Newspaper Page Text
Take the liberty of informing I
Friends and the Public, th<t they
Lc entered into Copartner (hip, under fl*
of VASSKR HICKS and are no nr
Lciving at the Huufc. two door, above
r - 't. S 8 M. Smyth’., near .the Market, .
an of Dry Goode and GcLcet;ea.
Cotton Cambric,
i.guiid Muain*,
Jaconet ditto, ;
Moflio Ha.idkcrchiefe,
Corded Dimity,
Btndanoer \ Hanukerchiefa,
Blue Aonittitl J
x.irw .
B,.jwn Holland,
YeiLw Naokecm,
Meo; 3i Ladies Cotton Hoe.,
To:key Cotton,
Cotton Sufpcndef*.
Silk, TwiS and Thread,
,Laaiw Morocco and Leather Shoe?, f
Man. fine Shoe*,
J amaica W I. and N. Bam,
Cognise Brandy and Gin,
Loaf and Brown Sugar*,
Coffee said Tea,
Pepper and Ginger,
Rice and Copptrrs,
Jug. and Jar fi ,
Powntsr and SjKtt,
B :r Iron,
Jtfc'v on the River
too Bulhela ground Salt,
I Crates Cror kcry Ware,
Aad a number of other artielea too ted.-
on. to mention; «Hnh -»
very low by whole file and retail tor ash
or Produce. than VAS *kf.
May 3d, ISO 6 (30
To be H ,
Two Negro Women,
Good Cooks, Walkers and
lionets —recommended for tlicir ficacioeft,
honeftv and fubrlety - they have no faroi
iies. Enquire at this Office,
May 3. (“•)
On the frfl Tuefday in June next , at the
Court HouftU OgUthorfe county , at the
vjual hours .
One negro,woman named Sarah,
one boy Philip, and one other key Lewi*,
levied on a* the property of J<*hn M Carty
to fatiriv fundty executions via. one in fa
vor of Jeremiah Boggef*, one in favor of
Wm. & Felix Gilbert, 8c two other# in fever
of Richard Copeland.—Condition* Cash.
Hex. LUMPKIN, d. s.
May 3. U* ]
Ten Dollars Reward.
0 Will be given for ap-
Jfi prehending and feenring in
jail, acount, yb° rn
fellow, named JACK. He
ahfcooded from the plants
of the Subscriber the
id April, is* tall lofty fellow. about
to.veats of age, complexion not deep b.ack ,
he ii very stout made about the
and breast. Hk cloatbirg wa. a ftnpcd
homcfpuu jacket, and overalls, cznabarg
shirt, and wool hat- He w l«e the pr o
petty of Mr. Fraiiie’s of Columbia county,
«ndhi.probable, that be is gone there, or
toward, AugaiU. Whoever takes h;m up.
and fccurcs him, lb all receive from me, the
above reward, as foou as information there
of is given to me, ot Maj. Cox,
at Collhara ferry on the Oconee river.
Greenfo nought May 3- (3’l
Ten Dollars Reward.
x TJ UN AWAY from the
4,' jJr XV Subfcriber oo Sunday
the -o»h n’t. a negro man
namedDIMOND, tgytitt
ofage.abont 5 Jcetfaurin
fSSfcjSSiflchei high fpcak? inafaft tone
of voire!" Had on when he went a**ay, a
green Round Jacket, a homefuo waiflxoat
and fncfiT coloured overalls- It is likely
that he will aim for North Carolina a.he ha.
* wife near Fsyettville, any petfon or per
son. who will take n? the f*id jiegro and
bring him to me, or secure him in any Jail
so a* I cm get him again, (hall receive the
above reward, and all reafonablc charges
N B. It is likely that there it a woman
with him bv the name belong
ing to Frederick Anderson, a. (he was seen
about the time he went .way.
Spirit Creek, Richmond County,
May 3, [it]
Sheriff's titles, Bills of sale.
Mortgages, &c. may be had at
this Office.
