The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, December 02, 1870, Image 3

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HooioCoimer | ()l l SALE AT COST. ,!>£»“’ J !!uss v is offered at New l in' 1 l ' n ■ r f Enquire at this Of- \ ,-U »" 1 f ” m ar28tw-wlm. "price.—Hereafter .M‘ T f.rr.'urier'.^rnpaW^irt/y f, niths, , r 1 year. r. mtin S 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 ,oe. the price vrill septltw-rrtf ~ nCNESSMEN, *" r..,l biv informed that coaipresi- "' ,r?ir u '.» cirrieii fr.m Selina to 8i M per 100 pounds, while I N -„ lf V-.rk, Oil the same class, This Ji-mriuiiuatioo will materially „ .-re-'s of our city. We need -ii■ in icuar.l to intermediate e >« meu will understand it ,cl Slack Wibk Feefubmance.—The Gi fort lirothers will perform od n wire ex tended across Broad street Iron, the Choice Hotel, and exhibit acrobatic feats at, four o’clock this—Thursday afternoon. Their entire exhibition is on the street, nnd only there. It will doubtless be quite interest- Atthe receut Baptist convention at Ope lika, Rev. A B Cabaniss, the Missionary, says the Locomotive got off a very good thing on Ulyses, although innocent of such intention. The Chinese priests he said were olten very inquisitive about the Amer icans—wanted to know this thing and that thing, and whether we were really and tru ly any better than the barbarians they had thought ns ‘‘Got any churches,” they would ask. “Yes” ‘Any schools 7”— •Yes.” “Any Governors?” “Yea. got Governors too ” ‘-Have ym got Emper ors ?” “Oh yes, got all that too.” “Now you see,” said the lecturer, turning to the children of a larger growth, “they wonld’nt have understood me if I had called him a Presidont” Sevaral of ns were as bad as the Chinese in that particular. RONE WUOLE3ALE AND ItETAIl, PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED TU-WZIKLT BT TIB ROME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Cocsiek OrriCB, Ron, (**.,) Dec. 1. 1870 1 co no>\— AXES per doz. ft 13^13} f 13 u0(a)15 W Mumu. I,:i 1»‘P PeaI).—We regret to learn p,yeumied highly respected and ,j . 1 it his residence in this ,,.-.Mav the 28th inst. For , c , ;;e -erved as Sheriff ,,, county, previous 11 the 'l , tJ . „|| the relations of life, f j, ot citizens. Peace to his trill he buried with Masonic ■ ..•.q.K-k to day from his resi- V, r. I' _ We understand upon t our estimable friend, , l; iii|T up a rufBe for her ! „ „ i,J i tie premiums awarded fX Z Cherokee and State Fairs. There > ',Vi ti.-kets s .id at i?l each, and will a!l ox.-cUent chance for fun as well ■ ,“s, The raflic will take place as soon the ticket, are mid. when the time and - trill he siren. jl.tuKiT.—Ve.-terday cotton advane- tpie—a tine quality commanding lot Ti.e i.ri.r has ranged for the very M i,;j ;o l::p Wheat is now sellin .; 3,1 :„ r | rime red. Corn is worth 65 , lam wagons loose. Fresh pork soils n.ivliird (or 15 cents. ; f.MED“i,v to Blame.—We hear Ire- it complaints about the irregularity ,, it,;’, in t!ie upper counties. ]- julsoribers at Summerville and .ae. complain that the Courier is not iisd. when other papers are. This is |i3ier..os wrong, and wo must protest igziast i - The t.’ou ier is alwa s mailed siiriv upon Thursday evenings, and if .;i-es not go regularly, the fault is with ■je postal service. It may be a very small niet to them but it is all important to MtiiBtsa* —thi the 22t.d of Nov. 1870 residence of the Bride’s mother, of | ffiitfr t’-jnty, l.y Kev. W. L. Shattuek. -h:tain Wm. McWilliams,to Miss N sn- vi H Veal. Lie publisher of this paper expresses ’m, in*: wishes to the married couple and iuhthe Bride Ibr the kiud remembrance ':ie primers 1 ' AM 1 Irish Wit —James M. Ward, great Irish comedian, with Alice ' John Templeton and < thers offer an i' ll at the (’ity Hall to night.— • : 'liable specialities drew them iii'ims in Atlanta. They propose to :uhre three nights. c'o.O' n Hoop Poles Wasted.—The ■-th.ii Manulacturing Company, want 1 tncdrt-1 thousand Hoop Poles,for Nail ■'■‘Me presume Parties are requested : sti in sealed proposals. See Adver- o'.f Musical Monthly.—This t periodical, for Decernoer is before it replete as usual with Iresh and music. Asa standard Musical Tigers’ monthly stands the very ft of all American publications.— J tax number contains at least one dollars 1 1 :: ; elegant music, and yet it can he ' k'tti r ouly thirty cents. T.f -uhicripti.m price is S3,00 per an- Address L I, Peters, 599 Broad- l'n.A. V. ‘nr 11 ari. Meeting Tuesday NiGHr. -file meetings held in the different Wards ■ fu-iday night were well attended, and “Bieeedings were harmonious. Tho •‘Bemaers of the Council were renomi- -‘■'i *ith the exception of Mr. C. O. Still * ,J, J tras Irom the lower Ward, which 1: aly two representatives. Thos. J. ‘ e-«q., lakes his place on the ticket ■ «he l pper Ward. ‘■‘taction at the meetings in renomina- S Ike old board was a very complimeuta- 1 rseuaent of the efficient rnaonet in " c “ ^ c j ' la? e served the city, N "—Yhe annua l meeting of . ^ 1 't and Ladder Company will be * 0 the City Ball, Friday evening, De- at <i o'clock. Election of offi- ' “ ■ the ensuing year will be held. A , t-eadance is urged. All members in U in c °uie prepared to pay up.— to Truck House can he obtained on ■yti Tti • 1 J tJ t * le for<:man - Price 25 eeDts tupies ol the Constitution, includ- eate u j membership, furnished ,, f ■'’ ecr etary. Active members legally 1 fr ‘tn iury duty. L. L. Forcb. Seo’y. Ir. ~~ » ‘W lL q" U ° M IT MAY Concern.