The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, December 26, 1877, Image 2

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!)—The Pope’s rheviiaat- rexcruciatiog. 5nge cars!” is what a boot black said to a Chicago man the other day, when he had finished one of his bro^ gans. Why do the newspapers speak of '“bouncing babie3?” We’ve seen a good many babie9 fall and not one of them bounced much to speak of— thev’re too soft. It is said that Mary E. Tillotson, the dress reformer, has written a poem en titled: “Shorten my Skirts. Mother- Shorten Your Own.” Shorten to talk so to her mother. An eccentric clergyman lately said in one of his sermons, that about the commonest proof we have that man is made of clay, is the bricks so often found'in his hat. A witness on the stand, in reply to a question as to what the chaiacter of Mr. was for truth and veracity, said: “Well, I should say that he hand les the truth very carelessly.” He gave her a hearty smack. “Don’t kiss like that,” she said. “I want a street, tender pressure when I’m kissed. I don’t want any fire-works.” He left out the explosion in the next act. Washington, Dec. 18.—Blaine has decided to seek balm at the Hot Springs Arkansas. He leaevs to-morrow iD company with Senators Chaffee and Dorsey, ex-Secretary Robeson and Con gressman Hale. A Lowell man keeps up his wood pile by making bets that his wife can saw and split two cords in twelve hours. The poor woman is so vain of her hus band’s praise that she never can be brought to see the speculation in it. Will the capitalists and manufactur ers listen to the demand that is rising up in one long, irrepressible wail all over free America, for a cheap grade of Christmas presents, adapted to the wants of young men on salaries..— Hawleyc. A sixteen-year-old girl out on Colum bus street has a button string four yards long, containing 1,973 buttons. And that girl’s father fastens hiB suspenders on his trousers with a shawl-pin, a piece of twine and a sharp stick.- Haiclcjc. Proverbs from the Talmud. The ass complains of the cold even in July. A single light answers as well for a hundred men as for one. Teach thy tongue to say, “I do not know.” Tby friend has a friend, and thy friend’s friend has a friend; be dis creet. Deal with those who are fortunate. The doctor who prescribes gratuitous ly gives a worthless prescription. If a word spoken in its time is worth one piece of money, silence in its time is worth two. The wine belongs to the master, but- the waiter receives the thanks. The soldiers fight and the Kings are heroes. Make but one sale, and thou art called a merchant. If the fox is king, bow before him. The rivalry of scholars advances TUTT>S PILLS! A Noted Divine Says They are Worth Their Weight in Gold. BEAD WHAT HE SAYS' Do. Tott—Dear Sir: For ten years I hare been a martyr to Dyspepsia. Constipation and Pil-s Last springyoor pills were recommended to me; I used them (but with little faith). I am now a well man* have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and 1 have gaineo forty pounds solid fh ah. They a'e worth their weight in gold. Rev. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, K7. TUTT’S PILLS TINTS PULS CUBE DYSPEPSIA A maiden of twenty-five was lately throwing out some affected sneers at matrimony, when a grave friend in the company observed that “marriages were made in heaven.” “Can you tell me sir,” rejoined the sly nymph, “why they are so slow in coming down ?” Nashville, Dec. 18.—Hughes & Co.’s hardware establishment was partial ly burned. Cotton had been saturateu with coal oil and powder and placed in four different localities. Had the fin progressed as incendiaries intended near ly all the firemen would have been killed. London, Dec. IS.