For Sale,
That Valuable piece of Land,
WHEREON the Subfcribcr now lives,
ia Columbia County, containing 35© acres,
bonn*“d by Thomas Cnsnmrg, PHrrrtt
and Moore; for term* apply to tlx Editor,
or the Subfcribcr on the prraiifci.
May 3- (y< )
rHE SuoLiibcr finding uu attention
paid hr hii debtors to Mi repeated
application* for payment, inform* them
♦ ■at ail hi* o'Uftanding debt* will be put
into xV.« hand* of an Attorney %t Jaw for
colhftion next Caurt. unlcfs rreviotfly
fettled. Win, KENNDY.
Augufli t, May 1806. (3O
THOSE who are indebted to the Estate
of the late Edward Fean deceased,
a*r requested to come and make immediate
payment, else their account* will’ be pot
into an attorney* hand*..--And thnfe to
whom the Rftate i* indebted will please to
present their account* attested agreeably to
May 3- ri'3
On thefirfi Tue/day in June next, at Frank
lin Court- House, between the houri of ten
and three o’clock,
1500 Acres of Land, more or
left, being part of a trail containing 35 oco
rcreij originally granted to Wra. Call, in
Franklin County, op the grove, and Hud
son riven, and water* thereof; Jc red on
a* the property of Geo. Sibhald, to fatisfy
Abednigo Downing, and pointed out by
said Downing.
15 8— Acres land in said county,
on Freeman’* creek, adjoining Henry fkl
cow, and John Holcorr.
50 Acres, on the waters of Free
man’* creek, adjoining the shove on one
fide, and on an other fide by Uriah EchoU.
One Mare; levied on to fatisfy
an Execution in favor ol Wm. Car son, v*. .
Win, Kelley and Abraham Leather*—the
land painted out by Kelley.
200 Acres of land in said coun
ty, on Gum leg creek, granted to John
Storecyphrr, adjoining jofeph Dunn, Jevi
ed on a* the property of Wm. Dunn, to fa
tiafy John Duke*—levy made and returned
to me by Wm, Hobeood, Conftablc,
23 1 Acres of land in said coun
ty, on the water* of Nai/rcreek, adjoining
Them** Jvnrs, Richard Wi’kins and Wi
dow Chiftian, taken by virtue oftwoex*'-
cutiom in favor of Joseph Sewell agaEft
}chn P. Edinger, pointed out by the plain
tiff, levied on by a Conftablc and returned
to me. ALSO,
One other Execution in favor
of Thomas Carter, againfi the admini{li a ..
ton of John Gorham.—Conditions, Cajh t
H. TERRELL, Sheriff,
May 31 i, 1806. [y]
At Greene Court■ House, cn the fir ft Tuefdcy
in June next, between the hours of terr
and three o'clock,
300 Acres of Land, more or
less, lying on the fouth foik of Little river,
adjoining Whitlock and others, executed
a* the pronerty of Price Bird, st the in
ftancc ofWm Sc Felix Gilbert —thi* land
■ ha* hexn advertised several lime*, but al
ways ftopt by the plaintiff,
250 Acres more or le/s, on the
waters of the Bcavcrdam, adjoining Adams
and other*, executed a* the property of
Robert Porter, at the indancc of Wm.
230 Acres more or less, on the
' water* of the Appalarchcc river, adjoining
John fun and other*, executed a? the pro
perty of Field* Kennedy, to fatisfy two
execution*, one from the Treafnry, the
ether in favor of thi* county.
i y-y Acres more or less, on the
water* ol Green Brier creek, adjoining
Jenken* and other*, executed a* the proper
ty of Ephraim Jackson, at the infUnce of
John Colly.
15 Acres more or less, on the
waters of the Oconee, adjoining Giefbam,
having a distillery thereon, together with
the still, which work* about sixty gallon*,
all completely in repair—also one Horfc ;
the whole executed a* the property of Dani
el Newnan, at the inftancc oi David Bating.
Two head of horses, one a bay
mare, about three year* old, the other a
grey filly, one year old this Spring; levied
00 a* «he property of Enoch Lunsford, at
the irftance of Judith Harrpway, for lh*.
ufeof Zachariah Rohertfno.— Cash Sal*.
