The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, March 12, 1869, Image 1

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Theghosts of' buried Sowers moan, Andj^rejjhis jrepjij^ witU“willi»g tutie. which the prope".) N‘oti^**s ot a pub- «'« e 4 f \ha >8 Xot' personal property must hegiven^ ‘ike “ ,,UWiC >.ot!ce ^ ^ ^ ill l.e j sell .land mas? be .ublisbed for two Citations for letters Notice to l)o-»tors m , t be puhlishctHO ahi,-. . Votive the pitpplicrtions , ‘ Ccurt of Ordinary tor leave to 8 privilege -of iuterp measures I oppose; bat Jrill be faithfully executed, whethoptliey meet my approval or not. 1 shall; on all 1 subjects, have a policy' to recommend. but' none to ei» force agaiu«t tho people. Laws are to gbr- .ou all alike,-these npptisetf to ;is wolf us those who ftvor t .eh). ",fTOy q/$nfethod of Administrsifcioc. jitdtions io- -- u ^tj g y 10 j ( j % Ty S ._T ( , r i nwsi s<j offuctivo as their^wngetii*exceu- mship ™ u ^ dai i n i!tratioiv, »n*ntblr ix | tion.' The ‘country having just cm t'i j;cd ‘ n !t- dismission fr«m (iuav^i»-ans.ji}>: jVuui y::ths ,-s for the fori ■oloseure of Mortgage's iiiuat , ,„i inttii’hiv for four months—for es- .,l i -t‘t“ap r.'! fur tfc* full space of three compiling tiUretram Executors or ,1 nl-ii-tra*. r=, where bond lias been given by i 'or t’l- full pp.iao »t three months. "„; W „vs be rontiouod accord- - ' . ill ■ e. : ii j legal reauiromentr, Ullfos? oth- .';ii..rdcr’cd. a* Si*fiUmvSng ItATES. , ... .. ■ c lew of ten lilies orless?.! 00 ?.:& Mw^ge £ fa- sales. per levy. » M . ^il.H-for-s sales, per w ™ .^tfersofAdniiriistrhtibtr ■» 00 itviou^^r loiters of Guardianship * °0 ot an plication for dismission from Ldtni i*tr:itl‘ r.lica' ardianship, icaticn to sell land. •‘e to Dehto of Land, persquaro : „f pcrish.thle property, 1 * day: j...., S M dismission from 4 00 great rebellion, many questions will come before it (or settlcuiepfc in the next four years which preceding? wiininiiitrations have ndrpr hfid to In meeting th^e it is.' I <Iei>irabrt;..A ? !*i -4iey. should be or sectional pnfle, nnnttnbbriii" that greatest good to, the'grea/^'jiuijymr is the 1 tlu f object to beattaiiiodi Tfiis requires seeu- rity of person, protoerCr'afli' ibr, religious , ..and political opihiqn in Djjjtt' of oW ijrtFh* - IflSf fHWfJ j*fi ff>9?#! > inn** '8# common country., ivithoutaregard: to local bockto the point Irom which it was dragg- country, withoutiregard prejudice. All.iaWrf fiv , Sdi*»Vej these ends will receive my lest TrfTlVt?. 'fiff 'their cu- my best lirfT Ivijl forceuient. . - - « ?? • -a. A great debt Las bceu'Wmtritetedmiu valuallc time and a great deal of [lie’s money have been spent in di: \.\‘A«}.XT«pS, March." 5^-iaOO—ticij. . -Tr,"' ....%. . a... it. : , Ti'.' ' .i t^is qitcsti'on. ft is a qnestifirt which wifi | “V- •tll'MWijlow s a:rm Ur}« sfippyrted IvL ... if. i Ml:.. _ •. c ■- ):m . ... I irhtli! im-irmn u.dt qqjyn 'at the bidding: af speoiilakirs. and the aeitation bids fair to continue so •long :io lneif’app'iinted to adaiini-t r affair a*.,■. 'ii ..*,. .- . . y. , ;if.‘agjiasVU',e ng’it or ha;it:i.fe in.;!..- per- j live Cougrcssinc nc the repeal o)i barf .atid obn ixious J, . : ■ .nance. Oi L i.pi,;ln. uiuy In- c - ■,. — • * ' -witff-aTumjorrty•iff’'oui" ebftrMapora- ries all uV. f the,Statu, jvo cal! -lip-iu the General Assembly to move in this ic.-itt-r as justice, ec-firftiiv ami dee- There never sjiauld. If-ive” been a i-liange of Capital'; lout tie gross error SiuKiS* b^pncommitted, it behooves the guardians approached ealmly, ivithout.projiidioe, UaiOrLSi the welfare of the State to basicu and ‘ atIM J?J unses. Tn^TSg.’we cor35al!y onporse theso em|ihatie expressions o.f tbp. Columbus iTESDAV • OKNINtw March Kscai-e "of Convicts.—We learn that <ui last Wed aesday night,ator near Kings: tan. two negro convicts being brought on to work on tbeSelma, dome & Dalton K. if. made their escape. Their names are Joe Wagner,.a notorious raseal from about Ma- ton, who lias escaped twice before—and Henry Gilbert alias Hostie. i hey uad been chained together but byte- severed til alio had them in charge, ran after them iid fired two or three tunes,but it was ex eoediUjjrjy dark and they ma te their escape .curing to'us and our posterity ‘iVa ’yfjuion The payment of. tliis, p^inpipal a>d inter est, as well as the return - to u specie basis as soaU'as it’ean be accomnlUhed,. without, Etl'^si! lontAd-il riot Hlmaitif ♦ A fll.i rtoll^AW ritoca A i* fn material detriment to the debtor class or to i^UJitry atlar^e^ nm|y be provided for. of the governments indebtedness should bc.puid in gold unless otherwise istnulatcd in the contract. Let ft-be undeiStdbd thuk .no. repudiatio.ii. of', qiie faitliiu"i)f' the pub- liodebt trifl be trujted ja pubfio place, and if will go far towards strengthening a credit which oughto be the best ip tjie yjorld, and will ultimately enable --us ti replace the du&f; tytiiJitejls beS^f^ifhtere; t than we new pay. ' To this siiuuiti be added a faithful collection of the revenue and strict aecountibility to the treasury for ev T cdtloy^aHn*! : oonfcm[ltible ; fKmd and o*t- agdr''Tliddd?add aha ^Mjhghe of Kini- baji'Cnti wlpITiavelmidg<y'fat thing .put offMljig litBiovaX mayidbldyAe duyli.i' de parture, but tUg pccple will compel the Legislature to go back to the Capital of the ~ ! SSfE f«*T leurii to bp,^.»ye,.takegj^ p:nff,i;t atjoSP^dt-fi’a rcsitlf. •jsWe Icel arr . inttere.ft iir vh*r welfare ana gtkwtit; tiothl v.iTlTiUini'liird if a body of . - ponsible men are permitted to sit tlierg*. r urtlier metpToit oT offiegre y lv/w -d 12 ‘ ’ the bal'd eanimgs off 5a /-? ,5 -f K ’:v : . iV --rcs.