The Rome weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1887, February 27, 1878, Image 3

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|{OMK, OKciROIA. ! . s notices In »he local cm , ' 1 ' 'V iU’.-e.i cents p»*r line for s per line for e«* local columns will be •r line for first Insertion, itch subsequent £_,oO.A.Ij 3STIE"WS. SiTUBDAY’S TEI-WEEKLY, Trrf Thousand » uun • uf K»g, Wanted By T. B. Williams, family proctr, 59 Broad street. jai,31-wtf The wet weather of the last few wtu-k■ has kept gardening back very considers hly. The outlook for early spring vgt- ubles is not encouraging. pjqjj THURSDAY'S TUI -WEEKLY, Chu'a -red "’r Ga. Ala f e lil9-twli- v3t sale bv J. H Rh( des. Newfoundland Pups. Fifty dozen Petri shirts, sizes 12} to I jgj The best shirt in the market ii r jp- Si 00. For sale only by H. Hur r-ld- Capt. Jack Taliaferro has moved to loirn, and "’il keep liv-rv stable at p., M |as' old stand, opposite IloytV t [U cr store. ! Go to Bale’s and buy his STANDARD iit'ANO, at the old price, SCO per ton, in ■/:on at la cents a the better • Tha sooner (feb!9,lw-w2w We learn from a private telepran: that Z. W. (Ruff) Burnett died at Crocket, Texas, on the morning of the 20th inst. He was a brother of Geo. P Burnett, of this county, and it will be remembered that he married Miss Em y° u Barry, and moved to Texas some eight years since. for cooking stoves, heating stoves, all sorts of tin, sheet iron or copper „re, go to Hawkins, Butt & Co. See j advertisement. jn,24 tw&wtf Marrl d. In Vans Valley, on the 17th inst., by v. B. B. Qdllian, Mr. Thos. Price r.A M;-.- N J No h. ■ V H.t i.t.l • I ore id 1 Hun pton. ipiutSa »* M is tt happy one unlers cl iu tli e kitcht-n, «.n;. n* implute witiiout D.vley- which n!*Viiy> rc tii-iMi its, (\nkt*8, n»lljj am 4 iv liuh r, wholesome an*’ , Hum & Dvi.ton HR) f, ll f... 21. KS7.S. J ia Ni-w O. I*?aii8, MarcL iSTl'T. - Kl.M Ron Mar ti * ir i! ■ a, 1S7S 1! I'jod trip tickets from Rome S25, Tick-Is will he sold March 1st, good to ■jro until March 15 h Annual parole of th* N ’a Orlean .r-’ Drjiartmeot M Till 4 h W S. i'raxe, Ag’t. Dr.-ui) I/a led >1 .r-tial. 1 ! Mr. \V \V. Montgomery has received . 1 his commission fur the above named f nffico for the N inherit District ol'Geor- s ■ gia. and is now ready to discharge its : 3duties. We understand his District is C Sciinin fed of the. bounties nf Floyd. . ICliitto'g'i. Walker, Dide, Catoosa, f Whitfield, and Gordon. Mr. Mont- / somery’s postofnoe is Rome. IJealh of Or Klarrisou. Dr. 1) If. Harrison died in this city Eat 12 o’clock last Tuesday night, and hi- remains were carried to Cedartown early Wednesday morning for inter ment. Dr Harrisou was a promising young physician who opened an office in the Empire Block some two months since. His disease was pneumonia and :.!1 umniti in of the stomach. t.rdtefui : Hallo, John, I see you have guano | H your wagon.” "I have; and want to i ice you make money, and will tell you J Jut if you want the heat paving guano tin thi. c >unlrv, go to Horn & McGhee's jb m I buv tin- Zell's or Stem’s Ammo* :i«ei| B me, and you have got 'he best, fi vi! will any so in the fall.” “Well. (b-Iihn. I k’iotv you would not say so ".Mesa it was Til i. so I will go there for 'Good hve. Bill.” ‘God bless von, ( ■ •hit." jat’29 tw-w2m lore at elite C. bruary 1!) hi;to if the ' ourie-: Til- .inieot’le of the petto fill 'Village a A : A.lnir.vilic Wes distu.bed ahotn hall d ■;«!! S oV.ock Tuesday night by the __ K* : "iir’111 ,il,trni fir*-, which "a- soon di»- ,, 1 .v-rt,I ip he iii ihe s eam fl Miring niill ol :• Illav.s I i-ACo Untiring, ffirta were ' he l ■II. hut tu ing a frail i gr.. Mr R.hert M.i Y t:.r , out. and saved though great ,r were burned Nashville, a: the In,'el by Li si n I ei ouild ■Ip”. Many i i n-i, in him Mr. D. J. Meyerhardt is having » foundation dug out in the rear of Albi Omberg’s bookstore preparatory to th, erection of a substantial building t 0 ac commodate Mr. Omberg’s job printing office. At Griffin, Ga, on the 20 inst., Mr. D W. Gowan, of this city, aud Miss Mary O. Kehr, of Griffin. The youthful and bappy couple arrived here yesterday on the noon train, to re ceive the congratulationt of their friaud.