—Three ii}j e ai ^5 1116 in person, in Sminer- .. . ^ 00 116 30th of July last., did not t)[j *‘ r ‘tatinatiou—une was directed .. > ' ^ ‘'lissouri, one to Athens, and which rj ? ^ uule ' * n ibis State, none of p, SC their destination. ’Pf'ine t0 ^ 0lne Was addressed to t*» d'll, M n,aa - and contained ' ,Jrs aatu""' 1 currency. M. W. Riden, a county, now of Ath- tv the ‘ rs Qaiional ?' !1 't=*te that? ° f our subscribers, we the city tod.,* at vhii-l! .f emai11 until Wednesday •« looks compelled ^ sve oao/ e glTe tlliH uodco that all e cost. Buchu.—The best and cheapest Buchu in the United States is that prepared by Dromgoole. For all diseases 01 tho Urinary organs, its ac tion is quick, powerful and satisfactory. Tho Gravel, Gout, Dropsy, milky, ropy, or bloody urine, frequent desire 10 urinate, difficulty and pain in urinating, burning pain about the gion of the bladder, pain and weakness in the small oJ the back, effects of dissipation, and all kindred complaints, it acts in such a manner as to gam the ontire confidence of physicians and others. One bottle will euro any ordinary case. Price $1, or six for $5. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. dec2twli A want Never before Supplied. In the South where Liver Complaint and Bilious diseases prevail to so great an extent, there has long been felt the need of a medicine that would act specifically and proraply on the ir, restoring it to its normal functions and at the same time be safe from after affects, and yet fo simple that it might be used by any one. It is now admited by all that DR.TUTT 8 VEG ETABLE LIVER PILLS supplies this wane They are now prescribed by the most erninen. Physicians throughout the whole South, dccltrilw Certificate of au Eminent Chemist. I have made a careful chemical analogs of the Sozodoxt, from an impartial sample purchase! by me personally, from a leading drug house of this city, but nothing of an injurious or objectionable chanctar has been lound in its composition. .TAMES G. POHLE, M. D., Analytic Chemist, 489 Broadway. New Ilork Late Cr. James R. Chilton & Co, ALUM, prlb. 8(cal5 BACON—Shoulders, "p lb 1G@18£ Clear Rib Sides 19@2l Clear Sides 2Ia23 Plain Hams 22Ja25 Canvass'd do 25&30 Hog Round 181§20 FRESH PORK, 10c BRAN— 75@I CO BAGGING—Gunny yd 31a38 Kentuky 27a BUTTER—Goshen ^ lb 50 Country. 25@35 BEESWAX—lb 20@25 BALS. COPAIBA .prlb $125^2 00 BRIMSTONE & Sulphur, 8&15 BLUE MASS .pr lb. $1 00(<42 00 BLUE STONE, pr lb. 15(^20 BORAX. .pr lb. CHEESE .;... I CRACKERS—Butter 8al5 “ —Soda, 8al “ —Crated 12aI6* “ —Cream, ; 16§a20 CIGARS—Imported, pr M.......$70@9'' 00 Domestic, 15@30 U0 CANDY—Fancy Asst'd, .pr lb. 21@40 Stichf 19 U CANDLES 150 COFFEE—Rio $tt>190 Java....*, 35@40 CREAM TARTAR pr »b 50r ““ FARM, STOCK, AND imPLENENTS, FOB SALE. T HE subscriber proposes te sell his Home place 8 miles from Rome on the Van Wert road, containining 400 acres. 150 in cultivation, well watered, good Dwelling, Gin House, Cotton Gin, and all necessary out-buidings. ^Also at same time and place, one fine Jack, 12 head Horses and Mules* Killing and Stock Hogs Cows and Calves, Buggies and Wagons, 3 yoke Oxen, and all FarmingTools, one sett of Black smith's Toals. All the above will he sold at Auction, on the premises on Thursday, Dec. 1. A11 persons indebted to me are requested to come is and pay up. H. P. LUMPKIN. novl7tw-wtd ATTENTION! Democracy of Floyd Rome Water Works! 0 w - lasgworthy & co, 75 $i 25@2 00 $7 50@8 00 Si 25@2 00 8@15 20a25 SI 50 Peas, Oats “Spalding’s Glue,’’ useful an novltrilw true. A Body and Mind Disease. Such is dyspepsia, The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to suf fer without the other, so that dyspepsia and des pondency are inseparable. It may be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invaria bly accompanied by iiritation of the temper, The invigorating and tranquilizing operation of Hostetter’s Bitters is most powerfully develop ed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable Ionic is comforting and encourag ing. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the region of the stomach is lessened, and the nervoaa restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This im provement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the return ol the old symptoms with super- added force, as is always the case when unmedi cated Etimulants are given for the complaint. Each dose seems to impart a permanent accession of healthful invigoration. Bat this is not all. The apperient ana anti-bilious properties of the preparation are scarcely secondary in impor tance to its tonie virtues. If there is an over flow ef bile the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the biliary orgva is inert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, and in cases of constipation the catbartie action is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain. The Bitters also promote healthy evaporation from the surface which i3 particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration and produce congestion of the liver, coughs, and colds. The best safeguard against ail diseases is bodily vigor, and this the great Vegetible Res torative essentially promotes. novltwlm The New Year, with all Us glittering visions of hope that maatie in gems of beauty the rosy cheeks of health, fails to gladden the heart of yonder pale, sickly, and deicate female! Daik and gloomy forebodings appear to settle upon her brow. Her heart palpitates, her eyes are dim her intellect dull, hir cheek faded, and her whole system writhing with pain and misery: The use of English Female Bitters will relieve her of all these troubles, and send a thrill of joy and glow of health throughout her frame, restor ing her in health and beauty, to the warm em brace? of family and friends. nov2twlm Sblma, Rome & Dalton R. R.