The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, May 14, 1869, Image 2

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Inc" Romo Courier HOME, GA. TUESDAY HORNING, May II. Excursion to Jacksonville. We bad the pleasure ou last Friday of participating in a delightful excursion on the Selma, Rome & Dalton Railroad given by Capt. Barney to some of the stockhol ders o! the Road, and a fear invited guests from Rome. We left Rime on an extra train, at 2| o’do.'k, and on return, arrived here'at 0 o’clock, having stopped at Jacksonville and other points about an hour. This Road and its equipments should he a matter of great pride to the Company, and it reflects great credit upon Captain Barney, the Superintendent The new part of the Road, from Blue Mountain to Rome—is laid with the best Fish Bar rail, and, so far as we have been ou the track,, it is one of the smoothest running roads we ever traveled upon. Some part of the way our speed was at the rate of 27 miles' an hour, yet not a jostle was experienced, nor was there sufficient noise to interrupt ordi nary conversation. The passenger coaches on this road are super!'—elega-it as drawing rooms and comfortable as rocking oh irs—and a trip through those rich valleys, abounding in a scenery of rare, roinautic beauty, affords a pleasure seldom realized by travellers. The excursion was a joyous one, and the delighted guests feel under many obliga tions to Capt. Barney and Col. Printup, the vice 1'resident of the Couipauy IWWBWay NcHoels at Cave Spring. In behalf of the Sunday Schools of this city, we are teqnested to extend a cordial invitation to the Sunday Schools at. Spring to joiu them in their excui celebration ou Thursday, the 13th The party will leave the Depot in, Roun Si o’clock, a. m. £> The Templeton Troupe. This Company will give their last enter tainment in this city to-night. They have sustained themselves well in this city, and considering, the size of the place, have re- teivell/a liberal patrrnage. As we go to press befi re the play, we do not .jyjgJ«! ol Jh& [ | < , amount reafize^^stj ~ the Monumqgy^ssoeiatKftii lmcq<c. I Advance in Gold; In the past few days gold has advanced in New York nearly five cents, aud United States bonds have decliued ia Europe.. The latter probably caused the former, and it was caused by the belligerent tone of the Speeches in the United States Seuate, upon the Alabama Claims question. Unole Sam bett. r not load his financial camel too heav ily. The feather of a bombastic speech may yet break h : s back. First Fruits ol' the Cherokee Masonic tire Insurance Company. The firs", death in this Company was that of Thcs. J. Crowe, of Florence, Ala., which occurred on the 22d day of April last. Mr. Crewe had paid into the Compa ny but seven dollars and ten cents. On the 3d iust. his widow, Mrs. C. Crowe, was paid four! uni’red aud sixty-three dollars,by this Company, it being the amount due on hi i policy. What a help this will be to the bereaved family, particularly if they aro in • compar atively destitute circumstances. The Com pany is rapidly filliug up, and soon the friends of a deceased member will be en titled to S1.000. /// /~ For particulars, address Thos. J. Perry, Secretary, Rome Ga. Rome FUe Company- > n '-v-T! his Company passed np the road qi their way to their mouiffainihohein/'tire bea tilul eity of Rome, ou Tuesday bight last, from a grand gala trip to- AtlaritiyL- Their magnificent-engine prisSed seyeijii hours in:advance. - The editors bf the Cou rier and Commercial* afcweft'aS’ Y u* good people of Rome in geribral.’nay- well’'feel proud iof their troop Of firemen:' We bfity wish. Marietta cOnld boast of-as' urach.-/- '.Variittu Journal. H , [From the ProvidenceEvening Press. The American Year Book and National Register for -*•' T S‘" . . -i " aid sfot ol add Bit Astronomical] historical, political;’ fimn-' cial, commercial, agricultural, educational and religious, etc. Edited by David N. Camp. Yol. 1 Hartford O.- lit / Case>&4*' Co., IS69. pp. 821. •ned ! brow sH ’ 61s8 The value of this work can' only be ob tained by an examination of it '' We Kate examined it briticaliy; and ‘ our wonder ' h that some euterpi isiDg head "has iuSt here tofore produced its like. It is a hauif liodt of information upon nearly every subject-bf interest to an American which effects' bis government and country.! We were'' aston ished at t’le scope of the vo.uuii,, at the systematic detail, at the array iff figuVes.up' r ‘ : on uearly, if uot quite every queutioc which arises connected with the- general govern ment of the States. - The work is divided into six parts, arid hence is thoroughly systemized * * The book isinva'uable as a work for reference. We learn from the enterprising publishers that jt is their desigrilo cootinue ita publi cation yearly,- providing 1 they meet with sufficient encouragement! They can 'hard-' ly fail of that if it is propeHyintrodriecd. ta the public.!- It is-to be sold'by subscription and some smart agent ought ' to make a good thing, in the way of m:t missions, in our own State. The book will nt only become immensely popular,' but it will be come a necessity as a siaridard of Tefer' eneeV Unwearied pains have been . taken to have rill informatioto strietiy autfientic. The work'nleehanically dbes credit In the publishers. Any persou desiring to take au agency can see a copy of the book, and obtain' fur ther informational the Courier office, Route Ga. : ... ?,siill at ini" Trie Rome Fire Company in Atlanta—Cor rection. The following paragraph is dipt from the Atlanta Era of the 9tE The quota tion which is attributed to tho Courier’— ‘that looks to U3, (the Era) very much like an intimation that tho fair thing was : not done by the Atlanta Fh eir.en" -was riot taken fro n paper, hilt frnai the Com mercial We are assured by, Ca;l. Austin of the Rainbow Company, that they have u» reus -u to complain of unfairness, on the part of the fire: en of Atlanta; but: they t'oel under many obligations