The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, March 29, 1861, Image 5

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Mon»"B> April 4,1851. FOUHTII PA } £m ISI'ERKSTIXO UBA DINO MATTER •’j 1 Tb 0 Tri-Weekly Courier Three Months for $1. in tli»o exulting times mimy. persons 11 llko tlio IOmI Now*, nml to i tl.U wnnt, wo oiler tl.o Trl-Weok- CourierthroomontliH for ono dollar. l nA in the names ytltU the oush; j^-Wo would call tho nt ton lion of 0 suffering from Consumption, Bronchi, &*., to an rtrivoriisonteht in another column of thin paper, of anhn- rt rt nt discoverjr for tho euro of those Uses, now introduced for tho first 1 to tho American pulilio by Messrs. lM*' Ulhnoro k Cq m of Now York. inarcli28wlm. 'nWarsniid Itumors or Wars.*’ The current of ovonts is rushing rap idly forward and tho notes of wm-liko •■reparation am being sounded in noar- Iv every county of tho Confederate v’tatoi. The readiness with which men rvervwhoro respond to their country's call, shows thoir warm, glowing patriot- m* entiro confidence. in our rulom, ir ,l c ven an iiupatienco to dofend our •‘,’t r ij,|,ts that havo boon so wantonly inwilod. Actual war may not he com- moncod,-wo pray God It may. not and pivsent indications tend to confirm this •hut if the clangor of tho br* ter. trumpet is hoard* and tho air re minds with tho clash oT arms, the Maini <»f cannon, and the rbar of Kittle: then tho love of liberty and the justice ol onr eauso will so norvo the .Southern arm as to mako itcortain that victory will poicU upon our stan- darda. Tltero perhaps, never was r jieuple who contemplated war with mph entire coufidcnco Of success, based upon such deep and unfaltering deter mination to win it, ns that which now animates our pooplo and fires tho South ern heart. . ‘ • But ns yet no triovoeahlo step has ken taken. Lincoln is afraid to do ijlt and dorr not do trro*(j, ii. thlsmnt- tcr, involving as it does his own destruc- il that of Ids parties: and so, un der nil sorts of pretences, ho procravti- nates decided action. It is probably his policy to attempt to urerrv. tho South •ms. lly keeping the ('onfoder- les in constant expectation of war, yet without coming to an actual conflict, he lio|Nw to so Increase tho taxes and other burdens of our government as to create disaffection among tho pooplo, and then, through tilts' mediation of the fiordcr States, seduce n» again into the Federal Union. Of course this is en tirely ini|M,t*iblo, and so far plisliing anything is. concerned, ho . ns well attempt to change tho » of the Mississippi Hiver and its waters to flow through Ids do minions, for the advancement of their m.nmructuring Interests. Hut still ho may undertake Giis course, for lio is almost entirely ignorant of the unity ml harmony of our pooplo and tho iroiig determination that exists to maintain our indopondciico. He and lii< party havo misjudged the South all the while. Hut while Lincoln is trying to appear to do nothing. President Uiivis is ma king all possible preparations to compel llm Federal Governmentto recognize our lupeiideucc. Anderson will soon he feed out of Fort Sumter and arrange- eats are huing mado as rapidly ns pxsilile to force tlio United States for- in Fort Pickens. Already tho Confederate army nt the latter Fort Is five, thousand men and there »ro nearly ns many more on tho way there, ft is reported, that Slemmor has intimated that if tho demand is wado with a sufficient force to main- bin it, ho will surrender Fort Pickens. If lie tlocs this, very well; hut if he refines then wo must take it any how, and not allow Lincoln to keep us in apprehension and put tho government to tho unnecessary expense of keeping large, inactive army. Although their ohservMions are not mtdished, it is not presumable that our ^mmissionors at Washington City arc asleep, and, doubtless, President Davis ieshis action upon knowledgederivod through them. Election of Mi\)or lien oral. At tho Home Precinct, there wero SfH) votes polled, and all for Mnj. Black except somo 10 or 12. PosTroxp.n.—Wo are informed that the case of tho lioirs of Ziichiuiah Har grove ver«us Alfred Shorter, was post poned in tho Supremo Court, now in region in Atlanta, on last Monday on account of tho sickness of Col. Akin, leading counsel in tho defence. Constitution of tho Confederate suites With a unanimity oF sontlmcnfc un precedented in tho history of any peo ple, tho Constitution has boon fortified by tho Conventions of five of the.Statos comprising tho Southern Confederacy. South Carolina and Florida have not yet acted, but wddoubt not, that it will reeoivo a liko cordial approval by those States. According to its provisions, it is now in full forco and vigor, fivo of tho States having adopted it. Not Uiideueu Out.—IVo understand there is a rumor abroad that tho Rome Light Guards have boon ordered into service. This isnol so, hut they havo received from Brig. Gen. Phillips a de finition of willingnoB to reeoivo this company when thoy nro prepared to go. Mas. Suuueruays has returned from Now York, and requests us to announce that sho will give timely notice oi the arrival of her goods. Sho will havo a lino stock from both Now York and New Orleans. Tiik Mii.itAry .Parade at Kingston. —The throe companies of thin pluco will attend tho Gran 1 Military Purado at Kingston on next Saturday. An oxtm train will leave tho Depot hero at SI o’clock, A, M., and, returning, leave Kingston at 4J o’clock, P. M.— Tho railroad timo will ho followed which is about a half hour foster than morldo- an timo at this place. Tickets for the excursion will ho furnisLod at ono dol lar each. All passengers will berequir od to got tickets before starting. Amiirosiai. Oh..—Wo desire to call attention to tho advertisement of this preparation prepared ami sold by tho wlioiesalo by Clark, Gregory A Co., of Nashville, Tonn. This article is very highly rccommtncndod by vory respon sible parties. Dr. T. M. Ci.auk’s Pit,1.3.