ail pro|>OMitiniis looking to acorn prom iso that would 1*o satisfactory oven to tlie bonier slave States. Mr.*1 Iolt raumins af the bend of the War Department. There I* *rarc0l)»nny probability of liis removal. Mr.11 reot 1 wood, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, will bo appoinlcsDSocre* tary of‘tho Interior;* Gen. Seott continues his military pre parations. and Wa^liiiigton has more tlm appearance of a martial camp than • grout metropolis. - Mr* Sowaril's speoolr isstill the theme of conversation.' Even Mr. Crittenden ooliservativu as he is, doohm** that How ard offer* no pro|*o*ition that I* worthy of boing entertained, but doe* not wholly. <»Iomj tlio door against eoncili- at ion. WasiVimitov, Jan. 15—10 o'clock, 1*. M.—Tho President's ttrst love© was t4iinly attended to-night, lie received but-law congratulations. Ills visitor* principally were those who liavtt here* totoru liCK'n liis bitterest on«m\i*s. Mr. Bucliaiian will scarcely have need of th« expression, “sat o'mo from niy A. K. kmn, V,q„ of MlUcogcn, trirf elcotad S«rcUnr of U,o Convention, on tliq thirtl ballot. , . . A Conimlttoo won niq.niutoO to ivivlt uiKin ConmiiwIonoM from fjoDlh Cur. oiiim and AlabntAa—Mr. Orr ami Slmr- ter^-ntid request those gent lemon to comntunicftto with tho Convention, ami to accept *ouU on the floor. Tho Convention then flityourneU un* til 10 o’ friemls.” Cul. I. W. Ilayne, Commissioner from Smith Carolina, called upon tlm Presi dent precisely at 4 o’clock this after noon, and had a very pleasant ||K*rsonal interview with Mr. Bud in*, mu, which lasted about twenty minutes. Tho Pres ident declined to receive any official communication from him, or entertain any verbal ruguontinu or pn>i»osition. Tlm inference from this is, tliatthe Ad- mi authorities with raferonoo to the affairs ut Cliurlestnn. . Two or tlirio Cabinet sessions li'-vo already been hold but no positivo decis ion.has yet teen arrived ut. Outside of government ciicles it is considered uxod fact that Major Anderson will be reinforced, -and tlmt this has been agreed on* It is generally believed here:that tho demand of the South Car- plina authorities,could tho Commission er get an opportunity to make it known, |s that the fortifications of-tho -Charlos- jon harbor shall ho restored to • the originul stains -, when all hostilities shall mi.mi podMo, with tho understanding that A CiiaSce for a fiuiit.—The follow ing paragraphs arc having a general nowsfnner circulating A letter to tho Now York Sun state* Hint certain authorities of t lift 1 DrtitUni can Republic Imve sold that country to Spain for half a million dollar*, and the Spaniards arc - *- » ,A sio n. 4 An arrival nt BaltlmoVo reports tlmt the Dominican Govormimpt had taken fortfiMc jmssossirm ut the guano island ill Die Caribbean Sea, which is legally possession of A mor c pi citizens. Hero is a elinnce to fight’Ooriiebody besides ourselves. A brn^h with Spain, which would let-off*due superabundant valor, glvo ns Culm to phy the expense* of tho war. and make us agijln a united people, would he anything hut a calami ty.—Balt. Ameeican. tiie SuKo troop* shall ho promptly withdrawn fiom Castle Pinckney, Fort Moultrie : and Fort Johnson and Anderson would then go bunk to Moul trie. Neither Col. II ay no nor Lieutenant Hall hive thus fat* deemed th a-result of tiioir mission deiinilo enough to Word to thulr respective stipe- Judge Bcntiing, of Muacogc^, waa elected temporary Cliuirman. 