The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, June 02, 1871, Image 3

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[ionic Courier THE EJECTION. Yesterday passed off'quietly .in our bitj.— Amn llTwlf pWllAnnafinn - , , ,1 s° n l ,y ’ m ?aT: i“ '. :]i leave Rome at 8 40 A aod 0” « turn wil1 ar li “ -^n^^resold as |^ lv " , vesttrday. Other thiDgs *eut» 0U J r c * market as heretofore. Sec friends of the respective candidates in the morning, hut towards noon the excitement had subsided, and a perfect quiet pprvaded the evening. _ J • - ' The following is the result in the city ScoK Prentice . . . . . ; 309 Stewart . . . . ..” 50 Didon The returns for the county precincts came in late, hut the following may he relied on : FI.AT WOODS. ibis 1 (srrent- B05IE : t 0FSc-ED« —Bt an ! column it will he seen I-.- 1 & Dalion 11. R — i: le. and Triple Dai- Scott Stewart Prentice I ?>'• ; North, in another . ini ah er , . ..s Scott Stewart Prentice CAVE SPRING. 103 000 59 throw them into involuntary bankruptcy '•» i? By appealed to a jury with the above I’hi^is perliapi the first case of result' the bird. Messrs. Tignor and Culberson made a motion to enlarge the exemption granted to Kcndeau & Co, bankrupts. Messrs. JI. Ions ofpeach brandy, belonging to Jere miah Mustcllp, of Milton cuunty, and a wagen and team belonging to Mortis and 1 otts were confiscated for violation of the revenue laws. Goi°S J Scott Stewart Prentice FLOYD SPRINGS. 92 000 000 I • cael "J elbibited b * r Offering the best possible facili- S '“ravelling public, is io the higl- * amendable, and the people Cmire Hne ° u S bt t0 sh °" their ' L them by a hcart }' cooperation jls interests. The road our people and their appreciation of Scott Stewart Prcntico TEXAS VALLEV. 40 000 000 Scott Stowai t Prentice NORTH CAEOLlNi r up I Labile ralue U> 1 All* show - 1 '“' Scott Stewart . Prentice ; Mill. -The above named an! commence grindinding Corn today, Q^grind free of toll to-day for all >» lbuir corn - They haTe jofninnera for corn and two for Ibey will soon l>e ready to griad IVe understand that the proprie- flred no » aius or e *P ense to P rocure T^t and most improved machinery f,trials in the construction of their j fbey intend to make it turn out as iJbnranJmea 1 as any mill in the f B’e hope they may, for they dc- 1 ntcess. Their uiill will prove a great l^oceand pleasing to our city. Scott Stewart Prentice Scott Stewart Prentice 80 000 000 Scott Stewart Prentice G8 1 000 CAREERS. Scott .... Stewart . . . . Prentice . . . . Scott’s probable majority is about GOO. hut Hollow ware and Stove Man- tuTOWxa Co.—We are glad to see that Ijaupsny are pushiug forward their eu- iiand preparing to do business on a Lde. Besides the castings above l»4 they intend to mauulacture wagon Llesj ubs and several other kinds of jrinre. I fay have purch ased a part of the Ralls Jibe Bulling Mill and the foundation |;iiir stop is now being laid. The Mii till be of brick 120x50 feet, bc- Ljcriae house, also of brick, 30x34 .u IBs enterprise promises to be very profi le md we deem the stockholders very Irmleia the happy arrangements they lire made. limns.— 1 The New York cotton market Jits;uplands 17c; Orleans 17}; salesfor fu- lattrery last Saturday were : For June, Jiruhl August, luf; September 161. Gold Ijelitlljyesterday, and to-day will bo IjiT in Liverpool, and no sales will be re- ini 17:e week’s financial operation in New I nire thus summed up by the press dis- I if nek’s financial events are unimpor Is-r ldro m has been tame—stock room I-:.:; fitful spasms of buoyancy, but that lurcfned to speculative shares; money |j»slup very easy. Leading bankers ask 1 > sterling, sub-treasury disbursements lidlions; for interest received 2} millions lattstans. . I C.J. Jcnes, Druggist.—We take plea- nil calling aitention to the above nam ing, to be found in our columns. Dr. I» ins bad a long and successful ex- laice ns a druggist and pharmaceutist, prauesto this communily under excel- nuipices. lie has puichased the stock digs and medicines at the old staud of *Aowlin. to which ho is making large pans, and as he will bo prepared for, J-iipeho will receive, a liberal patronage, pdrertisement. I It J. J. Sims of Chattooga, beats our stalk of wheat two inches, but Mr. I* 8 * Xesbit, of the Chieftain Dairy, l^tp to our help with a stalk 6 feot 4} 1-5, which is half an inch ahead of jitioga. J- 11 weather continues favorable for the I®®- A light shower yesterday refresh- l l *«ir and enlivened vegetation. J blear more favorable reports from tho J’-aierops, It now promises an ordinary I - Much of it is low full enough to cut |®&®lil rust appear upon the stalk, wo I'Msdvise our farming friends to have it Ititoncc, ns ths grains will mature better I'wiheaf than upon tho stalk, premature l.'uicd hy the rust. toned Sale.—The sale of the per l^itle property belonging to the estate of ' Sevens has been postponed to Satur- | a J June 10th. Seo advertisement. j 0 0. F.—The Odd Fellows will give I J fpct on Tuesday night next. I bj Si forget to call at Perry’s office I —day or Saturday aud make your (ax re- * bust chance, so the Receiver says. I, j * b ° baTe not given in their city tax I Wter call at once as the books were I “ ' e been closed yesterday. I tte Revenue tax man will be here on r ll 'tbinst. Rural Carolinian for June.