—These Medicines ono for thocuro of Fever and Ague, and ‘tho other for Liver Diseases, may l>o found advertised in our col umns. They *io prepared by a liativi Ton ness cun, in Nashville, nml an claimed tc bo uusurpassed ill good qual ities by any medicine before tho pub lic. Virginia Slate Convention* The first two resolutions oft he report of the Committee bn Federal rela tions in tho Virginia State Convention, were, oil Thursday last adopted with out amendment. Thoy arc as follows : 1. He it resolved and declared bi/ the pro* p/e of the State of Virginia, in Convention asst'lidded, That Staten which composed tho United States of America, when tho Federal Constitution was formed, wero independent sovereignties, and in adop ting that instrument the pooplo of ouch State agreed to associate with tho people of the other States upon n looting of oxactoquollty. It is the duty t In-re lore, of tho common Government atc * to respect tho rights of tho States and tho equality of tho people thereof, and within tho just limits of tho Constitu tion to protect with equal care the great interests that spring from the institu- Frtm Atlanta ConlikD'racy of April 1st. . Arrtrul or Up-Country volunteer.— Tit? Departure* At 12 o’clock to-day, an extra train by the Atlanta ft We«t Point Hall Rood brought to onr city tlio ‘'Kotvimn Guards —Capt.. llarvoy--composed of «0 moii. This fitio company arrivod amidst stirring martial music and firing or cannon. Undofi escort of Capt, MV 1. Wilson, of tho Fulton Drngooiis, they paraded in line in front of tho At lanta Hotel, and were received, in a pa triotic spooeh by tho Hon. L, J.Gartrcll, which wns elegantly responded to bv Col. llondrieks, of Newnan. Thoy wero then invltod by Dr. Joseph Thomp son, initio host of tho Atlanta, into his )iou80, where a sumptuous repast was served up for thorn, to which they did aniplejustiec. At one o’clock, tho State Hoad train, with two companies—tlio Ringgold Vol- untocis—83 men—under Capt, II. J. Spray Lorry, and tho Ciirtersvillo Guards —84 mbh—undor Capt. Lorry. At 11TV M., 22.1 young ladies of the Atlanta Female Institute, eamo in u body and wero formed in a lino on tlio Host side of the Atlanta Hotel, under tho management of lYofessors Mnyson and Howard. Tho Gato City Guards had been previously formed in line in front of whero the young ladies wero stationed. Kadi young lady had a small flag ol the Confederate States, made of paper cambric, with tlio “bars” and “stars” beautifully printed thereon. Kach flag also had tho inscription— "From the Young Ladies of tho Atlan ta Fumnlo Institute. Nono hut the bravo doservo tho fair.” Miss Kano, on the part or tho Ladies, made a few ap propriate remarks, when all tlio young ladies in a body, stopped forward and presented to each momberof the Guards ono of tho very beautiful niiniitturo flags which they held in their hnnds.— Tlirco elicors for tlio Ladies of tho Fo* male Institute, were given with a hearty good will, by all who were present, and then three more wero given by tlio crowd for tho Guards. At this point there was a call for the Hon. T.K.H. Cobh, who was present, and lie. in response, came forward iiiiH made a most felicitous speech. We aro sorry to ho unable fo lay boforo our rondel’s a copy of this most oxcelleut speech. After ho hnd concluded, a largo number of tho relatives, acquain tance? and friends of tho Guards bid thorn an affectionate farewell. * This was, indeed, an nftecting sceno. At 2 o’clock, all the soldiers had tak en their seats in tho cars, and tlio train of tho Macon k Western Road moved olfwith thirteen passenger cars attach ed, amidst tho booming of cannon, and tho chocring and shouting, of the un- tiunibored throng, and waving of hand kerchiefs by tho ladies from windows and balconies contiguous. Tho greatest gathering that wns ever witnessed in this city took place, to wit nessed their departure. The Trent House, Atlanta Hotel, Concert Hall, Depots, Carsheds. tops of cars—and in- Late News i of each. 2. African slavery is a vital part of tlio social system of tlio Stales wherein it exists, and as that form of servitude existed when the Union was foimed, and tho jurisdiction of tho several States over It within their respective limits was recognised by tho Constitu tion. any interference to its prejudico by the Fedoral authority, or by tho au thorities of tho other States, or by tho people thereof, is in derogation from plain right, contrary to tho Constitu tion, offensive and dangerous. Secession iu Arkansas. We learn from the Little Rock True Democrat of March tho 21st, that the deliberations of tho Arkansas Conven tion on tho question of secession result ed as heretofore stated iu the definite rejection of the secession ordinance. Tlio Convention, after having elabor ately discussed a secession ordiuniico, proceed to vote upon it on Monday, the I8tli hist, that being tho thirteenth 1 '* **■" —'ei.:- ordinance day of the .session. Th >jectod, yoas 35, nay iced < vailablo space. mod with living masses of men, women and children—all eager lo sco and to beer tho deporting soldiers. Many nro the prayers that follow them to their destination. Many arc tlio tears that ivoro shed at parting with them, and many anxious hearts will sigh for their safe return, with pence nud plenty smiling lignin over our hap py land. Conservative Reaction in the North. —The New York Tribune gives the fid- lowing particulars of the cousorvativ re action iu tin- North: “But our town elections have just been held iu 38 of our fill counties, and tlio aggregate result is 529 Republic survivors to 215 of all sorts—a larger portion of Republicans than were ovo before chosen. Yet, iu the Inco nf tlii unmistakable demonstration, and of tin kindred response of New Hampshire, which has just elected a Republican Governor, Legislature, nml full delega tion to Congress by a round 4,000 .ma jority—more than tlio average Jiej ubli- eau majority at all her State elections since the Republican party was organiz ed there—Mr. John Cochrane, the cast off servant of a east off and utterly used up party, nssstimes fo re-assuro Virginia in tho iianio and behalf of the State of New York! Could imi«»sturo bo more impudent t” Bsaj’-Messrs. Alderson k Co., nf Mo bile. Alai, are very busy casting cannon halls, grape shot, Ac., for the.State, and, in a short time will bo ready to. east cannon, [tjuery—Why cannot like preparations he made iu Atlanta? or at Rome, or nt Ktowoh ? Why should LATER PROM EUROPE. A Hill VAT. OF THE STEAMER AFRICA. NeiV Yoiig, Mnrclilai,—Tlio stonra- sldp '’Africa, with Liverpool dates to tho 10th inst., arrived bore to-day. OOMIttRCtAL NEWS. LiVEurpoi* Cotton. Market.