The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, April 09, 1869, Image 1

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VOLUME xxiii CNEI* - kblisuep JiVK« T FKI ? A T: BATES OF WEEKLY. imc >“ r : ", li. * lUL " '“■* M 'bates'fob tri weekly. ^^ "£^5'ir3iE: ? » M ;maBLYIN ADVANCE. more «n« copy will be fur- u'iurt,yU'“JF ch *5p for g>“ M. OWINELL* Proprietor. , rrAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ill, Aam : i:istrators, Elector, or the l' r, '|r T ffVe' orenoon end three in the ! ‘“ ori of , ho Court llonae in the county in afternoon. it V 3ituatf d. »hich the P r ”j' e3 ' e - sa ie, must bo given in e pub- i ( o,vcn m • ■ t0 sale day. t Debtors and Creditors of an estate, m „,tS'pufei?e>l 40 days ..ssSiS'isaf *rJ:sn!SWSS«a^ 1 ' ‘ ! lrou Administration, monthly six "'“ClTor dismission > from Guardianship, 40 “ I, O. O. F. F: P. Flemming, P. G. M., G. L. of ,Ga., I. O. 0. F., will visit Rome Lodge, Vo 40, ThntSdtcy/eveaing next He de. sires a full attendance on that occasion, as he will have something to say to them which will not only be interesting but pro. Stable to all who may attend. * >hoefe—2fiiui ^r,r°5KffMeSW i Communications _ . ...inner, through a public gas- W0U ]J J, e gbid to receive • Vrocloseure of Mortgages muol “■ ,I monthly for four aieuths—for es ■ l l i l : llbh ,' for the full space of three forcomiidling titles Irorn Executors or t ,..iith»—tor t n 1: t * b -S ha3 Been given by "'‘r'vJ > for the full so .* ’< ‘V ee mouths. ' ,l “' ' veil’ always bs continued accord- b Segal requirements, naleds olh-- . v * 1 .. , „ rivisp lit the fiUoWin? ■herill'. Sales per levy If lei. Hum or less $3' 00 : r; Morlilige ti. IT. .sales, per levy, T.vTetleflor? soles, per levy..... Ji.Mioas for letters of Adiiiihistratioa V00 . ,,.; onfc n,rletters of GuHrdinnshipy • wii **&*** **>'.*&*»***»* 4 - 00 Ifejilon fur uisuii?si(TO irbm yvice .rf apr!i« liiurdianrhip. r-itTE J~"fclT£" \|.t.lie*tion to sell laud...„... Pel.torsand ftBW>r»ilW-i>4i- 0? .. J 00 ,1, Land, persquerc 3 a> ,f parish;. Me property, 40 days, e.r riV-Notires, So days/.. ■ '.rcclwurc of Mortgage,-perequnre. 4 »0_ _ “ adrertising his wife, (in advance)!® 0 •1UESU.VA OllNlNti AprU. 6, I hint Class Crockery^0100.-3j*) tfio Tiling. - Mr .1 E. Veal has istabfshed just what Las leno been needed (1 Kunic. viz: a first ,i.iv llruckery 8thri-sriiere-a Tndy can pur- el,are everything needed fur table use. A bJv Call now. at his store, find a China l)i- g SL-t’worth'.-Jahidred dollars ; or, -||. can buy six l’laies, six Cups and Sau- ,-,-rs. ::»:d six Tumblers, aU tor one doUac. Hi, store—hear tbe centre of tlie bburtcr Hindi, is unit of unsurpassed beauty, and .•very bo^yM* tj'is viofnfry should' Cal/ in and see i'.* New Goods.—Messrs. Sullivan A Gealtucv, 11c now receiviiig-ifoeir-large and beautiful ttock of Sprig" and Summer j.. The ladies will surely be delighted with their very pretty, aud fashionable l'r.s, patterns, L*iees," i friuuniuga dec. &c., 'IVustiigk of white G ouua i» very large and cheap. We have no better niercha ts in this city and we alii glad to see their hnsiiieAS rapily increasing. Give them a nil at first door above the Bank -v fee aiv’- ' • ■ -/ •• . The Georgia state lottery. The Daily Drawings, to be reported in “..a* of the-above named Lottery tor fo e benefit ui'thc- Masonic Orphans’ Home, has been delayed by unexpected causes fot a rw days. They will probably commence -iiiit «t^)OD QWLBJ-l -W?“Kev. .John D. Easter, Ph. D., foriuer- h Hector of St liter’s ~Qhui$:liJ Sff t thia <i«y. has accepted a cull from Trinity (' h u r jJgSt.^ouyi/^o. g -^retiu*j o! Stockholders of S. R. «fc 1) R. I* i’v a »: lietitO bttlf'itjud in' anotliHr-. <;ol- c:t u. it \?.U \je seen that tlie aauuu) yitHit- Ji1 - "* the stockholders «f the Selaia. 'Rmuo’ *jh1 l^aftrtn'Hflil fioad Company will beliefd »n Selma ou the 2lst instant. r -* 1st uist .tJUlinery. Mr- J] ,h»nas has received n large and heantdul stiR*k of fashionahle Millinery G-tods, Jor the ^pnug and Summer trade. i;^F many leading article? at wholesale. Hie ladit.4 should give her a 6*U bgforo ptirehaftiug elsewhere. »See " Mechanics' Association.. i propose to Orgii:ire, the ^ pur- mght of W'eduesday, the 7th ipsfc, for ^ purpose ot orminirinir. * aL l, j) Ifj’ ) |> ) i> i ;; "I'liose wj Can (j I Ito have, npl paid their^ tuxes for ° so by calling on Thomas. A1J J;. rout will be here my.-ai Tin ' r ” ,r days 'in!\y~ sTH u “ I uesday next. W ^ 111 f. J Cece&Co. mak^a. appea 1 tbeir d iutors. iu to-day’s paper, to come ■ r *-rj Sid pay thS£KBdbtodi«M. See a, bertiseiueut. _ rarrij K ,s-and Bug S ,es thr S.le. '-Wm liaiucy. ut his new building op -***t ^ ;’*!!