—At hand again, aud as Usual, crammed with the freshest and most valuable information one agriculture. The chief merit of the class of matter which it contains, is that it is entirely practical. Brogress is advocated, but only where substantiated is careful ex periments. If any one is in doubt as to the great value ot this periodica), he can at once be convinced by reading .the following articles in this number, which though on subjects especially agricultural, ire all of interest to the general reader. American Sumac and Sumac Mills, (il lustrated); More about •Hillside Hedging; Cotton in nills;Is the South a Stock Coun try; Ou the Possibility of Forecasting the Seasons; the Potash Salts of Strasfort; The Utility and Preservation of Fruit Trees; The Department of Natural History (illus trated) We venture to say that it is very seldom indeed that a volume, much less a single number of a magazine, contains so much valuable iuiormation as to be derived from the articles ment'oned. The Latest News. A destructive fire occurred in Mobile on Mouday night. The loss is .estimated at over 8300,000, distributed among the fol lowing firms: McGuire, lJlack -■ cod & Co.’s wholesale drug store, where it originated; G. A Arnold’s hat store; John Reid& Co.’s wholesale dry goods store; also, on cast side of Water street, J. C. Dubos’ wholesale drug store, J. E. Sherman & Co.’s station ery store, and II. Buustein’s shoe store; and on west side, Simon <£• Bro’s clothing store, were totally destroyed; Kennedy, Ly ons & Co.’s wholesale dry goods store, Smith & Co.’s boot and shoe store, Bidgood’s book store, Commercial National Bank building, and N. Webb's crockery store, were badly damaged. The Parissiun troubles are happily ended. Law and order are again restored, and al ready signs of revival are visible. Victor Hu.-o, whom the unbridled anar chy of France recalled from his banishment at Gurnsey, has been forced 'o leave Bel gium because of his incendiary letters. Hugo’s forte lies in writing novels and Dot in politics. The airy dreams ol then ovel- ist can never be realized by the solid ex perience of politicians. He will again re turn to England not feeling hardly as “L’Homme qui rtf.” At the annual meeting of the New York Cotton Exchange, held ou the 30th, the sales of cotton from Sept. 19, to May 29, wero reported at 857,346. It also reports contracts for future delivery to the amount of 937,425 bales. Markets.—Cotton in New York contin ues firm at 171; flour is unchanged; wheat 1 a 2 cents better, being 1.68 a 1.69; whis key 92}. Tho Scnato having adjourned, Washing ton nows is now confined to the operations of the courts, in which the Bowen bigamy caso is the most prominent. An alarm of Fire in Atlanta last Mon day called out the fire companies, oce of which iu running ran over and bro'-e the leg ol a litjo negro hoy. Henry M. Law will repeat his eloquent lecture in Atlauta to-aight. It is proposed that ail the Chiefs uf Po- l'co iu the State meet at the Kimball House in Atlanta on the 4tn of July next, to device measures for establishing a detec tive bureau in the State. J. A. Christian, the veteran aud efficient Chief of Police in Augusta, is suggested for President. The Ailauta Coostitution gi.-e3 the fol lowing United States District Court items : Iu this court on Saturday, uiuetecu box es ol tobacco were ordered to be restated to the c'aiuiants. On yesterday lot No. 50, ic the 15th District ol DeKalh county, was emfiscated for having a still on it. A waggon and team and twenty four gal Arnold and Geo. Hillyer represented the creditors. Tho Judge reserved his decision The case of the Yahoola River and Caue Creek Hydraulic Hose aud Mining Com pany, will probably be heard to-day" From the Griffin Star we c'*p the follow ing: Ou Saturday last Mr. Dreary M. Allen, clever, high toned gentleman, about fifty- five or sixty years of age, of Merriwether county, was thrown from a horse on his way from the plantation home where he had been plowing all day. His foot caught in the trace, and the horse being frightened, ran away, dragging tho unfortunate man over stumps and rocks until his body was literally torn to pieces. He was dead be fore any of his family could get to him. 'the Macon Tclegr: ph tells how a life worn negro woman wanted to die. but did’ut. . Here is how it tells it : “An ounce bottle of laudnum, if you please, sir.” Such was the request of a colored womaD, iuoDCof our drug stores: Mr. D. the urbane clerk of Dr. W’s. drug store, was about to deliver the article, as the woman appeared respectable and well dressed. All at once two or three colored children ran ia and said : “Don’t sell that woman anything, she wants to kill herself.” The druggist paused, gazed at the woman and saw that she looked wild in the eyes. “What do you want with this I” he asked. “I want to kill myself!” Then followed a wholesome lecture Irom Mr. D. ou the heinousness of the act. “I don’t care,” said she, “I want to kill myself, and I mean to do if.” “Well, if you will let tnc give you some thing that will do tho job effectually— something that will wind yon up quick.”— She assented, aud lie poured out an ounce of extract of lobelia. “Now drink this quick.” No sooner said than done. “Give me some more, I want to die.” Never mind, that is enough. Now clear out of here, for I don-t want any coroner’s jury sitting iu this store.” She left for tho next drug store; but was soon throwing up that job to an extent that, in all likelihood, knocked suicide into the middle of the net t century. al- The lheee men now to be examined are c!r rged with being concerned, iu THE SECOND fUTRAGB upon the old man Biggerstaff, winch leged to have secured as recently as last Fri day week. 1 have seen Biggerstaff, and there is no doubt that be wa3 seriously in jured by his first whipping a few weeks ago. He only claims in regard to this second out rage that his wrist was hurt, and that assailants dragged him oat of his wagon put a rope round his neck ai.d threatened to hang him. lie says he was on his wi_ at the time to the (O'lrt at Shelby, for the purpose of appearing against the thirty men who 1 ad he.