—The. sales of cotton for the mist weok readi ed Afi,2lH) halos, of which speculators took, ff.aOn bolos, and exporters 11,000 bales. Tho tnnrkotopened declining, hut subsequently rcoovored undor tho steamship Kangaroo’s advices, and closed firm at last week’s quotations. Sales on Friday 15,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters took 7,000 bale*. ,Solos of Saturday 25,000 hales, of which speculators and oxfiortcrs lock 8.000 halos, llowitt reports the market buoyant, and . an advanco of fully id, Middling Orleans at 7ld., Middling Mobiles OJd.. Middling Up lands fijd. Tho market closed anvan- dug. Liverpool General Markets.—Bread- stuffs firm. Provision* quiet. London Money Market.—Consols wero quoted at 92n02|. GENERAL NEWS. Tlio Africa brought £83,000 in sqiecio. Tho Bullion in tho Bunk of laigland has increased £2(10,000. SECOND DISPATCH. Tho following wns tho authorized quotations of the week Fair Orleans 7| I Mid. Orleans 7 •* Mobiles 71 Mid. Mobiles fij “ Uplands 7j | Mid. Uplands 0 ll-lfl Tlio stcck of cotton at Liverpool was 007,000 halos, of which 750,000 halos wore American, Hewitt says tlio mnrkot closed very firm, with full prices and an advancing tendency. ate or Trade.—Manchester advi ces wero favorable, and thoro wns an improved tone. Liverpool General Markets.—Flour qifiot hut steady. Wheat firm and par tially a shade dearer. Lard heavy.— ltosin steady, nt opouing quoted at 4s Id tel s 2d., but on an increased demand doted firm at 4s Oil. Spirits of Turpen tine steady! at 31s;- Rico firm, Caroli na nt 20s 9d(W)24s 3d. GENERAL NEWS. Tlio Duchess of Kent, the mother or Qneun Vietcria, la dangcinusly ill. Tlio London Times redieulos tlio idea of the Confederate.Stutes effecting a lone after Mississippi’s repudiation. The surrender or Muslim was uiieon- ditionnl. There wore fivo thdusiind prisoners and tlirco hundred cannons. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Washington, March 31.—The Com missioners feel no uneasiness in regard to tlio evacuation of Fort Sumter or reinforcement of Fort Pickens, they being fully satisfied in regard to both PtiHMtuii—Clurk, Gregory A Co. offor a premium for tho establishment of the toot ’ it their Liver ami Chill Tills havo yot led when directions havo boon followed, t only bronking, but thoroughly eradioa- g the producing enuso of the chill. Mr. Fry’s child or Nashville, had had Chills and Fever for yours, and nil retnodios m yet. Mr. Fry. may bo seen at hisoillco at tho West oiuf of the Suspension Bridge. Try tho Tills for Chills or a diseased Liver. Why Dot get the best?. Southern remedies are tho best for Houthorii diaoashs without a doubt, umt Southern bred physicians for Boiltliim diseases any We. Tile ‘attention of the Hmithcru public is called to tho following medicines, prepared and put up hya respou- slble firm hi the, city of Nashville. ^LSfThoy nro wnronted to do what wo say they will do if direction* ar followed. Southern Itanu-dy, No. 1, Ambro’ihd Oil. No. 2, The TninlvHS Liver Till. No. .’I, Tho Sure Cure Ague and Chill Pill. No. 4, Thu ••II.. Fill. From the lc<timnuiiils in our possession we list hdiovo tluil they are superior remedies nml then for once they nro Southern, prepur. I by a Southern man and put up in a South* rn city, nud for oue wo go for a fair trull o! them. r Tun SocTiftnx Hkvniuks for rhill* and nil Liver nfleotioiH linve features hitherto uri- Hiirpnsseil by any rnnwdles ovor ollVrod t® the South nud Southwi *t. I*t. They nrejprcforrtd hv » Southern phy sician, ns nil idiysicinus will ugrou that im J- lei wo prepnrod fur Northern disenix's will not reach the euiuo di?cu!<o hi a Southern cli mate. 2d. Thoy have no mineral |>oi*nn in them. Rd. Then ore purely vegetable. 4th. They — 1 1 *tli. They never before nttnluod In iiivdiehie. 0th. They break the Chill, which l* the ut most other Chill medicine* do. 7th. They invariably nud sneodilv euro tho difonso. Stir They ciTict a thorough eradication of the-pnisou from the system that produces iho Chill or Ague. Sec advertisement in this paper,’and if sick tryjhoin A trial i< only nsked. “or sale by Druggists’ everywhere, piwliu Hend tho Fvidoncc* Bend thn rolliving letter from n rlergv well known in West Tonuo-se, North* Ala bama nud Mississippi: [extract.] Messrs. Clurk, Gregory ,t Co., Nashville, Tenn.—If I did imt link you Were troubled With more testimonial* than you find timo to rond, 1 would send you ward in relation to whnt your Ambrosial Oil bos dono for dip. fill Rice It to sny, that I lied boon suffering with honrsciiess, or obstruction in the Bronchial tubes, for inuny veunr nml it Was gating so bad tlmt I could scaroely fill my appointments. Your Ambrosial Oil imr- footly restored me, and I now can work with out difficulty Oknlnna, Miss. Bov. A. L. 1IDX8AKKH. Sold by Druggists everywhere, npr.»W2w A WORD. OF WARNING. Thoro is nothing moro despicable than stealing the reputation of-a reliable article to Imposo upon tbo community an Inferior or worthless one, and yet it Is offen done. Flf- J' p “ r8 ft 8°* Bolmstreot A Co., introduced a ilafr Bestoratlvo. undor tho nnnm of “In imitable llair Coloring,” Tho original pro- parrtfen Is a teicntiffo combine lion, pin do with oiland .tlmulating spirits, nllo, ding an agrcrablo hair wash, whllo all the imltntfons nro mado with woter.mskln tho hair harsh, dry and -frlssy, fthufrltig, after it dries, the lies of oil or wash to- mako It look decently. Wo would therefore ndvlso our mule*s to buy nothing but Unoriginal Inimitable Bair Coloring or Restorative.