Newspaper Page Text
Fmign ' fflfoUigince,
DOVER, (SunJsj £ 05. h
It i* reported, 'ldcrahl* damage
w» dtfiic at Bmelange bj rocket* thrown
in there, » mentioned i former latter.
damage was recem incipsUy by
tbs to »n; the Hiipi from n the rockets
fpr tha cleva'ioo at which i Tnt'hdcd
that tfccfc iuflnlment* of deft ihouid
«be fired off. The confeqncr j s » IC X
pa fled fever the flotilla, and d * nto I^c
town.—ls the injury do' . .s'hcrc be at
greafcjtii it is repreftn'ed, ’ J&fet* it-owy hava
ft&d upon the d't «« ’ towns.
M»i»y beauts been
mean# employt/«pon this occaficn
noys-J as & ;# f? r ' s ingcohus. They
ilftrought t z&y leraMc perfeftton 9-
tHT■ ;<pp have fincc been very
w 'j fhey confu'l, as we before
fc&kets, or infiaiotnabp or
/towe. _
Jtcchnic Arrow* willfty nearly
Aljnd a half, and are Capable of
fifing their fife for nearly ten
I having reached their point,
jifte pro-hginufly large, and have an
likket at &e end, which strikes
lt ;nray be airdrd a?. This
•Wet Ukfcw ijf« a’tohe, for the purpofeof
lining tW* infUriiwtblflr matter, with
irlr«, throtiljh which it iflues in a (late
quefaftior. The (lick attached to the
et is naatly twenty feet long. One
ired of these might be difidiargrd, with.
,ie (pace of a minute, from each veflel ;
rwe arc informed, only two were fired
cadi boat at llie fame time. The
era are so conlhaclrd, as to inftanta
ifly emit, on their adhesion to any part
ic veil'd, a liquid flame. The ingredl
of this deilrOtlive composition are said
c of (<) very powerful ;.nd trfiammablc
tore, as almost to defy the comitcrad.
ttc J t of water, which, for some time,
is rath.r ro iepreafe than extingailh the
,cnce of Its fury.
i few of them were last year thrown at
ver, byway of experiment, from Arch,
a Fort to the Wcftern Hctghta, and iro,-
../cdiaiely f*l on fire a ftubblc field, in which
they chanced to fall, near the celebrated cliff
of Sheakfper'. Tha tufe with which they
arc provided continues to hum lor seven or
eight minutes after they arc (hot off, when
(one of the rockets explode, and ad in the
new capacity of the (hells. They are capa
ble, we understand of being thrown with
al'nolt as muh accuracy and precifnn as a
(hell, or carcase, from a mortar, and with
equal effod. Thcfc rockets arc the inven
tion of Mr. Congreve,
LONDON, Oeroiia. 27.
We ate concerned to flats, that in a
G.neral Engagement, which took place on
the 14'b upon ihc Plain* of Weimar, the
Piuffiaft* were defeated by the .French, with
the Joss, it is said, of *o,ooo men. The
King of P.uffu was at the head of his srtny,
which was cjm.auidcd by the Daks of
Brunfwkk ; oppufed to the French, wkiah
was commanded by Bonaparte in perforr.
The Duke, who u father of the Parted's of
Walc.“, was wosndcd in ths sdion, and
conveyed to Magdeburg. The King be
haved with great hcroifin, and had two
horses killed under him. The molt heroic
bravery, aad the greattll judgment, were
displayed on bodi (lds«; but the Prussian
am were finally overpowered, and obliged
to quit the field, leaving the glory of the
day to the enemy. The Fumch army
fiulhcd on i'of L‘ipfie', which they entered,
wf tbvdievv, the nea; day. Lord Morpeth
and fains were in that town ai the moment;
the enemy arrived. His lervanu and car
riage* vfere laksn by the French, and he
narrowly cfcaped the fame taie. Hi* Lard
(bip made his retieiit on foot, and sent oil'
difpatchcs to Mi iilHra, from Biunfwkk,
y cojmmunioating tiis refillt of the day.