-n arraigned there. He identifies three of the five or six aien who attacked him, ann though they we-e dis- uised he says he has uo doubt a« to who they were, as he recognized them by their voice and manners, and dress and horses. Ail three were charged with befog concern ed in the first attack, and were ainonj those brought up at Shelby. It is but fair to say thal.l here are a got many people here who DISBELIEVE ALTOGETHER this story of a second outrage, and who say that it was simply a trick to avoid going to Shelby and dispo-ing of the case then pen ding there. There can be no doult that Biggerstaff, if he had been really anxious to appear, could have done so. His health wa3 not good, bat he could have been ca: ried on a mattress id a hack, and when an offer of the kind was made to him he refu- ed on the ground that he was afraid of his life on the road—a plea which was absurd ly baseless. Speaking as an impaitial wit ness, I cannot too strongly denounce the |. 4 ^ e and IIollow Ware.—Messrs. L * • R- Noble will commence in a few I «il] SDu * beturm S 9 fo Te3 and hollow ware L ^ nd? - Those enterprising youDg |c;, SerTe “ rcat credit for their energy J-nme* a od we bespeak for them * sblre °f patronage and good pri- ’ may it foe. tick towns Joang men will make cities out of Ron 1 51 market seems to be wollsupplied lc Maen iro doiug a lively business. “15 Market.—Cotton is in demand kltrifo 11 * 5 l ' IC bea *- TI10 market on Rttion/ ^ s, ' der *- ban on the two days ten^' ^ Ut wltbout nominal change in I B ^ tb «»t<l' ° ra ' D and otber tbm S s a re un- >1*11 lockels is made of win 1 Wlt ^ an elaborate monogram. ^ e very pretty for summer wear. foi& L1NG P anther ate up the only M thf?i° Un ? m , an in 0re S on 8ettle - 1 e weal schoolma’am desn&ireth. STATtfi NEWS. An enterprising young American, boil ing over with gallantry, robbed his lather’s house in Savannah, a few days ago, and started to elope with his paramore. The vigilant daddy arrested the hopeful, but the frail fair one was whistled away upon the cars minus her lover, but flush with the spoils. She has subsequently returned and restored the money. A fire in Savannah on last Saturday proved the efficiency of the Savannah Fire Department, which was so promptly on hand as to extinguish the fire without any serious damage. The Savannah News gives the following item relative to the vegetables shipped from that oity : The vegetable gardens aronnd Savannah contributed largely towards swelling the freight of the steamers Magnolia and Gulf Stream, which left for New York, and the Townawanda, which left for Philadelphia, and no doubt will meet with ready sale in those markets. The number of barrels and boxes shipped on these steamers was 2,- 146. The same paper says of a dog : The steamship Herman Livingston, which arrived from New York yesterday brought out a largo Russian mastiff. It is a mon ster canine, and was imported for a gentle man in Macon. We hope the animal will make the acquaintance of the colored kn klqx of onr sister city. rCommunicated. Free Trade vs, Protection. Mr. Editor—With your permission, we call the attention of the citizens of^Romeand vicinity io the formation of a branch Free Trade League, and thereby connect them selves with the federal head in the city of New York, who will give the much needed information touching this legerdemain legis lation on tariffs, it having such a direct ten dency to make the pocr poorer, and the rich richer, which is done by protecting mouopo- >y- It is said “facts arc stubborn things, and figures never lie.” If this axiom bo correct, the logic distri buted by the great Free Trade League in the above named city, will open the eyes of the blind, showing them most palpably that this large Southern and those immense and ever extending Western States, peerless in that which makes a nation great, are reduced to humble colonics in all the relations of trade and commerce. And likewise throws much light on the why tho once favored yeoman merchant, craftmen and laboring men are burdened with the most distressing care. This desper ate feeling of despondency is not confined to PETTY OPPRESSION which has marked tht action in these cases of the local agents of the government. This is for poor farmers, such as are the great er part of the men accused, the most im portant season of the year. The three men now arraigned have boen already five or six times in court od various accusations, and have several times, when ready for trial been adjourned over at the motion of the prosecution. On tho part of the later there is, indeed, very little attempt made to con seal the fact that the present proceedings are to a great extent instigated by a desire to annoy the defendants, or, as it is termed in the parlance of tho country. BEDEVIL TI1EM. Tho prosecution to their victims : You have harassed and oppressed us by this night’s riding, and even if, as is very likely, we shall be unable 10 convict you of a guil ty complicity, in these outrages, we will give you-all the trouble ne can. Yon have bedeviled us. and now we arc going to be devil you. This is scarcely a very digni fied attitude to be taken by the agents of the United States, and is far more calcula ted to excite aud iuflamc the ill feeling al ready existing between the parties to the quarrel than to bring it to a Gaal termina tion by the uicting out of exact It reduces the whole proceedings to ibe level of PERSONAL MALICE. It is also monstrously and iniqnitously unjust, as it is very doubtful whether the parties now arrested are in very fact thc.