to them- for courtesies aud bountiful hospitality. Cir cumstances beyond their control, have hith erto prevented a meeting of the Company, since their return, but they will soon uake a public expression of their appreciation of the kindness aud hospita'ity extended to them by the citizens of Atlanta, and their Fire Companies. The following is the par* agrapli alluded to : The Rome Courier, iu a dosing notice of ihc Me firemen's j arade iu this city, says : “\V< 11 boys, butler luck next time, and ivbei* you have a Tournament here, becer- t,iu that visiting companies are put in the front rank! and if any are leftover let it be either the Haiubow or the Mountain City.” That looks to ns very much like an intima tion that the fair thing was not done by the Atlanta firemet to the Rome Company, and is very uujust. The Courier is not probably advised of the fact that the conn- panies drew for the choice of throws. When the torn nauient began favors ceased, and the At'anta companies were as much in for their share of honors as any of the guests. 1 f'the lot had thrown an Atlanta company last tb :re would have been no complaint - >Vc hope the Courier will correct the wrong impression. Capt. Austin, of the Rain bow. will assure the Courier that all was fairly done. Southern Baptist Convention. This ecclesiastical body is now in session at Macon. Every Southern State, except Florida, including Maryland, District of Columbia and Missouri, is represented.— There are two hundred and twcuty-six del. egates present Rev. 1’. H. Mell, President of the last Convention, was by acclamation re-elected to that office. Vie® Presidents Rev. Dr. Fuller, of Maryland; Dr. Carry. Virginia; Dr. Boyce, South Carolina; Rev, J, B. J.iiik. Texas. The meix'ng is v ry interesting and im portant business was progressing harmoni ously during Thursday and Friday of last City Currency—New Issue. ie City Couueii are about issuing new denomination of one dollar.— arc neatly printed on good, white' silk -, with an ornamented “green lace’!— ■ y little like -greenbacks.” They read lows : “Twelve months after date-tlio lurcr ol the city of Route will pay the rone dollar. Done by o-der of the oil-—receivable for all ’ dues whenever (•Signed) J5- B. Harorovk, ; -'f/H r, . II. S.vilTilj Clerk. , ! , f W« are iifforatel that the Council has bad of these, bile printed,but wi-1 only issue $2,300 at pressut. KffirThos. P. StoviB, of Augusta, pro- p.*cs to buy the Augusta Canal for North ern o iptalists. The Ci'y CoujiciJ reported Jaforzbly. .Senator Spraf ue pc New V ■ 'll ix. i ui'.cl urea a -e said To b.C in. it. They will iucrease Uie capacity*, o 10i),00U spindles. cannot long bp denied their rights, and tbty had hetter tcniporarily enduw:-the evils of jB3itar?,tTnaov duo rooDBeut to disirraoe ,tbpuiidlvcs and put. a ’foul bloWh, ,iu, iiw |ife»‘to. Tddeed bursurprise will only ex- Constitutiou of the United plates.—CVmcoi- ,peed our gratification if the account enr- 1 ■- ** ... - rent does not show that a very hrge 'por! .'^tjbshropi a"' vms^'aeqrbasb^ . qnifcrjlipold have stated!. thrih tion of the State fuuds in the bank have ! been us d by' the Espresseleney ' for his own political arid-personal purposes 1 i • ^ 1 : t o,theysiitbig:Totft.-of,Mift ! Ridr! -Tl|8-amonntofl*Hc $55,000 drawn ; by .ical President of;the;Rtqte . Sepate-rbReni; iGovi Buliock from your bank aiid disburs- pretjty .(iroail iutimatiou- tha% Jhese Radical machines, while prctcudiug to work for a [“true R?publicau‘lnr}tt yif governmentare secretly. pE.ttiiigiui-^'yiiilimpirB. The.,.Hur .perialist,jnstifies' tiris^.oni.the! ••round (1) .that a people who . willfully abandon oou- ‘troL of their.o,wq . affiiirs: are incapable of- ^eltgovernment;. that (2)-truth impels the! . - .. . ■ ■ ■ - —, . -i- Ol ,,Alahama Iron for Aeivork. a , The Athiuta IjJeliigeneer .mentioiWi thie fact that a train luad of -)>igiran'. ilrom'OOA i iumbiana; on the Srilma .Read. w'onld ' ar- f rive in Atlanta on the Sth. bn its way “to New York., ’ - The credit if -the transaction is given to Superintendent Halbert, of the State BAdhagtadsrih J c'b 8g^.The total eclipse of the 1 sun : on’ the 7th of- Angus'! nelrt -fe -the oriiy one that will be visible in North America during the present century. The centre of thdline of totality will pass throu h Springfield," 7 Illinois, and near DesJilbines, Iowa. ’ Bbth of these Stations,as well aS 1 'ma'riy others, will be occcu|iie3 by-const surviei pilities! Criri- " '"-fob " ' Minister Motley Sailed—Paelfie lust rue- ■ 1 " tlaus- \Ye are gratified to read, the following in. the Washington specials of the 3d inst., .to the Louisville Oonrier-Jouroal r Minister Motley left to-day ibr New York, from which pom he sails on the 19th for England. Despite all the talk.about a war with England and the aggressive char acter of the instructions which would be given him on the Alabama question, he goes • ut with less details and with- more mild-mannered documents than were hand ed to Reverdy Johnson when he left the State Department. Thismay seem .singu- lar, but itis nevertheless trne. The im st ructions to be givenrare yet subjects for future discussion and consideration by the President and his Cabinet. . This is good. We like this mild-man nered roaring, Factories. The following paragraph is so applicable to.this community that we-canuot^reiist its reproduction'. Wewould call, the: especial; atteutiou of Rome capitalists to it as worthy of their most serious ooosideration. Wi ‘dip it from the Mpntgomery Mail i It is said that more money is lying idle) in (he vaults of our.; ,bonking houses than ever before in Ihc history gf Montgomery . What is to be done with it? -United States bonds will rot ao, because. a foreign war might.any day redpgo pbnm .To. worthless paper. Greenbacks wijj b<X> d® po k ee Pi because they would deprceiale in > tl)Q eypnt of war. Gold eannot be kept except iu a hole ia the ground where same bummer may find it. Would it' riot be well to put .this