'Hm Convention thon ferbceeded to tho election of permanent President, Goorgo W. Crawford, ol Richmond county, was elected ’by kceiamaHon. MAllKET HEPOIIT3. NW YVimc.'.W. 17.—Sales oi Colton Middling Uplands UaivsRinr or Oiosiiu.—Tho ox«- olsi-s of tho University of Georgia nroro rotumou on Monday last. Tho usual • jimuhor of students wore present. Tlio Atlisns. Bsnnsr states Uiat troublous tiuios1 hare atiholod this institution but Vary little. M1 i.i.rrxir.-Uf.r.s, 1 .(an. 171—TliA Old- rontion met at 10 o’clock thi* mornin ?. Tliero wo* no business Df any *i>ecial interest transacted. Able and intereating speeches were tnfdo by Cominiasioncra Orr laid Sliort* er, from H. C.and Ala. • The Convention-then ffVmimed un til Hi o’clock-to-tnomw/-morning* 5 It is re|K>rted that a teat vote on tiia Ordinance of Secession will b# taken to-morrow. WASHINGTON NEWS. WASfMNisTox, Jan. Iti.—TJcut. ILiU of tho United .States Army, left hero to-day with imdhu;tinns for MnJ. An* 'dersaH. - Tlio exact character nr tii'ese iiintruetlniis htiH not traiuoii ed: but it is ascertained from reiiuhle r'ouret's that the tiwips will not be withdrawn from* Fort Sunder, and tlmt that post Is to* 1(0 defwnded. u Tho I'riNddent haw refrisad 1o receive Volt irayitd;,of Mouth Carrtiiti/iYIn,ftny capacity oxcept that or a citizen of a sovereign State. DEATH OF A TF.I.EQl!ATinC OTE- EUATOil. Mm-on. .Tali. \iY.—Mr. Jofo|i1i SU nmc, ft telegraphic operator for tlio Ameri can Company at this plnco died tjiw mm ping. Mr. SU'ftj'ne** superior Attainments Us an operator and Ids gentlemanly hearing to ail Von for him hosts, of warm 1'rlehds Who lament Ms untimely death. CONGRESS ION A L Wasuinuton. Jau. SssuTjDr^la) the Sennto to-day Mr. Rice, of Miupo* ministration intends to transact no bus- «« «hh|o- ino. wbsrehw Kith nnv nno but tho Fod- SUpPM* looking tlio admkdon of Kiutsai nml New Mexico a* State*; extending the limits of California, , . 5Ir. -Crittenden’s resolution were ta- ken up, ai\(l amended by guaranteeing slavery in nil tlm present aud future Territory of tlio United States, South of 3(1 deg. 30 min; It was'tbcm nirliicg amended hy atriMug out tho preamble and Writ resolution, and inserting in lh*tt thereof ft section to the effect that thb present CotiRtltutio?i 1* zuffielont to ttisqt ‘ present nd -future emergencies. The lyhold subject was then tabled. A motion to rc-cttflsidBr Wits ponding, when the Senate adjourned, ' IIolse.—lu tho IIouso iho Army bill was debated.* -fro of ration to-dsy 2,000 bsles. • Middlings st llo. Chstle.tou Vessel, Arrived et Suvun- I ho following vessels arrived here yew. terduy (row .Cherlcston, having bwn prevontsd from going into Cuarlca- tonlwrbor, tiv the slnklng-of throo vos- •el* in tho ship channel, bv tho author!* ties: - ■ Whip CatUJin, Perkins from Deal. Ship Albert Gallatin, Storor — llnric 'Yankee Blade, Burke, Ireland. Sliip Aiij/utfa iP Ficfor, Olivier, Havre. Ship OnUy iSt. Pierre, Tessier Liver pool. Sav. Rep. Uth, Larcu or yu« Atlantic and PACtric Ocian.—Tho popular notion whloh hud so long prevailed that the AUantio Ocean was rontiy loot higher thdn tho Pnotfio at tlio isthmus or Psnama, huu been fonnelly .exploded, . Col. Totten has decided, altor.a sorio, of oaroful. U- ■lal observations, taken at Panama ami Axplnwall' Bay, and Connected by accu rate levels slong the line of railway, that the main height of tho two ocean is oxQoUy tho same i. although, owing to the difloronco in the rise of tide o! both place,, there are, of course, tlmea wlien oho of the oceans Is bighor than the oilier i hut their metfn level, tlmt is to say. their height at half tide, Is now proved to ho precisely the same.