^lh of J-articsi [ . .^awj'er.i.lTen d a join’ nvd.utiwu | rovkl- I Inc\i jdjiit'c -jjtu.'jtive of t'aj-ee .'■’euxt- rs and consider I lie appii: ;il of disabilities. , I WillknApum'uWtitiu'uf cd ameiidintfit tg' j Tenure ol-OHico I -id. suspending its oper.t- I tion utitii '1873. iiici a'ive session adjourn- !cd.- »r coy ; ■ - i . lioL'sts — i?evf r; i members were swora gin ,'i i«g[ ercdtnliaV of tins Touisiami dvle- ' gatacii’ l»tiic Mleotion Committee, to report whether iuiorniality was! fatal to this; iLJffxaiahlcrJgill it scat the Louisiana members!-' An effort:to have - tbe commit tee to tsn-sidtrall the questions regarding the iLcuisiaan election failed, by a large- vote. . a-.« nh dls - „Tbc newly elected-Kentucky: mcn.bers, y^ere sworn in. i-i-.ic,. ~ »* ••<!,*? - . t 'ill: aunnuncemcnt oi tlaf. I labile t creip- led such confgsk’ii a rotjess : wa5.. declared. Wi’ roysseuiblinL . l> Wi Ud, . Cemoerat. p*ald:‘ “ffeiiClsman. s’etucSed,din the Secretary of the Xavy, a' ihoK- five or ,r.' .-fficqtai).!vT.plt.izcu ivas-u^t. to b« limml in IViiusylvania. .. The ' case ' of tlie Ge)rqi*:.;.a-l-iiuj. ants was referred to tb • ry-.i^isn,., tee. 12S. aAud. di» hands to tea’-n *1 | 'pUiilthe «roj*t. VP SKpd -al lower than their cost, on a-ii>.ijit of JoVv h-iv l . *a and.Xbr caelr-s-ah—r-pass :b.a'io oBuIntnu”. And if you sliuuid luppen to arocad the corner and see n.en dvmkiug beer -that wilLbrieg to a bierh. and pin siiog. that sling down tliestrougest, and smashes that W id mb j b a man's fortune faster than coauiiissiiu merchants who advance --ii])- plies on .the last crop—ah,—oh. pass on to yjSbuueia.” Hut till my hem-ts i if yea should down 0- New York—that modern So and Cm., slab—ah—and Jwhen the ■lights are glimmering uad flashing, ah'd 1 the calis :irr dashing . hi* the streets— ! andob! drivers am iforing to carry youtrhei fc only ^tcSioV--: I onplaiis aud-the first geurtetnen go,—al. srif-- Broadwajr is mnatrip and a roar, oii.d the brass bands band* aro drasbing niosio fr< m the balco nies—and men iteJ tie •"little holes- ready to soil you tickets to go hi and sen the BlaCk-Ctonk’-sdauCe with nothing to wear >— 1 -and make -ipeetk^eh-of thenWH^®—all. h; ley friondsoioio iShuii’cm ” -And oh! ' if late) fn tlie evening, with a •vcry-pirficular friend.-yeipjn upstairs in- .. *' 1 • ----- 1 - ’ rdonis—ah. .. not Grab rtjlyo11hir.bhofc:mit 'the night; uiajfc auico iiii?«(4ice which, fiiruthe Uontft-flercr seeiued hctarcaa.bright. ameiul.v.votsj.-in^ throes --~t—r~. utn- -w.«a«er Jiaiincar- We need not care lor outside gloom pirafda in flit' C»»i^fitatioQ—-pLice their ithin tb:« rheerroIliirfctccr^rfKiiii. frtAe1 negro tn : : ; ‘ ■- ivutj sir - fconnttiBiiij plielicTlly! rClifeved of 3he wind uiiy r-ar with gusty uiyrth: Vtt* , ,“ e PAAisi“*Jthene''r<fc > ai)d it ktime A fire h blazing.. n the health. hereafter bg-tompkieeU on. the 'counties .of Cauipbell, Coweta, Caripi], ‘Heard, Troup, i-ayeue and. JieriwetiuK.. Sec. 3. The Coweta Circuit shall here after be kn iwn as tbe Atlanta Circuit, and the same shall be composed ot! the r-Mlotie of Fulton, DcKalb and Clayton. | Sec. 4. The- times iff botdi ig tin 1 Superior Courts shall be as fi-liows : BOJIE CIRCl'tr. ChiUteuga—ftirstifondsy in March,'an-l September. •-... | f ioy I— First >i-udav in-faniary aud i : , l'4ilk—.‘‘Jonfl.ij in TVbrcvirv ;iml August. . ■ Faul-liug—'] i.ird A5->rid:iy is March and September. i iidaEniaUeu—Fourth Afond.iy in : March aud .September. - * Si: I- .Vfalker.—Last Monday in February aftiT August. Taeeapoc«a oecitit. _usury o free ;ra^ fjowktpiloar lAStUms' of bfaeks/ What - sight wrts* thyyieieu swept? 'A smfde'ii visiurf'yvef me crept. has ‘jt :ali Tiuoantcd to? They-ire,‘of I' >sif,iiddr;ont the embers rise. A crowd of faces white aud gaunt, Aud worn. aTiis with sin and want. Their eyes gar’.- ibrth a hungry glare, And yet wire hopeless with-'despair. course, free,'nts every human being should Him shadowy forms,tn ghastly guise. be who has judgement aud intelligence onough'to 'appreckife 'i ,'state of freedom; : but it is a grave q'riesffon- whethor the ' mass iff the black i-s are 1 - any betteroflf, or even as cou.!'orta ije,.as well Ted, clothed, doctored, ani.otberwisc cared lor in their present roaoitfon is they were when in a state of siSi'tTWae. IV few mstanees exis t where nftiv -es have shown unusal' intelli- -gence ilnd adapted tliemsclves to eonditii-us in life which reflect honor upon their rich;' Aniloh! they.looked so pinched ahd bine; Imt these are, •sMaJejl cases—tlie exceptions Tf)e chilly stooii Jbad pierced them thro’, to the 'ggneifs'I' rule—.inu it will require _ gi-p'if t're'ed'tnr, iufroiinded wit!t : ‘all the The visin Campbs —Second Monday iu April and October. ... , ., . I'iftcd -fid! erva-i t > must splendidly famished merely to squander tno mini | *.