idle capital, which is in danger so long at it is idle, into manufacturing establish- . ,IDWta>*vilA ooinn! Ml '••• ‘1 v'.i' The; experience of other -oitied should teach us "to- do s-i; For «x.i>“ple, ’ Oiuton Ohio, is Where-all-f beta [latetit re i|.ers4i A" ■mowetsare made. Wheu tlie'iuveiitijf irdfil thfero a few yeariago. it ! was the dalles' and leest progressive towu in tliu)' 'Statfe, and was'retr grading in wealth and population. He‘risked tho citizens for $10,009 to start pa; and reoeived that sum as a loan. - Re sults nf the investment—It large reaping ware, oi.e df reaper irid mower knives -and one-of sadlery hardware;! tVrd ef■Horse neks, one of frame wageo-v onfe -rifi cultivators; one of Wrweght iron hridhes; dtifeofsoap ond; candles and others mrtrdej less extensive;'— Tl»e town has trippled 1 ili : popultt)ion and quadrapled in wealibj aud this ‘ lialps 'the fa?niitfgIjftlerest ia tnc-ricighbeflHxid;' *“■* ■ -n ->H__ ■•tie out oi vntTa -. Remcvaft''* 7 -'’' i! The office of Isdgse-itKeL-l iie Geueial feffSpQrtatipu anil Fyeiglf.t.. /-gwt of fjiy renwyod to r» ! W" IP hint on the road uca- C^oif J'lgins. The. emoval took place on yesterday. My Ylgji has been a resident ■heRj for'ae'vetal year?, and duringThat time hiis mado inany warm friends, wjio part yitli Y.’ 1 .*? 1 ^ e S tc h. aed who wisn'higi irfucit- pii-risure apd sue ce s in his new lijcatiori.—&lma Timet, pf tin; 1th. The Hcgfe-gnfflragc Coa meat. The General Assembly of Ohio have e States we are about to give have not, and we do not believe will ratify it: Geor gia, California, Indiana. Texa«, Virginia and Mississippi, ' . ^ If these States hold ont, the amendment is beaten with two votes to spare Oar- friends in the Southern States, w’40 are yet denied admission into the Unioni fcCv^Biadi- cal violence, should under no circumstances UJ IU TllBJI Mrr.n.jiJui- Svn’^jnT ail i. but wliat.aboiit .that little war: for the flOpqffDdmftAniftTflrtlniiasfaiiW oiiosii- *ne-C«orgU mads In the 4th National Atlanta Era ef Tuesday cunt'ins ‘arfrom Dr. Angier, Treasurer of 1. to the President o ik of New York, to deposits iu that ii ly of the Bank. greater portion, sa; Sun, of Dr. Angicr’s lett on extracts from the Code defining the respective powers of the Ex- ( epiUiye and Treasurer over the funds of the State, we omit them and give only that portion of his letter which his direct refer ence to their transactions shall wait, with some tjfiia- 1 relation to titution, and ‘the'.Col am- tie iDtellig> the si ■ satfoual tel negro woman and afterwards shot himself. Coroner Wm. Kile ascertaining the report to be well founded; summoned the follow ing intrilUgefitljiry tu, .investigate! fiie!A:h-- c am stances connected with the affair, via : Marcos A. Bell, Foreman; Daniel A Cook, 'promised * ■ r of r $lay, > ' anA -be greatly mistaken if ic docs, uot thauthe Express Agent has drawn tlatgety over $55,000 which Dr. Angier-re- ed by" hint; or upon his:drafts,, and ' conse- intiy neverhaying reaehed theihands of thri Btf to; Treasurer, there is no record or receiotq for itifao theTrei-mrer’s or' Comp- defense qi.the , loyal leagues," ipvolviqg ?t olkrGenenil’s'bboks, while the law re quires that alllBtate moneys received or dis- buised.alial' be entered ou their books, one being-a chieek upon the other. dfrris transaction you have allowed Guy!! Bollock to make is.not only litf violation .of a icasonable construction of law, but in violation of'qlte fiororer'i custom. ; Georgia badiheavydepo^its in New York during confession that the Republic jp a mere idle >Govh. Brown aud ;Jehkin’s administrations, yrf xajp anil straw; and;tli;itX$j i a. dielarqdii, stiilneitber ofithfese Governors ever drew jim'hresi^up^gpvIraiuqpiis^eUief) .-tiMRa ““ — 7 ^ ~ u — **•"" l“ fWLM.-ta, nietj b! da? iluJ.1;:? l.ui •-. Wei, riiere is a .diml of sense, iu all this,. !Fro:a'atb«: rietfna'T?mct°! - " The Filth Cavaliyi d , -Sl.a.srf 1 i-.'l r: o': ' 1 “r.i-fi hn.- ,i.d,: This rggimeut. *pp<tars,:t(j.^uiye,uujti Jgurshed 'itself during its uiap-li .tlirough North, Alabama , lu. additiou to iteloa al .ready’ pjnhlishe^, ; we copy the ToUowirig from^the llunIsvilleDemocrat : ■, jjp To the J’tibUe—Brevet Major Thomas F. Maley, commanding a detachment <>f the :FiRh.U, S, Cavalry, whilo passirig through Cherokee county, Ala.,arrret«k-Mr. J Sam- uel Roberts, a worthy oitizeu>iifTbrit; coun- ty, and charged him . with complicity in ;horsestealing. . - : - t 'i. While be Mr. .Rul^rfe ruader arrest he treated' him ip.a most inhuman end bru tal maoner^ but from a sense'of delicacy I refrain-fromjgtvmg the, fru!ts..f Major;, Maley informed; Coi, 'Kyle.-.that he .would ; not turn his prigqngr over- to the civil authorities, pf tlie. jSfatp,. : bpt Would turn him over to a:i officer ot the United States. .Tim Deputy. Marshal followed, this command and demanded the prisoner, lie M4«y .4hnk!|lw> prisoner, l»ad escaped. Mr. Roberts was, seen in custmlly the next day,. but Majoc- Maley claims ,;to jhiiva retya*44 him. he arrived at this point. a ,--> ridu-.t ; Major Maley is disgracing the unifnr... which ho wc.-i rs—he has outraged la w, order and- decency,.and i!brand him as a man wholly ' devoid of honor—a liar a cotnp-d, and ask all gentlemen tp treat lpin as Buch, Respectfully. - V/"-Mi* d as; (At ; Scales.' t Decatur, Ala., April 27,1869. ! jiVg ire glad to learii. jts T we' ) l do / -‘Frb!n tlio State ./ounia!, tint Maley has been arrest ed arid placed'Iq.close confinement! The whole matter will undergo a thorough arid complete examination, and if Major Maley is proved guiIty, weiiope hiYirill be prompt ly,punished - /' ' * |f V' .. .. 'tNoVceablc Law., Trustin grtss hits ay.|(r'>pri: t«*d five thousand '’dol J lata tti defiaf the expenses ut ’obseryiltioDS: Professor Wital ek, Di eetor of : FjffTvAral- T . ... ..... .,. ....^ ^ Observatory, iiiiiiakijig arrshgeirieutsfok on ttm railroad ;Priuee was a. fifemaJ);! 