N. G. MACON. D. S.
May i . (jO
On theJirJl T* /day in June next, at Cdum,
tin C,urt‘hvu/e, between theujual hours*
Will be Sold
coo Acres of land in Columbia
county, on trie water* of Li:tie river, join*
in«r land* at the fin'e of the original for
vcy, belonging to James M'Farland and
John Graftum Efqr.
acres of land in Grccnc
county, adjninig academy land at the time
of (brvey, executed a« the property of Wat.
Stark, to fatisfy an execution in favor of the
adminiftrator* efT. Harthorn, and pointed
out by the defendant.
550 acres of land whereon John
Fofrtr now live*, adjoining Bsall Si Larasir,
and on the water* of Michaels creek, in
Coumfcia county, Executed as the property
of John Fofler to fdtlsfy an execution in
favor of theadminiftrat’ix James Ray.
50 acres of land on the waters
of Savannah river, adjoining Jcflc Sanders
jtn'r, executed as the property of Chtries
Coufiiu, toLiisfy Notley Whitcomb, re*
turned to roe by a cOnftable.
100 acres of land the property
of James Coetios, adjoining lands of Jeffs
Sanders jun'r, on the waters Savannah river
to fatiify 3 executions in favour of Notlcy
Witcomb and John Fox, returned to me by
a Constable, ALSO,
2 acres of land in Columbia
county cn the watc s of Uptons Creek, join*
ing Holomon and DjvU, Executed as the
property cf William Harrcfs, to fatirfy a*
execution in favour of John Luck key, re
turned to me by a Constable.
666 aciesof land in Columbia
county on the waters of the Kioka crick,
ami whereon Dexter Gib/un now lives join
ing W/ight Sc Drifcoe, executed asthc pro
perty cf said Gibson, to fatiify an execution
in favor of Edmund Bowdre, ?
Three Negroes (to wit) Naroe,
Tenour, and Hannah to fatiify an execu
tion obtained again A James Wood, in fa
vor of the Executor William Bibb.
416 acres of land on the waters
of the big Kjyka creek, joining Lazenberry
and Gonje, executed as the property of
Benjamin L igh to fatisfy an execution in
favor of Archibald
350 acres of land with a good
Saw-Mill on it and other valuable buildings
wherson James Moore formerly refilled in
Columbia county, joining land* of Charles
Porter ef], executed as the property of said
James Moore to fatiify sundry executions
for witnrfs attendance in a case Charles
Porter agaiaft T tmev Moore
Wm. FLEMING, s c. c.
May 3. [yt.]
On the Jr/ Tue/day in June next, at Jack
/nborcugh, in Scrivtn County , between
the hours of ten and three o’clock.
200 Acres of Land in said coun
ty, on Horse creek, joining lands of John
200 Acres ditto in laid county,
on Horse creek, joining lands as Patrick
340 Acres joining the above
land, taken as the property of Major Mu*
sick, at the suit of Mark Sapp and Zacha
riah Coward, the fame being poftpooed the
4th day of March last.
500 Acres in said county, on
Little Ogechec, joining land* of Richard
Rogers, taken as the properly of Micajah
Godwia deceased, at the suit of John Bon
nell junior, pointed out by Theophilua
Thomas Administrator—the fame being
softponed as above.
100 Acres of land in said coun
ty. on Savannah river, joining lands of
W ; lliam Christie, taken as the property of
Thomas Floyd, at the fait of Charles Ne-
Smith, the fame being postponed.
Tsana- Cmh.
May 3d, 1806. (31)
jft Oglethorpe Court.Hou/e , the JirJl Tutf
day in June next, at the usual hours .
256 Acres of Land, more or Icfs,
in fdid county, on the dry fork of Long
Creek, Joining Jofuh Jordan and other*
taken as the property of Abnm Eafon to
fatiify John Dick Ton for tne ofe of Samuel
Hillingswoitb vs. said Eafon, and other
Executions now in my Poflcffijo.—-Condi
tions Cach.