The Cartelct packet failed from Malta on
the 13th of.. G. ucral Stuart arrived there
from Sicily, on the lorti. Every part of
the two Calahrias, has been abandoned to
the Fr«ncb» fc cxcept ScylU, in which we
still hold a ftrtifon. Thus there appears to
be no foundation for the report of a second
great over the French in that quar
ter. Genial Stuart is now on hi* ictura to
f\, Ocroiia 29.
The following is the French Official ac
count . f the battle of the 14th. We lament
t ftau the refuit of it has been infinite
more uifalltDus to the Prussians, than c
ven the difp tlchcs from Lord Morpcthlcd us
to fuppqjV.
Detail* »f the Battls c/Jsna,
itl/er, 1806.
“ At JENA, 15th 0.1. 1806.
** The battle which was touglu yefier
day, near Jena, will form an epoch* in
fiillory. The Pruliian army amounted to
I jOjOOO men ; thev have 101 l 200 pieces of
> cannon, 30 tlandards, and 28,000 prifimers.
Tha Dakc of Brunf.vick anti General Ruch
> *’« both killed, and Prince Henry of
<fu dangeroufliy wounded. A great nun»-
t Prussian generals and cithers are like.
. wounded.
Hie loss of the French is much smaller
| are r zo* wounded in the hospital of
* ' & 1500 in that of Ntucnbourg ; and
f* killed only one General, the Gen.
;adc dc Billy, a general full of
The French cavalry is co^ct*4
feadfiafl, popped the enemy at
thr defiles of Koefen, j<fe before Nauenbarg j
be fought the whole tyf, and rooted mo«
than 6of«oo *en, commanded by Geaerafs
Molleodcrf, Kalkreath, and the king of-
Pruffis* in person. This devision gained the
highest glory. In (how, all the troops K»n
tended with each other jbr bravery and cob.
rage. The divilions pf Marshals Lannes,
Soult, Ney, and Augeteau, all equally ac
quired the greatcll honor.
The Qiiccn of Piufiia, purfoed by a fquad
r«n of hollars, fled on the fide of Weimar.
She left that place only three hours before our
troopp,took pcffdfion of it. As (he took (light
in the direction where-there arc many ®f our
troops, it is dill very portable (he may be ta
ken prtforiir.
“ The divilions of the cuirraffiers' and dra
goons could not arrive before the end of the
day. - They broke fevers! fquarc battalions
, of the Prussians, and made them prisoners.
Grand Duke of Berg was conttamjy at
their head,
“ Our troops arrived in the evening at
Weimar, purftung the rear guard of the left
wi.ig of the enemy, Marshal Darouft pur
sued the right wing as far as Neuftadt; he
has this morning established his head.quar
ters at Lickardfburg. It is thought the en
emy arc trying to collcdl thcmfelvcs on the
fide of FrankanhSufen, in order to gain
“ The loss of the enemy nnift have been
enormous, we can hardly know it for feme
time to cotrft; fix of their generals & a great
nnmber of Colonels, arc prisoners of war.
“ Lieutenant General of the Staff.
We have received, also accounts from
Berlin, of the iBrh, stating that the Queen
had arrived thereon th^, preceding evening,
and again quitted the capital on the iBth.
The Duke of Brunswick is not killed j he
was wounded by a grapc-lhot at the begin,
ning of the battle, in reconnoitcring th 1- po
rt tion of the enemy. The loss in killed and
wounded is etHmatcd at from 30,000 to 40,-
000 men, Generals Mollendorf, Kalkruth,
Ruchel, Blucher, and Tauenxcn, arc rnongft
the number. The battle was fought at Au
erllacdt. The Pruflian army was on its re
treat to Magdeburgh.
After the battle, the head-quarters cf the
French army were transferred to Leipflc ;
and the advanced guard had aflually taken
pcffcffion of Drefdcn.
NORFOLK, November 25,
Fatal effects of GAMING !
