Newspaper Page Text
cfhU enemies, nor have prevu
ou broken the blockade.
M:. Man roe is thtsefore requetted to up.
prize ihe American confals and merchants
rfiding in England, that the coasts, rivers,
a .,j oons ab©mncntior.ed mud bcconfidered
in i date of blockade, and from this time
a ;,l the measures authorifed b y the law of na
tions and the refi>e<fdve treaties between
his-M ’jedv and the ditterent neutral powers,"
will be adopted and executed with refpeft
to vdWs attempting to violate the Lid
blockade after this notice.
The utflcrfigncd requetts Mr, Monroe to
accept the assurances, of his high confi Jera
tioi . • [Signed]
C* J. FOX.
Ja net Msnrot, efq. ,&c. &c.
Letters from New-Orleans, dated June 1,
L>’, ,r Governor Claiborne has lately given
fiis negative to two or three bills palled by
fheAigiflamre. This has greatly irrigated
tintlody; in conftqucnce of which, a refu
tation to the following purport, patted both
Houles : Whereas the members of these
Houles in accepting fca'S therein, were ac
tuated by the purest vvifhes for the public
good, and whereas the Governor of this ter
ritory las fuccc{lively negatived their wisest
Jaws arid proceedings, iris therefore iefnl
veu, that this Houfc, taking into confide
nt J.m the heavy and unnecelfiry it
ccealnns to the territory, do unaninruufly
adjourn until the firft week in February.
By a New-Orleans paper of June, we
find that it* the Hcufe of Reprefcnratives of
the territory of Orleans, Mr, Mahon laid
a resolution on the table, for the removal of
the (eat of government from the City of
ft em-Or leans to Peint Coupee, at or near
the Church of St. Francis, until v.e flia'l
be put in pofleffion of Baton Rouge. The
rcafons which were utged in fapport of the
removal were, that the city of New-Odeans,
on account of its position and the variety ot
contradictory dispositions rnanifeftcd among
the residents thereof is ill calculated for
the promotion of the huftnefs of solemn legif
lacion; that the citizens of this place,
through the medium of their City Council,
have refuted this legillatare fuuable rooms
in the principal during their feflron, iirhich
they might have done whfcour inconve
nience ; that certain opulent gentlemen of
overgrown estates have mamfcAcd a difpefi
tion to exclude from this house, the weftertr
and country members, by providing for
them a miserable tpirtance, and giving the
Speaker of this house authority to iurnifh
drafts on an empty treasury, and thereby
ultimately secure to themselves the entire
management of public aijhirs, and con
fequcntly make the representatives of a free
government, not the reprefeotatives of a
free people, but of 3 wealthy and overgrown
Jfftv Ij.
Gum-Boat No 2, Lieutenant Izaso,
arrived this morning, in -40 days from
Gibraltar. Having completely adjusted our
differences with all the Barbary powers, the
United States armed veffeis have been order
cd taqult their ftatiop in the Mediterranean,
and return to America.
Tha following squadron faded from
Gibraltar on the 4th of June, for the U.
States ;
Frigate F*sen, Commodore s\ogers.
Brig Vixen, Captain Cox.
Bomb-ketch Spitfire, Lieut. Hunt.
Bomb-ketch Vengeance, Lieut. Smith,
Cottar Hornet, Lieut, Crane.
Gun-Boats No. s, No. 3, No. 4,
Nc. 5, No. 6 , No. 8, No. 9, No. 10.
The frigate Constitution, Capt,
Campbell) was left at Gibraltar, where she
was to remain for some time. The Nau
tilus, Lieut. E vans , was going in when
the squadron failed. The Rnterprize
schooner, Lieut. Pater, bad been lent to
Tripoli with dispatches.
A letter from Algiers, dated March 10,
fays “ At this moment the cries «t death are
rtfjunding from different quarters in tnis ci
ty. The prime Miniftcr, the Matter of the
Ilorfe, the Secretary of State, the Ch er In
fpeftor ( f Slaves, and four mhtr Pe ions
hjjvcbccn ft tangled. -London Paper.
NINE months from theda'c hereof, ap
plication will bo made to the honors
hie, the Inferior cou*tof Columbia county,
for an order to fell the following two tradi
of land in laid county', belonging to the
eftaeof Ssraucl Hart deceased.
acres of Oak and Hickory
land on Ham’ creek, adjoining Benjamin
Hardin c.nd otben. t
250 acres of Oak and Hickory
land adjoining Joel Cloud and othen.
April 5. lamqm.