—Time of zrriral and departure to and from Rome: MAIL TRAIN, Arrires from Selma, 9:15 p. M. “ “ Dalton, 12:50 A. M. Leaves for Selma, 12:55 a. m. “ “ Dalton, 9:20 p. M. ACCOMMODATION. Arrives from Patona, 9:45 A. M. “ “ Dalton, 12:55 p. M. Leaves for Dalton, 10:25 A. M “ “ Patona, 5:10 P. M. The above is made to correspond with tho Rome Road time, which i> 25 minutes faster than schedule time on the Selma, Ron e & Dalton Railroad, juneltwtf. CAMPHOR—Gum pr lb. COTTON CARDS ^ doz. CALOMEL pr lb. EPSOM SALTS prlb. EGGS FACTORY GOODS— Cotton Yarns—pr bu .....$1 Osnaburgs or yd. Brown Sheetings, I2$(g)15 FEATHERS ^ ft 65@75 FRUIT—DRIED. New Peaches, B Bu (331b) $1 50a2 75 Apples, “ (241b) 1 50 FLOUR— i 00a4 40 GRAIN— Corn, new loose 05 Wheat, Re t 1 20(c$l 30 ' TO 1 25 none. 45a 50 Clovei Seed, per bushel, JS12 00 GUN POWDER—Rifle pr keg, $7 0 > Blasting, 5 50 GRINDSTONES,per lb 3j@4J HONEY .21 IRON » ft 4* ® 9 INDIGO— ,$tb $1 7.'>@2 30 IPECAC pr lb. $5 0u@6 00 LARD 2U(&22 LEATHER—Sole pr lb 30@40 Upper 50a 70 Kip Skins each, $4 00u5 00 Calf Skins $4 00®7 00 LIME » Bbl. 1 75a2 50 LUMBER—Dry M ft 10 00(418 00 MORPHIA|SU LPH proz.$12 00al6 00 MACKEREL— Kita $2 50a4 00 NAILS—Cut *5 25(46 50 OIL—Tanner’s pr Gal Kerosene “ Castor, qts. “ pts OPIUM pr lb PEPPER “ PUTTY- - $ ft PRINTS POTATOES Sweet, pr. bushel “ Irish “Country, Irish Potatoes, Northern, bbL $3 75a4 25 QUININE SULPH pros. $2 75@3 25 RAGS—Clean Cotton 4* ft 3 RICE T)*ft 9|@I2i ROPE—Manilla b 28 (4 30 Machine 11(3*121 Cotton 37 @40 RAISINS—1 box $3 50 J “ 1 75 SUGAR—Brown, « ft 12@15 —C. « ft 14al6 —A. “ 16al7 “ —Crushed lGJal8 “ —Powr’d, 16}aI8 SALT, per sack - $2 40 SHOT pr bag 2 65(42 75 SODA 7(415 SOAP—Bar pr lb. 8@15 STARCH pr lb. 8@20 SHOVELS—Ames’ $1 80 SYRUP—Muscavado 60@65 Golden 1 00@1 50 Extra Golden, ...125(4160 Sorghum 50a 75 TURPENTINE pr gal. 60a75 TWIN E— Bagging pr lb. 35 TOBACCO—Common, pr lb 65@70 Medium, 75 Prime, $1 00@1 50 Virginia Leaf. 20@25 TALLOW 10aI2} TEA $1 50a2 25 VINEGAR—Cider, per gal 40a 65 WHITE LEAD ? ft 10 15 WOOL—Washed 20(440 GOLD, buying at )1 11; Selling at $1 15 SILVER “ $1 07; “ *1 12 New York Exc’ngs selling at par. “ “ “ buying at J discount. MASS MEETING AT HOME, On Tuesday, December, 6. The DEMOCRATS of Floyd County are re- quested to assemble at the City Hall, in Rome, on the above named day for tho purpose of con sulting together, preparatory to the coming elec tion. Gen. P. M. B. Young is exj*ectad, and eth er speakers will be present. Let all who ate opposed to the ‘CREASING’ party and Radical policy generally, coma out. EXECUTIVE COaMMITTEE. nov24tw-wtd The Rome Courier, A LIVE NEWSPAPER, Si 10@S140 4s@60 $6 00(4 3 00@4 00 15 00a20 00 38@50 8(410 10(412} 1 OOaH 25 75al 25 OLDEST INUPPERGOERGIA Get the Best. PRICE REDUCED. Cheapest Paper in Cherokee Ga. The Weekly Courier contains more inter esting Nines and more Reading Matter than any other Paper in the Cherohee country Reliable Market Reports and the Latest Nexcs from Washington may alxcays be found in this Paper. As many new Mail Routos and Post Offices ara being opened, and in order fc> put this Paper in the reach of as many as possibhs the following inducement* are offered: CLUB RATES, INVARIABL 'C IN ADVANCE. THE WEEKLY COURIER Single Copies—One Year, $2 < “ ** Six Months, 1 ( ** “ Three Months, l To Clubs of Ten or more a Gratuitous copy will • furnished ta the getter-up of the Club. No Clubs received for less than Six Months. THE TRI-WEEKLY COURIER Will b# furnished—One Year at $4 0i Six Months 3 00 Three Month 1 00 Clean Cotton and Linen Rags received in pay ment for the paper at Three Cents per Pound. Contractors Take Notice. Sealed PROPOSALS are invited fur tho completion of a system ox’ Water Works in and for the City of Rome, according to plan and specifications to be furnished by the undersigned committee. The Works require mainly— 1st. A well or shaft 10 feet in diameter and deep enongh to furnish tho supply of Water wanted, viz. 500 gallons per minute. 2nd. Engine, Boilers, Pumps of sufficient ca pacity to raise 450 gallons 250 feet high per min ute—Pumps to play not more than thirty strokes per minu’e 3rd. Brick Engine House, say 49x60, roofed with Tin or Slate. 4th. Reservoir of Boiler Plate £-16 of an inoh thick, to contain not less than 350,000 gallons— say 35 feet diametex, by 40 feet high—to be set on stone foundation. 5th. Brick Tower around the Reservoir, with 3 feet space between,—all to be covered, and the covering painted or pitched—Staircase from bottom to top, and Parapet 3 feet higher than the floor or xoof. Wall of Tower to be 24—18 and 12 inches thick for 1st, 2nd and 3rd atories. Furnishing and laying in the ground, complete— 1.500 feet, more or less, 10 inch Cast Iron Pipe. 2.500 “ “ 3 - “ u 2,000 “ «* 6 •• w a 5,000 •* *‘ 4 “ “ “ 10 inch Pipe to weigh 551bs per foot, 8 inch, 451bs to the foot; 6 inch, 331bs. to the foot; 4 inch, 22IU to the foot;—these weights including sockets Five per cent f llowed for incre'je or decrease on these weights. All Pipe and branch eastings to be guaranteed to withstand a pressure, when laid, of 3001bs, to the square inch. . 7th. Furnishing and setting in the l’.ne of Pipe complete, ready for use, 30 Fire Plugs, and all necessary Valves. 1th. Proposals will be receircd by the Mayor until 12 o'clock, noon, of Thursday, the 15th day of December. 1870. 9th. All bids to be accompanied with a prou er guarantee of the ability of the parties to do "te work they propose on, 10th. Bids will be received for the whole work, or any part thereof. 