-. Our people do not get used to keep ing holidays. A crowd stood nearly all day long yesterday at the postoffice waiting for the office to be opened, and ccasionally some fellow would make a fruitless attempt to break into a bank. They do not see much use in having a Birthington’s washday, no how. David E. Foutz, Baliiinore, Md: Dear Sib—Your Shriner’s Indian Vermifuge is ready sale with us Ojr customers say it ths'roys and expels *ormi effectually. We have sold all we iad Send us at,other supply at once end oblige. Canmnictiael & D<_-Vault. A-hville, N. C Fir -ale by R. T. Hoyt, druggist R one, Ga. f«-l>24 ,\l;n One (lie-d turn lie We would he muchobligtd to our puh- cribers who are owing for the paper it hey would call v.Junrarily and pay up The money due is needed and it is an uu- oleasant task to make persoual applica tion for it. When you ,e 1 your cotton, •r get tne money from any other source, hen just step in and pay the priuter. oci6,tw-wtf. FROM TUESDAY’S TRI-WEEKLY. Read the advertisemt of day-book lost. Wheat is looking well in some lo calities. Jas. E. Daniel will soon be able to he at his store again. Walker County Superior Court it is ses- siou this week. Judge Uuderwood pre- iding. Half the battle is gained in gardening if the ground thoroughly prepared befure planting. The river road on the south side of the Coosa river is said to be almost im passable. Can’t we have a fair this fall ? Let’s have one, by all means. What euy you, J. Cohen ? obituary. Rrofher Samuel J. Higgins was’born on the "24th day of October. 1851, in Gwinnett county, and died on the 24lh lay of January, 1878, in Bait >w county near Pine Log, leaving a wife and three children and other near relatives to mourn their irreparable loss. In him ois wife has lnsta kind and affectionate ousband, the Church an excellent mem- oer and.the vicinity a good neighbor. May the Lord temper this sore bereave ment to bis dear companion and orphan children as He doth the wind to the horn lamb, and may they finally meet 8lreS3 . “H"* Representative Levy’s J speech and the change of his vote on where Bickness and sorrow, pain and leath, are felt and feared no more. A. C. Arnold. LIS ES Inscribed to Mrs. Mary J. Higgins on the death of her husband. Samuel J Higgins, by her friend, A. C. ARNOLD. Dear sister, yes, the blow was great Taut t-Iaco 1 you in the widowed state, Yet God is good; wo must comply, Though called iu mauLcod’s bloom to die. Thy Joshua’:* gone, dear friend, indeed! No marvel i f thy sorrows bleed ; bi3pel all gloomy unbelief, And bury tears of hopeless grief. Although he's bodo and thou must mep. He doth in Jesus sweetly sleep. That sleep aba 1 no disturbance know Until the !*■»; loud trump shall blow. r> hen he triumphantly shall rise To meet the 8avior in the skies, And ynu may meet ycur loved again Froe from all 8-rrow. toil and pain- Tortures TJiat Xfcrd noi bo Endured. People suffer a great deal of piin un necessarily. Among tortures that need out be endured arc those inflicted by the rheumatism aud gout, since the acrid ele ment in the bloofl which produces them by contact with the sensitive covering of he muscles ar.d joiuts may be eliminated by the use of that matchless depureat, Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, before tHe inflammatory symptoms are developed any great extent. When it is consid ered what excruciating tortures rheu matism inflicts, ami what a tendency it has, when fully developed, to attack the heart, the advisability of an early use of such a reliahle antidote becomes at once ppareut. The rheumatic virus is ex pelled from the blood by the increased action of the kidneys—which act as trainers—produced by the Bitters, and the sufferer will find, if he uses this su prente defensive ageDt, that he will be protected against a return of the agoniz ing complaint. Dyspepsia, fever and ague, liver aud bowel complaint and other nalndies, are also cored by this admira ble remedy. Soluble Pacific *;uauo Co’i Harper & Fort have ten R binsou’a wagons for sale for cash or on lime. See advertisement. was accidental, and m-urance It- Sti.(KK) lo -s b. tween teu and dollars. Rep irter. .in alt-In ‘birds Llut.-.r Courier—On the eve of our .‘iruire from Rome please allow us, tv r so small, a space in your paper ri turn our grateful acknowledgments Mar many ar.d re peat i d kindnesses, “I'limeuts ami favors which have ”* H 1 ye edit ir’s” happy stay in iar elegant city. 5 stranger in a strange place seldom |meets wiiR si;oh a warm reception, Iran receives such genuine tikens of atinn and regard, so many and deeds of heartfelt encour- m -nt as have fallen to our lot du- | ' tl >£ three days passed in the soeie- '! ol your refined aid elegant people. Liung in years and in experience. a - r . ardent,standing, as yet, on the -D threshold of the vast fields of lit- ,itUr e, which lie untried ail around ' " e c,m » among your people expect- -i ®uch encouragemeut-in our efforts ® Rife our modest little flower a firm ’ g in the friable soil of Southern trnalisin. were we mistaken. ^ s - v L°d bless them ! is the prayer -ave behind us, and .though in the ■rang years our paths may never ' ‘‘Rain, yet gratitude will ever keep green widtin our heart a ten- Oteniorv Ron ‘Ow, good-by, ‘ Tho R,,i, arc • and her people. t.ffl’ at Li sea.” nail v,” “Cousin Annie,” If you go by the moon, now is the time plant Irish potatoes. Put in a big crop. It will pay. . P. M. Sheibley is going to build a new front to his livery stable, now oc cupied by Capt. John Taliaferro. Capt Appleton is having a larger nitler put on the steamer (Joosawattee. We hope it will generate steam enough to drive her over the rapids We understand Mr M A. Nevin has uglu the Vacant lot adj lining H.iltms Jt B ittey’s office, and expects to <TtCt bluck ot buildings tnereon soon. The qu-stii n now is were tile figh s up wn la-: Saturday evening, the closing in tights of the winter ex-rci-b-s, or the he t i .un g of the spring c-.inpaign ? We are pleased to learn that business in the O.istan.iula and rivers is increasing Th boat goes up and comes down with good cargoes. We are pleased to learn that E C. Hough has got the contract for ro iking 'he unforms for the Rome LighlGu irds. His hid was cheaper than any of the New York Houses. We regret to learn that some of our farmers are buying supplies thus early in the year. This we regard as Unfa vorable to the farming interests. When will farmers learn to raise their own supplies ? The piles o f broken stone lying on the lower end of Broad street are suggestive ef a street that will be able to stand the wear and' tear of the heavily-laden wagons and drays that are so constantly running on it. We hope that the City Council will set out shade trees wherever they are missing. There are many places they are needed. Some of the old ones should be cut down and others put in their places, and we hope this will be done. -Soluble Pacific Guano and Compound Acid Phosphate for composting are the leading Fertilizers in the South. Con tain more pure plant food,, and better adapted to the lands of this section than any other. There are 120 Guano Companies represented in Georgia, and Soluble Pacific Guan Co. sells one-fifth of all sold in the State. It needs no further recommendation. Call on the under.-igned, with Williamson & Co., Planter’s Warehouse, and get terras and analysis, etc. A. J. Little. jan28-w2tn Chandler va. Hayes Courie.-journal Smaii Talk. Washington, Feb. 22.—William H. j Cremation is now one of the rites of Chandler publishes a review of the ex- J wjm. it. plaiiations made in tlia House in the so-called .Louisiana bargain, and re peats his charges that a trade wa's made securing the recognition' of the Ntch- olls government in r-turn for cessation of fil'tbustering in the House. He al ludes to John Young Brown’s state ment of Match 29:h, the written agree ments of Matthews aud Foster, recent explanations in Congress and the inter views and accounts uf the Burke mem orandum, the existence of which is not now disputed. _ He lays considerable the night of Marctt 1st, as proving the reality of the assurances by Haves that he would abandon Packard. He says Hayes on his arrival March 2d pro cured from Gen Sherman an order to Augur which Foster had on February gCth agreed should be issued. He es pecially attacks Republicans who went to Louisiana to supervise the count, and urged the Returning Board to do its duty courageously, and then return ed to Washington and bold them out Namely: Sherman, Matthews and Gar field. He charges that Hayes was a party to the bargain, and . knew per fectly well the ptice to be paid for the Presidency was the betrayal of Pack ard and Chamberlain, and the sacri fice of his own honor; that the loss of the Presidency and its $200,000 of sal ary was too much, and he cheerfully paid the price. The fly leaf of the pamphlet is embellished with the text: ‘And they all with one consent began to make excuse,”and the queries, “Was it a bargain, trade, assurance, agree ment, compact, contract, compromise, understanding, or what was it ?— What’s in a name?” and it ends, “To R-puhlicans who, on account of Mr. Hayes’ education and personal esti mated character, refuse to believe him lelilierately guilty of causing the misery ne has wrought, there is commended as a fitting description of him the words which that unsurpassed delineator of human character, George Eliott, makes her hero, Rotuula, speak concerning Tito Melania: “There was a man to whom I wan very near, so that I could see a great deal of his life, who niadt luiost every one fond of him, for ht was young, and clever, and beautiful d his t nun tiers to all were gentle and kin-1. I believe »h“n I tirotknew him he never thought of doing anything cruel and base, but because he tried to lip r.way from everything that was un pleasant, and cared for nothing else so much as liis own safety, ho came at last to commit some of the basest deeds such as make men infamous. Hu de nied his father and leit him to misery; betrayed every trust that was posed in him that he might keep him self safe and get rich and pr-.