NINE month* from the date hereof ap
plication will be male to thehonora.
bl« Inferior court for the cconiy of Burke
for leave to fell fcveral trafl* of land, two
or three of which are in fsid county, the
Lme being part of tfcs real eelate of
t«n Pooler deceased, for the benefit ot the
bcir and creditor*.
January 5, larrgm.
AUGUS i A, "July 26.
our lall, w’c have received news
from England till the 24th May. The rta.
der will perceive that Fox has communica
ted his projeil of a blockade to Mr* Mon
roe; and WC apprehend this will not j, e the
latl of his projects in that line. While the
Engldb paragraphs araufes his readers with
the profpeti of a fpcedy accommodation be
tween Great. Britain and Protfia, the king
in council informs them, on the 15th May,
“ thw it is hereby ordered that general re
j “ prifois be granted agair.d the Ihips, goods
1 “Si fubjerts of the king ol Prufiia &of the
i “ town of Papenburgh—and bring the fame
to judgment in any of thccourts of admiral
ty”—The parliament has palled a law pro
hibiting the importation of Haves into their
Hlands, under certain reftriftions—By these
accounts wc have nothing fatisfaftory from
the contiuentof Europe; but wc may pic
fume that all the Emperors and Kings had
not yet ceased from their pious labours—the
extermination of the human species.
At Birbadoes Admiral Ccthrane had gi.
ven to Miranda 40 Spaniards, whom beholds
as hostages for the men who have been taken
on the coast of South America.
A gentleman who reftdes oil the Sand
hills, during the fain ner months, had, in
the courfc of the last fall or winter, a quaii
tit y of cotton feed carried thither and heap,
ed for mmure, at fomc (mall Alliance from
thehoufej a few days ago, the heap, was
opened, and the rotten Huff* conveyed to the
garden 5 foonafter, eight white petfors of
the family were taken exuemely ill, and
exhibited symptoms of a very bad fever ; but
by the timely aid of a pity Ikian, we arc hap
p» to learn that they are cut ot danger ; The
rlHuvia from this putrid mass was so power
fill that the black rtian, who broke up the
heap, was greatly aff.ificd by it, and had
like to fofe his life—From this wc much
fear that many have 101 l their lives in this
city and other parts of Georgia, from the
famecaufe, and it is hoped now that the
present alarming case will be a warning d|
others to remove all cotton feed farfrom their
houses. There is an ordinance to this pur
pose in Augusta, but wc leaf it hes become
a dead Utter ,
(jdT Thufe gendemen in Augusta and its
vicinity, who have fubferibed to the MIL
informed that the three firlt numbers of that
paper arc already puhlilhed, and may be bad,
by apply ing at the Poft.Ofijcc.
(JdT We are authorifed to inform those,
who are qualified, and choose to become
citizens of the United States, that the Judg
es of the Inferior Court ot Richmond county,
will meet on Tudday next at 11 o'clock
in the forenoon, at the Ct tV-Hotel, for
thepurpofc ofadmitting 'hem to Cititenlhip.
IT is truly diftreftiflg that wc cannot tonfl
any thing palatable for the Sham Republi
cans, aias, forles in dfgufe we ad
miniller to them democratic pepper they ca
per and fret , as may be expeded ; bur when
their favorite toajit ate served up, they pre
tend 10 loathe them, the better to avoid being
unmajhed —when we ohjeft to do what the
law forbids us, Si Al'ens, the Shams would
m ike it a crime ; and to manufacture toalis,
(not being citizens) would appear to be in.
confident with patriot if n and repnblicanifm !
But what seems 1 o feald the Torits is, that
we have eluded the*Va» grasp of their idol ,
the tyrant —it i»«sn his Dungeons, Ten
ders, and on his Gibbers, that they would
with to fee every one of our principles,
whethet foreigners t ot native im!ricarrs,fine
or perith,
On Friday the 4 b left, the annual public,
commencement was held at
Athens in Cl rk county
in this dare* »
About to o’clock on the 4 r h of July, all
the Students of the College and Grammar
School, together with the Tutors, Proieflf
or, Secretary, Treasurer, president and
Board of Trustees, walked in procefiion from
; the Prefid.nt’b houle to a spacious arbour e
| redied in front of iho College, where after
j having taken their feats, theexercifes of the
j day were performed in the following man
-1 ner :
A pnyer by the Reverend A. Mirdlall.
j Music.
A falutatorv Oration in Latin by Mr.
Samuel Boy akin.
A Fore, 1 lie deputation between MclTrs,
Boyakin and James Vs hi'ihead.