* S&Sk? * Block: i,as , fine, assortn^dt: flnd 1 A, for sale, lie buys afidwd^ , U .' LS .uid’Hwu., and ; hsaampte4tcortntbi '"'L> for feeding stock. See Advertse- meat. (KOTnOtoV a Auh a-c k.c jf) rot unit, ics.i »| ,, - aT«l}-j:u « A‘l .li .1 T). , ecUou *•»» Saturday. ' ^ --Berry was elected Justice of eace ;'isWi , . itonie COhict Baud. _ ... : Tliis amafeu^ |jatid' was pi^iijiized^a few Ldiyt’siiiee.! XtmmamM Harmony Hall, Louis^Jf Keutucky. mnragQH »re srT!swe"wilFseiroii thclt) fh "b^rs: waiter. G. IL Ward, K. s MitctelL.El'.iP^Yf!^ WaltV instant, a Iti^prmv semenL ’ jfpd W. Vf, Matter*® ** W r TSd fustruments haVe J perfect order, ^Sec. a^rgr jTbrfc.-, •i.ttomj'nvj ndt ui - bn “ From the well knewn energy and ’^erse- fve euce of the members, tbe community need have no fears Wf a-ftHdUron the part _of thesegentlemm; and we hope tlle^ 1 wbf ■receive that cordial entfdfegemeiit. trhieh’ iihe. enterprise demands. They .--till need about one hundred dollars.—after subscribe Solicited.—We' communications trom any of our farming friends, who have anything that will prove interesting or iTUhw Tn/in tfore .Til dSffli pay for their Instrunmnlnv ■A—good Band ijHUad&grihtiy iidi.4hoiljS«tst»» v o?> * every citizen, and it is to be hoped that all will' cheerfullj^ r^p lud^ tjieir. ctdl.’; The sub- scription list is,jtltlfi gj ,_ j o t „ tylajtAyi .iireasater. d; It jaihroighAheieacEgy truitufeib'iiitiif fiiany ireaders. tT£e'^caence if Mr. WeRs that the subscriptions already of agriculture opens a large field to the in- made; "have 1 befai,'1br'ti)C jjiostpart,secured. tclligent and ibqulsitive’ niind: frofii^rJrfc^ f jb 50 ' wa^linip nuia hnrl otlmfwiso L> a -. 1 • ' • Reconstruction iu Oeorgia remains* m statu quo. f — ^ . ti . ti Butler,has introduced,a general biff for the remuyai of disabilities; The billliprof vide®, for -a3 general system for removal of political disabilities, by petitions to the United ■States : Conrl3 iia States/and Ti+rito- rics where the persons applying resided du- ring<tho[«tar, admitting-the (applicant be lieves the Oonfedcmte Gencrnl- and State Governiiientis ^o’-hfiN-c ’’bced*i’eh,i#lj0 1 us and treasonable, auil that J-e truly repents ot all acts ,d,( iiijiiaiujnna«mt,G*ef6- of. .■•! imim Iom-10 ’'ill da.Hi to gather facts,by experience and otherwise aud which will be safely garnered if sent in t-us. 1 There is s-arcely an observing man that does not have good ideas sturid away, -thfit wilibe of de benefi. to the cbtfl- munity unless published. We find the above in the columns of a cotemporay, aud subscribe to its in tact. -•I MOH1 Monday^ morn 4ng, there wilS i4ie*vy white frost 1 in*- this vicinity. It cut down ali tender vegetables. ; such as Irish potatoes, beans, etc. and probably killed a con-hlerable portion of . 'l ho Tenure of Office - Bill; tis -amended, Il,e eafly peaebis - ' ‘ " has finally passed both Hbttfeik '^ItprS-rides that the President"ni8y liusjjfcud auy civil We learn that on account of' the sick ness of Judge ’ arratt, the above nailicd court hits been adjourned to Mouday, April Igth. From a Religious Stand Point.— Tho religion cf the members of the new Cabinet instated to be s follows: Attorney General Hoar is a» Unitarian; Secretary of the Interior. 1 ox is a Swedt’dborgian; S retary of the Navy, Borie is a Catholic; ex- Secretary of State, Washburne is a Uei- versalist; Secretary of State Fish,is aDutch Reformer,': aiud Postmaster General ■ CHfes.- well eschews churches altogether. The re ligious faith of Boutwell and Rawlins is not yet knowu to fame.—Grant's family are Methodists, -and that is the church' which be usually attends. ' : ' Commercial Convention in the. South.—The Daili/ Kentuckian advocates the proposed Commercial Convention to jic held in Memphis on, the 19th proximo, and say*- the; condition of the South is dUfercut now than befofe the war, whon commercial conventions were as much po litical as otheiwise.” It-adds:—"If the South understands her true interests Bfce will engage extensivrly in manufacturing,- and an extended system of c immarce will necessarily follow. The means commercial independence and once establish that on ,a. firm basis, and political independence php' necessary consequence” The idea, is-a sound one, aud if followed will, mi doubt -result beneficially to the South. It is said that ex-President. Johnson and ex-Secreta ry MoCuliooh will be present at the conven tion. ’ j >t ''}' {(!' 1 1 , i ( >i ' i 1 NoMINATI INS BY TAE PRESIDENT. A. T. Akerotan Jto&lKS. Aitwhoj-di or Georgia; Wilder, (colored) postmaster at Columbia. S. -C-, and Miss Hobsonpost-- listr^Si at Talladega, dife, Important to Cjgar Pralers-—We clip from a Ifortlier i paper, the fallowing information which wetrustmay be interest^ iug ta„cigar. dealers at least; . v - 1 » The internal. reYdnqe laW of Jdly 20, 1868. provides' that on anjiafter Ihe first day of April, 1869, all cigars shall be pack- ed in boxes not before used, containing, "25* 50. 