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Vot. XX.] F RE E, D 0 M of the PRESS and T R IjA L et J U R Y shall remain inviolate. [No. 1054;
_ • . ( : :
AOGU S T A: ({jsstgia) Printed by D. DRISCOLi, near the market* SATURDAY yulyifa, 180 b. {[3 Dolls- psv Ann,~\
Miss Harriot Bond,
One door belcto Mr, A. Waterman's,
HAVING, lately received a
handsome addition to her
former stock of Milinery, take* ihi* meth
od to inform the LaJies of Augusta and her
friends in general, that file has on hand,
>1 the nevvett falbron*, cnnfiftjag of a gene
ral affottment ot FANCY ARTICLES,
7 h‘ ntalcfiand moji Fajhl enable
Which, coill be fold on the moji moderate terms.
Also , a variety of
July rq. (4t )
INFORMS his friends and the Public,
that he hsi jaft received from New
* York a quantity or
. And a Supply of
Groceries from Savannah ,
Which he will dispose ofon the
iotfeft terms, for cash or produce:
J-Ay (jt)
MY Houfcs and Lot, North
fide of Broad-street, near
the Market; the stand is an Excellent cn«
for tranfadling bofmefi on a large or small
scale, with three tenc menu Also, a Cot
ton Machine with 87 fawi, all in complete (
repair—The terms of sale, one snd two j
year* credit; this indulgence, certainly ia
an objeft to an aftivc ptrfon.—Pofftflion
t> be had on the rfi of Oftobcr next.—
For further particulars apply to mr.'
July 19. [ tf J
D. Smelt returns
thanks to his friends, for the libe
ral funporthehas received in his proleflion,
and Hi duty to notify them, as it
refpefts the following particular*— Con
templating a removal to, or near Millcdgc
ville, the next fall, he is compelled to de
cline practice In tins City, in order that
he may be enabled to adjust the outftand
jog debt* that arc yet due. To such a*
cannot immediately meet hi* demand, fuf
ficien, time will be given, provided the
account is liquidated 5 and to such, whefs
situation will >admit prompt payment, he
will feel himfcll obliged by their punctu
ality. .
When in town, should any patient with
hti assistance, he will with pJcafure, co-cpc
me with the family pia&itiorcr.
July ig, 1806. [ tf l ’
Executive Department, (Geo.)
Louifvtllc Ju?ie t 1806.
I'HOSE persons who have drawn lots of
land in the counties of Baldwin, Wilkinfcn
and Wayne, snd have not obtained grants
for them, are NOTIFIED, that such lots
Trsafurcr (hall not have received full
payment tor, on the firft day of September
next, will not, after that day, be granted
in the names of the persons who drew them ;
but will, agreeably to an aft, (puffed the
loth of December, 1003) fuppiementary to
the several laws tor making dtftributscn of
the la’nda in the aforefaid counties, “ revert
4< to, and become the property ot the state,
•* and be fold in like manner as fractional
u parts of furveys.'’
GEO : R. CLAYTON, Secretary.
(4 T )
To Be Hired.
A good field or
Enquire at the Chronicle Of
July (ts)
4 good Wag
g°ns and teams wanting for 8
° r i o days—for particulars ap
ply at this Office*
J u b s* its)
RESPECTFULLY inform* the Public,
that he ha* just arrived in Augusta, and
ha* opened Store in Mr. Murrcn's New
Hcufc, lately occupied by Messrs John
Howard £2 Co.
JVith a choice Sdcfiion oj the
Following Goods,
BEST Flax and Tow Oznabnrgi,
Brown and White Piatil’ar, „
liifh Linen and Britaniss,
Cotton Shirting,
Silk and Cotton Umbrella?,
• ■
Long Lawn* and Cambiic*,
Laced Cambrick and Leno Veils*
4 4 and 6 4 Leno Muslin,
Black love Shawl* and Veils, ,
Luft.'ing and Belongs,
Ladies Siik Pciicc*,
Black and White picnic Glove*,
Black and col’d. Silk do.
White and col’d. Cotton do.
Ladic* long walh Leather do.
Gingham* and Chajnbra Muslin,
Cambrick Muflin*,
A very elegant aflbrtmcnt of rich Fancy
Muflin* from 50 cents to j dol*. pet
A few piece* of richley ornamented
Circsffian Robes —very elegant,
Pullicat and M'drafs Handkerchief*,
Naw Red Bandannas do.
Linen and Cambrick Pocket do.
Cot’tcn do. do.
Ribbons and Silk do.
Velvet Ribbon and Ferret?,
Silver Piufs for Bonnets, -
Lace* and Edgcingi,
Elsck, white and col'd Sewing Silk and
. Twill,
Ounce Thread,
Col’d Threads, common and patent*
Adclpha Ccttcn 1 bread in paper* and
vatniflied boxes,
A choice Afforrmcut 01 Printed Calicoc*
from t/gi. 104/6!. per yard.