A Greek Oration by Mr. Thomas M.
A comic dialouge between Meflrs. La
mar, Boyakin, Harris and James White
An ironical Oration in praise of monar
chy, by Mr. Thomas Larnar.
• The Declaration of Independence, read
by Mr. A. Lewis.
An Oration in commemoration of the De
dotation of Independence by Mr. Reuben
Valedictory Oration by Mr, J. White
Prayer by the Rev’d J. Hodge.
The degree of Batchelor of Arts was con
ferred on Mellrs. Thomas M. Berrien, Sam
uel Boyakin, Early Harris, Reuben Hill,
Thomas Lamar, John Whitehead and James
Whitehead. The degree of Mailer of Aits
on Mr. Addin Lewis, and the degree of
Doftor of Divinity cn the'Ren’d. William
E<!l of Savannah.
The performance* met the general appro
ba ion of the audience which was large and
rcl.'eftabiej and the Truftecs appeared to
be highly gratified with the progrefa of
feiknee in the iidlitution,'
Prime Cottnn fold this week in Aughfla
from i6J- to 17;
A Member of the City Council takes the
liberty of submitting to the cnnfidcration
of,his fellow Citizens, the following
contemplated Ordinance* which is to be
reported for fhs third reading-of the City
Council, at their meeting on Saturday
next. —TO novelty and magnitude of
the proposed plan demands the serious at
tention of the mercantile imereti of this
place ; and it is hoped will induce fomc
ci them (0 favour the Council with any
well meant obferv.itions they may deem
pertinent to the occasion.
For raijing a fund for improving the Har
bour of the City of Augnjia, and for re
pairing aid turfing in good order the
lank of the Fiver and public landing
•within the limits thereof.
E it Ordained by the City Council of
Augufla , That from and after the fitft day
of September next, the following rates of
Wharfage or landing adeflinent, (hall I«
levied on and colleftcd from all articles re
ceived at, or (hipped from the banks of the
River Savannah within the limits of the
corporation, viz i On each and every bale
of Cotton, two cents, on every hogfbead of
Tobacco, four cents, on every bale or tiuls
of hides or Iku s, per fquaie foot, half a
cent* on every barrel of Hour or grain, two
cents, est every barrel of beeswax ot tallow-,
fix and one fourth cents, on every barrel of
t?r or resin, efte cent, on every punchccto
of rum or other fpirifuous liquors and on eve
ry pipe of wine or spirits and on every hogs
head of sugar, twelve and one half cents,
on every fcogfhcad of beer, cider, perry,
(littib, oil, vinegar* and porter, and on
ct cry hegfhead of mobiles, each fix and
one fourth cents, and for barrels or quarter
cades of the fame in proportion j on every
bale, box, truss, trunk, or other package
per fcj-tarc (bot, half a cent* on every hun
dred of fait, twenty.five cents, ch
every hundred Weight of hollow Ware, two
cents, on every hundred weight of grind,
(lone,*, one cent,Urn every hundred weight
of lead, tin, did,'copper, and tin plate,
three' cent*, on eVt»y hundred weight of
wrought iron, ilnee cents, on every hun
dred weight of unwrought iron, one cent,
on all (tone ware for every ten dollars value,
two cents, on all four wheel carriages, fifty
Cents, on all two Wheel carriages, twenty
five cents, on all dills, at the rate of fix and
one fourth cents for every hundred gallons
and cn alt other articles not herein before
■ particularly enumerated five per Centura on
the cu.ternary ft&ht. 0
And he it further ordained. That it (hall
be the duty of every boat owner or higher
or their Patroon, to make cut and return to
the Harbour mailer of said city, a jaft and ,
fair manileftof the cargo of such boat, upon
oath before such boat departs the laid wharf,
if bound out, and upon the return or landing
of any boat laden as aforefaid, within two
days after (he difeharges any part of her la
And be it further ordained, That owners
of floats trailing between the cities of Saran.
nah and Auguha, (ballon application to the
clerk of the City Council, obtain a license
to run luch boat for one year on paying
thcreior for the porpofe aforefaid the lum of
twenty dollars, and one dollar to' the clerk.