—Osman is alive The Pest says: Another Cabinet Coun cil will he held to-day. The serious as pect of foreign affairs engages the con stant attention of the Ministry. It is felt the time has arrived when moment ous questions may have to be consid ered.” A singular case of petrifaction is told by an engineer on the Union Pacific. The principal cross-ties, wnich have been laid for several years, are nearly all petrified, the number of miles being estimated at one hundred. So solid are the cross-ties that it is impossible to draw the spikes from them. Mothers should be very careful to see that their daughters are well wrap ped up while sitting out on the piazza to see “the satellites of Mars.” A coat sleeve, of conrse, is good as far as it goes, and, to tell the truth, it generally goes as far it can, but at best it can cover only about so much territory. An Englishman told an Irishman that porter was his mpat and drink, and soon after Pat found him, having be come too heavily loaded, lying in a ditch. After surveying him for some time, he exclaimed: “Arrah, my honey, you said it was meat and drink to you; by my soul, it’s a much better thing, for it’s washing and lodging too!” St. Johns, N. B., Dec. 18.—There was some excitement here, last evening owing to the arrest of Chari* s Chapman by De tective Bailie, of Georgia. Chapman registered at the Queen’s Hotel, Decem ber 3, informing the proprietor he was a detective seeking a Kuklux who com mitted depredations during the war. Detective Bailie says Chapman’s last op eration was a forgery for $15,000 in Geor gia. He will be examined to-day. The two United States Senators who ever served the longest terms, were both North Carolinians by birth—Benton, of Missouri, and King, of Alabama. The former served thirty, the latter, twenty- nine years. It is related, in reference to Mr. King’s extreme courtesy, that when he presided over the Senate the two Senators from Arkansas pronounced the name of their State differently, and that he punctiliously observed this difference. He invariably recognized one as “thegentlemanfrom Arkan-saw,” and the other as “the gentleman from Arkansas.” Constantinople, Dec. 18.—Errone ous interpretations having been g^yen to the circular of the Porte inviting mediation, it is officially explained that Turkey does not approach the powers as a vanquished State, since she still has two lines of defense which the Government believes she would be able to hold. The Porte, by its circular, de sires to intimate its willingness to con sider the proposals made by the Con stantinople Conference. As the war began owing to Turkey’s refusal to ad here to those proposals, the Porte thinkB it might be determined now on that basis. Washington, Dec. 18.—Commission er Williamson, of the General Land Of fice, has a report from Special Agent Hester, of Florida, that a writ of replevin has been issued from the United States Court for the possession of 900,000 feet of sawed lumber and 4,000 pine logs, cut from the public lands. Gov. George F. Drew, Lewis Bucki. James Parker and Lafayette Dickens are the defendants. Hester also reports suits instituted for the possession of several hundred bar rels of rosin and turpentine, and that warrants have been issued for the arrest of various parties, including Parker and Dickens above referred to. Several curious cases of mistaken identity have occurred in this city re cently. A son, for instance, indentified a body at-the Morgue as that of his father, who, however, made his appear ance-after the Coroner’s inquest had been held and as a prisoner was on the eve of being tried for his talking off. In another case the father of a family was met on the streets by one of his chil dren while his supposed remains were awaiting burial at his residence. In the courts another curious case came up yesterday. The accused was, fortuna tely, able to prove he was not criminal but ‘.'some other fellow,” and so saved himBelffrom the Penitentiary.—H. Herald The world is saved by the breath of school children. Even to rebuild the temple, the schools must not be closed. Blessed is the son who has studied with his father, and blessed the father who has instructed his son. Rabbi Eleazer said: “Who gives charity in secret is greater than Moses," Rab said : “Men should be careful lest they cause women to weep, for God counts their tears.” In cases of charity, where both men and women claim relief, the latter should be first assisted. If there should not be enough for both, the men Bhould cheerfully relinquish their claims. Rabbah said: “When one stands at the judgment seat of God these ques tions are asked: ‘Hast thou been hon est in all thy dealings? Hast thou set aside a portion of thy time for the study of the law ? Hast thou observed the first commandment? Hast thou in trouble still hoped and believed in God ? Hast thou spoken wisely ?’ ” A Resistless Magnet. Prof. Smyth was once lecturing on Natural Philosophy, and in the course of his experiments he introduced one of Carrington's most powerful magnets, with which he attracted a block of ii from a distance of two feet “Can any of you conceive a greater attractive power?” the lecturer damand ed. “I ken !” answered a voice from the audience. “Not a natural terrestial object!” “Yes, sir.” Tha professor challenged the man who had spoken to name the thing. Then up rose old Seth Wamlet. He was a genius in this way, and original, Said he: “I ken give ye the facts, and you can judge for yourself. When I were a young man there were a little piece natural magnet done up in kaliker and dimity, as was called Betsy Jane. She could draw me fourteen miles every Sunday. Shakes alive! it were just as natural as sliding down hill. Thar wan't no resistin’ her. That ere magnet o’ youm is pooty good, but tain’t a circumstance to the one that drawed me.” Washington, Dec. 16. The Supreme Court adjourns on Fri day for two weeks. Blaine, Hale, Dorsey and Robeson cer tainly left for Hot Springs, Ark. The President has pardoned Col. Jno. A. Joyce. He has served his term, and the pardon relieves him from the fine and restores him to citizenship. William Poor, who was slightly bitten by a small dog eight weeks ago, died of hydrophobia. Governor Hubbard telegraphs the Sec retary of War. confirming the surrender of the rangers and the shooting of How ard, Atkinson and McBride. Gov. Hub bard adds: “Ihe balance of the State troops are held as prisoners. These lat ter will doubtless share the same fate, un less rescued by the United States forces who were under your orders, marching to their relief. We have information of large bodies of Mexican citizens partici pating in this massacre.” A commission has issued for Wade, Collector of the Third Georgia District. When his bond for $50,000 is approved he will take possession of the office. Gen. Lazareff, who as commander of the right wing of the Russian army, opened the successful attack upon the fortifications at Kars, is an American by race, and a native of Shushi, where he was born Nov, 28,1820. When 19 years old he enlisted as a private in a infantry regiment. He has passed through every grade in rank, reaching that of Lieuten ant General in 1868, and besides receiv ing from the Czar every Russian decora tion in the latter’s power to grant, he was presented with a heavy gold and jeweled cimeter inscribed, “for courage.” His head has been cracked by a heavy stone, his left shoulder blade dislocated by a piece of shell, his neck pierced through by a bullet, while his body has been well tattooed by the implements of civilized destruction. It is said that Chinamen who have re sided in California, having learned to prefer wheat to rice, have on their return to their native land, increased the taste for and cultivation of wheat in China. They cultivate so much more closely than we, that forty bushels to the acre is about the lowest yield, and this pays well at 25 cents per bushel delivered at Hong Kong. Their sweep of country adapted to wheat exceeds that of the Pacific slope ten-fold, and their cost of labor seventy- five per cent. less. As a competitor of California China may very shortly become formidable. A recent advertisement contains the following startling information: “If the gentleman who keeps the shoe store with a red head will return the umbrella of a young lady with the ivory handle to slate-roofed grocer’s shop, he will hear of something to his advantage, as the same is the gift of a deceased mother, now no more, with the name engraved npon it.” An elderly darkey was inquiring of a'policeman if he knew anything of his son Pete. The policemkn replied that there was a young daikey in the lock up for breaking up a prayer-meeting with an ax-handle. “Dat’s him,” exclaimed the over joyed parent, “he told me he was gwine to‘muse hisself.’” A notorious French criminal named Hass, who had been sentenced to death for murder, has escaped the guillotine through a clerical blunder. In mak ing up the verdict the foreman wrote that a “margorite” of the jurors found him guilty. I would I were aschoolmarm, and in a schoolmarm’s band, with a small boy stretched