On Friday night last about nine o'clock a
dsfpute took place in a gambling-houfc in
Little W.iter-ftrcet, between the keepers of
the faro-bank (two brothers, named Davis)
and an intonerant vagabond who goes by the
name of Colmingr, an Italian, well known
in and ab >ut Richmond as a grinder of ma
fic, and who kept a dye-table in the race
field daring the late races near tins place.
Daring the fcaftle the Italian made ule cf
his national weapon (adagger) with so much
expertness, that he cleared his way and made
his efc.ipe, having (tabbed both the Davis's,
a man of the name of Wafton and the
olded Hubbard, (hoe makers and inhabitants
of this borough. One of the Davis's, died
early the next morning, and Walton on
Sunday. The other bavis, we learn can
not furvivc—Hubbard is out Os danger. The
■(Tallin has not been beared of since, nor do
wz learn of any exertion making to have
him, apprehended. He is ,a low well.fet
fellow, very dark complexion, and fptaks
broken Englilh.
S Captanis Lewis and Clark were the firft
white people chat ever visited the country
from whence they have just returned. By
the belt accounts they could get, there arc
about ninety or cne hundred thousand inha.
Incants (Indians) on the weft sided of the
Rockey Mountains; horses without num
ber. He is thought to be a very poor In
dun that' did not own 300 horses. Not
an iron tool among them. They created a
fort on the fca (horc and engraved their
names. They have brought a number of
; among which is a wild (heep,
its head and horns weigh about 80 or po
pounds—he was caught on the Rockey
L Mountains. Impartial Obfer-vtr . /
y 11
The fAhvaing Is given in a 'Vcjhinglon (K.J
paper, as an ex trad from a letter , dated
Frankfort, November ilh, JBO6.
“ A letter received by a gentleman here,
from G?n. Wilkinson, of recent date, men.
tions his having captured fixry mules, thirty
o( which ware loaded with filvcr, together
with their cfcort; and that he was' on his
inarch to meet the Spaniih army, and was
then within a small distance of them, and
although his number 0( men was far inferior
to those of the Spaniatds, he felt confident if
an action ensued that he (hould defeat then."
Legijlature of Georgia,
Saturday, December 6th , 1806.
On motion, Unanimoujly Reftlved , That
this Lsgiflature, competed of the immedi.
ate representatives of the people ; by them
defied to declare their will, viewing the
bleflings and diftingaiihed political benefits
derived in a ftite and national capacity,
from the impartial, wife and judicious ad.
ministration of Thomas Jefferson, Pre
sident of the United States, embrace this
opportunity of expressing their full and cn.
tire confidence and approbation of hia official
At'th* prefeat moment om crisis, when
the drill zed nations of the old world, to*
whom are arc bound by the tie* ot interest
or poitical fmndfhip, arc convulsed, and
cither! engaged in the prafecation of detttuc
live varij or ‘forming coalitions which
tbreattn the deftraftipn of nations and dy
nasties ; it is of the utinofr importance that
our political barque (hould be directed by
the hand of a matter, in whole integrity,
difcrction apd wisdom, the people of these
United States can with fafety rely. We
therefore in the name of the people of Geor
gia, rejueft, that Thomas Jefferson will
devotcifour years more of his life to the
fervicc of his country, in order more per,
manentjy to establish those principles of
political liberty, which is the boast and
glory of Republican America.
Re/o\ved unanimoafly , That his Excellen
cy the Governor, do, without delay, trans.
■mit a copy of these refolmions to our mem
bers inCongrefs, by them to be presented
to our feilovv-dtizen, Thoma* Jefferson,
Beicj. Whitaker, Speaker,
A trap copy from the Journal,
Hines Bolt, Clerk.
Read, and concurred in unanimously,
Edward Telfair,
Prrfident of the Senate.
Willi A* Robertson, Secretary.
Executive Department, (Geo.)
\ Lonifville, Dec. 6th , 1806.