100, 250 audt^OO, and shall be id aud takenfti^have been manufac- or impofdy 20, 1868, and shall be restem^^tih tayppid Stamps. Every manufacturer 3 -f*cigars shall b. into tbe box,- with a metal numbei of his mam improvement, .a eumberof Homey J 'All jour^ltery, district and State and shall pasl 1- Msuf uuitui) aid a U d .'Iwbuie- Asstifiatiou iu lloum. All jour- — ¥ ,. , IM .. . . , mmmm the ’ up denoting that the tax has fe .i; Any person who shall soil, or offeyfor ' any other form than iu i shall pack Ip auy ’ of the number pri sale, any ci; new boxes,, or anv ci|dSilu,' . ed by law to bo put iir oacli box, b1k.11, upon conviction, ^ than $100 nor more than*#!,* the new bfcok tax-paid stamp. Withdrawal prom^ ttie Kpisoopal I MwiStry. -Rev. MarshaflB. Smith, rec- X® GFifidO^ dOILB'Iiri I^4r St. John’s Church. N. J. an alum- arriag;,s-aud Uuesnes for Sale. “ £kSlT9S%i»0’ ^Vilfr ■ginia, and foFIEe'past'lwo'years the word ing editor of the Protestant Church map, hits writteumdetter tqJJisbop Odenhehne* annbpneing that he has formally with drawn from. Ihe iiiiniiitryGaf the l^iiseopal ... ^i.fuUau! Cl*, a— w Church. He says: “To leave V chura. .endeprpd tome by so many and easy matter, —,,„„ T _ sibility, Irat fidelity ito an a honest sense of , r ‘foif.99. ^a5gffla&i^iaapje 107 ^Sflaw ,l/ ^Ir. S«i,itVs .reasons- for the step me in .* •brief, hU despair of seeing what he Cplls IM’mfa. ff - t rl ullu Bistriet, and J,’.G. irrupt practices, aud a just guarantee of Charles Smitl^ T-jgidep; B. F. Buck. riatt, Vf.-iM. IIiTnvW I Thh-- 7 *T- l^S*!nm3fow;-*e^BOt,aiiiy xeiterata tn and IV. -Wi -Watters. 8 c'l r otoj^ L'lic ^vcsdditioBileyiddoci support of .our allegatioadgmjflt^c is pow. before Jthe6en»teyas otur - Wnshington correspondent affirms,, a siqglcJudian trea.- ty,-which will, if reri&d, eMl-f«im:Uie trea- sury ; of the people the-large sum.of-thirteen . .millionsjof dollars.iu a single year.. Ifcabm appears that sinoe-the formation of the gor ing liberally themselves—with which to "Clas- of Auierieai: citizens, and no i a; poia otjiertvto fill tbeir: placese Sbe lattor to can ti fine inWfEte antiltbcii end ! ofitbe next'sbSHibfi'ol’ C l o"}i"rtssf,'iyhfeA, 1 'at*.ffi^o^- 11 tian df’ tbiUenate the suspei ded otebcH-ipay be reinstated, or the new appointment con firmed. Indian or.sny.ietW.kininf nationality can be recognized inside of that established by tlie povereigu: .will Of the people Aloro- over, it seems that these treaties tare ratified ifnfit,negotiated,’- id.rsboret scesion, when but two or. three members are present, and that the. Indian ring in t e Senate are actu ally cputemplating the second purchase of the Territory of Alaska from the native In dian tribes, under the pretence that Russia .gave pi»ly a <1 lit cl thc Tfcrritury when; she disposed of, itRo -^tbe United-States. -Jt. causearelybe'icredited'that these -corrupt jobs can be carried on Without arousiug the .indignation of the people nil over the laud. Wie jflpeat, that tbe-India a is no more enti tled to special legislation,.or to the power of treaty maki-.g, than Sambo and Diuah on :tbei$ Southern plantation, or the Chinese in TCaliloruia. He has no national rights be yond those enjoyed by the negro, aud all the talk about this or that Indian nation, this or,that treaty with this tr that Indian tribe, are merely schemes gotten tip by , In dian, jobbers, sndiaud sharks, to rob the na- ttoual treasury . If laud buyers or specula tors have auy rights in the transfer of Indi an titles,.they, are questions, of law to: be dccide-1 .by. ..the Supreme Court. Let us -hear se liiesv about such nonsense as Indian treaties.,or special treUies with any elass of people located, within the limits of the Uui- "d States., ;Jt is as much beneath the dig- ity of the national government to recog- jze tiie.-existeuc-o.T a treaty making- power UK-rg any ,of its ;0 w u people, as it would bo .Iqila sovcreignJu-Burope to do the. same with,fiis.own,subjeetS.■ Ail the denials or' ,explanations.made by the Indian ring or- gans natiqpt wipe out. the fact that our In ,^i|j||a»yr Ncjtliol. CiUcUr^ltu^ , The Sunday; Schools ^f .Cave-, i Spring, J as will ie;Sceui*bribw T -b»v« -extended itt-dordial invitation to all tile's drools = oF'-fonie^ j fo unite wiih tMetiff at’thai place, iii a .^rand Jubilee on May Day. There’is no prettior ^ace in Upper Georgia, for such a purppsc ; •than hear ifia’t tiobie Spring which so geh- erpusly pours forth its .hcnlthfui, slrean»7- t-urrounded by ample grounds, -delighttblljr shaded. If suitable arrangements *c*n be made With-thej'Railroad' 1 Compahy, 'ii> aVVibi to' , •* ir->.h ot u.-iM-sr ..