-e terrible ku klux, who have spread dismay among the ranks of the immortal and the worthless, whether white or black,through out the district. The more I bear of these troubles, the more I become convinced that they are pure ly social in their nature. This is one of the corners of the country, in which eveiy far mer runs off his surplus peaches and ap ples into brandy—and very good brandy in deed, they make out of them. It is scarce ly necessary to add that, as in every other district of a similar character, there is an immense amount of The Hill Brothers, of Rome, were de clared bankrupts by the verdiot of a jury. Tho'r creditors filed a bill against them to the sections mentioned. It is the hard lot of the tailing millions suffering and helpless, in every part of our once happy land, when free trade was in the ascendency. Aud this is not all the evil in its train; pauperism and crime are making rapid strides in every part of our country, which is the fruit of this tree planted hy men paid and sent hy the people to attend to the best interests of all. But instead of that they have descended so low as to become the syc ophants and the minions of the great lords called the protectionists, who arc the power behind the throne. Tariff has made a myriad of tax gatherers and placemen on our industry, not saying a word of its centralizing effect, so dangerous to our liberty. Fellow sufferers, we ask your aid in this great and righteous cause, that a harrier may be put in the way, aud that further degener acy may he stopped. Men of all shades in politics arc engaged in it, and you must know hy the signs in the political heavens that this must be the issue ln^the next great contest. Need we remind yon that co-operation is imperative, and indispcnsablo in the achieve ment of an object so desirable. Is it not taught in the kingdom of nature, animate and inanimate, and are not the best plans found in society. Citizens, wo did hope that one or more of you, better qualified in every sense ot tha word, would have taken this thing in hand. As you have not, will you pardon a stranger in asking a call from you and your advice as to tho best time to have a public meetin- *~ facilitate the plan proposed. Our room is in tho City Hall, opposite Reece and Forsyth s office. C. P. Soutuvell. ILLICIT DISTILLING. There must be plenty of it, or tho bar rooms could not afford to retail at the pres ent prevailing pi ices. Five cents is the tariff for a drink, and the bar tender does not make a wry face when you take three fingers, which, from pcrsoual observation, I can vonch to be pretty much the local cus tom. Now it is currently believed out here, rightly or wrongly, that so long as a man votes the llepublicau ticket, he will not be arrested, oa if arrested, will not bo fined for illegal distilling. While it is notorious that most of the men who still are ardently loyal, it is a cu rious fact that only two or three of them have been punished for offenses of this character, while Democrats have been hun ted down with all the rigor of the law.— The jealousy and bad bio id springing from this may be guessed. Of the results it has had this Biggerstaff case is a pretty good example. It is notorious that the old man has himself been Mosaic aud cameo jewelry is coining in fashion again, and is set in burnished gold and enamel A New Vurk bride of last week receiv ed as presents two grand pianos and twelve large silvery berry bowls, Fned with gold. CtlK French stylo of betting is quite novel. If the Iidy loses, she gives the gentleman what she"chm-sciq If the genii-- man I.iscs. he --ires her whatever she a.-k* for. )m\ Mom thaa 300,000 people bear testimony to tue wonderful caraiire effects of Dr. Pieroe 1 Alt. Eft. or .Golden Medical Discovery. For palp'.atio'i or irregular action of tbe heart, all severe, acute or liage/aj Coughs,^nd for “Liv er Complaints'* or “Billioiurae5**' it is unequal ed. Sold by diuggist*. jane2-wlt KOMK WHOLES ALE AND ttKTAIL PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED TRI-WEEKLY BY TUX lUAili i^UKInik. CHATTANOOGA AGRICULTURAL RUBLE & HIGHT, COTTON,—..* to. 10(ftl5 AXES A. perdoz^H A Chapter of Facts. Space is valuable in a newupapor, and it is therefore' proposed In this advertisement to con dense a variety of facts, important to the public^ into a small compass. Those facts refer to Hos tetler’s Stomach Bitters—what that celebrated medicine is, and what it will do. In tbe first Place, then, tho article is a stimulant tonic and alterative, consisting of a combination of an ab solutely pure spirituous agent with the most valuable medicinal vegetable substances that Botanic research has placed at the disposal of the chemist and the physician. Teese ingredi ents are compounded with great care, and in such proportions as to produce a preparation which invigorates withoq&^fixciting the genera system, and tones the «tornach, the bowels, the liver, aud the minor secretive organs. What this great restorative will do must be gathered from what it fiai done. Tbe cose of dyspepsia, or any other form of in digestion. in which it has been persistently ad- mini itored without effecting a radical cure, ia yet i t bo heard from, and the same may be said of bilious disorders, intermittent fever, nervous affections, general debility, constipation, sick headache, mental disabilities to which tbe feeble arc so subject. It purifies all tho fluids of the body, including the blood, and tbe gentle stima- lus which it imparte to the nervous system is not succeeded by the slightest reaction. This Is a chapter of fhetr which readers, for their own sakes, should mark and remember, jutw-wlm Quick, Sure, Powerful.—This what the advertisement of Professor Dar by’s Prophylactic Fluid says, and judging from the way it cared oar burnt finger, we are folly prepared to endorse it. may27tw3t-wlt. ?ulcs3 you wish a prematuro death you wilt let all tho poisonous hair preparations alone. Nature’s Hair Restorative is perfectly harmless any druggist will tell you. See advertise ment. mayG-w2t. How to get the Y-atest Music. Send direct to Lndden k Bates’ Hnsieal Ware- rooms, Savannah, Ga., where eon he found the largest stock of Sheet Music, Music Books, and Musical Instruments this side of New Tork. We will send any piece of Music or Music Book pub lished in the United Statcsto any address, Post age Paid, on receipt of the marked price. Deal ers, Teachers. Seminaries, Ac, supplied on the most favorable terms- Send for Catalogue. Address LUDDEN t BATES, prlS-wGm Savannah, Ga. ALUM, ...........prill. MEATS— Si Clear ILL Sides..:..,— Clear Side*. .... . Plain Hams J.