And every boat 'not Hceofed as aforefaid
(hail for every fu_h trip or landing at the
said city of Augusta, or within the limits
thereof pay the sum »f eight dollars to the
Harbour mailer before they (hall be allowed
to depart the fame. ,
And be it further ordained. That each
and every perion or pefons whomsoever,
who dial 1 in any manner whatever refufc or
attempt to evade ihe payment of the wharf
age or afleifments in this ordinance contained
(hall for every such offence forfeit a sum not
exceeding one hundred dollars, to he re
covered by warrant of diitrtfs issued by the
Intcndant or any member of the City coun
cil, on due proof of the fame, direfted to
th” Matfhall, Harbour mailer or Sheriff of
the county cf Richmond, who (hall levy •
the fame on the boat in default, or any other
the goods and chattels ot the owner thereof,
and Tha i proceed therein in the feme manner
as by law Sheriffs arc bound to do under
executions blued from the fupwiot or in.
ferior courts cf this date.
Lewis Barie,
Having fold out Ku old «ock of |
goeds, hai removed four doors above
where he formeily lived, where bufmefs
wi I be carried on under the Firm of
Who have just received and
for sale, a frefh and general affbit
raent of
1 Dry Goods & Groceries,
at very reduced prices, forCafh
or Produce.
July z 6, IHO6. [jt]
J. Garvin*
Informs his friends ,
THAT there will be no inter
million to the Exercifcs of
his School, during the present or
approaching Season j therefore, it
is open for the reception of Pu
pils. l
-7 a ( v *6» [tf]
Doftor Burke,
HAVING at length resolved,
to make Augulfa his future
reOdcnce, intoirai the community, that he
will resume the PiafUce. He live* in thd
large Brick House, at the upper end of
Broad-Street, belonging to the (Bate of
Col. Watkins.
3W *6. (ts)
Dodor Tanker fley,
Respectfully info™. hit trier,a>
and the Public, that l<c ha* coipmen
cedthe Practice of Medicine (Edgefield
Court-House S. Carolina.) in ail it* vari
ous branche*, and flitter* himftlf, that
from the excellent ojpoitunity he ha* had
of chaining medical infotmation. together
with the attention he i* determined to pay
thole perfonr, who tray honour him with
their patronage, he will receive a good flute
of public aid.
I lulyI uly 26, LiO __
To afford one more opportune
ty for those in aritan for taxea, to dilcbagQ
the fame, the fub:criter will attend with
the rectivert of Land draws on the fi,ft day*
of their attendance in each diftiiA j '1 hole
who do not avail fhemftlvei of thia oppor
tunity, will be deprived of their draw* for
the land, and will most a flu redly find their
name* in the Newt-paper, and their pro
perty adrenifed for sale.
Richmond county, July a6. [i ; ]
ALL Persons having any de
mands* against the Eflatc
of Daniel L< Bin of Lincoln county dec.
are hereby liquefied to tender in their
account* properly attefled fer payment,
and those indebted to said Eflatc are caineft
lyx< quelled to make immediate payment to
Wn». EVANS. \ „ ,
July 26 ■— [at]
iV 0 7 / C £.
To all and Singular those •who may he con
cerned in the Ejlalt of Benjamin Horn
late of Columbia county dtceaftd —that on
the fifth day of September nexti at the
house of Eli Garnett, one of the adininij
irators, on said Efiate,
ALL the Pcrfonal‘Effate "of
the said Benjamin Horn
dec. Tnc terms of Sale will be made
known on the day cf sale-. and those who
may be indebted to said Estate, will ple*fc
come forward and make fcttleirrnt wi h
said Eflate j and those who may have de
mand* against said Estate, will a!fo attend
with their account* properly attefled. -
July z 6» Q 3
Executors Sale.
On Saturday the 6th of September next, tit
Columbia County,
THE Plantation whereon the
late James Burroughs lived;
The plantation coafift* cf <{co aerrj, about
150 clear—the whole well fenced inj with
a comfoitable dwelling-iioucb and oth
er convenient improvement* j laid planta
tion adjoins lands of Beverly Lowe, and
George G. T»nk«iflry,—Terms made
known by applying to the executor*.
At the fame time and place, two
‘ Ncgroer, two bed* and furniture with Come
other article* of houfchold furniture, the
personal property of Elizabeth Burroughs
jiu/r. dcccafed.
7yb [V’3
i On the firflTutfday in September next, at
Scriven Court-House, between the houn of
jO and 3 o'clock,
A House and Lot in Jackfonbd
rough known by No. 14,
A tratff of Land in said county,
on little Ogerbee, joining land of James
Bonder} containing4oo acres, mote oriels, .
take* as the property of Gerard Laitigne,
at the fait of Jatnci M Kenkey, Pointed
out by Henry Joyce—Terra*, cash.
JOHN BRYAN, *. s. cf
July i(r, [3l]