*)« *.'x*rV“«i'r r**. v ?*»“‘ •“* O|0i*fe<-‘t ea®»@J»d advcn-, j 1 ^y , ( , n j: »«d|; ! VLj i,,u ” e - turers who have came down South to wreck ; ^cTjr-m-1 m-ri Gaorgia \vhilb“'il l isabled frhih tFpolitical storm. The hieuaigr or Represqnqifiye who puts upon record his veto against removal will sign his death w irrant. Tlie peqpIypfjGoojgia. frcinitjdxtiiue forth are goiajpto take tharge of hii.Xffairs of State. Appreciation ol the .National'Credit. ■The sudden and-rapid fnifirov^Bient at tie price of United Statcsseeurities in ill ‘IJiryi^ii’ 'fini'fjicVT^^pt!' of .the yu'dft woi 1 liy ; . An iudiiinatioi ffil First Ge-n ays the Macon .Vrs. v „ ! ,-. ■ ia ifegislafure apd itsfn per die e. was held I aaty. if we d- !:e sontimeatsul’a vast, majority of the peo- !-: -if tlie Stats, in lignatiou. meetings have .■en belli in their hearts ibri'- us tiiqe past, le results of which will 1 e mad al ie ballot box .rhea tlie giabbeis come rward for re election. -• .l*V - - w .r value :;ud par. when the clifTercnec ;e rang ned together out by Some j jeryjollif pra the chain and run. Mr. .Jenkms. yticable retrendiuiciit iu expeniTure in ^v^jy department of tlie government. When we compare the paying capacity of the eo iwtJy fist ill in p iv- : erty from the effccs of the war, but soon to ! emerge, I trust, into a greater prosperity i ever capacitj^^ff^« j twenty.five years ago, and calculate wiiat r " ^ ’ it will be twenty-five ycais hence, who fail" (.vj.ii//./ .i_.i ■ | (J cu tjt the feasibility of paying every-dol- 41*iHts£w$i P'^ iu ar.'iiroe) | for useless luxuries? IVIiy, it looks as tlyUuist-ike | though providence had bestowed upoil us a strong box, tfffi precious metals loekeiLf I *1 rii'AL'Ir' Ti’Ti , cl t , s ° up in lie sterile mountains of t!;e dflqr?™^**?**®***®? 8 ^ 1 * into which we are now forcing the key to unlock to meet the very contingency that igdjffijT pW * feMWFfrfr ifc a,a y b « necessary fc increase cue laeiiifics to reach those riches, and it may be necessary, also,’ that tne General government should giv its ad to secure this access; but that should only be when a dollar of obligation to pay, secures precisely tea came sort of dollar This WSsiifoii! ‘n-'uiiii.-ite:! f-bi’in.m, I-en- erah ShoridtUl^iaeTstfiimit GijUMal; Gen. I?d-li?iSeld to 1 be. *31aj< I'-Gcn.-riJ; Auger tp l iMjrigadiei.Geiiefal; ‘CoIuiuVus., 9ciaq%, Cotnmisslobef of Internal Kevouue. aD with Cabinet confirmed._ ' J ' ' , „ The, Star lias fallowing: ,./ ,j. ..'.;Ja4vge l.jojjik'lE »•->» Aite u f®-Gmierai, ibr. pl.jc.ariywjt, uas been upon tho Sdpn-uic bench of M.- ss. and see tbe sapper table spread with deli- i ^t’ptetnber. Coweta—First Monday :in March and September. Heard—Third Monday in March and ^ husetts. II .about fifty yepsi.f ngt^uid hasfor 4 cmany .. V. , ss ,.. T mrtby.CTi| F-TOVT. V* 1 " ’it “ • . ’toue.' the rise.i pri<«|WWilWRa Wice.-sild pteice at ha* bwn ad ttmeh. as •sovenper cent •*ithin. i i' !lJ !i.-.-i.'ii. He is a man -.f the highest ii-few'wbeks.'flrta'We hif.Tgjn beT^e® 1 tlretf ,«i* pr.ith-pwint-rc^thL- l(j«isrro itepre- F -iTaiivcs yesterda .-.ns the new - member nicies from every eliuldkinci country, and tea, ducks, and Snipes. - and jhlierlog-jed pheasants, andthiif’’ flsfi; flesh, and fowl can afford, oliampaign'. and brandy, and -burgundy, aud Chateau f.-flitte, older than Waterloo, aud nothing to pay, and al! free, and a nioe'ge ttliimai) with rings on his flu- cere qud a diamond -breastpin, playing with little spotted ■ prsto boards, and another turning-* Innebinc and dropping in a little balhtbst'-r -lls r iuud and round, and' stops souie times mi the eagle bird, and oftener don’t, ahd where thc players generally put down more than they t ike up. and men sometimes win; but mostiv don’t—ah -oh, ‘■Pass -u t-i Shun’em.” -And ia-OMielusion; my fHcnds. when the world, the flesii, and devil—ah —lie in wiat ‘" r iHtolifiHfi-PftJt'. SiugVia’ - Tioup—Third Mon lay in 3Iay and Xo- ytr.ibpy. Fayette—Fourth Monday m April and October. Their. teactygariiieoUi, thin and old, C*inld not f:tep out the .’damp and c- Id. applhumo of .-learnteg and:' knowledge! to elqvate 0% pqre.Waokinuui:. total iatelfeh- tua} Standard with the. white. The-negro question being definitely settled, and tel constructio;. in ''effect , accomplished, .the South ‘ bos' ribw- liefh ftf^ldMo but to advance forward ia;its>earecT of prosperity;iei*ifikaf tion and jirogrcss. rision Tauished. ithat it meant. 'I' know too well; a I! d why ’twas sent. • • " u rs ’ll ia t:rgc ;.:,e In! household cheer and warmth secure, :’!?«, »*)•«;alioaid forget the pcor. t This legssou Gcd" would have us learn. Andpa'rti of wbat He pb'cs —!urn! Icbru- price prieo has *erfijjifr?Uo)ved tbe qu :s,have we been aii (bis time .princely foi tunc,.b.ttji tuff weidfllK.-'t i::c-a 1 - Tiie Cotton Worm—Important to Cotton : .Planters; ip Tree.