11 tlx. The Council reset ves the right to accept or reject any bid. J. A. STEWART, 1 JNO. W. NOBLE. V Com’tce. C. H. SMITH J Sixtyfive First Prize Medals Awarded TIIF. GREAT SOUTH ERN PIANO MAN UFACTOBY. WM. KNABE & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square and Upright PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have bean before the pub- lb for nearly thirty years, and upon their excel lence alone attained an unpursnased pre-emi nence, which pronounces them unequaled. Their TOME combines great power, sweetness and fine ting ing quality, as well as great parity ef intonation and sweetness throughout the entire scale.— Their TOUCH is pliaat and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found in so many pianos. WORKMANSHIP they are unequaled, using none hut the very best seasoned material, tbe large capital ployed in our business enabling us to keep con tinually an immense stock of lumber, etc., on hand. All our Square Puses har# our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Aorawr Teeile. We would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANOS AND SQUARE GRANDS. Patented Acoust, 14, 1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano fully Warranted for ft Yeats. Wo have made arrangements for the S»l» Wholesale Aoexct for the most celebrated PAR LOR ORGANS AND MELODEONS, which we effer, Whelesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Price*. WM. KM ABE A OO., Baltlmere, Md. sept Ji-twAw6w I>. W, It A. MS DELL £ CO, “RAMSBELL HOBWAY OATS,” AND ALL SEEDS AND GRAIN Furnished Ly them for the SOUTH AND'SOUTH-WEST. CQLGL0UGH, HARKINS& GLOVER JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Are SOW IN RECEIPT OF HEAVY ADDITIONS to their,already v.ry large Stock ot Sez- s rouble Goods, to which they would respectfully call tho attention of Merchant?. They have just received in thexr Shoe department N 150 Oases of Boots and Shoes, Which will be Offered to the Trade at TJiSJ'TJSTTY LOW PRICES. All of our Seed Grain is Guaranteed. Many Goods are much lower than in the early part of the season. We feel grcatfal to t!.e Merchants and Planters who havo so liberal!; nlorprbe: and we promiso them our best efforts to please in the fixture. lined us in our MAIN DEPOTS Nashville Tenn., and Rome. Ga. Thoso desiring to plant the HAMSDELL NORWAY OA. S on shares, must apply fur the same as soon as possible, either to as, or to one of our Agents, Messrs. Ayer A McDonald, Pitner St Smith, Roun.-aville A Bro.. or Anderson A Lamkin, Home, Ga , where olnnks will bo fi’ivd out for the amounts desired. novl2tw3t-w4m VALUABLE LAND FOB SALE. TJOTS OF LAND Nos. 9.U, 9’S and 1C0S. 3rd and 4th section, and Ne. 23, 16th district and 4th section, near Cave Spring— 200 acres. Lot No. 16, in the 24th district and 3rd section on the Calhon a road, eight miles from the eity of Rome—160 acres. Part of lots No 167 ax.d 168. in tbe22rd dist. 34 section, near tbe city of Rome—244 acres. One house and lot in Cave Spring. Two brick ?tore houses and 1 in fnv Spring One undivided haIfofab'‘Ut t-nr hundred acres known as the Pouiine farm, on the road leading to Summerville, and 10 miles from home. Let No. 245, in tho 22.1 district and 3d section —160 acre* Lots Nos. 208,192, and the west half of 232— 400 acres, in the 24th district and 3d ?ection. Lots No. 27, 47. and 48, in the 221 district and 3d seotion— 435 acres. All the above described land? are situated in Floyd county, Ga. Lots Nos. 1SI, 216, and part? of 130 and 217. in tbo 5th district and 4th rection—153 acre?, in Chattooga county. Also. 320 acres,composed of lot No. 267. half of 274 and half of 237, 6th district and 4 th «ec- tion Chattooga ceuaty. Parties desiring to purchase valuable farm.- or town property, will apply to tho undersigned, cr address Alexander A WrLht, Rome, Ga. A. A. Jcses, > Executors cf S:»ra- J. I. Wright, j uel Gibbons. Oct 20-wlm. Administrator’s Sale. On Monday the 2lst day of N .vember, 1>7°, at Center, Cherokee County, Alabama, I will a ll the Real Estate of sreel Dejemett, deceased; V- the highest bidder, for one third caah. the bal laacecn 12 months credit, notes and at least two good securities required. Said 1 lids are immediately on Coosa River, seven miles be low Center, in a body of about Five hundred acres—two hundred acres of whi*-h is fine Lot tom lands, part cleared aud in a high state ( cultivation. This is one of the most dcsirjble d; farms on Coosa River. J. S. W. SHEPPARD, Aiiin’r of Estate of Israel Dejernett deed. Oct 25, 1876. Money to Advance on Cotton for Shipment at Liberal Rates. No. 9, Eroad Street, Rome Ga. nov29wtf |to Shropshire & son <50 t HAVE JUST RECEIVED Their Large and Select Stock of GrOODS, Consisting in part of Ladei ’ Dress Goods SIIAWLS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, Shoes, Eats, Caps Trunks, &c Which they offer to sell to the Trade low lor CASH. oct’twlt wlm BIG fIIIG, The Best Paper AND THE Best Inducements! Quarter's 13 Numbers sent Free to all snl>- fc-Tibiug, before Dec. 15, 1870, for next year's Fifty two Numbers of Moore’s Rural Now Yorker, The Gxr t Illustrated If URAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY For Town and Country. le Rural, now in it? 21st yev.r, is not only the Largest, Bt3t and Cheapest, but by far Lite Largest Circulating J mrnal ot its class in the rldl National m Character, Ably Edited, *erbU Illustrated and Printed, it is the Best American Weekly! t is the Standard Autnority on al! branches o! Agriculture, Horticulture, Ac. As a Literary and Family Paper it is a Favorite in many ef the it families in tbe Ui ion, Canada, Ac. Indeed o.rc’s Rural has no Rival in its 8pherc. and is the Largest Illustrated Journal on the Continent number contsining Sixteen Five-column Pages, {double the Mze of most papers of its class.) It is the pap-r lor the East, West, North and South. TEEMS, INDUCEMENTS, Ac. TERMS—$3 a year of 52 numbers, and only $2 50 in Clubs of Ten This Quarter’s 13 Num- □ t Free, a? off.