-— Canvass'd di>.... Hog' Round FRESH PORK, BRAN— BAOtlfNO—Gunny ..$ yd Kectuky.„, JBUTTEU-Goehen $ & Country. .................. BEESWAX—fo.......... BALS. COPAIBA ...prlb $1 BRIMSTONE ft Sulphur,.... BLUE MASS pr lb. VI BLUE STONE, .pr lb. BORAX. pr lb. CHEESE , ,,, CRACKERS—Butter, “ —Soda, ... ; “ —Abated.. _ “ -r-Cream,.............. CIGARS—Imported, pr M $Tt Domestic, II CANDY—Fancy Asst’d, pr iL; seek,. CANDLES. ... COFFEE—Rio .$B>17 Java ‘ CREAM TARTAR .pr !b CAMPHOR—Gum, lb. $1 COTTON CARDS.— »doz. $5 CALOMEL .pr lb. $1 EPSOM SALTS .......prlb. . 8@15 EGGS 20u221 FACTORY GOODS— Cotton Yarns—prbu .—$125 @51 35 Osnaborgs, .........—or yd. 15@18 Usnabnrgs, ———or yd. totals BrownjSheetings......ll}(Sl4 FEATHERS —®lb 651- FRUIT—DRIED. New Peaches, ® Bu (331b) 41 50a2 75 Apples. *• (241b) '80 FLOUR — — 3 50a5 0G GRAIN— ■ ■ ■ .• , : .J Dam, new loose,. ■ 70a75 Wheat, Rod 140 @1,59 Rye,........ „...! 00 1 25 pis,............—.:„v....r oohi io Oats,.‘..:;........:.;„.....„.. 7f)a 8# Clover Seed, per bus $0 OOalt) 00 GUN POWDER—Riffe, .pr keg, $6 51 5 50 Blasting...... GRINDSTOJEo.per lb ... — .. HONEY..— HIDES, dry,........................rl It) IRON.—. - ®1b 4 @ 9 INDIGO—ft *1 50@2 50 IPECAC................—.<.prlb.$5-f— >ss LARD, ———— LEATHER—Sole..— lb Upper.— Kip Skins,.. Skins,. 00 |L— 50a 70 $4 00a5 00 [7 00 LIME. —® BbL 1 75a2 50 LUMBER—Dry .$ M ft 18 00@30 00 MORPHIA SULPIL, .pros. $8 00al300 MACKEREL—Kits.. — 82 50b3 00 BEAD CAREFULLY. Ague and Fever. c only preventive known for Chills and Fever is the use of TVoIfe’s Scheidam Schnapps. Wolfe’s Scheidam Schnapps. Is good .for Dyspepsia. Wolfe's Scheidam Schnapps. Is a preventive of Chills and Fever. Wolfe's Scheidam Schnapps. Is good for all kidney and bladder complaint. Wolfe’s Scheidam Schnapps used all over the world by physicians in their practice. Wolfe’s Scheidam Schnapps is good for Gout. AN ACTIVB TRANSGRESSOR. THE NOHT1I CAROLINA KU-KLUX. A carrespondcut of the N. Y. Herald tells how the Kn Klux cases are managed in North Carolina—as we may look out for the Federal Ku Klux hunters in our State soon, it may be of interest to our readers to know how they manage their work. Rutuesfoedton, N. C., May 24,1871. Since the examination on Thursday of the three men arrested on a charge of Kn Klnxing an old prostitute, who was about to marry the lather of two of them, we have been trying to begin another investi gation, and so harry od to some* others among the two hundred Kn Klux menaced by the arm of federal justice. There has been uo delay for which there has not been an apparently good canse, and yet here we are, Sve days older and no work done. Friday was spent in hunting np two of the accused, bat they lived so far away that they did not get here until late Saturday evening and were simply bound over to appear on Monday. On Monday tho de fence moved for a day’s adjournment in or der to get witnesses. The same day notice was sent to a third person that the warrant would also include him. This man came in volnotarily, but as all the cases were to be tried together, a further delay until to day was granted for the purpose of obtain- ing still more witnesses. against the revenue law, and he carried it so iar that on one occasion he came very near being sentenced. Tbis stilling busi ness has, beyond all doubt, tbe true canse of thc)feud between him and the rest of his family. Thoir feud dates back some years, and on the side of Biggerstaff, the com plainant, a murder was committed about a year ago by one of his partners, KcGahy, upon a man named Depricst. The murder was never avenged by tho law, probably because its perpetrator was a radical, and the victim a democrat, while this present outrage—a simple whipping—which prob ably was a retaliation for the crime, is at once spread throughout the Union as a ku klux outrage. Such is the administration of Federal law in the Sonth by the scala wags and carpet-baggers whom the govern ment has appointed os revenue officers and commissioners. Commissioner Wilson has decided to hold for trial the three men charged with beating the immoral Mrs. Brooks. I hare already shown in a previous letter that it was a common case of :.ssanlt and battery under great provocation; that the men were not disguised, and that therefore they could not come within t' e jurisdiction of a fed eral tribunal, especially as they had previ ously been acquitted ia a State court. But the Commissioner has decided that it was a breach in tbe Lw against the intimidation of voters. The case to-day is looked apon by tbe defence as a sort of a test examination. If tbe Commissioner decides for the prosecu tion, as in tbe former one, in tbe teeth of law and evidence, future defendants will waive the right of a preliminary investi gation, and at once consent to be held over for trial. This will Eave them the expense of bringing their witnesses to town—no mean amount when it is romembered that a man’s labor at this season is worth four dollars or five dollars a day, and that these witnesses have mostly to be brought down a days’ Journey on horsebock. Such a feel ing, however, is bat a melancholly commen tary upon the fairness of a United States Court. Tbe authorities have backed down from the threatened kn klux crusade. In the case of tbe second ontrage on Biggerstaff five men have been held over for trial, at Marion in Aognst. Against four of them the evidence is very strong. The proseen- tion endeavored to carry the case - to Ral eigh, at which the court meets in a fort night, tbe Commissioner having decided against them. No more men are to be ar rested, as the more violent radicals claimed that in so conservative a connty as McDow ell no jury will convict a kn klux. A company of United States troops have arrived at Shelby. There are no fresh kn klux outbreaks in the neighborhood. Wolfe’s Scheidam Schnapps Is good for all Urinary complaints. Wolfe’s Scheidam Schnapps Is recommended by all the Medical Faculty, Wolfe's Scheidam Schapps Is good for Colic and paid in the stomach. Wolfe's Scheidam Schnapps Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers will have to nse caution in purchasing. I beg leave to call the attention of the reader to testimonials in favor of the Schnapps. I feel bound to say that I regard your Schnapps as being in every resDect pre-eminently pure, and deserving of medical patronage. At* all evcnt3 it is the purest possible article of Holland f in, heretofore unobtainable, and as such may c safely prescribed hy physicians. DAVID L. MOTT, M, D. Pharmacutist and Chemist, N. V. Louisville, Ky., Sept. I.