—Another remedy Ar thei-’cdttou worm Ipri'V&h pla- «Atat-ourdtsposmiy’tFimutt who has the £. i int-'rests of his country paper as weffl ss iiis simple, easy, per- id to be unfailiing, a trial. He says I] round ctcry ten iftttig ri[gar.ded ,as Attic of I acres dfcdttun throughout the field, and not MU tl&tijtttijfry,;' J|e irfa t a-w-nmi will touch it; or a still better plan ■»etllji»n40 -reLj^i tfaoSt m 1k4V-1 phir-ts mt likely to-naketldiistiikcs. Tlmy Cabinet Appointments. i learn from a Special Dispatch r ■d it: this city vest, ngar. the eabinc era! Grant-. IL Washburn i-'eoh E. Berio : id-i that the fnl-.Lte wintmenls .of See. "of State Sec of Navy See. of Treasury- Sec. of Interior Poa,t Master Gen. Attorney Gen. i:i;c-l. iter. W.V. Kramer Transferett. v\ e regret to learn that the abeve n: e-J ;,nd zealous young preacher n ned to learn lifilt tala Methodist Efiiseppal Chureh South has been j transferred from the Rome Circuit to K: tauten Station. His brother Rev. Geers Kramer, appointed to Butanton, has bee transferred to ihe Haltiuiore eonferenco. To tin Mtcwanls of tfce Huaio .Ciicgit .Methoilist Kplseopat Church real 1: - lit- Board of Steward of the Rome Ltteaitof tb* Methodist Episcopal Chureh South, arc hereby requested to moot ih the Methodist Church ia Kumo, Tuesday, ,-iareh Uth, lStJO, at 11 o’clock a. m. uu biur- ""' M <{(great imjnrtunes. - W. P. KRAMER, Preacher in Charge. .... .™,„ s pe' __ . . | auee, the prudent business man ib careful about contracting deb.s payable in the fu ture. Tho natic-ii.ehbnldT'lblh-tvf.lfi'i.-ame rule. A prostrate eomnieroe isto lie, rebuilt and all industries encouraged. Tbe-yomig men of the fltoRpfij. tltoj^.whp Irnili their age must be its i;uie»n t»'e«ijvfive years' hence, have a peculiarihrerest an msiintayi ing tlie national honor. "A mcfinent’s re flet tior. mUifevlut^dlLb&cur commanding iufiuC'noe'nniMigTmruMiWis of the woild in their, day, ii lk;y are only true to, theiil-* solves, should iufpife ibjtw wills' national pride; idi divisions; geograj hiciil.-pfllnital and religious can join in commonsarnsh. oi#?p ow H'3 1 #uWimdebL T s { t(-ipnpid br specie p.iyuMtAA'iABinbdus'dofx ,-v anportoqt as that a plan should be adopted and aenuiseed in A united determiftattffn-todo/ ra woitli niore thaR drylded cougseB’tippn the meth od of doing! Legislation upon this subject manprtlp seqesiMrw.row.,5)10* even advis ub!e,*bqt i£ irifTbe when" the civil law is more f ully restored,in aRjiapi# qt tfoseoqn- try. and trade resumes its wonted character 1 tpjrflT b^;uCr ffi (ptcgitfPall laws ia good faith, to collectalfrevenues asses That thc riSe abroad fsnotctnporari'spe'.u. , laj lativemuveniiiiit^s.oxldemced in the laet to g<gjBin tbe •• lace of enoriuous shipments. H hen the mail f the brightest clwraeler, never hav- j ivoaid ho tv plant it every few rows tiirougli- inr; tiecii mixed up in'politics. During the j out the field. If the beans cjuld not be navi c%la|ls|pi} rdyliUqrately • f«d. gjhnly rtippii all the chances before investing their niuliuns. dollar’s wnr'h ofbond> iiaie g rope darln, the present ns-nth u;:ir fm Was an active ivorker iu Lcbalf .of | m:nerd for market, fhepe would tile Union, and ilia sevi-jiM ynaib viec-Prcs-1 loss to the planter, from tbe fie( identef the Union LeMjfieg- ln/Bmp-fr lie j plane isoiie of the b is; - fertilizers known, des it T-.iriiiili il', iiciii' a'luLdi dp-iia Miiidulteificld be imp, oved instead- of injured ,i result no I fret that the Meriwether—Third Aiaada ary and August. Carrol—First Monday in April and (Je tuijey, . ATKANTA CIUCOIT- . ifeKalb—First Monday iu March and Suprember. Clayton—Second Monthly iu March a -J September. .. ' • Fulton—First Monday in .May antj No vember.. : -§?Ptei'Pt .fAUjsuii* eouijnenced and all bontjs aud other proceedings taken, rctujn- the terms of tl>e yourls iu said cir cuits as beret More -fixed, shall be ct usidered, deemed and held to be, rcttuusfile to the terms of said cuni'ts as,fixed by -t nia *ct. Fec. G. A11 laws gnd part of la conflict'wiih ffA'P *~f .A.,wNs-tit.."- eil." T * - ' W. P. PIUL-i:, Spwiker two t-s; nf the ll'vse^t' Repr 'Rtativcs. ' MAA. IIADDIN'. Clerk .of House of Representatives. BE-YiL- CON LET, Ifosideift of the Penatc. \. E-MARSHAL, Pecretny of Fenate! Tho Ml! became a law by lapse of timer ; •CrfNsTlI'rlitibjr AsiENlijirjrf.—:The Con stitution requires that amendments pro- ROAD MEETIXC. poied by the Congress sbaU b« ratified by , 1 • l ucor pot-ator8 of the -Memplns tbu-uiburtluj of the several States. Tbe arqnch Hail Road Company,, are.hereby I; ifth Article reads as fellows: '-it. notified, ami requested to meet at the office ' "T he Congress, whenever tso-tbirds of of W. S. Cothran, in Rome, Gai, on Sat- b-rh bouses shall deem necessary, sEall pro- urday the 13th bfjlarch next, for the pnr- poSc atiiendnicnts fre* Ihjj' CbBSiitiitfon, or, pcseof an organization under the Charter *’ n the application r,fv the Legislatures of lately passed by the Legislatnre' of this .twu t’mids of the several- States, shall call State. Such other persons (not Incorpor- q wnj-ention f.