—Mer- A Psar or Moxrooxsav’s GaVo in th* Ps.vitsntusv.—John W. Burruis, alier- ftt' of Jookson oounty has brought to .lofliiraou City the following prhonersj convicted at a apodal term of Uio Cir cuit Court or that county t Thsma-.Me-' (100, Tor attempt to deray slaveit llon- 3 r Molavughlin ditto t Allen Pinoknoy itto; ThtM. Oarr, horsestealing; Ubas. ltloliurds, grand larceny; Edward Blah' burglary. It is supposed that McGoe is tho man who murdered Givathousa some tiuio sinco. All of those men be long to Montgomery’s gang or Black Uepublihan murderers and negro steul- ors.—Str ijauie But. 8tk. was debuted. ,, i ., Ml 1 .. Garnett, of Virgiuia, said titat Virginia would . become. tho louder of the dout^prh Con lei MesJrs. Gurley, of Ohio, ami Morris, ormiuols, made strung euereion .IMX-ch, send t Cion. .Scott ami .Senator -Toombs h re ported by tho oorrespondent of lire Times to have taken plnee, assures its Hint tliero is not,the least foundation for tlio report that Ihe 'lie' was given : tlmt there was any talk of personal re sponsibility, or that anything contem plating personal violence passed be tween them to justify Iho interpret*, tion put upon tlio sceno-by tho rejtor- tor. There wore hut eight persons present at tho table, and nothing eouhl have occurred of which ril were not cognizant- gCay-IIon. Wm. A. Graham, of North Carolina, llns' written yta Wasington that lie has neon' tende'red and lias declined a |M>sition Mil tho Oaliitiet of Lincoln. ■ neenunts considered due oa thetstflj , ll f sad 1st January, and .ottloniouta .must " m “do at those times. may 2 5—Arty B UhNElT’8- Flavoring Kxl act*! 36oo- aino, Kailczton and Tooth " Kt)x tapplj at FARELL A YEIRBR. Alahama Editors ooni to the wars.'— Shorter, of tho Mont/romory Advertiser,' Whitfiold of tho Mail, Sayre of thd Tus- kogee Republicnn, and ttoizor of tho Democrat, imve all gono to Pensacola, to help Florida. The Late Government Defalcation. —Tlio friends of W. II. Russell, resid ing in Lafayette county, Missouri. imv6 signed bonds amounting to a mil lion dollars, which will be tendered to tlio Fodornl authorities for his release from prison. Counting the Pkesidenti-u.. Vote.— The second Wednesday in February U the day fixeti by law f»»r counting tho electoral vote in Congress, and declar ing tho election of President und Vice President of the United‘Htatos. .It i» aaaertpd by some of tlm Black Republi can- Washington correspondents that a a plan is under consideration te defeat, if it may be, action of the law*hy tho refusal or tho .^ennte to meot tho;House of Renresentativtos, and participate In counting and declurihg tho vote. An other soneme/said to be meditated hy Southern men, ia to prevent the coup* ting.of votes Yon Prosldent by leftViftg the Senate without a quorum. Et.nqiT.NT.