-speroU yet calamity overtook him.” W. E. CllAXni.ER. Jehu Sherman is touched in bis legal- teuderest spot. George Francis Train says: *• It was mv mil-fortune to be born in Boston.” A t-i. ver dollar is a white lie.—[Puck.J Well, now, what lirculaies better than a lie? When the Senate passed the silver bill the noses of some of those Eastern fel lows went up as if they smelt ninety- two scents. Cincinnati doesn’t like to be called the Ptgville if America, because there are (ertain materials from which it is difficult to make a silk purse. A malignant foe to Barnum says: “P. T. Baruutn never felt bad over any of failures except one. He offered five dol lars to get bis wood-cut into Webster’s Dictionary, and the publishers scorned him, though the; were putting in wolves and buzzards for notbiug.” The Duke of .Wellington didn’t know everything, but this is what he said fifty years ago: “There is ml doubt it would havg been more fortunate and better for the world if tbe treaty of Adrianople bad not been signed, and if tbe Russians bad entered Constantinople, and if the Turk ish Empire bad been dissolved.” BUSINESS NOTICES. raontU S8.00. etc. Rev. Dr. L Pierce, of Sparta. Ga , says: I hav: Ijeeu speechless two months, and hive been taking Thrash’s Consumptive Cure nine duys, and can talk with some ease." Call at your drugstore and get trial bottle 50c., large cite 1.50. Tru h is Mighty. Sail and Fatal Accident* On last Friday a little son of Mr. Thos. Vincent, of this county, and a lit tle negro boy were playing together anti catne across an old pistol, with which they were amusing themselves and by some meaus the pistol was discharged, killing Mr. Vincent’s son. The little boy that was killed was five or six years old. and the negro a year or two older. Mrs. Thos. McKee, of Forrestville. dit d very suddenly and unexpectedly 1 ist Friday evening. She bad had the measles, but was thought to be getting well. Her husband had come into the city to his u*ual business after dinner, but was soon sent for to return home, as his wife had grown worse. 8hr died the same evening. Say3 the Detroit News: Anderson, the first uf the Louisiana Returning Board, has beeu tried by a jury of his peer-amt found guil.y of forgery, if that he alter ed the election ret -rus Irem the parish of Veruon in that State. There is no need that any honest Republican should get augry at this result, pud denounce the court art unjust or the jury as a packed one. Tbe crime is not a political one. It is known to the criminal statues of all States, a--d sCmi-civilized countries. The courts of Louisiana have borne an excel lent reputation, mid the lawyers of Lou isiana have furnished the American bar with some of the brightest ornaments. The procedure of Louisiana, although partaking as largely of the old Roman as the English common law, is quite as fa vorable to the accused as our our own. Anderson’s trial was copducted in the same way as all others. His jury was selected by the O'diuarv means, and he wa3 given all legal privileges of objec tion, and these privileges were used to best advantage by his able counsel. Two of the jury were negroes and Re publicans. Under all these protective privileges which the law throws ab -tit an accused man, Anderson was found guilty: We were bound to believe him innocent until he was proven guilty. We are privileged now to believe him guilty until he can reverse this judg ment. Sudden Si king of Two Acres of Land ■i Cu.m Benj. F. Hull, of this city, reporter fur the National Cotton Exchange, fur nishes the following statement for the week ending Friday, Feb. 22, 1878: Hope tutu a Flattering Tale, But never even anticipated so divine a preparation for the toilet, as that delight ful preparation “Sozodont-’’ So cool and refreshingly agreeable to tbe mouth and ieeth, hardens and invigorates the gums, gives a pure and healthy tone to the nreath, cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth, and arrests decay. Spalding’s Glue with brush, always ready. The person el of the amateur dramatic company that is to appear next Monday night at the City Hall gives assurance of something entertaining. The very name of tbe piece selected will attract attention. Go out, and give tbe Route Light Guards ft rousing hou?e. 8tock on hand Sept. 1st— Receipts this week: Boat via. Coosa 183 Boat via. Oostauaula S.. R. & D. R. R— 235 Rome R. R 132 Wagon 148 Receipts previously G98 38890 Since Sept. 1st Total Shipments this week--.. 