1 f“ rm ^ viewing the eclipse and noting its'"features at Shelbyvillo,—Kentucky- - The observa tion will last-; between two and three min utes. :tho firftdriri^ hpori tltom. "but when they needed funds under appropriations to be disbozied hy tbeio.Theyv- applied to their Treasurer lor a draft on the deposits and drewiatrExecutive warrant to- cover the arnuuot on "the proper irinds This is the only way to avoid ceufus'on, and keep tho Treasurer’s !acconr.ts as the law, directs. ‘In our last interview you were of the impression that I had given formation or instructions not to advance any "funds exi pt to the Treasurer, or on account of thepublie .debt. . In my letter of January. 21, 1869;'fo.'A. Dane, your As sistant Cashier, you will ‘.find this stale- ment. : Being responsible for the finances of the State;.it iri desired no - money shall be adviin.ed'oaiy what oomes direct- to the Treasor . Besides this, I sent yon the correspondence between -Gov: Bullock and myself on the subject—the report of the Majority and Minority oouunittoe, also the notkra ofthe llouse, all cout'iirriug that GcrrivBullock drawing and nsiog the man- eyiidthejnaimerhedid wasitlegaL I hope iutho future:we shaU have a mutual un derstanding and perfect harmony. Fleasitgiveitheai full" statement of the am’oant our rent, np to the 1st of May next, arid acknowledge receipt of this. ■ • Most respectfully yours, !, i:.: hrjio"'' oil) N. L. Angier, :; tnail h ail sdi wm u s ! Jfteasnrer. , i >7.- .ilinJ Ii [copy.] d-. , 10 ' J ,r : Fpoitnf National Bank, j 1 if/ "oi ; ' 5 f"HR tliTY(jp New York, [ ■ ' “y; April 2S, 1869. ) Uoil N< L. Tretuifrer of the Mute pf-Giorgio, Atlanta: ar.ta rtm bj !•-' ■■■ ■ to Dear Sir—J baveyonrs of the 20th inst. with,extracts from the laws of the State in reference to the.Treasury Departuie-.t, and yoar remarks thereon, which we shall re gard as instructions for our guidance in eon- ducting the business of the State. On ‘bp 1st day of May will forward you an account current of’the State account as requested. To avoid confusion, and give notice to .GoV.,Bn)lock of the- position we are rc- . fist iffnired triitake,'! see no impropriety, in fnr- ' nishing.hiin with a co- y if your letter and extracts. thati;the: matte" may bo thor- In ithe.Superior Uourtol Fulton yesier- d^y, thqi case of ^fanqj^A .llriuqe wus deei- ed against Mrs- Frinea;. yShe, «ied far.nhwj' 0 '^^ .onderetood onjillsidfa. kUrin^ ofherhusbaml in a opjjiaion iu 1862 Sylvester Cimnon was cugineer. Both were killed—both sued ..and claimed $1,0,000 damage, qao|h..t!; . 1 uni! rol: iu7o lour In the (kaon case.:, thejTjupfeme .Gourf hold last term that Cation wa? employed ille gally in carrying Confederate 'roofs, and his widow could not recover. . ; In the Prince easy it being in pionf that the train was earrying Caper’s Artillery Batallion and the colliding, train was rc- turningempty from, carrying . Confederate troops, Judge Pope charged the . jiuy; the Canon ease ruling, tliatjf I'riuco ,was vol untarily engaged in aiding or,carrying Con federate troops, and tl at if his corlnborcrs, whose carelessness and negliseuce are ail leged to have caused his death, were.sp ille gally employed.then , Prince ucnldj rnn. re cover. Baugh & Hoyt for Prince. Bleckley & Mynatt for Def t.— (Wt. Western & Atlantic Railroad. Why don’t he. report fifty thousand? The road is iorrig .a larger bnsineskthao it eve- :did before. There rimy:he a screw, loose somewhere of wbioh tho Cojoncl has no knowledge. As his irie"ad,'we-wo lld advise him tp see to it, us backward working screws aredangerous things.-!:At. Em 9th. ;u ; ma/lt svleoov v< ’■M _ "■• ni b::n b: ' :*bl (ifc V-'i The Couren^on . of the .Eplscoqial Church. The Augusta Chronicle anil Sentinel of the.Cth, says: The annual'session of tho .Convention ofi'tho.Episcopal Church of Georgia opened in this city yesterday mo* n ing in St. Panl’s Clinrch, on !Reynolds street—Bishop. Beckwith presiding. The" opening sermon was preached by. tho Rev. :Mrl .Williams: of Rome. But little business Was "trapsac ted dnriiig the day" beyond the orgaqizati it of tho Convention.-:. ncii-'I - * ■' tr ■ ' 1 Rxtraorittnary Natural Prodigy. Ch^rtfjive/op ' extibitiotf in' Jai riT#S^"afpdrilegggra&^ n. naMPtirwwl'U".until little over »d.t.i,the bill'd'5‘ut n montI»^^ rr waist i* is -a he j vy,/1lne 1 J rik 1 if $ ftq,g„jhit ^nt t d^n1varin! t Jf i bid^ -d>- The ba^-tdp-le^s arie the only qaea that will. tii-j.'wrfi' 3 woi««i ie^n". 1 c M-'.r Lu I : - -ThetfayanyatiPest OtBce.* .lo^uinr icjcptejypng'resm^,. n breji p#ist*lff‘84.-Pai*tea?W: SJCOI - At leasl, Cdpgrjjssmgp j if Tlje choice, Betwpep . 1 j “f# ami trie n, * :'S,?Pf .‘9 0( td iaw sd1 aoHop i the p;ld of Sunday, greatly ~ Injured,cqUin^ aridthijdaijiage is bping appar’erifuridertne influence of warm weather. , that we shall be aide to per- utjesi of financial agents of your Stat.e to. your entire satisfaction, 1 remain yours respectfully, . . .. P. C.- Calhoun, j Hrevm et:|.»- ; ?’ president. • i-j ii'1 Female Society. Tou kriow irij opinion of female society. Witbobi it,"-we'should degenerate into brrites. This observation applies with ten fold force to th'c young- men, and those ’who are tti the prime or manhood. Foraf- tni>q Ahvl-iin ifinn In Ufa flirt Kfi'firw TTlflTl The State Road. 1 Col. Hulbctt is reporting- twenty-five thousand dollars a month, paid:'into the _ State "Treasury from the earnings ot the in books a powerful auxiliary; but he must society mac, nothing is so imp< rtant as a spirit of devotion (next to his Creator) to some ami able woriian, whose image, may occupy his heart; guard it from pollution which besets it oh all side . A man ought to choose his W'fo, asMts: Primrose did her wedding gown, for qualities that “wear well.’’ One thing atleristis true, that if matrimony has its card clslebaey has no pleasures. A New- tor, or mere scholar, may find employment in study; a man of jliterary taste can receive have a bosom friend, and children around him, to chensh and support the dreariness .of-old agn.