- r.i\ i-1 nftsthn* Xnake It too expen^ve,, we seo ; . no. rea^in. ■why t|eJn'yiiation should nclt,,ft91 aceqpt3d,j A)’-e suppose, however, the Sunday Schools' of Roaeawilbtake early afition on-tbis sub.' jeet, ThtFfoliowtngTfrthe .'tar^"6f’ trivita- tion allud«id'to.:(. . ‘ J ' , |;;,uud bui •- Pile undersigned, a .Committee of.fuvita- tion oq the part of the Sabbath Schools of pits of thv^bqtfi Seliqpu of. Rome, ern- bcacln^aU-denoiainationiJ/ jto : visit, us. next May-day. and join ns^ in a: Sdnda}** School celebration. 'Wo avail ourselvesthe Courier, whocs columns ptitiVkjt'&ftljM obliging$difor, tnixteifd tation,' , > ., | . ,.,|i ---i l-!. i-j.i-j: " A. J. King, , VUorn ofl D.N.Sanders,,)-Baptist P. B. Sheldon, ) SchooL a Geo.T. Watts, A Com.of J. S. Stubbs, [ Meth ' -ibul dm G. /tWrjiortT j Scho'3{r . . nd jrnite ti plenty of proyij ht cotton yon may be able. afeneral ttnn^ffnUlnJtW) has not nq^'ljeeti^ipat’ei ially ityurcq,; ,„She ), peach trees.arenow its fi^l-JWoon«..Lj.p* J .is«xX< (gE-l’he Lynchburg Virginain, of thb Stliult., reports the deathjaf. gamuol. Mil- in Virginia.” ^ejras e acquired a -ee millions of dollara. Hj leaves $193,000. for thft, esfoWishmenU. nf a fomals, UamaKlBx.Exposure. One nannah Tyler, holding a clerkship at Washington, indites a letter to {He New J **" ' * '* ' women v _.. |( — c i dgflfo : thsi? tire occurring, uoder, the prdext of The writer deliberately charges that' h —-:*i- 1 , -- 1 - reds-of women are 610"*““*^ *“ Indian Treaty. ’ A Fp^S»iiti*<Arlwtosas) papfi*.under- tekps,-ttl maka.-r»n ,olnborate denial of; the s . •charges., Jui-our--Washington corres- fork Independent, respecting the wo poudenoe >n:regard to the enormous swin- employes of'he go .eminent in Washinr treaties with fo called Indiani “na-f 9(r”n.-;i»« w , we. not, only reiterate the are-not heeded, and if the* were needed are entirely unfitted for the positiprs they fill witbiltadiah agents. . The whole system ■rotten and corrupt from beginning to end. be obliged to foleratfe their socreity daiy by In the first place, the i Senate has no right day. Let Mr.-Boutwell clear out the liff- or authority to, moke “treaties” with dial.s^tciALis,utterly wioug, and that arad- ical reform is urgently demanded. a&kU: -alt-i.i.cj..i: - Uard t)n«tloni to Answer. J Tie ibw' York Times has a correspond ent dp whom it rather dotes than otherwise, and who signs himself “A Veteran Observ er.” Ue'lias, this to say, and puts these hard'questipns to answer, in a-late issue of that papor:’' . “My opinion has alivajs beeu that what is called the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution cannot be adopted either iu Olikfqr Indiana, or probably Illinois. If I understand ^h’at amendment, it forces the [State - ' lo admit Chinese'as well as negroes .to|Vo£e, and’Hindobs, if they shall come.— Now I want to ask yon in theTimes: First, is right to admit Pagan Chinese and Hindoos-to-vote; iPjOrtret/uW ? • 1 Second,- If you: have a right, to force upon any State, even-by an amendment to the Constitutien, a change in its fnndamental stmeture, viz: tlie members of th; civil community? And third, How do yon propose to enforeo that amendment«n, the. States that reject the amendment? If the State of Ohio should reject that amendment, what can you do to These are very serious ques tions, and if that amendment should be car ried into party issues, I think the Republi can party has more to dread than at any tifoe since its formation. I know that the great i bodyi of Repulieaus will support it; but, sooner or. later) if forced Into party is sues, it must come before the' people,' and whit then: The-amendment is- not as ‘strong. ■ asif it holdjy said negro suffrage. But Abut venous. he a'so s-iys^*'% : - notorious that -the women ate the paramours of memh of Gongtess- who keep them, as weRaa the •' bther useless and superfluous female clerl in office, at the-expense of the govcrnniei How letterioldseS as fblloW»: vl ' ; ‘^ 0 “ ■ ' “Coogress ok the President tfu*M“ii. af- of members of Congress forced upon us, arii day. raff and pollution of his department. ' Let him appointmoral-awd—competent women; then let ns be paid aficordtng-lo our merits. Such is the earliest prayer of f-— r ' woman-clerk. ’ Hannai i Josh Billings’: Papers;—Dry goods are worshipped in this world now inoretlmn the-Isirdi*. * Councilling with fear w the wtay.fowards arc made;,bonnciUingirith.Iiopo.izJth»li(ay heroes are. made; counciliiog- with': faith : iz tlie way Christians are-made, u-..: l Plcastii-fe ialik-'a.hnriiet—generally,ends with a aafoyiefarqbirinq lo latent so JsU* - The’ wstdargerous characters--in the world are thfoe.whpjlive iu . thi> suburbs of virtew—they are rottofiiee. - - --; bit- ,Ei Luzyucss is a good deal like money—tho more a nran - haz of it| the- morlei he seems M Want,- ,,^ u . .... ..v. : -.. ue an id . There is no such thing as inheriting vir tew; money uud titles sed fever taoscs-'-eau be inherited. ” W The .