—Rev. Mr. PuliniT,’ fn New Orleans, the other du,V, deliviTetf a ho- ssi»n sermnn. from which this is an hiiioiii extract: Wo may; for a generation, enjoy, hill, oompnratlve Ouse, gather up our fret* in mtr - IkhIs, aittl die'in peace; biit our ohiidron trill go forth beggnrod from Clio home*of thoir fntliers. Fish ermen will cast their nuts where yeiul* proud commercial navy now rides nt anchor, and dry thorn upon tho shore now covered with your ’hales of mer chandise, Supped, circumvented, tin- derminded, tlm institution* of your soil will ho overthrown : ‘and Within livo And twenty yours tho history of,St. Domingo will ho the record of I/»uisi- ana. If dead men’s lionet* can trem ble, ouj-s will movo umlor tlio mutter ed Anracs of sons and daughters, He nouuciiig the blindness ifnd lovo .of «*use which have left them nn inheri liit.ev of wool Tho Cabinet is a unit against inter fering with Major Atiduraon in any tnun- Tho Comtrt^tlee^^fcon^mercc^of tho House. will not' present a report on.Mr. McKean's lull, ro|K»aling the Act making South Cniolina |Kirts |»ort« of.entry, as it throws ini(>e<lifiienta in the way to tho piuwuge of such ft i»n«l, Lieutenant Colonel, or Major, ns Ute ’ be. III. This’organization contemplate# eighty, rank and file to Companies of Infantry and Riflemen, sixty rank ami Hie to (Joinpanics of Cavalry, and sixty- tier rank mid file to Companies- of Ar tillery, and it- i* desirable that the aocn* al strength of Com panics shall approach’ the organization as ifrnrly ns possible. IV. This distribution of Regiments, Battalion* and-Couipanies to Brigades, will not be regarded- as absolute, but will be subject to such changes and moditi jntionn n$ tho noceasilies of ser* vice, or other circumstances, may quire. . V. The Brigade will lie recruited fiom the State as follows: B^rJoi|n Bull’s detructive 'oxplolts in Pekin are a very striking specimen of - the doings of “a bull in a obinii shop.” The 1st Brigade, from the Eastern, Southern, Brunswick and South-Wes tern Judicial circuits. The 2nd Brigade, from the Coweta, Chattahoochee, Patnuia, and Macon Judiciui circuit*. ’ Tlio 3d Brigade, from the Northern, Middle, Ocmulgce and Flint Judicial circuits. The 4th Brigade from the Cherokee; Blue Ridge, Western and Tulnpoosa Ju dicial circuits. .Should there be.a failnro in recruit ing any Brigade from the District above assigned to it the Cf»mmnndor-in-Obiof will supply tho deficiencies from such other District or Districts as in his d cretion, lie may determine. •Ifrgiments. and Battnlipnn will bo numbered succft?slvely, iu GonoralOr- dors us'oigantred. VT. IlEeArui.ATioN.—The forcothus organized tvHI eonsist of 2 D1 virions, of 4 Brigades, of 8* Regitncntsor Infantry 0,400 rank and file, <ff4 Battnlloit*. of Riflemen I;C00 rank and file, of 4 Bat talions of Cavalry 000‘rank and file, of 10 companies ol ArtRldrista 1040 rank , urid filo. .* I Bv order of the Commandor-ln-Chief, i'.mimrii lift VVU tilintnnl Mnn' Hard Tines in Nortiiesn TatsoNs.-j The crisis lias penetrated even bejroutj the bars rind bolts of Sing Sing Prison, N. Y. The ipspeolor says tb»t 1st of.Jan., liot less than ono-halfof too HENRY U. WAYNE, Adjutant Gen’l. Brigadier General Wo soo it announcadIn tho North Ga. Times, that Col. E. R. Harden Ih a eftn- oightoen hundred eonvicta at Slug Sing didato for Brigadier Gonoral of this will bo unemployed, . j Division. [8p-rial ptspstch to the MsrcUry.j Wajuiinoton, Jan. 15.—It ia current ly i nmored in. reliable circles. to that the Administration will wltln tlio troops fropi fort* Sumter juid Pick ens Iqrforo tho' closo pf tho pitseiit week. No action was tukou. , , washing tun affairs. . . Wasuinuton , Jan. lO.