104G “ Previously—359G4 “ Since Sept. 1st 37010 25S2 Stock on hand THE ROME MARKET. Quiet: Middling 101 Low Middling 10 Good Ordinary 91 STATEMENT For tbe. cosresponding week of last year Stock on band Sept. 1st Received this week 381 “ previously 3050G “ since Sept. 1st 53 Total Shipments this week S12 “ previously 28907 Total since Sept. 1st 30887 30940 ■ Stock on hand ROME MARKET. 29719 1221 Quiet: - 121 12 115 METEOROLOGICAL. 29-38 r “ ’ “ i6 29-30 “ “ 17 „ 29-28 “ “ IS 29-42 “ “ 19.. 29-40 “ “ 20 29-40 “ “ 2i— 29-42 THEP.M011ETER. Rain fall in inches...—..... .1 50-100 Highest temperature 71° Lowest temperature 37° Average temperature 69° !Tont : agSon r] We arc reli.,hly informed that on hist Monday night week, about one o’clock t-vo acres of land lying near Pinch, in Hvuderson county, Teno . suddeotlv sank two or tree feet. The land situated somewhere beta e-.ii U-ley’s mills and the little -’ .1 Pinch i’t Henderson county, about ten or fi-teen miles south of this piace. An earthquake' was plainly felto. tn- night It occurred mid-was very hi: It ttie cause of toe sinking. We arc t i formed ihat great consternation pre vails among the inhab:t(i.ts of that im mediate neighborhood. and that SrV* r al families have moved away and others are anxious o do t:-e s.itm-. Eirllqonk- lad ' fell at m i. terv il • -fseveral wm-ks by p-irtt-s re tiling in H Old. rsoti * minty f-r time b-f-re this ocmir-n e. A commercial traveler who -.vs- in DeCaturville otj the night the l and ir said to in*ve sunk, states that h- ms 'iuctfy felt the shock, which w.ts a se vere one. A vnuog lawyer who r; sides here also stan s that lie was “shook.tip’ by that shock. A Card. To all who arc suffering liota the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness eariy decoy loss of manh md Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF t HARGE. This great remedy was ered by a missionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev Josepu T. IN x a s, Station D. Bible Bouse. .Vrir York Citu (sepi8,tw-w!y “ German Syrup.” N • other medicine in the world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities »» Boscuee’s Gerxan Ktrop. In three years two million four hundred thousand small bo'lles of this medicine was distributed free of charge by Druggists in Ihii country to those afflicted with Con-umption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs Pueumunia and other diseases of tbe throat and lungs, giving tbe American peoplu unden able p oof that German Syrup will cure them. Tbe result lias beeu thut Druggi ts in every town and village in tbe United States are recommend ing it to their customers. Go to your Drug gist and astt what they know about it. Sample b .tiles lo cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three dusrs will relieve any cass. ao/Ut corroK market, REPORTED BT 8. KOROAN. Rome, Feb. 25.—Market Eteady: Middlings ..... . ...—.101 Low Middlings 10 Stains-... —7 to 91 DESTROYED BY FIRE! AlJL OLD STOCK OF MAFKBra BV TKLBGRAP'I. New Yore. Feb. -3 —Cotton quiet; up lands 10 15 16; Orleans il I* 6 .-ales 31 . Consolidated net receipts it 2 Exports to'Great Britain 4,150; France 437; continent 556; channel Net receipts 1,1a r gross 1,182. closed steady; 54,00.1. sales! Locisvillx Feb. 23. Flour dull; extra $4 0Oa4 25; family 44 fO o5“« Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn in lair demand; whits 43; mixed 41. Oats firm; white 33; mixed 31. Rye dull at 63. Fork firm at (I l 25. Lard active and firm; choice leaf tierce 8; do. kegs 9. Balk meats firm; good demand; shoulders 3t; clear ri:> sides 5 6 ; clear sides 5 8 >. Bacon firm; demand; shoulders 4}; clear rib sides 6.t5; clear sides 6. Sugar cured hamsjSla?! Whisky steady ot *1 ot. Tobacco quiet and unchanged. FINANCIAL AMU COMMERCIAL. Financial. Gold .buying t'O .selling 2 Sight exchange on N. Y., buying 1 eff Sight exchange on N. Y., celling... Amusements. CITY HALL! MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 4 T HE ROME AMATEUR DRAMATIC AS 3 0. .CIaTION uader the management of Dr. L. M. Hall and Mrs. D. 8. Printup. will perform Bulwer’s Celebrated Play, Entitled MONEYS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ROME LIGHT GUARDS. This tlay had a run of Dale’s F'iftn Avenue Tneatre .f 1876. J/OaVAF; Alfred Evelyn Sir John Veaaej........ ........ Lord Ulosamore Sir Fs'ederick Blount B-nj arout, Esq Thirty Nights at daring the season 1'ipt Smooth .... rp old Member le ms Jarqies !-'c<a l?ougla».......... Lti^y Franklm........ ... John Tower* J. F. Hilljer L. A Dean L Omberg . R H. Tower* M. M. Pepper • ........Bam. Spark* ...... .R A. Denny ....... W. II. Ad kins A. O. Fort James Mullen ....Tom Smith . Mis* I U Sj nllock ...M a* Ko-e Yeiaer .Misi Agnes bmith li‘*t>rvcd 82at* at Warner’*. Perfoimance J. tg.n- et 8. New Advertisements. Ijost— .Notice. I 04 p. BETWfiKN MY H U^E AND ROM* IJ "rin Home, tne 12 h ol Erbruarv. my dav nLjtiuini; five i ote* one payable to i. M ’ey. one to O. »*. H *nley one to 8amae ?kiqh and two t»the estate of felihu H nlej *h!Jb a 1‘be-al reward w»Il be paid. Al (ire t ot>fi**d hq 1 warned not to trade »** .. iu «j« «.r moy of tbit'ti. J M. HKNLFsY. >26 tt* 11 w2t Mel v.lle, Ga W AGONS! t EN RO8INS0 ’S WAGON For S i le, FOR CASH OR ON TIME, BY HARPER & FORT. 2l w4t High School for Boys — AT — CAVE SPRING GA. The exportsition of forest ire,, seeds is assuming diuieiismns iu this country. California sends S 10,000 worth per year The principal purchases are made for Germany, Austria, England and the colonies in Australia and New Zeal md; and«t present the demand exceeds the supply. The seeds of the Oregon pine, known also as the yellow fir, are most in demand. The timber of that tree is as good as British oak for ship build ing, and has been fotind sound after eighteen years’ u -e for this purpose. The South Sea colonies are planting the California red wood tree extensively. It is hardly probable, in view of the overwhelming majority in both branch es of Congress, that the President will exercise the veto power. It is hard to speak with certainty on this subject, as a strong pressure will undoubtedly be brought to bear oa him to withhold the Executive sanction, and not even Mr. Hayes can tell what he mat do under this influence.—St. Louis Globe-Dem ocrat. ' • As the South and West are'both agri cultural cougtries. their political policy should be tbe same. If the West longer fails to assert and maintain her true political policy, she will -be untrue to her interest and her manhood, and will deserve tbe burdens and di-grace that are the fate of every people who are not true to themselves.—Kansas City Timesl Cuban patriots in New York indig nantly deny the report) of peace on tbe Island. TV IK fXSR'ISES OF HE\RN SCHOOL 1 ».:! bo r«-uo.ed JaNUAtiY 7th, 1877. Tho FJI Turm ctf>*es De eu.b r 14th. The Spring ;V rra op9a« January 7ih and closes June 23th . for the ve*r $20, $30, or $|i*. Inct DTitul expenses $t-> 0 B ard with the Princi pal. exclusive of washing and towel*, at $>0 per month. Prise* wi 1 be aw&rdtd in Enslish. Latin. Greek and Mathematic*. Surveying will La praciica ly taught. Students will be prepared for the II gher Classes in College ot entrance BusinoM. Prize Doc'amation June 28. For circular* < other-in forma- ion. address the Principal. FALEMOS J. KING. A. U. d«clS.w3m PI1M) & ORGAN r’SSTbJra; Grid and compete with the world. 1.000 8nperb Instruments from Rsiiibfe Makers at Factory Rates. Every m«i\ hh own a^ent. B-Dora price* to *11. Neiv Piano* ?135. $150, $179 Sew Organs, $40. 850. $67. 8ix years* guarantee. F-fieeu days’ trial. Maker** name on All Inttrumen'a. Square dealing, the honest truth and brsi bargain* in the U. 8. From $S0 to $10 • actu&llv saved in having from Lndtfen & Mates’ ytuth-in Wholesale Piano and organ »»epot, >avauuali, Cia. ler-io.aim POTJT2 ? S HORSE AND CATTY.E POWDERS, For •*]« by R. T. Hoyt, Druggist, Homo, Ga. jant4,w1y Good Farm For Bent. GOOD RIVER BOTTOM Farm, with 10t acre* open tan4, within onn mite of a me. Ther. in a tolerably loir tenement home on the place * Will be rented low tar etandinc rent. Enquire of ' C, It. FORT. juSI-twlt-wIt llaulrUTKDWAVCHM. Cheane-t Groceries and Produce* Bacon, deal sides, per pound 7 to . 9 ett H»mii - 11 CO 14 Ct* Shoulders 6 to 8 etc* Dry salt clear rib 6 J to S} ct* Dry s ilt "houlders 5 to 6 at* Butter. Goshen per pound 30 to 40 etc Went on ..................... ..30 to 35 etc Country 10 to 15 ett- Braa per hnndred.pounds $1.00 to $l.Ic Bean* I • per bushel $2.50 to $3.0(' Candles .‘per pound 14£ to 25 ct* Candy per pound 15 to 30 ct* Coffee, Rio per pound l7 to *25 ot* Java...... 36 to 35 etc Cordova - 23 to 25 ct* Corn Meal per bushel GJ to 75 Corn, loose 50 to 60 Grits . per barrel $5.*K) to $6 0» Hominy $6.**0 to $8 IN Whuat. per bushel $1.2*»to $*.40 Canned fruit, all kinds, perdu* $2.25 to 15 Flour, choice......per t.arre? t7.0i< to i8.GC Family aud extra 6 tj 7.10 Superfine ?5.0J to $5.5l* Fish, fresh per pound 10 to lUjot* Cod 5 to l Ctr Herring, in bxe 50 toGtf et* Mackerel in barrels $12.00 to .* 13.1H Mackerel in kite 1.50 to 3.t u Dried apples ...per bushel 75 to #1 C•• Peachee ..$1.00 to $1 0i Hay, per hundred pounds 9 »to $1.10 Lard in tierces, per pound ••••„10 to 11 cts Lard in kegs 11 to 12 Molasses in barrels, per gallon.30 to 35 ct* Molasses.hlf-bbls and kegb...42 to f.O ct» Syrups 55 to 75 Oats, ter stable, per bushel 55 to 65 Oats lor planting 40 to 7 5 Onions, per busheL....'.... ....... 