^virtews. of a .convent, .are- 1 like' hot-housc. fruits—tender but tasteless. -- Life iz like a mountain-—after climbing up one side and sliding.dowu tlie other,i pbt up the slfd... : 1 - V : ' - *•»<» 5 ' B’heu a man. proves a literary firilurefhb generally sets up for a critie’jmd, - like the fox in: the;fable,, who.had lost -his brush in a trap, kanusee a ujee : long 'tail '.without haukcrin to hob it. .-.hi'-.i. totemgflived The devil: owes mod® of kir. success to the fakt that hu izalwus on hand: fctate C'oquctts often beat up the gxmef '. wlrilt the Prnos . Ltd ;ul d-.iilw .Jtf'jin There is.only aoe excuse fer impudence, and that iz ignorance.. u»l /Ilct-j, Reputashun is dike, 'money—thfiv prirMfcd pal iz often lost by pntting it! ont at inter est. ——— - Thure are lotaaffoHis in Chita world who, rather than not find no.^qlt atall.wotlldn.’tr. hesitate to j say to ^n ,jngle f mmjqfet.' hiz, tail was altogether .too long fry the rest uf his Body. . j,uUi fo&n) wxill jhos Envy is an insult to a man s good 'sense; for envy is the pa,n we feel at-the excellent cies of others. Madrid, March 31.—The c-o: ChfiBSjiftop gives the thropertOUi gus ifoi* ’Irfeh - The crown £ *‘ L ng for WffleMfi l Spring Styles in Bonnets, Flowers, I Etc. The newest and most fashionable color is a delicate buff The 1 other fashionable col ors are-green,- ’ absinthe find caronbier, a risk ruby tint. The new bonnets arc elab orately-trimmed.- The profusion of lace, fibfrere tuld trailing vines, is such that the bonuet'oannot be sees. Grasses are a|so ^ and there has nev- r display”of beautiftil flowers '{$j| season' of pfoe year,than it dqfo nair. An'nunsna'ly large breadth.of Japd was „ , 'U.MtaikateSMnteM.BSBMi thing,-’Well'pufidn, a killed,’ ,; the sforid-w eiedllmtittid-the Ufp The greater paf t of the corn teophas been planted,during.theprefapt,week,. AYq,fear. that ino6fc of the large mmonl* ftfyfertilizei*; purc^ 1 dfi*tlte>hestlai'tef*^»*»^! thh S^nisb m ure in the University of Virginia. other provisions of. hjs will arc not yet known, but as he had no immediate family, apd only distsWf^tkm^it is? 'WataropndJho edge; n beautiful- cluster supposed that most of hi* wealth has been of whrtftflpwprp, with apasmonflower .n henSed iu aid of charities l iadVpublic the of fops ptthp book ;and bequeathed ill aid of ob*ritie* ‘ public enterprises. " . M -- r Vi— Colored Nuptials. Twenty-four souls with hut aoJthsag^T s»aol2 Two dosen hearts that beat os twelve! is I -o;a - ‘Last night a dozen colored swains, with tl^>s->hrid®^a*n^U“^'r8is w ■ the altar of one of our colored Methodist cburoles,and asky^{fySTT 1 * , 1 The minister, of course, took th uun respon, 'Sud make-them ble. We never hi TorBdtrithdina* BAimty 'getting :imrpne_QCcasion before. The m o£.the the oorly the clijqu- ' C W le poetry o: Ice i 'e hearts were all “just as happy - as:, big-sunflow- hair, which is worn high. ^ e the .pretty Ftancbpn,which backward, aud was, not profusely id Watteau are entirely pew nnet, and the. new styles of ronnd - ,4 —- and la Perichole, aiter of that name, who was i wear this shape. ... jbofjpchoftbp Watteau shape, low .qpoq tjje'forsfiea^fopot» ? prheat, a clostpr of roaes^ loops ; of oen ?uUu rihhoi), ap<J two trailing vises 4ereath t of ; |jIne bows across bith the front aodlcenitpivwitb a hoqnet of roses, hluest and sprayspfT., j»heat; ,with a tall -of rich Chantilly lace. Apather of the same shape iol^aqd bftws of »{raw-polored onipa ajcloster. of wheat and poppies teautiftd bpnflpt has- several sprays off clemaiies resting upon.u puff of blonde in front, and wide blonde edging is plaited in form, of a shell at iho-fotolb The white n strings am finished, at the - ends foy wi^eblonde .hmng, fulled on, headed by spraysofci«m«tfo.„i .:.i. .... ..i • *--« An elegant briditi ■hatflias white satin ipg.3 of fopo 4 t the back- >an4 P« of (half-opened jmssion with green'leaves, ’i L-. A round &t«f white straw has a wreath f®'Slo*W'h*trthorne leaves and berries in 'front,; _ .r ■_ chantillyjace fulled around the back and joined to tbo vrreath at.eachside by rosettes of nairowivefoet rihhop: ' 4 pretty bdpnet ' fluting Of blacir lace hpon the. -.puff.ofblue-sati*,a wreath of: rose- uting on fine black ' feathers; and a white aigrette, and the end of the strings are edged-with feathers and roses, t- »• to A white chip lias a wreath of lace around- St,’With throe daises; made of sparkling -jet ■'“5nt,-bhick aigrette and bow of‘flame ed ribbons, ‘ „»i,L i»d- Round hats.with-vory wide brims will who officiated, deserves to:ho. - called: be'in vo^ue this season for tlie seaside wa- edding champion. Ahr-Hanner, “Hbw^ tering places and ‘coxnfry wear. Leghorn it .