-nCoL ilayoo?. tho Uommissloner from South'Carolina,. has, it is understood, moderated hi* view* since his arrira)< here, and will rarauin for several days longer, . The opinion is almost unanimous in sccoasipn .circles tlmt ail collision be tween tho. Fodoral ami State govern* .incut* should be studiously avoided. . . Col. Haynqbag been daily, sinoo Ills, arrival hero consulting with tho leaders of tho locoesion movement here, who A* diVpfticli lias just Imen received from Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, saying that tho State IFoops have l^epr ordered to evacuate fort Oas swell, und tLdt it would he again placed in. the luir.ds of tho KlmI»‘i‘h! authorities. The’Cthinot Is cow in sg.s/ioii,’ dj-sous- slug the propostMl ri’tnrn .to tlio peace jMitiey. Senitor Bigler,' of Peqnsj’l- One was Smakt and thk.Otiieh “Smau-. :d.”—A gentleman or Montgomery die conclusion tho other day that a. little thrashing wouid-do one ol his negro pi on good, and so wrote a note to tlio police office requesting tlmt thirty-uino lashes ho administered to tho bearer, nml gave tho note to Hie victim fer delivery, saying nothing of its purport.. But somriiow or other the boy did not like tlio errand, and on hk way meeting n colored friend.ho re queued him to leave.tlio note at the gnurd-houso a» lie wn* in a hurq' to fio in another direotion, Tlio too aiinahlc unfortmmto duly., dedivurod tlio note, pregnant with painful fate, and wits duly triced up and treated to “whnt it cftllcal for,” mveh to his consternation nt. d,misery.^—Mobile Ado. J*5y- A graphic epitome of Mr. Bucli- nnnn's administration is -contained in the following brief extract from a Washington letter in the Philadelphia North American:'’ “Three hundred millions 6f dollars will havq' disappeared hy the 4th of Minch-next, for four years adiniiiiatra- tion of the goVenimont in time of nro- found poneo with nil tlio world. What is to show for Uiiserimiiial extrayagiinq' is tosiiowfor Uiiserimiiial extrayrtglinq« , and nml anpropriationj NoJIiing hut a distracted country, a lioggarcd tr*;iw- . ntry. a lieggared ury. aii enormous debt and a -deficient tcvctiue. Theso are dm .results of Mr. Buchanan’s single terth.” Lo?.a Moxtez.—A. Now York Corres- |>ondent- says: L«ila Montez, who last summer sufibr- ed very much from‘a 'paralytic stroke, caused hy smoking eigarotts day «tld, night, is now living in" SeventeenHi street, sponds her timo in mwllntlon and prayer, and goes by tlio name of Fanny aro opposed to pi ecipitatlng hostilities. It is lielieved that strong rspresatv, 11tion have been made, within tho. ptwt few, days, urging the autlinrUiea of. .South Caralipo to afford Mqjor. Aji<Jer- TERmm.E Destitution in tub City.— ?t will our police reports that 600 poor people sought lodgings in the fetation houses last night. .Thous ands are suffering for want of food and clothing, many are dying—actually dy ing pf. starvation. We report another case to day. Meantime preparations aro going on to make war u|>ori tho $outh because it cannot * leoognizo the blessings of negro equality.—iV. Y. Day Moot,,, . Patriotic Response.—Tbe cull for liana* ftrthb works hi ddfet ce or tho State, meets a prompt response from out -citizens. Mr. G. h D. McCall, of Dar- ,ling,jenfc.dpiin yesterday, 32 hand#, among whom are somo good carpenters, and has placed thorn at the disposal of tho Quartermaster General.—Mercury 15/A, . Moee LAdorkrs forSulli van’s Island. -Seventy-three fipo healthy negroes ar rived here yesterday, Well provided wit h provisions and blankots, They were senate Cant. Daley, by several patriotic planters of Williamsburg District, and .were immediately * taken to Sullivan’s Island whero they will bo employed about tlio forts.