across my knee, and a ruler in my hand. TUTI’S PILLS TUTT’S PULS CURE PILES. TUTT’S PILLS Dr Tutt baa be*n on gaged in the practice sf medi '.no thirty year a, and far a long time was dem onatrator of anatomy in t e Medical College of Georgia, hence p rsona u*ing bis Pilla ' ave tbe guarantee that they are prepared on scientific principles, and are free from all quackery. He ho* succeeded in combining in the® the heretofore antagon sing q lalitiea of a strengthen ing. purgative, and a puri fying tonic. Tbeir first apparent ef fect is to increase the ap petite by causing the food to properly assimilate, ^hus the system is nour is’iei, and by their tonic action on the digestive or gans, regular ac.d healthy evacuations are produced. he rabidity *tth which persons take on flesh, while under the influence of these pills, of itself indi- catop their adaptatility to nourish the body, and hence their efficacy in curing nervous debility, melancholy, dyspepsia, wasting of the muscles, sluggishness of the liver, chronic constipation, ard imparting health anti strength to the system. 8old everywhere. Office, 35 Murray Street, New York. TUTT’S PILLS CURE BILIOUS COLIC. TUTT’S PILLS TUTT'S PILLS TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE. Gray Hair can be changed to a gloEsy black by a single application of Dr.Tutt’s Hair D,e. It acts like magi' and is warranted a« harmless as water Price $1 00 Office 35 Murrav fU. N. Y WHAT l§ QUEER’S DELIGHT? Read the Answer: It is a plant that grows in tbe South, ard is specially adapted to tae cure of diseases of that climate. It is NATURE’S OWN REMEDY, Legal Advertisements. Summary of Floyd Sheriff's Sales. GEORGIA, Floyd County. W ILL BE BOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door in the city of Rome, in Floyo county, between tbe legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in January, 1878, the following property, to-wit: One undivided fourth intereet in a certain lot in the Coosa Division of Rome, known as the Bayard warehouse and steamboat landing, and known in said citv as lots Nos 0 and 7, with • parcel of land not numbered, being part of land lot No 244. 234 dis'.rict and 3d section. Prop erty of Z, B Hargrove. Also one acre off of southeast corner of lot of land No. 585,3d district and 4ib section. Prop erty of L. V. Rich. Also, lots of land Nos. 295 and 296,23d district as d 34 section. Property of H. P. Reynolds. Also, one buggy. Property of G. 8. Graham Als , one white cow and one white heifer year ing. Property of G. S- Graham and Carrie O. Graham. Also, one two horse iron-axle wagon Prop erty of G. 8. Graham. POSTPONED SALE. Two bed steads, two tables, one bureau, one cnb, oue safe, one secretary, one stove and piping, one pair pot-hooks, one axe, one shovel, one spa'e, one garden fork, one garden rrke, one sickle, one desk, twe pictures and f ames ana two frames without pictures, one pa>r hames five kegs white lead, one stool, two windiw shades, one fly bru«h, one pair fire dogs, one lot oil cloth carpet and matting, six large fl >wer pots and fmgteen small flower pots, one wardrobe one mattress, one crib mattress, on pair si c, one demijohn, one jug, two and a half kegs nails. Property of John Harkins. Haralson Sheriff’s Sales. GEORGIA, Haralson County. W r ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COUR House door, in the town of Buchanan, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in Jandary, 1878, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 114 in the 7th district and 5th section of originally Carroll now Haralson county, Georgia* Levied on and will be sold as the property ot Uriah Wilson to satisfy one Jus tice’s Cou t fi. fa. in favor of J. G Stringer vs said Wilson. Issued from the 1077 die rict G M. The above levy made by P. A. Golem*, L.C. Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nrs. 1 6t and 1062 iu the 20th district aud 3rd section of originally Cnerokee now Haralsor* county. Levied on a« the property of W. A Stringer to satisfy two Justice’s Court fl fas from the 1143 district G. M.. in favor of E. P. Dter vs W. A. Stringer. The above levy made by John M. Waldrop, L. C. A. J- HUNT. Deputy Sheriff. Entering at odco into tae blood, all scrofulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections Alone, it i« a s*archi g alterative, but when combined with Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla aud Queen’s Delight, The most powerful blood purifier known to mod ical science for the cure of old ulcers, di-e&sed joints, foul di’char^ts from the ears aud nostrils, abscesses, ekia diseases, dropsy, kidney com riaint, evil effects of secret prac ices. disordered iver and spleen. Its usn strengthens the ner voua system, imparts a fair complexion, and bniids up t^e body with HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic po son t is strong ly recommended. Huudnds of cases of tho worst type have been radically cared by it. Being purely vegetable ita continued use will do no harm. The best time to take it is during the summer and tall; and instead of debility, head ache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health. Sold by all druggists. Trice, $1.00 Office, 35 Murray Street. New York. *uh2lwly For The Holidays Lord & Taylor NEW YORK. niE LOW I’KIf K- A r WHICH OUR GOODS ARE MARKED. IIaVK SI’ U.\L RKFHKKNCK TO THE HOLIDAY SEASON. AND BARGAIN'S WILL BE FOUND THROUGHOUT THE 1IOUSK, THIS SEA- BLACK SILKS, handsome and durable, all widths f 1.0 to 43.50. The GREAT AMERICAN INDESTRUCTIBLE SILK, |1.2<*, $1.25, and *1.N». PLAIN COLORED SILKS, new shades, commencinff as low as 75c- per yard, anil at $1.00, same as quality of last season at fl 25. Faucv Droclie am Dain«»«e Figures of the new Paris shades, from $2.n0 upwards. Trimming Satins at 11.00, worth $1.2. r THE PRICES AT WHICH WE OFFER OCR SILKS ARE ONE-QUARTER TO ONE-THIRD LESS THAN LAST SEASON. tsr A SILK DRESS IS A HANDSOME HOLI DAY PRESENT. IN DRESS GOODS there is richer display of colorings and brilliant effects this season Than for many ye.iri pa«t. The mixed COSTUME CLOTHS raiure In price from 50c. a yard to $3.00. and on low-priced DRESS GOODS, from 10c. a yard op, many of the as effective as the heavier fabrics. Shawls, Mantles and Wraps. India Valley Ca»hmere Shawls from up. India Filled Centers at f.'<0 r. i and up. Real Dacca, Chedda and Striped India Shawls, new designs, from $10 .00 upwards. Also, fui lines Britith, French and German Shawls in beautiful new styles, of the bet-t.and most reliable manu facture. Paris Mantles aad Cloaks of tire latest modes from $15.00 up, aud Berlin from $ i .oO. Ladies’ and Children’s Suits and Fine Under Clothing. These department* embrace everything pertain ing to Female Co«tutne, suited to all age* aud cir cumstance*. For full particulars sec catalogues. HOSIERY. Ladies’, Misses’, and Ch-IUren'e II<»iery from $1.50 a dozen, up to the finest good* All the newest and prettiest derigm In Hosiery are repre sented in our stock in Silk, Cotton and Merino. FURS. Alaska Seal Sacques, from $C5.00 up. Alaska Seal Muffs from $0.00 up. Alaska Seal Boas, from |f» tu up. Mink Muffs and Iloa . from > 2/0 a se Silk Fur-lined Garments, from $ 5.0!). Alaska Sable Sets, from $7.5n A good set of Furs as low ns $5.00. &T A SET OF FURS IS A SUI l Alri.I AS SEASONABLE HOLIDAY I’HES NT Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA. Haralson County. B y viktuk of an order issued by the honorable * ourt of Ordinary ot said county, will be sold before th > Coart House door la the town of Buchanan, on the ~V Fibst Tuesday in January, 1878, the toliowieg described real estate, belonging to thM estate of G. W. King, deceased, to wit* An undivided half interest in 202i acres of laud, more or less, being No. 319, m tbe 8th district and 5th section of origirally Carroll now Hura s m county- Hold for the benefit of the hei-s nd creditors. Tern-scasb. Tnis December i, is77- john Taliaferro, Adm’r. decti.wtd Citation- GEORGIA, Floyd Count,. T O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. C. D Forsvih having in prop£p form applied tome for permanent l-t’.ers of administration on the estate of Mrs. M. C. Mitchell, late ot Florida, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors aud next of k»a of Mrs M C- Mitchell to be and appear at my offi te within the time allowed by law atd show enure, if any they can, whv p rmanent administration should not be granted to U. D Fon-yth, on Mrs. M. C Mi'ch li’a estate. Witness my band and official signature, this December 3, 1877- H. J. JOHNSON, OrJinary. dec4.wlm—pd SB GILT-EDGE GROCERIES! W E CALL THE ATTENTION OP PURCHASERS .TO OUE GOODS, AND INVITE AN exoiEinetion of the nae, GUANANTEEING SATISFACTION ia .Ter, instance as to PRICE. Quality, Ac. VERMONT, MAPLE AND NEW ORLEANS SYRTJPS, FLORIDA HONEY (strained), PURE CANADA BUCK-WHEAT FLOUR, VERMONT AND TENNESSEE BUTTER, FLORIDA ORANGES, NORTHERN APPLES, CHOICE LEMONS, CURRANTS, RAISINS, CITRON, NUTS OF ALB KINDS, FANCY, FRENCH AND PLAIN CANDIES, IN ADDITION TO AN UNSURPASSED STOCK OF FAMILY SUPPLIES. {^-Quotations of same cheerfully furnished. Fruits at Wholesale. HARPER & FORT, ROME, GA. w2m 1877. FALL TRADE. 