-red above. Our Club In- pnts for 1S71 arv» unprecedented. Speci- ’retniurj Lists. A.*., sent Free to all tom bs, and we W3i.’ a live Club Agent in every Address D D T MOORE, 41 Park Row, N Y. THE NEW YORK METHODIST, an EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY, Now ia it? eleventh **ear, publishes sormons. i scri.;I st ry for the family, a new children’s t<»ry every week, chats with the little folks, e<I- torials by tbe best Methodist writers and oth- rs. f'*rc*gn and d"t:iasfic correspondence, full I- partment? of religious and secular intolls- ■euec. Vrice $2 50 a year. Liberal premiums r cash commissions t > cauvassers. Sub^crip- ions commence at any time. For specimen en- *<>«e a two cont slam to prepay postage. Ad- the Methodist. ! • 1, Nassau sfc., N. Y. NEW Boarding* House. The Buena Vista House. W ILL be opened on the 1st of December, refitted and ready for the accommodation of Boarders, A limited number of small families or single persons can be provided with rooms. »ov!5tw2w Mrs. E. W. MILLS. M. IV. CUTTER 1 TAILOR, lor to ran World! Woxar is FaaaH—Among the many modern discoveries looking to the hap piness and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than the re. nowned remedy—\Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, Woman's Best Friend. By it woman is emancipated from the numberless ills pecul iar to her sex. Before its magic power all irreg ularities ef the womb vanish. It cares White?. It cures suppression of the Menses. It removes uterine obstructions. It cures coustipstion and strengthens the system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never failes, as thous ands efwomen will testify. This valuable med icine is prepared and sold by L. H. Bradfield, Drugist, Atlanta, Ga. Price, $1.5t per bottle. All respctable drug men keep it. novltw wlm GETTING HARRIED. Essays for Young Men, on Social Evils, and the propriety or impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for uatrimoniel happiness. Sent free, in seal ed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. sept28tw-w3m Special Notice. I have for the eight months constantly used xe of toe $12 Oride Gold Lever Watches, man ufactured by Charles P. Norton A Co. 85 Nassau* Street, New York, and feund tbe total variation in its time but one half minute, (3§ ssconds,) and it retains the same appearance of gold as when pur chased. Several of our men use them with the same results. I cheerfully recommend them fisr correctness and wear. HORACE W. WHITAKER, Conductor Erie Railreed Co. The $12 Lever watch, No. 13,588, purchased from Chas P. Norton k Co, 86 Nassau Street, New York, January 6th, has been carried by me Mix months, with a total variation in time of only 26 seconds, without the slightest regulating and presents the same brilliancy of color as when purchased. JAMES R. WILSON. Sec. American S M Co. N Y. New York, July 20th, 18t». sep29tw3m Removed to 56 Broad 8treet, Opposite Cothran’s Bank. Will cut, make and trim GENTS’ GARMENTS at the shortest notice, and in any stylo that may be desired. fit*Special attention to eutting for others to make.'HE^ ©ctlStwSm B. IBLXSXAN. B. PHILLIPS. SELIGMAN, PIMUS & PHILLIPS. DEALERSIH Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, &C. T AKE pleasure in informing their friends, and the public generally, that they have opened a large and Handsome Stock ef Goods, of all kinds at 88 Broad street. They cordially invite all their old friends to come and see them certainly and promptly, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the publio at large. Thoy have bought their Goods lew, nnd are determined to let nobody undersell them. Everybody who eoxnes to Rome are requested to cell in and see their new. Urge and beantifol stock. MR. W. ALLEN, of Cass eounty, is with this firm, and will be glad te see bis friends at day aad all times, ect8twtf TJ. s. mail packet une. STEAMERS, ETOWAH AND DISPATCH, IfllL LEAVE ROUX FOR GADBDXJT, ALA, Kx.ry Tuesdiy at T A. M., And return exer, Thuridar- Will leax. Rome for Cedar Bluff, Ala., eTery Saturday at t A. M., and return on Sunday. J. M. ELLIOTT, Gen’l Snpt. nor5tirly AU KINDS Off PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB WORK TVeatly Executed AT THE ..Courier- Job Office,** AGENTS WANTED FOE PROF. PARSONS* Laws of Business. With full directions and forms for all transac tions in every State ef the Union, by Theophilns Parsons LL. D. Professor of Law in Harvard University, and author of many law books. A new book for svery-body; explains therights, duties and obligations of all the relations of lifsas well as every kind of contract and legal obliga tion. A correot, economical and safe eouassl *r and adviser. So plain, full, accurate and complete that no person can afford to be with out it. Embodying In popular form tbe result of the labor and study of the roost popular and successful writer of law books in the country. Send for our descriptive circular with terms and testimonials. Address NATIONAL PUB LISHING CO., 274 and 276 Second Street, Mem- phis, Tenn. sept!3tw w3t Fashionable Boots and Shoes. W E offer to the public all the latest style of BOOTS and SHOES. jfi^-The Champion Shoe which fastens n out strings and takes the place of a boot, :s thing for farmer?. Purchasers of our goods have the privileg having them REPAIRED free of co.