-?i' n PL.R<VnS'<fA4r£h'«1ates-i HSfa wirh'bn.mswill be fashionable, trimm- . f-.ulni Sr Cuba and the South*. Because the Cubans have revolted against the yoke of Spa in, liaving bet-n fought the the trick of revolution by the mother couov year, try herself, it is gonerally, - supposed that r ’’ the dream of CuJbao independence moans final annexation to .the (huted States; L-We learn, however, that though there 1»a phrtjr actuated by such motives; it is by, no means- of considerable magnitude or influetaOeMtiLg®' eni The masses of iusurgents want independence for themselves and their island ; n thoy .aSe: equally averse to Spapistdominaeioteatadi an American protectorate,. ;It is-the curse: she cannot hi of Spain that she cannot have good govern ment at home, and, of coarse,- cannot be stow good government upon her distant colonies. The grievance-of Cubans is that they havp h*d, their vjteHty mtekod out by, tlfo cpijtrolliugi power “ beyond tbe sea, and that this, ted by Wrong bps been polpete*- pFfiszor^ . That jneSoutli- feel gome sympathy for struggling^ patriot® is patprsl.euough; but, it'does Ioolf a little: curious to mark the fer vor, the eloquenco, and the contributions of the North toward tjie reljoJHops of all,the' outside world. It has been well said that _ . the Yankees are 'tolerant «’ Doo*- rebels bat tbeir own, - This is a trad is sharply defined whenever some 1 ur people beyond ourobtSfiaes raise thBif and desperately assail their tyrints. ' Afew days ago, there was a mass meeting at New York to express sympathy- fop the Caban insurrection,, Speeches atm? made by-{ dis tinguished individuals; j and;, resOhitions adopted by sf eaksiu we ;fii Ward Beeefier r Tbe iMlxxlng-II.8. Barabal Thu .Macon Journal * Messenger repsiy- ' e 4 a viaitfrmn ColqpelJU.a FHcfi,if States District Attorney for ,lQi ' "" toft Wednesday. Jfl fsnohse to ftt the suppoted whereabouts of'U Marshal Dickson, he said thati ie say.that.the United Judge of Florida report left Dickson, he States Marahal nnlt J haring met him a shortTtima here, about' ' ' sibly in pur for, and was given The Sayanuah Republican of .yesterday hfls trip ibljowing.paragraph ic refeionca to this official i Wo haye h They edwith a wreath of pint roses, aud long white tulle scarf, like one worn by the Etu- seyeral suggestion Vi but i jg&HS tlfot appear# to he based op: aioSr-. med ftst* u ; nuo lo ul kvmnei »;»■-, ’ * Gqod Times in East Tennessee. The Knoxville Pres3_ahd^T^rald ' says that already “the wheat fields .are as yer- dant as a meadow in May, and th sowed is in excess of. 15 season for .spring oats has able than lastyear^ the war, and altogether, the' fa'vmipg is bettor. Moro aitentfon is being paid.. to tho improved tnachjuerynowso universally, used in the neighboring-.. States, 'and,oiir farms are worked.better since the war. So far, the fruit is net injured, and we expect a large yield. If Frovidence continues to sinije upon qs, wo look forward for good times in Tennessee for .the’nextyear”" •‘From Ocean To Ocean.”—This is the advertisement of some of the" Western railroads. “O, shun,” would not b« an inap propriate eantion to travellers on some of I 1 1--’- 1 ’ '•I. “CoWgfleav'Klii*t- IVashington, "March' Sl.'^gENAi The Senate was" debatihgthe'npuse — tion tp adjourn pn' the fth. ' ' s ‘' fshows that tlie ’ IVbat Itadicallsm Has Dene for a State. Varnai Branbir. The Richmond Whig draws tVe following Trembling like an aspeu-ieaf; his hands, olu - melancholy picture of the condition to which feet, and even his jaws are in constant trem- Virginis has been reduced By the Radical ulcus motion; lie sits there like a candle (Congress. Bulloc’: and his party are striv- bllrnM ,0 J ts sockct - » ° lomeDt to - r i l : ]fr> - go out. Every motion is that of a most “ Stefs® enfeebled- invalid,[sbw, languid and una- of wrctcheducss ; The IMiig says: vailing. Ilfo voice fo so.foebie and tremu- ' iVirgtnfirOTralfify'wftEout’bw, or wbat lous tlmt hi-, son, who eonatintly attends .■c *fcn:i.™a»t.5aJ,Jan 0 y ec t ) ,irith6ut thd ad-' hiuj,-mqst place'hi?bar c-losfi'fo his father’s' She has (witli-ihS^x-l ?rpls* 3 S4d otBto^ eSnvey u -'-hi3' i -wor ; ds t6 hist ^ iTffiaj’ority^J^ ^AfiiliN(!i ; 6N;hIarch 31.—In the SenateV 'ournment,'Snnine; perfiaps, of two/distriefo .teuiporar-.: frijends. Day afteriday tbe eyes of hund- j3feKfejt-jy^r«ft68, r .aud; reds intfoe galleries arc'fixed upon the old and, courts/— man, as he half sits, half lies,there in the, i "offibbsJ'lhVirginia. a'rw 'fihiur, a silent, quiveriDg 1 Thuman. - wreck.—. ohd'-tfteto te:ndt a : saffidtehtnainb’er! Bi of intelligent, competent, and eligible-men latter She; ly act pas nominally a Governor/who has nopow- eyenwhilb .ontj-Of too faint%• ,lea?’ ! Tf' Hh'*were a niati of.tlie' be heard across the right stanqi, whose heart -Was WHh‘« n r peo- ( Pin It. r plefani whose character was unselfish, he ! mi?at exert a strong sttiui favorable - influ ence at Washington. It is to-be deplored , he is not a man of ths stamp referred * 1 His sole aim, fentMihe endofall lfis^f- . aptqMafcihp Bright? the i.agffititnyj-dR he authorities at Washfog^^jtp tqnpbfo.ifio —’ I ’ Yponauun^iilin^p^^’of iness eousisw'm tom-,' 'to i ,inq/. lo ietxaxa , tends Vteif aaifiWfhSH info ,-q -i: so Thorn:are pretty gobdaiu'dicadions that ' PpcBteWttebbut-ojBtbta'vrstbgnitSoB'-ofj ubarwinsnrgents thp^^roccgnition - ntiiiili of iothefi Beliacren tbJ u But: many n-Radibiiis are adcUbsxser.ito ihfo We hare a 'mfiittary .conunaud^r, ‘ftit- his pryaatufitarntMofo* thfiyia^ptcbendetemay mdsara'lied.. ^ofonbut lootttmdMfrl t^tenly^JhuiBpffinji tdingover until his appointed tfHficaffipn -tut An«mdI>oa>tepbpte uao T&f&g,ahanUte M great powers of Europe. The Presi- :iu denMtowcvefc, iidSid to-heo-fixtad imi bis": .™,,o -j-K-u..,, - Ifcjann^h^ni.KlnithdiAangiteUprague, ,u:: ■' § •fexfoelbc: jjaterial ont of which to make^hode Island,predicts outfiiaiteialTiirnp - S j tiumihitve,acreil’ghverint do*utetal- witiyimrxipresenfcqindebtednara^taBdb Mill Oixju Ok)mat .f u..a, a 1 J§mnk Blair declares Sprague'is .-the irady:; itud Bongressiwho comprehends the sit- itiou and dares utter it. ;!i. S sf range contradiction are without a govi Sent, for bains# hnann't wiT fh .noua-toi ertIS%<?5d!MfflWTOn 1 «rdt :o#Jq oitt Uiw min T3 t^ndsotTr^CSTS Couimittee.'Tlie hilf' ‘ifnitbd'Sth'tisT*"’ hrterfhstw .5-rtoiW orgawfoitibta «««*<* Wind Hprirtd pfotir^agmririi on tbs. iml to tlie other, to tEoKtf;Kl« strong 'hand to keett- rfo in ’eheck,'while'the ‘ ,., fact'-isi hhatt J jal-Geor government,- 1 remitted 'to a 'state of ira- at the *-iiier^:«f : otife ! iafi te re > meet* . ' After thb I wtt 'fre:hsd4i recognaed-Statb gbvernment under'the' Alexandria'tti " non; Thfo 'fost«*’Jrtflia«>ftii4»'Mre‘ , ;ite comfortable ubder-iH' * Wftwetfe' next: 'l ofthSt naturc ih cilling'bn’ SB 'M : ioountty to pu ate the information i W htfn . , h»D iGovsclNeBM lUscbargteL Richmond, March 27.—GenjSiotiemvn- to-day l issued Jan® xjrder ltmuoVing Gjv. iW|oIls-apd assigningi-the duties of the ou hhnairifi an, &>* -g*.--• - wao ot —- ' Ateyor Bm^eta; ofUetecsborg/ wawalso removed from offiom >:!*visir fo" <“ •> l- : <lm> atliLWt*!' 1 auia,) I -Wi-i !,j?il 1 -*,i! i - •• •" •“ Hanging tof. ^eeabam HraWU Mdk YflUWA, DOQHS-CoUNTTjlCUli. ti Jl» jp^i8*a#a-4 no-q 1. .Z Tde^-ajJa- ih, _ _ e Negro -Nt Browa,wh»wis committed to Dooly county jail on the: 24th t test, for murdering ! >one - j and committiner *ju.-zene on i taken out :iof; ijai^rabout itho. whito child and another,-was taken ’clock in the morning of the; ^5tlfo: by nob, and carriediaboat half a mile westof i r icnDa,and hung tethe limb of an oat by the DraytondoaA iflwike; were fwcibly tnd. violently tak Kg' of them. There werrfrom. twenty, tatiurty. ifon J^nU There wer«from,tweuty. to thirty men in the crowd. Aftdnquest .waa held next day,on the body end foh vordict ' Rf foe jury wag letatoordaneel with the aboTe statemeof- b I>uc \uaihoatilu-- ccsd >1*1 Ymaa truly,,d*T*d m.-oit ( ul ■tOuh .ik i fixed bayi t , . fJ . , 1|4 , vjg erw*. r -v'vei«pw>t -»»: a tTfrfA Mabsiial Dickson.—As it may be in- ferred from our remarks yesterday that the a heavy loser by the depar- ur to, partsLunknown, it would be. well to correct that.imprfosionh—• Hfo hoo^s shpy tl(at fhe gofernaent is' in begQ.nble te tnctjWBljfrcMfiptfcsasaao- t ijfil Sooi ojhpl *.g-jnoe#nu«<m upi dollars jut) hli possession that belonged to •; to «v-w—tauuMirsef q . ,1 pails; other peqpfo, an ampunt wbiohheoonld have HoNriAi-a.'STEPHKNB.-^rhe Obsstil- readtly arranged for. The. real cause.aof: itisB)ilis<tef «t«foteWhcts to learn that his dtsappearpnee, thcrefore,.h a mystery, 'thfordistinguiahed gentleman is stili r. and that thff acciOebt wKchprdStti 4fo , 4fi|d < dff«6Wui(9fjnore serious (i fifbt-'eupposed.’- Some'titnb since iphcns could go about dnforutehes; put ho hss to le.si4jpo5t£d by pil- id finds loeomdtTqn impossible. We '(il; JI0W WtjnailoZe 11 **r' ‘Mohticello” ‘the former residbece ti%«aM*ftpl|»»twTho«iiefoJhy vittiio^fH^ss . — 4 dlaeuAn ilfeA.I'/I'tulMii.! flA* —A .’xf-U * aU ^ )IV|| Sueefissdri^ i ^t-t - -;.! foid r ^l'Park Colonel Halberto”! fonbem! a’decree of- the Circuifcl Court of Rich mond. ad) no avjiJ p; ;- T 0-,jte4)aii or ■# i . ■ ■ t 1 - ltd driJ If Uoldnel-Hhltei ..... hfodpbri>tlp'p'$ v o^'the''8fote Governor, ho would pay in fifty thousand, instead of twenty-five thtmsaud, dollars per month. We know whereof we speak, and if the Governor won’t abject too strongly, we will, ere-long, give him' land ; the 'public i thebty at 1 matter of eutieinglafoaikdcfrofo his em- Suite lefendanlk] ii89S4uct.. ir. ” erahle attentic* - ‘"as ’[ f;»" Tel ti# ads aiariux** ol sa--: -: .