1:00 to $1.25 u ot&toes, Irish per bushel $ 9 » to $1.25 Pea, Young hyson per pound 65 to $l.o« Imperial tea. 85 to $1.' ( 4 Gunpowder tea. $ 75 to $1.25 English breakfast $1.00 *"> — Japan tea $1.1*0 ro $2.5< Tobacco, all grades...per pound 35 u $1.4* Whisky, best rectified..per ga? $1 ll ? to $1.21 Coro whiskey $1.25 to 1.5< Choice brand whisky $*.75 to $8.<* Smith’s Holland Schnapps $1.75 to $8.0* Smith’s Aromatic ^'ornach Bittern. $2 00 to $8.0< Brandies...... ....per gallon $2.00 to 12.0 1 ium, best qualities $1.75 to 4.0* lin, best qualities $1.75 to 4.0* Rye and Bourbon $1.75 to *3.1** Sherry Wine, superior... $1. 7 5 to 5 0 Fort Wine, best quality $1.75 to 4.00 *ice, Carolina, per pound...... 8 to 10 cm* Salt, Liverpool per eaok $1.40 to $1.50 Virginia salt $l.*5 to $1.25 Stt£»r, crushed, per pound..... 12 co 14 cu White clarified sugar... 11 to 13 o Yellow clarified sugar... 10 to 12$ ot* Louisiana sugar.. ' 8| to 9$ ct* Beeswax....................... 25 cts Tallow.. 7 to 8 cts LANDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS! AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK PROM THE CELEBRATED BLOOMSDALE FARM Will be Sold in Rome this Season AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Viz: Five Ten-eent Papers for 25c. Eight Five-cent Papers for 25c. THE WHITEWATER * ¥ /■s 4> 0 % 05 Fox* Sale by WM. BLAME! Rome, G u . Hardware. Mails - per keg $2 S') to $6 51 Iron, refined bar...per pound 2.50 to Small bar iron... Plow slabs........ Swedes iron Steel, cast in bars..per pound Steel plow slab*.. °*^el olow wings Horse shoe nails per lb Powder. Horse shoes 5.»)f to 6 00 •4 to 5 54 to 7 18 so 20 6 to 7 64 to 8 16to 25 ,...2.50 to LI $4 85 tn $5.<K Mule shoes. ...^ $5.85 *o $6.00 Leather and Hides. Hides, dry flinr..,.....^.......* Green !. Damaged.... Leather, white o«*k sole, per ib G.kkI hemlock leathei Go* id dmgd hemlo ;k leather Jodof French call Corneillian Fren»:hc ! f.each f- Boone * ountry upper leather, per lb Country calf •-) artiess eather,. *oa: nkin*. each 4’ieep skins, sheared. «n*.h.... Wool, each »***r -iltin*., tn»r pi>un*1. • Vfink. good .*.., liter g»»od K.-HVIT. go *d Viun.rat gtm>d. fiou -e-tail. g'*nd F*«x. g<md 12 to 124 11 6 half prl»*e 22 to 4 214 »o *3 $6.Bl» *o |5 i> $J *2 to r 0 to 14 * .. 101 ..$1.50 i .. 25 t • v.-jiapt • r !"*IH<r Cheapest Wagons Ever Offered in Rome. 1 have been selling them for five yean, and sold over forty in tbe last twelve month*. I Can also Fnmish rpy79,tw-w 8. B. LOWE, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., Pig Iron^ STORAGE & COMMISSION. . juL tn*» dic*«t We rcrcivt-tf the rvr’wno at-irep nii^d Stew? ^wprdtuc t’our : 1. SULtfcnbnra who do u-Uivp "XfroW o.»u.*» *t (be eontrary are o*ii9>'lar«'i Misiiing t*» cot* nuc tHeir uubtcnptior 2 I: nuoncrtberii -»rd**r the disc«n*inuanci* •* ueir penediclr. the pubitabera may cootiti-o o -end them until a*i *rrHar«ge* are paid 4. If Bubsertbere or refure l- tas* iieir periodicals frctu tbe office to «rbi**L they, re directed, they are held responsible until thry j ave settlxi their bill* And ordered th**m dis- ••ctinned. 4. It subscriber* more to utber placet without notifying pnblishera, and the paper* are sent t be former dirretion, they are held reeponuble. 5. The courts have decided that “rolusing to -ake periodical* from the office, or removing end eaving them- uncalled for is prims facia evi- lence of intentional fraud.** 6. Any person who receives a newspaper and . * - *• ... ’ered it or i nakes usoof it whether be has ordered it or not. held in law to be a sabscriher; 7: If subscriber* nay in advance, they are n&und to give =otic«* to the publisher at the end >t . teir time; if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the publisher ia authorised :o send it on; and the subscriber? will be re?port able witil an express notice, with payment of all err arazrs. is sent li the publisher* Best Farm in North Georgia at a Sacrifice. The Born. Puce far Sale—938 Aero. T his place is b.-thated nr dirt town Valle,. Chattooji. coumy, lerent-.n miles from Rom. and tea from Bamarrrilla. Nearly S»» sen. of tbi* load lies ia a beoatlfd] littl. twaia, aeorly larel with a beautiful lift, creek ranniac threuf h it. It ia well adopted to clover end tne pi.n, aad iu one of the beet itoek farms iu toe State. The*, an about ill acre, .f pen load, under Rood feneeu aud ia . hi,h ltale of caluvation. The place wee originally two settlement, and will make two convenient sad well arranged lartai of about 450 each. Thor, or. two dwetlmge on the place; one new with' nine room*, an ex iel.ant Ism new bora and all Beeeraaiy ont-baitdinge. Near the principal dwalling ie one >f th. (neat Urge iraeetan. opting* tho eountry afibrdr A>ee two good ten ament baud. T a. orchard ie large, and contains . large variety of th. very beet frnite. It 10 