-t in our shop if they require it before they need a halt sole. M. F. GO VAN & CO. ect6w3m. Prompt. Honorable, Reliable. A GENTS WANTED in every eitj. town and village for the largest and most successful DOLLAR HOUSE in the country-ONLY ONE endorsed by the leading Papers and Express Co’s of the United States. Our goods give uni versal satisfaction, our premiums to Agent? cam rot be kxcklled, and our checks are free. Hav- ing two houses—Boston and Chicago—our facil ities are unequaled, and our business exceeds in amount all other concerns in this trade combin ed. ^a-Send for Circulars and Free Club to S. C. THOMPSON A CO., 136 Federal Street, Boston, or 158 State Street, Chicago BOOT & SHOE STORE. W E have now on band the largest Stock of Boots and Shoes ever seen in Rome. Hav ing bn w thereby saving the Xetck Tor Jobbers profits We will give our friends the benefit of it, there- f saving thi We offer to "Merchants . A CHRISTMAS <;IFT to all yearly sui n’ribers to Appleton's Journal, published Two mouth? subscription grati*. The fNovember uud December. 1870, given all subscriber j remitting $1 for tbe year i? i'f making a trial of the J> ur- r ti e/ like it, can have it for uitting us fifty cent?. ;qn«* America, cons««t»ng of splendidly ,-:ews of American C# ry, cotnmenc- ember. D, AppL n k *’o.. Publish ers, New York. p EX. ROBT. L Um LIFE. \JC reaily for publication, tie *- iftphy -»en ’ E. Lee, by John Esten Cook, auth • of -Life of Stonewall Jackson.” 4, \\ ri& the etc., 1 vol. 8 vo, 500 pages, iu«a eated. To be .«<»!<! by subscription. Agents wanted D. Applepm A Co., Publishers, New Yorx. W ANTED—A good agent in each county of Georgia, for a Commentary of tho Bible, olumes. containing indexes, maps, en- , dictionary, ere. Scb->ol teachers and ill find it to their advantage to send :lergy: for circular* good roport Connecticut, Agent? in thi? section are making Address A Brainard, H&rtfora, MASONIC BOOKS Agent? wanted. Send for circular. Address Masonic Pub. Co. 432, Broome st., N. Y. The Ladies’ Favorite. FLORENCE Sewing* Machine. MRS. E. W. MILLS, AGENT Rome, Georgia. Tha following ara somo of the reasons why the Ladies prefer these Machines, which are warranted to do all that is claimed for them, to all others. It is the easiest running Machine that can do the work. The needle is easily adjusted. The regularity of the tension is unequalled. It is almost noisless, and oan be used where quiet is necessary. It is the only machine that eaa securely fasten both ends of the seam. The Hemmer is easily adjusted nnd will turn any width of hem desired. It will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, quilt, nnd gather and sew on a ruffle at the same time. Changing the length ef the stitch, and from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be done while the machine is in motion. Its motions are all positive; there art no springs to get out of order, and its simplicity enables the most inexperienced to operate it. It makes four different Stitches with as much ease as ordinary machines make one, and with as little machinery. Each stitch being alike on both sides of the fabric. ^ Mrs. MILLS has these Machines and al ways a supply of Needles and Thread f »r sals, at her residence in rear of the post office. She will give full directions and instructions. Go and sea THE FLORENCE before purebas- oci29t' xng. taly Boarding Housi. TThE Undersigned has openadaHonsafor Day Boarders, at the Residence of Dr. J. B. Under wood, on Broad, above Bridge Street. Terms liberal. RACHEL L. MUGS. nov5twtt# WLIGHT8 AND MEASURES. Bushel. Lbs. Wheat 6$ Shelledjcora. —.66 Corn xn the ear..—76 Ry“ 8 " ™ 41 Oata -— Bari.,— Iriih Potato*!..... Sweat Potatoes..... White Beaca........ Castor Beami Clow Seed Timothy 8wa....._ Flax Sosd......... «, Hemp Seed Bine Grail Seed.. Buckwheat-.. .... Dried Pecehee—. Dried Applee—.— Onios ——— Salt Stone Coal Malt.... Bran—......— Turnip!.. _»7 Plaatennr J Tliiliekrtl Polk County FARM FOR SALE. 920 Acres of Land for (5,000. T HE attention ot Land Buyers Is Called te the fact, that the Farm formerly own ed by H. F. Wimberly, deceased, situated 4 miles East of Cedar Town, is now offered for the low sum of 95,000. The Farm contaixxs 926 acres of land, 400 of which is cleared and under good fence. The improvements consists of a frame Dwelling House with 7 rooms. Gin House, Screw, and other buildings necessary to a farm. There is a fine orchard on the place, and a well of excellent water. There is a strong probabili ty of the Van Wert and Cartersville Rail Road running through the lands. I am prepared to prove to any one likely to become a purchaser, that 20, if not 25 per cent can be realised upon the amount asked for the farm. Some of the most sensible men in Polk county agree with xr.e in saying the place is offered too iow. Mr. Lawson, living on the place, will take plrasme in show ing it to any one Appty to J. R. WIMBERLY, Agent for Mbs. A. C. WIMBELY Pryor's Station, 8 R A D R R aug30tw-wtt Administrator’s Sale, By VIRTUE of an order from the court of Or dinary of Bartow county, will be sold on be first Tuesday in December next (1870). at the court house door in Trenton, Dade county Georgia, between the legal hours of sale. Lot of land number two, in tbe 12th di?t. and 4th section, of Dade county, containing 160 acres more or less. Said lot is finely timbered, and lies convenient to the Railroad. The above named lot may be bought from eith er of the undersigned at private sale, before sale day, or on the morning of sale day before sale hoars. Sold as tbe projrortv of John Ken edy, Sen., lute of Bartow county deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms cash. THOS. II. KENNEDY, JAMES KENNEDY, octlS Administrators. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, November Term, 1S70. A PPLICATION having been made to re-open the roads in Chulio District in this county, lesuiing from Cooper’s Mill on Spring Creek to Bass’ Ferry. Also from *aid Mill to Ayer's Fer- Also a road diverging from the road from HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOR 1871. Contains a Christmas story, splendid plays, magic sports, etc.. 43 pages, illustrated, Sent tree on receipt of a one cent stamp for postage. Address Adams A Co., Pub., Boston. HOMES* HEALTH, HAPPiNESS. How to be-obtained for five dollars; plan aliens farm?, villa sites and town lots,at the great pre mium land sale, Aiken, South Carolina. The ‘•Saratoga of the Fouth,” 48 hours from New ; York. The most delightful climaro in ebc world. Freo lrom the rigors of Northern winters, empt from throat diseases. Vineyards and chords in full bearing. Fer descriptive pamphlei address, with stamp, J. C. Derby, Augusta, Ga. Grand Holiday Raffle & Sale. $3(1,000 worth of real estate and personal property will be raffled for in Calhoun Ga., De cember 26th, IS7t>: every ticket getting a prize from $1 to $G. Tickets only one dollar. Con ducted by six iworn commissioners; refer to inty officers Liberal inducements to e]ub9.~ Send stamp for circulars. H. R. Eix A Co., Managing Agent?. Housekeepers, Attention! SEND 'Fora recipe, by the use of which op 'one-half of the labor and two-thirds ‘^jof the expense of Washing clotn**s POR is saved. Equal to a saving ot $25 porycarina small family. Sent on irw-iptot 51 ot?, by S. F C' »ULMAN Loui.-viile, Ky. Rome Fair. Oct 11th, 1870. SAVE YOU.’! CHANGE FOP IT. AND BUY YOUR CROCKERY, Glassware, Lamps aod Oil From 1- A. THOMAS, Broad S’reet, Rome, Ga. octl I Wtf GEORGE F G-ANTZ & CO'S SEA FOAM! STRONGER THAN ANY YEAST OR BA KING POWDER IN THE WORLD, AND PERFECTLY PURE TAKE NOTICE Light well rasied Br. ed, Buiscuit an 1 f ak * digest easy and coudtic; t*» good health. Good health makes labor «»: nil kinds easier and pro longs life. SEA FOaM POWDER will make Bread. Buiscuit and fakes .ways Pght. SEA FOAM is WARRANTED to make better, ighter, healthier, sweeter, more toothsome and more DIGESTIBLE, an.I NUTRITIOUS Bread. Biscuit*. Cakes, Puddings, Ac., Ac., than cm be made any other way. NEWS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A barrel of flour makes forty p Minds mor ■ o bread with SEA FOAM Powder No time required f *r dough to raise, but bake in a hot quiek oven as soon as mixed. SEA FOAM save? Eggs, Shortening, Milk, Ac. and is a wonderful teonemy. SPECIAL DIRECTIONS. Never use Sour Milk. Saheratus, Crtain Tartar or Soda with the SEA FOAM Powder. Always bake in a quick hot ov» n. Use more or less oi SEA FOAM according as you want thingf ex tra light or not so light. In using SEA FOAM Powder, Sift in with th« Flour dry7 then add tho otner ingredit-nt?. In making Fancy Cakes, less >kortenirg and lower Eggs are required when using .‘he Sea Foam Powder. Boiled Puddings, Dumplings, Tot Fie Crust, other articles requiring to be boiled, do not need more than half I be quantity of Sea Foam.* inch makes them b »il to pieces. HINTS TOTHE COOK. Tie Oven must be hot, ?o as to bake quick. If the Oven shoald oecoin- partially cooled, the baking will be spoiled. Attend often to cleaniag *>ut the u>bes, so»t, Ac., from the Ovon. Do not mix the dough t. o tbiu; avoid much kneading. For Biscuit, mix the dongh thinner than for Bread. In making Buckwheat Cuk^s or other Griddle Cakes, mix'the batter first, and then stir in th« SEA FOAM, b»king immediately. “SEA "FOAM” IS AN ENTIRELY NEW INVENTION, without any of the bad quality of least or Baking Powders Soda or SalteyatUK. GEORGE F. GANTZ & CO., I3C & 138 CEDAR ST., New York. oct27wlm WANTED, A SITUATION AS TEACHER. Haro tau s '-t several year?. Can give be?t of reference. Address me at Trion Factory, Ga. JULIA M. WABTHEN, octl Swim GEORGIA, Polk County. WHEREAS Michael Galliher bae applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valxxation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same on tbe 25th day of NoVr next at 10 o’clock a. xiL, at my office in Cedar Town, this Nov. 15th, 1870. novlf F. M. CLARK, Ordinary. ton and Boyd thence north between Loyd and Boyd, on by S B Sale's to Rome. Parties interested will show cause on or befo the 1st Monday in December w hy an order for said roeda should not be granted. H. J. JOHNSON, Ordinary nov!7-tw3t-w2t applied Administrator’s Sale. greeable to an order from the Court of Ordi- . n qiY of coanty, will be sold before the Court House door in the town,of Rome Floyd County, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January next, the following land, to wit: The North half of lot No. 261, in the 22d Dis trict and 3d Section of Floyd county, Ga, and joining the same 20 acres, more or leas of the sonth east corner of No. 244. in said District and Section. The above land was sold in October last, bnt the purchaser refuses to comply with the sale, because previous notice was not given thst the creek had been diverted from the 20 acre tract. Said diversion was made without my consent. Terms half cash, balance in 13 mos. with inter est from date. ABNER P. WOODRUFF, Admr.and K B, WOOuRUPF, Admx., of Samuel Woodruff, deceased. nov24wtd. GEORGIA, Floyd County. w HEREAS Rowland Williams has for exemption of personalty, and setting* apart and valuation of homestead, I will pass upon tbe same at my office in Rome, Ga., on Thursday the 1st day of Dec., 1S70. nov!9-2t H. J. JOHNSON, Ord'y. GEORGIA, Polk County. WHEREAS J W Ditu haring applied for an •xemption of penonalt, and setting apart and ralnatiw of a homestead, and I will paes upon the lame, on the 5th da, of December next at 10 o’clock, a m. at mj office in Cedar Town, Ga. (hie Nor. JZ 187*. F. V. CLARK, Ordinary. noriT-lt GEORGIA, Floyd Coarty. Thirty days after the date hereof, applica, tion will be made to the