—I feel that we have now an article of gin suitable for sush coses ms that remedy ia adapted to DR. J. W. BRIGHT. “Schnapps” is a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, etc. I take great pleasure in bearing highly credita- blo testimony to its efficacy as a remedial agent in tbe diseases for which you recommend it. Having a natural tendency to the mucous sur faces, with a slight degree of stimulation, I re gard it as one of the most important remedies in chronic catarrhal affections, particularly those of tbe genito-urinary apparatus, With much respect, your obedient servant, CHAS. A. LEAS, E. D., New Yerk 25 Hinc Street, New York,"Nov. 21, 1857. CJdolpho Woiie, Esq, present: Dear 8in—I have made a chemical examination of a sample of your“Schidam Schnapps,” with the intent of determininu if any foreign or injurious substance had been added to the distilled spirits. Tbe examination has resulted in tho conclu sion that the sample contained no poisonous or harmful admixture. I have been unable to dis cover any trace of the deleterious substances which arc sometimes employed in the adultera tion of liquors. I would not hesitate to use my* ielt nor recommend toothers, for medicinal pur pose.*, tbe “Scheidam Schnapps’* as an excellent and unobjectionable variety of gin. Very Respectfully yours, (Signed) CHA8. A. SEELY, Chemist. KAILS—Cut......... OIL—Tanner's pc tf&L....—.. Kerosene “............ Castor, “ pte.,....’.. OPIUM lb PEPPER •* .............. PUTTY—% ft 8@10 PRINTS 10@121 POTATOES Sweet, pr. bushel 1 OOal 50 “ Irish “Country, 75al 25 Irish Potatoes, Northern, hhl. 54 50a6 00 QUININE SULPH proz. $2 75@3 25 BAGS—Clean Cotton...:..,....V ft 3 RICE .?£b 11 ROPE—Manilla.......... b 26 Machine............. 11 Cotton RAISINS—i box. .: H SUGAR—Brown, ® lb... “ —C. 19 ft “ —Crushed...:............ “ —Powrid,.......... . ... SALT, per sack, . .„ SHOT pr Lae SODA SOAP—Bar .pr lb. i) 28 m ,3U@40 2 50aJ 00 ....... 1 25al 50 12@15 13al5 14}al7 15Jal8 .. 15)al8 $2 25a2 38 2 65132 70 ?@15 415 $120 50@65 W@125 STARCH Ifc. SHOVELS—Ames?...:.....; ........ SYRUP—Muscavado, Golden. 90@ Extra Golden, 125@ 1< 55 Sorghum C5a 80 TURPENTINE, pr gal. 75al 00 TWINE—Bagging...... ...prlb. 30a 30 TOBACCX)—Common, pr lb....:.. 59@65 Medium G5a70 5 Prime, ..;™.rr.... 90@I 25 Virginia Leaf. old 1G@25 Georgia leaf. new, 10al5 TALLOW 8al0 TEA $1 25a2 00 VINEGAR—Cider, per gal 40a 65 WHITE LEAD » lb 10 15 WOOL—Washed:. 20@4ff GOLD, buying at 51 09; Selling at $1 124 SILVER “ $1 07; “ SI 12 New York Exc’nge selling at par. “ “ “ buying at J discount. NATURE’S OAIR RESTORATIVE. GENERAL SOUTHERN AG’TS For the celebrated -UrSELI.” DOUBLE FAN, PIVOT CYLINDER, Tiii.KB HITCH,GEAItEP Thresher & Separator, • RUSSELL 11 REAPER & MOWER. THEY ARE NOW PREPARED TO Supply air who need Good Machine-. Improvements of nm important nature, which are peculiar to tksss Machines,, have been made for the harvest of 1S71, and they are now warranted the Best, Most Durable, and Effective Machine Manufactured In America. Communications addressed to U* the Generel Agents will be promptly attended to, and men sent to $Urt all machines Suld, in proper working order. A full supply of the most approved Implements; saving labor on^the fstrn, PLOWS^tingle thtvu immcmcDM lor naviuj; utuur ou iuc ajiiui, ruono, siugie aud double) HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS. SEED DRILLS, HORSE HAY FORKS,, HORSE HAY RAKES, HAY and COTTON PRESSES FEED CUTTERS, FARM WAGON8, Ac., always oa hand, nod all kinds ’of Labar. Saving Vacbioery furnished at Haoafaeturers rrfoes, on short _ *“ ! * *" * - . ' l “ aprS7w#u ABE YOU GOING TO BUILD A HOUSE? IF SO, CALL ON D. HOYT & CO, And they will give you low figures on . PAINTS OILS and WINDOW GLASS. w. Their Gloss is shippod DIRECT from the Factory an! in large lots, consequently, there is Util or no breakage. Also, tall Stock ol Brn?s, Brashes, Perfumery, Soaps, of all kinds, Lamps, &c. &c. W. D. HOYT & CO., W HO LES ALE I> RU G GI STS , Rome, Georgia. apr22twlt-wtf GEORGIA, Floyd County. WHEREA3 T. W. Aleiand. for;permanent letters of Administration on the esUteoCStJIU Lord, formerly, Bailie Camp, late of Washington, p. C., deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said ecessed,iob , Co be and ‘appear at my office within the time prescribed t>v Jaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant- they have, why ©d. Given under my hand and official signature, this May 3,1871. r fl. J. JOHNSON, Ordinary. may5w30d . GEORGIA, Floyd County, W HEBEAS, Jesse P. Ajers, administrator oi James Farris, deceased, applies to mo for let ters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the-kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this fiOth day ot April, 1871. it J. JOHNSON, Ordinary. apr20w90d Walker Sheriff Sales for June. Ws . . JLLbe sold before the court house door, in the town cf La Fayette, Walker connty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Lot of -Land> No. 321, in ibe 27th district and 3rd sectiod of said