Presented, read and approved of,
James Boasuan, Secretary,
Capt. Campbell, of the fchoener Mary,
from Montcveido, left thit place on the 2d
of Ocloben He informs is, that the city
cf Buenos-Ayres, which was taken by the
Britilh under ‘'general fferesford, h?.s been
retaken by the Spaniards, alter a long but
ineffeftual refiltence, in which a confidtrable
part of iheßritifh troops were killed; and
that the rest had furrendcred priloners cf
w ar. This took place about the middle of
Sir Home Popham ftlll remained with
his squadron in the River L« Plata. In his
correspondence with the Governor of Mon
teviedo, he bad fignified his intention of
keeping that place under a rigorous blockade.
In his last letter, he allowed all neutral
vessels seven days to leave the port, allow
ing them to fail only in ballast, or with
that part of their cargoes which they had
brought into that port ; at the expiration
ot which time, all vessels attempting loen.
ter, Or leave that port, would be captured.
Courier .
On the firfi Tuefday tw February at
Conn honjt, ietteen the usual
hours , the following prcptrt\ ,
Will be Sold,
Two lots in the town of Lex
ington, ovmbars uukaown, one of them
with tolerable improvement*, and new oc
cupied by Benjamiu Williatr.fcn, tb« other
adjoining the above, and being next to the
Spring, with some improvements; both
taken as the property of James H. Kidd,
to fatisfy twa Judgments, one in favor of
Phinizy y Shields, iudorfees against said
Kidd, and Wm. Smith--the other judg
ment in favor of Reuben Lind fey vs. said
Kidd, and pointed cut by Kidd.
/ Also, 200 acre* cf land, more or less,
lying in Oglethorpe county, cn the waters
of Broad river, joint Wm. Matthews, Jacob
Averheart and other*, taken as the proper
ty of Wyatt Hcwcl, to fatitfy Samuel Shan
non againtt said Hewel, and pointed out
by Hcwcl.
Also, 100 acres of lead, more or less,
lying in Oglethorpe, on feuth Broad river,
joins Alea Sims and Rober: Carathsrs, ta
ken as the property of Samuel Ncifop, t«
fatisfy, James M‘Cmdy, Stephen Gains
and Sarah Thompfoa rs. said Ncifon.
Alfa, 1451 acres ol land, more or less
in Oglethorpe eour.ty, on ths waters of
Little Sattdy creek, with tolerable improve
ments, joins Jvhn Waraoch and Thtaflicr*#
lands, taken as the property of Leonard
Stringer to fatisfy sundry executions against
said Stringer, obtained in jufhcct court* ;
evied on and returned to me by the con -
Aifc, 25 acres es land, mere er lefi, in
Oglethorpe county, with tolerable im
provements, joins Elijah Dawson and Smith*
Rumlcy, taken at the property of Stephen
Hopkins toTatisfy fiiadry executions from
just ices courts, levied, on nnd returned to
me by the conttable. Condi ions— cash.
T. W. SCOTT, Sh'rff
November i*. (jt)
On the firfi. Tucfday in Fihuary 1807, at
Oglethorpe Court-hou/e, \etmtn the usu
al hours, the following prOf •riy ,
Eighty barrels of Corn, Seven
thousand weight of feed Sc one pair
of work tteert, levied on as the property of
JefuaShaw to fatisfy sundry exceed on*, &
pointed out by Shaw.
Also, Two hoad of horses levied on as
the property of Thomas Hartley, at the
iniancs of Harrifou Cooper, and pointed
•atby Hartley.-- conditions cash.
December *O. ( z< )
% \
•M .r* • 'f' . ’ 'i?■ ,
i ■
ENTERING on a Now Year, we con
gratulate our friends and patrons on their
good date of health and profpcrity ; wiflting
they may long coatinuo to enjoy the farm* ;
lamenting at the fame tint*, the death of
many valuable and refpedlcd citizens, who
took a long farewell of us, during the last
The readers of the Chronicle rauft have
perceived that we have spared no pains (or
dinary or extraordinary,) to give them the
most early and authentic intelligence j and
in gratitude, we must acknowledge, that
they have repayed us with a liberal"fhare of
their advertising favours, and with an addi
tion also, of One Hundred and Fifty/tv eti
new names—lt is true, that during the pat;
y«ar, fotne few have withdrawn, net from
any objection, we are led to believe, to our
principles, but from inconveniences and re
movals, which would not allow them to
continue any longer.