-riJbAn Randolph. . Gallantry and Presence; of Rind. OutTri^lirig Agent reports to us, a vety interesting incident tW happened on the np Weight tram, 01. the Macon and Western 1 /Railroad ' yesterday near- Grif; >fin. Junhhi JP - S. hale child ’got on thn track, arid Ig noring of danger, It rumained unmoved di- rectly'hflrort of > th"e approaching train.' The’engincer blew the whistle, bnt its 'shrill scream of admonition was unheeded by the little innocent. The mother flew to its rescue. On thundered the crashing locomotive unable to check up its terrible momentum. The mother,with outstretched qrms and agony of terror, sped for the little one, when just’as she nearly reached it, her foot slipped and site fell back into the • TheTrttle oiestill Sat Untcrrified. 7 he cruel win rils rrished. rehidrselessly on. The h.a'b^ .r^ofthd'l inonster lapped the !we 5 Scrlsiriilrig -(!r]f of the" "steam *' tr. .'*..••*1 Vi aid »Vi cfotirl nf nnrfnniUnrr * /instead of portending death thatawaU- l; bloody doom was nl- ertain,' Robert Richardson, fireman, dashed ont "off the engine, arid with inimita ble presbfice of miod and heroic self-posses aiito, ftdfohfcup the infant, and held it safe Ip M Uj ^mh^ jeseijed > hnrrJMe fftve’ fea£ Waitcgf'-rOied' at' unspeakable risk to him, and we honor him for his gal- laqt cipasqro of his life in tFpcau^o ofhn; 1 Oomj: 4 j 1 “FWa I ; A Neoro doiiEOE.—Wo understand a .im> prilfege is abpn’Htt Up efoefod in Ab- byVbhgSmists op the “gud-aud-moral- M. tf 4i!d'win-haTe for'its faculty a ; school marii s. W e cannot to Biofb t? into tho | eto 1 ? bFRadijalisui. H-ElB/we imuglno, be im'odoAlerow! affriir! -DciUtiU Cittsen .-Twi *3 ttialete sit-ai oi 1 wli; General Gb,int’s , Inpomb.—Among -■ -imumnuiuinuim/niL ble Trajedy In Atlanta--Full inly en appointed for the West, Godwin for "" """"ffSWSIBglffl. “" ”' Washington, May 8.-E.T. Schenck, brother to Con: cd Special Cos: with headquarters al Dutch for the 6th ' ters at Savannah, the country into two others have ye| South, Lieb for K Norfolk. ' Bntler’s lawyers in the Kimberly case,at Baltimore, claim fees from the Govern ment. espatches f om Admiral ,st, contain nothing very im portant. f NllllTU'TUB'fli, aitfkAbiarMffB 1 ^ The office*/ dai bm «rirant,‘Vfoe ’Presi dent of the Union Pacific Railroad, John 'DoS'arid' other" gentlemen, were stopped yesterday morning at Piedmont Stat on, by 'he roaihands, who wiU ’ not"''permit ’them to leave riritu' paid their wag s. The ger rake colored mulatto; about’ twenty!fire road was barricaded,the ear nneouplrd, arid * the men stated that nothing hot passetfgers .and mailsi would - be allowed ,t» proceed" .cit jer way,, demands arq; cpm,- pl : eq riitnf . , /.,* . . - ■ " ^The'ga. 1 iArilie}ed 1 about' three "- hrii dred men Iuformatiori received latis last evening, says that everything waaqniet;bnt the.taeffworj'firjn io their - determioatilm. No violence is anticipated, unless an at tempt to leave is mam Steinheimer, P. Farrell, F. Cook, W. W. 35yon; yjjfflWW. - - ' ' 1 ^ 1 The Coroner and the jury 'proceeded '16 the House next .to Mrs.-Baentom’sc [op. M’tchell street, where they found the .body of John Henry Foy,in his bed-rroom.'wbere theshoo'ing 0nd suicide " ocelirrcd.""’ They visited the residence of Epsey Hurt/a gin year Ivery street^the woman , shot .Mg! jJj.'.nili We give the toilowmgcpi id, of the'ev-’ . ome ol Me ce submitted tb'thrijury : / Epsey Hurt-'testified that on Tuesday last ■he went-tore-jiicnic.'; Qn- Saturday-; night Mr. Foy returned heme from a . picnic and: oojimeneed quarreling ujth her, accusing her of going to" theDepotio meet" another >y Vas" drinking, arid '" kept ' rip J with her'about this) other" man being in 1 to drink quarreling all night, and charged her with bi the room with him. Foy con tinned to daring the night, and Sunday morning, and to quarrel with her; ‘witnq-s' told " him as they could not agree, they had better sepa rate. Foy replied that he was 'not going to separate. Aoout 8 o’clock. Sunday- thorn- iug witness stalled toget npont of the bed. Foy struck her on one side of the face and pushed her badk riff the bed. Witness ask ed him what he meant. Friy said he had a right to knock her down, aridstepped to a table near by aud took.a drink-.; J?oy then tried tq force.,witness to ; drink.-....W.ijnc^ refused, when Foy poured the' liquor into her mouth aud over bet face while she was yet iu bed. Foy would notlet witness get up. Witness said" she Was compelled to’ gee up to go with her riiothrir Ao! church. Friy said that was not the reason she want ed to get up She wished to get up., to ,gq and meet that man he was.. qiiarreljug about. Foy locked ihe doorand took out the key. Witnesstbengot up,"when Foy asked her if she wA still in the dotion of having the other man. - Witness said that she h; d never spoken to him. Foy .replied “yon are a damn liar,” and that he .had several witnesses;"‘but on being asked Who they were/ would not give their names. — Foy then took, a pUtoUrom under the head of his bed, pat one of his hands around the waist of witness, and shot her in the side, remarking, “yon and (this other "man "spo ken of) jhst-'hclp"‘yourselves. , ’ ; Foy - then shot himself twice, and said, “I have shot myself. Cornu andkiss me, J am dying,’? Charles Stodmah testified that. he and Foy boarded at Mrs. Beerman’s. About 81 o’clock on Saturday night, Foy" eaine’ into the saloon of witness and obtained a bottle ot whisky.. He started out, but re turned and remarked to witness, *1, owe you a littie bili here, and also Mrs ; Beerman for board, and I’ll tell y ou .the reason why I have not paid them.” ’He then' explain* ed to witniss that he had loaned his money to Mr. DeGiaffenreid, and .took:ont and handed to witness a note which he said was for the loaned nionpy, and requested witness to keep,it for him. About an "hoar after- wards be sent the following order for anoth er be ttle of whisky r “Please giro the bearer a bottle of ojrn whisky. Dpo’t send me anything in the