county; levied on to satisfy a Justices* court fi*fa of the S69tb district, G. M , in favor of Fitts A Shackleford, vs Hannah Will iams and W. N. Williams. Levy made and re turned to me by A. A. Coffee, L. C. April 28 *71. : WJL STRANGE, " “ may2. GEORGIA, Walker County. W HEREAS I. D Roberta, administrator of James Roberts, deceased, havng represented to the Court in his petition duly filed that he hai folly administered said estate, and applies for letters of dismissien: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within tbe time piescrihed by law, to show cause, if any exists, wh~ said letters should not be granted. Given under my lran<( '&nu official signature this april 25th, 1871. MILTON RUSSELL, OrJ’y. apr29 rtl GEORGIA, Floyd County. Ai LL persons having demands against tha es tate of James H. Colquit, deceased, late of said connty, are herbby notified and required to pro-'' sent them, properly attested, U the nndsTsifnsd. within the time prescribed by law; and all par sons indebted to said deceased, are hereby requir ed to make immediate payment to the under signed, this April II, 1871. aprl3~40d miii, JOU. SAMUEL JOHNSTON, Adm. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Coart House dear, In La Fayette, Walker Co., Ga., hy virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, of said connty, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No. (651) six hundred and fifty-. one, in tha 4th district and 1st section, of origin ally Cherokee, now Dawson county, containing 40 acres, more or less, wild land. Sold as the property of the estate of R. M. Beavers, deceas ed, for distribution. Terms cash. R. N. DICKERSON, Admr. sprll 71. Election Notice. By virtue of authority vested In me by Ex ecutive order issued by his Excellency, R. B. Bul lock. Governor, I do order aa election to be bald on Wednesday, the 31at day of May next, at the Court House, and the several election precincts in thecoentyof FI yd, under the election laws, as prescribed In the Code of Georgia, to fill ths vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. H. A. Gartrell—this April 11,1871. H. J. JOHNSON, Ordinary. aprl3twlt-wld GEORGIA, Walker County. Chemical and Technical Laboratory, IS Ex change Place, New York, Nov. 25,1867.-Udolpho Wolfo, Esq.: Dear Sin—Tho undersigned have carefully and thoroughly analysed a sample of S txr "Aromatic Scheidam Schnapps,” selected ourelves, and hare found the same free from organic or inorganic substances, more or less injurious to health. From the result of our ex amination we consider the article one of superi or qnalitv, healthful as a beverage, and effectual in its medicinal qualities. Respectfnlty yours, (Signed) ALEX TRIPPLE, Chemist, FRANCIS E. ENGLEHARD, M. D. A Prussian sea captain has gut into trouble at New York because be kept his men on a diet of sperm oil and cracker* during their last voyage. For sale by all respectable Grocers ad Drug- IfDOLPHO WOLFE’S ESTABLISHMENT; mar7tw-w3m 22 Beaver BL. N Y. GEORGIA, Floyd County, No OTICE is hereby given to all persons con cerned, that in the year, 1860, D. A. Williamson, of said county, departed this life intestate, and as is thown by records In this office, J. L. WiU- iamson and Charges C. Williamson were appoint ed his administrators; and whereas* it has been made known to this court that the aforesaid named administrators haro since died without completing administration on said sttate, and Lev* P* May having been appointed.administra tor debonis non; and whereas It has been made known to this court that the said L.P« May has departed this life withont folly administering raid estate: Now, notioe is given in terms of the law, that administration, debonts non, will be vested in the clerk of the Superior court, or some other fit person, thirty days offer the publication of this citation, unless some vital objection is made to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signets re, this 24th day of April, 1871. a w27 H. J. JOHNSON, Ord*y. Notice for Leave to SelL PPLICATION will bo made to tba Court ot inary, of Floyd county, 6a, at the first Teg- alar term eRer tbe expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to eell the lands be longing to the estate of J. B. Stevens, late of said connty, deceaeed, for the benefitof tbe hein and creditors of (aid deceased. Wil. Q. GAMMON, Adm’r. maylSwSOd. Contains no Lac sulphur,—No SUGAR OF LEAD-No LITHARGE —No NITRATE Ob SILVER, and is entirely free from the Pois onous and Health-destroying used in other Hair Pre- tions. int and clear as crystal, it will not soil tbC' finest fabric,—] andEFFICIl FOR AND F< It restores and prevents the Hair from becom ing Gray, impacts a soft, gloraj appearance, re moves Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to ths head, checks the H.»ir from falling offi and res tores it to a great extent when prematurely lest, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutane- Pro- DR. G. SMITH. - Patentee, Aver, pared only bj PROCTOR BROTHERS. Glouces ter, Mass. The genuine is put up in a pane 1 bot tle, made expressly for it, with the nnme'of tbe article blown ia tba glees. Ask year Drcggist for Nature’s Bair Reparative, end take no Send two three cent stamps Proctor Broth ers for a "Tratise on tho Homan Heir.- Tho In formation it contains. is worth $500,09 to any person. For sale by W. D. Hoyt A Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Romo, Ga. mayl twly GEORGIA, Dade County. W HBREAS Alex. B.5snna and C. C. Goinn, Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Guinn, late of raid county, deceased.' rep resent. to me that they have folly executed scad Will according to lew, and ask for dismission aa Such Executors: ' This is therefore to cite- and admonish all and singular tbe kindred, and. creditors of said de ceased to show canse, If any exist, whj said ap plicant shonld not rveeiro letters of Administra tion on the estate of said deccacsed, ia terms of tho law. Given under my hand and official signature. May 1,1871. mayi w30d J. a TAYLOB, Ord’y. DOOLEYC YEA S T *f , PowdeR bsxSvbrH meWSimic. end mhmra reedy for ImdedUt, ase. The best YEAST FOVDERforasean taeaSEA OT FOOD PREPAREP W1TH IT- deaIeik. by GROCERS, SHIP-CHANDLERS and ] DOQLET ft BBOTHEH, Marnrfe etnrera. 