—Troy Whig. Remember that this ru»ult U produced by Hoimafroot’s.]nithitnb’o, the original and mly rellahlo II. Ir h stonitire.’ Trice veiila and ono dollar a bottle,— Bold ovor.vivhere by all Druggists,' W. K. HAGAN A CO., Trot rjetor*. rebl.iwlm * Tn»y. N. Y. Back iv a ku Season.—Yegotation in section of country. Is at least two weeks later in coining forward than it wns last year. This backwardness is reniarkubio; for thoro has been*an ^mulanco of rain, and, on an averago, 11 lias not boon a cold .season, Thoro is as J’ct, an abundanco of fruit, and tho wheat, though lato, never looked moro thrifty. How Shall it he Done?—It seems tho dotorminntion to evacuate Fort ?il “»tor has been mado, and nothing " ow teinains but to determine tho man• »" r of it. R u t if tho dog mwrwhftt mat- ors ‘t, whether lie goes with lyristloa up '““1 tail curlod over, or with* ‘sneakiAh °°k and tail tucked down. member voting. If it had been passed it required tho sanction of tho poople before going into effect. After the rejection of this ordinance, tho two parties in tho Convention com promised thoir differences, on tho 20th by the adoption of an ordinance provid ing for nil election throughout the State on tho first Monday iu August iioxt, at which tho pcojilo are to voto on tho question of “co-operation” or “seces sion/* aiid anothor ordinance, in tho form of a resolution, providing for tho sonditig of fivo Commissioners to a Con ference. <.f the border States, proposed to bo held at Frankfort, Kentucky, on the 27th of Muv next, with a view to elicit• effect an aljuslmcnt of the ponding troubles. '1 bo Convention then adjourned to tho 17th of August. Tho effect of the vote of tho people to be taken on the third day of August next will be as follows: If n. majority of all tlio votes cast shall be for “seces sion,” then such vote is to bo regarded as instructing tlio .Convention to pass an act of immediate secession, and tlio Convention is at once to pass Hitch an ordinance; but if a majority of all tlio votes shall bo oust for “co-operation,” then tho Convention is immediately to take such steps as may bo deemed pro- E er to further co operation with tlio order or unseceded slnvo States, in ef fort to secure a permanent and satisfac tory adjustment of the existing section al controversy. St A BTLIXa IP TRUE.—Wo publish ft dispatch this morning, stating that England and Franco aro to send a pow- ful fleet to the United States. The purpose is manifest—any blockade of tlio Southern the U. S. Govern ment, will bring John Bull and Johnny Crapcau about its oars; thoir ships must and will ho proteotod, if not willingly, then by forco. A blockado cannot in- juro tho South at all, because sho lias no ships, or but very few. The result of such a movomont would uo^ to givo all tlio carrying business to European bottoms, as thoy would bo allowed froo ingross and • egress, while the Northern 'vessels would not. There are two horns f n flirt fiii.mtmn. mid “Old Abo* may 39, every tlio iron of Cherokee Georgia bo trims- leaving points and they are aiming to achieve a peaceful solution of the difficulties by a speedy withdrawal or tlio troop* from tho limits of tbo Confederacy. The Commissioners, it Is believed, are. man aging this complicated matter with skill and ability. VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. Rich Hon d, March 31.—The Houso Inst ni^ht modified mid passed the Sen ate resolution instructing tho Governor to prevent tlio removal of guns from Beilonn foundry' beyond reach of the State authority. TEXAS NEWS. New York, ‘March 31.—Tho steam ship Daniel Webster reports hating landed at Fort Jefferson, Tortugns, companies L and M, of the 1st Artil lery, and at Fort Taylor, Key West, accompanies F and K, of the samo Reg iment. The Daniel Webster reports that the Indians ivoro committing great havoc among the people in Texas, killingsou.e apd running oil’ their stock. Major Sibley hud charted some of the savages, Cortinas, it was uiulersloofi, was awaiting tlio dcpnrtnre nf the Federal troops to recoimnenco operations on lurgor scale than heretofore. WASHINGTON AFFAIRS. Washington, April l.—TIloNew York Tribune's special eorrospoudunce from Washington says that tlio President ro serves to himself tlio ultimate decision in regard to the re inforcement of Fo Sumter, about which tlio Cabinet w unanimous, with one exception, two weeks ago, hut different viuws Iiavo •ecently been presented, not without Tlio call for Retry Davis' Tn I a Killer is incnnsiiig so ra pidly tlint I four I shall soon l»u itimblo to koep puce with it. My object in writing now is lo he* tlmt on tho receipt of will kindly dispatch another ship- ordered iu my Icticr of dnno Inst. J. L. CAllflAU, Cultuttn. K. I. Sometime in D^coiuhor Inst, my uhildren pro taken down with scarlet foyer, or can ker rash—my only modiciiio wm Davis’ Pain Kilter aiid Castor Oil, the Pain Killer operat ing lo a charm iu cutting the canker, throw ing oat the rash, so tlmt in nhout live weeks my family wera entirely recuvored. CUltNKLIUB G.’VANDBNBURG, BnrnlOffa Bpriugs. Having used Porry Davis Tula Killer In ly family (taring tho pnst winter, I would rgo its general use fir Iho piir|K»*o.s for which the inventor Its* recommended |t, I think it invahialde. nml would not liko to bo deprived of its advantage*. E. G. TOM KltOV. fit. Louis. Sold by druggists nu 1 all dealers in family •tllcinvs. mar2Stwlt.tw2t ’ npvoi . the feasibility of intraduoirg mnn and ujqdies, favornblo to take plonsiiro in oalling afc, 01,1,0,1 to tho advertisoment of Dp, * • B. Murphy. Ho is prepared to' do a ,10 ' v bind of dental w.orJc, much phoAp- ! r ,,l "n tho old stylo.. Ho'recommends, “ ‘"“I those who know him .will not •“•iduur endorsement for Rls candor or tractor as a dentisL Medical Association*—Tho Medical • Relation of Georgia, will coiiveno in ' tlanta on tho second Wodncfcday in mstnut. [Special Dispatch to the Charleston Omricr.] lmportniit From Wasliington. Washington, March 28.