-r^ proposing ametidmeuts, atcrajasaredisposedtouniteiutaid.rgan- whicu.-iQ cither case, valid to all :,,F, c.. ,V»» ■ . , “ intents and purposes;as part df this CVsti - - &' clAoUe '* arq. invited to at- tution, when ratified by the Legislatures of T 00 *- thrco-iourtlii i f thd several - States, cr by. l - !e . cqnvcgt;; w ia fhi ee, foui tbs thereof, as IYC.ORPOKATORS. tup one or tho other, mode of ratifiehtiqB ;H DCQGiran,. ' W S Cothran may *>'e proposed bv the Cdnif'reiift! may be proposed by_fhe CoDLre&s^ protidpd H 31 Abderson, (hat nd-au«jfi(!^eh! % \Tnid11be uibde* J'W FToopcr. mu -j. •».„ .... Tt'rtO '-L II • . ■ * - prior »> the year ISOR'shall in any manner W V lyef, affect the first auiKtini-th clauses in the D SciAt ninth section oi the. first article, and that n u ’ no Stafd, without i‘s cons<git,.shaU be de- g„Sj L i prived of itv erjual 'tCfiragein the Sen- t."J. s ’- .' aita-: • FM Uarawick. A Muff— ITHPJ ucauiea; - , - . - Ckariic Mills, Route Agent on. the 8JL. tSt D. 11: R . 'inforhis ns that George Ash- buru, mail guard on the Atlantic and Wsst- era i!ai!:-oid. was- arrested night .before last iu Atlanta fir fobbing of the mail sacks. ~ *a magnifidfut- vst; ie. but in lii-ira snbscquuet crop. The depradafms of- : Pabi- winter resides in Fliiind-Inhin The f-llowingis a r-.q - tili-imui tl utti . ... ‘ f >a Secretary nf State. Llibu, B. Washburn,- in Illinois; of ’i fc-’^ufy. Secretary \k-x T.-- Stewart, cf SNow Yo- rlr demand is t it is generally the rule ^Spoq-trrig.^fhn'H-vy, iLdolphli. Boric, o ’ kuowi: that no ii seet depredates upon IptmeaHy firnty millions-'MTunsymima; Aumncy General. Tibcu T t ^° Gastor Leap, and Ir is prebible that H t ’ v ■ ' .. I . . * . . irnnLl 1 in n v-t*. 1111 ot i /» ■ 1 nln nf.. /7.. ■ to Ku an d Hoar, of >Ta5Rrtfliuse!tsSecretary of lnreri Jacob I). C<>x. Postmaster Geo price yesl^rd;^-, the. last day pi’ the Unnith. XA.& CrSPWMll.iF'Lij^iapd; Hei-rctary ware tho highest i t .has. ever been.—Y 4>3iiifiMil ren.ititis Heeretiil-y ‘df Mar, jiro IJrruf.!: .prunriatngseserat tuousaud qoliars.lur it 'psfli^^^^rtse^iJif^’SSttnoitldiy -wousc \ not per a PP r i l ,,, aaTi ,n- coin ‘,s yif t raft. wimaiapirH' The credentials from Georgia are uefee- trec.fiy'flle omission : of tho Congress for which they were elected. Louisiana certificates are defective in umitihiJ-tWfetMFfhe -teindidatrs who wen She,army worm cut off onr crop -lai r year, and thus #mpovorinlied ’ the country thou- sads ot dollars. Ti » indications of tit's sea son aremost iwvorabie-rbr this crop", and it isbul right thatnnr planters should mike every effort to’guard .ig-iin-t failure. It is wonld be a protgeti# a lo the plants —'Gmi- zalcsf Texas:'tnijmt'er ■ r New, - .MAlien, 2nd. In tlie . liuuse'Jntigeilauqous appropria tions were resumed. An amendment ajr~~ MreGosbcif I.’residciit ofthe'Pber Board, tiitii g. seijeral^tbousaud ^cjoilays ,lbr i f Jnihu&poiKi^aiiiaiiliu^ircq^UBictids tho Lonoof, .Mayph 5.—The pacific deplatA- ti-.n ut the King of 1’euesia.gis.cs great sat- isfactioh here. «l*i •» - CompliineBt to beorgla. The edit-irof tbe "Charleston Jfact, in wvithig up liis Jlo iilc trip, pays the fol lowing compliment to opr State aud [ eb- pk: . The journey was marked by no special .iacit’ent, but it was refiTihirqijtp hear the A decoy letter containing a sliia ;l zmoust ofwonoy addvcssWl to Lewis E. fibdey, of Fhibdelpbia, was plaecl io the •{See in At- anta by the mail-agent,and this letter ri fled ol ils contents, was found on. the per-! “n bf A'shburii when arrested. ". , This fellow is a" serf the notorious A-G i’itncr. . , . . , „ ■ . RGClsrl-', •they were inilie h-bit of ^t.-It-iiiv^-f ’•Lmnmbus Ashburn, ’whose taking of last J L Camp, f. rmidalile array, ibe v.inoiD ’cashs ^ ul *- cd « ‘jje arrest of o number of the RS Neftoc, « . , . I h.*sr. ro/in *i _. I.,. f . 3f J. 1 t /, i, «- . Ef5“ IVe no Jpngpr find in ilie N'vn he papers the simattonal heil,;:.,..- under, which ‘they werb inilie b- bit ‘out in f.iftnidalilo array, the casts r, . . _ . , „ ol Clime and.lawlessness occurring at the!•,“?■^ I ! ;ca iu Ueorgta^^hy. Gen.^Meiido and JC Rawlins. 3 11 Underwood^ 31 Dwincir, II Abraham \|.. r i '■'uplayctl at for* while.—gch** Tvrri? C IT Smith, . 'T17 Alexander, w w t Willianis, = TJJerry, T J Perry, ~B F Jones, ■fh Lowe, ArHall,' JLawraricc, T7 K Mann. ' J H Wisdom'. W P Hollingsworth; D \ .Miller, TR-Cooper, --R J 3f Perkins, J Blunt, A Dean, -• A Gunn, Bi-Bean,.; W T Shook, . : 8 K Smith. The followii g pericns join in this Sail. J J Cohen, /id! Hargrcre! J W H Underwood; R 1 T'Hargrove, G H Hamer, journals to the ‘‘Iti'ereaseVf Crime' York”—‘-Mere Lynching Law in Iowa’ or'to rFfesli Chapters of IudiuhaTlnrrori..' Assassination.