morning. . • For. Mr. Cuas. Stedham.” Dr. G. G. Crawford, a" regular practicirg physician, testified that he had" examined the body of Mr] Foy, arid’ found just • below and to the right of the right nipple, the ent ancesoftwo wounds, appearing to have been made by guu shots. From examina tion the tbots" ranged towards the heart, tra-sversely rierofsthe breast, arid in 'his opinion was the cause of death. : The following purporting to be the will of the deceased, was found in his- room, arid identified as being in his handwriting. It was written in a bold hand on letter pa per, and we give it verbatim. “Chas. Steadman will please pay Reioh- s‘er his bilk Mr! Meister and George Creese their, bills, also; Mrs. Beerman her bill; he will alsri get my mocking bird and give it to Poochc (Mrs. Beerman’s little daughter) My watch and everything! found is hereby willed and intended for my sister; "Jane, corner of 13th street and 6th avenue, N. Y. Mr. B B. DeGraffeurcid will give a war rant for—***, which Charley will please send with my other effects to my sister Jane.' I hereby caution every colored per son in Georgia against Jas. Fitzpatrick, as a mean, unprincipled traitor—bjlow the notice of any intelligent voter, or honest citizen of the. Republic. “Goa'save the-State and the poor-, "col ored people.of it. John Henry Foy. [Over.] “Maguire has my bird aud will return it on payment of a small bill.” The jury returned a verdict in accor dance with tbeabi ve facts; that Foy came to his death by pistol shots from lus own hands, and that it was premeditated suicide. The! testimony and verdict of the jury -were duly certified to by the Coroner.- Among' his a Shots, was found 1 the. fol lowing letter’;; hi- !•( ■'■ f ■ - "Washington j April :18, .1869. My dear Sir-Hl-.haye already pressed to .- the extent of my.ability? colored man for; Georgia. I should be; glad/to geo, Mp, Turq»r made Minister to Hayti, but a ool- ored man has already been sent there, Mr. Dumas, of New Orleans, on.iuy ■ recoamien- dation. Yours truly, Benj. F. Butler. J. H. For, Esq., Atlanta. Mr. Foy was an lrishmau by birth, be tween thirty-five and forty years of age and well 'dueated. Resignation and Appointment.— Secretary Bontwell this morning appointed Major H., .0. Whiteley of Boston, Chief of the Secict Service Dirisioa of the Treasu ry Department, in place of Colonel Wm F. it oed, -resigfaed; Major Whitely for several years past 1 has been a'. detective - of tije Reyenuc Departinerit. arid is da" officer of maeh ability. Ho waswith Genenl But ler ini New Orleans, wbere; -he frequently jpve evidence of bis sonerior ability asad men a l expert pland l .ri gained still;.•sore credit by 10 hi3 successful Investigation of the'Ahbbqm murder In GriCfg'S-— Vruthoigith Jitqr.' r- If to qaborn. witnesses, tortnre.them in: sweat boxes, arid, menace (hem whH death, in order to induce them to swear '■ falsely and hang innocent nersoPS, bp a “credit’ to aiijbody io RaQinltsthnutioo, then is Whiteley a most Creditable person. He did ail (these 'things in. Georgia in tho Ashbnrri case, which was finally dismissed by the Military Court from |1]? utter link o!" evidence against the accused and tho la- agatnst the toons steps that hnd been restofeito prri- euro it. 1 Whitnly-.proVed'ihimaelP a base ry 93 General of the army ? -1 " -Sa' twill on his new aaquisuloa I -c-Savdn- nah Remibh’ctm. .—.-•>9 la ibb oJT .sut.t-r el i‘ . r .... + “• * . i-.— .". fj^JSriqs,,, the newly appointed post- niaptpr of. Yaldo^ta," in this State, w#3 a »--ecantiu tl re third regiment Upite4 Stftgs colored troops 4uripg thp war. Washinton, May 8.—Fifty army offiT- cers Have been consolidated out" of office, An and appointed Indian agents at former sal aries. • - ! Delano has gone to Ohio fora fow days. Whisky is r pidly being withdrawn fopm bond -" The’ President has arpriinted Dan. U/ Snyder Assessor 4th District of Gcor- gia.";; «dj sem it - The President has ordered Q en ReynoMs to retain the officers consolidated ont, for cHif. officers in Texas, Reynolds having avowed bis inability to find suitable persons who coaid take the test oath. The Cabinet will resume consideration of the.elections in Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas nek 1 Tuesday. The President has appointed R. W. Lasi- tcr PerisioS Agent at Raleigh. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue decides that liqupr dealers who sell over and juicer five gallons/mnst pay tax both as retailers and wholesalers. It is stated that W. R. Kisanaski,will be appointed Revenue Supervisorof Alabama.- G corgi a and Florida. The. President deolined to see Simms, whose .appointment to the Savannah post office he refused to sign.. London, May 8.—The Times has a long Alabama ; claim article, concluding by as suring Americans, that the policy foreshad owed by Snmner’s speech, has proved a failure;-' -jniWile New York, ilay 8—Nrion.—Flon r 5 to 10 eerits better. Wheat irregular and un settled. Corn doll. Pork quiet, $31 12 to;3J25. Laid firm, steam 171 to 181 Cotton quiet-and firm at 28J. Stocks strong arid npsettled.. Money easy at 7. Sterling 91. Gold'138! ; Liverpool, Miy 8.—-Noon.—Cotcon dull, -Uplands Ilf; Orleans 12; ules 6,000.. .. An Unexpected Admission.