an exoa-iant neighb-rhood.with chnrchee, schools, miHe and pot to IS m, with tri-weekly mail each way—oil convenient. ' This ptaMCoa be bpught far about twe thirde Its vain far cash or its eqn Its eqnivalent. Enquire FORD A DWINELL, iyttw-wtf a Tear. Agentiwantee. Ecit- newlerttlaiate.rartlcabreiree. eeeiw.1 voarw . so, otLnK a. juyZSWIy HOWE’S Improved U. S. Standard SCALES. oiling Mill Scale*, Wagon : c«les Track and R. R •* ••■ales. Dormant 6<*aies, Cot- ••n Baaroc, Furnace bcalea And Counter Beales. BLAKE’S PUMPS. Boiler Pumps. Tannery -'umps. Tank Pn» p , Bw od Cold Water PnmfS.Ver- •oaj Pomps Light -ervice Pomps, rrigatiog Pumts. B e»e v Pumps. Mining Pumrs. Combined Fumpt •d B-Jilera. Lane & Bodley’s MACHINERY. ‘ortable Engines and Bwl- *'8 Saw aid Grist Mills. »ti»nary Engines and B ilera. Corn Mills. Minin .chin* ry. Gov rn< r •■tee. Shafting. Pu*l e» nd Hangars, and M»ch>t* ry of ell kinds. LACLEDE Fire Brick. q .are Brick. K**y Bn***- rch Brick, S«ap B ick no b For a a Tile. Fur *c« Dearths and B sh»* nio Tur, etc Hall’s S.,fe ANOiOCKCO. . Proof 8a f -», BtYir * .if >a*f=s«» all s>* • B“*» VnuI’s Ba k Do<>rs Door "Vaun-N ai.d tombinafoi, ork*. WAGONS, j I n.m kee:>iog a full stork •• •t.e a d two **Tte Wagt* p .. teh liD-ff ring si l«»w r .rte-s than ^ver r, eto*o o rod ir »h a marker. ALSO. Bar Iron, t)i»ni'*nd *nd abM Metal Wire Rope Iogot Copp-r Light Bail -isb Plate an r * B.lts. Screen Iron, Kounrtr- Case and Biacosmith OaL (oct22,wf m F or the purpose or making room for tb<* bo t attractive stock of dpriiig and Ul Other Dress Goods Same Reduction. Waurproe* redured rom $1.00 to 75c. 6 4 La^ie*’ Cloth reduced fr- m $> 25 to $1(0. Lire*? Fringrs re*'uced fn»m 35e lo 25c 10 4 ffhi e B’ankets reduces r..m $4 00 to $310 114 Wh te Bl> nkets reduced from $5 cite 114 White Blanket* reduced from $8 00 to ft 00 H~avy all-wocl Rasaimere* reduced f on $1.00 Hr%vy all wjol Cassimeree redu.-ed Jmm {1:5$ $ JO* p«*r* Fianruls red, whits and gray Flannels, Having »termino*l t*- qui' shoe* I will close I my si c? of fcK.oei 25 por cent, below c St. adich’ ru.«t m m*Gr ih-es at coei. 3?ts at «nd helow cost A lot ot Bpn> g and Clothing at half te e * ixreat bargaics in erery department tbrough- ict toe bouse O-11 rally and ?e*ure bargains, as I»ah esr .es* and m«ao wsht I say. Many thank* f*r tbe 1-berai patronage re »ived the pa-t ye»;r. jan31 tw-wly II HiRPOLD. Cartersville Buggies. R. H. JONES, The OldestJ CARRIAGE FACTOR IN GEORGIA, and the Best and most Ssillful Mechanics, he is taming oat work which for Neatness and Elegance of Finish, Extra Durability, Cannot be Excelled in America. Hie work hoe been thoroughly tooted U this country lor twenty four years. If you went good, reliable wort, every iob made upon fcontr- ond the worth of yoar money Secured to you, GO TO HIM OR TO HI8 AGENTS IN ROME. WM RAMEY, W. L. WHITE- I.EY AND JAMES DOUuLASS. Three men have thoroughly tested hi* work, and do nof hesitate to recommend it to tho public. As a test of tho raperiority and uopalarity of th. work, he ie now under full headway, making Wagons, Baggies, Pt atone, and everything in hi* line, in th* midst of th* hard timet. HIB WORK 18 WELL KNOWN FAR AND NEAR, AND WILL BELL. Let every ou of us patronize cur home enterprise* when wormy of it. u w. halier, hi* is- (novlS,tw-wtf GRAND EXCURSION! MARDI GRAS, At Selma, Ala., MARCH a, 1878. ROUND TRIP TICKETS From Rome, Only FIVE DOLLARS! Tickets good from March 4 to March 8 os all trains of S. B. ft D. B. B. w3w $1200iiiiii For Sale By DR. R.V. MITCHELL, 1. 4. JOKES, DR. J.6. YfilSfiR, ROME, GEORGIA. FARM, FREIGHT AND SPRING WAGONS! Tbe abovo picture represents the medium sise Whitewater Thimble Skein Farm Wagon. Thera "te six sizes.witb a carrying capacity of from *,5t0 to 6,000 pound*. They are sold with or without Patent Brake, Spring beat or Feed Box Kverv wagon is warranted to be of well-seasoned timber, and well made. If any deleote appear wi*hin one year from reasonable claims for repairs ot such will be allowed. Considering their good qualities, these are the Express, Spring*, Jersey and Platform Wagons. Or, in Fact, Any Kind of (ferriage or Buggy a Person May Desire, Cell ot Ramey’* Stable, and sse for yourselves. %. WM. RAMEY. CLOSING OUT SALE EC. HARPOLD, NO. IS SHORTER BLOCK. summer Dry Goods. Notions and Fancy Go<rd« ever offered in t* ia mar-et. I will sell lor tb« naxt thirty dajs my stock of Dress Goods. Trim mings. Colored Bilks, assimeres. Flann»!a. Waterproof Blankets, and Liasays at unpree** denial low prices. Colored Silks reduced fr-m $1 06 to 80s. « •• “ “ . 1.25 to $1.00 All wool Cashmere* reduced from 55c *o 40c. •• Mailesse *• •*. 75c to 5Sc. W«k»1 Matlesse “ ** 50c to 37c. Basket Cloth •* •* 30c to 2*c.