White Calicoes and Fuftiam,
1 and 6 4 Cotton Check,
| and £ Bed Tick,
Calimancoes and Durants,
Bombazine* and Bornbazett*,
Florentines, Crapes and Peifians,
Silk and Cotton Sufptnders,
Black and col’d best London made Plats',
Superfine Cloth and Caffimere*,
Corderoyi, Velveteens and Thickfeti,
Buff N*nkccn«,
Flannels and coarfc Woolen*,
too Ready made Vest»,
A hand feme affortraent of Boots and
Ladies embroidered and plain Cotton
Mens do. do. do.
Roys and Misses Stockings,
Dimities, Janes and Jenets,
Diaper Table Cloth* and Toweling,
Diaper Holland Tare* and Bobbin*,
Blue and white Pavilion Gauze,
A large aflbrtmcnt of Leghorn and Split
Straw Bonnets,
Artificial Wreaths, Feather* Sc Flowers,
Cotton and Siik Trimmings,
Steel Bugle* for Bonnet*,
Tabic knives and Forks,
Pen and Pocket Knive*,
Razor* and Razcr*Stropi,
Tinned Iron and Fustian Spoon* and Di
Gimblct*, &c, &c,
July 19. t/fl
ON the night of the yth inst. between
Augusta and WaUicnn s San f V bar, a
the Subfcribct’* name written on the back
of it, containing a FIFTY DOLLAR
Branch Bmk Bill of the U. States Bank,
No. not recollefted, but very little foiled,
together with fcvcral Newark and
other paper*, confining of note* of hand,
&c. Should any person find said POCKET
BOOK, and preserving the content*, Ihill
be liberally rewarded, by leaving the fame
at the Chronicle Office, with Mr. D. Dnf
col, or Edmund Lamar, of S. Carolina.
July to. IITL
If Mr. Baley Bor
ret, late ol Bungay or the
neighborhood of Bungay, Suf
folk county, England, is living, by
an application to the printer, he will
hear offomething to his advantage.
Mr. Borrct is reported to have reii
ded in Hancock County in 1801.
r I have purchased a eer-
JL tain traft of land, containing One
Hundred and twelve acres, originally gran
ted to William Simms, lying and being in
the County of Columbia, butting and boun
ding North-eaffwardly by Savannah River,
South-eaftwatdly by Thomas Jones's land.
South-weft wardly by Samuel Gitfon’s land,
and North-weftwardly by Charles Clarke's
land, and is more particularly known by
tlic Bull Sluice trail. Thefc are therefore
to forwatn all petfons whaifoever from tref
pi* fling on said trail of land, either by cut
ting Timber, creiling Filb-Traps en the
sh ais opposite, or in any ocher (nape man*
tier or form whatsoever, as all trefpaflers
as aforefaid will incur the ftiiil rigour of
the law in that case made and provided. .
July 19 (3*)
Executive Department (Geo.)
LOUISVILLE, r sth July 18*6.
THAT the second MONDAY in AU-
G UST next, be afligned for the hear
ing and determining controverfics relative
to loti of land, drawn ia the late Land Lot
tery, for which grants have been withheld
on account of their being two or more per
sons of the fame name in the fame county,
a»d not designated, on the hooks appertain
ing to ,he drawing of the said Lottery, so
that it can be thereby afeertained to which
of them the land of right belongs—All per
funs concerned, are therefore requited to
atrnd at this department, on that day,
prepared to fubllantiatc their refpedlive
Atteft* G. R. CLAYTON.
July 19. (jt.)
' f" , HE Subfcribers*being appointed to re-
JL i-eive the names of Pcrlons in the coun
ty of Richmond entitled to draws in the
Land Lottery oodeithe offJftnbly pas-
Drd the 26th of June 1806, give notice,
that they will attend for that pnrprfe at
Capt. Collins’* matter ground on Wednes
day the 30th July and Monday the nth of
August ; at Capt. BcalT roufter ground on
Thursday the 31st July and Tut f lay, the
1 ath nf August, at Capt. Wm. M‘Tyrc’s
truster ground on Friday the ift and Wed*
nefday the 13 th of August; at.Cspt. M‘-
Cootnbs’s muster ground in Harrifburgh on
Saturday the zd and Thutfday the 14th of
August; at Mr. Harrison’s in Capt. Fee's
diftridl on Monday the 4th and Fridaay the
15th of August ; and at the City-Hotel Aa
gufta, for Capt. Smyth's diftrift, on Tucf
day the sth and Saturday the 16th of the
* said month cf August.