—W» are surprised to hear this from Harper’s Week- hr- “One wonders that’the.South docs not rebel anew, when be considers the misera- ble vermin, who’ have- been sent down there as Government officials.” Cor,. E HuLBert has gone to Wash- ingtoh. J:.i ' Cor,. Henry P. Farrow, State Attorney, has, we understand, gone to Washington again. The dispatches' announce that General Terry has left Washington • for Atlan ta. Cure for Headache. This disease is becoming rather trouble some owing to the warn, weather. The British medical Journal gives the following remedy: Two dniehms ef bisulphate of carbon in solution; poured upon cotton wool, with wbitsb a small, wide montheilglass-stopper- ed .bottle is filled. When this remedy is to be used, the month ofthe bottle is to be ap plied closely (so that none of the volative vnpor may escape) to the temple, or behind the!ear, or as near as possible to the seat of pain, and t-> be held from thr*e to five minutes. After it has been applied fora minute or two, a sensation is feltas if sever al leeches were biting the part, and after the lapse of two or three minutes morethe" smarting will become rather s vere, hut subside almost immedi ately, after the removal of -the bottle. It uniy be reapplied if necessary, three or four times a di y. It is very seldom that any redness of the skin is produced. rariauj 11 w«*r. and ling. Let choral bring—to God l is good, and kind aroaTl icnors sounding loud, the Lord And earth sabdaei befori For he is good, etc. - d seL In Hearen his im shall jet bow low TEMPERANCE MARCHING SONG* Friends of Temperance^qiek t»anns f .we_«; straggle for the right. And oar noble cause with rigor well defend. See the foe is gaining* we must meet him in the fight. I h. f.ilhfnl t-.J,. ..a Closes.—March mg on ward, ever onward, III tLekattMrr- .... ,:-}Ee.sfcJrg*uM:glor;<>u« VtSbTjJa, ; mayll . »nd b; ni yiivif saw odw to !GEOEGIA,ill*IxCfcoukfSitIlw7iTw TWlvfflWtowrin.'At, th*a«nd.^o«ra Caoko*-’ - 1 * artaquil iqqhnistaK-^iufOs uiriwr to trie llrctie, ^ wiara' Im nirtMitirJiJ, Lae fcid.j,;: it? .Throw that claim redress r.AiJ, bn.: 6aJ.i Be oar signal and oar watchword as we go. Like the veterans ofthe past, we will nev^ friends orTmperanee.qafekto'aiisfira'^mmri strogelefortherijp>t,5tni*'>notsdj "e*cm 1 — noble ewue with vigor well defend. show caoseyiTMay YhBYfcSV»-lrW-rais'w!'’ I a. jshbUttiothagraBted to.uud^ypli^r. 1 ^ I Givsnnnder my.hanit.and official sesL tib,, I JAtoC-TAVLOL* 1 ! , w»y8-tofeow A v gA 7JdPnMnsrr. GEOEOVJ-TJihVCieViYV* ‘ And our noble cause with rigor well defend. See the foe is gaining gro'na/wc mast meet him AndUfc'thfto^a/^iitiLrt&'thii'aa!. ‘ Caoacs. :: .livi'-t K nillnft THE GOLDEN KLLE. While oar hearts am light, and our homes are bright, - Of lore and joyandbeautjj/ And the Golden Rule of oar Sunday School,; ., T. Jj. " Milt Bole—H lofdntv- [ follow the Golden I We will follow the Golden Role— ', follow; fallow We will follow, follow, follow, the Goldto Rule. olO A 1 the 1 We will lore oar neghbors akWmdfrrA, ' Ws will treat them like par,brothers, And as wo wish thev shonld do to ok Sews will da lawthorc.’ coDoolo est And thus ober, from day, to day,. . . . , Tho: law so fall of beantyZ u *"“'^ fotoM *4tJ, . For tho Golden Bole of our Sunday School b the royal road.ofdnt^— yhtuhoB jiaK . s.! 'ijlqr- In-)-/- otooft.cflil Tne State Road—What "Beccaieriior itl' 1 ... , . r , ' ■ui c: Earingsl • Sne POgtui > We had ri conVerzaliori a few days ago 'Ptr> Baji.r/.r with* gentlemen foam the upper part Y>f :?' r J[^K r ■ theStatewhoappeaied tohe wpllaeonaint ed with the management < said if was generally believed that the road now did nearly three times as mnclf busi ness as it did wheh Dri Lewis was the' su perintendent Dr. Lewb paid into the > Treasury from forty toftfty tbpfniand. f ' mrs a month aa the net r earnings of J road.” Wo havebeen fojd ^t^^jSie n wasiri gqittd order when 1 the pSaBtifSitjtjl* 1 intendent took -charge ol it: d .What "irthe * reason, then, that«njy twenty-fi^e theiRatjd. : Favorto Snmmer Resort sittLate , Bloant county, East Tenneisee, win be ora. I m of risitois on the * ‘ fhS’ma/ffi?|cS F riWfoadirig a, I . -; Liver, Bowels, Kidneys ind ■ 8iia"aad tb ",' ; of Chronic ,.Diseases, attest ttei, i ^^Hedicms. Fmperti*,^ buildiogs at Uontvala aro nowbeb— gifted and-repamled, and ererjtSii, apple-pie .ordor. _ •" ' v( AU the accessories for enjoyment aad reens.' ,aoalmMo tral isntaitug iiliram uill bw ton! dollars is paid into the Treasury monthly,- - ‘ when the road t.J'f.g. by, busi ness than iphaaftvcndpne bel'ori^n: Gaa any nor, or the Legislature has e tVs. question. TK6 editor of. once said that were it/not for a much Iareer sum woti T d h: VfHfr-’ trated. Then I "got ut and shook the dust off my feet, and brushed the sand ‘off my ‘rowsers, as a testimony against hat place. Then 1 led the mole carefully home, and A Notable Coincidence.—Andrew stated my case to the livery man.. .Rut Johnson,in his speech at Greenville, refen- when I looked that he should, offer to wend ing t > "the tyranny ofthe Radical majority in Congress, said: : , . “Tho people hid better have a prince or a king over them than an arbitrary bidy enacting laws and measures so unwarranted and .terrible incharacter.” Senator Sprague, aqc of the.impeaching Senators, was at the very same time, mak ing’s.' speech in Die Seriate, off the”"aame subject. He used this Iang lage: “If I have to snbject myself to any tyr- any, I prefer the tyranny of one man with pome humanity in him, and occupying a re- V ble position, to tha t of an irresponsi- e body like the Senate.?’ The trotl) that Andrew Johnson hasbeet thundering into tho eats of the people,is,at Iast,bciug "confessed by the Impeaehers themstlves. . SSrPooroid FIoraee Greeley is at last confess "chat Grant’s administra tion so-far has been a very hnngliqg affair. He attribotesit,. however, to tho peculiar Itiujhlc.attending any new government that .‘•begins with policy of reform:”. Is. ^“re form,” a-ks that sterling white man’s paper, the Bridgeport Farmer, tb turu ont honest lint rt^ues, scoundrels and pegrofs Is it “reform” <o send Ashley to JJqtttoM '-weienl the territory? Reform, bah! In the same paper in which Greeley makes this plaintive acknowledgement, "be says: “Wo fear that the tendency to r«r- raption about Coqg(oM is on the increase ” Shonld’ut wonder! This too. we, presume, is owing to Grant’s genius for “reform.” Grcp!ey hap probably visited the White House when Grant was slightly “fatigued .— Sat. 'Heirs. "‘v Paper caffins have been patented in Lon don, and the inyeutor claims for them that they ara lig'-ter. stronger,harder,and cheap er than any other material- Uy appli- inatprial qsa coating for ships t (o'- make -'them'" hoLproof. ^Xy- ottal The material'is I'Crfoctly air-tight and wa’» •eriget ma-dpacrtii.: Wd toPgriitulato My-. -tfDggiaK : . JS?