T. W. SCOTT, fhf.
May 3. [ 3 i.]
On the firji Tuejiay in June next* at thi
Market-House in Avguka, at the ujual
Honrs .
600 Acres of Pine Land, more
or Us f together with a well improved
plantation, and a good Dwelling Houle, ft
other convenient out H cases.
An Elegant Saw-Mill, on the
waters of Spirit Creek, Levied on as the
property of James M'Mannis, to fatisfy an
Execution in favor of Thot. Whitehead.
One Houle .And lot in the City
of Aogofta,. Lying on the Center street or
Ferry fireet, about 33 in front, mors or
Je r s, and running We(l wan’ly by parallel
lines one Hundred and Sixty-five feet,
more oriels, being part of lot No. 3 6 and
hounded on the South fide by Nicholas
Ware Esq. Levied on as the property o p
John Savage to fatisfy an execution in favor
of Edmund L. Collier.
25 Acres of pine land, more
or left, Lying and being in the County of
Richmond, bounded on the North Ly John
Savage and others, South weft by Sam uei
Bugg, on the East by Holland MTyrc
Esq. Levied on *e the property of Samuel
Bugg, to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Scott and Kelly.
Jr. HARRISS, ». a. a. c.,
May 3 • (r)
ON rrafonablc Terms, a valuable Wag
gon Sc Txam, Fit for the road; he
fame may be seen nearly every week at
Calls Ware- House Augusta, where (he
delivers Cotton. Tbofe who wi(h to pur
chase may keow (he terms, by rpplying to
Mr. Jcftiua Dcbutts at said Ware House,
or to the fobferiber in Wilkes County, near
N. B. He also will fell that handsome ft
well improved Plantation whereon he now
lives, called Shady Grove, containing be
tween 7 and so© acres of Rich Land, wcU
improved, with more than 100 acres under
May 3. (3t)_
ALL Pcifons indebted to ihe late firm of
Cormick iff Lube, arc once morcrc.
quested to come furwaid and difeharge their
accounts. Otherwise they will be pLccd in
the hands of an Attorney furcolleftiun.
May 2 M
For pubhjhing by fubfeription , in one volume
octavo, price to fubfertbers, one dollar and
Jifty cents, neatly bound, payable on deli
To which will be prefixed,
A comprehensive hijlory of the VFefLy Family •*
And an Appendix,
Exhibiting the rife, frogre/s and present
fate of tht Methodif Church, in
the United States,
THE Rev. Mr. W'flsy was one of the
most diftioguifhed characters, who arose in
the chriftian world during the 18th centu
ry. The variety of bit writings, the num
ber of chriftians who have .joined him, hi*
extraordinary seal, indefatigable persever
ance, and exemplary life, ah point him out
as worthy of imitation* His poblicsthn*
in which the of hit life are recorded,
are so multifarious, that it was desirable
tc have a more brief relation of his journey*
and ministerial success. This hat b'-rn
already executed by Dr. Whitehsad, D:.
Cocke and Mr. Moore, and others fiill
more ceneifely. The objrft of this pub
lication is to connell together in one vo
lume, the most (hiking events, which oc
curred during his long existence. Two
motives have impelled this attempt—the
scarcity of Dr. Whitehead's volume*, and
a desire in many of the friends, to fee a
portable account of the founder of the pre
sent Methodist focietiei, with a hiflory of
the meant, which ufcd under the bleffine*
of God, have rendered their member* so
The above work will be rfi on 3 MW
type and good paper. It will fee put to
Preft at soon as a fufßcient number of
fubferibers are obtained to defray the er
(£}“ Suhfriptions received by the puHifh
trs. No. 4, Baltimore, and at the Chronicle
Office, Augufla,
Price to non-fubferibtrs one dollar and
seventy Jive cents .
[Copy Right fecurcdj
May 3. ‘ J
Just Publiftied,
And tOR SALE at this Offire.
Military Discipline,
Every one who wilhea to know the afe
of fire armswillfind t hi* publication ufeful.
Every Officer and militia man ought to
have it.
Price i*| Cants,