—| Dotaiued in consequence of the line being down. | Mr. l*amon’« report to-day was tbo sub ject of a Cabinet meeting. It con linns tno previous dispatches from Major Anderson, that ho cannot hold out much longor. Mr. Lnninit gives it ns Ills opinion that it is almost impos- piblo to reinforce tho garrison at Sum ter. Ho left no order with Major An derson for tlio evacuation of tho Fort, hut Will probably return to Charleston iu a few days with- orders for tlio evacu ation. Tho Cabinet meeting is understood to have been unanimous in advising tlio withdrawal of tho troops from Sum ter. Although President Lincoln has re fused to make public Mayor Andersen’s dispatches, it is known tlmt there is no ground for alleged discrepancies in them as has been charged. Tho Confederate Commissioners havo rccoivcd no intimation of any reply as yot to thoir dornand for recognition, but have determined to comply with tho advice of then Government to tarry hero awliilo. Col. A. Dudley Mann Jolt to-day for Europo, quite hopotul of tho success ol his mission. The Senate lias adjourned sino and crowds of disappointed politicians are leaving. . J. E. llarvoy, who wns nommuted to-day as Minister to Portugal, (and siuco confirmed,) was .once *at Char leston, but for tlio last twenty years has been a resident of Washington. Ho is a newspaper correspondent, and has been editor of tho Philadelphia North American. Boforo leaving on his mis sion ho will visit hisTolatives in Char leston. - t| ®3y*A correspondent of tho C'hronele it Sentinel, recommends Judge Linton Stephens for the noxt Governor of Gcor* to tho dilemma, and “Old Abe may tako thoohoico of.dostroying tho com- mordo of his own nation, pr lotting us alone. Upon a consideration of tho entlro matter, Re will probably adopt tlio iflttci’ poJ\<$y.—-ti*vannah 29 th. • '..V'-.'':."- mean, B^yTlio Cartorsvillo Express says r • Tlio Etowah Infantry, of this placo, Captain P. H. Laroy, commanding, have recoivod orclers to rendozvousin^ g on, Ga.; on Tuosday next. This company is composed ' of about eighty of tho ii host-looking mon in Goss count y The Mustang Liniment cures RhonmntiMnj The Mustang Linimcit cures Still* Joints; Tlio .Mustang Liniment cures Burns ami Wound*: Tim Mustang Llninvnl cure* Boros, Floors, ('liked Ureal* nml B«ro Nipples, Neuralgia, Corns and Warls. and is worth ,000.000 DOLLARS TKR ANNAM 1(0 tho United Slot •*, a* the prosorvor nml torcr nf vnlunblo horses and cattle. It ro's all sprains, ga‘ds, woumls, still'joints, Ao., Did ymi ever hear of any ordinary »oro, welling, sprain nr stilTnoss. either on man r boast, wliieh Iho Mustang Liniment would iot euro'/ Did you over visit any respect* hie druggist in any pnrl of the world-—in •hirope, Asia or America—who did nut say •it win tho grcntcFt discovery of the ago.- Pony. Davis’ Pam Killer w a.vory valuable artlolo, and onb that It would bo well for ovbiy housoholdor to havo at band, In caso of bruiser, scalds, burns, diarrhata, dysentery, bhoioro, forcr mid airue, and tbo host of. diseases; oxtoynnl and internal, which _it u adopted do cur© or alleviato.—Salem Observer t . ij8@*A short time ago a man' becrimo so complotoly “wrapped in. thought, that ho was lied up, labollcd and sont off on tho “train of idoas,” Tlio correspondent adds that several leading naval ofticerH lmvo expressed the belief that tbo batteries guarding the ontranno to tlio Clintlcston habor might lo run with steamers without more than ordinary risk, but they agree that the tn ter prise - should bo oxeeutod nt night. The above entertainod by tlio agent that was sent to make a porsonal inspection for the satisfaction of tlio Administration. noton, April 1.—Those that aro best inforinod outside the Cabinet confi dently assert that tho Cabinet on Satur day resolved upon an immediate evacu ation of Fort Stnntor. Tlio above, however, should not yet bo accepted ns a fixed fact. CONNECTICUT ELECTIONS. Washington, April T.—Tho few re turns received from Connecticut show Republican gains. UNITED STATES’ LOAN. Washington, April 2.—Tlio Govern inent loan was taken to-day at about till]. Nearly thirty millions were bid for. TEXAS NEWS. New Orleans, April 2.—Galveston advices state that Obi. Ford had receiv ed information from Matanioras, that Gen. Anipudia with tlirco thousand Mexicans, wns marching oh Browns ville. Col. Ford ordered nil the navy guns' and ordinance stores at Brazos island to bn shipped. A scene of difficulties was anticipated. The Mohawk arrived oft' Pi on the 29th. Tho Coatzacoalcos sailed with eight hundred troops. The Empire City and the Star of tho West were lying nt tlio Pass. MARKETS. Mouii.e, April 2.-—Sales of cotton to day 2,200.bales ; middlings at 12J cents. Sales three days 4,91)0 hales. Receipts throe days ^|500 bales. Montgomery, .Ar Esq., has been ro up the Port of Savannah DIRBA8KB or the C1IE8T A LUNGS. Thesr disease* nr i too wall kmovn to r quire any description. How many thousand* are every year curriud to tho silent grave by that ft read fill scourge Consumption, which always commences with n slight rough — Keep the blond pure and healthy by taking a fow flows of Jinhona’* Mountniu Herb l’ills each week, and kind I* impossible. Con sumption amt Lung difilnultics always arise from particle* of corrupt 'maltcr deposited In the air cells by bail bfeod. Purify th' stream of lifo and It will very soon carry off the poisonous matter. As the river leav ing tlio olomeuts of fertility in its course, cauies tho before barren wn»to to bloom with flowers and fruit, so pure blood causes the frame so rejoice In strength urA health. .Judson's Mountain Horb Pills nro sold by nil Medicine Dealers. mnr28—wlm ’ COSTAR’S Vermin Exterminators. TUB “ONLY INFALLIIH.K REMKDIKB KNOWN.” Destroy* !n«»uiit!y EVERY FMtM AND BPKCTKA OF VERMIN, Those preparations (unlike all other*) nro “Free from Pidsoll*.” “Not dangerous to thohumnn fonllly.” “Rat* cuiiie out of llndr hole to die. 10 ymr* and more established in New York City. Used by—the City Post OlHco. Used by—tlio Giiy Prisons and Station Houses. Us -d by—City Steamer*. Ship*, ke. Vial by—the City Hospitals, A Alin* Houses