—Dr. John'L. Fiiilay. son,Clerk of the Ja- kstn County Circuit urn fifty years ot" cgc,poi: at Fitzburg, Mess . in order that fie might be able to marry his daughter in law. It is a general rbs.rvatiou that eases of homicide m-rveal cf restrictions froui euiigants, aifii /’dhis'jji vi^T id5uietiied4^ra#ofhefwise tx> encourage emigration of paupers to Amen-' in good Taith, 'to collectalf revenues assessed, _ ^hmidan jvill m it go to L- uijji and to have them, property accuiHitod fo^|aM»g4iiW and economically disbtused. I will, fo the probaflybe srnnetl to-wofrow,' The steamer Dtowah. Arrived at her wharf on the 4th, bring ing the following : TASSENGEU.. Mrs Balls. J 0 Lowe, W T Slaton, Jas. Noble, Jr., I)r II M Anderson, Jas Noble, ■L. Samuel Noble, W S Cothran, G. W Bowen, Mr McCullough, A G Hilt, N J i-ayard, IV Waltcrmire, L Frank field, 3. Berry & Co. IV Vinson. W 3 Cothran, Jo. Magurire, Cotdran k Co, T iI'lrgrove, S N Noble, Pitner k Smith, -M Elliott & I o. - IT bales bushels eor disc, etc. FREIGHT. cotton, 150 bushels wheat, 500 i, 400 fi-et luaiber, merchen- best of iny ability, appoto to offioe only those who will carry out this design. Iu regard t«;Tff^.gn t p:ii)cJ 1 1 would deal with cation? as equitable law requires indi viduals to deal with each other, and I wonld protect the law abiding-, citizens whether a native or of foreign birth, Afhereyjr his righttgrej Jejqfosditqdfdr the flag of our country floats. I would respect the rights of all nations, demanding equal respect for opr own. If others depart from the ruleriu their dealingflAvit^ us wc m*y expect ttrl'ofiow their pteceddnt, Tbe prop er treatment of the origiual occupants of this land, tbe Indian! fe oti6 deserving a: careful study. I wifi favor jmy cour oti. A Good Arrangement. ') c are gratified tc State that C’apt. (’. B. Maiee, Superintendent of the Selma and Jendian Iiail'oad, lias leased tbe North •. si .i.a South \V est having W W sMer K anJer his i wp poptrol the eutirc line fr ‘-‘daia to Meridian —Selma Times. Doing Their- own rrcni Murcl, 1st tbe lM branches will do I'xr-KESMJG — e Railnad and its , , -their own ejarrfshiisiness, the hands Other n't C< j ‘ !t:itc3 Express Couipauy. t- follow suit^if 'IT J '’ ur ' U , i ‘ re P re P ar ' n f5 where?—Jlacr- n 1 ere ’ wl ‘- v Dot rke " Tf/Jt wards tthem jeh ij^ji ffeiS fill IHi ciiristipization and ltiaiate citizenship. The qujgtio^af iag^-te isgne ^ieh if liecly iu agitate tlie pulpg .k u J)fl.o»' as a port on of the citizens of the it;uiuU_iir» question slioold be -settold- vjow, sad { pa- tertain ft hope ajifi txprefs the,, desire^tpat it may -the 16’Jt .'article - of amendment to-tJ;e 0-institution. In eondiikion, I ask patient forbearance,- one townrfi^ another, Utruugliout the,.land arid a'determined effort'on the ery citizen to do liis share towards cement inga htMftautioifcwHl !J'?' s of > dulj e These b'underswill deprive Georgia aud Lrutsi ma tipm uvoie; i» the a(g3 (?&f Htthtti. y- nlv il! beliaji; Olo ci a bill beca rmitiired s tkm-bf vbteft «VWle to ^Wtt-' ttstirr.' UiUtti ihH nbgroes might Jj'p.‘itv!<*S>e to sell tbeir cerlificutcs. as il t)nt‘ be any wor^tlgui-^taqMrllKjtSVtir.g — Slto. Io']*- % Vi-pd J-.-iJ. ‘ Dkatti of r.’oLON'Et-' HarryMa The Mobije.paj'erg; brlirg'thmfi'F . . u:ent ef the deaiJt of Colonel Henry Maury, which ocourred in-Mobile on i}ie 22d iuSt., after a short illness. Colonel Maury wtiswell kuowt) throughout the couutry. — Gen. Joseplt Tilltjyptfids, who wi'l prob ably succecPCnoby rn?Vrcxas,says tbe dis • :u-i r ur-'t of tSa ’Stntfi is folly. " Reglvinw to, the .u. tent snggestiiins of iSoutlirfn Utttliculs.who eaSeitu n.body op General Grant ou Monday^ thpt" he should make room lahjs Cabinet for a Southern loyalist, Grant replied: You have bad a Southern loyalist for President three ycais; that ought to satisfy you.” / .’ At a dinner pu Sunday',Grant,an tolerable authority,is reported to have said: Let re- trtoWutfeen alone; these minor perplexities will soon be swallpwcd-up by greater events, growing nut of the recognition of Cuba aud acohffepjvcf' . An immeim;ccxbpd wes at ihe President’s last reception. , • ’ Senate.—An 'iheffeeftrar ’effort' was made to consider the pay of!Southern S.era- Wrs. After q very f^-de: ’ dehfift.fbfl rcsolntiou paying lemale clerks' tliu sqtge asfinales fl r simjjar service passed. IIoCSE.—A joint resoluThticn regarding nricting passed. Jt has previously t passed (l-.a Senate. It gives: the printing to the Glebe • • A jpint fisiSlhtloa authorizing' a bridge tciV 'n'n Gmoiuaati and Newport pa sed and g"CS,t° the. President. . , . The bi'l autboriziux* bridge- between •New : Ynrk and Brooklvri ptesetl andgoeito •tP^reddcDt"; . .!".. ,- K ., JoJin-D. -Youngaluhn A.Wjtnpey,J.iiii:i-s -H.A hristy end Jtimes II Beneh" ’are al’w-o etf ffrtceu jiufldred ' each fo£'eip'eufes, 1 o cuut<muiu . • AWumhef bfbiltr were takcu from the Speaker’s, table, and Jispos.c^of,.ffi0'tly only -ircag ty'iiitj^among tf-e&BBu t* bill ip. reiationioThe orgamzatxfoef militia'in ^.He'Sduflieru States- .HsNdt F A resolution ^yuipatbijiug . wjth'; Spaiu and Cnba.i-nd authorizing the President'to MAKTIAJ. IAW IN' TiVNXESSEU JIOD- Ilfl « l~~ -i.kiilTy i Ei An Importtint Oriler I'vaui t.'t.qcral Cuojier. Tlie Courts to be Kept In Operatfou Iu' tlie 3 3 Y^sgu^tyirjqquntte*. The following was issued atthe iafis hour Sy^rday evening,; . .. . IliitiTts Tenn. State Guarbs' ) NAsnyiBLE, TenN!,' Fgb. 27, 03 J G’c.ut eal