-•< b* - - fata* >± :.(, ; ^dfoffifieA-ribte, faced under military law, and had a civil : one fo_..elflan-hloodad.. They havii . chiefly ivertlo'r assigded gif. (woj ;at- foist,- df onr.-i nils Schofield and Si lie .main, well jyiciqjn.decent?. .ve-neither/ahd the , ‘ntnlor-'(!fin.„ . -Wiiil>ssjjti>ii'llisl l <L<iiV(gttff|~ti?ff,"trfw a r . ” -, adjourn Withottt dftihg hiiythiSg T glfof —. ji .-rtr.-IoulcY vlevilcuaiuKS tot our; relief. ’’’Tbelpemde-of Yifginia' -Wf,‘’i#e'bUferef ' conduct themselves Under’ * ——‘- ! oes more becomingly'than number of people: miywhere ■*'" ‘ ' ' not ‘ •nb Negro EEmaiANOrHtetjtaOAUSK Would Not Go io. Church:—We reeffilBtmnieatt, .'shot and killed another Bhen - sufficiently' tiied-,’ without' being jected*>«aeh an OrfeaU ay thfe.' -Besfd'di 1 ,' , j ro namP H Ned' Jones because he (Ned> Wfo»t w to beoome of their business? Wherff foeredsuodawbusiness cannot 'fibuHsh.-fc^! 0 , & Immigrants ahd ■capital', whicH'fiad' bogdn to pour iUfmufo be- checked so fongtas this state of thingdtcotitiiftieiLAr they drill mot ’-Virginia,' In' this their President ! bg<rrfirf-44, To-’ po-Other-rtitriie - upaer -- . .venom they look. ■ ■ '• ■»*>{ bo# .ten-Koj aid) qofofsb ol hotels shaj hJ, to ttatej'.lMidsw “1 »)aIqiopa a xd’®iP%flSx«wfli o< !ii0lftDMENr.— Tho ned to do^ BUpj^^^cdjWas not 4 MmBBB yat& if ttyinnitfodfoe'^idedtapbecause Ned did not heed his-pious instructions. Green is still . ^SS&gsaaafiBSSs atiotaaltlntelligineer of Thursday eayr. “The aotionof Indiana and the;refial of ' ter » t U.: pqhlfohi lilsadiog^riUtan itelgs, {took the the 15th amindmont.- Its Jktellegenceb as to pertain. We-count againatif Oregon, ^?5Kil Wh,eh WaS Calaforuia, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, le fsTELiojtNCER as Ohib^N^Wj * * .and Indiana. S-Sfs now 13 next --* y* ijiTiSomp;; State Treasurer,' i iCarMilutiox, and of the JBra, occasion to ^SSiMtvtaf . true Inrtf%' IpbrffRig’a i&sueof Xen. &• suiBcichV to^iefeai it, unE Connec- . 2?*V d 1 t Ca - rdV ticut alone would end it; We observe tbit psitali.flJiWhlthOteMses the followiDg c!o- both Pennsylvania' and New Yortfailto f teg pe»fftsph under his .own signature: ratify, j and it would seem that the “ i.idlSq .far .asithis fobsidised sheet^he-lN-! jiiian meters of foe Leritour “ XELLiGENCERj, has any influence, the ~ • ShEP. Rggerr. Treasur er .considers himself complimented when asked by -tbs iGhraraor’a rHome Or. ” find ; haa no complsiut to auke,.so rts of.his-dixcellehcym charged to the JOojituia&tts nud not the tYintiiur . ******» tad • mi foafoMOteXytTreasarer. J u, “ e . <i Sl i 1£lde ' “Atkntai, March. 30th, 1869” - It- Angier : ift vwritmgand pub; fog Wrself. _ time after life was extinct, but Ther e _ ‘tao Oonatable or Coroner in the coun- . 11 jmmiwiBiB s »ub y, Jno tone felt authorized to interfere with JWtidiifowfrdid/nAArtidmi^eatLx f®-^* TBe»egr?t« were 1 afraid to cut . JI denounce- Dr. i Angiar a slanderer and' M°?°^ this ddemma General Stoner calunuuator. ’Jaxed irwjn Whitakxr.— ““ w? 3 . teI fS™P|l cd k now wh&t shonld Atlanta jUhtlUgtrictrofZ\gt i * leti sdOo ootolTDtJ r—K T, 'Aijivbd April 1st,'1869, bringing' the ;l : . - ■ aJX -J r-..-. ... MtlfistiU I 1x9 ajl te«J) bt m *4t . I. HSiniaw taw WMt l W fo* ik« Largest Patou SfctalclM IMattar hsi>t : -sib fo-‘lte U.talted Xtetitei.h. tat mi Nxw :Yotak;-March:l, 1869. DavidK. Foctz, Baltimore, Md.. Dtor -Sir: You will please ship us. riV 4* J?< Frazier, J. A. Cowau & lady, Mrs. t’s .Horse and' -GoiVah^ E. G. Logaii'A lady, Mrs. Flanna- uto .Ganil line,.500 groas of Fonts’: Cattle Powders, at yonr lowest priea ■ 1 adveytieeiusnls, have already placed may bring balm to the suflerer. ahd restore "•*"= mreauy piacea Hrn4n. active imfnltlSKI **“< ~ wPf! timis advance of every .other e»mi&r ar- 7. r.rf, xx ,batuM pmh auNwl tiole now extanC 1 ’ * i new t'vided onr sales sontimm te at. 8P,9f Bffit OUc thauKOLi ahd expci zsiasssyssxsw asiseSsiSr' strict „ I . .. W_ .HBR ...... , ^G*^.%dytean I d : M^ : L. : P.'EIoyd. .cesst i wherever': they have beeu knowu;liHiti 'i , odr salea ti'cyeof arorapidly'ihcreasiiMr.xteq jUOw,d}drr. ._ _. “.‘ Many panmiii have'-givdaitiw-m: trial; wedi -Hatpord, riillycr friim-tlifljuiiU'eumes the vordict, -“Foute’s M.'Elliott & Co., _ n., s ,o„.D,s.s. m -- |r»e!gSSfeaa \»u***3*SL*yn~, » Davis. & Gresn, R. T. cliandise, 4c^ oet Lumber, Mer- ■ ' ami'' w- Ti-Ri II. Rivera, D. D., President illeg'e7 RdssellvUIe, Ky., lUgbont .the South, says etter under date Jan. 28th, 1869, of iT%'PR0PHYtoiOri[c.FEUiB:" “When 'l -fog. fo' sq terribly fractured, (a com- - ■ - pound cominuted , fracture), I do believe JourfFlaidwvcJi* fltoui mortification. 1 iarsU.— Vcmomt South, ii a letter hoaringiitftJiteBary 2lst, snya: "Dakuy.’s Phohiylactic F — ■ : • paoaeea—a preventive and wife a sine qua i