Used by—tho City House— •Ariof lloiire/ ‘Ft. Nicholas,’ Ac. Used by—the Boarding Umtses, Ac. Us.'d by—insro than 50,000 Private Fam ilies. ^iO-Bpe wlmt tho Po'-plo, Press nml D»a1- tr ifR?fnY R. FoRTAR—All the summer I have been troubled with Ronches and Mice, t wns nolunlly ashamed of tlm homo, for tho Honchos were everywhure. t purfliiised n Im»x of your Kxteindnator nml tried It. and in one week there wns mil a Roach or Mun in tho II.use. JOHN R. GIVEXR, No. 91. Kim 8t. Housekeepers treilldod with vermin, need he so no fengor, If they use Oostnr's Ex termiuatots. Wo havo used it tooiirsntl* fret Inn, nml If a Imx cost$.1 wo would havo it. Wo have trlcil potsoii* hut elfoclod nothing, hut Costar's nrtlclo knocks tho breath out of Rats, Mice and Bedbugs* qtilek- or than wo can write it. It Is In grout de mand all over tho country,—Medina [0.] Gazette. More Grain and Previsions aro destroyed ntiuitully In Grant county by vonnln, than would puv for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer.—lmnonster (Wis.) Herald. Henry R, Costar—Your Exterminator is received, used and pronounced a decided suc cess. We Used a box of it, uu4 tho way tlio Rats and Mtee around our premises “raised Ned that night wns n emit hut to sleepers.— Rlnco fiicii not n rnt «r inouso has been honid in kitchen or collar.—Mogrngor (Iwa) Times l have been soiling ynnr Exterminator for tho lust year, and have round it a Share Hind, overv time. J have net known It to fail In • single iustnlieo. GEORGE ROSE, DruggWts, Cardlngton, O. Wo are sellingyaur preparation* rapidly— whnrever they havo been used lints, Mlco, pear iiuniodinte- EOKKH A : BTOUFFKit, Druggists, New Windsor, Md To Destroy—nuts, Ronchos, Ac. To Destroy—Mice, Moles, Ac. To Destroy—Bed-Bugs. Ts Destroy—Moths, Fleas, Ants, A». To Destroy—Mosquitoes. To Destroy—Insocls on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—Insects on Animals, Ac. "Costar’s’’ Eat, Roaoh, &c., Exterminator. “Co3tar’B” Bed-Bug Exter minator. “Costar’s” Eloetrio Powdor for Insects, &c. Ill 2.'»c, AOo and $1 Baxes, Bottles A Flasks. NervousHeadache CURE JP mtjm Headache. i '!- v 'V ° r j^*? ITOt ■ tiirs iktIwii, «i- nrV, .,1 Nrrvdit, Pil ,k iton.lnehp mny lio |ircvi'ni,il; nml ir lukot, nt flm rrniitiu'iliio- of tm .ttMtlrelToMhiu pnln iiiul »i„k,i™. will l«'t,l,lnl„nl, . . I hov 0,‘lilum Wl\ In reHmvInj. Ul. X.UK* mill Houiliii'tiu lu vMi'lt.fvninU'rt nro 10 anli. Tlioy not gclilly on llio liownU—iMmivlin (’ffsHteuess. ® For Literary Mon. Students, DeRedte Fo- males, amt nil persona of sedentary habits, they are valuable aa^a rLaxative, improving tho Appcllle, giving feno nud vigor to the db « ;oslirc orgnjj*, nml relforiiii the nntur d obis* trite nnd*strei)Rth 6t tire whale system. bstrciigth OcphnlBf ntion And the stomach. They are entirely vcgetnbb . 'sltlon.nnd jierfrtet safet CARRIAGE AND COACH WORKS, Broad Street, Rome, Ga, I WOULD RESPKCTFULLY CALL TITE ' ’ fttleiitlon' of tho eitizCns of Cherokee Georgia mid Alabama, To my extensive Conch ami Carriage Worka I havo secured for sevornl venis, the vulu- nblu serviocs nf Mr. J. B. BltAY, whe fs a practhml Conoh maker, by trade, and who will flevoto his entire thud to tho inanufactur- Ingdepartmeut.., HU long oxperlcnco will in- •uro work,.that, wo will tako plnnsuro in WARRANTING. 1 usethebesfcof Materials onte,^ and’by putting them together, with tho nd.rf tho - -.tllfol workmen,”! am eonfldeni that I investigation and carefully conducted J cxnor- iiuuiits. having Won in use many year*, dur ing which time they, havo prevented and ro- Moved a vast amount of pain and •ufi'ering from Headache, whether .originating jn tlio nervous system, or from u deranged sfato of iirtfieir ill times ...... hout making any change )*cnee ofuny dlsagreoohfa lasfo romlare it busy to mlnituistcr them to BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Tho genuine have five signatures of Jfenry C. Rpaiding on each box. ’* RohLby Druggists and all olhor dealers In Medicines, A Box will be scut by mail prepaid on re ceipt of tl.o Frier 23 cents* AH orders should bo nmlresscd to HENRY v) ^’ALBINO., nov22twAw' IH rednr st., New York. » pkftiO any ami all, and c lly, thoso The following Endorsement* of SPALDING’S €EP1UL1€ PILLS Will convince all who sutfor from HEADACHE THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As tho Testimonials. woreimsolioHcd by Mr. Rpaldtng, they afford Unquestion able proof of the effioney of this triily Holcntifio dl.cavroy, MnsoLVillc, Conn,, Feb. 5,1801. Mr. Spalding 1 have tried your Gephnlle Pllls. and l like them so well that I' want yon to semi two dollara worth more. Part of those are for iho -neighbors, whom I gave a few out of tho first box I got from you. Rend the Pills by mail, and oMigo Your oh’t Rcrv’i, JAMES KENNEDY. llnvcrford, Pn., Fcb. fl, 1801. Mr. Spalding. < ’ • Sir, I wirtl. you to eeml ine ono moro box of your Uenbalie Pills, I havo rooelvod a great deal of benefit from them. Yours, respectfully, * MARY ANN RTOIKllOFPE. url.o would-like lo see Georgia !Mni>u factories flouHsli. Having beenq Ilnrcteare merchant v for innnjr yehrs. I have peculiar ndvanUges n buying materials. J ihall spuro no pain* In securing tho best of TimW, CalWgi Irons and Trimmings. Call at iny Repository And ■cxnlnlno my SPLENDID ASSORT MENT or 4 und 0 seated Carriages, com prising the various stylos now In use. AIho n beautiful lot of Top Buggies. The gnnnino Concord Buggies' «n hand. . Cook’s Patent Jump Boat,Barouches and Buggies,'ordered if doslrod. - Repairing in every branch of the business, promptly attended to; .Tonus of repairing, cash when cnllcd.for. TO THE . TRADE; Enameled ,aml Collar Leather, Patent Dash _ id PJap'Laakhar, Broad Cloth,, all colors, and Laces to salt for Trimming Top Buggies and Carriages j Cotnlincs, Jlpmmer-rioth Frlngo, Broad flonraihg and" Pasting Lnccs, Curtain Silks' nml Fringes. Brussell, “Velvet ami Oil Carpotlng, Silver .Lining and faco Nalls, ScaminK CordrEnamelod Duck- Dril- * ting amt Muriiu. Cloths,. Curtain. Damasks, Mack Moleskins, Buckram, Silver