Order }{q. tj. General,Order No. 4, js^ped from these fi«*d"«iiafterB, nudcrxlate’ of Tthpuary 23, t8ft),*s'hefeby ' u'lodiffc-f ^o J tlmt"all the courts may still be held as heretofore, in those counties d^ffarafi to be under uiaitial 4BLIIY? ti/'II* The military stationed in these counties arc hereby directed to assist the Sheriffs iu the tjischarge of their propar.dqtics. By ^o-a i).uid,qf Jodtepti A. OqoPKit, General ia command. .J6UN Cooper, Lieut . and'A. D. C?C! Sim has w)ittca the doom of Radicalism on the gates oi the eapitol.and. come what may,! will not tuni. bef face from the shining goal of right aud con titntioaal freedom. The pi litical creed of Georgia is plain aud con cise It is this: ‘-Full protection t.’ the jcclorcd people;it) tbpir rights of poison and property. Persistent and untiriug opposi tion tp that equality with tbe whites which the negro has been encouraged to claia.” The Georgians;, as well as I can gather, judge.eyery question from tbe white point -oi view. They are tbe chaiupious of the white race.ncd will brook ro such thing as tiegfoes in the social circle. They seem determincd'to make do compromise, and dare Copgrcso (0 do its worts- o much for tbe roliticaof tbe most flourishing State in the South. . tied feud. Mf'lierc.lhc likegri nes are cou.- redin Mafoiehusetfs,.)!): at the Eastward generally—bust or money fn nineteen cases ont of tweqty fnraishps tho motive and the provocation. It n it unfrequcntly happens, farthermore, that the ninrdefer and the victim,as in the Instance just mentioned,or in the Twitehell -case ’in Pjiiladclphia, stand lit some, close domestic ftation. We will venture the assertion that cases bf wii’e- miirdef infanticide and pirrietdc are of more frequent occurrence In tho Northern States than in any other’ section of th.e country—West by South; or perhaps, than in all other sections put togethcr.[— Balti more Stataman. ’ Mentpf iictHal abenn8o, cdbotli Houses to day. t a Lcsiblaturc ISatlfics the Flfteeutk 31,75- 29J Td: dull. Liverpool, March; 4;-^5t3atCm quit Uplands il l; Orleans 12,^'ales 1" otlitfilunchauged. At teruoon—Cotton firmer; ntf hi^ (Cpu 5Ss. Lnrd 73s. Tallow 45a Death bra Former Member of General Jackson’s Staff. Rev. John Robb, fur many years local Methodist minister and clerk in the Treas ury Department,died • ufidenly to-day,aged seventy-eight years. Tho deceased served on the staff of Jackson at New Orleans. Un der Jackson’s administration be was chief clerk of tbe War Department,and frequent ly, in tkeabsenpe of Secretary C#ss, acted as Secretary. Suicide. D r. Thomas iff. Wilson, oi! the larg wholesale drug house of Wilson, Pelf, & Co., ) i-llfyijV, ,.K> ecu milted suicide last T ’iursday night, by shcotiug hims -lf Dr- Wilson was a Georgian by birth, abou 60 years of age, and ptsscssed tfgica. wealth. The fatal, act was done "in ft TOE 15TO AMENDEJIT. The dosing of the last session of the 40 th Congress has beep marked by no event of •amp importance than the adoption and submission to the States of an amendment vesting in Congress tbe power to determine the qualifications- upon whic'J, the right of suffrage may be. exercised. The adoption oi' phis amendmen t by a sufficient number of the States will utako negro suffrage uni versal, and eught, therefore, according to Mr. Sumner, to bring about the milleuninm. The people have become so accustomed to usurpation that this .one produces little ex citement, and wc should pot be at all sur prised if ibf prodased amendment was rati fied. The negro mania which la now upon the country must exhaus: itself before rea son again resumes Its Eway. Probably « the process tho negro' race will also be cn. haunted, but that docs net trouble tbe Joy philanthropists.— Knoxville //<w ' i Pungent.—The Columbus Sun lays: The Inauguaraticu Ball- The western telegrams state that “a fiend- tSi Mr. Johnson publishes two columns addressed to the people of the United States in defeusa of hut couree as Presdicnt He invokes the consideration of the people iu behalf of'ccessot. Mr. JohrEon would have achieved much mureprasant popularity had_ he ct nsented to co-operate with the parties wha desired’ to carry op the Gover- meat out side of the Constitution. He dots not regret any 6f his actioasall haveiDg in view tlie restraint of Congress within the limits of the Constitution. * vary able paper. D S Priutup, C W Milts, T A Cleaves, D SI Hocil, H Harpold, ■ j U Towers, ' ■ A Griffith, J H ColeBian, JB Sullivan. W D Hoyt, RV Mitchell, J Branham, Jrl, RD Harvey, Stnatoit Yates.—A Washington dis patch to a I'biladeiphia paper says Senator Yates recc-utly “appeared suddenly, a few evenings siuce, belbrefihc ladies in the par- „„„„„ lor of . the St. f James Hotel, in his favorite, ftrur. costume, and flourished a revolver ia a very p G, n , ’ 'oarelcss mar,per. He was attired in noth- p nLil.?. ’ ing but a single article of raiment, and was, of course intoxicated at the time- The sen- aatiou prodtichdi however, was startling.” This was hi-second appearance upbn’those hoards' inftbat costume. - C. Glover,.. N C Harris. ' W S Wadsworft; J A Howie?