—Mertwry 15/A. Bigle •anV.L the I'ri'ritont'* confidential frii'nd. pmli ts flimncs's on 'lie part of tlm Adunnisthitibn.ln future. All iho Nprtlmrn Dyuu»emticSenators except Thompson and Douglas, justify the accession movement. ' •* Tlm Soutlioin Senators will all with-- draw, Imt will not resign, in quonco of iheoinhrrassiuelit-tliati would onsue in filling vawmeios upon (bo coiiur.ittcos. No such 'vacancies now «ixist, as rhoiSanate «loos not l•t•^oglliao >(iiu uieni withdrawal. Wx.-iiiNute.v, jtin. 14.—8, p. |U,—Mr.. Hayuv I'bs, as yet,'.had no communica tion wiili tho' I’residon 4 . Ilo receiv ed tbi‘ calls of friends all t lie forenoon, aiid dines With. Commodore Shubrick tills evouifig. Mr. Gonrdiu’s room was full of visit or* tonight anxiously inquiring about Charleston matters. Col. Aldcu, late ofthe United States'Army, is hero, and wilt tender his sorvicos to South Caro lina. , evory facili/y for . tnurkoling Mini obtaing other domoiitio supplies, Washington, Jan. 17.—Mr. Holt's nomination iw Secretary-of .War was considered by tbu£oiittio v to-day in Ex ecutive session, and caused an exciting debate on nceount of his being a eper- cionUt; but it is sunpoaed that his.n.9ta: ination will ho oopflruiefl terinorrow. McIntyre's nomination, as Cdlteotor ,of the JL'oVt of Charleston, Js stiff aus-’ pended in tho CommRte on tVimmbfcG' Tho Alabama Senators received d^s- patches from homo to-day. instructing them to rotaiti* in tlio Senate until further Informed, as. tlio delegates to the.State Convention from North Al abama refuse to sign tWpfdinanco, tip- less tlio act of secession lx> lHisfrmued Until the 4th of March neXt. ' AVasjhnoto.v, Jan. JO,. 4 1\ 31.—^Tlie •Sonata iuw just uivon. a guieius to tlio eompromisq nwoTutions ol Mr. Criiteu- Tho .Navy Depirtment received to day the following despatch from Flag Officer Armstrong at ren*acoln: ‘Armed bodies of Florida und Ala bama trbops appeared liofore the gnta of the Navy Yam yeslerday, ho Govbrnor of South Carolina tlm * donation off2,000 to fhe publie Service of tho.State; by a liberal and patri ot io citizen of Georgia, who desires that his name should not bo^nado public. A 8uouestion.—A oorrespondopt of tlio'Charleston Meroury, writing from 'Washington, makes the following sug gestion ; By immersing tho cottcn fibre in a mixture of equal-ports of fuming ni tric acid and of sulphuric acid (of sp. gr. 2.00J it is at oneo converted Into gun cotton, a material more effective titan Hio best gunpowder, and which ciui be produced at tho cost of fifty per cent less. - rloh (AIU,( Commonwealth, was lately re oeived by a gentleman in this place fron his overseer: rid *. ! Dear Doctor—Please send me by tho boy u.puir of trace chains, and two door hinges, Jane had twins last niglit---dleo two nadloekk' *•’ . > . ■ Ma- Sibhons. fl® ,/ Twenty patriots oi the Revolution died ddring tlio past yoar; eighty-two are all tliut are now left. Frnecii immigration.— Immigration statistics show tlmt Franco sends al most as few emigrants to this country as Switzerland- Turks Island date* to the 12th ult., report salt.soaroe; only 20,000 bushels remaining, while the new crop cannot bo whipped beforo next May, r ,. and demand- od possession. "Having no moans, to re sist, 1 at once surrendered and I.aided down my flag. They (tlmState troops) are now in possession.” * Cnpt. Farraii. tlm commandant nt tlm roiisacola Navy Vara, has notified the Government of his resignation.. A. private dispfttoh iotbp Florida Seijq- tors to-day say*; “MJo roiimrud down to Bensa.cola,.. enptmod Foil B-irvuticu* and tho Navy Yurtl, sot tho qffioers at lihei;ty op pn- role v nnd arc now in '.full ,pa>zc»*ioii.