Point Hands, all styles and-slkes’, Hubs, Spokof. Rims, Shafts, Poles, Circular Seats Ralls.nnd Books, Bulky Shafts, Turned Bent 8plncllos, Wldfllotrecs, Polo Yokes ami Turned Collars. Silver Plating, of dll Kinds, ftono nt Short Notico. - Tho best of Coach and Carriage Varnishes and Paints for sale, with many othor goods, •11 of whloh nro warranted'to bs— All tho above nnmod articles I will soli very low for CASH or on short time to Prompt Paying Customers. HARNESS OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. fW'Soo Advertisement In another column fSM.r' M8fl0,wly. 0. B. EVE t II. Spalding, You w Cephalic » Casello Facts. In this nnpor wo present to the public un* impcariinnlu fi*stininny cstuhlishiug the facts that Bad way’s Ready Rtdiof, Regulating ills, and Ronovatiug Rnsidvcnt, uro not only positive curatives of the sick, afflicted with disease; blit that thev havo iu many ca«o* proved to ho infallible, nml linvo re stored tlio dying patient to robust horfDh after all olhei means of medication failed. For sale by P. L. Tumloy, Rome, Ga. TIIIRT.EENTII WITNESS. Typold Fever—Chills and Fever—Palpitu lion of the Heart.—Prudonco Bailey, Rush- vi lie, I ml., testifies: “I have cured smno vory had cases of ty phoid Fever, nml Chills and Fnver with ltad- way's Regulating Pills ami Ready Relief. A singlo application of the Ready Belief has relieved sevoro pains in tho head, hw.rt and stomach. A fow drops of the Ready Relief will stop the palpitation of the hr art III a fow minutes. I havo had tho Phthisic for tho hist Hi years, have consulted several physi cians, none of them could relieve me. Rad- way's Ready Relief, Regulating Pills, and Renovating Resolvent, always afford lief from this ” ‘ * ' ' nior28w2w distressing complaint. jfSfT-Tlio closing years of Ijfo are often rcnrloi'.•wretched by ailmeuts which mo trifllngn themselves and easily oared if ta ken hi time. Affection of the liver, stom ach, and other organs concyrucdiu digestion sro the most froquont. They naturally make tlio sufferer norvoiis, iiritablo and coniplttiu- iug, and rolativos and friends rro forced t<* bear tho brunt of their ill humor. The use of Hostotter’s Colebratcd Stomach Bitters will provo an ofilcient remedy for this evil, it will not only strengthen thowholo physi cal orgi'jihatjon, but eutiicly euro the mots ohstiiiuto cases of Indigestion, Dliirrliren, Dysentery.nild Liver Complaint. The first physicians in tho country are loud In Ih-lr pralso of this proparatlon. Another rci men.datlon.of the HU tors is that it is so pala table to the taste that it may bo used even beverage, 8old by all druggists. MurchKwIpi. * . MAHniED—On Taosdny tho 26th inst^at th© rosidonbo of tho britlo*s.fa-. the”, Mr. Robt. Pryor, of Madison, Ga„ Mr. Ben West, of Polk co., to Mias Mat Pryor of Madison COUGHS;—The sudden changes in oiu elimato ore sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Affections. Experience har ing provCd'.tlmt simnln remedies often act speedily and oortainly when taken In. the onriy stages • of the disease, recourse should at'onco bo hod. to “Brown Bronchial Tro ches,” or Losongcs,' lot tho Cold, Cough, or -Irritation of tho Throat bo slight, ns by this precaution a iqoro serious attack may bo offoctually wardod oil', Public Speakers and Singors will find them efl'ootual for clear ing and strengthening the voice. See adver tisement. jauSwOm mid $5 fixes fur Plantations, Ship*. Boats, Hotels, Ac. ftfrSold Everywhere l»y All Wholesale Diuggists in large cities. All Retail Druggist—Grecer*-jU .re-keepers, Ac., iu all country villages und Towns. WHOLESALE AGENTS IN NEW YORK, Sbieffolin Brothers A Co., Harrnl, llisley A Kitohcn B. A. Fahnestock. Hull A Co.. Bin’ll. Gale A Robison, A. B. A D. Sands A Co.'. M. Ward. Close A Co.. Wheeler A Hurt, MrKDsoii A R.d.Mn*, Hcuamxn A (•«».. D. 8 Burno* A (<••.,* JinII. Bucket A Co.. F. C. Wells A Co. TIioiiiiis A Fuller, Laxolle, Marsh A Gardner, 1\ D. Orvis. Hall, Dixon A Co.. • 1'Clifold, Parker A Mower, Tripp A Co , Diullv A Stafford, Conrad Fox. nud others. PHILADELPHIA. PA. T* W. Dyott A Sons, Robert Shoemaker A Co., B. A. Fahucstock A Ce., French, Richards A Go., and othors. BOSTON, MASS. Geo, C. Goodwin ACo., Weeko* A Potter, M. S. Burr A Co., Juo. Wilson, Jr. NEW ORLEANS, M 0 B I L E, SAVANNAH, MEMPHIS,, nd Towns Ip tho SOUTHERN STATUS. AT ROUE, GA. P, L. TUHNLEY. And f$. UrnUK'nls. flmn.TJ nud Ilol.lietj gl-n- uritllv; in dlty nn-l cmintiy. jrfl-L-numrj- Djsfa" ? nl1 nrdcr n. nbovn. Or addreft order. dlrr«t—(nr If I 1 'rice, sjafoi r-ffi® *' r Jan28twAw'lm -- Send them immediately. Rcsiicctfiilly yours, JN0. B. SIMONS. £P. fl.—I have used ono. box of your Til J* and find them excellent. Brilo yJrnoin O., Jan. 15,1801, IT. O. Spalding, Esq.. * Plenso find' iuclosed twenty-ftvo cents, for wldcli send tno another box of yoUr Oephalje Pill*. They uro truly the best -Pills I ever tried. . Direct . A. STOVER, P. M., Bello Vernon, Wyandot co., 0. Beverly, Muss., Dec. 11, 1800. . C. Spalding, Esq., * I wish for somo circulars ur largo show bills to bring your Cephalic Pills more particular ly before my customers. If you have any thing of the kind, please send to me. One of my customers, who is Is 'subjiet fo. severe sick Hcndaehe, (usually lasting two day*) was cured of an attack In ono hour by ynir -PUU, which l sent her. FORWARDING OFFICE, ) tk • C.uioi.iNA Rah.iio.wi Company, \ Charleston, March 10; 1801.) NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. 