—*"' ■’ S Gibbous,' A Morrison; W H Jones, S Si Slay, J H Cooper, {i P Burnett, K Hillyer, FI R Smith, J'M Elliott,. H A Smith, H H Smith. . 1 j E Graves, WWeit, _A Shorter, C.M Pennington, J E Veal, . . .■ vi Noble, Sr., ; P B Hardin, J W B Nowlin, D R Mitchell, JTmmberth, Gl> Butler, J R Stevens, J A Ball, J T Moore, I Woed, J G Yciscr, R Battey, J P McDowell. B Mitchell, "C G Samuels, J A Stansbuiy, W Vinson, N J Bayard, W M Shropshire TG Watters, W. Ramey, ' C O Stillwell, ■ "—‘ J -a85r* / ’ tfKC'Si ; R T Fouehc, aud others. Commercial. please copy rD ?• tr — iSj^Tlie Califoania wheat crop is so large that if niLtakcs are not made, it has never been equaled in any country. They talk of 75, SO and in one case 100 bushels to the acre. . - '• e- 8ft" A mcdcru Amazon,on her way to a convention, asked for a seat iu a crowded oar. An old- gentleman, with keen eyas, inquired: “Be you one'of the woman right- ers?” “I be!” answered the undaunted heroine. .“Bo you believe a woman has the same rights as a man?” “I tjo (empbatical ly.) “Well, theo, stand up and' enjoy ’em like a man! ’ rdf ) ■tftr-The wealthiest man in America is youDg Stevens, son of. the late Edwin A. Stevens, Hoboken, who, when he reaches bis majority will be-wortb $150,000,000, by the advance of his estate in New Jer sey. PnoruETic.— A year ago cx-Governor Joseph Brown is reported to have said that Bullock, if elected Governor, would b; nk- rupt the State in less than two years. its heavy kaud upon tie appointment ofun- isb copper” had purchased ten ticket? to the limited tasters of guano. Out cotemporaiy I Inaugnepa^Toa Ball and distributed th«ni savs • : • - . . J J among negroes, with the stipulation that th»: ‘‘•The fgttUtew rear* thw State'either»t ^^"Wtees should each pcraonglly attend iiUlt dUU UCLHUIUR. U IIC.ll UU11 UUU X CCUIr _ ’ i . .ower. Corn } cent better. Pork firm;" mess SaToonab^uguitmdr Atfepltuand t uthese. -•• -- -19..C “ ,nh '‘ ““ Fr< A section well kite uernity—Dis section. AVSliil alytical chemists to inspect and brand every cargo. But in the name of -ihe ulrea- dy oppressed.-pjantcr, we protest against . this universal and qpcqasing ict jeeting of ■ guano by men who would be doing better . j service by distributing and plowing the ’’ tame iii the ground.” BQvIf you axe lookingat a picture ycu ' Urn advantage 6f a good ligbt. Beas to.your fcliow-bsiurs as. you Are Railroad t- J.adies Should Dead N etvspapers- Tbe Charleston J%» has the subjoined . Xja£A8 R ECO NSTETCTio:,-—The new well written andsensibleartio!# on this sub- Unnstitution t-f Texas, including a propori- jest, which We' have : ’evcr regarded as of tion to divide the State, will be°voted upon the utmost importance to the advancement in July. The Democratic press of the State of intellectual cufture in every-family ; * if Dot £tau(1 tIle ghost of a “It is a great mistako tqfcutfde edaca- .chanco of being ratified. tion to a young ladie’s - time and attention • _ -» j devoted to oplyJeshionaUe literature of tho ^Mr. Seward has beer, a eontmtiuous day.. It you would quality hey.for conver- resident'of Washington for twe satiou, yute must give ber something to twc l V e as’Senator »ud eight talk about—give her education with the. “ outer world; and its transpiring’eveots.— - , ,, - — Urge her to read newspapers and becomo ^I'he Jse of Mrs. Mary E. Grares, end lend countenance to the festivties. Thefiannliar with tbp present character and iia- widow of Leslie C Graves’ a-rains’. tbe St’, .ifiaii. however, get wind, and created srich provcaient oi our race. History is of some i ..:,. ti......i r :c. t_ , TL tiffaii, hewever, grt wind, and created sdeh coiistcrnatirn among select circles t^iat prbir!f t riieasufcs httve. been • taken to inter cept the darkles r at the door." If this is t'cnc, it will not be a case clearly demanding the interposition of Judge Underwood and the. Reconstruction Committee? my " ‘ ‘ provement ei our race History is ol some Uuls Mntna , L;fe Insuiancc "Ooaipany, was importance; but our thoughts and our com decided at Lexington. Ky., Friday, after a ceres should ba msmly for the present pro tractcd liearim? and rc/nlted in a verdict timc-^to snow what it is and improve the ” r 000 and ; D L rest frcn> t ) ie date of the condition of it. Letbe:|have an intelligent death of Mr. Graves. It will bo remembar- „ , „ - UTB .„., opinion, and be able to sustain intelligent id t ] lat Leslie Graves committed suicide in Reconstruction Committee? Will couvcmations concerning, the mental, moral a "temporary it, ofiSteity, and the St. Louis . less a Violation oftbc civil rights bill to and rcltgtofis improvements of our time.— Pnp , nn nJV>n«d i n na v the rolicvofSS 000 to deny thcsenegrecs, w^b tickets in their Let her gUdci annaL and poems on . the ^o on hands, admit^ion to the Baft, th'-id )* was in centre tabla beh—‘ - »_« •. • ' — “ ----- we ^_ and ,, - , m the time cover- f e it c d by reason of tho manner of his death. .’••Iff end daily journals. Let- ' the whole family—men, women and children eguWhy was not Eve afraid of tha tae " —-pers.’.’ «aV? Because She’d ‘ ’