-r The uitvo was in ('“-n^UlH'Uro of tlio oecinmncy of Fort l‘ickon» by tlm Gov ernment .troop*.!’ It is urged uj>on the A«iu»ini*(ration to follow out tlio statu giio antebellum pol icy. Tho impression- is grow ing tnore general.that the withdrawal pf the " iug wrs manifested, in . conzotiuonce througliout tlio clty a ^ MI^OURl S'L’ATECONVENTION., St. Ia»ui» t -3Io, Jan. lT^r-Thy (Conven tion bill lias passed tlio Senate, by a vote of 41 to 2. The bill leaves tho vo tors of the State fo'decido at tho. elec tion If the tweesshn onJmdnca shall be submitted to the people for. rallficutlbn. The election is to take place on the 18th of February, and tlio Convention to moot-on the 28 th oftho same month. MASS MEETING IN P1III.a6EL-' piiiA. - Tinr.ADEi.rnrA, Jan, IT.—An iramenfe mass meeting of cRtzettr, Irrespective 6f party, was held herer last night. Res- olutious in favor of eoueiUtatiou instead of c.oertion, and . peaceful separation rather than civil war were adopted. Arrival of the Stgamcr **cmmdlan. M . Portland, Mo., Jan. 17.—Thosteniu- ship Canadian ho* arrived with Llver : pool dates Jo January 3d. - . • Liverpool Cotton.. Market.—Sole* of of three days^.000, of \fhi6h’>P«diW rteifrT.O two padloekR ' Yours, &c. Free Men or Color 1 Volunteerino.—» Ww lenrti that a large; namber of tho free colored men 1 of Columbia havo of- fored theh* services, through the Mayor to the Governor of tho State, They say that to South Carolina they oWe allegf- anco; ancl to hor do thoy look for, pro tection, mid they aro willing to serve her in any •ca’paoitjrthey may be assign- ** ed .’-r Carolinian. , eral troops from Fort Sumter yviff Take plaop this week. . , The Peiisocola Navy Yard has $150,- 000 worth of ordnance stores. GEORGIA STATE CONVENTION, GEORGE Ws CRAWFORD ELECT ED PRESIDENT, - Milledoevillb, Ga., Jan. 16.—Thw Conven’ion met at 10 o’clock this mor ning. tors took 1.000, and exo bales. The nfa'rkftt yras 'tftoll, dvflfi| ,000 the advance in twink rute*. Alt' oiiuli* (io. slightly ilcolinoU,'Train'l-lli®Jit.' fON, jnui.ed the.Bill *ubh.. lion question to the pc of February*.' I(,a fihBgD t'.exnu/•'—** O-'- * plo favor Cop volition, t! appoint tho day, .Com jfqf.l^e.’peo. Syerhor. will Alllb HID Ulljr, REPUBLICAN OVERTURES, I,, Pn„ Jan.. 17.—Prominent Republican of this State rowmraona that Commissioners bo amioiuteu to tlio borber States, pledaing PennsvlTanla's full porformonw ol her constitutional duties, and the repeal of the obnoxious laws, for the purpose of securing tho continuanqo of tho bordo States in tho Union. IPSL^ The'defrinet body was sl._ after being shot.—Banner do •w?r ; t rivil a blnokainith's at ten-. tion by iruM-loally heating his temper with, the assertion that ho will forge and steel. forbear you’t hammered and roll- Miss Emma. says slio would very mpcli like to do something td Have her "name' in t"bo paper. 1 Vi'o adviso hor to get some ono to Imve bis putin with hers, - iBU. ■ ■ -TT' . .. .o of Now Haven havo lately boon seeing stars in the day times this is neither a noiv discovery hor any mark of good morals. - Mfl was nearly ruined twice in my. life, said Voltaire, onoo when 1 lost a | lawsuit, and once when I gained ono. irnihri*