3 pnE 8outh Carolina Railroad Company L. having , determined to discontinue this Bpartmcnt of thoir service, tlio ondcrslgued, who has boon tho Info Forwarding Agent of tho Company for tho last four years, bos as sociated with him, tho Cbiof Clork in tho Department, and nuder tho name of Gantt A Stonmv, will continue to receive nnd forward ■uoh.articles as may bo consigned to bis care, lie trusts, by strict porsonal attention, to - Utn a very llbtral shnro of tho buslbcss iif tlio Department. Parties aro reminded that all goods reach ing this point from points, beyond tho Con- fousrate States of. America; must bo ontcrod at the Custom Houso; nnd that duties aro payablo on snch ns wero not purchased on or boforo the 28th of February .in's t, and la den on ship board on or before the 15th of March inst., snvo such as are on tho Free Lists. It is, therefore, noecsiory that remittances bo made to pay tho duties, whero duties aro payobjo, aqd, in all eases, to cover (he expense of Customhouse cntry> wAc.'Acr the mods arc free or not. Prompt oomplianoo will prevent dolay nml expense, as all articles not entered and perralttcu will bo stared by tho .Custom IIcuso officers.- ‘The Bouth Carolina Railroad Company will advanco, as heretofore, tho churgos of Freight, Drayngo and Wharfage; but not the expenses connected with tlio Custom House. Rates qf charging for forwarding -will bo vory * forwarding ' •rate, amt had on applica tion to Gantt A Stoney, to whom all business communication* should bo addressed. Tho undersigned refers to the officers of the; Charleston Railroad Company, fo tho Hon. Chas. J. Jenkins, of Augusta, Go.j to the oultomots of tho Forwarding Depart ment, and to *11 Merchants of standing in tho city of Charleston, and rospactfiilly so- ' * re of patronage. • JAMES L. GANTT, •Reynold»hurg, Froi.*lln co.', 0. ) January 0.1801. j Henry C. Spalding, No. 48 Cedar st., N. Y» DoarStr; Incloscil twonty-flve cents, (25) for which *en«l u box of "Cephalic Pills.", tend to ad dress of Bov. Win. O. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Franklin co., phlo. - Your Pills work Hks a chnrni—euro liood- aohe niinust instantor. Truly yours. WM. C. FILLER. Ypsiluuti, Midi., Jah. 14,1801. Mr. Spalding, Sir: Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills for tire cure of the Nervous Headache and Ctsttvencss, and received tho line, and they had so good an oilect tlmt I a* induced to send for inoru. Please send by return muil. Direct to A. It. WAEELF.R, Ypsilanti, Mfeh. From the Examiner, Norfolk* Vn. They have been tosfod in more than thousand casos'witU ontlre success. Notice to the Public. O N the 22(1 March, inst., I gavo to Me. O. P. Fanufn. my note lor Two Hundred Dollars, duo on the 22d of Juno noxt,- This is to notlfy.said Fannin,‘and tho public gon- orally, that the abovo described Nofo will .not be paid, unlbssl am eempollcd to do so by law, as the consideration for which it was sivou has failed. March 22d, 1801. 8 ALEXANDER SATTERWHITE. mar2fltwl.tw2w SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY! “A St foil A* ncidents will happeu, even In well reg- ulated families, it is very deslrablo Jlo havo voinc cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac.,- . SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE !- Moot* all such emergencies, and’no house hold enn afford to bo without It.'- It is al- nys ready and up to the sticking point. “Usoful in Every Hoitse,” ; N. A Brush nccompaulcs oach Bottle. rrloo,25.ccnt3. Address ‘ UKNBY C. BrALDIKCI, 1 :' - - No. 4* Oil.r at., N. Y. A. cortoln.iinprtaoiplo!) ptrtoos *™ »'?■ ■tompllng lo palm oir <m tho uustupootlng public, Ttnitutlon. or my Prepared QWBggl would caution all person, to oiainiuo boforo purchasing, abd ioe that the full nuuic, ^-SPALTUKQ'S PBEPAB.ED OLEEI-tB; la on tho outrido wrapper, all ottiorr aru swindling counterfeits. AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY II • For tho ouro'of CONSUMPTION,’ BRONCHITIS, COl'OUS AND COLDS. , THE MAKORA AHABICaT niscovcnuD or a MISSIONARY WHILE TRAVELING IN ARABIA. All who nro suffering from Consumption should use tho Makora Arnbica, discovered by a missionary in.Arabia. All who lire threatened with Consumption should uso tho Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who nru suffering from Brohohitis should tiso tho .Makora Arabics, discovered by a Missionary in Arabia. All who ore suffering front Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, should uso tho Makora Arabica, discovered by oi missionary; in Arabia, - All who nro suffering from Asthma, 8crofti- !a and Impurities of tno Blood should uso.tho Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Atahib. - » It cures Consumption, “ - IteuresBfonchiiis. .it cures 8oro Throat* Cougfis and Colds. It euros-Asthma, 'Scrofula, and imporitios of the Blood.' . This uiioquallvd remedy is now for the first timo introduced to tho public. It was providentially discovered by a mis sionary whllatravelling in Arabio. IIo was cured of Consumption by Its uso after his case was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in. Europe. lie has forwarded to us in writing, a full 'account of bis extraordinary cure, and of a number of other cures wldcli have como un dor his observation, and also a full account of tbemedicino. At his roqucBt and impelled by a dotiro to extend u knowledge of -this remedy to 'tho publie, wo havo bud bis communication prin ted iu pamphlet form for- free distribution. Its interest is onliauocd by an aasoiint which he gives of Bojnojef tho scenes qf tlio Syrian nmsaacrcs, whloli ho obtained from;tUoh-o wlio suffered infbat dwfhl tragedy. . This pamphlet may bo obtained at our office or it will bo sent fr?©' by moil to all who apply forjti . • Wo.import tho Makora Arnbica ilirectfrom Smyrna through.tho' houso of Cleon A Uy- lippus, nhd Wo havo always ou hand a full supplv put up In bottloa ready for uso with f ' 1 prtic U «n°”lolliir poi bomo. Sout by null, on receipt of prloe, nnd 24 cents for postage. For Sola wholesale nml rotnU by i LEEDS, UILMOBEJbCOi, Importer, of D.ruga nnd Moilioinea, . Ul Liberty St., N. Y. Alio, by Drugglits g'onorolly. [wly ~ Notice. T dlEREBY. forworn all - porsons against X trading for a nofo mado by II. II* & G. 1 "Wafts, payablo toV. D.‘Thompson or bonror, for Eight Hundred and Twcnfy-flvo (823j Dollars) dated Nov. fi, 1850, duo 23th Do- comhory 1881*. As tho oonsidoretion for which said note was given has faded,. I will not pay It tmlos. cmopcHod^loM^law^ fobSJwdt TIURNETT’S Flavoring Exliacts, Ooco- _r> nine, Kalleston anil Tooth Ware—* fresh supply at FARELL A \ EISER.