*A writer in the Rural New Yorker thus writes ofthe Scuppernoug grape:— This grape is worth uatold millions to the Southern People, if they follow the exam ple of Mr, i'arr, of Wilvingtoi. Norih Carpiipa, jp dpyejojpiag i(S culture and the eonversion of its juice into good wine." in. Will the editor of the Era explain and let the people of Georgia know who is to b< blamedfor this deficit"'ik'/tne ( earnings ol the roadl—Federal • * m ! - r • A BuffalonUn Ride* a Sale in FUruU. Bring forth the mnle. The’ mole-' wat bro tight. He was a meek Iookingrcusn^: -ia perfect “Uriah Heep” of a mnle,so far aa UmMencss” was concerned. He was sad- « idled and; I monriteiL : Foe a wfia-iog -two he paeed beautifullyi oi jttlidri^liWthritonitidi 1 monks! had-read about knew ; whak'"thay i were doing when they traveled on -mules.— Just then my tnuie'began to show Sjrmp- toms—sympton: s of what I did notknow. I found out ; : F his legs, his : carve, orsome other infernal crirye/ iu the air, 'and I got off and sat on'-the ground. ! got over his head, ana I did it quiek.- I’a notso old but lean get off .an annual of that kind as quiek as a boy. ’Then I look ed at the mnle to see if heowas hurt-”' He i did’nt appear to k’.«,Thrn T inquired around to see boa I wag. ,ynywp|^«j—f 1 ambrasion on thc left .hip and a contusion on the lower end? of hiy bade. Then I thought I" would pronounce a "left banded blessing on that mule"! and on hb forefathers and foremctIicrs j)ef6re him, and on hb children after him. But I did’nt I wondered if he would stand' fire. ’"IF 11 !, had a pistol I would have put the muzzle to hb ear arid tried - hratH "Not“tlntt 'I‘/w)S hostile toward* him, 1 hat"! wasTfrintf ronl^- hereJ enm 901J: u Hu), Title and Charleiton Railroad, and rejidirtna are rnnniax to MaryvUe,!Thesee paueartn u : eoaehei to the Sprtogi, niai ala | 7»inajid, .... )o n UfASONFC .ntuX iwl t\ -is J!« ..dTt» j a Jg ■f> k.'DorhkD d.y the lead sds tadt eoteoUmiffaidvr .tooui) essxnv iarruaB % as atidiot or emcHfea tibY rMnyiVI c Insures the -lives of all .utW JlriobinV L .1/ -,\mV /tii.v Mai te r U Masoua daft . ai yn»4dp^tooj* i-wri ime <.- IN GOOD STANDING Mumn aiii Tpaas * ,;a." Jr) .it Not over 65 Tears of Age, *:ori: -.norJo- lii.- fcoui feu, : •ciiir.'hni rf.i .S a ■ Claas A. limited to 1,00 '•!'- •;*“*"•’’B' • « s,M* aJ> SthJfk eofaiut as s.v £ A«Si:fl pen sosnta |1!10 ob tnednua or t nxeinuMV - ■ Z CHAS. 3L i 8MITp;|jeiH’t lit*- hb hemlobetweew: c thos’^j -pWriitw’Se'j dracribed a paraboltof apr^twLwIf^g^gf; i Home totiruice C*,| OF COLUMBUS, Gb.e lvsswl for a doctor or a -Samaritan, to ’cki .iae. ti; in a rag.andpourolivoniL and Champagne i on my bruise, hrionly laughed.’ And hb : man that be had to-Hold him laid: down ou t a bench and laughed—then he rolled off the bench and laughed”and I sto.d hold ing the mule—thci/l 'liu/fird ^lt was rid- ielou*. but! hwietle.rueda /lirilii wisdom. Next time Lridu on horaiback it wiU l«j a different kind of a-fceuit friaii a:bogifr':jaek" °. r 186 L ass .-J. B.SnKt.JfMt eor.tWw.Vrt>!* lble “ a * h “ ceflliltr.b ': -Tdl ..i J. r-.i ‘ ac too ^.sisohn —am »dt ess-A cj hb coi the ty thousand ai and,'"" "“ hca purpnsts thau the P'ttfJi/nts He alio" said that the Jatholio Churcl: property was worth -twiee^htit-wf“tne—Protestants, and I hat as ninny Catteries ai>Pr. t-«a:,t» attended chprjehrfp ifeo; vAt US to lien! b if but that for three years pastjtr.e’ tSlfricr i had raised more tui uey for rellg nus' fi«tu»DMJiwsr_-ji m , *> c !" a ji„- The ladies'paid their asnuii’ilevotfoii £o the mSfflory oi' the Confederate dead yea " terday afternoon, 'Hnndreda of then ac- companied by very many gentleuiac w*ut to the cemetery, each bearing a preojous burden of flovr -rs to be laid upon the sol- diers’ araves. After a prayer and an ad dress by General IV. 8. Walker, the flow ers were east upon the four thousand hill ocks which mark'the resting place of those" who fought bravely snd died. D was a beautiful devatiop, beautifully rendered by beautiful hands, lYe need say uo more. AH know how solemn arc the feelings that arise upon these occasions, how sad a r the pe pie that treasure tbp memories of their d wd have within them a principle whi«h en lightens their nature end s-nt fies .their aetiaos.-— .It. Feu of 11/A. W ashing ten special says the Span ish Minister has informed the State Depart ment that, should (his country retK^niie the bcligorant rights of the Cabans, Rpaiw wl'iir*igurd it uidoelaratloo'oT War/ ‘and- authorise the flttingout of prl»atsen,whieh cannot but do harm. ' <■ : .qacub ;L-. body might take a ride’ on ririm.; < and get barf. Bitl had jib pisttilrso" that • RE£EIJ3g. benevdent and sanguinary idei was , frits- -°J.ggjjgg io 1868, lwriritorn •'premium. tUl^UB ;.;4f luterestand dtscmmt in 1868: DJH « : . fciif .inti -eberraw! -hire . j. Balaneefrom "Jsnaarj L'IStS, i -n;J: vs« -, J; Waathis -,; ! ii.- r- (*I2JU XI fosses paid darfn'Jthfj^ri $93JSJI Commissions to Agents W lS,Ktt *1 Taxes and other expenses, "18^73$ I laaonciaiiii'rv ■ . (133,434N i Livitiens paidout, • 4*8 •'J 2 ^ Cask dividcad declared thiramyi '^Feb C) 8 jr«* | Wieefolty oIOMC^ ri (unucii .*1.1,5 in the prols/ i without inennin; liabnitr- Af«* AGENTS WANTED, I . TO SELL LR. WM. SMITH’S am saa M’<ri^f..t»C Ane» P** I “°THJ& 5 DICTtONABY embbiiM therw^ { adrMced Biblical tholnrn bow brief- ^ 1 in^h 1 .^ [ It I* "a great library in itself. The l»Jf r ^ 1 lesrniog of centuries are gaUicreil in “ a ( raiu.-ae, Io throw a clear, strong' light “JfV. f «y page of the inspired word. For WEI ticnlars, send for -Cll rcular, snd test'®' 0 " r Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, f f 5or fcvuwoJ r.ia^i ^ ! uni " BOARDING {XT. I.G. w ___ ,HQiUAii.'aIt ->t BDMAvflS^OTEl.. a r*£«$ fordfib d «»,if they prefer it, — ‘ l “ ,r luruitgr. p, .1.;;; ^, a ^ LAwritas CUPFLIED with Legal forms OOfflec. at be Cesr* 1 I