1877. W. T. McWilliams & Co. IS and 30 Broad Street, Borne, Ga. VUR FALL 8TOCK IS NOW COMPLETE ESPECIAL ATTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN O tnia season to getting np a SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, And in this Department we can offer Inducements that Cannot be Sobpassed in any Market. Largest M ot Kentucky Jeans ever Minted in Is Country, Of evert Grade and Quality, at-Prices which we Guarantee against the Woeld. Oar lines of Staple Goods, Woolens, Shawla, Shirts, Drawers, Notions, Hate, etc., are Ter, large and complete. All at the Lowest Jobbing Bates Known to the Trade. tS'HO GOODS AT SJETAIL.^t augu,tw.«tf w. t. McWilliams & co. WM. A. HAYGOQj) 38 AND 42 MABIETTA SUBLET . ■ ’ ATLANTA, GA., v' * Oil Cloths, Mattings, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, WEATHER STSlp S And General Interior Decorations. - . LOTl7.twlam.wl, 1856. A FEW MORE MADE HAPPY) Go and Do Likewise ESTABLISHED 1753. ORIGINAL HEADQUARTERS OF SANTA GLAUS Smith’s Book and Music Store, 113 BROAD STREET. NO. Grand Opening of Christmas Notions City, consisting in part of Writing Desks. Work-Boxes Chine Motto Caps end Saucers. Vases Toilet 8e:», Silver pUted Ware, C»s*ora. Cako Baskets, Butter Dishes, Pickle 8Uxda f Card Baskets, Napkin Rings. Ice Pitchers, Japanese Work, Glove end Handkerchief Boxes, Chins, Tin and Rubber Toys, Cnristm&s-trea Ornsme .ta, Poetical Works, Juvenile Books, Bibles, Alban*s, Pictures, Ac., Ac., Ac. (docl tw-wti JOHN J. SEAY, Manulacturcr of and Exclusively “Wholesale Oealer in Letters of Guardianship. GEORGIA, Har.ilson County. J.M1N W. rd’.LLlPS HAVING APPLIED be appointed guardian of tbe property of Udura Smith, a minor under fourteen years ol age. resident of said comity, this is te cite *>11 persons concerned to be and appear at the Jon aary Term, 137s, of the Court of ordinary for said county, and show cause, i< auy v ey can, why said John W. Phillips should not be in trusted with the guardianship of the property ot Udora Smith. Witness my official signature, this December 3, 1877 8. M. DAVENPORr, dec 13 Ordinary, Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Floyd County, I T BEING KNOWN TO THE ORDINARY OF said county that the estate of B F. Hooi er, late of said county, is now witbont n legal rep re?entative, and no one having applied lor ad ministration on said estate, notice is hereby g 'i*en that at the Jsnusrv Term, 1878. o! this ourt, administration de bonis non, with the wPl annexed, will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court of saii county, or some other fit and proper person. Given under my hand and official aipna+ure, this Nov 30. 1*77. H. J. JOHNB02I. decl,td—pd Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Haralson County. N otice ia hereby given to all per sons concerned that on the — day of Oc tober, 1863. Charles Sides, late of said county, departed thi« life intestate, and no person has applied for administration on tbe estate of said Cnarles Sides, and that in terms of the law ad ministration will be vested in the Clerk of tbe Superior Court, or some other fit aad proper per son, «n the first Monday in January, 1S78, unless valid objection is made to his appointment. Givoi under mj hand and official signature, this December 1, 1877 dec6 S. M DAVENPORT. Ordinary. Homestead. GEORGIA, Floyd County S AMUEL MOBLEY HAS APPLIED FOR exemption of person®lty and realty, and I will, pass up 'H the same at 10 o’clock a. v. on the 24th day of December, at my office. This ecember 3, 1377.—pd H. J. JOHNSON, Ordinary. GENTS’ FUEMSHING. DRESSING GOWNS. SMOKING JACKET3 WD CAPS, SCARFS, TIES. UMIL:eI.LAS, U.UJVES, THE ATTENTION»OF LADIES IS I.NVilED. GLOYFS. Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread and llrrin » Glorn of the new colors and sliape-, ia great vari-t.v. Lord k Taylor’s Kid Gloves, 2 buttons, wa-ranted, at $1.00 per pair, price last season $; .50. ALSO, Lace, Cambric, linen aud S lk llaudkt-rchiefe, and beautiful Neckerchief*, all prices from 25c. upward, and all kind* Dress Trimmings to m.tch our goods PIT* Our Good.-* are all firsl-clui?. We make a point to fill all orders exactly and to the interest of purchasers. We guarantee all purchases to be satis factory to buyers, and stand ready to ren»e ly all errors. We invite orders, convinced that a first trial will Insure ns the regular cu-tom hereafter. Catalogues of our entire stock sent to any address i application. All orders for Goods to be accompanied by the money, or where parties wish Goods will be sent by Express, C. O. D. Where the remittance Is too large, we always return the difference. Broadway & Twentieth St. Grand, Chrystie & Forsyth Streets, N. Y. nov27.w3m HEALTH RESTORED. R emedy free for the speedy cure of nervous debility, premature decay, loit manhood, and all disorders produced by youth ful excess Mailed to any address. Davidson A Co., 8$ Nassau St, N. Y. nov22,w6zn AaGOLD FLATTED WATCHES. Cheapest vL A»n the known world. Sample Watch free to 9Agents. Address. A. CorxrxB & Co.. Chicago Stoves. Grates, Hollow-Ware, English Pots, Waxon Boxes, Andirons, - etc., etc., etc. ; . A SPECIALITY MADE OF LIGHT CASTINGS ON ORDERS ! The regular run of Light Castings is FOUR TONS PER DAY, and consequently all ord»r can be promptly filled. DEALERS will take notice that I have sold out n.y retail business,and my UNDIVIDED AT TENTION will now be paid to the manufacture and Wholesale Trade. 1 can daplicate orders on the best Foundries in the coantrv. /5P~8end for price list. JOHN J. SEAY, Rome, Ga. Office at foundry, corner Franklin 81 and Rome Railroad. ag7,tw-wtf ALLEN & MeOSEER ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF JEWELRY, BRIDAL PRESENTS, Engagement Rings, Solid Silver & Plated Ware. ACENTS FOR The Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, l^ALL WORK WARRANTED.-®! octll,ftw-w3m CHRISTMAS PRESENTS If you wish to make your wife, daughter, sister, cousin or sweetheart a present that will make her think of yon for years to come, you will only have co make her a present of a aul.wly Best Farm iu North Georgia at a Sacrifice. The Burns Puce for Sale—028 Acres Valley, Chsttongu coumv, aeeentean miles from Rome and ten Irom Summrrrille. Nearly 500 acres of this land lies in a beautiful little basin, nearly love! with a beautiful little creak running through it. It is wall adapted to clorer and tha grasses, and is one of the best ltook farms in toa State. There are about 450 acres of open laud, under good fences and in a high state of cultivation. The place was originally two settlements and will make two convenient and well arranged larms of abont 450 each. There are two dwellings on the place, one new with nice rooms, an excel.ent large new barn and all necessary out-buildings. Fear tha principal dwelling is ono of the finest large treeitoae springe the country affords- Also two good tea ament houses. Tae orchard is large, and contains a large variety of the very bott fruits. It is an exce lent neighborhood,with churches, schools, mills and postofB.e, with tri-woekly mail each way—all convenient. This place can be bought for about two thirds Its value for cash sr its equivalent. Enquire of FORD & DWINELL, or J. W.TUBUER, jyttw-wtf Rr me. Ha. $1200 8. A. GRANT* CC^ *.«.•*» Be— Bu. Cincinnati,». A TEAS. Agcnta wanted. Bnsl- neM legitimate. FXrtlottlan free. AUnnJ WOBTB*00,8U««ia,S* jtty28wly White Sewing Machine. THEY ARE DECIDED TO BE THE GEM OF PERFECTION By all unbiased practical machinists throughout United States BE SURE AND TRY THEM BEFORE PURCHASING ANY OTHER. For Sale by E. O. HOUGH, - - ROME, GA.. THE GRANGERS’ Life and Health Insurance Company UNirED STATES OF AMERICA. Authorized Capital, - - ■ $4,500,000. EACH STATE IS A HOME COMPART, AHD RETAINS NINET* PER CENT. OF IT8 C VPITAL STOCK AND ITS ENTIRE RESERVE FOR LOAN AND INVESTMENT. GKENER^-L OFFICE, MOBILE, ALABAMA Total Assets, - #700,000 Greorgia Department, ROME, GEORGIA. Directors