July 19. (■-/)
Undet a power of Attorney,
1000 acres situated at the time
offurvey, in Prince William's Paiifh, Gran
ville County, South-Carolina.
500 acres situated at the time
of Lirvcy on a branch of the Saitcatclres,
called cross swamp, in Cullcton county
South Carolina.
500 acres situated at the time
of lurvey, in Colleton county, South Car
503 acres being an I Hand situa
ted on Savannah River, oppofti© Pcore Ro
bin’s Bluff Georgia.
500 acres, situated at the time
offurvey in Colleton county, South Caro
lii a.
100 acres on Swallow Savan
nah, in the then Granville county, Sooth-
550 acres situated on faltcatch
es Swamp in the then Granville cou uy,
2 £OO acres in Ninety-fix Di
ftridl, in the fetk of Eaorie aud Tiger ri
v<rs, and on two erceks, called Cedar shoal
cicck and Sammys South-Carolina.
One third Cash and the balance in on©
and two years, with security and morgage
cni the lands—lndifpotable titles will be
Warrenton, Georgia April $, tlxaCm
I 2?
I * ' i ‘ ■ A . . r' ' TV
- XZkitoJ. ..r ■ < . /
By his Excellency JOHN MILT. EDGE,
Governor and Commander in Ch ief of the
Army and Navy of this State) and of the
Militia thereof.
A Proclamation.
in and by an aft pa fled Ifto
nth of February, 1799, entitled “ An aft
“ to regujate the General Elections in this
“ State, and to appoint the time of the nice..
<* ting of the General it is sui
tnong other things declared : “ That all I
writs of elections to fill vacancies that majn
“ happen for members of the General Affem- \
“ bly of this ttate, or House el Reprefen- j
,f tatives of the United States, (hall he di
*< rc£tcd to the Jufticcs of the Inferior Conns
“ of the refpeflive counties, who are rtqui
“ red to give public notice thereof, Se oaufc
“ the fame to he held in manner and form
** as herein before pointed out, agreeably to
** to such writ.’*
And whereas a vacancy hath happened in
the House of RcprdcfitadVcs ot the United
States, by reason of the tefignation of the
Honorable Jofcph Bryan* whtj) was defied
andcommiflioned toferve as a member there
in, for this state, until the fourth day of
March next. I have therefore thought pro
per to issue this my 'proclamation, hereby
notifying, directing and ordering the Jufli
ces of the Inferior Courts of the refpeftivc
counties in this date, to confider the fame
as a general writ of e led ion for filling the
aforefJd vacancy. And Ido hereby charge
and require the said Jufticts to give due no
tice, that an clefiion for the purpose nforc
faid, will be held in the refpefii/c counties,
on MONDAY the ftrft day of SEPTEM
BER next. And I do hereby further re
quire that such returns of said elefiion, as
the aforefaid aft points out, be made to (he
Executive Department within the time pre
Given under my hand and the Great
Seal of the State, at the Stale- House
in Louisville, this twenty-eighth
day of June, in the year of our Lord,
cue thou Sand eight hundred end fix, .
and of the Independence ft he uni
ted Slates of America , the thirtieth .
By the Governor.
H»r : Marbuhv, Secretary
of the State.
Tn Baldwin on the 6th infl, try Pocket
Book, containing a number of papers, a
mongst others one note o* hand given by
White Rcflctter to William Micou for one
hundred and thirty or forty dollars payable
at Augufla foroc litnc in the month ciMarA
lad, which note 1 forwarn nil per foci front
trading for. ,Wu, LYON.
July 19, , [if]
A LL , persons to whom the eftale of the
1 late Jacob Weft, frauds indebted, are
requested to render their accounts properly
attested, within the time prescribed by
law, and those indebted to said efiate, are
reqaefted to .malic immediate payment to
Sabah west, AdmSx,
J. M. VSEST, Adm'r,
July 19* M
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT nine months from the date here
of, application will he made to tfcd
Honorable Inferior Court of Greene coun
ty* for leave to fell the half of an undivid
ed traft of land, containing Five Hundred
acre;, in .said county, it being the real
estate of Ezekiel Park, deccafed, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec,
RICHd: S. PARK, Adcn'r.
November 30. (1 ampin)
N, B. The above sale ispoftponed until
the joth of Match next. (4U
NINE months from the date hereofap*
•plication will be made to the honor”
able the Inferior Court for tHe county of
Columbia, for leave to fell two traifts of land
in said county, The fame being part of
the real estate of John Sstgcnt dec; for '
the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
May 24.. 1 am 9m.
Os the very best kind, to be had
on low terms (by wholesale and re
tail) at* the Chronicle Office.
Sheriffs Blank. Title®,
For Sale at thii OJfice,
'> • 1