Ordinary ef said county- for lenre to cell the land belonging to tho estate ef Jamee Otts, deeeeaed 8. P. OTT8, Adm. dt boxit non- nor!9w30d. GEORGIA, Floyd County, Application wUl be mada te the Ordinary of Floyd Coanty, on the Bret Monday in Decem ber next ibr leave to sell the real estate of H. T. Shirly, deceased, the same being that portion of lot Bo. T8,33d district, 3rd eeetion im raid eoun- which lias east of the Oeetenaulla Hirer, : the benefit of the heir* of eaid deceased. Thie Her. 7,1370. C. N. FBATHEB8T0N .Ada’r. aorTkd gCFfLIRD with Legal LAWYERS farms at tha Courier Anderson & Lamkin, Choice House Block, Have RECEIVED, and are still receiving, a large supply of (/ ROCERIES, and other articles : uitable to the trade, ?uch as Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Black, and Japan TEAS, Mocha, Java, Laguira and Rio COFFEES. Cut, Loaf, Crushed, Granulated, Powdered, A. B. C. and Demarara. SUGARS, Diamond, Golden and Silver Drip SYRUPS, New Orleans and PoHo Rico IMOLASSES, Ceased Goods io great rariety— ASPARAGUS, PEACHES, CORN, TOMATOS, STRAWBERRIES, WHORTLEBERRIES, MACKEREL, SALMON, OYSTERS, and PRUNES, FANC « and PLAIN CANDIES, WOODEN WARE, of eTery description, 8EGARS, of Choice Brands, CANDLES, SOAPS, and almost ST cry article kept inafinteleis boose, all of Which wo offer low, Wholesale and Retail. ANDERSON A LAMKIN, H0Titw3t-w3t PERKINS A HOUSE'S PATENT XOA-EXPLOSIY E MetaliC Kerosene Lamp. Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking; burns any C<*al Oil.good or bad; give? more light odor, and u?es less oil. ‘It is perfectly ncn-explosive, gives a better light and is more economical than any ether lamp in use.”—W H Wells, late Superintendent of Public Schools. Chicago. ■I intend s- Intituling it throughout my hotife for the dangerous lamps now in use.”—Prof W II Ruffner. Suy’t Public Instruction, Richmond. The appalling deaths and fire from glass lamps cploding and breaking create a great demand for this* lamp. It PAYS to sell it. Sold by Can vassers or Stores. Agents wanted everywhere. Send f»r full particulars. Address MONTGOM ERY & CO., Cleveland, Ohio, or 42 Barclay at, New York. R oy:l Havana lottery.--Prizes cashed and infonrati >n furnished by GEO. UPHAM. Providence R. I. A WEEK SALARY!— Young r wanted as local and traveling galeamen. Address fwith stamp] R H WALKER, 31 Park Row, N Y. We will Pay Agents A Salary <>f $35 a week, or allow a large comr.-is- eion to’sell our new inventions. Address with fct-imp, J W FRINK A CO, M&rtball, Mich. 8 1 AMMERING cured by Bates Appliances.— For description address Simpson A Co, Box 5076, New York. S EWING .MACHINES—Agents Wanted. Salary $10,000 per year. Circulars and sam- of work free. Address Crystal Sewixc Machine Co.. Boston, Muss. izabeth Eason, "j vs V Libel for divorce, Floyd Su- !»n C. Ea?jn, j p<rior court, July Term, 1870. Jo: .T appearing to tho satisfaction of the court )m the pleadings in the above stated cause, and from the return of the Deputy SherfT, J. H. Lnmpkin endorsed thereon, that the defendant John C. Eason is a non resident ot the State of Georgia. It is ordered by the Court that publi cation be made once a month for four months, the Rome Courier, a newspap r published in the city of Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., requiring said non-resident defendant, to bo and appear at the next term of said Superior court for said county, be held on the third Monday in J.inuary next, and plead, answer or demur to said petition, or the same will be taken for confessed, and heard ixparte. F. A. KIRBY, J. S. C. R. C. ALEXANDER A WRIGHT, A tty’s for Petitioner,' A true extract from minutes of Floyd Superior court. Oct. 5. IS70. A. E. ROSS, Clk. S. C.F.C. oct20woam4m. J. J. COHEN, P S YCIIOMAJfCY—Any lady or gentleman enn mako $1,000 a month, secure tbeir «wn happiness and independence, by obtaining Pscy- caonianey, fascination, or ?cul charming 400 pages, cloth. Full instructions to use this pow over men or animals at will, how to me?mer _i. become trance, or writing medium?, divina tion, spiritualism, alchemy, philosophy of omens and dreams, Brigham Young’s Harem, guide to marriage, etc., all contained in this book; 100- 000 sold: price by mail, in cloth, $1 25, paper cover? $1. None*.—Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no capital is required, all desirous of genteel employment should send for tbe book, en closing 10 cents for postage, to T. W. Evans, A Co., 41, South st., Philadelphia. A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing in South Ameri ca as a Missionary, discovered a safe and sim ple xemedy for the cure of nervous weakness, arly decay, diseases of the urinary and seminal rgans, and the whole train of disorders brought n by baneful and vicious habits. Great num ber? have been cured by this noble remedy.— Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and anfortun&te, I will send tbe recipe lor preparing and using this medicine, ixx a sealed envelope to »ny one who needs it, free of charge Address Jot. T. Inman, Station D, Bible House, N. Y.. Rome, Ga., Keeps constantly on hand the xnost cole’ rated and latest M ; ll Machinery, at Manufacturer* prices. Also, Importer of the Dutch Anchor Bdting Cloth, and French Burr Blocks, Double T irbine Water Wheels, and an assortment ef Belting, Ac aug2wly. GULLETT GIN. B RING your seed Cotton to Edward R. Smith’* Steel Brush Gullett Gin. Cotton ginned on this Gin will bring from } to $c. per poond more than an ordinary Gin. Charges for ginning the same as in the country. I will pay bridge toll on cotton brought, from beyond either river. I will give liberal prices for cotton in the seed. oet6tw-wlm EDWARD R. SMITH,