of Georgia Deepxrtment: ▲ P Allgood, Alfred Shorter, D F Hamm or d, T McGuire C Rowell, D B Hamilton, Cain Glover, J L Camp, T J Williamion, C G Samuel, A B Josef, F Woodruff, W M Hatching*, If H Bonn. ALL FORMS OF ENDOWMEHT AHD ACCIDENT POLICIES ISSUED. Good Agent: wanted to canvass daring &ha next six months Addreae HALSTED SMITH, Secretary* joy!7hr-wtf ROME. GA. D* you want to bay Piano or Organ of any first* clars maker? Do yoa want to bay Piaao or Organ on Installments ? Do yoa want to bay 8heet-Music Book, Strings, etc ? Do yon want to exchange an Old Piano or Organ for a new one ? Do vou want to rent a Pieno r-r. Oral. ? Do yoa want to have year Piaao or Organ carefully tan el or repaired]? Send Yonr Orders to C. W. LANGWORTHY, ROME, GA., Only Agent for B. SHONINGER & CO.’S INSTRDllSjj FOB GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. Eleven years use in the Southern climate has provCa the Shoninger Instrument* J ither M&nafar.tnrf»m* I no other Manufacturers’. The Bbosinger Piano Mine the sue cans a* Stein, ay,Checkering or Knabe in to.;.,-I ■onouE. " a | The customer smut gets moie for his money in s Bhoninger Piano or Organ than J first clats instrument mode. All Pianos have Rosewood cases, end every modern I and are 7J Octaves- r . EVERT INSTRUMENT, THE CHEAPEST. OR HIGHEST PRICE, FULLY WARRANTED FOR SIX YEAsj Stool and Covers Furnished with Each In»tr] ment FREE. The undesigned, with experience since January 1858 io selecting ln«trnmtnt»ABd a J ing and Toning the same, is xbttes prepared to satisfy the public than any other gta Woald refer to the maney now asing his instruments, furnished during the ]i*t ji J!l Georgia Alabama and Tennessee. Thnnkfal for the appreciation of the pablic through a very libejal p&treasgeyhopctoa continuation of the some. Prices to Suit the Times. Cannot be Under-Sold in a First-u| Instrument* Write for Circulars and Catalogues. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Correspondence solicited. g^Reliable Agents wanted in Alabama. Tennessee, and part of Georgia. Orders for city Toning and Repairing left at C.J. Warner’s store will receive pronqtit Address W. LANGWORTHY, Rome, FToytl County, Ga. | J. & S. BONES & CO. WHOLESALE HARDWARE Broad Street, Rome, Ga. FLOW ADVERTISEMENT. ^E ARE EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGEM at Rome, Ga., for Towers’ Celebra Plows, just awarded the First Premium o’ the entire field at the Georgia State Fair, Atlanta, where was exhibited and tested largest display of Plows ever seen in the Soi This means that our Plow is the BEST ji before the public! DIFFERENT SIZES, SUITABLE FOMfir ALL PURPOSES. Call and See Them at Our Store. N. B. Repairs Promptly Furnished < ■ Reasonable Prices. J- & S. BONES & CO. W. 0. WHITE, w^.COfF'lA J50. CBCIA HAWKINS, BUTT & CO Wholesale and Retail IH alers in - Stoves, Tin and Houss-Furnisl®; ng Goo I. MANUFACTURERS OF Galvanized Iron Cornices,Window C8P s i {|t Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting a Speciality! Prt; that Eva: lets sera Tt •elec i. AVIXU PURCHASED OF Me.-' J. J. SEAY EIS ENTIRE INTEREST. iT ' | Brued Street, we shell keep on bend e lar-eand well selected stock of good in ■ uf I ^ .hell buy, iu connection with our Knoxville home, of Importer. en<< Yerofecn «* 0,l ‘ vge lota, wc ahall be enabled to .ell good* l ower than Ever Known in this viai-k'’*• Hawkins, bu ft & c ° ENOZ & PARES gross W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE PUBLIC TO CALL AT OUE ■ee if we cm not nuke it to their interea. to boy Goode if n, this aessoo, *a We are Determined to Sell at Bottom Pri ceS ; ici* n Oar Goods have been recently bought with casn—and consequently have been and we do not intend to be undersold. • 5 1 Our Fall and Winter Brock consists of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, t*| CASSIMERES, BLACK and BROWN COTTONS, TABLE DAMASK, in CLOTHING. BOOTS, 8HOES. HATfl, CAPS. I lowest possible prices. READY-MADE fact everything which is nsually kept in a first-class dry goods store. We Sell a Fine Dress Sl*irt for ( Cell end a00 UI, end wo will promiio to aetiafy yoa In Goodo end Pricaf. - tool* 4 * 1 ** Thanking tho public lor their patronage in tho past, end hoping-n* • ?" V* . ji future, wo are. Very ro.pcctful.y, : ± ± KNOX & P^ 1