09 TBirizBEzr, xjcjt-touk. mer9tw-weowtm LAWYERS gUPPIJEDwithlLegilforms;*.* the Courier L HE Execntor of the last Will and Testament George W. Tipton, deceased, baring refused qualify as said Executor, this is to eiteall par ties interested, to .how cense at the first term ef the court alter the expiration of thirty days, why an administrator, with the will annexed, of said estate, shonld not be appointed. may3 MILTON BUSSELL, Ord’y. GEGCGIA, Welker Connty. WHEREAS James T. Bryan, Administrator mos T. Bryi of Ephraim Mabry, deceased, applies for letters of dismissal from said estate: These are therefore to cite end admonilh all end singular the kindred and friend, of said deceased, to show canse why raid applicant shonld not be granted letters of dismission from said administration. Given under my hand and official signs taro, this April 1.TS71. eprl-Sm MILTON RUSSELL, Ord’y. S: Leave to SelL nett day after date application will be maaer to un vrainary of Floya County for leave ftoisell the. real estate belonging to James W, Formby, late of said county, deceased. &pr22 MOSES FORMBY, Adm. Dade Sheriff Sales for June W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Trenton, Dads county, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land Ho 10S, in the 18th district and 4ih section of. raid .county, leviod on as the erty of F. M. Street, to satisfy a fi fit from Superior court, in favor of 7, G. Jackaway. Also, lot of land No 26, in the 16th district and 4th section, Dade county; levied on as the prep* erty of A: Fletcher, to satisfy a fi fa from a Jus tices * court of the 974th district, Q. M^ of said county, m favor of-Mitch: Fhpe. Also, lot No. 105, m the 19th district and 4th section of said county; levied on as the property of Joel Cross, to satisfy a fi fa irom tho Justices* court of the 974th district, G 3L, of said oouaty, in fttvor of T. G. Morris. Haralson Sheriff Sales for Jhly. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in,the town of Buchanan, Haralso i county, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of rale, the following property, to wit: The interest of Elizabeth Kennan in lot of land No. 147, of the eighth diit. of originally Carrol, now Haralson county; sold as tha property of Elizabeth Kennan to satisfy one cost fi fa issued from tho Justice's court of the 1225th district, G. M., Lot of land No. 149 in the 7th dist. of original ly Carroll, now Haralaen county, to satisfy three fifas from a Justice court of said county, in- fa vor of Matthew J. Holden vs Vm. Jorden, prin cipal, and Wm. Aldridge security. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also one sixth of lot of land No. 147, in the 8th district of originally Carrol, njw Haralson counjy, to satisfy one tax fi fa, the Stats and county vs Elizabeth Keanon. All the stave levies made and returned to me by a Constable. TERREL WHITE, Shff. mayl6,1871. GROCERIES, Provisions, Confectioneries, TOBACCO, SNUFF, ‘ SNUFF, CIGARS, PIPES, NOTIONS, ETC* "We offer to the citizens of Rome and Vicinity this month, a full line and WeU Selected Stock of the above Goods. We hare a large variety of Notions, Genuine MEERSCHAUM PIPES, &c. All of which will be cold CHEAP FOB CASH, or in exchange for country produce. J. D. ft ft. B. CARVER. Borne Ga-, AprlJ’lTw. Pictures! Pictures! The 9th Wonder of the World. T* _L HE Public are respectful], informed that b, calling et HURT’S Galierjr. No 29, Broad Stmt, Borne, Cm, (the Sloan building?, the, me, pro cure, for theuuelvee end families,' tbe largest number of Pictures ever offered for so litde' mon ey. Pictures made and finished up at the time of aitting, without having to take aa, risk u to the uncertaint, of mails Ac., Ac. Call end give me a sitting, end if not setisfied with the work you will not he required to order them f * * “ LIST OP PRICES. of B. M. Wilkinson, Tex ■aid count,. Six acres of lend in tbe town of Trenton, Ge, now occupied by defendant, M. Nicholas, el the property of raid defendant: property levied on by virtue of a fi fa in favor of E D Graham, ad ministrator of tha estate of M. Derebery, deceas ed, against' M. Nicholas and B. If. Wilkinson. Property pointed out by Plaintiff, and levy iade by J. Blevins, former Sheriff. apr2T J. W. O'NEAL, Shff. 7* *1 00 1 20 2 SO 4 00 1 00 1SA- 8x10 Bose Wood and Gut ferine, each, 2 50 Respeetfnlly, aprl6w3m J. W. HURT, Artist. No. 1 Gem sise at one Bitting, 8 pictures ** u •. u u jg u 2 " “ “ 3 « « «< Bon Ton regular sise, SPRING GOODS. . ~ Estray Sale. W -ILL be sold at the court ground at Cave Spring, on Saturday, the 27th inst, one black male hog, about ono year old, posted by Wm. Penny in accordance with tbe .estray law, and appraised by Metcalf te be worth four dol lars. By order ef the Ordinary. W. G. FOSTER, D. Shff ntyttitlt JONES & ALLMAN, 106 Empire Block, GEORGIA, Polk Connty, E» May 12th, 1872. BROAD STREET, SOME, GEORGIA, Have received their Stock of DAVIS has ceased to he my help mete. Left my place withont a canse. I for worn any person whatever crediting her on my account I will not pay it maylStwit SAM. d. DAVIS. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Ledies and Gentlemen am in vile 1 te call and GEORGIA, Floyd County. fo^nsmption of pereonaltv^aed MUaqpapart I Goods and Prices, and valuation of homestead, I will pass upon the same at my office in Borne,Ga., on the 25th May, instant, this May 131371.* may 13 H. J, JOHNSON, Ord’y. We expect to satisfy all reasonable cniteiMn. aprl3wtfi I ■ H fi «