We arc under the painful neesffity of dif~
appointing a few of our friends this time , in
cenfeijuence of their tardlmfs. They ought
to know that we kave not the means to
treat them to papers gratis, time voilhtut
end , Our rcfourfeS arise, altogether, fitn*
our iodufiry ; and confequcr.rJy the labour
er is worthy of his hire—a hint to tha wife
THE house of reprcfentativei in Corgrcf#
have repealed the prohibitory afl, pgainft
British goods, 101 to s—the bill had a fe
cund reading, in the Senate. A bill has ori
ginated in the senate, to prohibit the impor
tation of ILves, alter the fiift of lanuary
180 S.
General Wilkinfcn is Grid to have return
ed to the Sabine on the 25th Cdluher, to
eppofe the Spaniards,—-Thtec French men
of war with io«o troops on board, have
arrived at Martinique... 4 frigates belonging
to this fquadrer, were tfken in the channel,
by the Britifli—Crowningfhield has moved
ia Ccngrcls to tax Banks fix per cent. The
revenue to arise from this, will yield,
it is supposed, from 180 to 25e,®eo dollars
per annum.—-Chiiftophe, the governor of
Hayti, invites all nations to come and
trade with him j all his ports are open, and
every one, he pledges his homior, will be at
liberty to purchase or fell on the conditions
that they will think ircft fuitsble to than,
fclves—The Emperor ot Austria has declared
his neutrality ; The British Parliament was
diflblved on the 24th Off—the new par
liament was to affcmhle cn the icth Decem
The Pruflians have evacuated Hanover,
and Ihe English are said to have landed
25,000 men there—On the 17th Otflober
the Saxons separated thcnoftlves from tb*
Pruflians and made peace with the Emperor
of the French.
By the lafi accounts from Inland voe
learn, that Capt. Thrasher, at the head
of a formidable corps, calling themfelvet
Thrashers also, had taken the fields in fede
ral counties in the province of Connaught ,
again/} their old and immortal enemies, the-
Decimaters of the land. They have declam
red vengeance again/} the tyranny of Br ief s v
Bar Jons and Braßors, and intend to reduce
them to reason, Their uniform is a wind
ing (hcct, a w hite fillet round their bats-.m
their fiie aims, Flails ! in faß,\their ebjeii
/earns to be, to furcha/e the tenth part of
the fruits of their ovun labour and indufry %
- from the eftabiiflied gentry, without the in
tervention of Tythe Proßerj, and place
their Briefs on the old footing.
Report fays that Boeaparte has been (hot
by a {lndent in Leipfic ; but he has been so
often killed, and come to life again, that
vve rauft wait for more authentic information.
Pophf rr, in the Rio ds la Plata, v by ac
counts bom the Havannrh, attacked Mon
tevidio, had cnc cf his (hips funk, two crip
pled, and he himfclf obliged to retire.
By the lafi accounts from Liverpoole,
Cotton fell three pence In the pound, in con
fluence of the defeats and difaflers of the
On last Sunday night two Negro Girls
belonging to Dr. Jones, were burnt to
death in their hut at Horse Creek, South
Carolina; how the lut took fire is not
known.—On Tucfday morning last Mr.
John Rhodes* house in Bedford took fire
and was confuraed t; gather vvi.h the greater
part of the furniture.
In the depbfnions of Wir, Love, pub
lidled in our last, read forty.fix dollar? in
bills, inftcad of diver.
We are ferry to Itarn that ore night this
week the dwelling house and out cfliccs of
Maj. Thomas Moore in Columbia county,
have been reduced toadies.
On the 2d Sunday in this month,
a funeral sermon will be delivered, by ihn
Rev. J. Garvin, at the house of j> hn
M‘Tyre, on the death of Mrs .M‘Tr?. r
and ethers. _____
The board of Truftccs of
the Richmond Academy, are r«quefttd tr»
meet at their Room this forenoon the 3. 1
instant, at 11 o’clock, for the purpose of
choosing their officers for the prefect year,
and orher important bufirefs.